HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 1 BPC 5 9 19 Jan Feb 2019 minutesA.B.BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONMINUTESThursday, January 10,2019 @ 7:30 AMCall to Order - 7:30Gity Commission Chamber, City Hall, '121 North RouseGhanqes to the AqendaMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: PresentCommittee Member - Chris Naumann: PresentCommittee Member - James Ness: AbsentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentCommittee Member - Mark Egge: PresentStaff - Ed Meece: PresentCommittee Member - Mark Eege: MotionCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : 2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: AbstainCommittee Member - ChrisNaumann:Aoorovec.Committee Member - ShaWinston: AooroveCommittee Member - KellvWiseman :AooroveStaff - Ed Meece: N\AD. Public Gomment - Members of the audience or their agent maybe invited to present testimony or evidence. To be recognized, eachperson desiring to give testimony or ev¡dence shall step fonruard and, afterbeing recognized, give their name and address for the record. Thepresiding officer may establish a time frame for each public comment butin no case shall such timeframe be less than three (3) minutes per speaker. The presiding officer may lengthen or shorten the time allotted forpublic testimony.David Kack, 1 107 Pinnacle Star Street; Reports that yesterday was the first day for the new MSUShuttle to run from the stadium parking lot to other campus/city locations.E. Action ltems1. Discussion of administrative re-organization of Parking Services Divisionand Neighborhood Services Division into Economic DevelopmentDepartment; led by Brit Fontinot, Director, Economic DevelopmentDepartment. (Exhibit 2)Brit Fontenot, Economic Development for the City of Bozeman; lntroduced himself and explainedthe recent department reorganization, and his future role working with the Parking ProgramManager and Parking Commission.2. Quarterly review of Lease Limit Calculation for Bridger Park DowntownGarage. (Exhibit 3)Mr. Meece reviewed the Lease Limit Calculation formula, as updated with the most recent peakoccupancy data available.Commissioner Bryan confirmed with Mr. Meece that the data is for the peak occupancy forNovember and December.Chair Naumann stated his concern about the peak occupancy data being collected for the busiestday of the year and suggested collecting more data to manage according to an average rather thana single event.Mr. Meece agreed that collecting more data points would be useful, and Commissioner Bryanagreed.Commissioner Egge asked about the etfect of snow on available parking spaces in the garage. Healso asked about the inactivated leases identified in the Lease Limit Calculator.Mr. Meece stated that this year we are removing snow from the roof, so as to can utilize these 100parking spaces. Mr. Meece explained that the majority of the inactive leases belong to the EthaHotel, which will be opening in the fallof 2019.Commissioner Egge pointed out that there is a25o/o utilization rate on permits that are activated,and suggested using the 25% utilization rate to the leases that are sold and not activated so thatwe are not holding space in the garage that is not being used.Mr. Meece is concerned about over-selling. Mr. Meece suggested that if the Commission wouldlike to utilize the unused space then the equation/formula should be revised for future use - ratherthan temporarily modified. Commissioner Egge suggested using the November peak occupancy as a data point for thisrevtston.Chair Naumann suggested that using a Gallatin County event to determine the peak occupancy ofthe Garage may not be the best practice.David Fine, Urban Renewal Manager; reminded everyone that there are two different permits, UDCand Monthly permits, and suggested managing them ditferently. He suggested making a permitavailable upon space availability. He also suggested taking the special events such as theChristmas stroll out of the equation.Chair Naumann pointed out that the occupancy of hotels/UDC leases does not match the numberof parking spaces needed.Commissioner Bryan suggested finding more information about leases and the data concerningnight time use versus day time use; as well as Summer versus Winter data.Commissioner Wiseman questioned the snow removal on the top level of the garage. Mr. Meecepointed out that we are not closing the top floor, but have adjusted the rate at which the snow isremoved from the top floor of the garage.Commissioner Egge suggested that the Commission should gather their questions for Mr. RickWilliams, regarding modifications to the Lease Limit Calculator, and revisit this topic in April.Mr. Meece clarified that the lease calculator is reviewed quarterly.3. Discuss/Approve/Deny Resolution No. 2019-01, A RESOLUTION OFTHE BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA, MAKING AMENDMENTS TO THE BOZEMAN PARKINGCOMMISSION BY.LAWS FOR CREATION OF AN ADMINISTRATIVEREVIEW BOARD; AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2013 (ADOPTEDBY THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION ON 12117118). (Exhibit 4)Mr. Meece explained Ordinance No.2013, and stated that implementation willbegin approximatelythe 18th or 19rh of January.Commissioner Wiseman asked if it was mandatory for the commission to form the review board.Mr. Meece explained that this makes the appeal an internal process rather than sending appealsto Municipal Court. lf after this process the outcome is still disputed it may be brought to MunicipalCourt but would be handled by the City Attorney's Otfice.Commissioner Bryan asked about obtaining some sort of initial training for the board. Mr. Meececonfirmed that the legal department will give an orientation to the administrative review board andstaff.Commissioner Wiseman stated that he is not a fan of the motion presented.Committee Member - Mark Eeee: Motio¡Committee Chair - Pamela Bryan: 2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: Abstain Committee Member - James Ness: AbsentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston:AbsentStaff - Ed Meece: N\A4. Discuss rev¡sed framework for the creation of Parking Permit Districts.(Exhibit 5)Mr. Meece pointed out that the document in exhibit 5 will be going to the internal parking team tobe discussed, with a final draft returned to the Parking Commission for review and comment.Commissioner Egge questioned the issue of creating a parking permit district verses a permitbenefit district and would prefer to implement something that people would be excited about(parking benefit district).Chair Naumann pointed out that the current districts operate at a fiscal deficit. However, he agreesthat benefits should be extended when opportunities are available.Commissioner Bryan appreciates the ideas and concerns of providing benefits back to thecommunity, and acknowledges that residents are being impacted beyond their control by thegrowth in Bozeman.Mr. Meece he clarified that the Parking Services Division is operating in the black, it is theresidential parking districts that are operating in the red.Commissioner Lloyd stated that the neighborhoods are being impacted by something beyond theircontrol and possibly looking at this as an opportunity for capturing revenue.Commissioner Wiseman pointed out that it could be detrimental to nearby businesses to createparking districts around downtown.Mr. Meece stated that in March the Parking Commission will be reviewing the revenues andexpenses of the parking districts; in consideration of a rate increase.5. Review Strategic Parking Management Plan UPDATE (Exhibit 6)Mr. Meece pointed out number 13 on the Strategic Parking Management Plan (exhibit6)and theinitial work of a GIS map project. He expressed appreciation for the work the Parking Officersand the GIS department have put into this project.F. Parkinq Proqram Manaqer Report(Exhibit 7)G.New Business Chair Naumann pointed out that a rough draft of the Downtown lmprovement Plan Update hasbeen submitted, and is available for review on the website. The formal draft will be submitted atthe beginning of February.Adiournment.Upcominq lssues (Tentative):February 2019:*MSU RPPD Extension request (6th St & Story, Cooper Park)*Monthly Permit to UDC Lease Conversion Request (5 East)March 20'l9z*Residential Parking Permit District Rates (2019-20 renewals)"Annual Ethics Training (one hour mandatory)The next BozemanParkino Commission meetinq will be held Februarv14,2018, 7:30Citv Hall.Bozeman Parking Gommission meetings are open to all members ofthe public. lf you have a disability that requires assistance pleasecontact our ADA Goordinator, Ghuck Winn 582-2307.H. BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONAGENDAThursday, Apr¡l 11 ,2019 @ 7:30 AMACall tO Ofdef - 7:30 AM - Ciry commission chamber, ctty Hatt,121 North RouseMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: PresentCommittee Member - James Ness: AbsentStaff - Ed Meece: PresentB. Chanqes to the AqendaMr. Meece noted that the January Minutes will be available for review and approval in Mayc.March '14,201(Exhibit I )Mr. Meece made a correction to action item two on the March minutes to show that Mr. Naumannrecused himself from that discussion and did not vote.Commissioner Egge made a motion to approve the amended minutes.CommWinston:2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: AbstainCommittee- Chris Naumann:ntCommittee- James Ness: AbseStaff - Ed Meece: N\A C. Public Gomment - Members of the audience or their agent may beinvited to present testimony or evidence. To be recognized, eachperson desiring to give testimony or evidence shall step fonruardand, after being recognized, give their name and address for therecord. The presiding officer may establish a time frame for eachpublic comment but in no case shall such timeframe be less thanthree (3) minutes per speaker. The presiding officer may lengthenor shorten the time allotted for public testimony.Mike Hope, 2215 Arrowleaf Drive: He stated that he was recently appointed to the TransportationCommittee for the State which also includes his involvement in the Public PedestrianTransportation Committee. He stated that at the last City Commission meeting it was discussedthat the City of Bozeman may take control of Main Street from the State and is considering turningit into three lanes, which irtcludes diagonal parking. He would like to know how much involvementthe Parking Commissions has with making this decision and also where they stand on the situation.David Loseff, 105 West Main: He expressed his concerns regarding the conversion of Main Street,and cautioned everyone to research other communities who have done this to ensure all possibleconcerns were well vetted prior to making any significant changes to Maln Street that could affectthe downtown business community.Action ltems1. Recruitment of citizens to serve on the Bozeman Parking Commissionfor terms starting July I ,2019lExhibit 2)Chair Bryan commented on the vacancies coming up on the Parking Commission, and askedMayor Andrus to explain the process for filling empty seats. Mayor Andrus explained that theapplication is completed online, reviewed by the City, then given to the City Commission for thefinal approval of the applicant. Mayor Andrus asked about the date the two vacancies ideally shouldbe filled by. Chair Bryan commented that if filled by the July Parking Commission Meeting, thatwould be good.2. Discuss and approve a timeframe for public engagement on the currentdraft of a plan for establishing ParkingPermit Districts (Exhibit 3).Mr. Meece explained the process engaging with the public for input regarding the creation ofparking districts north and south of downtown. The first public meeting will be on April 30th, andconclude with the July 11th Parking Commission Meeting.Chair Bryan asked if Mr. Meece will be facilitating/ running the public outreach sessions. Mr. Meececonfirmed that he would be facilitating the meetings.Mayor Andrus asked about the public outreach and whether this includes residential as well ascommercial input.Mr. Meece confirmed that he would work with the City Communication Coordinator, as well as theNeighborhood Coordinator and other public relations channels and media.E. Commissioner Egge suggested reaching out to the residents of neighborhoods around downtown,and the Cooper Park neighborhood residents. He suggested some type of fliers to reach a broaderaudience than just the Bozeman Chronicle.Lisa Prugh, Cooper Park Neighborhood Association, stated they would like to be part of the policydevelopment for establishing parking districts.Mayor Andrus asked if this policy is only specifically focused on where commercial and residentialparking intersect.Mr. Meece explained that the policy is basically to manage parking around major attractions andat this time the focus is centered on the downtown corridor.Chair Bryan pointed out that this conversation is for areas that have no regulations at this time.Commissioner Egge agreed to pen a letter for the Chronicle, with the approval of the othercommission members.Commissioner Winston asked for clarity on defining the focus for the conversation during the publicoutreach meetings.Mayor Andrus pointed out that north and south of downtown was the original point of discussion,however this may lead to how we approach other areas of parking.3. Consider/Approve/Deny a motion to continue consideration of a requestto convert up to 79 monthly parking perm¡ts for the Bridger DowntownParking Garage to Unified Development Code (UDC) park¡ng permits aspart of a twenty-five (25) year lease with HomeBase Paftners until the May11,2019, meeting of the Bozeman Parking Commission. (Exhibit 4)I Recommended Motion: "l move that, based upon ongoing efforts tocollect and analyze additional related information, the Bozeman ParkingCommrssion continue further discussion and consideration of the requestfrom Homebase Paftners to convert up to 78 monthly parking permits toUDC/25 year permits until the May 9, 2019, meeting of the BozemanParking Commiss ion." IMr. Meece clarified that the number of permits under consideration for conversion has changed to79. He also pointed out that statf will have more data collected from the garage, so as to analyzetransient, permit and hotel permit parking within the garage, at peak occupancy periods.Chair Bryan and Commissioner Egge clarified their understanding that there will be new data toreview when considering the conversion of the permits at the next meeting.Mayor Andrus asked if the information in the packet will correspond with the same data forcomparison purposes. Mr. Meece stated he would attempt to do that.John Coffman, 716 S 20rh; Stated that he is an attorney representing a group of individualsinterested in this issue and he has written a letter to the Parking Commission as well as severalletters to Mr. Meece. He pointed out that there are policy issues that need to be addressed. Theoriginal leases state the leases are nontransferable. He also encourages postponing this topicuntilthe May meeting. Kathy Powell, 1215 S 3'd Ave; suggested looking at the occupancy for the summer season andvehicles length of stay.David Loseff, 105 W Main; Expressed his concern about committing to an additional2S year lease,the impact of satisfying the needs of one individual and the unknown future parking needs ofdowntown as a whole.Ashley Ogle, 5 E Lamme, Element Hotel, Kenyon Noble; She appreciates the neighborhooddiscussions, and the parking conversations being addressed. She also asks for a continuance onthe request to convert the monthly permits to UDC permits.Mike Hope, 2315 Arrowwood Drive; Pointed out that the slowest time of the year for businessdowntown is February, March, and April. lf using data from that time of year it will be misleading.He again cautioned the Commission on the effect 25 year leases may have.Mike Delaney, 101 E Main St; Stated that he is in realestate and disagrees with the perspective ofselling more spaces in the garage than what exist. He stated that when the Armory project iscompleted it will have an enormous impact on the availability of spaces in the garage.Commissioner Egge made a motion based upon ongoing efforts to collect and analyze additionalrelated information, the Bozeman Parking Commission continue further discussion andconsideration of the request from Homebase Partners to convert up to 79 monthly parking permitsto UDC/25 year permits untilthe May 9, 2019, meeting of the Bozeman Parking Commission.Committee Member - Shasta Winston: 2ndMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: AbstainCommittee Member - Chris Naumann: AbsentCommittee Member - James Ness: Absent1aiftoaMomhcr - Çhacta \Â/inctnn. Annrnvcmml^nmmittaa f\lamhor - llalrr \Â/icamanÂnnrnrroStaff - Ed Meece: N\A4. Review and discuss Parking Services Division FY 20 annual budgetproposal. (Exhibit 5).Mr. Meece gave a brief overview of the annual budget process, and the highlights of the FY 2020Parking Division budget; including new performance measurements and prior yearaccomplishments.Brit Fontenot asked Mr. Meece to elaborate on the technology being investigated that wouldtransfer parking complaints directly from the citizen to Parking Officers; removing this responsibilityfrom the Bozeman Police department. Mr. Meece explained the current process for handlingparking complaints, and how the new IVR system willwork.Chair Bryan asked about the system that will collect the data for the occupancy of the Black Lotand the benefits of that. Commissioner Egge asked about the management of staff, the handling of general administrativetasks, and if the Parking Division would benefit from extra support.Mr. Meece explained that the Economic Development Department has a FY 20 budget request foran additional statf for this purpose. That request is part of the FY 20 Staffing Plan proposal as well.Brit Fontenot explained how Economic Development has been working with the Parking Divisionand how they have been working within that frame work to provide parking with additional resourcesand support. He also pointed out that the more managed parking that is developed, the more staffresources that will be needed.Commissioner Lloyd asked about the vehicle boot process, and how that is working with the newT2 system.Taylor Lonsdale, 426 N 9th Ave; Commented on how it was interesting to see the number of publiccomments telling the commission parking, but the lack of interest regarding its management of theannual budget process.Parkinq Pnaqer Reoort(Exhibit 6)Mr. Meece pointed out the garage occupancy data from the month of December confirms that peakoccupancy routinely occurs on weekdays during the hours of 12pm and 2 pm. He also mentionedhis growing confidence in the data being collected.H. New BusinessChair Bryan stated that Commissioner Winston's board term is coming up at the end of June andthat she has agreed to stay on; she was also reminded that she does need to re-apply.Adiournment.09:06:07 AM (01:33:20)J.Upcominq lssuesentative):Mav 2019:*Downtown Parking Sites Feasibility Analysis (Brief Update)June 2019:"Review Lease Limit Policy & Calculator (revised WRick Williams)*Review and/or modify resident¡al parking permit rates for 2019 permitsales/renewals.G.t. The next Bozeman Parking Gommission meeting will be held May 9,2019,7:30 am, at Gity Hall.Bozeman Parking Commission meetings are open to all members of thepublic. lf you. have a disability that requires assistance please contact ourADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn 582-2307.