HomeMy WebLinkAbout54- Linfield Lease ;I 1. _ . . " .' 'i .; i' ~, I' '''',''l'. tuSI ~ Co~~lOa I '.... O""'I;. JIIOPDn T ." ,. , . TBJiAGRlIIINT, ..,. aU.at..... lDt~tlll. ~~da., 01 June, A.D. ~,.,~~) , """ < ."'" ' "', of: !ii'S., byand,betwHa , ...-rlL L:tlIJ'IBLD and IlUTIH. LJD'IILD, huband and ''If.,ot B9..u.a,GallatlD Couat" lIoataD&, tbe partie. of th. flrat part. berelaafta" 1'.ler....to ...the LH*or.and/orOra.tor., 'an,_ , tl:'e, Ci tl,o.f Bo....n,._1l1clpal corporatlon o,t.tlle,.t.~. 01 """'''\;',,\*'''''!::1'(PiZ>';''':';'';:''''''':'>;'';:',Ni!.~,:,i:",!~,,:,\:,,~, ,"':'h.,:"i~i;"'~',:;;'_:">_u" ".' "t' ,.' ",' ""'" '" , ' , '" ".,'>' _, " ,,' ,,', ", _ Iontana, In 'Gal1..tl.'CoUIIl'f~<~t,,';oi 't..'......:',..rtjj~,':...ftl..,~~ ref.,...d.to aa tbe Le.... alUllortlle"oraat... " ' ,'fXTl'iISl'1'B:, TM' t;JMt'..a.dLe..or., fOI" aad lncollsidera,tloa'of '."" ,'":" , ,'. , , ". ,:,:\,;::;::':::-: :"":. " .'. i :~\" ": .',', , ' . , """,, , "I tlle..eDte, cO'Y.nant.,.Il,......r,...nt., b.,..lna't.rcontalae4, .tQb.pald, \', , ., ,:'<':' ,,~,l:!:,:.,:' ,::~, :' . I .', ",'" "" , ' . k"pt and pertonMdbJ' th.x....... 'b... 1....e4...........a8. le.t, and It, tla...p..e.:.nta dol.....-',~~.. a)l.'?:l.t .~.C)'tb. aald Le......~b. '(tlle)'"tll' 4~.O.1"4,'p~..~.'.it~~~ intbe CltJ'otilf)....n, COu~t" , ,'..oj - o'fC)all...t,ta ,8t.'. ot ..at....",' .........~Jt.rtJ.c\tlarl' aicrlbeci.s: All of Lot lanel tile worth 'feet of Lot 4 1n 810ck, "8" of Alder..,n'. Adell tion to Doz...... , ..... "1Oij",ail&,. &COO.'" "t,'" . '1I.9'~Olal plat. OD f lIe ...:t..:'.:....r4. ;1'....~~$.~_::.._.-''"'','''.{..1.<<1I.., ..... ....,..u:of-!'.t\.t'iW~;~Ji- ....,...j.,';:'.......r ~' W1 tb all t..t.....Dt., b.....1 '&Mat. aa4-.,ur- t8nuo..,.t-,.r..Dto,b.loD,ial, or in aapl.. app.r- ta"D1DIJ TO IlAVlAJiDTo IIOLDt_e.bov. 1...edpr..la.. 'to tbe _a14 IA....~ :1t. aU,oc...ora.a..._tp., fql'.' an.. durin, at,.,I"a Dot to exceecitw8llt, (IOl'.."a t~o. ....d al'er<tiae ctiltebel"eof" .'ut... '.OGn...t.na1nated .. ""I~. ", ,.'" , , bJ tb. t.r.. ber.ot,,:orotbeni.e, ,i.ldlD, audpa,iDI for th..... toth. JA.so"s ,a. . "..t..l fo.r/t".bo....jUlbeClan41e..ect prMl.... - , tlat.,su"o'. "'"',*~i',~"":,,,",~,~'__*'~.'1a..~ _D.' ,of, , 'Ute unlt.c:t'8t~t.. for tbefall tera of tbl. 1...., or uatil to , , ',', , ," .', ..' ,I, .:: ",', " ...' ._~ , '.' ..':, ". termination thereof, o"llatil the full purcb~.. p~1c.b.r.lnaft.r agreed ,to be paldb,' tll.L..... tatbeLe..ol".1. -..orti...:,.... paid ir.t. full, . ',,:l'.' ltb,lDlapro91elon ot :dli........at~ berelD&,fter .or. full1 .et forth, " , that t...Le.... ab&11....,tll. optioa to puntaa.e tJatt propertJ.l....ed "...unde... Buell reDtal.are to be payable llla.....'.on or betore tbe teDth fl., ot each...4 ...J!" 80tatll durinc tJl. 'fullt'l'lIIof this Ie..." ',t.' , . . ' , .' "I; I" """". ":" : .:" ,Ii ,,' :" ,'" '.,,, , ' " " "" , "~:<'" ~ tl1eflr.' "Mo..t'll'-..tal t~t~l"..at ,...,'paleS_,th. Le.... UPOIl :' ,," :',:,:":: ,'.::, :" ,," ,," "" ',' :',''' ,': .,', .... ,,:?',>: ',',' "1:,,, '''.'', "," ,:'~ th.'~..uap1;l~J~f".......i.~":".',>\.'",_.a1.e. by ..1el Le.III."~" , '" ;._ "" !;" jt,>,~,y" ,,' ,~:"~ " " .,~ ~,'i" .',. j ,':'.' 'l\" IT, IS'iJ1lDl.8~'~'.eq.,,_,tbe 'art1..hereto. 'lULl:. d~ri.llr !:.i .:1 , , , .'" ,,', \"<,<",':?" ~: "" '.",',!', ':,~." :\,.',,'.'-',<, :" ,,: "..: tbe ter. of tll~. l....ft:).,~..,;",LMj.. ."'11 baY. the .ol.and.zc:1".1.... ,.....108 t)f\..14].......',P~..t...,'~,;,'f~J:l...y.t". r,l.bt aD4 ,.", .'._ . '. . ",,",;,;',' "c. ,',.,/ . . . .' ;;^"\/.~,.'f..:."',.~~.t,,lt~,.t#:. ,~'II_~', ..,9.~;' ~._~~4,,~i .r.... . ~nJ bul141np oriaprov.';.: ,', "."""..'., ..S^~~,.""1"I..Tf.,~....".,.,'""". '. '..'''',.'.'.'''.'.''...''''...'....,'....'....:..'. ."..... ..........'.....'....'.' ",...'....'....... .........~...':"..~.'.'.: ..~.'.'.."._'.'.'.'.':. .'.... ". ',.....'.""c.".'.'''''...''-' "".."."". .'.....'.'...".'.'.'.'..'.... ....... . .... ..' ' .. .,' ,,' """." , ":' ,: ~...~' .,.,,'.,, ". "~"","''''::'''I:t}t ":'i~ '1""",,,,,,\,,,~.,,T,, I""': 'l:.~'i",.,"".,."tI!~"";.oji.;f"'w, "!"',:,".': ,1':',0' .~~':,':.r',~,"" i,...., , "" ',' '" '. ..at. Do..1 tuat..\:it~_;)~6'.f'.;to '""'.A..on. i" M, ,.p.*..y " "'" 1.~urred ia the 1'.....&1.01..141 bullciln.. or iaprov..nts .hall b. borM b, tb.IAa......,..'..i....l"iYe4 tl'ola tb. .ale oreUa.. 'po.al of- .a14,1N11dl__.....o.....i. aha:11 beaD4 beooH the.oi. '....op.rt' ottb.';,~.....i,,::;'t"W.h.... late...tDatH'b, the tara ',~I'.ot, or .t___~~'J,.t*,W"" '.al1' .,'\1IUte.. oc> oti11..t108 "1:0 ~P1.1;'" ;,'...II.~ti.i~~.~"(~~Dt. r...ect froath. ,r..l... ~..\/:,.. h,.'".,;..'....,..", \" :"" , "'.<,,,: ;1" ," '. '>:" ,f" , "",,",, :, :., "" ,'"., ," ,"', .~_~~': " , " " ,< 1.a.ed" "...u4e.., ,or t'f .........'. ~..,IA.o..'.tor au,. 8Uoh wi l~U.,.,,' :,.._,':': " ~ ".r'" ,',' " "',,". ' or iaprov_nt. so reao..d. .'~'\5~'t"~?,+~~~ :_;~~~,~~t...~~~4 l.,~.r,~~,~:,~ w111 ROt be _.__1" ....':....-;.,'.,.'tbe' tena of tbi. 1.". tOr any unlawful 01" ofte..t..p\lrp-Ci~..: '. t."t .. t will not co~i t or sufte.. any wa.te or 4......:, to b.. oo.,.tt:t...upon tbe pre.is.. leasect , , ,..:..: , ' "', " ' ., ':': ' ", .:'~':~~'~ '::', ',', " he...uad.r a...~..l,,:.tt.~t~~~..i':~i.tb.r.~f ,proYicled ,bo1r- . ", ",',', ,', ,', ," ,'f'", ,",", ':"'" ",:,:",::'.', .., ."'.1', that .xc...t,loq.... ot.,t.....'H..._.....'..t7.. .forblli141DI purpo.... or , >," '. , , ' ",,' , "",' ,'.,::: ',~.:" , ' "~, 'I :", ,. ,'. ,": ,. ..' '.', , :::, ,:' lap,"o......at tldr.'t.....~J.,.t b~.oa..t4.red to b. ....te Of t'. itkpert'i that it .tll,,,,,>,,,,'.u~~.ln tu.pr...... oleaa'. , '," ,'", "~,I,,:' ':.:;::.",;:',~.~,.,:7T..:.:;f::':~I,~:'~,'~.'",:,~~:.!'~.:,',~: ',".' ",.:,', ,',,", "": "::,, ,', ,:.. a.at .Ad"..~.......r...!~.~I,~~.~i""',Qf'~1.r-tall4 ".r1. " ' ", ... ,,', :".,':. , ,.,,1 :,.,. ,\.:'... ,"": ,',',., ,'."'. ,.,\"".".<1 }''4',', ,..~rj,~, '"I' :,l..-; I, .", '. ",,' 'I.: I,,' , ,', ,;.;" ~'l' " , " ',,' ',: ' , jf:iiill .U....,._ ~h~tlir~lt~,;."*:~4(:t~t~1::,~~".t...a1k. anell '.;';:,e' ',,:."1.<' .,.,' or driveway., if any, surroundlD, said pre.i... tree fro. SDOW , " , " ,,' , ' " <'",<',: . '~;I ,,' ,',';, , , , ' , ' anel,tc.; aDd that tD,"ta.o.".a.'of t...Le....'. tallur. to coaply. '~j,.h..t Of t~1:~"''''..:'~'-l.loa~.or' tld.,art.,n'Pb, tbe Le.80ra ., ',.\.' ,',' 1 " , ^,,': ,.;., '.".",';' ',.. , . '. - ' I,. ";', ". ."',. _, accoapll"'O"l:~:,"'lit,. abc1l::t,_r-.. au proY181ona at the ,',.""e;",(,:"'", ...... .... . ... ... .......fo~';i..,~OOqDtCf. tb.tna... ~ ~',' , -, , . . . . . , ..S .. COy....t .....'.......topa'.11......alpl'op...t,-, t.... .a4.p.cl.l.........Jlt.18Yl.. aad ......84 ..plaet tb. pr_i... 't~,.4 IMP.....r..l'.:..,...,1.J'IIot till. 1.... · ., "., or... Le.... :furt...J'c......at. .....are.. tbatlt,,111proteot . ','," ' ""', ' '''~...or.' .iroa ..ad.lD.eliUlt, t.,qu..t.l1'1....':...'.ln.d \.....~: . " ',' "'".. ' \ ' ,',' " ": " ' ,. . .' ::,~ ~fj.4., :t.ftQ.I'.... bj Us. Le~~.., 01' att.1Da01l'tot t or 1n conjuDctioD ",f",~,~~;'::i~~~a~~~_;..~.. of ..;....~..-.rl.... tb. te~. of tht. 1...., lDOludlD. "aail1abl11t,fOI' lajul7top.nons tI,pro,.rt', clu. to. or artatAC01lt of. t.1l. con41tl0& of ...lclpr..i.... or.t\b..l... , ~" . ., " .... '~lfJ~.\'~.,_,'~,:.,AhAGDID,b'tb. pa..tl.. bereto' 'tbat, ~:t ,'the ..ld""".'1I1,.'r.D,1~1",,".&"'t.~ ,ri..".~J u,....wll.t.Hr tbe I ':. ",', ,,'"' , ,',:' , , ,,:,"\.,:.: >'" ','" '.' , . ,'. ... , " '. ',~,~" , " '" , " ~...:'"'/~... O~.'~~i'."__l.... ~cl""1l the, --_, <Or. ws,tll1."ll't1(SOr "'''''M"at't.:.:~ or it aD, _te or 41..~...of . "' ' . ,.' ' . ~, " '. :' ",;, , " .;" :~;:lt ,:'. .'". ':";, , '~~:' ,'L'. ..al.kli:l'.bal1Ie,.~t''"' ...' ~"'~d prell1... ad'Yenel,,'aff.ctinl . ' ell.: ....lH..-'tiler..t .or-1-","'J!'aa.f~~.~,",tl\.,.14pr.1l18.. ar..\1b-let "':'~;"':~'~_~ii:..' '::.J......i.\ t"':.'.lIij':';iit.~.~w""~;'_,;~_""" ..... . '1'0,.1...., .0Jl b, ..,.ati"" ~...~r, 1(" t...' Lea... ....11 "'aa4oa t'be 'preala,,, ,01'.,11 tll....14i..e.... 8.11"&11, a.,lect or refuaeto . .'" ,.'.' " ., ",', ,", .". . '.1','__ ~., of tb.oO..aUt.-J.~:~,..."I&.pt aadper:fo....., then aDd :~~:;~,4. . ~ :lat_- e.ent. .01' &II'1ot..i;..... t..i:"~..or. 8ballDva tbe 1'1pt ..t " ' '. "" ",' .,,"." " "",", "., '",' "" 'L ., ..', .:.,,~..o'ttoa. ... _._'I'll"" l.bere.,r...I'Ye4 bJ tbe., to tel'll1a- "at.<.\b....dl...., u.claaJ ud..llr1.bt.., lllt~r.-.t.l...d ..tat.. tlaa~ ~...w....'_~::_.. l___ "Dd .~._..l.pnai....'b,.,.l.t'(jQ> _'I ~..,~"f,;".Jf:K~t4.~,~~~t....i~iI,;~'~..*lIIil.~.~.~~:i~.,~:.;.. '. . , ."::' . , :": '.' ',', ,{/.' ..: ':~ " '.' '....':~:"fi"'..,' .' . , , ' " ' . t....1...'. ..1. 1'-';,'''' ,.pea _aat.nd...tloa of ..141-. 'tile La..O~.,....11ba..,~~~1,aD4 a~.olQt.rll~t to r....nt.r ..idpr..l... .114 tor.." p.....t.oftf;Jf..ii p~...~ .Dd tou.. anclbol4. tbe ....... f1l11,'...,ollPlet~~' ...",..,00u14 dolttb.teJ1l herein .,ec1fle. bad 1.11,-,eul,..4 bJ"lat... otti_. aDd .\101Il teraln,atl0ft ,,' " :-:,' ,\. " '"., ' !' , of .....' 1.... aDd r.~;t"7..b.l1 laDo _..~'op.rate .a a fort.iture , ' , , ' !f 'l ,. ':i. " . , .4- . ~ . I . blaB' ..eDt dU. OI'~....te4 to lI'ow4.eol" 'he ,rl.bt of th. .ald " . , Le.~...to tb. ...rtonance of.., oftb. oo.,....t.b....in cODt.l...~, bJ th....l..~....to ".keptaad perfo....d; pro...1decl.bowever, .' ',.,\, 'I"',.' :. tbat th. part i.. ......to'.....).1 ..."'.17 r."ollabl. .t:fort to ttDd .,nitab.la ........ ,.""....atalabal1 1M applied to reducllll the reDta1. bel'e18 pJ'OYl4lecator. .', . , '. .....,.":,,.'''..''--:~',~ -: ............. .' ........ .' tbat l' 111' t ':::~I:;::::.,;h~i~%!,: '''::'-l<'~\' .'. #J;~""i~;;'" ...~' .'. .' .. :" .' .., W,. . no "',' .. ...,., ,~It..'.\,;<i:)i. ",,' ),~~~'I!t,:::~:,,:\~,.',,:i<\';~"!);':"~":':;O:i \ \";' , ".' ,',," . .. ..allD or tl'ansf.rtbi. Ie... or .ub-tet ,.i'...1' U,."l* 0" la part "tll. pr..l... 1..... ".r.uacI.r w1 tbout tb. wrt tten conMat of ,:tll.W...ore "la.firet o"'al..... IT II l'uaTU. CO~1ft1D ,..." ..... b, the 1APJ8orli w:l.tll tb. Le..." that "fOD p..Ti,..,..:..... hDt aad,erfo.,.'.rll1lll tb.ooyeaant. aDd . ' '. ... ".",., . .......at. _r.1D bJ'. :t...~.. to b." up" aDd ,erfol'MCl, the lAt.... ,. I ." . a"al1." _, pM.O....1:,::~..Cl.ul.t.l' ...y. a.dbol. ..Dd ..jO' tbtt. ..1. lea." PI"-.i... tor thetera be~l. apeolfle4. '11' 18 PUltTBER UlfDIRSTOOD AlfD AGRlIO by the part 1.. her.to that 'l~.;i~.~~~,~~~~~~o,*,. ~~~f;t~J.,9~~.,~,"~. ~.!~~or"., DOD..p.,..Dt of Natala... for Ylo1atloD It, tb. ~a." ot.Il" oiller ," . OOY.Dalttabel'etn .Dt."'~Dto, tlal.' 1.... .,be teratn.teet at aD, . ., .::" _;".'." ' ' ':~ '";." I tl_ 'urlll.tW t.~'.r4lOfb'1:~).-<:JA.... by tb..lvialr to tbe " . "':::,., "",:' ., "r};, Les.or. of t..1ve (11) .at_! BottO. pI tb........... iatention to tentaa,. tit. 1..s.. :t: IT"JS ruJr- UJD_TOODAIID "IUD. b' tll. partie. hereto tb.t ,:'{':,'~.''';' '.. ',' ,':" ':.,." .,'" ,., '."',::"., . .e ap&l'tol t'h. coaa14eh'tlo.r'ort,. l.uia, of aa1d pr.lI1a.. by to .J.u......,.nt.. ,,(~. tM LIItN.~~,~..,.,~,~~.r.....to~ "',,:: . '\ ,'" ",',:, ":l\:'r:;!~~i~::~;~:~:,~~J;',,,:;~""'" '.~"'<::':':>:':' ./.:(~t,'~;?"~'';,::,::<>:,::~.:;~~~~:.'.....' .';":. '.; · {..:,.,i,- --''''7''''~'~dO-,1IWPtIIrf''_'~,,~~~,:d!~~. ai,to" tb.'"Y._-GI'&DtM a. optlon to pur- e... .ai41..... pre.i...,and the whole tbereot, for the sua of .i'.Jaty!!\Ou.a...,(..,OOO",.),~l,~.....:,.alcl, optlol1 to reaala 1n full .. , :. ",.,,J,, " ,\" "',,' ".<",." :,>., ,:,:>. . """ ,','..' , " " ;.-., , '. 'fQ-l'Ge arulef..ctdurIQ'th'luilte,.a of tll1.1....., .ay. aDd except, tbatt.... optt...... pure... b.,..lD BraDtHt,"e Le....-oraat.. ellall teNt_t. If i... "bellt_ ......"'Ol'ut...b.ll 1&11 to par the ..entale ...~,1. proYl". for, or to,p."!,,,. aD, of tile otb... co...eullt. ~ ~ I 1 '" ~ ~ Ii '" ... - , ....1... '( .. '>- I::~ "">:}" ' her.ia..t..... tntobr t........~,...cJ....iat.., 01' lf tit. Le....-oJ:a.t.. ."\114 .x..cu...~_., I"illat .... p.1Yl1.,,"e..e1abetoN ,rantecl t'o 1 t to ,teft1ll&te..14 1....,JlPOllt..l.. (1.1) lIOutba t l1ot10. to tbe " Lea.ora-Graotora. IT I.mTlll&~&ID AOauo that it 1. t... intention of th.parf:i..".....t.tlaat lftlie Le..........t..cIo..aot ...rei.. .,iih..."......~....~:i>~~~"~:~~.\::.....,~.......~:;~. ~~e4......~,~~~.~:~,.: '" the r.ntal par..nt. lutrelil,rcwlMdfor ahal1 be u. ~1IIa1."1I. sol. p~op.rt, of t.........n-Gr.ator., buttb.' lltb. Le....- G...Dt....'~l.' ."Hi,-,t...,ttoa .......i8 crao'" .1t to parcb... tH .ald 1...."........t u1.'t........lliatla. ,.rao! t.be 1.....ol'..lt " .\ 1""':,\ ;,' " . :' " , .' ' " , " . oD ,tlM..'d"p~"" ',.....0. alaa11 be,l ...'IMLea..e-Gl"&llt..for e" "".' , . . ~. '.:,' ,.,.11reDtal.,u., 1...,..,,__ ..11 t....aa~oJ' .'.cial..........'. "'" ....'... '. .. . . " , . '.- 'U;.. ...,....... tll......o..........ra...;\.... p....rt~ .Upoa tbe ...1'01.. 1>>7 ." "1,: '," "" . - . . "IM Le....____'..o1 ,...,...........l. paa'tH it. .uclt _~tbl, . " ,',. . ,,,:' . reatal. paUl, 1... aocrued tax.. and/or speClal a.......ut. and ");~', ""<,~~~i~';f:<~_,~'~fII)". ~!'-~l$.~.,~!" hereof to ,:tll. dat.o! ,be' ,...Mi.. . of tbe opt10D on'. 'M balaac. of tb. purolta.. '..10......1...DI, . a't.'t...e o red 1 t tor sald reatal. bu , , be." ,tv.n, .....11 be ,0<".:"4.."" to: _PO..tl... upon tb.purcba.. prioe, ltbel~ t~,l.D..~tl.~,'.Il. .p...at of tbe p&I'.t1.. bereto that t~.;,i;Mr..t.l.p"ldt"r.."'11 beQMpute.>and cleduce.. fro. _otb to_ntb '...I.1:...t oottle.apald halallC. aDd &It, taxe. and/or :,,'. ", , :t" .p.cla1a..........,.~,. pal,b1 .tla. .....or.--onator. aadtba taD, 1""~.1.",.,.,~.>,,"~:~.tJa;,'.1~"~1~t.PPlt": ..'IMbtt.l&O.. ,'i, "~'~~.:.,;,,,, ~,:,:::":"",, '.', ',. "",'", .,:\~\.:'~:; <,;:.;:,}~~"" :~;~~':~;,'.<'~." . 1:l'~"~;.),',,:'~7i~: '~:~:'?~~:'":\:-\~: ';,' ..:1".''''.: . < ' """olt1ir)'ee~t:~~~~",<,i-rilDI~, ...,. . IT 18 l'URTBIa UlIDBIllTOOD AlfD AGauD by tile part.i.. bereto that . , , ~ tbe .,tto",ur.!.'heto" ~"'::t9,... tlt..'I..e....-GraD~.. to ,ureba.e .' ' '~ ":' .,-: '.,' ":",I'""~,,,, "'<"~!.'~;'" .' " ',' . ,',' '.,,' J ". , " ' ' ~",,"""" " " , . . ,tla..aid],....... 'r.IIl...:,'.t,Mri.....,clll..l..t... t.era ottbe 1.... " '," ,,'.... ",J" ,': > "" ;, ,.;'!,. '".' :" ",; \"" ":',\.~.' , ',' ' '," .ballb. oo..i.....toN',......tlo.11' ...rot.eeI wlleD.ael if tbe tc>talpUI'CIaa".Pl'l.. Qf~10. 'I'M..and 00'11&1'1I($8,000..00) .. aaorti..d , , v . "*; , "'" . ) ., ~ 4f .i. ," , . . &cOO~~...itla t...,.~~~,i.... abo... ls~1d. ,:,';'. "., ",. ",,~. ',' " :" ':';:,,::"<::'," ",":: . ",;'-'~; . : :.'>." ':.,. ",", : , "~ . ',' : 'I. :' . ,," . , .'.1 . '11' 18 I'UI:'l'u. UDlUTOOD AD .GauD brthe partl.. b.reto t....t , , ',,' ".:, ',' ",'" ',~", :;~:":",":': /..,::". ',:,,\ '/1,'(" ."",/,,,,' ';: . ,,' tile te....-o'ant.. allalli' ba....,. .....i.. b.,.bfp'&nt.., tb. opt 1011 " ", ;'. ' 'I . . ' . : ' "" '. ' '" ":"" ,.", ,~. " .'. 'j.- .,' ',{: " , . 0' pariDlto tb.Lea"N-o"1lton:..~,;~UDt "ia addlt10n to tbe "p'..d ,:/",,:.; )::'<:~', ",': ':"."" . "~"'" :" ",'::::., IIOntltl1 reD tal at'....' a'...lar' .,.atalpa,lDI elate ,.... &441,tl0D&1 'allOU*tw'tob.aad "_iDt1a~ a,?l.prop_t~, Of the JA..or.-G,....to~i1:f "",:-:\,:,~:,:~;';~tiJl;,~",~~-,.,,~"""'_'a,jj:::t~,~\;,t.,_,____~.:,,:tlf .~t.~~;r,~+,:.cl ,.......~'4: . ." ..... . ...., .' .. . . . ..... ." ......:,,,~'(:(~'t'.)i.:"'.'"~', .'. . : .... . ..... ..' <" ". . ". '. . ",. . ';.' . t,o ."lyupoa tb. .paro~. .,to"-"'.ft... propert, la"..........'.....!_- . b.fo.... proY1... 1f tbe t,e......c;r...t.. ...rc;l... tb. option h.r.la Iraat'" it to p...........l....pl".. ...1... _. 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L..aor.-orantor. ~POD '...nd in cas. the L..aee-Grant.. tail. to p.r- tor.tbe'.,._ be........., .UFrRO...... OI"'otb.I"..,..... .1...a,.., ooattN'" wltJatlal...01"O" .....11W'bor.. .4ua.11, It, th.,p~rt1..11.r.to. ... 1. b.ral.....'o".'royl..., _ ."lPM,Dt 0.. traD.I... of till. . 1.a......,aoDtl'actor,!!f..,~rit.zl..t 'Hr8I1D4.".-.11 be... by tll. ", ," , ", ',I> ":": ",>"" ,. ,\:-"':'J"",~' . :, . ' " " ' ":,, """ ,<, ': Le....-4r..,At...tt..'Q,t:t~,riltt.a .:o.....t of. 'WIA..ora-oraato"" bel.. , . ~ t' ': ~ ,',I "~ , ';\. --..---------- f J., .r" ~ It' .... 11 ) ,., "oj, . :* , . -'I... ".\"' ,~ll""t,obt..J.."', ,.t1.1........'.04I... .....b' tbeputte.1&ereio '''.'. "" ,I', '" tlla'>tll.1IJ..o.......tO......l11ia.. tb.abeo11lt.~1 p t to ..111,.. . ", ,,', . . ,., .' ; . t......t..,....ll or H't ..el" tlat.. l......ad contraot, andtllat auy " ",~' " '. " '.~'" ( < , ,...1e..oJ:' "frap.'.....tb.ruf.,.bal1'.'.'t:. ..... aad sball be .abJeot . . ...... . . '. ...... , .' .'. "", . ..""'.\ ;,'i.'/,r~<,', ......... '.' .... '. .' '.' '" ' to,.11theP1'O..1.t.D.....Gtil1..tl~a. 1,enlD,ooDtI,1De4 1n layol' ot '" or"."laat thelA..ora'!'Or"Dtora.' ,,' ,,:,;;, ""i';:"",,,(,.,:,,:;-":,,,~,l,:,,'~~~II,~"""".:.,,,;/~,:"',.' ..q....~,',i.aII., .";~,'~.~. .... :r~"t'"._,""l'.._.r.l&a.. to . '... "'-~);"r",',' .... "", ,...... '..,' ~~'.;'1'_;i'li.; '~~\''>>'G-:O;>~;, ~,'!'v~, ". .' ""'" .~;:; '.. ',""', '. ;", ' .ettbelr' ....... aDd tile. pu-t, o1,tbeHOo..,..rt,....ller...to..t: lta llaad.bl ita llayol" &.'''01'.1''11 oftb. City C~i..loD, each th.reuDto 4111'., ' au. tbort.e4....IIau. ..,.... ca.';....,......., ~.'~~.'. ,1ta oo,~~~.~t.,...l to be atfixeca. both aeot th. ..., .... ,.&1' tt)r.tJt....1aWf..,"'*11:,t.... , ., ',"', ',' ,," , ..~~'" "'(h~a, /7'~ TII can 0180.............'. -""" . A..lOftI)lB7~~~~OD . .' i- .. . ... .~-~ .'- ~~u- -". . ., ," 'i 1 .~. .. ~ ~ .~. &: , ---- ""' . .,.....", -8.... ..W~__.... '. '~, ' , ......':,,'"... .~" , " COllltt, of o.l1allo) Oa tbl., ~,,;1.N'A 0' of Iun., ill . tll. ,.ax-l'14,b.tore -, ". ,,".' DaD a. Loy.1.0.. '~..,,~ ,..,~..o to.. t)aeStat. .of IIIoDtana"e"lla-l1, j\<:" ,'>;"', '::.""':':~{;:\':~"':.":""""':"" ,,:" ::',:' .:,:""',,, :,~, ..; &,p.al'e4'.~I'~t1:Ll.ti.lclalll"tli ..' Liall'.14. .''''~Il.,,:aD~,.lf.. ,.. , ' . ,', ',' ". and.. Gt.l-"t~. aD''''. (h.lhacl~&D t~Downto .. to be tile .'01" ""',""";."" ","1 ,:,' ..." .L"" '! !:.....:.... ;..\,/'1" ",' "" ',":, ~":"': .,,' ""\~''''''.':'''''''\,'I ..".4:'~, . ,.:'".'. ,;',~;."~'ci~;II:'Mh'twr.,J::lr:;'r;~~"l~:',i~_iftl' ,0r,.Ott, of . . .. . .... ' .... .... .. ... ... .: .... . ". '.'.' .. ... ~.. ... .. .... .. . . aos.a&ll, .. the oorporatloD that a~.uted tlMy! ttala l..t~Dt aDd , ., ,..olea....1..... ,",o..'t".1:, ....Il urfOl'attoD ...cute. the .a_. .."II'WI,n88 ....t~ fl"".-..O._to ..t'., baDd uei affixeel , .,' ". """""'":':l..j:':/.,,,,,;:/'::_" . . ........., ,., ~ff1Cl.~;,..lt,...',.,' lie.,... t..tlll* oertllioate first above ';\ '~ ' , . ., ,,", ~. ,'; , , ,....... .... - ~. ~ : .....~......t80..MD.J Montana . ..' .' ~. ~.. ...... ~. ......' .... .' , ' Ill' 'CoIlll1..10D, .p1r.. 8eptellberl, 115$., 'r ~. '" :."... '.,':.'..', i,"n, 0 .._n. ~"!"",:",,,,""'. ,~ . F ' t> " ~" ,!!r"i"l'iI""''':;U~:''''''''''-~'' -. ',"'~' t"\ 1,i(~",,';;1 ,. 'iF::~~:::'~-~""':4~~<, ,.\."'~' ..."N~~ ,~,,' ":ii" "\:~",,'~' " , :, ~\i~~',~:,:",.-,;,,~:.f .'.) i::',~.~;.: ';'.." ,. "~~' ~ l' . . . . "".(' . 1 ; , --.. ...-.-. ,-~,. ;,.'Y:~."" _........::..-_ Bozeman, Montana June 161:h. 1961 Mr. F. Bertil Linfield 719 South Third Avenue Bca sman,Montana Dear Mr. Linfield: At the present rate of rentals paymentspald to you by the City of Bozeman fo~land being ~eas.don South Willson Avenue, the tmountot $S2.00per month . will not.complete the pa.yments w1thln ths"'next th1r--" __ teen years. We a1'e C onsequantll' increaslngour monthly rental pa3D1,-;nts to $78.00 pet' month, begInning with the pay-- ment for July 1961 rent. -_..-.- V erytruly yours, ~ L. G. Shadoan . Director otFlnano9 s "lo>' _ ." ---...-. - - _~.~_,'.o..,..__,.._,_. _._._-',"~ _,~ ~~-. " .'....~;:::....,.__II~",_.,,_ p--~ -, _~~'e'''''-'',':'''".. "':'~"~~__ ".' '. 7'k.""CC.',........'....,., -.' '......... ~"" ',' . . . . . ~o, .1.' .,. ,,'..,' . . . . " . <t,. . i ~~< :1 I .,\ " , " .. ,_,:".,."" ',:',c.,:,.',:." ~.: ;";:; .--...; - , - --- . '. . ~ J.'<..rfI, '~ ..T'.... ... ~ - . . . J...... .. .. /- ;".., ./. 3 August 1972 . . ".. .,",,: ''l!:. '~;"'.. -" 'l J Mr. L. D. W..~lake Rout.e 1, Box2~ "".":1.",,:,. 59715 . J Bos.., Montanl.:. ," " . ;~ Dear Mr;o Westlake: " ='I!. AS you arevellav.are, the City ot Boz_an haa had under . . leaselince 1954" property C)VDe4 by the. I. O. 0.1'. Lodgeot Bozeman,Montana at the corner otBouthWiUBon Avenue and Babcock Street tor use as a parking ,lot. .. . Theor-i..lnal lease and the authorized ~xtenaion t~reot>~ll expir,tri 19T4Jil aceord&Dce vi th the teruoto'Ur. agreeent. "'-""-", MypurpoBe in writing to you a.t, thie time is toaBcertatn ~he property in'qu..tlon, Lots,l & 20t Bloclf:.,B, - Alderson · s" ' .tion to' t.heCi ty ot Boz~, will be 'ottered tor sale by ,.our ~ and it 80, would it be availabl. torpurclWle.by the City ot" '\:' ,," ",''' 'T" ., ,. BozemdJt and at what price. The Cl tr 18 part1cular-ly interested 1n knowing'"ot your intension. at' this t1me 80 that, we.~ be perlli tt.ed' to tirm up ourtut\U"e plane tor 1JfI.p~_ent of,' -the, parking lot ~. disposition ot the P9J>tiOD ot the ,tot&1 parking: lOt lIhlcb 1s noW.' .' , owned by the . Ci tyot-:Bozeman. i"'. -- " .','., ,,,' ',. . . ""',:-'~.j"". ....:' . I vll1 apprec:1a.te',hav1D8 the '-~'11est. ~8sible response trca your organizatioDintl1:!"1>eS&rd. .,,'<:, ::- Th~you tor your cODsideration. -, - Si~c~rely, ..",. ",0; HAROLD A. FRYSLIE Cit-yManager- HAI': W5 ,'., ~ '...'~'.. " ;~- .,;,.' ," .~ .'. : ~. ,'. ,. ._,. ~. -' . . . CDokkett-vNeQgott ~ FUNERAL SERVICE 113 S. Willson HOWARD NELSON BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 REX TROTH MELVIN ADMIRE August 23, 1973 Honorable William Grabow Ma~or .of the Cit~ of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana 59715 Dear Mr. Mayor: Reference is made to a written Bid on a parcel of land owned by the City of Bozeman, which was advertised for sale, and was submitted by me on August 8, 1973, in the amount of $7500.00. Apparently there was no other interest in the sale of the land and during the discussion which followed the opening of the sealed Bid no definite figure for the land was advanced. I voluntarily raised my Bid to $9000.00, and that apparently was not accepted at that time. It was agreed that the Bid be taken under advisement and the definite figure would be forthcoming. I possibly did not explain thoroughly the main reason that I wish to acquire the property. My intentions are that it will be used strictly as a parking lot in connection with my business, and when not being used by us we plan to make it available to the general public, with the Wlderstanding that when we require it's use it will be vacated. If the privilege of this arrangement is abused, naturally it will be necessary for us to change our system. Due to the design and the interior arrangement of the building, I have no intention of expanding my present building on the parcel of land being sold. I! at any time expansion is required the logical direction would be to the south. I fully intend, if lam successful in purchasing the property, to employ the services of an engineer to design the area to include the excavation with every possibility of placing an oil mat on the surface next summer, or as soon as possible. The plan will be submitted to the City for their approval. we have reconsidered the Bid which I proposed on August 8, 1973 and would like to now Bubmit a finn Bid in the amount of $10,500.00. If this is acceptable to the City Commission I will camply with the same financial arrangements as were stated in the terms of the original Request for Bids. Sincerely yours, '~~~ Howard Nelson HN:bj . . . . CDohketh..NeQgOn - FUNERAL SERVICE 113 S. Willson HOWARD NELSON BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 REX TROTH MELVIN ADMIRE August 6, 1973 Honora bIe '.'iilliam Grabow Naycr of the City of Bozeman City Hall Bozeman, JvlonUma 59715 Jear Hr. Hayor: r aryl interested in suumitting a bid on the parcel of land dsscribed 3S All of Lot 3 and N 5' of Lot 4, Blk BAlderson Subdivision in the City of Bozeman, which has been advertised for sale. r understand open bidinp; will be permitted after all bids are opened. I'W initial bill is in the 8rnount of :$ ?5D(J,..tNlf successful, I am in a position to meet the financial requirements. ~ e.~ ? r...., -- r:oward Nelson F7'~ :bj , . - . , . . . , " , --1' ! NOTICE OF SALE OF JtEAL PROPERTY The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, fJIontana, will receive sealed bids until 1 : 1 5 o'clock p.m. , Wednesday $ August 1973, proposing to purchase from the City of Bozeman the following real property: All of Lot 3 and the North 5 feet of Lot 4 in Block "Bll of Alderson's Addition to Bozeman, Montana, according to the official plat on file and a record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto to belonging, or in anywise appertaining; Affibauit of 'ubliratinn STATE OF MONTANA, } County of Gallatin, SS, -- -------------- -- ,,___ __Y_..':,_tL::L..;_;_ GQ_tt ___________" __________ ______________, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That __'~he is_____________m__L~=1}}_~_;jd.2L__;~_L?,r_1s.n.__....m__m___ of the Bozeman____n;.laily_.,m__Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, on file ilK office of the County and" Recorder of Ga a In printed and published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the county, Montana, together with all the tenements, hereditaments and notice hereunto annexed (------------ ____________ n_ ~..,~___________________~._,__~.....,"~~. . n__.' .~__. __.._ appurtenances. thereunto to belonging, or In anywise ""tic~ '-J.~ '",le of ("-;1: ::oper--Ly appertalrtlng; ,," _ '____n ____n__n_______"' -.____ ____n......_____~_n__...U..u..n_'_._________m"m_____n__"'__ At which time the bids will be "___nnn__n'. m_______" opened and r.ad. After all has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said :~~Iec:.e~~,S :~:le :=~n:,e~m commence and continue until for __n?______ consecutive ___m'~!_~_(:~~ _m______'n' the first of which publication was made Conly th.hlghest aftd best bid remains. , " -7 -; h Th_e City Commission day of umm'" '" '"'mmm ""mmmm l!f(Jmd the last on the~ """__________ day oL__ ......... "'" ,Ia" to ....'m ,.. ~ ~, If any of the bids received ar. m__ -"" "" -dm~mec :~,"'~:t, ~~ ::~''':J:'';' .~ considered In the best Interest S b .b d d t b f thO ;,lst d f .] l - of the City of Bozeman. and u SCrl e an sworn 0 e ore me IS -- - 0 o_____m ay 0 --". ,.------ nnnnnn........___ ..n__nnn n' I to lIty In the waive any n rma ~ ~ bidding,' _____.n.....'W_n _.. , _m__ If an acceptable bid !I received, _the successful bidder .. . shall deposit 10 per. cent Of the Notary PublIc for the State of 1l offered price Of the property I Bozeman, Monta an4 shall deliver to the City of - 'BoJeman. the remaining ballllnce pf the purchase price within 30 days. Documents conveying the NarARY PUBtlC tor tile Staff property to the purchaser will , , C be prep,red, and furnllhedby Resldmg It 9ozemefl, Alon the City, Of ,Bozeman. M) i::<>mmis.lot fy(,jrn ' Dated at. 801eman, Montana, .~ this 18th day Of July 1973. ERNA V. HARDt NG Clerk of the City commls~lon ~.,..- .".,..ry;r,~ .. .. '- "! . ,,:- 2,7 September 1911 .. Mr. Howard I,. Belson Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service 113 s. Willson Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715 Dear Mr. Belson: '!'his vill acknowledge your lettel"or 24 September 1911 n expressing your desire to purchase traa theCit1 at Bozeman approximatel3' thirty-tive (35) tl"onttt.ofproperty running vest from South Willson Avenue to the ,iilleyandadJaoent on U the north to land owned 'by Dokken~elaOJl,~ The Ci typresently hasarrang'emen'ts tor continued use I at the property as a park1ug lot tor ..pprox1lllately tvomore years. At. that time, howev9r, it isveI7 possible that the City will no longer be in a position,:to, continuema.intenance at the parking lot now in existence a'tthe comer of Willson and BabcOck. I thoroughly agree with tour P98 ii;1 on 'on how oft -street parking facilities shoul4, t;e' pravitl,e,d. anc1shall dis- cuss your desire to purchase land:t'ram the Cl1;y ot Bozeman as you Buggest. At such time ,as any ditt'erent information is available 11 ve vill contact you tor adc1it1oDaldl.c~.ion. "i Sincerely, HAROLD A. ,'i'RYSLIE <I ,City' 'HUager . HAF:WS ..... ,I '. ~ ~- . - , , "- . .. .. CDo~~elhJJeQgOn - FUNERAL SERVICE 113 S. Willson HOWARD NELSON BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 REX TROTH MELVIN ADMIRE September 24, 1971 Mr. Harold Fryslie ganager, City of Bozeman Bozemcm, Eontana 59715 Dear Mr. Fryslie: I am writting this letter of inquiry in connection with a certain parcel of land owned by the City of Doz,eman, consisting of 35 feet, more or less, located west of South Willson Avenue in the 100 block of Aldersons Ad- dition to Bozeman, Montana. This land joins the Dokken- Nelson property on the north and was at one time a por- tion of that particular property formerly owned by Bertil Linfield. , My specific interest in the above described property is that of providing off-street parking for the use of our business, and the area could be made available for gen- eral public use on Sundays, evenings and any time during the day when not required by us. An estimate of our nonnal daytime use could amount to approximately one- half time during a 12 month period. The parking area would eventually be improved by grading and paving and an attempt would be made also to pave that portion of the alley. I personally feel that any firm doing business in Bozeman should make every attempt possible to provide their own parking facilities, which many are doing. It should not be the City's responsibility to have to pur- chase land and remove it from the tax roils, unless it becomes absolutely necessary. We would therefore be interested in the purchase of the property as indicated and owned by the City of Bozeman, if the City is interested in disposing of the property. Your consideration of this request will be appreciated and we would be happy to discuss it further at your convenience. Sincerely yours, ~ ~~~-:1"CA:/ ~~_L~-? Howard Nelson HN:bj .',~'!-':.-i~- -~....".::.~"- ,'~..,,' . ',~l:>~".,;;t:.:.,~.. -,," - '"" "., ,. '-~ l!. '..~. ' 'I~. " '--------------~ -,""- f(~~~,,~ . . " .. . ""'< . . , ,I';~ September; 10, ,1973 " ',' "Boz8JQ,8n Lodge otthe I.9 .O,F. " " ..,'c:-.;:,'fe-/o Mr. IC. ,L,.-.1e Theobald .- ~ '-" ttop..te 1, ~x 40- , ,~- -- Boz~an, MT 59715- '-- -- ., ........, ~",.", ,. . - --, ' ---................ ~ ...-. ".~" ,-~. . ...". ~ <,r ..J...::~_-_. --------- Theo~ald : The. CIty.'J"fBc)z~J;71anhqbee:n conte1nP1at::i.rtg;'sel11ng the' property t'>W'i1&4bythe:'e'ityandloeated ejju:entto theOddtel1ows' Lodge at the'. cO~et-ot Willson: and Babcoclt1n ,BOzeJri8.n."As'youkndw,ve have been ' le8S:t~g the OddfEtlJ,oys' prOpe~,. tornearlY'~t)" year.-sand utIl1zing it as. ~rk1ng lot 1n ~Onj~10n nth the etti~d parcel~ - Prio,r to making a rill'aldec:f.sionin:th1s matter. the J:aty Commie-, sion haslnstructed the undersIgned to ihql.d.re ot'a:ny' tnterest the()cld~ tellowsm~'-have inmakingsome~apl talimprov~l1:tln'V'estmellt in the, j:'r:k1nglot,~1t, now 1s utilized.'. ~pecltically ,'theC0JmJ118,sion is in+,~ ,,-,_.X'9stcd in kn.1ru: if yoU1" lo4ge is ,interested :i,na.p;roject toprinS,:the ~perty to prol>~r$rade8Ild ihS11jUl asphaltic pa~ing so tp,at the lot;: ". maY be occupieg:::e:t~eron a. reiltal, basis or with parking meters . It such """,:;:;'. ,,",, ,~:~ an ef"to~, undertalten,'we c~templa~'bmif',cos~,.,or. the, impro.vements ":,_?;~.~,"~,\f~~:Shared,,c>;t~~~rt,.,,~:~~>>JUt:!~on~ "Do~n-' -< ~,.,4: :f"'-~.;~on Fun:er'~ Service .'tbe> C y -.fit Bozeman,~4 :yo.u~ge:-.-,,",-A-t--this, ;-,-::;:p'-' ~,' ",,:: "',. ,; ",'u., ,,:'.',:'" "., _.'" '" " " ~ '., 'I::, '::: ", .,', ", ":,.,,.,,'" ' , , , ' "':--,'~__...,_'. , >,,-,' " - t~.I, am unalUe,:tQ gi:ve ac,cl.tre.:t'e"'CQst estlma-Ees, t()rtl1$ improvemeri'iei..::--- ho~:r~, ~ t iSMP~edtheinve8tment would beraDllsubst..-nt1al.Tii~ - " Oddt:.li~' share or such a pr9gram V9uld pm:~_:eq~ orexeead'$lO.OOO., ; :., ..'.\~""'...~-,._,-':::"" -'.'" : .'C,', ': :, ';',. , ' >,1n view of the -tact th~tth:e City iShoXd1-ng;ln ~beY&nee a deci- . , ,: "-:, ' ',~ "'"., ' . , " " '" ' " .," , ,,," , i, ' ,. ' : , ; "' s ion ,ond1li1poli t1Qb or d't1r property, we, would' appreeiat<<!hea.ri~g ot your att~:tude ia;;thlI,lJll8.tter at the earliest possible t~,. " ' -- -, Ve~ ,1i;~ yours, - .- HJUlOIJ) A. ).i'RY8LI::E ,i, - ", " C1 t1" Manage!> " , , ' ":~~."li.,~'_ti,:~~~;~~*,\...~::;.;glii;"",";2);'l:,,:,... '< ..... .. :.' ,'c,. ,,~/~:;~;:;,,<:.:~*,;:,.(~:~.~,'i',:-~jJ,;,.,~i; j~'>\S,,,,c /: .,~""":~~' ~ ",',' .~1/ 7?/ ... """r.IiI:~.1I;, .. r ,I) :;jt -/"""".,,; :V .,;",..,,~'IIliT'iiIj; -''1" I /~/- ",), .' ~'".(."i:.^y..'. ; . ":,) , f _~.' ~.t'". ~.1 ".t,.:'I" . ~ . .. I / ,i, . lit ," . ,'/I!::'-c ' - , / ~' ~::,:~ ....