HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 01- Public Works Week May 20-26 2001
PRO C L.J\.M .J\ 'II 0 N
"Pl1'BLIC WOR1CS W2'2'X"
.May 20-26, 2001
. . . . . . . . . .
W:J-f2'R2'5tS, yu6ac works s?rvice~ yrov,ided- in our__ cam,'m,unity are an
rntegra[ yart of our cItIzens everyday {rves; and
W:J-f2'R2'5tS, t~e suyyort ~.- l}n unders~anding qy!d informed- citizenry is
vrtaI to tfie eJ rcrent (peratwn of yu6flc warks systel!l~'" serVlces
and,yrogra'ms, sucfr as !vl1;ter, sewf:i streets and hlghways,_
eJ!glneermg, yu6flc 6uIldiffls, soll, waste collectwn and
disyosaI, snow removal; .par 5, forestry ana cem,etery; ana
W3f2'R2'5tS, t~,e heaLth, ~afetey,qn,d con:fort C!.f this c9m:m:unity greatly
d~pend on these faclhhes an serVlces; and
W3f2'R2'5tS, t/ie puafity ~na elfecJivenes~ of these facifities t?lnd- servic~s, g,s
~el as_ tfielY y{annl'i!t, aeSlgn_ a1'!'c( constr!-~,ctwn,_ are vltalfy
dey~ndent l~pon tfie e _ orts and SklB ofpu6fLc "works e'my[oyees;
WJ-f2'R2'5tS, tlie ~f{iciency;;t; the qua(ffie~ ana aedicatec(persm'},ne(who ~ttf!
~fi~ [lty of ozem~1}- .pupflc ,.wOtkS dlVLSwns LS 11'!,aterl~, _y
~nf[uenced 6y the ntz.zens attltude ana understandl,ng of the
nnyortance of the work tfwy yerform,.
NO}V, 'T'J-(2'R2':If!R2', I, :Marcia 'B. youngm,an, Mayor of th,e City of 'Bozem,an,
do here6y yroc(atm, :May 20-26, 2001 as
"Pl1'BLIC WOR1CS W2'2'X"
in the City of 'Boze'man, and- encourage tfi~ citizens and" ci1::ic organi?ations
of 'Bozeman_lo a{:;uaint the'mse{ves wIth the iss~ues invo{ved inyroyic(ing our
yu6fic works an seryices ana to recognize the contri6utio~s whiclj yu6,fic
worf.?s e'my{o1feesmake ever1f aay to our fiealtfi, safety, cam/ort and quality
of fife, - . --
SEAL J:p{ 'WITNESS W:J-f'EREOY, I have hereunto
se,t m,y ~,and-and-c,aus?d-!-lie(jr~at Sealof the
Ctty 4fr 'Boze'm,an, In the Stf'lte (?l :MontaJ}-a, to
6e aj L?(ea at 'Bozeman, Montana, thIS 7th
day ~of .MflY fl), the year of our Lord Two
Tfwusand and One.
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