HomeMy WebLinkAbout06- Contract with Intrinsik
THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is dated as of the --2..!.h... day 0 f Februaryin the year 2006 by
and between CITY OF BOZEMAN whose o11ices are located at 411 East Main Street, Bozeman,
Montana and with a mailing address of P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771 hereinafter
called OWNER and Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. whose mailing address is 428 East Mendenhall,
BOI.eman Montana 59715, hereinafter called ARCHITECT.
OWNER AND ARCHITECT, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree
as follows:
Article 1. WORK.
ARCHITECT shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract. The Project Work
is generally described as follows:
1.1 The ARCHITECT shall conduct a site analysis and feasibility study to dctermine possible
uses for properties owned by the City also known as the Al StifTBuilding, City Hall and the
Library building locatcd on Rouse A venue. This analysis shall focus on providing adequate olTice
facilities for City employees currently located in each of those buildings. This analysis shall use
current ARCHITECTURAL standards and include meetings with city staff and a code review.
ARCHITECT shall provide all infom1ation from this analysis to the City on or about March 6,
2006 in order to facilitate a discussion relating to the possiblc use. This information shall include a
report on the process and thc resulting findings as described herein.
1.2 In addition to the foregoing, ARCHITECT shall conduct a overview site analysis focusing
on potential solutions in ordcr to maximize utility and amenity or the new library property located
on Main Strect and adjacent to Lindley Park. The analysis shall take into consideration the
immediately adjacent lands and owners and the affect projected uses shall have on those properties.
ARCHITECT shall provide an initial rep0l1 on findings to date to the City on March 6, 2006. This
report shall includc a report on the process and thc findings.
2.1. Payment under this agreemcnt shall be made as a combination of Direct Labor Costs which
shall be used as a basis for payment and expenscs. Direct Labor Costs shall mean the actual
salaries and wages paid to all ARCHITECT'S personnel engaged directly on thc Project, including,
but not limited to, architects, associates, surveyors, engineering, technical and other clerical staff;
but does not include indirect payroll rclatcd costs or fringe benefits. For the purposes of this
Agreement thc principals and employees of the ARCHITECT maximum billable Direct Labor
Costs are:
Principal $125.00 per hour
Architect 75.00 per hour
Associate 65.00 per hour
AIT 1ll 55.00 per hour
AIT II 50.00 per hour
AIT I 40.00 per hour
Clerical 35.00 per hour
However, in no event shall the Contract Price exceed Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars unlcss
the contract has been amendcd in writing.
2.3 Thc Parties hereto further acknowledge and agree that up to 70% ol"the work on thc Projcct
described hercin shall be conducted by the Principal. All remaining time will he a combination or
others listcd above.
2.4. Expcnses incurred in the normal course ofbusincss under this contract shall bc paid to the
ARCHITECT by the OWNER as follows:
1. Mileage: $0.40 per mile
2. All printing and postage costs, along with any plotting at actual cost times 1.15
3. Meals at the City rate
4. All other costs including tclcphone calls as authorized by the City at actual costs
2.5 Payment. ARCHITECT shall submit regular itemized invoices to thc City's Task Director
requesting payment for scrviccs as set forth hcrcin.
2.6 No item that is requircd by Contract for the proper and successful complction of the Work will
be paid for outside of or in addition to the priccs submitted in the contract. AU work not
specifically set forth as a pay item herein shall be considercd a subsidiary obligation ofthe
ARCHITECT and all costs in connection therewith shall be included in the contract pricc.
3.1. ARCHITECT shall per[onn for OWNER professional architccturc scrvices in all phascs of
the Project to which this Agreement applies as hereinaftcr provided. These services will include,
but not be limited to, serving as OWNER's professional representativc for the Project, providing
professional architectural consultation and advice.
3.2. The ARCHITECT shall furnish all labor, materials, cquipmcnt, supplics, and incidentals
necessary to conduct and complete the ARCHITECT'S portions 01" the Project and to prcparc and
deliver to thc OWNER all data, rcports, plans, specifications, and rccommendations as designated
3.3. The ARCHITECT shall asccrtain such in[ornlation as may havc a bcaring on the work from
local units of govcrnment, public, and privatc organizations and shall be authorized to procure
information lrom othcr authorities as to the extent of these contacts and the results thercof.
3.4. The ARCHITECT'S work shall bc in accordance with the standards of sound architectural
3.5. The ARCHITECT shall name a Principal-In-Charge for the duration of thc project. The
Principal-In-Charge shall be Robcrt Pertzborn.
3.6. The ARCHITECT shall submit an estimated progrcss schedule at the beginning of the
work, and monthly progress reports thereafter until the project is completed. ARCHITECT shall
perform lor OWNER professional architectural services in all phases ofthc Projcct to which this
Agreement applies as hercinafter provided. These services will include, but not be limited to,
serving as OWNER's professional architectural representative for the Project, providing
professional architectural consultation and advice.
3.7. The ARCHITECT shall provide all finalized documcnts resulting fi"om the work as
described herein in digital fOfOlat if requested.
In order to induce OWNER to entcr into this Agreement, ARCHITECT makes the following
4.1 ARCHITECT has familiarized himsel f with thc nature and extent of the Contract Documents,
Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work.
4.2 ARCHITECT has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations,
tests, reports and data with thc terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
5.1 Thc OWNER shall name a Task Director who shall be the liaison between the
ARCHITECT and the OWNER during DESIGN segment ofthc Project. The Task Director
designated shall be .James Gochrung.
5.2 Thc OWNER shall have the right ofrevicw and examination of the ARCHITECT'S work at
all times.
5.3 The OWNER shall make available all related records or data currently in its posscssion in a
timely fashion including but not limited to, aerial photography, civil survey information including
GIS information, and appraisals on all propcrtics involved in this project. Further, the OWNER
shall make available to ARCHITECT any mcmber of the City Staff deemed by the ARCHITECT.
Article 6. Proiect Documcntation
ARCHITECT shall furnish OWNER with (a) copies of the findings and any written reports
generated under the terms of this agreement, (b) written monthly progrcss reports, and (c) a project
notebook containing such correspondence and documentation as requested by OWNER.
Article 7 - Additional Scrvices
Following the ARCHfTECT's presentation to the City, should thc Parties wish ARCHITECT to
periornl any further services under the tenns of this agreement, the Parties may agree to do so
provided they amend this agreement in writing.
Article 8. INSURANCE.
8.1 The ARCHITECT shall secure and furnish to thc OWNER certificate of insurance, therein,
naming the OWNER as an additional insured, to include forty-five (45) days notice of cancellation
or non-renewal.
Without limiting any of ARCHITECT's obligations hcreunder, ARCHITECT shall secure and
maintain, until the work is completed and accepted by the OWNER, insurance coverage naming
the OWNER as additional insured with minimum insurance coverage as follows:
Emplovers' Liability: $ 100,000 oer accident
General Liability:
Bodily Injury & Property
Damage Single and combined $ 1.000,000 per accident
General Aggregate: $ 2,000,000
Bodilv Injurv covering all $1,000,000 cach person
automobiles, trucks, $1 ,000,000 each occurrence
other automotive cquipment whether owned or
rented by ARCHITECT or his employees
Bodilv Injury & Property $ 1,000,000 each occunence
Damage Single and combined
In addition to the above insurance covcrage, the ARCHITECT shall secure and maintain, until the
work is complcted and acceptcd by the OWNER, and without naming OWNER as an additional
insured, Professional Errors and Omissions insurance coverage as follows:
Professional Errors & Omissions: $ 1.000,000 per claim and ag~cgate
each occurrcncc
9.1 This Agreement and all of the covenants hereof shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
upon the OWNER and the ARCHITECT respcctively and all successors, assigns, and legal
representatives. Neithcr the OWNER nor the ARCHITECT shall havc the right to assign, transfer
or sublet thc interest or obligations hereunder without written consent of the other party.
9.2 In the event it becomcs necessary for cither party to this Agreemcnt to retain an attorney to
enforcc any of the temlS or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice rcquircd herein, then
the prevailing party or the party given notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and
costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel.
9.3 Any amendment of moditlcations of this Agreement or any provisions herein shall be made in
writing and executed in thc same manncr as this original document and shall aftcr execution
become a part of the Agreemcnt.
9.4 In thc event it is neccssary for either of the parties hereto to bring any action to cnforce the
terms and covenants ol"this agrcement, it is hercby agrced that the prevailing party shall bc entitled
to reasonable attomey's fees including fees and salary paid to the City Attorncy or other in-house
9.5 ARCHITECT shall give preference to the employment of Montana residents in accordance
with applicable portions of Title 18, Chapter 2, Part 4, MCA.
9.6 On all projects and contracts with thc Owner, ARCHITECT shall pay for all labor employed
the standard prevailing rate of wages. Thc standard prevailing rate of wages as used herein means
that standard prevailing rate of wages in the locality where the work is to bc pcrformed as
determincd by the Montana Commissioner of Labor pursuant to MCA 18-2-402 and as bound
herein. The ARCHITECT is directed to the Montana Commissioner of Labor for inf01111ation on
the standard prevailing rate of wages applicable to this contract within this area.
9.7 ARCHITECT hcrcby agrees to indemnify, dcfend and hold thc OWNER harmless from all
claims and liability due to thc activities of Architect, their agents, employees, or both, in
pedorrning the work required.
9.8. ARCHITECT is and shall perf 01111 this agrecment as an independcnt contractor, and as such, is
responsible to the OWNER only as to the results to be obtaincd in the work herein specified, and to
the extent that thc work shall be donc in accordance with the terms, plans and speci fications. 'fhe
ARCHITECT shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors,
agents and operations, being responsible tor any rcquircd payroll deductions and providing
required bencfits, such as, but not limitcd to, worker's compensation and unemploymcnt insurance.
TN WgNESS WHEREOF, the parties hercto have executed this Agreement the day and year first
abov written.
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~ob Per~ 0111, rincipal
;fntr'l~~~l>/ rchitecture, Inc.
Robin Sullivan, Clerk of Commission
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Chris Kukulski, City Manager
Approvcd as to form:
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