HomeMy WebLinkAboutModification 1 to County Contract with LSC Transportation Consultants - Feasibility Assessment of a Public Transportation System, 2006 . . t12004-127B COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 2004-127B dOOU'V.0<11 COUNTY CONTRACT ROUTING FORM *ALL FIELDS MUST BE FILLED OUT PRIOR TO CAO/FISCAL/ATIORNEY APPROVAL *ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE SIGNED BY OUTSIDE PARTY PRIOR TO ROUTING TO CAO/FISCAL OFFICER; UPON CAO/fISCAL APPROVAL CONTRACT WILL BE ROUTED TO COUNTY ATIORNEY *CONTRACT NAME: Modification # 1 to County Contract with LSC Transportation Consultants *BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT: Contract for Feasibility Assessment of a Pro Dosed Public Transportation System If this contract amends or is a change/task order to a previous contract, provide original contract #. *ORIGINAl CONTRACT #: ~6f)~7 *RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Grants & Proiects Administration *ACCOUNT #: ~qDD ~ *CONTRACT AMOUNTIf { :2-, 4:-L3 I *EFFECTIVE DATE: ~ / - *EXPIRATION DATE: ~_/_ *DATE SIGNED BY OUTSIDE PARTIES: _/ /_;~ /_;~ /- CAO APPROVED (For Dept. Heads Only): DATE: ~ /- FISCAL OFFICER APPROVED: DATE: 2- /~/~ COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED: DATE:L / 2-Lj /~ DATE SIGNED BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: ~/ Cj57 / ~ CLERK AND RECORDER KEEPS AN ORIGINAL AND WILL ROUTE A COpy OF THE APPROVED CONTRACT TO THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: ./ RESPONSIBLE/ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT " bEPUTY COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - ATTN: HELEN BALDWI~ ~ r;2) "Vl ./ AUDITOR ~ L~- U ./ FINANCE DEPT. DATE CLERK AND RECORDER DISBURSED COPIES: fli!;2J!IEi.-/cp0 /_ THE RESPONSIBLE/ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED TO MAIL COPIES AND/OR DUPLICATE ORIGINALS OF COMPLETED CONTRACTS TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES. . t MODIFICATION TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CHANGES IN PHASE TWO SCOPE OF WORK AND FINANCIAL COMPENSATION This addendum to contract documents dated March 31, 2004, by and between Gallatin County, a political subdivision of the State of Montana, with an address of 311 West Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715, hereinafter referred to as "County" and LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. with an address of 516 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. WHEREAS, Gallatin County and LSC Transportation Consultants entered into certain contract documents as defined below, beginning on the 31 st day of March, 2004 for specific services to be performed to conduct a comprehensive assessment of a Proposed Public Transportation System; and WHEREAS, upon completion and acceptance of Phase I of the contract the County desires to make changes to the remaining Phase II portion of the project; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has developed changes in the scope of work and financial compensation for Phase II that have been found to be acceptable to the County; and WHEREAS, the County and LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. are desirous of facilitating a modification to the contract that will facilitate the proposed changes. 1. PHASE II SCOPE OF WORK The project activities defined as being Phase 11 of the contract have been modified and are attached to this agreement as AttacIunent A. 2. COMPENSATION. Total compensation to LSC Transportation Consultants will be in amount not-to-exceed $49,978 as described in detail as Attachment "A" to this document. The Phase II portion of this compensation will be in an amount not-to-exceed $12.423. .. c::::;;;;;;:<';-;;;; ~"-- :;.K _~ Title: ~ ,.....: .j>c./ Date: .:l//ro~ t , MODIFICA TION TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CHANGES TN PHASE TWO SCOPE OF WORK AND FINANCIAL COMPENSA nON This addendum to contract documents dated March 31, 2004, by and between Gallatin County, a political subdivision of the State of Montana, with an address of 311 West Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715, hereinafter referred to as "County" and LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. with an address of 516 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. WHEREAS, Gallatin County and LSC Transportation Consultants entered into certain contract documents as defined below, beginning on the 31 st day of March, 2004 for specific services to be performed to conduct a comprehensive assessment of a Proposed Public Transportation System; and WHEREAS, upon completion and acceptance of Phase I of the contract the County desires to make changes to the remaining Phase II portion of the project; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has developed changes in the scope of work and financial compensation for Phase II that have been fouod to be acceptable to the County; and WHEREAS, the County and LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. are desirous of facilitating a modification to the contract that will facilitate the proposed changes. 1. PHASE II SCOPE OF WORK The project activities defined as being Phase II of the contract have been modified and are attached to this agreement as Attachment A. 2. COMPENSATION. Total compensation to LSC Transportation Consultants will be in amount not-to-exceed $49.978 as described in detail as Attachment "A" to this document. The Phase II portion of this compensation will be in an amount not-to-exceed $12.423. .. CONSULTANT ... -~';;; ~-~_/~ .:::. ; A Title: ~,.....<. '1'41 Date: .2.f'a/d ~ . Table 3 Phase One Project Cost Estimate Labor: Technical Clerical Stoddard Donahue Spielberg Support Support TOTAL Task 1: Project Administration 4 2 6 Task 2: Public Involvement Program 16 20 4 4 44 Task 3: Prepare Community Profile 4 24 4 32 Task 4: Community Telephone Survey 12 8 4 24 Task 5: Identify Transit Demand 4 12 4 4 24 Task 6: Develop Strategic Plan 12 12 2 26 Task 7; Evaluate Transit Service Scenarios 12 8 12 8 8 48 Task 8; Phase One Report 12 8 4 8 8 40 0 Total Hours 76 72 36 24 36 244 Direct Labor Rate $47.79 $23.89 $49.50 $22.00 $18.25 Direct Labor Cost $3,632 $1,720 $1,782 $528 $657 $8,319 Overhead $5,375 $2,546 $2,441 $781 $972 $12,116 Labor Subtotal $20,435 Direct Costs: Item Cost Travel $3,700 Per Diem $1,500 Printing/Copying $930 Telephone Survey $8,696 Courier/Postage $150 Telephone $100 Direct Costs Subtotal: $15,076 Fee (10 % of Labor) $2,044 Total Estimate: $37,555 .. . , Table 4 Phase Two Project Cost Estimate Labor: Technical Clerical Stoddard Donahue Spielberg Support Support TOTAL Task 1: Project Administration 4 1 5 Task 9: Organizational Structure 8 8 8 2 26 Task 10: Financial Plan 8 16 2 26 Task 11: Implementation Plan 12 16 8 4 40 Task 12: Phase Two Report 4 16 2 4 26 0 Total Hours 36 56 18 0 13 123 Direct Labor Rate $47.79 $23.89 $49.50 $22.00 $18.25 Direct Labor Cost $1,720 $1,338 $891 $0 $237 $4,187 Overhead $2,546 $1,980 $1,221 $0 $351 $6,098 Labor Subtotal $10,285 Direct Costs: Item Cost Travel $640 Per Diem $250 Printing/Copying $120 Courier/Postage $50 Telephone $50 Direct Costs Subtotal: $1,110 Fee (10 % of Labor) $1,028 Total Estimate: $12,423 " , ATTACHMENT A Scope of Work LSC proposes the following specific approach to the project based on our undcrstanding of Gallatin County's RFP and successful experience with other similar projects. A detailed Work Plan is included to complete the public transit feasibility study. The overall approach will include the collection of data, assessment of needs, identification of existing resourccs, develQpment of alternatives to provide service, and recommendation of implementation actions. The team will work closely with local staff to complete each proposcd task. We have found through experience in previous transit planning studies that this manncr of approaching the proposed Work Plan provides for a cost-effective use of resources as well as allowing the client staff to keep well apprised of our progress. ~ Task 1: Project Administration and Coordination Purpose: To ensufC coordination between the County Project Director and the LSC Project Manager. Approach: We will submit a monthly progress report with a detailed invoice. The progress report will describe the work completed during thc previous month, the percentage completed for each task, any problems cncountered and the resolu- tion, and the anticipated work during the coming month. LSC will develop and provide a list of data items nceded for the study. An initial "kick-off' meeting will be held in Bozeman among the Consultant Team, the Project Team, and others at the discretion of the local Project Director. Goals for the "kick-off' meeting include: . Review the data list to identify missing itcms and to decide a course of action to collect or develop additional data. . Finalize public involvement process to be used for the project such as strategies to be used with various interest groups and meeting dates. The Project Manager will also be in regular contact with the Gallatin County - .. Project Director to discuss aspects of the work program. This will include progress on upcoming interim reports, coordination of on-site activities, and scheduling meetings. Product: The end product of this task will be the ongoing coordination throughout the project. LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System Assessment Page 1 . PHASE ONE: PUBLIC OUTREACH /iliiIiilI Task 2: Public Involvement Program Purpose: To provide opportunities for community involvement in preparing the public transportation needs study. Approach: We propose to use a variety of techniques to involve the community in the evaluation of transportation needs. We propose to work with the Public Transit Stakeholders Advisory Board throughout the project. These stakeholders should represent a cross section of the community and provide input regarding nceds of their constituencies. We will prepare a summary brochure to be distributed at key points during the project. These will include an outline of the proposed strategic plan, the transit service scenarios, and the draft service recommendations. We will preparc and print the brochures for distribution. Distribution should include places for dis- semination of public interest information. We will also develop a mailing list of interested individuals and agencies and will send the information brochures to everyone on the mailing list. Public meetings will be held at key points during the project. The first meeting will bc an informational meeting to bc held early in the course of the project. This will be an opportunity for community residents to identify issues and pro- vide input on transportation needs. The first open house will be conducted at one or more community locations such as a grocery store, the library, or the mall. Several locations will be scheduled on one or two consecutive days. The second public meeting will be a workshop to present elements of the strategic transit plan and to reccive comments from the community on the strategic transit plan. At this time we will also attend a chamber of Commerce "Business After Hours" meeting to present the strategic plan. These two meetings should be scheduled on the same day. The third public meeting will be held to present the Phase One Draft Report and receive public comment. LSC will prepare a questionnaire to be sent by email to MSU students. The University will be responsible for sending the email. The questionnaires will be .~ returned to LSC for compilation and analysis. We also propose to provide a toll-free telephone number which may be used to contact members of the consultant team. Project reports will be posted on the Internet for easy access by community residents. Citizens will have the oppor- tunity to provide comment directly to the consultant team bye-mail. We have found dissemination of project reports via the Internet to be a vcry effective LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System ASSessment Page 2 . means of reaching many members ofthe community. Residents may use either their own computers or access the Internet at the local library. Product: This task will provide the opportunity for involvement of local citizcns in the planning process. ~ Task 3: Prepare Community Profile Purpose: To compile a database of current community economics and demographics. Approach: LSC proposes to include an updated demographic analysis of the Gallatin County area. The 2000 census data will be used as base data; and the updated census data from the local planning staff, social services agencies, and state agencies will be uscd as available. The analysis will rcflect the most recent information for the following: . General population . Youth (age IO to 15) . Elderly persons (65 years of age and older) . Persons with disabilities . University students . Automobile availability . Income . Employment Maps will be prepared for each of the demographic characteristics listed above using ArcView GIS software. In addition, LSC will collect updated information concerning major transit trip generators such as elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, social service program sites, hospitals, shopping centers, recreation areas, and employment centers. We will review local planning documents to identify potential new areas of transit demand within the community. This task will provide the baseline information which will be used to estimate public transportation needs and to establish areas of the community which should be given priority for transportation services. Product: The results of this task will be presented as part of Working Paper #1. ~ Task 4: Conduct Community Telephone Survey Purpose: The purpose of the community telephonc survey is to identify needs of the local residents and attitudes or pcrceptions regarding public transportation service and the willingness to fund the service. LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System Assessment Page 3 ~ , Approach: The team recommends conducting a lO-minute random digit dial (RDD) tele- phone survey of residents within the study area. The survey will be conducted using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) system. This type of survey will allow for the collection of high quality data in a relatively short period of time that can be used in making critical management decisions. The total number of interviews proposed is entirely based on the level of anal- ysis that is to be conducted with the data. At a minimum, the team recommends a sample size of no less than 384 surveys, which would provide a representative sample of the entire population with results significant at the 95 percent con- fidence level with a standard error of:l:5 percent. The sample size would increase as samples of independent market segments increase. A sample size of 1,200 will provide the 95 percent /:1:5 percent results for up to four market segments. Our proposal is to use a sample size of 400 rcsponses, but we would be pleased to increase the size if additional data are desired by Gallatin County. We will provide a draft questionnaire to the Stakeholders Board for review and approval prior to initiating the data collection. Input for the questionnaire will be solicited from the Stakeholders Board during the project kick-off meeting. Attempts will be made to include cell phone numbers in the randomly selected sample. Product: The telephone survey methodology and findings will be presented in Working Paper #1 for review by the Advisory Board. ~ Task 5: Identify Transit Demand Purpose: To develop an updated assessment of transit demand in the study area and to determine the needs of specific transit user groups and their demand for transit servIces. Approach: LSC will employ a series of small city demand estimation techniques for both the general population and particular market segments including elderly and disabled populations, youth, employment, educational trips, and social service demand. LSC has developed and used these techniques successfully in the past. Peer-based methodologies also will be applied to assess transit demand. The demand estimation will be determined by census block groups and will be an accurate and reproducible method for projecting ridership. .. The assessment of transit needs will identify demand for the current period and projections for three, five, and ten-year planning horizons. Product: The product of this task will be transit demand estimates reported in a series of tables and graphics. The needs analysis and demand estimates will be presented as part of Working Paper # 1 which will be submitted at the end of this task. LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System Assessment Page 4 . l;ij Task 6: Develop Strategic Public Transportation Plan Purpose: To develop a long-range vision and strategic plan for transportation services in the Bozeman area. Approach: This task is probably the single most important task in the entire project. During this task, the long-range vision for transportation serviccs will be identified and then a strategic plan will be developed. We propose to conduct a half-day workshop with the Advisory Board to develop the vision and strategic plan. The workshop should be scheduled to follow sub- mittal of Working Papcr # 1. This will ensure that all the background information is available to the Advisory Board to help formulate the strategic plan. The workshop will be conducted by A. T. Stoddard and Frank Spielberg. Both have experience working with boards to develop a vision and strategic plan. During the workshop, we will identify the vision for public transportation services. This vision will set the broad direction for transit services over the next 20 years. We will then develop goals for public transportation services. The goals will include long-range goals for 10 years and short-range goals for the next 5 years. We will outline specific objcctives for each of the goals. Following the workshop, we will prepare the draft strategic plan. We will document the results of the workshop and formulate this into a strategic plan. The draft strategic plan will be submitted as Working Paper #2. We will again meet with the Project Team to revise the strategic plan based on their review. Product: The draft strategic plan will be submitted as Working Paper #2. 4lii!il Task 7: Develop and Evaluate Transit Service Scenarios Purpose: The purpose of this task is to identify service alternatives for three different transit service scenarios. Approach: We will work with the local staff and the Project Team to develop three transit service scenarios. We will also work cooperatively to identify service alternatives to be considered for each of the scenarios. The alternatives will be formulated based on the unmet needs identified in Task 5. These alternatives will also address the issues which are developed as part ofthe study process and will be evaluated using the goals and objectives set by the Advisory Board as ~ part of the strategic plan. Alternatives to be considered may include fixed-route service, demand-response service, checkpoint service, and flexible routing. The types of service will be considered based on the geographic relationship of transit needs and the estimates of demand. LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System A..se.".ment Page 5 .. The Consultant Team will develop descriptive information on each service alternative. The information will be used in the analysis of each alternative and the development of recommendations to the Projcct Team. The following information will be providcd for each alternative: . Type of service to be offered. . Operating characteristics over the term of the plan. These charactcristics include service areas, routes and schedules, hours of operation, vehicle mileage, ridership, etc. . Financial characteristics including operating, capital and administrative costs, fare, charter, advertising, tax, and other revenues. . Legal considerations including institutional structure and constraints. . Equipment needs including a capital equipment plan showing equipment to be purchased. . Provisions for meeting the needs of the elderly, persons with disabilities, and other transit-dependent populations. . Projected vehicle mileage and the potential for rehabilitating vehicles prior to new purchases. LSC will participate in a public meeting at the end of this task to present the findings of the analysis to residents of the community. Again, it will be extremely important to involve the public at this stage to select the preferred set of alternatives and to participate in the refinement of that set. Comments from the public will be incorporated into the selection of a preferred alternative which may incorporate elements trom a number of different alternatives which have been analyzed. Product: The analysis of alternatives and the three scenarios will be described in Working Paper #3. The Consultant will also meet with the TAC to present the results of the analysis and to assist in the selection of a recommendation. ~ Task 8: Phase One Report "Purpose: To provide a Final Report for Phase One to be reviewed by the Advisory Board and the community. Approach: The work from the previous tasks will be compiled into a Draft Phase One Report which will be submitted forreview. We will present the Draft Report at a meeting of the Advisory Board. The Draft Report will contain conclusions and recommendations regarding: LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System A.'sessmenl Page 6 '. . Boundaries of the transit district . Costs of operating the district . District demographics and potential transit demand . Public and private support for fonnation of a transit district . Service plan Following presentation and review of the Draft Report, we will prepare and submit the Phase One Final Report. Product: This task will result in the Phase One Draft and Pinal Reports. PHASE TWO: FEASIBILITY OF ESTABLISHMENT OF URBAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT ~ Task 9: Organizational Structure Purpose: To detennine the administrative feasibility of implementing an Urban Trans- portation District. Approach: Based on Montana Statues, we will identify the composition and powers of the Urban Transportation District. We will also include a peer analysis of the other Urban Transportation Districts in Montana which operate public transit services in Great Falls and Missoula. We will also provide a comparison with Billings which operates as a branch of City Government. The final institutional structure to be examined will be operation of public transit service by a nonprofit corporation. The advantages and disadvantages ofthe institutional structures will be identified. We will specifically address the advantages of each institutional structure with respect to the ability to coordinate with or to provide regional transportation services in multiple counties. Although there are advantages to forming a separate district, there are other options such as an agency fonned by intergovernmental agreement or a nonprofit corporation that may he more ben- eficial. Product: The organizational and administrative structure will be presented as part of the Phase Two Draft Report. ~ Task 10: Financial Plan Purpose: To provide a financial plan which will direct implementation of a fiscally- constrained operations plan. .. Approach: Operating costs will be developed based upon type and level of service indicated in the final plan. Sources of operating revenue (e.g., fares, advertising) will be calculated for each year ofthe Transit Plan. The Capitallmprovement Program will identify capital costs by year. Operating costs will be combined with annual capital expenses to determine total annual system costs. Potential sources of LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System Assessment Page 7 .. funding from private, local, state, and federal agencies will be examined so that the annual operating deficit is covered by a realistic financial support program. Product: The financial plan will be presented as part of the Phase Two Draft Report. ~ Task 11: Implementation Plan Purpose: The purpose of this task is to refine the recommended alternatives to provide local staff and decision-makers with a blueprint for operation, funding, and management of the recommended transit service. Approach: Following a review and approval of the Phase One Report, we will develop an implementation plan. Information from previous tasks will be used to compile the implementation plan. Following the selection of the preferred alternative, the implementation and operations program will be developed in more detaiL The interim plan being developed by a local task force will be used as the starting point for the implementation plan. We will identify the interim budget and operations plan which will be in place in 2006. This interim plan will fonn the basis for developing the five-year implementation plan to move to establish the preferred service plan. The elements of the program to be addrcssed include: . Service and Operations Plan - An operational plan will be developed for the selected alternatives and will include, as appropriate, the type and level of service, operational management, routes, headways, major stops, farc structure, and other operating aspects. A rccommendation will be provided whether to set up operations in-house within the proposed organization or to contract for all or a portion of the operations. . Capital and Support Facility Plan ~ Bascd upon the selected transit service alternatives and level of service, a capital and support facility plan will be developed. This will include, as appropriate, number and type of vehicles, signs, shelters, administrative space and equipment, dispatching equipment, and all other capital expenditures and procurement during the planning period. . Implementation Plan - LSC will develop a detailed schedule to ensure that the recommended changcs can be implemented in a workable manner. This schedule will identify the entities responsible for implementation of each .. plan element. All ofthese plan elements will be prepared for the planning period. Specifically, the Transit Plan will identify the recommended transit service and provide a series of readily-understandable "snapshots" of how the transit service will mature over the planning horizon. LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System Assessment Page 8 ., Product: The product of this task will be part of the Phase Two Draft Report. - Task 12: Phase Two Final Report Purpose: To provide a Final Report for Phase Onc to be reviewed by the Advisory Board and the community. Approach: The work from the previous tasks will be compiled into a Draft Phase Two Report which will be submitted for rcview. We will present the Draft Report at a meeting of the Advisory Board. Following presentation and review of the Draft Report, we will prepare and submit the Phase Two Final Report Product: This task will result in the Phase Two Draft and final Reports. " LSC Gallatin County Public Transportation System A,\'sessment Page 9 ! .. Table 3 Phase One Project Cost Estimate Labor: Technical Clerical Stoddard Donahue Spielberg Support Support TOTAL Task 1: Project Administration 4 2 6 Task 2: Public Involvement Program 16 28 4 4 52 Task 3: Prepare Community Profile 4 24 4 32 Task 4: Community Telephone Survey 12 8 4 24 Task 5: Identify Transit Demand 4 12 4 4 24 Task 6: Develop Strategic Plan 12 12 2 26 Task 7: Evaluate Transit Service Scenarios 12 8 12 8 8 48 Task 8: Phase One Report 12 8 4 8 8 40 0 Total Hours 76 80 36 24 36 252 Dlrecllabor Rate $47.79 $23.89 $49.50 $22.00 $18.25 Dlrecllabor Cost $3,632 $1,911 $1,782 $528 $657 $8,510 Overhead $5,375 $2,829 $2,441 $781 $972 $12,399 Labor Subtotal $20,909 Direct Costs: Item Cost Travel $3,700 Per Diem $1,500 Printing/Copying $930 Telephone Survey $10,000 Courier/Postage $150 Telephone $100 Direct Costs Subtotal: $16,380 Fee (10 % of Labor) $2,091 Total Estimate: $39,380 ... .' Tabla. Phase Two Project Cost Estimate labor: Technical Clencal Stoddard Donahue Spielberg Support Su pport TOTAL Task 1: Project Administration 4 1 5 laRk 9: Organizational Structure 8 8 8 2 26 Task 10: Financial Plan 8 16 2 26 Task 11: Implemenlation Plan 12 16 8 4 40 Task 12: Phaee Two Report 4 16 2 4 26 0 Total Hours 36 56 18 0 13 123 Direct Labor Rate $47.79 $23.89 $49.50 $noo $18,25 Direct Labor Cost $1,720 $1,338 $891 $0 $237 $4,187 Overhead $2,546 $1,980 $1,221 $0 $351 $6,098 labor Subtotal $10,285 Direct Costs: Item Cost Travel $640 Per Diem $250 Printing/Copying $120 Courier/Postage $50 Telephone $50 Direct Costs Subtotal' $1,110 Fee (10 % of labor) $1,028 Total Estimate: $12,423 .. (; ~ . Task Month q 'I .. . ~ I! "I [] I' n::y? II -:--F.-4':- ,j ~ ' [J !l :.-.. II k~--_ " ~ ~ II l ~ ~ P ,I .. II :~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II 0 ~ ~ --~''-- " '" ~, . LEGEND o Public Transportation Stakeholders Advisory Board Meeting iE; &" Draft Report t!L o Final Report ~-~:::--~ "K~~. ," ---_: -~- ...__~_a.-~ ., ---, ,y:~ ----..--.-::'-.-:----'---,---.,.::.::.-------'--,- .- ---.-.-.---. .-- -.-.'. TRAN~P9RT A TION CONS L ANTS. tNC.