HomeMy WebLinkAbout63- Pipe Line Agreement with Railroad Company , . . . (; CIi I i.. . l'::1, )(".. j 10-24-62 . )~i~)c 1.;.lIc-t>btl<;:t 1. IO.llIC>l . ( Co fJI. liT.P.&. P.AR CO'li Cd'''i PIPE LINE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this the 7th day of February ,1951, by and between CmCAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Wisconsin Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Railroad," and CITY OF BOZE~~, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana , hereinafter called the "Licensee." (if more than one licensee, said term and all language herein referring thereto shall be interpreted in the plural and refers jointly and severally to such licensees). WITNESSETH That WHEREAS, the licensee desires the right to install, maintain and operate a certain pipe upon, along and under the Railroad's premises at or near Bozeman, Gallatin County Monta na to be used for the purpose hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The Railroad, for and in consideration of the payments and covenants hereinafter mentioned to be made, kept and performed by the Licensee, does hereby license and permit said Licensee to construct, install, and thereafter during the term hereof to maintain and operate under, along and across the Railroad's property in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, a certain pipe to be used only for the purpose of Storm an:! sanitaq sewers ,in the location or locations shown by the Orange line ~Q01)tJllll~ upon the map attached hereto, marked "Exhibit X", dated ;'r,,~ 10 , r,( ~ ,.., '~, ........' " , . and made a part hereof. The boundaries of the railroad right of way are located as shown by the heavy dash and two dot lines. 2. The said piKe shall be of Concrete (See #9062) Cast Iron (others) and have a diameter of not to exceed 3 & 15 inches. At all points where said pipe passes beneath the roadbed or tracks the same shall be installed and maintained at such depth that U~e top of said pipe, or any casing which may contain it, shall be not less than See Exhibitfeet, measured vertically, below the base of the rails of any such track. The concrete pipe shall conform to A.S.T.M. Specifications C-76-61T Class IV for reinforced concrete culvert. The Class 100 cast iron pipe shall conform to either American Standards Association Specification A 21.6 - 1953, A 21-8-1953 or A.S.T.M. Specification A 377-57. The corrugated pipe where used as casing shall conform to the A.R.E.A.5pecification for corrugated metal culverts using a class listed as Pure Iron. Asphalt coated pipe confonning to A.R.E.A. Specifications for bituminous coated corrugated metal pipe and arches 1s recommended. The minimum gage of metal shall be No. 12. 3. The word "pipe" wherever used herein, not otherwise herein modified, shall he construed to mean all of the pipes above described and the casings and other coverings and all appurtenances thereof. 4. T~is agr~ement. shall be effective from and after the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect untIl termmated m some one of the ways hereinafter provided. 5., The Licensee shall pay to the Raib.:oad upon executio!l of this agreement the sum of Thirty-live Dol- lars (:j;35.00) to cover ~he cos~ of preparation thereo~. T~e LIcensee shall pay all assessments or taxes which may lw as~essed?r leVIed agulllst 0,1' on a~count of saId pIpe, or the use thereof and shall indemnify and save harmless the RaIlroad and the Railroad s property from and against any and all liens or claims on account of any such assessments or taxes. , .j, ,t \")l... ;~i.Llc--~!lcet 2. . 6. The Licensee shall bear the entire cost and expense incurred in connection with the com:tl'uetion maintenance, renewal and removal of said pipe, including all cost and expense incurred by the Rhill'oad i~ connection therewith for all work performed and materials used, and for supervision and inspection. All work of installation, alteration, maintenance and removal of said pipe within the limits of the right of way of the Railroad shall be done by the Licensee under the supervision, and to the satisfaction of, the superiritendent of the Railroad, and no work shall be done by the Licensee upon the premises of the Railroad without first notifying 8aid superintendent of Licensee's desire so to do, provided that the Railroad may perform any work by it deemed necessary to support any of its tracks while such work is being done and any work necessary to restore the track and roadbed to their former condition, or any other work by it deemed necessary to be done upon its right of way by reason of the installation, alteration, maintenance or removal of said pipe, and the Licensee agrees to repay to the Railroad promptly upon the rendition of bills therefor the cost of all such work so done by it. "Cost" as used in this agreement shall mean all assignable costs, plus 10% on all labor items to cover elements of expense not capable of exact ascertainment, and shall include charges for trans- portation of men and material at tariff rates and store expense on material. ; 7. The said pipe, and all parts thereof, whether within or without the limits of the premises of the Railroad, shall be constructed and at all times maintained, repaired, renewed and operated in such manner as to cause no interference whatsoever with the constant, continuous, and uninterrupted use of the tracks, facilities, property and premises of the Railroad, both as regards operation, maintenance, repairs and renew- als, or new construction by the Railroad. Nothing shall be done, or suffered to be done, by the Licensee at any time that will in any manner interfere with or impair the usefulness of any tracks, improvements, or other facilities, now or hereafter maintained upon sa51 railroad premises, or in any way interfere with, obstruct or endanger, railroad operation thereon; and if at any time the Railroad shall be of the opinion that the pres- ence, condition or use of said pipe in any way interferes with the operation of the railroad, or any use which the Railroad desires to make of its property, it may forthwith require the Licensee to remove, alter or repair said pipe, or may remove, alter or repair the same at the cost of the Licensee. ".". 8. Where boring and jacking operations are required on, the right of way of the RailrQad,. the head- ings from which the boring and jacking. operations are performed shall be located not less than 1.25 times the depth in feet from the base of the rail to the bottom of the trench, plus 6.5 feet, from the center line of an operated track, measured at right angles to the center lIne of the track. 9. The Railroad shall have the right at any and all times to raise or lower its grade, to make such changes in its existing track or tracks, roadbeds, structures and facilities or in the present standards thereof and to construct, maintain and operate such additional roadbeds, tracks, structures and facilities on said right of way and over and across said pipe as from time to time it may elect and may do whatever is neces- sary to enable it to use said railroad premises for all lawful purposes; and the Licensee agrees, at Licensee's sole cost, and within ten days after written notice from the Railroad so to do, to remove said pipe or make such changes in, additions to or changes in the location thereof, as may in the judgment of the Railroad be necessary to conform to the changes, alterations or new construction by the Railroad. If the Licensee shall fail so to do the Railroad may, if it so elects, in addition to any other remedy which it may have, remove ""., "in' '1'1'l1r" -m,..}, (.1,.("",( iT' f'r1r1itiOl1S to (lr changes in the location thereof as are necessary for said PU1'poses Hlld l.he Licensee agrees to pay promptly upon rendition of bill the cost thereof. Provided. that the Railroad may in any event at its election do any of such work required to be done upon its right of way with- out notice and for all such work the Licensee likewise agrees to pay promptly upon rendition of bill the cost thereof. All the terms, conditions and stipulations herein expressed with reference to the construction, main- tenance, repair, renewal or removal of said pipe in the location above described shall apply to the same as relocated, changed or modified within the contemplation of this section. 10. The license hereby granted is subject to the superior title of the Railroad to its said property and to all other outstanding and superior rights, if any, and the Licensee shall not by reason of the license hereby gmnted acquire or assert any title or clnim of title to any of said property adverse to the title of the Rail- road or its successors, and upon any abandonment of the use hereby authorized or upon any termination of the license hereby granted, such title shall remain in the Railroad, its successors and assigns, free and clear of all rights or claims of the Licensee. 11. As a material consideration to the Railroad for entering into this agreement, and without which the Railroad would not enter into same, the Licensee agrees to, and hereby does, release, indemnify and save harmless the Railroad, its officers, agents and employes, from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, expense, actions and claims for personal injuries, including death, regardless of cause, suffered by any person whomsoever while upon the Railroad's premises in connection with the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal or removal of said pipe, or for personal injuries, including death, suffered by any person whomsoever or for or arising out of damage to or destruction of property of any party whomso- ever, including the parties hereto, in any manner arising out of or caused or contributed to by the existence, presence, construction, maintenance, condition, operation, repair, renewal, use or removal of said pipe, 12. This license may be terminated by the Railroad forthwith for any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein contained to be performed by the Licensee, and this right is in addition to any other rights at law or in equity arising by reason of such breach. Failure to terminate for any such breach shall not constitute a waiver of any future breach. The rights of the Licensee shall also terminate in case Licensee shall abandon the use of said pipe or fail to use the same for a period of one year, The Railroad may also without cause revoke and terminate this license by giving thirty days' notice in writing, mailed to the Licensee at the address noted below the signature of the Licensee hereto, Should said pipe be permitted to be in bad order or condition in the judgment of the Railroad, for any continuous period of twenty-four hours, the Railroad may likewise revoke this license without notice. Within ten days after any termination of this agreement the Licensee shall remove all property of the Licensee from that portion of the right of way of the Hailroad not occupied by the roadbed or tracks, and shall restore to the satisfaction of the Railroad's superintendent the said right of way to as good ~ondition as it was in at the time of construction of said pipe, and if the Licensee fails so to do the Railroad may do such work of removal and restoration at the cost and expense of the Licensee. The Railroad may at its option upon any termination, at the cost and expense of the Licenf1ce, remove the portion of said pipe located under said roadbed, track or tracks, and restore said roadbed to as good condition as it was in at the time of the construction of said pipe, or it may permit the I.icensee to do such work of removal and restoration under the supervision of the Railroad's superintendent. "'l'~ 1,11... " H...d :1. . , 10.19'61 , : i k t' . In case of termination in any manner herein provided the Licensee shall have no claim or redress of any character against the Railroad by reason of such termination, removal of said pipe or restoration of the premises, nor shall such termination release the Licensee from any obligation or liability of the Licensee hereunder with respect to any matter or thing occurring prior to such termination. 13. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be binding Upon and the benefits thereof shall accrue to the heirs, executors, administrators, Successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, but the Licensee shall not assign the same or any rights thereunder without the written consent of the Railroad having been first obtained. In the event the Railroad shall permit any other railroad company or companies to use its said right of way facilities or premises, such other user or users shall have the benefit of the provisions of indemnity and release from liability inuring to the Railroad hereunder, with the same effect as if such other user or users were parties hereto. ! t. ~ j ;.. i ~- Ji~'.: , <:'" . : '- ~ 'l. . , l.. . .. ,0 ''\ ; ~. . t- : l-.: i --.l : :: ,-), .; ',;: i~' : . J? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above l.q written. \; CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC ,< .~ RAILROOCOMPANY, U" '. '(1\-;) ,: . n, ~ ~ 1.u.~~ By_.--1"k_Ukv~,",'!:I2c"-.mm.._.._._m_ Co Attest :........'._....m._....m.....,.....,.......m_.,......f:.~:..__....n...''''''...m'''_..m ....,m....... General Manager ~ ASBi&tant Secretary ~,; ,: "-l <:" ..., B CITY OF BOZEMAN lI"{:-1 ..u_n__.....nn__..._.._..........~_hn...un..n.~..nu.....n...._.~...&&-.........~............._--......-......-......_.n...._....n.... ~ ;1' ./ Licensee fl. .tJ.., 1/---- "... ~ ... ...:/. "(ji Attest.~. X' / J/~ ~ . ~ --1 /' By....m..........~,...m ;'du.,....I......Zl:u.<..nn;~L.j.~.."'r.~j,cc.>..mu....'.._.n...,.. '\ 'c /e:~""'-"'''''-~ FRIO" M. STA~uilHCI'-, fhj. '-J ,_'n 1J - ~"c" c-.. rr c-?'r?7~-1/.:F5/&1'7 ,. Address: ......m...'nm....nnm..............................,..,..........n."...n......nn...........,... A':ipt."..i~i'....,'., ; .""'Ii ,.'":;", ,',\;.{,J .- {Ii. (; t.~ 'i~ ~ ;j .t ~ f:.... ~.' .~) )"'I'~ l'l~l ,Ii - .), -: . 's,.' "__.1: _.;0>. ., ell'> I".. ) ,\ f . \ ., (.., I ....~".' , ". . .....-~\ , i' )\ I \ I i ~ I I ; ~ ; i I I I I ' , I , I i I " i , .~.... I "- i ('.'"r-- "."r''''~''.';'''.' l"~.'.'~'~~"~-r--r '. 'r'.." : i! ~ I, I I' ) I , , I ii, ii. I '), . ' I I (f) '. 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