HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 01- World Population Awareness Week October 21-27
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'W01UV TOTl1L:A.'TiON :A. 'W :A.'R'ENESS 'W'E'EX
October 21-27, 2001
* * * * * * * * * *
'WJ{'E'R'E.JtS, ~orl{{ .P(~J?.ul(ltion stan:.4~_, today at rnore tIian_ 6.1 billion ancf
Increases by s(rme one bdlwn every 13 years; and
'W J-f'E'R'E.JtS, the mDst ~ign,ifjcant-1eature of the 20th; Century ~pjienp'm~nof!' of
unprecedentea worl popu{atwn growth was rapId urbanIzatIOn;
arid - - "
'W3-f'E'R'E.'AS, cJties. l1;nd-urban, areas toda,y OC(~uyy on(y ?percent l~f tfie eartfi's
land, but .contarn 50 perce-rJt of ltS yopulatwn and consunze 75
percent (~f its resources; and - .
'W 3-f'E'R'E.JtS, ~he 1!'9st rayfd-urban grow th, ov~r th;e next tlVO decades is exyectecr
rn crUes wrthyopu{atwns ranglngfnrm 250,000 to 1,000,000; and
'W3-f'E'R'E.JtS, al(r~ with adva!ltages and ame:n~ti~s, Jhe rapid-growth. (~f citf~s
rea ;s to substantz.a(pr:es.)~ure on th~rr rnJrastTuctu~e,manife.sted I}1
sanItary, heaItfi and CYl,me yroblems,_ as we[[ as In deterrIng the
provisi6n of basic socia{ services; and
. -
'W3-f'E'R'E.JtS, in the interest of nationa{ anli- enviro:nme.nta[ 5.CJcurity, nat!(~ns
m;u~'t redou:b[~ vo[untar.y and hu:maJJ~taTralI e.fJo.-r:~s to stf!b!,{ize
th:"r 'p(~pulatw:" ~row(h a(sus_ta;Inab(~ [~ve~s, wh.zle qt" al(to!'-0s
r~.)pectzng th,e eu tural and relzgwus bt:.,luves and values oj thezr
ntlzens; and
'W 3-f'E'R'E.JtS, 'Worl{;[J'o12ulation .J\wareness 'Week wa_~.proclaim,ed- fast year b'f
:Mayors 6j 315 'United$tates cities, a~ we{tas r;jo~ernors of32 stat~~.,
and was co-sponsored by 231 organIzatwns In 63 countYles; and
'W 3-f'E'R'E.JtS, t/ie tht!m;e for tfie; 2001_ World Topu{ation .J\warenessWeek is
1'0pulatwn and the 'Urban futu.re .
NOW, I3-f'E~'E;:JO'R'E, ~"Jvl,~~,Cia 13. JjounHm,an, :Mayor of tfie City l~f'Boze-rnan, d(J
fierebyproelaIm Octo E.r....1 27, 2001 as
'''W01UV POPl1L:A.'TiON :A.'W.Jt'R'ENESS 'W'E'EX"
il1 ,the Cit'f (~f'1Jozem,a'Y!" ~tnd-urge the (~itizen~ of 'Boz_e'man to take cognizance (~r
thIS event and to ya.rtIc~pate ayyropnate(y In tts observance.
S'EAL I:N'WIT'NESS 'W,'H'El\.'EOr, 1 fiave hereunto
se.tmy fianc{- and- caused- ~/ie Great Seal (~f
the Czty oj 13ozemq,l~, I"J the State (~l
:Montana, ((? be. alfIxed_ at 15oz~man,
:MontaJ)a, th,rs :;t~ i1ai1- l?t Octo.ber zn tlie
year of our Lor Two' housand and One.