HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-19 Public Comment - B. Maxwell - Parks District ProposalFrom:Blake Maxwell To:Agenda Subject:Park District proposal Date:Tuesday, June 04, 2019 1:06:55 PM To anyone at the Bozeman City Commission who's in it for more than an ego perk, The park district proposal is a grievous error that will hurt private businesses and the families they support, raise City taxes that will hurt the working and middle class, and result in severely diminished service. Under the current paradigm, if a private contractor doesn't provide quality maintenance for subdivision and HOA parks, their annual contract is not renewed, or worse, they get fired. The public can't fire park districts or municipalities, no matter how bad the level of service. Case in point, it took several letters to the Parks Department Director last summer about hundreds of plants of Canada thistle in Langohr Park before l received any response (which only followed the inclusion of the city commission in the correspondence). Over two months had passed since original notification, and many of the plants had already gone to seed. By then the City's response was far too late, and the one cursory pass resulted in less than 50% of the plants killed. As a predictable result, the state's most notorious noxious weed will be all over that park this summer and, in coming years, the Gallagator Trail. The dereliction borders on violation of state law, notably Montana's County Weed Control Act, whereby a landowner has ten days to address noxious weeds once notified in writing. But can the Bozeman public fire him or seek a harder-working competitor to maintain the park? No. Not even the city commission has that authority. Worse yet, instead of improved service, any complainant—including me with this letter—can look forward to the retributive acts that have become commonplace under the City of Bozeman's current leadership. As another case in point, just last week an individual arrived unannounced at the office where I work because someone at the City's directorship level informed the individual that my colleague had formally complained about an unlicensed short-term rental. That's not an isolated incident; instead, it's a very recent example how low the City's true values have sunk. And this is the standard of service you hope to provide for every subdivision and HOA park within city limits? This amounts to an ugly scar on the face of Bozeman's 'bad ideas,' and for all your mugging in the paper about affordable housing and support of small businesses—shame on you. Blake Maxwell 516 West Lamme Street