HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 14- Anniversary of Montana as a State i ." ~AI,.th. y.,.;tit 1'14",,'. the f1tt1.~~~ t~ the, Cl'e,ation of Montana. Of!n t~rr1t~rY.andth. twt!nity.;,;:t'ftth sinee the adm111e. 10n of Montal)." "e. "stat~ .'ft.the . ,WliElWi,' .it 1.'PIJ'9per"that t;ntt._p.~pl:.. Cft tn. state Qf Motlta.na, ~;f should celeb:rate1n a..~'t'1ng<1Dann.";t~,;arin~".X'.aJ:'Y qt' theee two. . ' ..venteof suoh 111etor1,c111te~8t,a~ '.~lJJl~H.EiI,S.the 8Q()1ety otltoritana-.:Pion~erst tl'.leeu;rv! VO)'Il,~t '. .. , ,{ . t,l'ie her:O~Jlb.dna whi c,h laidthetoundations,p f this m.ightycOmmon. ;: W.~th. ha vitia in Tt1e,w t.hststltOb2,;rt,hday ann1verearie. select'.d '., .", ')3Q"ZeUla1las.i,'th:.';k 00 to+'J1CJ~~'tr1Sth'll\rI rtt.\<il <lonvent ion. in 1914, and - - . ." w.HJI'.Rl!AS. the ,citt$S'entlQtGallatinOountyand 'otthec1 tyot 1lo zeman baTOO~~~1~ un der~ ~J)tO".llt the Gal1."tiI1Vall-7 t~t{l;~";,,';""":'\'~~<lP,'$e"J~~~,,;m.'ub- ..t~:..i.._~.f.. 'I'n -'~r'''ertht.~;''n.ann.r the.... tt'n'!eth ann:1 ve~.a:rY flf llont.ana aa.-ten1 tor7".:nrtthe twenty- fifth Ann!.. .' - . ver~a~jl;Qfllontanii".a'Sta1;..-t and tQ dohQDOr on thatooea81onto ,th.".i;pton.e~ Q;t't,.b~"a.t..; TI11{PJ!~)iO!l.k"IV.)eal"i9'd,. 'by the ltalo:rand C:i. t~ 'CQ\tncj.~ Q<fti;1e Cltypi'Do,ztlm~ntha t'th18 m1.U1i'Cip~Jj, t;r he'ar~11yendQ~.a If~hepro- "'-. ~ . '.' .......... .' .." tJf.... "~ -"-.-." '. . . ~... .~~"B..de.-Ieb'l.ntion undex'l;.o.ude' ',~o;t~eGov~.1'J)or.theUn1t8d6ta t... .,:.... ". .'. ..... . ... . . ". .~1ft;;q41~ '.' '. .' .... .... . .~~a.tflff1t Uepr.iien:tratj.ve'1n:C~:tlItti'l :all~411 ~l$ctect Stat.e Offi;. . , "\<:. ......... ..' '..', . '" .. "", ..' .... ..... . . 4iIa1"nelt~ny'j,ta tlcJ1' t'qb~p"efit)ta t the.u:4,n",a.naa:,1d. aJla, 'U.ly,,~~~w.t.,.r~'al',.,..jtlv~1e e '. a.t;""'1~~~'~an:" -':~~gUS t 8.th, 1914. :;\;,,:{'>,,.::.. .'":':, . '," ," , I~"" .