HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 5 BPC 4 11 19 Parking Budget FY 20Pa rki ng Services D¡vision FY20 Depa rtment Budget Presentation P I . The Parking Services Division (PSD), recently joined to the Economic Development Department, has responsibility for managing and enforcing public parking within the City of Bozeman, to include the Downtown (B-3), MSU & Bozeman High Residential Parking Permit Districts, Bridger Park Downtown Garage, the Black/Rouse/N Willson/S. Willson surface lots, and on all on-street parking. The PSD's activities are accounted for in an the Parking Services Fund (Enterprise), which has three primary sources of revenue: citations, residential parking permits, and garage/lot parking permits. The PSD has a total staff complement of 5 (L Parking Manager, 4 Parking Enforcement Officers), and works closely with the Finance Department to support the Bozeman Parking Commission. About (Park¡ns) Maior Obiectives (Pa rkins) . Regulate the use of on-street and off-street public parking to the best use of our citizens through equitable enforcement and management practices. . Operate the Parking Services Division in an effective and fiscally sustainable manner. . Facilitate a prosperous local economic environment through the provision of safe, convenient, available, and cost- appropriate public parking resources. 2 FY 19 Accom lishments Pa rkin ' lmplementation of industry-best pdrking technology,including fixed and mobile license-plate-recognition technology, digital customer parking portal, and new parking data platform. . Legislotive adoption of Ordinønce # 2073 (12/2018) updating dnd improving parking regulotions within the Bozemon Municipol Code, ønd Resolution # 4292 íncreasing the Cash-ln-Lieu-of-Parking from 55,000 per space to 525,000 per space. . Signifícant progress toword satisfoction of the 2076 Strotegic Pørking Monagement Plon, to include creation of digital parking inventory (by 'blockface') of the Downtown, new brand-specific parking signage, renaming all public parking lots, implementation of best practices for management and enforcement, continued development of new parking permit district framework, and comprehensive study of most feasible options for the construction of new public parking capacity. . Strategic Plan: a.2 kl Parking Management by District - Develop a comprehensive, integrated approach to parking management for the downtown, midtown, university, and other districts. Consider a range of solutions including both on-street parking and parking garages. . The Parking Services Division, in collaborotion with Economic Development Deportment, Neighborhoods, and Bozemqn Porking Commissíon continues to pursue satisfoction of the 2016 Strotegic Parking Monagement Plan which encomposses all of the necessary elements required for substantive completion of Bozemqn Strategic Pløn 4.2 (C). f Performa nce Measu rements ( Pa rki ng) . Calculate the percentage of downtown land area devoted to off-street parking. . Quantify parking availability by measuring the percentage of downtown block faces within, but not exceeding, the target occupancy rate of 75 - 85%. . Analyze the total revenue per paid public parking space relative to cost Workload lndicators (Park¡ns) . Total Citations lssued . Abandoned /72 Hour Complaints lnvestigated . Abandoned /Junk Vehicles Towed (by PSD) 4 Strategic Pla n (Pa rking) . I n FY 20, the Pa rkin Bozema n Strategic Ë,3fiiifî;dtlå':ion's activitv will relate to several items within the nal Partnershios -Explore opportunities for partnerships with key business groups and non-profit organizations1.4 Business and lnstitutio 7.3 Best Practices,Creativitv & Foresieht 2.2 lnfrastructure lnvestments - Strategically invest in infrastructure as a mechanism to encourage economic development.. a.) ldentify Commercial/lndustrial lnfrastructure Needs - ldentify sites for new or redevelopment in areas that lack adequate infrastructure and develop new financing strategies to fund these investments 4.2 Hieh Oualitv Urban Aooroach - Continue to suDoort hieh-oualitv olannine. ransins from buildins desisn to neiehborhood lavouts, while essuchasmultiinodaltiänsþortati'on,infilÏ,.denıity]connectedtrãilsañdparks,ãndwalkable'neighborhoods.. c) Parking Management by District - Develop a comprehensive, integrated approach to parking management for the downtown, midtown, university, and other districts. Consider a range of solutions including both on-street parking and parking garages. 4.3 Strateeic lnfrastructure Choices Prioritize long-term investment and maintenance for existing and new infrastructure. 4.4 Vibrant Downtown, Districts & Centers Promote a healthy, vibrant Downtown, Midtown, and other commercial districts and neighborhood centers - including higher densities and intensification of use in these key areas. 7.2 Emplovee Excellence Recruit, retain and value a diverse, well-trained, qualified and motivated team capable of delivering superior performance. Be accountable and expect accountability from others. Make demonstrated use of good judgement a part of the evaluation process for promotions. Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantlv anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable aird flexibfe with an outr¡riard focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. 5 Operat¡ng Budeet Cha nges FY 20 (Pa rkine) Parking Services Division Changes to Operating Budget FY 20 ADMIN-Offc. Suppl¡es ADMIN- Cloth¡ng/Un¡forms ADMIN-Water Seruice ADMIN-Consultants/Prof. Svc. ADMIN-Maintenence Contracts ADMIN-Out-of-state Training FY 20 Budget Request s1,s00.00 51so.oo So'oo S5o,ooo.oo s7,000.00 S2,soo.oo FY 20 Dollars lncrease -S5oo.oo S15o.oo -Sso.oo ss,000.00 -s3,000.00 S2oo.oo Sz,ooo.oo S1,ooo.oo -s1,000.00 S2o,ooo.oo s2,600.00 S3oo.oo S4oo.oo Ssoo.oo S2oo.oo Ss,ooo.oo S2,5oo.oo s35.300.ü) FY 20 Percent lncrease -25.OO% -too.oo% tL.t!% -30.oo% 8.70% 25.O0% lOO.00o/6 100.00% -56.OO% tL.o00/o 80.00% 33.OO% 3.OO% 33.00% -33.00% Rationale Trend Jacket & shlrt for PPM Trend lncreased DMV fees Trend Planned conference costs lncreased postage for mailed garage c¡tat¡ons No planned exp, Here IVR system; transferring citizen complaints from P0 to Parking Trend Trend Trend Trend Trend lncreâsed roofsnow removal & T2/Genetec Maint. Contract Trend ADN/l N-Advertis¡ng ADMIN-Postage ENF-Personal Computers ENF: Other lmprovements ENF-Vehicle Suppl¡es ENF-Telephone ENF-Storm Water GRG-Natural Gas GRG-lnternet GRG-Maintenance Contract GRG-General FY 20 NET CHANGE Operatint Budget 52,soo.oo Ss,ooo.oo So.oo s20,000.00 52,000.00 53,ooo.oo Sgoo.oo S2,ooo.oo S6,8oo.oo S4o,ooo.oo S5,ooo.oo 4oo.ooo/o lncreasedcommunicat¡onspresence,literature,etc. b Capital Plan Changes (Parking) . The FY 20 Parking Budget proposes two additions to the FY 20 CIP:. 53,500 for (2) new computers; (L) for customer entry of parking appeals in the Finance Department and (1) to replace the outdated lntern/Short Term Employee wo rkstati o n ( 650- 33IO-424-S0. 30). 520,000 for an IVR system to automatically translate voice mail (parking complaints) to text/email messages to the Parking Enforcement Officers. This is necessary as the Police Department has indicated that it will no longer utilize its Police lnformation Specialists to dispatch citizen parking complaints (650-3320- 424-80-e0) . During budget entry, (2) existing CIP items were moved from the Enforcement Category to the Garage category; to reflect the accurate cost center.. 515,000 Black Lot Counting System (650-3330-424-80-30) . 5150,000 Parking Tech Project Phase 2: Occupancy Signs at Garage/Lots & Mobile App (650-3330-424-80-90); "Blockface" Module from Genetec (LPR data) Revenue (Parking) . The Parking Services Division is operated as an Enterprise Fund, and derives revenue for several different sources: Citations, Garage & Lot Parking Permits, Residential Parking Permits, Fees/Charges related to impoundment, towing, and debt collections. PARKING FUND REVEN Euhana j FY2016 FY 2 017 r{-h0e{ d Parking Revenues Downtown Permlts 3%ogó- flo- ogì Fl dðrô oelt o;Uì Oth¡rRcvcnuca ztfr Fln!. zgx Gâragc - Valldlt¡on o% Perm¡ts - Rca¡dcnts L% Pcrmlts - lnfrâctaon- Adm¡n F¿¿s EmPloyees4% Pcr*lÍs-vls¡torsCollectlontees l% t9(tY2015 F Y2 018 BUDGET FYZO19 Eoot Fees o9t Revenue, continued (Pa rkine) o tY 20, budget recommendations:. Downtown Parking Permits - INCREAS¡ SS,O00 - trend & FY L9 rote increqse o Parking Garage Permits - INCREASE SSO,OO0 - trend & FY 18/FY 19 increqses o Parking Garage Transient - NO CHANGE - adjustments to new tech still impocting o Neighborhood Permit (Resident) - INCREASE 57,000 - balancing FY 20 rate increase & declining purchase of these permifs os fees increqse over time. . Citations - NO CHANGE . Total lncreased Revenues in Parking Services Division (FY 20) = s+z,ooo J Qu estio n s? 10