HomeMy WebLinkAbout48- Ancient Free and Accepts Masons . ~. .. ... . . # .~ . . , i , . . I . . ;;.. '" LI~~;E 4JD 9~!NR' POI .~... Qf, ..lYUJ... PROJ?g~ B:IS j,01I"'''', _4e U4 .ntered 1n'tO'tihll. . seo9nd day or April, .l. D.. 1'''., by and b.1i.... B,...... Lodge No. 18, a.len', Jree and ......,t... ".0.8, . Montana oorpol'atlon in Gallatin Oot1nty, party or the tirst part, h...1aat'.r referred to as the Lea80r , ..4/ or Gr..~o,~ a.1\~."";!~:\J.;i,g~.,...-. .-"01,.1 _.JUa'"oD ot The State ot Montana 1n Gallatin OOt1nty, party ot the second part, here1nafter reterred to a8 'he Les... and/or Grante.. . IT. E S SIT H : !bat the .a1d Le...... tor aDd 1n oon81d.rat10n ot the rents. co.,.nania aad 8&n...at8 11....tnat'.r ooata1ae4 '0 be paid. a:ept and pertose' b1 ,he Le...... he. le...d. ual..4 aAt l.t aad. \)7 th... pl"e..nta 'H8 1..... deai.. and 1.11 Wlto tbe 8.14 Le...., the tollowla. 4..or1be4 prelli',., aitua'. 1n The Ci'CJ ot Bozeman. Count1 of hllat1A. state of Moa.slla t and 110" pan1_1arl)' d8110r1be4 ..: ,TM..~:tQI\,~l"'1fO(B)t all ot ~, Tu.. (i) ~4 .'De"" '..1. "~'m "".' ,......, .m-'8l'UI'r'nv-tf")i:'^-:' ., in Bleole: -/4,- of Blaok'. Udl'loa t. 'he 'owa, 80. C1 ,,)' of Bozeman. eAd il.yen te.t (11) oft ot the Eaet 81d. ot Lot lour (4), and allot Lot rl.... (6) 1n Blook MA" of Baok'. A441t10n to Jloze..n. TOMU AND TO aOLD the .boY8 leas.d pnm.1.es to the ..1d L...... 1" .\loe...orl SAd. ...lps. tor ad dllr1ng a term aot to exoe.d twen1, (20) '..1" from 8a4 a (tel' "he 4a te hereor, unl... .eener 'erm1aate4., the '.rms hereof, O~ otherwl... yielding and ,.,141 tor 'he .... 10 '111e LN.oJ'. 88 rental tor the above d.- 80r1be' -.ad 1....4 prell1..., the 8U. ot Two Hundred 11tty <t250) Dollars per month in lawful 1101187 ot the Un1 ted States tor the fir.triTe (0) Jears of 'his lease. and the SWIl ot One l:1Wl4red l1tty (fleO) Dollar. pel' ...-. .ill lawful mo..rof the lJn1'.dSta~.. un1;il ,be ,._..'1011 b.ereot. Gr until the full ptrohase price hereinafter agr..C1 to be paid bJ tbeLessee to the Lessor 1. amor- t1s.d aad paid 1n. t\lll, l' being a prQvislon ot th1s asr.emeat ---------- - . . ,- , .. . .. . . . . . ~ . . . ,. -8- heretaat..r more full, .., to~'h tbat the Le.... aball have 'he option to plrOha.. the >>:roper'7 1....4 henu4er. Such rentals are '0 b. payable ill &4V."08 on or betore '......'ll 487 ot eatb 04 . {,.,".- ...ry WlOnlIh during th. M'.." ot this lease, 1;h. tir.' monthly rental111.'.11ae1l" to be paid by tM LII.... upon the assumption ot po.....lon or 'the pr.u... b1 .alALe..... It!. uAl'~ d.~...."1.1'h.lfer'1..b..r.'o1Jhi!lt cturlng the term ot 'thia lease. the Les.e. .hall haT. the sole and 8:1:01\1- .1ve p08..,8.108 of.atd le.se4 1'1'..1'.. an4 shall haTe the right and p:r1.,.11.... etr_oYlagtzoOll 8.14 pr_l... en, building. or i.proy.m.n', n.. .11"l1a'-" '''Greoa beloag1agto the Le.sor. Any expen.. 1anrre4 in ............,.1 or ..1d bu.l141np erlmprovement. .hall be bora. b7 t.... Le.... aad aa, IlOIll.. der1.e' from lhe a.le or cU..po.al ot .a14 b1l11d1as8 or 111pro.,...nt8 .hall b. and. beoome the $Ole p~per', of 'he x....... U 'h1. le... 1. te1'll1aa1;ed b1 ~h. terms hereot, O~ o'he~l... the L...ee shall be under no ob11- ~!"1!3n._ t~_"..:r..p~f)!I_~ny suoh builetins_ or improvemente removed from the ':1'81I1....1....<<,;........, .~ 'e."",,,.,. the ....., t.. 8.' .uch buildings or Imprarements .0 reaoTed. Th. I...... oo....na.'. and 8p... that the 8ald le....dprem1s.s w111 Aot be o,.pi.40r u..4 'ariAg the ",arm of th18 1ee88 tor an,. unlawful or oft...!.. p~rpO..8; tha~ 1t w111 not oommit or sutter an)' ..a.te or damal. to be eo_l tted upon the preti..8 le...d here- uder adver.ely atteotlll8 the value thereor. provided, however. that ex..ft'tOllot ". pro,.rtr tor,~.114.t.Aa parpo... or 1.m.provement the:nto ahall not be oon.14en4 10 be ..aate or ~he prope:rt)'; tbat 1t w111 k.ep and _1nt.1n lhe pellLi... 01...., neat and tree from llueoe8ssr;v aoou.aulatlo11S Of d1rt and debris at all tim8S; that 1t w1ll keep and ma1italll ,,,,,'.4"~lka aBalor 4'1.....'., it any. '- aurround1A8 ..1d premia.. tHe troll Baow and 1oe, 1Ul4 'hat 1n the I,.ent of th. Le....'. taf.lure 'to oamplr with any o~ the terms and prQv;1a1oft8ot '111. pa,,88:taph, the Le..ormay aOQoapl18h oomp11e.lloe . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -1- wi th .ach 'el'lUJ ea4 pro.,.t81o.e at the .%p.... of andtcr the .000\l.a1 01 the Le..... The I.e8sor oO"l1aa'. and a8r... to pay.U.......hl propert, ta'S." 8ad apeo1al tlSSttll....'lwfJ.j848Ad ....es.d....iP' tbe pr.... ".,:",1' mls.. lo..e4^'MI'RAd,e1" duras the tera -"his leas.. The te.see tur'h.~80._.l1t. anel alrees that 1t w111 prot..t the LoeHr tfftd.-'1a4...,.'j'i....U..'t .11 '1..... __tiled. aft expen.. inourred by reason of 81lY liab111ty ot any oharaoter laou~r.d by 'he L...ee, or ari8ing out Of, or 1a oonjw1ct1on with. the -.1B18.811oe, U.. and op.re':1on ot aa:1d premlse. during 'he 'te. of'h1. 1....e.taolu<U.lllIUlY 1.1...11111 tor in.jun to person. or proper', Aut to, or e.rl.1D.1 out of. 'h. ocm.41t1QD ot aa14 pre... .. ml..., or other.l... It 1s h.l"'her Wlder."oo' dd88J'884 b1 'b.e par'ti8^. hereto ,bat it ,he ..14 laOD'hl, 1'8.11.1 pa,...'a or aD1 of the.. wb..thel' the same be d._malld... or not, are unpaid .a and when the, beooae due, or within thlrt1 (30) d8'8 thereatter. or it any wast. or ~---~_.'-~'-', .,....:,,':...._~--- ..aa.Uiot,."",',^...ll..-'..ou.t-. tell 1I.JOIl the.a 1d pnJll1I,...4"! Tersely affecting tbe value thereot. or it aD1 part ot the 8alel prem1se. are sub-let or unde.r-let,w1thO\lt the conaent or 1;he te.80r. .a h.re1utt.X' ,reTitled,or bJ 0,.rat10A ot 1... or it the L..... ,hall abu40a 1Ihe pr.111.... or 1t the 8.1d L.a... aball teil, D..sleet or retus. to pertorm allY of the cOTenaD'ts b1 1t to be kept an.d p.rto~dttb." aad in tb.e.t e.,.ent. or any of them. the Leeaor.hall h... 'lle rlshtat 1ta o.ption. snd such r1ght is hereby re..r..4 b1 1'. ",0 '.diu'. the a.14 le.... aad any and all righta, ater..te al14 88t.t.a tbat the Le.... .81 he? 1n aad '0 ..1d pre- mises. by sixty (60) days notice 1n writing, signed by theL8$80r, oft'. 1._.t'.."0 ....lna'...141.....; and upon Huch teralna1i1on ot 8.14 1.... ~be said Lea.or ahall haft '-"'&11 &ad 8.b.o1\1'. Z"18h' 'to re-enter aa1d p:re1l1... a.lld to r8.utae possession ot sa1d premi..a, aad to haY6 and hold the same e.- h.lly and completely as they could . .( . . . . . ~ . iii .. . " -t- do 1t the term heJ.".11l ap .o1tS-ed bad tully exp1red l:I7 laps. ot t 1m., and such tera1na1l1on ot sa1d lease and re.entry ahall 1n no manner operate a8 a torfeiture ot all)" rent due or co"..ante4 to grow (\\l. or the r1ght of the s~~~,.LuMr to the'perf'orman08 Or an, ot the oovell"'. b..tn conta1ned, by the a&14 Le.... to be kept and per- tormed; provided, howeve.,.bat the pe.:rt1eshereto shal). \1136 8Ve1"1 rea.oDable ettert '0 t1a4 .'.t1II'ltle tenartt wholJenl1'al shall be app11ed to reduoing the rerl'tals here1n prOVided tor. The Lesl..turther oOVenaAt. aadasre.. tallt 1t w111 not a881gn 01' tranater ihis leas8 or sub-let,el'tbel' 1n whole or in pett, tbe premi.es l.a..4 her_ncl..rw1thou.t the written eoneent ot the Lesaor bel1\8 t1rat o~ta1ned. It 1. tur'he1" oo.,.eaeA '.4 GIl4 a8r..4 b'1 the Les.or w1 'h 'he t..... 'that upon paying the rent and ~rtorralag the OOT.nan'. anA .gr.emente here1n by the Les.ee to be kept and p.rtoaed, the Leeeee shall and mal p.aoeebl1 and quietly haye aAd hold and enjoy tbe sald lea sod premis.s tor the term here1n speoified. .........,~.."._...... ,._".",.~",-,-_., ,~".,.,',"_.:.,:~- ----..-..'- -,', .,'~..,. ". ...-.., ~ ~. ........" ,., n. .,,_. ,.Xl,:,b"""",'''Q4.#.;oodand apt~t<l by the pa-rt18s hereto tba' 1n add1t10n to the aforement1oned termination ot th1s lesse tor non.payment of rentals or for vlo1a1ilon by the Lessee of any other co"..naa~. hereic ent.red ate, lb.1s lea.e 11E11 be 'erm1nated at any tlme du.rlngtb.. term thereot b1tll8 L.I.e. by thegivlng to the 1.e.sor ot tw.l..(ll) lIQA,..tQQt1c. ot "he Lessee'. 1ntention to t.rmlaate the 1...... It 1s ttlJ"her undera10eA aa4 aSJ."ee4 b1 tll. partl.. hereto that as a part ot "he oonalderatloa tGr the le.ai.q of .aid premi... by the Lesaee-Grantee trom. the Le.sor.Grentor, the 1A..or-Grantor does hereby give and grant unto the Lessee-Grantee an option to par- chase 1$.141...... p..i~e.. ..d ill. whole thereot. tor tbe .um O.! b&.:t,...!'i". Thou..nd ("5,000) Dollar., ..t.4 o,t"." 'to remain 1.0. full t,oro. and etrect during the hll term of this lease, $ave snd exeept, that the option ~o puroha.8 here1n granted the Le.se.- . ". ~ . . . . - . . . . j -5- O.aat...hall 'em1"". 1t aa4. .he.'lle Le.......Gran.... shall tall to pal the re..'.1.hare11l >>1'on4e" tor,OI" to "rtorm eOJ ot tbe .thel'OO"eul1ta h.,'.ln eat.nA lnto b7 'bot L.....-G1"antee, or it 'the I.........Gran'.. .ho\&14 _.',~".U. '''':r18ht aad pr1 T1JJlp--'.ftla- betore8ftIl'.4'o it to "..bet. sald lr....,;..pta ...lye (12) .QAthatno'ioe to the Les.or~t..r. It is:.I..!'......,..... ~J:L. ....' ,.., l' 1. 'a. 1.'..'1. , of the parti8. hereto that it the Leas.e-Grsnt.e doe. not exercise the option hel'e1ng:raate4 it to pl1roba.. the said leased premis... th rental ,.,..n'. hereia Jl!lOYlde4 tor shall 'b. sad remain ,1:1. so1.. '"'.J"t, ot theL.s8o:r-G.raJltof'. but that it the Lessee-Grantee shall ex.rols. 'tb. opt10n h81'.111 ann'.' 1t to purohas.'he ..ld lea..' premi... ..t .a, 1l1ae 4tl1"lq the 'e. or the lea8.. cr,d.lt on the said Pl"ha.. p1'1.. .ball be 11".. tbe Le..,e.Grante. tor all :r..'al. pald. 1... 0.1 .a4 all '..xe. 8nd/or speoial asse.amen'. paid by the Le8lcr-GraAtor oa tbe property. Upon the exerci.. by the Lessee-Grantee of the option herein granted 1t, suoh monthly ~---_.~- reiimS.pan;-Les8 aoorU:ia--"e:lij-ahd!or 8pe.1al asaes.ments and Iii .~~:,:"~,<:~~,!k1~'\':(,:;.:';;~'HH;':f~'~~~:t1;;.{~~\.j:'" '~' ',,:)'.\r ,,' ,;".' . interest ., the rat, of tour (..l per leat per anaum trom the date bareot to the date of the ex.ret.. ot the option on the 'balance ot ',1 "~ '" ',.. tile,.,oha.e prt.. :t..-talq atter 'he eredt t tcrsatd rent.ale has been ..1"ea, 41:1811 be 00118148"4 to be a_r-ti'td upon the purchas8 prioe, 1t betas "he intention. and ssr..meat ot the partle. hereto ibat fro. the re.tals paid there shall be computed and dedu.cted from ....'11 to _Oil" the lai.:r..' 011 the lla:peld t>alanoe and any t..... and/or .,..lal .........,. pa14l:>7 t)le Le...l"....Grantol" end that aDJ re.t.ls ..er aad aboY. 8~oh ,.,...ta shall b. applle40n the balanoe of the puroha.. pr10e remaining. X.htu....ZOPd.'.tC>o4 aad acr..d by the partles hereto :.: ,,:,:::,'i,:.~"".:";/~,,'\.'>,,')' :';'~;/...,"':,' I.;:,:" ".''::';. that the op'Olo& h.l'e1nbeto'h .........,<...............0.1'&.0,.. to pur- aha.. the aa14 1888.d p:reml.8. at aa, tlm. dur1ng'th.'.. of the 10... ahall b. oORsit.red '0 b. automat1oall1 exeroi.ea. when and lt the total pu...laaleprloe of .,..tl't'...:r1.... Tho...ad (ta',OOO) DOllars, . ~. . . . . . . . . .' ~ . , ...6- .. __:1'1..4 1. a"..Man.. with 'he provis1ons a'bo"e, 1. pall. It 18 tu..'beZ'U4.r.'o04 aad agr..d by 'the. parties her. to that the Les...-Grant.. shall have, and 18 hereby granted, the opt10n etpa,1as to t11. x......:r.....'o:r abY amount11l"a'41'lon to the ape.4 mo"""1 rea_lat any reg\l1.aJ' r..tal paying 4ate, suoh ad"l1lional amounts to b.....naalntb.. 801" property ot the L.8.oX""o-"It'o~1f' the optlOJl....tll grltD'.' '8 1511e Le....~.,.. il not exerois.d. and to app11 upon the purcba.ep:rioe of the 'l'Open1 in the lIUl_.rhel'e1nb.tore provid.d 1tthe L....e-Gr.at.. .:aterole.. tbe op'lO'n hereln s"aa'sdit \0 ptroh... tbe lee..4 pr.... mt.... It 1s tunhe, ..4.1'."004 and ap..4 by the par1;i8. hereto that to .treotuate "he proT181o.. of "his agre..ent granting 'to 'the te.......Grant.. the Op~1of1 'e purohase the premises lea.ed ller_nd.r. the Le.aoZ'-Gl'd'Or asn88 to 1I8k:. and ez&oute, by 1ts proper off1cers thett.unto duly au.thorized. a good and suitiolent Warranty Deed conyeying to tbe Lessee-Grantee a good andmerohant- '""''''.- ,..,,-,..,- ."."'._.~.,!;,.- .. ~~_.'_'n"'.,,_. .~..~-- ,."._~/,:~....~t..""pl.. tr.. and .1..1' o't all tIlCNlIbrallo.. what- soever. to the property lessed hereUnder. which Warranty Deed and the.x.cll".'" or1B1a81 ot 'h1. a.r.ement shall be de11vered to, p180ed 1n sl1d he14'bJ "TU.Gomm.ero181 ..t1onal Bank: ot Doze.It, ){oat a.. ,in ...row, tCUle'her w1th a letter or ..orow in8truotions .1ped by all ot thepar1l8. her.to. wh1cb. l.tter shall instnto' '11. ..14 00Ilu..rola1 )lat10.81 Baak to 1101d 8a1d .gr....nt and WarraatyDeed ua'tl 'he op.1o..ure1agraa'.4 to the Le.s.e-Great.. i. exerel..d bJ i". or Wl.11 'he 'term ot th1s leaa. shall expire, wh1oh.Ter shall t1rs' oocur. The ..1d COJlll.erc1al Rat1Guwl Bank shall de11ver to the Less.e...Grantee the said Warra.nty-Deed or re- a.l1..1' t". '_;cLf'~~l'-~~"or 11P" demaAd 1n case the L.s.e.- "...:';;....,j.,"'.. Graa'..tal1s '0 perform 'he terms .NuaU)!'. lar..orow t... 01" other expe.... 11l an, wa, ooueo'.d wlth ~h1s esorow shall be borne .qual11 by ..he pan1e. l:Utreto. . ., . -li'." · it . .. . , -7- . .. 1. here1Dbetore p~oT14e4, DO ass1gnment or transter ot thia lease and oon1;r80' or ot ftay lai.rea, 'tb.eretUJ.derahall be ma4e by the Lessee-Grante. witbou.t 'the wr1ttenoonsent ot the Lessor- Grantor being first obta1nod, but 1*18 understood and agrsed by the parileahere\o that 'he Les9or-Gran"toJt ahall have the absolute rigbt to RS8ign, transrer,..1.1 &1" set over this leHse end contraot, eDd that 811Y."'-". or 'tran8t't;.., :thel'lot ..11'Bke .._an4 shall be subject to all the provislons and obl1g&tlons herein con- tained in favor ot or ~galnst the Lessor-Grantor. IN 'I:rrllmSS WlilREO:r, th. said pert,. ot t he first part has oaused 1'8 oorporate name to be subsoribed and its eorporetesea.l to be atf1xed, by itB proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and the party of the e..and part hee h.r.~nto set its hand by its Mayor and Clerk of the Clot,. Comm1ss1on. each thereunto duly authoriz.ed, and has causel 1ta oorporat. 8eal to be affixed, both 8S of the day &n~ year tlrst hereinbefore wr1t~en. .... . _.n _ _ . ~ "~"';'!~i . a~t:w' , .;/ '. '. if.. {),.. I ATrEST: ~_n . 0 e ff: {I. A. ~ A.~ .:4 ~~~. . Seoreta'" " , ,~'..... --- , 1'UStG8 -' Laut~_. "' THE: CITY OF B OZ.l!:MAN , By :&-14 ~byJ A1-'r->1./ '"' yor I , .....r'.. ',. . .. ~ ..;..1._ ~, -:'.. ~ 1 ...,." . , * . . * 1 ',. ~ . t ~8- - APPROVED: THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, ~,Q, .,L~e<-. BYI~~~~.__.' C ty Attorney . e ~.' !~.-"C:i.t1 CommI.ss1oa .' - --/ .:.-...." ~ ~; ~ .~ / ~_. S'1'ATJjj 0.1 MONTANA ) /, _ I II.. . ..~.._-~ .- Couaty or GIlll."1n ) -.;.;. -- \' -, On this _---: -:ZIP. __ day of' ~~l,", , in the year 1948, betore raG, Dan. R. Lovelaoe, a Nota1"1 Pu.b11o tor the State of Montana, personally appeared. R. B. MoCullooh and L. C. Bergen, known to me to be the Mest,u" and Seoretary, respeoti vely, of the oorporation that executed the within instrument, and R. H. Dokken, C. A. MaoKenzle and Altred E. ON'nthem, known to me to be tbe Trua'eee ot the oorporation that executed the within 1ns,rument, and all aoknowledged to .. that suoh oorporation exeouted the same, and O. ~. Sorenson and L. G. Shadoan, known tome to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commiss10!lJ res- ",,-d. "."__' ~.,'~ _..- ,;"",...'1...1'...,.'.1'....'__, of bozeman, the oorpol"at1on tbe' 8x.oute4 the w 1tb1n instrument 3nd aoknowledged to me th,3.t such corpora- tion executed the same. IN WITNESS il1iB:REOF, I have he,reunto set my hand and aftixed my Off1oial Seal the dey and year 1n th1s oertifioate first above wr1tt... 1l~-~~:rlbn~8n. _ B.aiding at Bozeman, MOntana - _ lIy Comm1ss1on expires A\1gust 12, 1949. ;.:;~:::./~~_?f'!'=. . . , ; . -, . .. - . ~ .. ~ ...~- - BOZEMAbl. M.O N TAN A 29 January 1949 The City of Bozeman and Gallatin Trust and Savings Bank Bozeman# Montana Gentlemen: I. or we# the undersigned. hereby acknowledge receipt of payments as hereinafter listed from the City of Bozeman and certi~ that we have made tax payments on the J8 ass and option agreement between the City of Bozeman and Bozeman Lodge No. 18, Ancient# Free and Accepted Masons# a Montana Corporation, dated 2 April 1948, covering the following described property: The Fractional Lot Two (2), all of Lot '.ll'hree (3) and nineteen (19) feet off of the west side of Lot Four (4)# in Block "A" of Black's Addition to the town# now City of Bozeman. and Eleven feet (11) off of the East side of Lot Four (4)# and all of Lot Five (5) in Block trA" of Black's Addition to Bozeman. You# the Gallatin Trust and Savings Bank. as escrow agent, are hereby authorized to record the following payments on this agreement: Date Am't Paid Appl ied to Balance Principal Interest Apr. 7 # 1948 $250.00 250.00 - - $24#750.00 May 5# II 250.00 167.50 82.50 24# 582.50 June 2# II 250.00 168.06 81.94 24,414.44 July 7# II 250 .00 168.62 81.38 24#245.82 -- ~~.. Aug. 4# It 250.00 169.18 80.82 e4- -,- ,,-.--. .~~_. . Sept. 8. II 250.00 169.74 80. 23#906.90 Oct. 6# " 250.00 170.31 .69 23.736.59 N ov. 3, It 250 .00 170.88 79.12 23 . 565.71 Nov. 30 # n (3/4 of 1948 taxes pa' y owner -- 144.~ 23,710.34 Dec. 8 # II 250.00 .45 78.55 23,538.89 Jan. 5. 1949 250.00 //// 171. 54 78.46 23#367.35 ,/ You. the Gallatin T~l:st end,..$e_vings Bank# are hereby further authorized to file claims against the City or Bozeman for payments as they become due under the contract herein referred to# to accept payment under such claims for the credit of Trustees# Bozeman Lodge No. 18# A. F. & A. M. and to indorse such payments on the contract to show amount of' each payment applied to principal and amount applied to interest and amount applied to payment of taxes. Bozeman Lodge No. 18 Ancient.J~ and Accepted Masons // / By cflt - ",.' v . .. '.. .. ; .. '~ ... . . . ~T~..tO !tEASE AND CONTRACT FOR SALE 01 ~ ~ROP:mR1'Y '!'HIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this f'irsl day ot February, A.D. 1949, by "nd bet.een Bozeman LOdge No. 18, An.ient, Free and. AOQepted *.80ns, a lion tan. oOl']jlora tion in Galla t1nCounty, par1Uof 'the tirat part. herei_tter reterre4'o 88 the Lessor andl or Grantor and The City ot Bozeman, a DlU.n1oipel corporation ot The stat. of Montana 1n Gallatin County, party ot the seoond part, hereinafter reterred to cu. the Les.a. &nq,/o:rQftnt... ,\I,";'.!"~>:"''':''':'. . WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, thepsrtiea hereto did on the seoond day of Apr11, A.D. 1948 enter 1nto e. certain Lease and Oontract tor Sale of Real :property; and WHIRDS,by the terms ot th. ator.sa1d Oontraotthe exeou ted original thereOf and a good and 8utt101ent Warranty Deed to the pro'perty leased and ,greed 'to be 801d 'thereunder were plaoed in theOoD1J'ltGrolal Nat1Qnal BaAk or Bozeman, Montana 1n esorowj and WRB:REAS. the pan1es hereto have 4etermined that convenience requ1res the w1tb,4.t'awalot the said e.crow trom the Commeroial National :aaalt a.Ad tbe plaolng ot sald ..orow 1n the Gallatin Tru8t and Savlag. Bank ot Bozeman, Ken ,. na ; NOW, TBmRElORl, 1t 1. hereby oovenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto: 1. 'l'hat the second paragraph on page 6 ot the aforesaid , QOD. tr....:o.. . lid. th.aame is-tb.eroby ameli4e4 to read as. rollow': . It 18 further ~d.r.tood Bnd agreed by the parties hereto that to effeotuate the,prov181ons of th1s agree- ment granting to the Lessee-Grantee the option to pur- chase tbe premises lea8ed hereunder, the Lelsor-Grantor agrees to meke and.x.oute, by its proper offioers there- unto duly authorized, a good and 8u.ttlo1e.nt Warranty need oonveying to the Lea...-Grant.e a good and mer- ohantall1. t1 '1. in tee 8'1m.ple, free and olear of all encumbrances ..teo.ver, to the property leased here- under, wbiob. farranty Deed and the exeouted or1ginal ot this agre.ment eball be de11vored to, plaoed in and held by the G81la1i1n Trust and Saving. Banle of Bozaan, Montana, in ..oro., together with. letter of esorow inatruot1ona 818..4 by all of the perti.. hereto, whioh letter shall in.truct tbe 8aid Gallatin Trust and Sav1nge Bank to hold 881d agreement and Warranty Deed until the opt1on berein granted to the Less.e-Grantee is exeroised oy 1t, or unt1l the term of this lease shall expire, wh10hevershall fir.' ocour. The s81d Gallatin Trust and SaVings Bank ahall deliver to the Lesaee-Grant.e "po a81d\~.ar,~ant;J Deed O~ re4811 vel' 1 t to the Lessor- Grantor upon d8.1141n 0... the Les.ee-Gran'ee tails to pertormlhe terms hereunder. Any ..orow tees or other exp.n... 1. any ..y oonnected with this e.orow ahall ba borne equ.ally by tbe peu'''i.. hereto. 2. Thet the e.orow tee. payable to the Oommaro1al Nat10nal Bank of Boz..an. Kontana, tor ihe holding ot the sa1d I f . . , ... ,.. . I ..._ , ~, ~ . .,,{: - . . . . . ~2~ ..orow trom th. 4at. Of plaoement to the date of' with- drawal 8hall be paid equally by the parties h.reto as 1s agr..d in the subjeot Contraot. IN WITNESS WHERIOF. the 88id party ot the tiret part has oau.sed its oorporate name to b. subsoribed and it. oorporate .8.1 to be affixed, by 1ta propel' otfioers thereu.nto duly Iluthorlzed, an.d the partyot the ..oond pertha. hereunto .et 1ts hand by its l.(a10r and Olerk: ot tbAt Oi t1 Oommi.8ion, each thereu,nto d\111 author- 1zed, and has oau..ct its oorpora'. .eal to be affixed, both aa ot tbe f1rst deJot '.bNar" A.D. 1949. A. TTEST : ~~~ By' " .___)laster / , _. ~ " , " ..-- -" ~ - ,- --- ........... -. :'....... .,~ T~ PIn OFiOZlWAN. ~ ~ - - By: C ~ .J.; .L4A~ APPROVED: ayor CS0.~ ~ ~./.. -- By' rI~ C t1 A', orney Clerk ot the City Oomm1ssion STATE or MONTANA ) : as. oounty ot Gallatin ) On this first day of February, in the year 1949, betore me, Dan R. Lovelaoe, B Notary Publio tor the at.te 01' lIontana, persone.lly appeareel .FrahkE::;C;:."Hbay: an.d L. O. Bergen, knom to me to 'be the Master and SeOre1;al'Y', r.apeo'1.e11, ot the Oorporation that exeouted the withIn iAatrQaen'. and C. A. MBoXenzle and Al~red K. Grantham. known to tle to be the Trustees or, th~ Corporation that executed the within instrument, and all aoknowledged to me tbat suoh Corporation exeouted the same. and C. W.Sorenson and L. G. Shadoan. known. to me to be the Kayor a1'ld Olerk ot '118>01.y 00mm1ssion, respeotively. of The 01tYOf Bozeman, the Oorpor.'lon that .x.'\1'.4'he within inltru- ment and ao~()wle4g.4 to IDe 'hatauob Oorpo:ra'tlon ...ou'ed the same. IN WITNESS WBERIOl, I heve heret1nto .et my hand and affixed my .' BQ1;~r1al Seal the day and year in thl. oertif1oate tirst above wrlt1;en. .' -"-- ~- ~ ~.e""f i ", .. Notary " o tor . he' ae 0 ' .' on 'ana '- Residing a t Bozeman, Montana MY' COlDDlls8ion Ixpires AUgust 12, 1949.