HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 01- Alcohol and Drug Addiction Rocovery Month September 2001
P 'R 0 C L.:A:M. .:A 7:'10 N
MCO:JfOL ~ 'D'R11(j .:A1J1J1CTION 'R'ECO'Y'E'R Y :M.O:NT:Jf
Septelnber 2001
. . . . . . . . . .
W.'JfTRTY\5. on behalf of the Citizens of 'Bozeman, 1ve are r!(egsed' to join with
.AIcQh.oCcma Drug Servi(es- of i-a((atin County, _ 'allaLin count~ lYUI
Taskforce, 'Boz(man Safe an .. 'Drug lree Schpofs, ~al(atin . a((ey
Com-mun(ties That Care-, 'BOfS and (jir s C(ub of SOLj.(west Montana,
'Big 'Brothers _ 'Big Siste~s 0. Ja((atin (ounty,- .Adol~scent Resource
Center, yout,h Imyerat!ye,. earts an~ J-{o.mes, and, :^!ontana State
'U[IlVerslty _Student .A.jjalrs and Servrces zn rec~nlZl~ the month
1l S~ten1ber 2001 as .MCO.'JfOL.:A:ND 1J 11(; 'D'DICT10N
TC 'VT'R.:Y :MO~.'Jf in Bozeman, :Montana; and
setting this month as!de o}fers advocates .(~f suEjstal)ce abuse
treatment l1.l) tf,portunzt.y tQ educate the yublzc and yol!cymakers
about the effec ,Iveness oj substance abuse treatment; and
W.'JfT'RTY\5. su~bstance abu_se is C! m,ajor yubnc heart.h lrob(em. thatyuts mi(lions_
of ~quth and adults at rIsk ~or alcofio -re(ated anq drug-re(ated
fra fif: accidenJs, risky sexua_ practices, juvenile de{inquency, and
aev-eloymentalyrob(ems; and - .
W.'JfT'RTY\5. bus~nesses who r:eco~ni~e. the success of treatment and- assist al( 0.[
theIr emp.(oyef?;s zn 0 taI1'!.Ing sy.bstance abuse Jreatment are rea~mB
the benefits o.f increaseej. yroductivity with jewer yrob(ems re atea
to substance abuse; and
W.1fTRT.J\S. more youth a.nd adurts in :need of tr~atment can be re0ched'throl!gh
awareness oj substance ahuse as a dISease by the medl~~al yrofesswn,
worky(ace assistance yrograms, y(aces of worshiy, and the
community as a whore. .
NOW, 'l.'JfT'RT:fO'RT. I, Marcia B. Youngman, Mayor of the City o( 'Bozeman, do
herehy yroc(aim Seytember 2001 as --
":ALCO.'JfOL ~ 1J'R'Ulj .:A1J1JICT10N 'RTCO'VTRY :MO~J-f'
i1} the City of Bozeman, with its tlieme ''We ,1~cover 'Together: Jami(v, JhendS, and-
~ommunIty , .an~ lierebl1 ca((uyon. ail cltlze~s, ~ov.ern.me1'!t ag'!nc!es, bUSIness
leaders, hospItals, sc~oo s and ~u6(Zc and pnya e InstItutwns }n 'Bozeman to
yromote a1-vareness (~f treatmen and" recovery from the disease oj alcoholism and
substance a6use
hereunto set. my hand"_ and caused" the
yreat Seq.[ ~ the City % BozemC!r!, in the
State oj _ ontana, 0 be a~fIxed at
'Bozeman, .'Montana, tliis 4t day of
Sfictember: in the year of our Lord Two
'Ii ousand and" One. -
?MA7{(iA.-B.-:~R51i~- _ :;-'JVi~yor~U---