HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 87- Be Kind to Animals Week May 3-9 1987 .;. f-(e !_ " r. {t!t ~~. t. . i.. ~ ~ ie ~:\ {I!. {er. \' ~ ;":.. {':\ ~.I. ~ {. :) ~ {. ~ {. ~ tl:\ <-{.t" i;'.:>> ~ .~ w -.,.. .!!. ..., .!. 0fficiaC 'it .e '. ,;.. w- .~ Proclamation 'i' .~ .... --~. .... .!. ~~ '\o~ City or State of ... .~.. .... . .~ City of Bozeman -.- o!- .;;. ~~ .. ,.!.. whereas: We have been endowed not only with the bless~ W. ~ ings and benefits of our animal friends, who give us companionship 'e' I!, .,. and great pleasure in our daily lives, but also with a firm responsibility ~ .!. to protect these fellow creatures with which we share the earth from -.- '.! need, pain, fear and suffering; and a.. ... .!'.. -' of!.. whereas: we recognize that teaching attitudes of kind~ ... oP.. ness, consideration and respect for all living things through humane ..... ..!. education in the schools and the community helps to provide the basic ..!o -.- *.! values on which a humane and civilized society is built; and .... ,,""0. .!. Whereas: the people in the City (or State) of Bozeman . "-! ~. .'!.. are deeply indebted to their animal care and control agencies for their ... ..! invaluable contribution in caring for lost and unwanted animals, in~ ." .!. stilling humane values in our children through humane education pro~ ~o. . .e grams, and promoting a true working spirit of kindness and considera- ..- .!.. tion for animals in the minds and hearts of all people, and .;;. ..,. .. .!. whereas: the first full week of May has been set as the .... ..'!. -;;- ..~ annual celebration of the national week observing the philosophy of ... ..,- kindness to animals, ... ..... a. Therefore: . .., Now} I Judith A. Mathre i-. .f!. (name of officer) till.. << by virtue of the power vested in me as Mayor .iJ- .~ '. .... of the city of Bozeman do proclaim and pro- ... !. (city, state) ... -It. nounce the week of May 3-9, 1987 ... ..... -!. as "Be Kind To Animals Week;' and do heartily commend to all our citizens . . a full participation in all the events related thereto in this community. .' .... .... -!. . ~f. .... .e. ..- ..,. .... ".. .!.. . .f. ~lt A, (rl,,~ '.' It, (Seal) .. '" .!, Governor/Mayor .. .".. "" . '.. ~ ..~ .. ... .' .' .'. .' t' .- .. ~ ~ ..' ,: .r \' .. ..' .' ." . .i · . <<: ..1.', ..,. 1.-= ~... l.' ':.' ....) ..'~ . i: ..... .~. -'.": ..... .":. ",'.':. ." .:... ii' "."~'~" I!".. : . .. :: .:....... / : : ,.* ... .