HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-24-19 Public Comment - S. Barber - Cottonwood & Ida Preliminary PUDFrom:bigski2@bresnan.net To:Agenda Subject:[SENDER UNVERIFIED]Cottonwood Ida PUD Date:Sunday, March 24, 2019 10:07:59 AM Hi, In regard to Application #18516 I would like to make a few comments. My main concern is the size, scope, density, and height of this project. It appears that the developers have askedfor relaxations, increases, and exemptions for any items that would increase height, square footage, more density, and less parking etc. Why does the city try to have guidelines to keepgrowth reasonable, just to have the developers come in and ask for an easy ticket to increase their own profits at the expense of everyone who lives in the vicinity or visits there. I don'tknow if you have tried to drive on N. Wallace after the other recent developments lately, but it is becoming dangerous for all the bikers, joggers, walkers. and drivers. N. Wallace can nothandle any increase in traffic, especially with the impact and scope of this proposal. And then there is the parking issue. I have seen and heard a trend lately of parking spaces being allottedto denser housing developments, only to be used for storage of boats, campers, skis, lawn mowers etc. and the residents proceed to park on the street. COB, please stand up for themajority and keep the developers in check and help preserve the integrity and livability of our neighborhoods. I believe the developers would still proceed with their plans without any ofthe relaxations. Thank you for listening and considering the majority, not the entitled. Steve Barber PS Love what you guys do and know you try to do right.