HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 2 BPC 5 9 19 Homebase Conversion and Occ dataHBPHOIIEgA3C PARTNERS20 North Tracy AvenueBozeman, Montana 5971 5HomeBaseParlners.com406 104.1788Mr. Ed MeeseParking Program ManagerCity of Bozeman20 East Ol¡ve StreetBozeman, MontanaDear Mr, Meese:The purpose of this letter is to supplement the informat¡on HomeBase Partners previously submitted insupport of íts request to convert monthly parkíng perm¡ts to Uniform Development Code ("UDC")qualifying long-term lease parking spaces.HomeBase currently holds 113 standard monthly park¡ng permits in the Bridger Park Garage, whichHomeBase pays for on an annual basis. HomeBase originally secured these permits in April, 2015.HomeBase requests the Parking Commission convert 78 of the 113 standard monthly parking leases toUDC leases for meeting Uniform Development Code ("UDC') parking requirements pursuant to theParking Commíssion's Parking Lease Policy.The Brídger Parkíng Garage has 435 spaces, includÍng spaces for parking leases, monthly parkingpermits, and first-come, first-served parking. The Commission's Parking Lease Policy states that the totalnumber of available spaces for rental in the Bridger Parking Garage will be determined by theCommission utilizing the adopted Lease Limit Calculation methodology. HomeBase's request has noeffect on the number of parking spaces available because HomeBase seeks only to convert the statusof parklng spaces it already leases.The Commission's Parking Lease Policy states the UDC leases are available to ent¡ties that are requiredto previde additiena! parking rpaqer ta meçt the Çity's UDÇ reqqirements, Per the Beliçy, the leaEes arelimited to the actual number of parking spaces required by the UDC, net of any offsets, reductions, oronsite spaces provided.HomeBase seeks to utilize these spaces ín conjunction with the development of the new AC HotelBozeman project located across the street from Bridger Park Garage, specifically 5 East Mendenhall. lnorder to meet the UDC, the hotel project is required to provide 78 parking spaces which it seeks to fulfillusing the Brídger Park Garage. The project has been revÌsed since our Ìetter of last year. Theçgmmefçial/retail space has been removed, resulting in a reduction of the required parking spaces' lt ísalso important to note that of the 78 parking spaces, most will be utilized by hotel guests during eveningand weekend hours.Our request is consístent with the Commission's Parking Lease Policy. The Lease Limit Calculationgenerated in October 2018 indicates weekday peak hour occupancy did not exceed 74%. With nofurther data available, we felt it was important to understand the actual use of the garage, as opposedto using one data point duríng peak occupancy to calculate lease l¡mits. Stahly Engineering was reta¡ned to conduct parking counts in the Bridger Park Garage beginning 3/5 andending 4/1. Stahly collected video of the entire garage 6 times during each weekday and 4 times duringweekãnd days for a total of 147 separate counts. As indicated in the attached report, actual use ofthegarage is much lower than the peak occupancy figure used ín the Lease Limít Caiculation.During the 4 week study, actual data ind¡cates the garage rarely exceeds 50% occupied, with peak usageoccurring during the week day at 1:O0pm. From the hours of 4pm through 9am when the AC Hotelwould create most of its parking activity, the garage never exceeded 50% occupancy during theweekday. On weekends, the occupancy is even lower, with occupancy generally ranging from 2O-40Yo(except during the Run to the Pub event which was the highest occupancy at 307 cars)'Further, the primary use of aur requested spaces is fqr hstel guests whq would largely utilize the Saragewhen it is least occupied - at n¡ght. Of the 78 parking spaces, the AC Hotel would use 16 spaces foremployee parking. The remaining 62 would be utilized by guests. A typical guest will utilize the garagefor overnight parking which would not beg¡n until after the 3:00 p,m. check-in time'perhaps most lmportantly, lt bearc repeating that HomeBase is not ask¡ng the Commisslon to lssue anadditíonal 78 parking p"tri6. Rather, we slmply seek the reclassífication of 78 of the monthlyparking permits we alieady lea¡e, The reclassification will allqw these existing perm¡ts to sltalifu formeeting the UDC requirements. The garage will be utilized by the AC Hotel project primarily at nightand weekends, when the garage is least used, without significantly affecting available daytime use'For these reasons, we respectfully request the Commission grant our request to reclassify the 78monthly parkíng permits to UDC lease spaces for the proposed AC Hotel Bozeman project' 353O Centennial Drive, Helena, MT 59601 | phone: 406442€594851 Brirlf,er Drive, Suite 1, Bozeman, MT 59715 | phone:406-522-85942223 Montana Avenue, Sulte 201, Billln{s, MT 59101 | phone: 406'6014055www.seâeng.comMemoDate. April2,2019Subjed: BridçrPark Do,vntcn¡vn Garage -Vehicþ CountTo: HomeBase MontanaBackground:Stahly Engineering & Associates, lnc. was retained by Homebase Montana to conduct a parkingcouniof tñe Bridgãr Park Downtown Garage. The data collection officially began on 3/5/2019 andhas continued through 41112019.Data Collection Procedurc:The study consisted of routine video collection of the entire parking gerege between the hours of6:00 am ãnd 8:OO pm. During the week (M-F) video was collected on six separate occasions atthe hours of 6:30 am, 9:00 am, 1:OO pm, 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 8:0O pm. Duringthe weekend (S- Su) a collection schedule was established at the hours of 8:00 am, 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm, and 8:00pm.Ã totatof 14T separate counts were made during the collection period. With only a fewãxceptions this video schedule was followed. Video data was used to count occupied parkingspaces, circulating cars were not counted. Raw video data of each collection is available uponrequest.Once rooftop snow metted, garage parking spaces were counted. A total of 437 parking sPacesare currently striped (two mıre tñan ¡s puOlisneO on the "Downtown Bozeman" website). Of these334 spacesare opento public parking, and 103 are in the basement which are permit parking.The highest parking count occured on Saturday March 16th due to "Run to the Pub" parking at307 vehicles.Data Presentation:Data has been compiled and presented in both a table and graphically. The table presents theresults of each count and is separated into "Total Parked Vehicles" counted, "Open ParkingVehicles' counted (which is the above ground parking), and basement (permit) parking.Remaining spacesäre also tabulated, based on the 437 total spaces counted, The graph showsparking còunts per time of day, with weekday and weekend counts in different colors.Observational Notes:Parking analysis was not a project task; however, 147 counting trips did provide some generalobservations.¡ Weekday use is generally greater than weekend use, and daytime use generally higherthan evening use.. Mid-day use is the highest demand.. The City of Bozeman is cunently parking about 12-15 vehicles overnight in the basement,which are included in the parking counts.o Ovemight use is very low. STATILY351 Brirlger Dr¡ve Su tt 1 tso:¿man ilT 59715 | phone 40Ë522'85942223 N4oltana /\v¿nu? 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4ltl2orelFotal Parking Spaces: !l!EJ4504003503002n2æ1501æHlghest weekdey288 Vehtclesl7/r7/t9taIaaaaIIaañotsIaIitaa¡506:007:æ t:oo 9;001O:OO 11:OO 12:OO 13:00 14:00 l5r0o 16:00limê of oaya Wr.kdåy Pårklnt a f/Veetend P¡rklng ---'-Tot¿l ParklnS Spa(c5l7:oo 16:æ lg:m 20:00Highest Weekend307 VehíclesHi8hest Evenlng218 Vehíclcs Brideer Park Garase (MAlNl Peak Occupancy Data Compiledz 5l2lL9 Total # of Vehicles Total # of Transient Vehicles Total # of Permit Vehicles 4/4/20re 4lslz}Le 4/6/20Ls 4/e/20Ls Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday L2:42 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM L2:56 PM Weekday-Noon Friday-Evening Saturday-Evening Weekday-Noon 4/Lo/zoLe Wed nesday 6:00 PM Weekday-Evening UDC-Hotel Pemits (paid annual) Permits (pad monthly) 21-9 132 87 15 50 22 L55 L48 189 L37 52 8 30 L4 4% 103 85 L8 TLg 1_09 10 3 7 8 3% 6 2 2 s% Z 3 2 2 2%UDC-Hotel % of Peak Occupancy 7% Dates chosen by highest occupancy period for that classification of day/time