HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 01- Public Safety Dispatchers' Week April 8-14 2001 ~ PROCl...Tlon PUIIIC s.rETY DISP.TCHERS' IIEEK .pln 8..14. 100 I . . . . . . . . . . IIHEREAS. .meugenciel that ,equi,. immedlat. r./ponn from 9..1..1 cente". police. fir. Gnd m.dical ,."ic., occur at any tlm.: and IIHEREA.. th. prompt re/ponlfr of ..m.rg.ncy equipment and pellonnel il critical to the plotectlon and prelfr"Gtion of life and property: and IIHEREAS. public IGfC!'ty di/patchell ar.. th.. flllt and mOlt critical contact ciU....nl hayC!' with emergency 1fr"lcel: and IIHEREA.. public IGfety dl/patchell arC!' thC!' lingle yital link for policC!' officell and firefighte" In monitoring their actiyitiel by radio. proYiding information and en/uring thC!'ir /afety: and WHEREA'. public lafety di/patch.II continually demo nitrate compalllon. undelltanding and profelllonali/m whilC!' enduring the Itrellel of Ihilt work and numeroUI emergenclel: and WHEREA'. the community II fortunatC!' to haye diligent and dedicated profellional public /afety dl/patchell to proyide thele le"icel. now. THERErORE. I. marcia B. Youngman. mayor of the City of Bozeman. do hereby proclaim April 8 through Ill. 100 I al "PUBliC 'ArETY DISPATCHERS' WEEK" in the City of Boz.man In honor and recognition of our Public lafety Di/patcherl for their yital contributionl to the /afety and well-being of the citizenl of Bozeman. lEAl In WlTnEII WIIEREor. I haye herC!'unto tet my hand and CQuled the Great 'eal of the City of Bozeman. in the Itate of montana. to be affiHed at BozC!'man. montana. thil 9th day of April in the year of our lord Two Thou/and and One. ~/J~ mnRCIA B. YOUnGmAn mayor ~