HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 3 BPC 5 9 19 PPM Report1.DDate: May 3, 20L9To: Bozeman Parking CommissionFrom: Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerAn update of major developments, in Apr¡|, includes:o T2:Financial UpdateRevenues for the fiscal yeor øre ot 775% (w/out TIFD funds).Expenditures for the fiscol yeor ore ot 9U/o (w/out TIFD funds)BOZEMAN PARKI NG COM M ISSIONPam Manaer's Reaaaao Electrical and conduit installation has begun, to be ready for the installation of 5 new 'front plate' camerason May 20,2OI9.o PCS lnc. (Genetec subcontractor) developed a reporting/analysis procedure that allows the PPM tointegrate the Fixed LPR and T2 Flex software in order to prepare occupancy permits itemized by statusand permit type.Transition to new offices at parkinF garaÊe: The Parking Services Division completed the move to its new officesat the Bridger Downtown Parking Garage on 5/2/L9.The Facility Management, lnformation Technology, EconomicDevelopment, and Neighborhood Departments provided critical assistance in making this a successful transition.Ops Manual: PEO Tucker, assisted by other PEO's and the PPM, completed a final draft of the department's first-ever Operotions Mqnuol which details the specific policies and procedures related to parking enforcement,uniforms, safety, vehicle maintenance, external agency relationships, customer service, and other importantissues.ARB: The PPM worked with the City Attorney's office to draft the forms and operational procedures necessary forthe proper operation of the recently created Administrative Review Board (ARB). The ARB held its first meetingon April 26th, for the purpose of finalizing these items and setting a regular schedule for future meetings,Public Engagement'PPDs'#1: The first of three planned public engagement sessions to discuss the current ParkingPermit District framework was held 4/3O/I9,5 pm, Bozeman City Hall. Sixteen citizens attended the session, andengaged in a productive conversation.Media: The PPM gave an interview to KBZK on the (non) impacts to Bozeman of a recent court ruling that foundthe use of physical chalking for parking enforcement as unconstitutional.Fire Exercise Parking: The Parking Services Division worked with the Fire and Streets Department to create atemporary 'No Parking' zone on Lamme Street so that BFD can hold training exercises in a set of condemnedbuildings prior to demolition.Feasibilitv Analvsis Matrix: The PPM worked with the Downtown Business Partnership and EconomicDevelopment Department to create a weighted matrix for use in the on-going public parking site feasibilityanalysis.aaa
April 2OL9 - Revenue & Expenditure ReportREVENUEParking Lot PermitsGarage PermitsGarage- Transient RevenueGarage Validation CouponsResidential Nghbd.PermitsEmployee Ngbhd. PermitsVisitor Ngbhd. PermitsAdmin/Late FeesBoot FeesCitation RevenueMisc. RevenueRe nts/Roya lties/Othe rRefunds & ReimbursementsCollection FeesTransfer Other Funds (TIFD)TOTAL (w/TIFD Transfer)TOTAL (w/out TIFD Transfer)EXPENDITUREAdmin - Personnel SAdmin -- Operating 5Admin -- Capital SEnforcement -- Personnel $Enforcement -- Operating $Enforcement -- Capital SGarage -- Personnel SGarage -- Operating SGarage -- Capital $TOTAL (w/Admin Capital - TIFD) STOTAL (w/out Admin Capital-TIFD) SFY 18 - AprilACTUALs 40,290.00s 320,194.00s 98,t32.O05 3,520.00s 33,682.00s 4,882.005 22,135.00s 45,904.00s soo.00$ 24s,105.00s 3,014.00s r,837.00s 1,229.005 17,158.00s 250,000.005 1,140,785.00S 890,785.00FY 19BUDGET30,000.00280,000.0075,500.003,000.0013,000.002,000.0010,500.0042,000.002,000.00300,000.00FY 19ACTUALFY 19ACTUAL%EARNEDYTD0%o%o%o%o%o%o%o%o%o%NAo%o%o%0%o%o%%SPENTYTDo%o%Oo/oo%o%N/Ao%o%N/Ao%0%ss5ssss$sssssss5sssssssss$ssssssFY 18 - AprilACTUAL58,157.00161-,527.O0105,794.00175,074.0032,756.0033,447.0OL72,r76.0O738,93L.00633,137.001,500.006,000.00250,000.00Sl,,o15,5oo.oos 765,500.00FY 19BUDGET87,553.00'1,67,255.00L02,031.00223,641.0051,086.0010,000.0042,!68.0O175,637.0O859,371.00757,340.00ssssss5sssssss5$sss5ss
Active Projects: Strategic Parking Management PlanMay 2019STRATEGY DESCRIPTIONFormalize the guiding PrinciPlesas policies within the parking andtransporation system plan.Adopt the 85% rule as thestandard for measuringperformance of the parkingsupply and triggering specificmanagement strategies.Strengthen the role of theParking Manager and the ParkingServices Division - to betterintegrate with the CommunityDevelopment and EconomicDevelopment planning.Establish a policy for adjustingrates (on and off-street)Establish a Capital MaintenanceReserve FundRe-evaluate and restructurecurrent cash-in-lieu progra mCOMPLETEDPENDINGHOLD/NOT STARTEDACTUALCOMPLETIONCOMMENTSAug-16Adopted by the BPC in8/2016.Aug-16Adopted by the BPC in81201.6.PPM attending DRCmeetings, and offeringdata/comment as staffrevlew.Adopted by the BPC inr0/2076.BPC approved Resolution2017-o3 (6120t7]'; citvCommission approvedResolution H4837 on811.4117.BPC adopted Resolution2018-03 recommending CILincrease to S25000(6 / 2018\; City CommissionCCApproved new APPROVAL of ResolutionCIL rate 525,@0 4292 (increasing clLP tot2lt7lt9 $2s000) ont2ltTlrgiPROJECTEDCOMPLETION1234On-GoingI ul-16TBDOn-GoingOct-16CC Approval8lL4l7756
8Re-evaluate code basedminimum parking requirementsRe-evaluate and clarify thepurpose and intent of thecurrent code section regardingSpecial lmprovement D¡strict S56s.lmplement a Fac¡litiesMaintenance Plan.TBD72/30/2018 On-goingPPM worked with the EDdept on changes to theminimum parking standards(UDC) in the B2M zone,approved bV CC9/20171,PPM actively attendinginternal DRC meet¡ngs tooffer guidance on PolicYissues; ACM winn is re-assembling an internal"Parking Strategy Team" (atinstruction of City Manager),3hh8; lnternal'ParkingStrategy Team' ¡s operating,strategies regarding #6,7,8are expected to beforthcoming (6/2018)PPM is waiting on theAdmin./Legal Depts. Forfurther instruction on thisisue; ACM Winn is re-assembling an internal"Parking Strategy Team" (atinstruction of City Manager),3l I/ 18; lnternal'ParkingStrategy feam' is oPerating,strategies regarding #6,7,8are expected to beforthcoming (6/201.8l.PPM is completing researchfor facility mgt. bestpractices, starting to draftFac. Mgt. plan,8117;April/l9 - PPM acquired FacMgt plan for MSU garageand met with localengineering firm to discuss;9
Data collection ocurred,the Strategic10Develop a reasonable scheduleof data collection to assessperformance, including anaccurate on and off streetinventory (public and private)and an occupancy/utilizationanalysis,shl17 &7lLlrlParking Management Plan,Spring and Summer 2017;WTI report (draft) submitted912017 , under staff reviewat this time; Final commentssubmitted to WTI formodif ication, t0 I 23 / t7 ; f hefinal WTI Parking OccuPancYReport was released on7t/ t4 1 2017, ana lysis isunderway - includingreview/memorandum fromRlck Williams Consulting.1st shared use agreementnegotiated and approvedLLt2ldentify off-street shared useopportunities based on datafrom strategy 9. Establish goalsfor transitioning employees,begin outreach to opportunitysites, negot¡ate agreements, andassign employees to facilities.Complete the 2008 ParkingDistrict ldentificationSignage/Brandlng Plan(June 2017); Completion ofWTI Parking OccupancyStudy on IIhalfl isexpected to demonstrateareas where new sharedspace agreements will bemost effective; Shared UseAgreement and GIS LaYercomplete 6/1/18; PPM isidentifying severa I privateparking sites as potentialareas for shared use parkingagreements,Work has begun to designand implement lot specificsignage on "P" towers.Likewise, the PPM isworking to developadditional technologyrelated and regulatorysignage for the garage andlots based on the 2008format; COMPTETE October20t8
13Clarify current on-street parkingsignage, particularly in areaswhere unlimited parking isallowed. Consider incorporatingthe current City parking logo intoon-street signage.Rename all publicly owned lotsand garages by address.Upgrade the access/revenuecontrol system at the BridgerGarage.PSD, ¡n cooperation with theGIS Department, hascompleted an inventory ofall parking signs and zoneswithin the B-3. Theinventory has been loadedas a map layer to the COB'sGIS viewer, and is availableto the public atbozeman.net . Next step ¡sto review current situationagainst desired changes formodifiying field conditionsas deemed appropriate.Resolution 2018-06 waspresented and approved atrhe 8ll2lL8 meet¡ng of theBPC.in final stages of awardreccomendation, as of917 lI7. Following 9l2OI7bid award, staff is engagedin final contract negotiationsand project planning;Contracts signed 7Ol L6/ 17 -Scope of Work signedtO / 27 | 77 ; Project lau nchexpected by L2/7/17:Project kick off call heldLt hO I L7, data conversionand preliminary staffining underway; Dataconversion is nearingcompletion of second dataextraction, staff training isunderway, transitionplanning on-going;estimated GOLIVE of4l28lt8tT2 Software and alltechnology (inc. LPR)installed; contlnuing tomake operatlonal tweaks,and remedy fixed-cameraaccuracy ("context") issuesas o19l6lt8.L415sl712O!8
L6T718lnstall a vehicle counter systemat Bridger Garage and at theSurface lots.Establish best practice protocolsand performance metrics forexisting enforcement Personneland support enforcement witha ppropriate technologY.Expand bike parking network tocreate connections betweenparking and the downtown toencourage employee bikecommute triPs and drawcustomers to sowntownbusinesses.Explore changes to existingresidential on street permitprograms and evaluatepotentially implement newresidential parking permitd¡stricts in the neighborhoodnortha nd south of thedowntown commercia I district.Evaluate on street pricing in highoccupancy areas.Explore expanding accesscapacity with new parking supPlyand/or transit2ltl2oleOn-GoingOn-goingOn-goinglnstallation of vehiclecounting system has beenmoved to "Phase ll" of the2018 Pa rking TechnologYProject; following successfulcompletion of t "Phase l" -T2 and fixed/mobile LPR.Court/Appeals Packet(4/u); Uniform Policy(8/17); Enhanced SafetyProcedures; SecuritYCamera Policy; LPR Policy;PEO Assigned Routes Policy;Dept, Operat¡ons Manualcompleted al28h9;PPM met with City's' bike/pedestrian' consultantto open the door forpotential new pa rtnershiPs;follow up planned for SPring2079City Commission requested(17/20h7) that this effortbe complete, withrecommendation to them,by late Spring/Early Summer2018. PPM will providepreliminary repor to BPC on3/8h8, final report on4/ 12/ t8; Presentation toCity Commission ona/ß/18; Post-CC report, thePPM continues to work onrevised code changes andRPPD determinations foreventual resubmittal to CC;Draft outline for newParking Perm¡t D¡strictsfinalized bV BPC lI2h8l,public engagement plannedfor APril and May 20L9;Public Engagement Sessíon#1 (of 3l held 4/30/19 togather input on the BPC'sdraft proposal for thecreation of new PPDs,No activity at this t¡me19202Lr/r/2019On-goingNo activity at this time
222324Develop cost forecasts forpreferred parking supply andshuttle options.Explore and develop fundingoptions.Explore the implementation ofon street pricing.Consider consolidating currentusers of the Carnegie Lot into theBridger Garagó. Sell the CarnegieLot to fund acquisition of lbetterlocated parking parcels and/orconstruct¡on of a parking garage.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No act¡vity at this timePPM is participating inseveral separate economicdevelopment projects thatnewparking facilities 17 /2OI8l.The internal parking strategyteam has identified thls as apriority action, and asitinlunding plan is beingdeveloped for furthercomment and action bycommunity stakeholders -including the BPC. ; Twoseparate feasibility studiesare underway at this time 1)feasibility of additionaldecks to the existing garage,2) feasibility of several newstructured parking sites indowntown - results from#1 expected 3h/18,#2bvsl2078.2526 lnitiate new capacity expansion.