HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- C.O.B. Water Renovation Project Change Order No. 2 ... . HKM Engineering Inc. CHANGE ORDER TO: Mr. Rick Hixson Change Order No: 2 City of Bozeman Date: November 16, 2000 PO Box 640 Project No.: 04M 229.134 Bozeman, MT 59771-0640 ContractFor:C.O.B. VVater Renovation Project It has been detennined necessary and in the best interest of the OWNER to modify certain portions of the PROJECT above and the CONTRACT dated Mav 16. 2000, and in accordance with Article 10 of the General Conditions. The following changes are hereby agreed to: DESCRIPTION: Reconciling Change Order for as-built quantity adjustments. As-built quantity adjustments are presented as an attachment to this change order entitled RECONCILING CHANGE ORDER - Exhibit A. A ITACHMENTS: RECONCILING CHANGE ORDER - Exhibit A Not valid until signed by both the Owner and Engineer. Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herewith, including any adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. The Original Contract Sum was $ 536.218.75 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 536.218.75 The Contract Sum will be (decreased) by this Change Order $ 77.674.35 The new Contract sum including this Change Order will be $ 458.544.40 The Contract Time will be (increased) by.Q. days The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is August 16. 2000 \ \ SERVER\PROJECTS\Div. 04\4m229.134\Change Order 2.doc ,- . .' CONTRACTOR: ENGINEER: }3I'G X :ct\lc. HKM Engineering Inc. :~~x~ Name ByG~ \ It \. tf) Representati ve if Representative V. p. ~~~J ~;~~D'V^ Title APPROVED: CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA OVVNER By: ~ ~ . Representati ve City Manager Title F:\Div. 04\4rn229.134\Change Order 2.doc # - - 04M229.134 City of Bozeman Water Renovation Project RECONCILING CHANGE ORDER Exhibit A RASE RID ITEM ORIGINAL FINAL QUANTIIY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTIIY ADJUSTMENT PRICE 103 200 153.33 .46,67 LF 3" TO 6" WATER MAIN 40,00 ($1,867) 104 3830 3728.33 -101.67 LF 8" WATER MAIN 40,00 ($4,067) 109 15 17 2 EA 3" TO 6" GATE VALVE 600,00 $1,200 110 14 11 -3 EA 8" GATE VALVE 800.00 ($2,400) 113 17 14 -3 EA 8" TEE - ALL SIZES 300,00 ($900) 121 15 12 -3 EA 8" BEND. ALL ANGLES 225,00 ($675) 124 8 5 -3 EA 8" REDUCER - ALL SIZES 190.00 ($570) 126 1 0 .1 EA 12" REDUCER - ALL SIZES 300.00 ($300) 128 14 11 -3 EA 3" TO 6" WATER MAIN CONNECTION 500,00 ($1,500) 129 2 1 .J EA 8" WATER MAIN CONNECTION 500,00 ($500) 130 2 3 1 EA 10" WATER MAIN CONNECTION 525,00 $525 132 3 I -2 EA PLUG & THRUST BLOCK W AIER MAIN 150,00 ($300) 135 8 7 -1 EA NEW FIRE HYDRANT 2,500,00 ($2,500) 137 55 36 -19 EA NEAR SIDE WS CONNECnON 500.00 ($9,500) 138 40 12 -28 EA FAR SIDE WS CONNECTION 500.00 ($14.000) 139 580 305.1 -274.9 LF NEW WATER SERVICE LINE 40,00 ($10,996) 140 25 8 -17 EA CURB STOP 100,00 ($1,700) 147 26 0 -26 LF 12" STORM DRAIN PIPE 30,00 ($780) 149 1 0 -I EA STORM DRAIN INLET 1.000.00 ($1,000) 157 25 28 3 EA STORM SEWER LATERAL CROSSING 500,00 $1,500 158 54 32 -22 EA SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CROSSING 250,00 ($5,500) 159 10 26 16 EA UNDERGROUND U11UTY CROSSING 200.00 $3.200 160 60 8 .52 HR EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION 100.00 ($5,200) 161 460 504 44 SF RIGID INSULATION BLANKET LSO $66 169 500 0 .500 UNITS ADD, TRAfFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1.00 ($500) 170 4462 3839.44 .622.56 LF ASPHALT SURFACE RESTORATION 18,75 ($11,673) 184 350 150 -200 SF GRASS SURFACE RESTORATION 1.00 ($200) 188 375 300,9 -74,1 SF CONCRETE SIDEWALK RESTORATION 5,00 ($37]) 189 80 30,6 -49.4 LF CURB & GUTIER RESTORATION 10.00 ($494) Base Rid Total C08t (decrca..,) ($71,001) ALTERNATE NO.1 103 25 15 -10 LF 3" TO 6" WATER MAIN 40,00 $ (400.00 104 390 358,9 -31.1 LF 8" W AIER MAIN 40.00 $ (1,244,00) 110 2 1 -1 EA 8" GATE VALVE 800.00 $ (800,00 129 1 0 -1 EA 8" WATER MAIN CONNECTION 500.00 $ (500,00) 137 2 5 3 EA NEAR SIDE WS CONNEC110N 500.00 $ 1.500,00 138 4 1 -3 EA FAR SIDE WS CONNECTION 500,00 $ (I,500.00 139 22 0 -22 LF NEW WATER SERVICE UNE 40,00 $ (880,00) 140 3 0 -3 EA CURB STOP 100.00 $ (300,00) 157 2 1 -1 EA STORM SEWER LATERAL CROSSING 500.00 $ (500,00) 161 360 270 -90 SF RIGID BLANKET INSULATION 1.50 $ (135,00) 169 100 112 12 UNITS ADD, TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1.00 $ 12,00 170 415 352 -63 LF ASPHALT SURFACE RESTORATION 18,75 $ (I,l8125 184 70 0 -70 SF GRASS SURFACE RESTORA110N 1.00 $ 170.00 188 100 25 -75 SF CONCRETE SIDEWALK RESTORA 110N 5.00 $ (375.00 189 30 0 -30 LF CURB & OUTIER RESTORA110N 10.00 $ (300,00 Alternate No, 1 Total C081 (decrcasc) $ (6,673.25) TOTAL CONTRACT COST (decrellSe): $ (77.674,35)