HomeMy WebLinkAbout55- Fellerhoff Lease , 41 .. ~~",~ i .. ;"_. ./' . , /1 . . ! I' . I' LBASB ". / .... .' ..' Ii TIU.........., .........at.J'.. l.~o tb1ll ;Yd,,:,;.da,. of .,,' , " .'.'. ", .,' ',':.... . . OCtober, ""..~.'~.1"I"",,"'bet....t_ em- O~ DOl.... a ..u,.... eipal ouponu"'1Jl~~'*._~,~ JIeat_, .tlle ~J of t_ tt...t pat, ......,-"... oalW"'" IM.esP, ... au A. PII".~BOn of aoee.all. Gallatin Co.atJ:..~........, tile pan, of tbe ._ODel part, . hereinafter eal1ed 'th4JLe..,.,.... _' . .; '." .....~. I ,." 1 ., "~~,:': >'.~,'..'!;:~~:::~::~'~,,:.,' ::'~: ',,:<:'~l\":;~~:;'jef:':,;.,:: ,.,:,~,~{ ~\!f!;,:'t;: ,',,';:~::~:>:~',f;~,f.~,:::~:.. ,i;,::,~:<,.~. ..'. .', J ".:::,>,...'t-'1I 1'1 ....,...: . ftat .aid L_.O~, for aad In eoulderation of the rent. &ad. ........t. '_Ni...tt...~aetI, Ilu 1....., .... ~ .hereb, 1...., _toa1. .LtM..tlIe..ollowl.. cteacrlbMp........, ait...t" ill tile Oit, ot_..n, Coa:t, .f.llat1n, .ta.. of IleDt...., uddeMr1bed . .';:' ,',' , '. "::',l ..toll...., ,o-w1'ti The...'....n't'-It... (Wt (75').0' tile Iotathten f..' (18t) of LOt........... (.10),B10CkPoI't:v....tx(...), ~Ic 4dCU.-*1.0. to":tbeCli, of Bozau, _tau.. . '.\ .." . "~.' ,',' .' ." ., "':.:. r',1- .1.'0 BA'II ADT().... :thft &bOY. .rea".el p1"em18e8 to the said .,~..., 111. -'1..., ___01'8"'" ...1__ ,:fOlt IUlddur1ac the te. ' .,,1,-','1),'88:1 ..-c.....f'~,.,."..._/:_......f, .,:vl.l......'......Kia. ":.,' ' .' ,: ,," . "I.." '/:;:::~',.<:,,'>~,. . :',",;;t<' /',\~,.::",:<'\:, "',' for tu_. to: the Lea.Qr;tb. tndi. oto.a,:'Dollu (1.00), payable ill la.wfa1aoae,of tlW:':,I1D*~_<-8t.'..:I.~&4vanc.. !t 18 uad.ernooclu.4 ...... tbat the Le8....hal1 _. ib....14 . ,I,. \ " . I '. ", ""'1.'/: "'t~,,.\,: p...... fU'JUd, _"'.17.1'..."11 aot ooruitruct or allOw to be . coastruOWd the~'_, ...ld$1apoS" ll11p1'OV..ata;*11 .~~ co... t , '," ' , >)' .', ", .;' ~ . . or ",1.1" ..,~,. .~,.'".._~ ,cO..ttt.d thereoD aael.hall keep th..... f. aad el4M,;>......l:,\...~_JAM:". "*.18.. ft;:i~i'"i~.:~lrriocJct hti 'Ilcre~d -that by the lEJ~lng of said pnll1...at_~~1""1"'''~1,JI.peo1fl.4,tb.LeII8e., hi. --heir.~ .'.iliei8..~.i:Arad '''!_'~' "'.hit1 not 'acquire .lay rights 'ot owne1"- 8b1p or po....~oat...lll, other. "baa. t..... of. a. 1M.~, And the :' '. ,,:.';\..',',"f1"'. " _1.dLda..'O..__"...:...."~t.;... ....11 bel'MPGUlbleforand , " , :',;, "',,~:,,' , " ' ,';' " ' , .',' , ' f," , ' . ';' I .....li_l~~rt..aa' ,lDjur1"~,O "~OI'Proptlrt,ari.1na out .. 4~ .'~ .~ t ....;.. . .- ' >- " , " I. I of' 1l1. ue ..... '''cUpaAoy of...14 prnl..... It 1.-fet........toeclQ4 a,..... that thAt LeaI.or aMl1 MV. .,' , . . ,.. '1"1111e 'to _t... ~'tw'r._...' 'leaMcl. he~rall all .....- abl...!... .....awi.._.,_.~.I..I~l.._pwe. I,..' . It 18.CWt* .......... aUld ....... ,bat till. r..u. .ball be ._oatica117 ......... .. . ~ to pU'.b..u tor _.._IV8 t..... of on. (1) 7e&r. ,.1... OAe partF "'11 notify the other party of ,.w.*~ . '. -".........._'.....'....~.... ....... WSCha ,*JMR::'tII.Ut,-..-. ~~..~ ,'r., ,'" ~""'."" ... ...-,.,... ........ .....,..... .... '. .. .'.' . . , ::i: ,:' ': ..;," , ',::,',,' ,". ',': ,,"<:" i:.:".'.!" ~'/:'" " ': -'.'; ,. ',' "\ " , . '(80)." prtorto .t...._t~atl.. 'tll__:f. I' WlTDlS ....101', tbe 01 t, baa caU8e<itbJ.a .Leue toile ~,tq s._ .,. ...........c:18.1I0fiuett7c..i..:a.oa,thehUDto " ' \ ..lJ'....'~u.I,...tt..~n"...l to b. &tfiftCl, t.l1d the ,........... MI'_to"'Jd;':. ,1U4_4 ..a1, all .. ofthi. pt,M ..., of Octo., A.D~.l.a'. 'lOr ATTIST: ?c~~~~ft ... .~1~~ .' . ........... ..... . IDa .... .,.. '" .... . ..... .... ..... ." '. .' "'.~',.., ,:.;. , ' .~r:' . .:. " ,< , .\ ' ;", .. ~;:, 1 "