HomeMy WebLinkAbout25- Railway Company ,.~ .~- ,'~ B....aM....t-2A-PonIl R. E. IfoA .. it ,. . ' ~ LEASE No. ""-..~.~,?...... _.. D , (Rev. of No."..."...'...."...,..''"-...--...---_-) .iI iJlJts lJnbruturr f : - Made ,this mn......~~~............., day of .................""p",.'......u..m.m" A. D. 19,~~. by and between --' H. E. Byram, Mark W.Potter and Edward J. Brundage, as Receivers of _ CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY eOMPANY, ~.. and not as Indivi?uals, hereinafter called the "Receivers," and ~!!!...~.!...~~~~.,....~~!!!.~!~_'....~..J.~~~"~.~.~.'_.~...~.~~~'p'''~~~'Znn.....nm.m......... .'.........mn.m.....n..:mnn.'r.:..h~.n............h.....n....nnh............'"...'n'... ....... n ...:.....nn........n.....nnn'. mnnmmnnnmm"_n'" of mn~~.~~'-m~~~~.~.~mhhh_""'''''h'h''''''''''''''''h.......m......,' hereinafter called the "Lessee......," .--- WITNESSETH: _ . ""':"-..:___ ,_ ....' .,_ .""" ,~,"'_""__ _"__<."H_"' ,. First: The said Receivetlf''db 1r~iebY...flkse{'(feltlise and let \tnto the said Lesseenn the fol- , lowing piecem. or parcel.... of land lying within and being a portion of said Receiver's prop- erty, at . w lJ.I ~ L ~::ny : _--==~~--:_::_:_:__:_::::::::_~n___~.___:__:__:_-:__:--____:_: - - ~ ' . -1"".... n... f.? e IIont... ~ :i' .~ State of h......nn....m....... ....n.'n....................................._........ ",...,.......",. .,.,. ....",."..,.. ....." ,...,...,., ,...,..__", ,................ 'ul W -., ~.,... '~" ~ g and described as fol.IOW~, to...wit: nL.'.. tu., PM. tto._ ..t.. . ill.. 1.....1..... . Pl".opeZ't., 8 ~ ~ ia "he 01t7 of ....ea, Gallatia 00_,.,. .'~'''D&, lpn, 1O_~h....,,- 5 ~..'~ ezl, Of .a.t MU of Kill Or..t .... -.or'Q of t11. north 11n, of , &:1 ~ ~ Storr St..." and w..t of the eas" U.. of Wal1&08 Av.nu. p1'04\\O_ 4i ~ louthel'l, 10 81017....1'.... . . ~ ALSO all of Iloat. I AIUl', 10...'. Acld1110a W the 01'1 .1 a 10......, 1;ole'll.:r .wtt1lt'he Y..,~te4 "rt1..~."'llM. Avenu. 1,1q bet.'''(,e&l4 lJ,tjka 171..."'a.......1' .f 'the eae" 'bank .'ea14 11111 t71'..kf aliio all ,_\ ..... of "he leo..,I'.- "..en, 11lac .cn.t.eaaterlJ of tll....t--la....t .111 Greek ..4 aortherly ot the north 1tn8 of East Curtia Suen 1'I'0411Oecl e~.f3terl,. ~eroe. .It.....,.. I' -'''--,,~- p. rOP8.:r'., ~'r,l~./.,..j.:"~~.'..,'.~...._.....tll.\ea...... s.' u.u....--01'-"I 4a. An. ...__..-(DOW .&oa'_I_ .~. ,1'i'ifP-- '-",;>0""_,,,'1.'.',, " ALSO a trt&llpla% panel of Jaa4 171111 'O\ItIl...d.~17 ,of,.'" ltOutheaster17 baa' of aal4 Kl1l Ore.t and boun4.... Oft the south b7 &. Une drawn par. &.11. ..1 t. . .aacl 110. . .".' eou"herlJ ot the 'O\l~h Un. of Eaa' !lain Str."1 10\1...... 0Jl tb. eaat .., a Una elran parallel ,. an' 150 f.... ....terl'.r "he .a.t line of I4a A:venue (ao. ....'e4), oontainl_ll. ali ap'Pl"ox1aa'e:a., 3.1 J.oZ'e.. and more particqlarly shown in red on the plat hereto attached and made a part hereof. Term TS.~LD for the tetliif .........".......m..'~P.!'-!'~~Jm...I' ycr::-m. from the first day Bftectbe of .........................,................, 19...._.m' and thereafter untIl . days after etther party shaU hav-e Date given to the other writtenno~iee of its deiJirt' to terminate this Indenture; but subj,ect always ." to the following express conditioas, viz:: . ~ Rental ~Q~:.~~~~Q~l.~~~~t,~~jf.~..~.;!~~.'-~;.~..t~;.~~~;~~~.~.~t~~:~~~.~~m~.~.~~~'.~~..D~i'i~;.; p~ payable .m....mmnmmn:~m~m!!!mf!t......hmm.m... in advance; together with all taxes and assessffil'lnts.leially levied or assessed against said premises d~ring tI:~ term herq,of or of any ext.~n~on thereof; XlIki(l~..":~....'iII 'll"~"l"...~EIIt_.~~"~'-",,,, ....~~*._..~. ,." Purpose 2. That the Lessee;..... shall use sa.id premises as a site for ...p.,,~~,9....p.~~.........................n.. ._____________......................____...._______..._________....______....____.._,..___.._._.________""__............~r.......____...____....__..._......,...................+..._.....__........~....;.__.....................,...~-..41"'.... and for no other purp?se wl,tsoeve~, unle$s. llhe R~ceivers shall c?nsent.. in writing to a chaage of uMr,and that ...h...........,....... Wtll not, Wtthout like consent, asstgn thIS lease OT under.. lease said premises or any part thereof; 3. That the Lesseen.... shall continuously carry on nh1.tALm business upon said premises in an efficient manner, unless discontinued by written consent of the Receivers;. that said premises shall be used and. the business thereon conduc.ted, in so far as it may affect thei\terests ~r. ope~ations of the ReceIvers, to the approval of theIr General Manager; and that 'h'nh.mm.nn wIll not many way obstruct or inte,rfere with the tracks of the Receivers; 4. That the Lesseenm. shall erect upon said site the building or buildings herein mentioned, ~ and have the same completed 'and t'eadyfntuse within three months from the date of this lease; and,that all d.oors.i~ st1,ch<~,builqing or bui14ings' she1type"sp constructed as to open hlwardor of a sliding. type. ' . , ~ . 5. ,That any violation of or failure to comply with any foregoing condition shall terminate this lease without any notice or act upon the part of the Receivers, and thereupon they may re-enter and take possession of said premises, as by law provided. 6. It is understood that the movement of railroad locomotives includes some risk of fire, and - ~:~"., the Lesseen.... assumem.. all liability for and agree.. to indemnify the Receivers against loss or damage to property of the Lessee...., or to property upon nit.nn. premises, regardless of rail- road negligence, arising from fire caused by lOQomotives operated by the Receivers in the vicinity of said demised premises, except to the premises of the Receivers, and to rolling stock belonging to the Receivers or to others, and to shipments in the course of transportation. 7., That in any case where the release hereinabove written shall be held not to be valid in law, the Receivers shall have the full benefit of any insurance effected by the Lesseem. upon the property injured or destroyed; 8. That the Lessee'h.n hereby release.n.' the Receivers from and agree,... to indemnify them against all loss, damage or injury, caused by or resulting from any act or omission of the Lessee......, hn1t.. employes or agents, to the person or property of the parties hereto and their employes, and to the person or property of any other person or corporation, while on or about said demised premises; and if any claim or liability other than from fire shall arise from the joint or concurring negligence of both parties, hereto, it shall be borne by them equally. 9. The'Lesseemm agreen". to keep said premises and all buildings thereon in a neat and orderly condition, and to cover all buildings with one or more coats of approved paint, when- ever required so to do by the Receivers, of such color as the Receivers may direct, and that no signs nor advertisements of any description shall be permitted to be painted or posted upon said buildings, or about said premises, other than those of the business of the Lesseem., and as shall be approved by the Receivers. . "~~~i".il ., .,: . ,,/,.., -,,,~; / 1;' .',. ,.',.J..~ ~". .~.',.. I a.. '...~': "-"'~- -' ~-'--'~- ,----_..~........,. .~"',:~ -------, _.n... I.~~'" .~' Ii u~::,:::'---:=.",_...,...._.......;._ _n- '~ ~'^" .,="""-.t'!1W!I\I~~..-. r - .",~'. SECOND: The Lessee...n. hereby accept."". the foregoing lease, and covenant.... and agree..... faithfully to observe and perform all the" terms, conditions and requirements therein contained, and .m....1.t.......... 'further agree.... that nmmnn1.,"...... will surrender said demised prem- ises at any termination of this Lease, ,and will, upbn such termination, completely remove from . said premises all property owned or placed therein by mnn.........s......whm which mm.i.t................... may elect to remove; that failure so to remove any such property shall be conclusively deemed an election to abandon the same' and an ahandonmeqt thereof to said Receivers as a landlord, as in case of ordinary tenants' fixtures not removed by a tenant within his term; and that in such case the Receivers shall from and after any such termination be at full lib- erty to re-enter and take possession of all the demised premises and to remove therefrom, at the expense of the Lessee____ all such property there remaining, or, at their own sole option, to appro- priate and dispose thereof, as they may deem best, without any liability or accountability whatever therefor; but nothing herein contained shall preclude the Receivers from any" other legal remedy. LASTLY: All the terms, conditions and covenants of this lease shall, during its con- tinuance, be binding upon the Receivers, their successors in office and assigns (but not beyond the term of the receivership) and upon the Lessee.m and mn~.~..m successors and assigns, Aeint and legal representatives. Upon the termination of the receivership, the Railway Company, or any successor in ownership of .its property, shall, if it so elect, be entitled to the benefits and subject to the obligations of this lease. ' , - ,- . --" ,~ In WitneissWli'eiecJf;TfIe'p8:rtiesh'ereto have caused these presents to be duly -'- executwthe'tla.y-~and year first above written. H. E, BYRAM, MARK W. POTTER and EDWARD J. BRUNDAGE, Receivers of HICA , MILWAUKEE AND ST. ~YL RAILW Y COMPANY, oun'erllpe4 ''': OI'Y of BOZEIlAI, IIOIlTAI! C~ .B~~,~ - - - --arty lJ1"ifi - - - &10 '" "" - " . . , ',:' .,' ", .-,>, .~,,~iI' "i ,:,,,,- ~ ., ' ... : .... .. '- -- \ ~ ',,, ..~ c .......... 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Dated .....~.~.~~!...:!~,....., 192....~ " 90 ' ,- Expires on 61. days' notice after ......m....... , ......._.....,_.....~.~p.~~.~.~~....~.I....~.~?.~........ 1 Rental ......I~.,.QQ..:t.9..~....~~.....~.e.nl..... , , Payable ...J.~....~~y~9..,............................ , , T axes m___J~~Y.~)?~,~, ,,~y.___~, ~,~.~.~.....,.. ~~ ~ Premises ..~:b.:u.a...p.ark................__....... , \ ~ _.. ~........... ~ ~...... ~ ......................... ........ ~,.,.. ~............. ~ ~............ ~.. .......... _...... ........ ~ a...... ~.... ~ ........ Application No. .z.Q~.1.n....... ! i ~ :t<loted ...................-.. .................. Dist. Engr. .. . N~ted.. . ........._...........:=.~ Supt- , , --- ! Note ..............................._...... Auditor Exp. ; ~ ,~ , )j. l: l ~ 'r ! ,) ~ .