HomeMy WebLinkAbout63- Hill, Sewer Agreement ~, 1 -""" ---"-""'" ,.. .- ---- - ., -t:: ~ .... ,. 12 November' 1963 I H. Ray and Haz.l 1t. 1:111 115 So. 11th lmt. Pozomtn. L~ontan.a. Dear H.r. and lit"a. HUla r 'l'hiz 18 written in order t.o make.. ,.-tter of record the arra.nt-- nmt acreed u.pon wlth you for 1:;}46 1mst..alllltion of a seVIer line to aoross your prcpC!:ot) and the :1natalla.tion of .. oonneotion to your :residenO~ .~~, ~~ aM'" ......... ~~vou.r ...1..... w1th..l1J6f'1 8f!l>""'r fri,',.,_.....-...;-~ ,- , i I ii ""I 0 1) The City of f.o&tiDaD w:i.11 W'be,11 . ....-r line aerooe yoUf' property at the looatlOJlB and .. desoribed in the EuemeJ1t D forns exeon tad by yo\l. ?) The City.r Bozenan will. w1th1J1 ono year fr'cm. the dD:t. of this la'/ter. And at no axpcmae to you. 1mrtall as.... 1~ tram itn trunk 11ne to your residence at the a.bove S.G,~8 1n such a l1lU't1leJ" tba:t you "lDlAY :t'II&ke the necessary h,+.orlor oomneo'tioos '00 provide your residenoe with san:!:I;ary f sewer gervioe. S} In oonaideratiOl1 for 4,~1 and ~t'4 above it 1sunderstood thf~t you have exeouted an l\L:reQl'llfllt will1ngly. whioh w-lll aU(nr the C 1 ty Commies 1<ll1l to bring your property wi th1n t.h.e C i i;y u l1td.tI at suoh time as the d:1ty cor:!!:nisolon deemB suoh action to be adv1sable. and, you b8:" aleo eT~utod 1;he Vi l;as emont FOrnllS r,rantmt; the City the nooetHi:&ry rir)lt-of- way to !.netall ~ sewer trunk Um. across your property. M a natter of :'UJ,forJ!l!l.tion, your pl~Opnf'ty e.s desot"ibed in 1:ho ... 8.t;reO"ioont G~4b7 ;fou.~~r the C1. c~".d.on. 't.~ ~1u4. U i:;Jw. . . '. ." .. .., ,. ~". ..."".. pl'op4llr~W'.uMl.w. uU~ ......~ ~~..... ~"'" J.; c;::;t'i.'";;;- s;; ",;':"',';";' water and e_r rao11ie1ft at Buoh'tlMU tt u wltb.m the City. Scmet' oonnections may then be made f<)l" ..rv1ng your property by ~mu payint; a proportionate cost of' oonstruct,1on with1n 8.1.D. 432 Ctd the nonaal tle-on f.e.. The proportlOXl&te cost refe:rre:d. to iE. bt\Sod upon an area. oomputation. 11' ~,..ou ag.... that all of the' above oont,lrm8 to 'the UBGereW,d- Ulg ;~rou have of the arrancement, pleaae 0101 at tho bottan of th'.G lE'tter in th-o spICe provided and retu:rn the letter to us. A copy is provided. for your filth ~ - - -------- -- ----------- -- ...---- ~ . . ~ <- Mr. & Mrs. Hill 12 Nov61uber 1963 2nd page ~ 1 sincerely believe that these agreements are to the mutual advantage of you and the City of Bozeman. and that the developmel1t of your property may soon progress in a manner' a.tiefac'!;ory to ycm and the City. rr Sinoerely. , .~ /! ~ ' ,~ . {fJ-~ . UJJ 9~ OSCAR E CUTTING. "_." 11Io .,.. ,'........_ C 1. ty' j.lianae;er . .....,...,.".. TI --.~ ",- i I I "" Bozenan. Montana . iLJj ~V' 12.. 19'-3 ~ \,:::, {D&te}P . ~ ,n The provisions outlined above arA in aooordanoe with m:t understanding of this transaction and are hereby approved. ~ A;(, ,~ >>.. ~ 1'0f! ff~ ~4 \ \ II , II C ..'/. . Wr ..;/. \ I I ! . V" '''''- .. .'\ " U I