HomeMy WebLinkAboutTitle 16 e Title 16 SUBDIVISIONS Chapters: 16.02 General Provisions 16.04 Definitions 16.06 General Procedures 16.08 Plan and Plat Information Requirements 16.10 Review Procedures for Major Subdivisions 16.12 Summary Review Procedures for Minor Subdivisions 16.14 Design and Improvement Standards---General 16.16 Design and Improvement Standards, Streets and Roads e 16.18 16.20 16.22 16.24 16.26 16.28 16.30 16.32 16.34 16.36 16.38 16.39 - Environmental Assessment Flood Hazard Evaluation Improvements Planned Unit Development Subdivisions Created by Rent or Lease or Condominiums Subdivision Exemptions Administrative Provisions Certificates Supplementary Documents Uniform Standards for Monumentation and Filing Requirements Gallatin County Fire Impact Fee Regulation Gallatin County Road Impact Fee Regulation 285 (Bouman 11-0 I ) e - e e e e Chapter 16.02 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sections: 16.02.010 16.02.020 16.02.030 16.02.040 16.02.050 16.02.060 Title. Authority. Jurisdiction. Purpose. Severability clause. Conditions. 16.02.010 Title. These regulations shall be known as the "Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations." (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.02.020 Authority. Authorization for the adoption of these subdivision regulations is contained in the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (Title 76, Chapter 3, MCA). (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.02.030 Jurisdiction. These regulations govern the division of land within the Bozeman city limits and the planning jurisdiction of the city planning board. (Ord. 1501 S 1, 1999: Ord.I450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.02.040 Purpose. It is the purpose of these subdivision regulations to promote the public health, safety and general welfare by regulating the subdivision of land; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to lessen congestion in the streets and highways; to provide adequate light, air, water supply, sewage disposal, parks and recreation areas, ingress and egress, and other public improvements; to require development in harmony with the natural environment; to protect the rights of property owners; and to require uniform rrionumentation of land subdivisions and transferring interests in real property by reference to a plat or certificate of survey (Section 76-3-102, MCA). 16.02.010--16.02.050 Further, to support the purposes of Section 76-3- 102, MCA, these regulations are intended to promote and to provide for the: A. Orderly development of the city and the jurisdictional area of the city planning board. B. Coordination of streets and roads within subdivided land with other streets and roads, both existing and planned. C. Dedication ofland for streets and roadways and for public utility easements. D. Improvement of streets and roads. E. Adequate open spaces for travel, light, air and recreation. F. Adequate transportation, water, drainage, and sanitary facilities. G. Avoidance or minimization of congestion. H. Avoidance of unnecessary environmental degradation. 1. Encouragement of subdivision development in harmony with the natural environment. J . Avoidance of danger or injury to health, safety, or welfare by reason of natural hazard or the lack of water, sewer, drainage, access, transportation or other public services. K. Avoidance of excessive expenditure of public funds for the supply of public services. L. Manner and form of making and filing of plats for subdivided lands. M. Administration of these regulations, by defining the powers and duties of approving authorities, in- cluding procedures for the review and approval of aU subdivision plats. (Ord. 1501 S 2,1999: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.02.050 Severability clause. Where any word, phrase, clause, sentence, para- graph, or section, or other part of these regulations is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall affect only that part held invalid. Insofar as these regulations are more restrictive than any other local law, these regulations shall be controlling, and if any other law is more restrictive, it 287 (Rozeman 11-01) 16.02.060-16.04.010 shall take precedence over these regulations. (Ord. 16.04.220 Lot. e 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.230 Lot measurements. 16.04.240 Lot types. 16.02.060 Conditions. 16.04.250 Manufactured home. Regulation of the subdivisio~ of land and the 16.04.260 Manufactured or mobile home attachment of reasonable conditions to land subdi- lot or space. vided is an exercise of valid police power delegated by 16.04.270 Manufactured or mobile home the state of Montana to the city and to Gallatin park. County. Subdividers have the duty of complying with 16.04.280 Manufactured or mobile home reasonable conditions for design, dedication, improve- stand. ment, and restrictive use of the land so as to conform 16.04.290 Manufactured or mobile home to the physical and economic development of the city subdivision. and Gallatin County and to the safety and general 16.04.300 Minor subdivision. welfare of the future subdivision lot owners and of the 16.04.310 Mobile home. community at large. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.320 Monument (permanent monument). 16.04.330 Open space. Chapter 16.04 16.04.335 Ordinary high water mark. 16.04.340 Planned unit development DEFINITIONS (PUD). 16.04.350 Planning board. Sections: 16.04.355 Planning department or 16.04.010 General. planning office. e 16.04.020 Agricultural water user facility. 16.04.360 Plat. 16.04.030 Aliquot part. 16.04.370 Proper access. 16.04.040 Appropriate governing body. 16.04.380 Property owner. 16.04.050 Block. 16.04.390 Public improvement. 16.04.060 Certificate of survey. 16.04.400 Recreational vehicle park. 16.04.070 Comprehensive plan or master 16.04.410 Recreational vehicle space. plan. 16.04.420 Right-of-way. 16.04.080 Condominium. 16.04.430 Roadway. 16.04.090 Contiguous tract. 16.04.440 Street (road) types. 16.04.100 Covenant. 16.04.450 Public street or road. 16.04.110 Date of submission. 16.04.460 Subdivider. 16.04.120 Dedication. 16.04.470 Subdivision. 16.04.130 Division of land. 16.04.480 Surveyor (registered land 16.04.140 Dwelling unit. surveyor). 16.04.150 Easement. 16.04.490 Swale. 16.04.160 Engineer (registered 16.04.500 Tract of record. professional engineer). 16.04.510 Watercourse. 16.04.170 Health authorities. 16.04.180 Irregularly shaped tract of land. 16.04.010 General. 16.04.190 Jurisdictional wetland. Whenever the following words or phrases appear in 16.04.200 Limited access. this text, they shall have the meaning assigned to them 16.04.210 Limited access roadway. by this section. When not inconsistent with the e 288 (Bozeman 11-01) e e e 16.04.010 context, words used in the present tense shall include the future; the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the word "shall" is always mandatory, and the word "may" indicates 288-1 (Bozeman 11.01) e e e e e e use of discretion in making decisions. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.020 Agricultural water user facility. "Agricultural water user facility" means any part of an irrigation system used to produce an agricul- tural product on property used for agricultural pur- poses as defined in Section 15-7-202, MCA. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.030 Aliquot part. "Aliquot part" means an equal division of a gov- ernment section in quarters as described by the Manual for the Survey of The Public Lands of the United States. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.040 Appropriate governing body. The "appropriating governing body" is the city commission of the city of Bozeman when the sub- divided land lies within the corporate limits, and the board of county commissioners for Gallatin County when the land lies outside of the corporate limits of the city of Bozeman. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.050 Block. A "block" is a group of lots, tracts or parcels within well defined and fixed boundaries. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.060 Certificate of survey. A "certificate of survey" is a drawing of a field survey prepared by a registered land surveyor for the purpose of disclosing facts pertaining to bound- ary location. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.070 Comprehensive plan or master plan. A "comprehensive plan or master plan" is a long range plan intended to guide growth and develop- ment of a community or region and includes analy- sis, recommendations and proposals for the community's population, economy, housing, trans- portation, community facilities, and land use. De- fined in Section 76-1-103, MCA as a comprehensive development plan or any of its parts such as a plan 16.04.020--16.04.130 of land use and zoning, of thoroughfares, of sanita- tion, of recreation, and of other related matters. The plan may include those items described in Section 76-1-601, MCA. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.080 Condominium. A "condominium" is a form of individual owner- ship with unrestricted right of disposal of one or more units in a multiple unit project with the land and all other parts of the project held in common ownership or use with owners of the other units. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.090 Contiguous tract. For the purpose of these regulations, a "contigu- ous tract" is a parcel of land next to, abutting, adja- cent to, adjoining or touching another individual parcel of land, including tracts which are separated by public right-of-way. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.100 Covenant. A "covenant" is an agreement, or restriction, in writing, of two or more parties by which any of the parties pledges to the others that something is done or shall be done. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.110 Date of submission. The "date of submission" is the date at which the plat and all required supplementary information is received and certified as complete by the planning department. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.120 Dedication. "Dedication" means the deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for any general and public use, reserving no rights which are incompatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public use to which the property has been devoted. (Ord. 1450 @ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.130 Division of land. "Division of land" is the segregation of one or more parcels of land from a larger tract held in single or undivided ownership by transferring, or contracting to transfer, title to or possession of a 289 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.04.140---16.04.240 portion of the tract, or properly filing a certificate of surveyor subdivision plat establishing the identi- ty of the segregated parcels pursuant to these subdi. vision regulations and the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act. Provided that where required by these regulations and the Act the land upon which an improvement is situated has been subdivided in compliance with the regulations and the Act, the sale, rent, lease, or other conveyance of one or more parts of a building, structure, or other improvement situated on one or more parcels of land is not a division of land and is not subject to the terms of these regulations and the Act (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.140 Dwelling unit. A "dwelling unit" is any building or portion thereof providing complete, independent and perma- nent living facilities for one family. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.150 Easement. An "easement" is a grant by a property owner to a specific person, or persons, other than the owner, or to the public for a right to use land for a specific purpose or purposes. (Ord. 1450 g 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.160 Engineer (registered professional engineer). An "engineer (registered professional engineer)" is a person licensed in conformance with the Mon- tana Professional Engineers Registration Act (Sec- tions 37-67-101 through 37-67-332, MCA) to prac. tice engineering in the state of Montana. (Ord. 1450 g 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.170 Health authorities. "Health authorities" means the State Department of Environmental Quality, local health officer, local sanitarian, or other authorized representative. (Ord. 1450 g 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.180 Irregularly shaped tract of land. An "irregularly shaped tract of land" is a parcel of land other than an aliquot part of the United (Bozeman 4-98) 290 States Government survey section or a United States Government lot. the boundaries or areas of which cannot be determined without a surveyor trigono- metric calculation. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.04.190 Jurisdictional wetland. "Jurisdictional wetland" means an area saturated bysurlaceorgroundwateratafrequencyordUfation sufficient to support vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. (Ord. 1450 g 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.200 Limited access. "Limited access" means a way or means of al- lowing physical entrance to land at controlled loca- tions or points. A "no access" strip or line may be placed on a plat as a means of limiting access. (000. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.210 Limited access roadway. "Limited access roadway" means a street or road especially designed for through traffic, over which abutting land owners have no right to direct access. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.04.220 Lot. A "lot" is a parcel, plot or other land area created by subdivision for sale, lease, or rent. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.230 Lot measurements. A. Lot Depth. The average distance from the front lot line to the rear lot line. E. Lot Width. The average distance between side lot lines. C. Lot Frontage. The width of the front lot line. D. Lot Area. The area of a lot determined exclu- sive of highway, alley, street, road, or other right-of- way. (Ord. 1450 g 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.240 Lot types. A. Comer Lot. A lot located at the intersection of two streets or roads. B. Interior Lot. A lot with frontage on only one street or road. e e e e C. Double Frontage Lot. A lot whose front and rear lines both abut on a street or road. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.250 Manufactured home. A "manufactured home" is a factory-built, single- family structure that is manufactured under the authority of 42 United States Code Section 5401 and is to be used as a place for human habitation, but which is not constructed or equipped with a perma- nent hitch or other device allowing it to be moved other than for the purpose of moving to a permanent site, and which does not have permanently attached to its body or frame any wheels or axles. A mobile home is not a manufactured home. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.260 Manufactured or mobile home lot or space. A "manufactured or mobile home lot or space" is a designated portion of a manufactured or mobile home park designated for the accommodation of one manufactured or mobile home and its accessory buildings or structures for the exclusive use of the occupants. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.270 Manufactured or mobile home park. A "manufactured or mobile home park" is a tract of land under single ownership providing two or more lots for lease or rent to the general public for the placement of manufactured or mobile homes. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.280 Manufactured or mobile home stand. A "manufactured or mobile home stand" is that area of a manufactured or mobile home lot which has been prepared for the placement of a manufactured or mobile home. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.290 Manufactured or mobile home subdivision. A "manufactured or mobile home subdivision" is a subdivision designed and/or intended for the sale of 16.04.250-16.04.335 lots for siting manufactured or mobile homes. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.300 Minor subdivision. A "minor subdivision" is a subdivision containing five or fewer parcels where proper access to all lots is provided and where no land in the subdivision will be dedicated to public use for parks or playgrounds. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.310 Mobile home. A "mobile home" is a transportable, factory-built home, designed to be used as a year-round residential dwelling and built prior to enactment of the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which became effective June 15, 1976. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.320 Monument (permanent monument). Any "monument (permanent monument)" is a structure of masonry, metal or other permanent material placed in the ground which is exclusively identifiable as a monument to a survey point, ex- pressly placed for surveying reference. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.330 Open space. "Open space" is a land or water area devoid of buildings and other physical structures except where accessory to the provision of recreation. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.335 Ordinary high water mark. The line that water impresses on land by covering it for sufficient periods to cause physiCal characteristics that distinguish the area below the line from the area above it. Characteristics of the area below the line include, when appropriate, but are not limited to, deprivation of the soil of substantially all terrestrial vegetation and destruction of its agricultural vegetative value. A floodplain adjacent to surface waters is not considered to lie within the surface water's high watermarks (Section 23-2-301, MeA). (Ord. 1477 ~ 1, 1998) 291 (Bowman 11.01) 16.04.340--16.04.440 16.04.340 Planned unit development (PUD). A "planned unit development (PUD)" is a land development project consisting of residential clus- ters, industrial parks, shopping centers, office build- ings, parks, or any combination th~reofwhich com- prises a planned mixture of land uses built in a pre- arranged relationship to each other and having open space and community facilities in a common owner- ship or use. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.350 Planning board. "Planning board" means the Bozeman city planning board. (Ord. 150 I ~ 3, 1999: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.355 Planning department or planning office. "Planning department or planning office" means the Bozeman office of planning and community development. (Ord. 1501 S 4, 1999) 16.04.360 Plat. A "plat" is a graphic representation of a subdivi- sion showing the division of land into lots, parcels, blocks, roads, and alleys, and other divisions and dedications. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.370 Proper access. "Proper access" means either an improved public street or road, maintained by the city or Gallatin County; or a street or road built to the standards provided in these regulations. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.380 Property owner. A "property owner" is any person, firm, corpora- tion or other entity shown as being the legal owner of a tract, parcel or lot in the records of the county clerk and recorder. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.390 Public improvement. "Public improvement" means any structure or facility constructed to serve the residents of a subdi. vision or the general public such as parks, streets, roads, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street lighting, (Bozeman 11.01) utilities, and systems for water supply, sewage dis- posal, and drainage. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) e 16.04.400 Recreational vehicle park. A "recreational vehicle park" is a place used for public camping where persons can rent space to park individual camping trailers, pickup campers, motor homes, travel trailers or automobiles for transient dwelling purposes. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.410 Recreational vehicle space. A "recreational vehicle space" is a designated portion of a recreational vehicle park designed for the placement of a single recreational vehicle and the exclusive use of its occupants. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.420 Right-of-way. "Right-of-way" means land dedicated or acquired for use as a public way. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.430 Roadway. A "roadway" is that portion of the road right-of- way which is improved or is proposed to be im- proved to carry traffic and provide for the on-street storage of automobiles; where curb is provided, the roadway is measured from back-of-curb to back-of- curb. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.04.440 Street (road) types. F or the purposes ofthese regulations, "street types and road types" are defined as follows: A. Alley. A street used primarily for vehicular access to the rear of properties which abut on and are served by public streets. B. Arterial. A street or road having the primary function of moving traffic with emphasis on a high level of mobility for through movement and the secondary function of providing limited access to adjacent land. Arterial streets within city limits and within the city's zoning jurisdictional area generally have a minimum ninety-feet wide right-of-way and meet such other design standards as may be required by the appropriate governing body. Arterial roads outside city limits and outside the city's zoning e 292 e e e jurisdictional area shall have a minimum eighty-feet wide right-of-way, and meet such other design stan- dards as may be required by the appropriate govern- ing body. Arterial streets and roads are generally located on section lines, a~d may be secondary state highways. 1. Major Arterial. Provides for high operating speeds and levels of service. Principal function is movement; not access. Serve most ofthe trips enter- ing and leaving the urban area as well as those trips passing through it. 2. Minor Arterial. Interconnects with and aug- ments major arterial system; accommodates trips of somewhat shorter length and slightly lower level of service. C. Collector. A street or road having the equally important functions of moving traffic and providing access to adjacent land, including the principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets and roads for circulation within such a devel- opment. Collectors are generally located on half. section lines. 1. Major Collector. Within the city limits and within the city's zoning jurisdictional area, streets that carry more than two thousand trips per day. Outside the city limits and outside the city's zoning jurisdictional area, roads that carry more than three hundred trips per day. Major collectors have the equally important functions of moving traffic and providing access to adjacent land. 2. Minor Collector. Within the city limits and within the city's zoning jurisdictional area, streets that carry more than five hundred trips per day, but less than two thousand trips per day. Outside the city limits and outside the city's zoning jurisdictional area, roads that carry more than one hundred trips per day but less than three hundred trips per day. Minor collectors have the equally important functions of providing access to adjacent land and moving traffic. D. Cul-de-Sac. A road having only one outlet for vehicular traffic and terminating in a turn-around area. E. Dead-End Street. A street having only one outlet for vehicular traffic. 16.04.450--16.04.470 F. Half-Street. A portion of the width of a street, usually along the outside perimeter of a subdivision, where the remaining portion of the street must be located on adjacent property. G. Loop. A local road which begins and ends on the same road, generally used for access to properties and controls traffic access to arterials or collectors. H. Minor (Local) Streets. A street having the primary function of serving abutting properties, and the secondary function of moving traffic, including direct access to abutting properties and roads for circulation within a development. 1. Mountainous Roads. Roads located on moun- tainous terrain. Mountainous terrain has a cross slope exceeding fifteen percent. J. Primary Access. The major access to a subdi- vision. The major access generally carries the most traffic as determined by the traffic engineering study. (Ord. 1477 ~ 2, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.450 Public street or road. A "public street or road" is a street or road for which the right-of-way has been dedicated to the public. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.460 Subdivider. A "subdivider" is any person, firm, or corporation, or other entity who causes land to be subdivided or who proposes a subdivision of land. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.470 Subdivision. A "subdivision" means a division of land or land so divided, which creates one or more parcels con- taining less than one hundred sixty acres that cannot be described as a one-quarter aliquot part of a United States Government section, exclusive of public roadways, in order that the title to or possession of the parcels may be sold, rented, leased, or otherwise conveyed, and shall include any resubdivision; and shall further include any condominium or area, regardless of its size, which provides or will 'provide multiple space for recreational camping vehicles, manufactured or mobile homes. A subdivision shall comprise only those parcels less than one hundred 293 (Bozeman 11"0 I) 16.04.480-16.06.020 sixty acres that cannot be described as a one-quarter aliquot part of a United States Government section when the parcels have been segregated from the original tract, and the plat thereof shall show all such parcels whether contiguous or not, provided, however, condominiums constructed on land previ- ously divided in compliance with the Montana Sub- division and Platting Act are exempt from the provi- sion of these regulations and the Act. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.480 Surveyor (registered land surveyor). A "surveyor (registered land surveyor)" is a per- son licensed in conformance with the Montana Professional Engineers, Registration Act (Section 37- 67-101 through 37-67-332, MCA) to practice surveying in the state of Montana. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.490 Swale. A "swale" is a drainage channel or shallow de- pression designed to direct surface water flow. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.500 Tract of record. A "tract of record" is a parcel of land, irrespective of ownership, that can be identified by legal description, independent of any other parcel of land, using documents on file in the records of the county clerk and recorder's office. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.04.510 Watercourse. A "watercourse" is any stream, river, creek, drainage, waterway, gully, ravine, or wash in which water flows either continuously or intermittently and has a definite channel, bed and banks, and includes any area adjacent thereto subject to inundation by reason of overflow. The term watercourse shall not be construed to mean any facility created exclusively for the conveyance of irrigation water. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) (Bozeman ll~OI) 294 Chapter 16.06 e GENERAL PROCEDURES Sections: 16.06.010 16.06.020 16.06.030 16.06.040 Construction timing. Transfers of title. Permission to enter. Appeals. 16.06.010 Construction timing. The subdivider shall not proceed with any con- struction work on the proposed subdivision including grading and excavating relating to improvements, until the appropriate governing body has given preliminary plat approval, and then, only if the construction is in accordance with the conditions of preliminary plat approval. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.06.020 Transfers of title. After a preliminary subdivision plat has been approved or conditionally approved, the subdivider may enter into contracts to sell lots in the proposed subdivision ifall of the following conditions are met: A. Under the terms of the contracts, the purchas- ers of lots in the proposed subdivision shall make any payments to an escrow agent which must be a bank or savings and loan association chartered to do business in the state of Montana. B. Under the terms of the contracts and the escrow agreement, the payments made by lot pur- chasers in the proposed subdivision may not be distributed by the escrow agent to the subdivider until the final plat of the subdivision is filed with the county clerk and recorder. C. The contracts and the escrow agreement pro- vide that if the final plat of the proposed subdivision is not filed with the county clerk and recorder within two years of the preliminary plat approval, the escrow agent shall immediately refund to each pur- chaser any payment made under the contract. D. The county treasurer has certified that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to be divided are paid. e e e e e E. The contracts shall contain the following lan- guage conspicuously set out therein: "The real prop- erty which is the subject hereof has not been finally platted, and until a final plat identifying the property has been filed with the C~unty Clerk and Recorder, title to the property cannot be transferred in any manner." F. Instruments Which Transfer Title. Under 76- 3-302, MCA, the county clerk and recorder shall not 16.06.020 294a (Bozeman 11-0 I) e e e e e e record any instrument which purports to transfer title to or possession of a parcel or tract of land which is required to be surveyed by the Montana Subdivi- sion and Platting Act unless the required certificate of surveyor subdivision plat has been reviewed, approved and filed with the clerk and recorder and the instrument or transfer describes the parcel or tract by reference to the filed certificate or plat. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.06.030 Permission to enter. The appropriate governing body, or its designated agents, may conduct such investigations, examina~ tions and site evaluations as they deem necessary to verify the information supplied. The submission of material or a plat for review shall constitute a grant of permission to enter (he subject property. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.06.040 Appeals. A party identified in subsection A of this section who is aggrieved by a decision of the appropriate governing body to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove a proposed preliminary plat or final subdivision plat may, within thirty days after the decision, appeal to the eighteenth judicial district court, Gallatin County, state of Montana. The peti- tion must specify the grounds upon which the ap- peal is made. A. The following parties may appeal under the provisions of this section: 1. The subdivider. 2. A landowner with a property boundary con- tiguous to the proposed subdivision or a private landowner within the county where the subdivision is proposed if that landowner can show a likelihood of material injury to the landowner's property or its value. 3. The county commission. 4. The city. B. For the purposes of this section, "aggrieved" means a person who can demonstrate a specific personal and legal interest, as distinguished from a general interest, who has been or is likely to be 16.06.03Q-.-..-I6.08.020 specifically and injuriously affected by the decision. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.08 PLAN AND PLAT INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Sections: 16.08.010 16.08.020 16.08.030 16.08.040 16.08.050 16.08.060 General. Pre~application plan. Preliminary plat. Preliminary plat supplements. Final plat. Changes to filed subdivision plats. 16.08.010 General. All applications and supplemental material, in- cluding all copies of plats, shall be bound and fold- ed into complete eight and one-half inches by eleven inches or eight and one-half inches by fourteen inches sets ready for distribution. All plats shall be on one or more sheets either eighteen inches by twenty~four inches or twenty-four inches by thirty- six inches in size, and shall be folded and included in the bound submittal. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.08.020 Pre-application plan. The pre-application plan may be a free-hand sketch, legibly drawn, showing approximate bound- aries, dimensions, areas and distances. The plan may be drawn directly on a print of a topographic survey required for the preliminary plat and shall include: A. Sketch Map. A sketch map showing: 1. The name of adjoining subdivisions and numbers of adjoining certificates of survey, along with adjacent lot and tract lines. 2. Location, name, width and owner of existing or proposed streets, roads and easements within the proposed subdivision; existing streets, roads and easements within adjacent subdivisions and tracts; and name of street or road that provides access from 294-1 (Bozeman 4.98) 16.08.030 the nearest public street or road to the proposed subdivision. 3. Location of all existing structures, including buildings, railroads, power lines, towers, and im- provements inside and within one hundred feet of the proposed sulxlivision. 4. Zoning classification within the proposed subdivision and adjacent to it. The proposed zoning for the subdivision, if a change is contemplated. B. Topographic Features. Topographic features of the proposed subdivision and adjacent subdivi. sions and tracts, including: 1. A current U.S. Geological Survey topographic map at the largest scale available with the sulxli- vision clearly outlined. 2. Embankments, watercourses, drainage chan- nels, areas of seasonal water ponding, areas within the designated floodway, marsh areas, wetlands, rock outcrops, wooded areas, noxious weeds, and areas of active faults. C. Utilities. The existing and proposed utilities located on and adjacent to the proposed sulxlivision including: 1. Location, size, and depth of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains and gas lines. 2. Location of fire hydrants, electric lines, tele- phone lines, sewage and water treatment, and stor- age facilities. D. Subdivision Layout. The proposed layout of the subdivision showing the approximate: 1. Subdivision block, tract, and lot boundary lines, with numbers, dimensions, and areas for each block, tract and lot 2. Street or road location, right-of-way width, and name. 3. Easement location, width and purpose. 4. Sites to be dedicated or reserved as park, common open space, or other public areas; with boundaries, dimensions and areas. 5. Sites for commercial centers, churches, schools, industrial areas, condominiums, mobile home parks, and uses other than single-family resi- dences. (Bozeman 4-98) E. Development Plan. An overall development plan indicating future development of the remainder of the tract, if the tract is to be developed in phases. F. Name and Location. A title block indicating the proposed name, quarter-section, section, town- ship, range, principal meridian, and county of subdi- vision. G. Notations. Scale, north arrow, name and ad- dresses of owners and subdividers, and date of preparation. H. Variances. A list of variance requests which will be submitted with the application for prelimi- nary plat application. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.08.030 Preliminary plat. The preliminary plat shall be legibly drawn at a horizontal scale no smaller than one hundred feet to the inch, and may show approximate boundaries, dimensions, distances and areas, unless specifically noted. The plat shall be on one or more sheets of eighteen inches by twenty-four inches or twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches paper. Where accurate information is required, surveying and engineering data shall be prepared under the supervision of a registered engineer or registered land surveyor, licensed in the state of Montana, as their respective licensing laws allow. The plat submittal shall in- clude the following: A. Pre-application Information. All information required with the preapplication plan, as outlined in Section 16.08.020. B. Subdivision Information. Name and location of the subdivision, scale, scale bar, north arrow, date of preparation, lots and blocks (designated by num- ber), the dimensions and area of each lot, and the use of each lot, if other than for single family. C. Streets, Roads and Grades. All streets, roads, alleys, avenues, highways, and easements; the width of the right-of-way, grades, and curvature of each; existing and proposed road names; and proposed location of intersections for any subdivision requir- ing access to arterial or collector highways. D. Adjoining Sulxlivisions. The names of adjoin- ing platted subdivisions and numbers of adjoining certificates of survey. 294~2 e e e e e e E. Adjoining Owners. Names and addresses of record owners oflots and tracts immediately adjoin- ing the proposed subdivision. F. Perimeter Survey. An approximate survey of the exterior boundaries of the platted tract with bearings, distances, and c~rve data indicated outside of the boundary lines. When the plat is bounded by an irregular shoreline or a body of water, the bearings and distances of a closing meander traverse shall be gIven. G. Section Corner. The approximate location of all section comers or legal subdivision corners of sections pertinent to the subdivision boundary. H. Contours. Ground contours shall be provided for the tract according to the following requirements: Where average slope is: Contour intervals shall be: Under 10% 2 feet (If all lots over one acre in size,S foot intervals may be used) Between 10% and 15% 5 feet 15% or greater 10 feet I. Phased Improvements. If the improvements required are to be completed in phases after the final plat is filed, the approximate area of each phase shall be shown on the plat. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.08.040 Preliminary plat supplements. The following supplemental information shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. A. Environmental Assessment, Community Im- pact and Flood Hazard Evaluation. To be submitted as required in these regulations. B. Area Map. A map showing all adjacent sec- tions of land, subdivision, certificates of survey, and roads. C. Subdivision Map. Map of entire subdivision on either an eight and one-half inch by eleven inch, 16.08.040 eight and one-half inch by fourteen inch, or eleven inch by seventeen inch sheet. D. Variances. A written statement describing the requested variance(s) and the facts of hardship upon which the request is based (refer to Chapter 16.30). E. Property Owners. A certified list of adjoining property owners, their mailing addresses and proper- ty description, including property owners across public rights-of-way and/or easements. The names and addresses shall also be provided on self-adhesive mailing labels; one list for first minor subdivisions, and three sets of labels for all other subdivisions. F. Documents and Certificates. Draft or copy of the following documents and certificates to be print- ed on or accompany the preliminary plat. 1. Covenants, restrictions and articles of incor- poration for the homeowners' association. 2. Encroachment permits or a letter indicating intention to issue a permit where new streets, roads, easements, rights~of-way or driveways intersect state, county, or city highways or roads. 3. A letter of approval from the governing body or other appropriate authority where a zoning change is necessary. 4. A draft of such other appropriate certificates. 5. Provision for maintenance of all roads (in- cluding emergency access), parks and other required improvements. 6. Drafts of public improvements agreement and guarantee. G. Profile sheets for street or road grades greater than five percent. H. Completed preliminary plat application form, with the original signatures of all owners of record or their authorized representatives, and the required review fee. If an authorized representative signs on behalf of an owner of record, a copy of the authorization shall be provided. 1. A noxious weed management and revegetation plan approved by the weed control district for control of noxious weeds upon preliminary plat approval and during the construction of improvements. Prior to final plat approval, a Memorandum of Understanding shall be entered into by the weed control district 294-3 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.08.050 and the subdivider. (Ord. 1477 ~ 3, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.08.050 Final plat. A final subdivision plat may not be approved by the appropriate governing body or filed by the county clerk and recorder unless all certificates, with the exception of the appropriate governing body and clerk and recorder have been complied with, signed, and notarized, and all subdivision regulations and conditions of preliminary plat approval required by the appropriate governing body have been met. This shall include the certification by the county treasurer that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided have been paid. All final subdivision plats must comply with the following uniform standards for final subdivision plat requirements. A. The final subdivision plat shall be legibly drawn with permanent ink or printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record and shall be at a scale no less than two hundred feet to the inch; and shall be either eighteen inches by twenty- four inches or twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches overall, to include a one-and-one-half-inch margin on the binding side. Whenever more than one sheet must be used to accurately portray the land subdivided, each sheet must show the number of that sheet, the total number of sheets included, and contain the appropriate title information. All certifications shall be shown or referenced on one sheet. B. Changes to a filed subdivision plat must be filed with the county clerk and recorder as an amended plat. An amended plat may not be filed unless it meets the filing requirements for a final subdivision plat specified in these rules, except that approval by the appropriate governing body is not required where waived by Section 76-3-207(1), MCA for relocation of common boundary lines or aggregation of five or fewer lots. C. The final plat submitted for approval shall show or contain on its face or on separate sheets referenced on the plat: I. A title block indicating name of the subdivi- sion, quarter-section(s), section, township, range, (Bozeman 11.01) principal meridian and county. The title of the plat shall contain the words "plat" and "subdivision." 2. Name(s) ofthe owner(s) of the land surveyed and the name(s) of any adjoining platted subdivision and numbers of any adjoining certificates of survey previously recorded and ties thereto. 3. True north point, scale, acreage of streets, parks, and other public areas; acreage of the subdi- vision, gross and net. 4. All monuments found, set, reset, replaced, or removed describing their kind, size, location and giving other data relating thereto. 5. Witness monuments, basis of bearing, bear- ings and lengths of lines. 6. The bearings, distances and curve data of all perimeter boundary lines shall be indicated. When the subdivision is bounded by an irregular shoreline or body of water, the bearings and distances of a meander traverse shall be given. 7. Data on all curves sufficient to enable the re- establishment of the curves on the ground. The data shall include: a. Radius of curve; b. Arch length; c. Degree of curve; d. Notation of nontangent curves. 8. Lengths of all lines shall be shown to at least tenths of a foot, and all angles and bearings shown to at least the nearest minute. 9. The location of all section corners or legal subdivision comers of sections pertinent to the sub- division boundary. 10. All lots and blocks in the subdivision, desig- nated by ,number, the dimensions of each lot and block, the area of each lot, and the total acreage of all lots. (Excepted parcels shall be marked "Not Included in this Subdivision" or "Not Included in this Plat," as appropriate, and the boundary completely indicated by bearings and distances.) 11. All streets, roads, alleys, avenues, and high- ways; their widths, bearings; the width and purpose of all rights-of-way; and the names of all streets, roads and highways. e e 294-4 e e e e 12. The location, dimensions and areas of all parks, common areas, and all other grounds dedicat- ed for public use. 13. A metes and bounds legal description of the perimeter boundary ofthe, tract surveyed. 14. All monuments to be of record must be ade- quately described and clearly identified on the plat. Where additional monuments are to be set subse- quent to the filing of the plat, the location of such additional monuments shall be shown by a distinct symbol noted on the plat. All monuments or other evidence found during retracements that would influence the positions of any corner or boundary indicated on the plat must be clearly shown. 15. The signature and seal of the registered land surveyor responsible for the survey. The affixing of his seal constitutes a certification by the surveyor that the final plat has been prepared in conformance with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (Title 76, Chapter 3, MCA) and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. 16. Memorandum of oaths administered pursuant to Section 76-3-405, MCA. 17. Certification by the appropriate governing body that the final subdivision plat is approved, except where the plat shows changes to a filed subdivision plat which are exempt from local gov- ernment review under Section 76p3-207(1), MCA. Where an amended plat qualifies for such a waiver, the plat must contain a statement that pursuant to Section 76-3-207 (1), approval by the local govern- ing body is not required for relocation of common boundary lines for aggregation of lots. D. The following original certificates shall be on the face ofthe approved final plat when filed with the county clerk and recorder. All certificates shall be properly signed and notarized or sealed where applicable. I. Certification of dedication of streets, roads, parks or playgrounds, or other public improvements, or of cash donation in lieu of dedication, when applicable. 2. Certification by the subdivider indicating which required public improvements have been installed and any subdivision improvements agree~ 16.08.050 ment securing the future construction of any addi- tional public improvements to be installed. 3. Certification by the appropriate governing body expressly accepting any dedicated land and improvements. Acceptance of dedication shall be ineffective without such certification. 4. Certification of examining land surveyor where applicable. 5. Certification by the county treasurer that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided have been paid. E. The following original documents shall ac- company and be recorded with the approved final plat when filed with the county clerk and recorder. All documents shall be properly notarized or sealed where applicable. 1. A current certification by a licensed title abstractor showing the names of the owners of record of land to be subdivided and the names of any lien holders or claimants of record against the land and the written consent to the subdivision by the owner( s) of record, if other than the subdivider, and any lienholder(s) or c1aimant(s) of record against the land. The certification shall have been issued no later than thirty days prior to a final plat submittal for subdivisions within the city, and no later than ninety days prior to the final plat submittal for subdivisions outside the city. The certificate shall be accompanied by a county attorney's certificate, for subdivisions outside the city. 2. Covenants or deed restrictions required by the appropriate governing body. 3. Certification by the State Department of Environmental Quality that it has approved the plans and specifications for water or sanitary facilities, when required. 4. Articles of incorporation and bylaws for any property owners' association. F. A letter from the city engineer or county road superintendent, whichever is applicable, shall be submitted to the planning office with the final plat application, where applicable, certifying that the following documents have been received. 294-5 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.08.060--16.10.030 1. As-built drawings, i.e., copies of final plans, profiles, grades, and specifications for public im- provements, including a complete grading and drain- age plan. 2. Copy of the state highway p,ermit when a new street or road will intersect with a state highway. (Ord. 1477 ~ 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.08.060 Changes to filed subdivision plats. Changes to a filed subdivision plat must be filed with the county clerk and recorder as an amended plat. An amended plat may not be filed unless it meets the filing requirements for a final subdivision plat specified in these rules, except that approval by the appropriate governing body is not required where waived by Section 76-3-207(1), MCA, for relocation of common boundary lines or aggregation of five or fewerlots. (Ord. 1477 ~ 4 (part), 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.10 REVIEW PROCEDURES FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Sections: 16.10.010 16.10.020 16.10.030 16.10.040 16.10.050 16.10.060 General procedure. Pre-submittal meeting. Pre-application plan. Concurrent review. Preliminary plat. Notice of certification that water and waste services will be provided by local government. Final plat application. 16.10.070 16.10.010 General procedure. Every plat of subdivision must be reviewed, approved, and filed for record with the county clerk and recorder in accordance with the procedures contained herein before title to the subdivided land can be sold or transferred in any manner. Subdivi- sions containing six or more lots, and subdivisions (Bozeman 11.01) containing five or fewer lots that do not qualify as first minor subdivisions or for summary review, shall be reviewed under the procedures of this chapter. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.10.020 Pre-submittal meeting. The subdivider, or his/her representative, is en- couraged to meet with the planning department prior to submitting a plan or plat. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss these regulations and standards, to familiarize the subdivider with the goals and objectiv~s of applicable plans, regulations and ordinances, and to discuss the proposed subdivision as it relates to these matters. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.10.030 Pre-application plan. Prior to the submittal of a preliminary plat appli- cation, the subdivider shall submit an application for pre-application review, the appropriate fee, and all required pre-application information as set forth in these regulations. A. Planning Department Review. Ten copies of the pre-application materials are required, unless a different number of copies is agreed to during a pre- submittal meeting. The planning department shall review the pre-application plan and advise the subdivider as to whether the plans and data meet the goals and objectives of applicable plans and these regulations. 1. Agency Review. The planning department will distribute the pre-application information to appropriate county and city departments and state and federal agencies for review and written com- ment. All written comments received from various agencies, along with the planning department's com- ments regarding whether the plans and data meet the goals and objectives of applicable plans, ordinances, and these regulations, will be forwarded to the ap- plicant to aid in the preparation of the preliminary plat. 2. Time for Review. The planning department shall review the pre-application plan and within thirty working days advise the subdivider as to whether the plans and data meet the goals and e e 294-6 e e e objectives of applicable plans and these regulations. Every effort shall be made by the planning department to obtain department and agency comment within this time period. B. Optional Planning Board Review. If the sub- divider so wishes, he may 'request in writing that the planning board review pre-application plans. The letter of request and twenty copies of the pre-appli- cation materials are required for this optional review. The application will be submitted to the planning board at their next available meeting. A copy ofthe approved minutes of the planning board meeting will be forwarded to the subdivider. (Ord. 1477 ~ 5,1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.10.040 Concurrent review. The subdivider has the option of submitting a Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)/locaI government joint application form in the place of a preliminary plat application form, and to request concurrent subdivision review by the Department of Environmental Quality and the appropriate governing body, pursuant to Section 76-4-129, MCA. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.10.050 Preliminary plat. After the requirement for pre-application review has been satisfied, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat. Preliminary plat applications shall be submitted to the planning department and must conform to the requirements of these regulations. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a surveyor licensed to practice in Montana. A. Preliminary Plat Application Submission. The subdivider shall submit an application for prelimi- nary plat review, the appropriate fee, and the follow- ing number of copies of all required preliminary plat information and supplementary information, as set forth in these regulations. 1. Within the city: twenty-five copies The planning department shall review the appli- cation within three working days to determine if the application is complete. The review period shall begin on the date that the planning department de- termines the application is complete. An application 16.10.040--16.10.050 is complete only if it contains all of the information required by these regulations. If the application is incomplete, the application, review fee and a written explanation of why the application is incomplete will be returned to the subdivider. B. Affected Agencies. The planning department shall submit copies of the preliminary plat and sup- plementary information to the affected utilities and public agencies for review and comment, and to the planning board for its advice pertaining to the approval or disapproval of the plat or subdivision. If the proposed subdivision is situated within a rural school district, the planning department shall provide an informational copy ofthe preliminary plat to the rural school district. A "rural school district" means a school district in which a majority of the pupils in the district reside outside the limits of any incorporated city or town. Review by public agencies or utilities shall not delay the city commission's consideration of the preliminary plat beyond the statutory sixty-day review period. C. Planning Board Recommendation. The planning board shall: 1. Consider the following: a. Relevant evidence relating to the public health, safety, and welfare; b. The environmental assessment; c. Any officially adopted comprehensive plan for the area involved: d. Review criteria specified in Section 16.1 0.0501 of these regulations; and e. Whether the preliminary plat conforms to the provisions of: (i) The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act; (ii) These regulations; (iii) Applicable zoning regulations; (iv) Any adopted comprehensive plan for the area involved; and (v) Other regulations in effect in the area of the proposed subdivision; and 2. Submit in writing to the city commission its findings regarding the items under subsection 1, above, and its advice pertaining to the approval or disapproval ofthe plat or subdivision. 294.7 (Bozeman 11-0 I) 16.10.050 D. Public Hearings and Meetings. The city commission shall conduct a public hearing and review the proposed subdivision. At the public hearing, the city commission shall: 1. Review the preliminary plat, together with required supplementary plans a~d information, to determine if it meets the requirements of these regulations, the development standards and policies of the Bozeman area master plan, the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, and other adopted state and local ordinances, including, but not limited to applicable zoning regulations. 2. Consider written comments from appropriate public agencies, utilities or other members of the public. 3. Consider the following: a. Relevant evidence relating to the public health, safety, and welfare; b. The environmental assessment; c. The community impact statement; d. Other regulations, code provisions, or policies in effect in the area of the proposed subdivision; e. The recommendation of the city planning board; and f. Any relevant public testimony. E. Public Hearing Notice. Notice of the time and date of the preliminary plat public hearing(s) shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Gallatin County not less than fifteen days prior to the date of the hearing(s). The subdivider, each property owner of record, each recorded purchaser under contract for deed, and each owner of property immediately adjoining the land included in the plat shall be notified of the hearing by certified mail not less than fifteen days prior to the date of the hearing(s). F. City Commission Action. The city commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plat within sixty days of determination that the application is complete, unless there is a written extension from the subdivider. 1. For subdivisions located within the corporate limits of the city, or for subdivisions on land which has concurrently applied for annexation to the cor. porate limits of the city, the city commission shall (Bozeman 11-01) consider the application and planning board's rec- ommendation during a regular public meeting of the commission. G. Criteria for City Commission Action. The basis for the city commission's decision to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the subdivision shall be whether the preliminary plat, applicable environmental assessment, public hearing, planning board advise and recommendation, and additional information demonstrates that development of the subdivision meets the requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act. The city commission may not deny approval of a subdivision based solely on the subdivision's impacts on educational services. H. Mitigation. The city commission may require the subdivider to design the subdivision to reasonably minimize potentially significant adverse impacts identified through the review required by these regulations. The city commission shall issue written findings to justify the reasonable mitigation required by these regulations. The city commission may not unreasonably restrict a landowner's ability to develop land, but it is recognized that in some instances the unmitigated impacts of a proposed development may be unacceptable and will preclude approval of the plat. When requiring mitigation under this subsection, the city commission shall consult with the subdivider and shall give due weight and consideration to the expressed preference of the subdivider. I. Findings of Fact. The city commission shall issue written findings of fact that discuss and weigh the following criteria, as applicable (pursuant to Section 76-3-608, MCA): 1. The effect on agriculture, agricultural water user facilities, local services, the natural environ- ment, wildlife and wildlife habitat, and public health and safety; 2. Compliance with the survey requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act; 3. Compliance with these subdivision regulations and the review process of these regulations; 4. The provision of easements for the location and installation of any necessary utilities; and e e 294-8 e e e e 5. The provision of legal and physical access to each parcel within the subdivision and the notation of that access on the applicable plat and any instrument transferring the parcel. The written findings of fact shall include: 1. The reason for the denial or condition imposi- tion; 2. The evidence that justifies the denial or the imposition of condition(s); and 3. Information regarding the appeal process for the denial or condition imposition. J. Preliminary Plat Approval Period. Upon approving or ~onditionally approving a preliminary plat, the city commission shall provide the subdivider with a dated and signed statement of approval. This approval shall be in force for not more than three calendar years or less than one calendar year. At the end of this period the city commission may, at the written request ofthe subdivider, extend its approval for no more than one calendar year, except that the city commission may extend its approval for a period of more than one year if that approval period is included as a specific condition of a written subdivi- sion improvements agreement between the city commission and the subdivider, provided for in Chapter 16.22. K. Inaccurate or Incomplete Information. The city commission may withdraw approval of a preliminary plat if they determine that information provided by the subdivider, and upon which approval of the preliminary plat was based, is inaccurate or incomplete. 1. Within thirty days following approval or conditional approval of a preliminary plat, any per- son or agency which claims that information which was provided by the subdivider is inaccurate or incomplete may submit the information and proof to the planning department. 2. The planning department shall investigate the claim, the accompanying information and proof, and make a report to the city commission at a regular meeting of the city commission within thirty days after receipt of the information. Notice of the meeting shall be given to the claimant and the subdivider. At the meeting, the city commission shall 16.10.060 consider the information and proof, and make a determination regarding the claim. L. Changes to Conditions After Approval. Upon written request of the subdivider, the city commission may amend conditions of preliminary plat approval where it can be found that errors or changes beyond the control of the subdivider have rendered a condition unnecessary, impossible, or illegal. 1. The written request shall be submitted to the planning department. 2. The written consent of all purchasers of land (via contract for deed, etc.) shall be included with the written request to amend conditions. 3. The city commission shall conduct a public hearing on the request. 4. Notice of the public hearing shall be given in accordance with these regulations. 5. The city commission may approve the requested change if it meets the criteria set forth in these regulations. 6. The city commission shall issue written findings of fact as required in these regulations. M. Additional Conditions After Approval. After the preliminary plat is approved, the city commission may not impose any additional conditions as a prerequisite to final plat approval, providing said approval is obtained within the original or extended approval period as provided in these regulations. (Ord. 1501 * 5, 1999: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.10.060 Notice of certification that water and waste services will be provided by local government. When a subdivision is approved that will be provided municipal facilities for the supply of water and/or disposal of sewage and solid waste, the plan- ning office shall, within twenty days after prelimi- nary plat approval is granted, send notice of certifi- cation to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality that a subdivision has been preliminarily ap- proved and that municipal facilities for the supply of water and/or disposal of sewage and solid waste will be provided for the subdivision. 294-9 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.10.070 A. The notice of certification shall include the following: 1. The name and address of the applicant; 2. A copy of the preliminary plat or a final plat where a preliminary plat is not necessary; 3. The number of proposed parcels in the subdi- VISIon; 4. A copy of any applicable zoning ordinances in effect; 5. How construction of the sewage disposal and water supply systems or extensions will be financed; 6. A copy of the master plan, when applicable; 7. The relative location of the subdivision to the city; and 8. Certification that adequate municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste are available or will be provided within one year after the notice of certification is issued. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.10.070 Final plat application. After the conditions of preliminary approval and the requirements for the installation of improvements have been satisfied, the subdivider shall cause to be prepared a final plat. The final plat shall conform to the Uniform Standards for Final Subdivision Plats as set forth in Chapter 16.08. Plans and data shall be prepared under the supervision of a registered surveyor, licensed in the state of Montana, as their licensing laws allow. A. Final Plat Submittal. The final plat and all supplementary documents shall be submitted to the planning department at least thirty days prior to the expiration of preliminary plat approval or any exten- sion thereto. The submittal shall include a final plat application form, the appropriate review fee, all required information, and a written explanation of how each of the conditions of preliminary plat ap- proval have been satisfied. The final plat shall be submitted to the planning department in the follow- ing form, along with the original of all required documents: 1. Within the City. Two signed cloth-backed, or equivalent, copies; two signed reproducible copies on a stable base polyester film or equivalent; two digital (Bozeman 11-0 I) copies on tbree-and-one-half-inch DS/DD disk; and five paper prints. 2. Within the City Zoning Jurisdictional Area. Two signed cloth-backed, or equivalent, copies; two signed reproducible copies on a stable base polyester film or equivalent; two digital copies on three-and- one-half-inch DS/DD disk; and six paper prints. 3. Within the Bozeman City-County Planning Jurisdiction, but Outside the City Zoning Jurisdic- tional Area. One signed cloth-backed, or equivalent, copy, one reproducible copy on a stable base poly- ester film or equivalent, one digital copy on three- and-one-half-inch DS/DD disk, and six paper prints. B. County Treasurer Certification. A final plat will not be accepted as complete until the county treasurer has certified that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided are paid. C. Review of Abstract and Covenants. The cer- tificate of a licensed title abstractor, two copies of the covenants, and the conditions of preliminary approval shall be submitted by the subdivider to the county attorney's office (for subdivisions outside city limits) for review and approval prior to submittal of the final plat application to the planning department. The county attorney's approval of the covenants and the county attorney's certificate shall then be included with the final plat application submittal. The certificate of licensed title abstractor shall be dated no earlier than ninety days prior to submittal. For subdivisions within city limits, the covenants and/or certificate of licensed title abstractor shall be submitted to the planning office with the final plat application, and the planning staff will obtain the city attorney's approval of the covenants and city attorney's certificate. The certificate of title abstractor shall be dated no earlier than thirty days prior to submittal. D. Review by the Planning Department. The planning department will then review the final plat application to ascertain that all conditions and re- quirements for final approval have been met. If all conditions and requirements for final approval have been met, the planning office shall forward a report to the appropriate governing body for their action. e e 294-10 e e e e E. Final Plat Approval. The appropriate govern- ing body shall examine every final plat, and within forty-five days of the date of submission to the planning department shall approve it if it conforms to the conditions ofprelimin~ry approval and the terms of these regulations. 1. Subdivisions within the City. The city com- mission shall examine every final plat at a regular meeting. a. If the final plat is approved, the director of public service shall so certify the approval in a printed certificate on the plat. b. Ifthe final plat is disapproved, the city com- mission shall cause a letter to be written to the subdivider stating the reasons therefore. 2. Subdivisions Outside the City. The county commission shall examine every final plat at a regu- lar meeting. a. lfthe final plat is approved, the county com- mission shall so certify the approval in a printed certificate on the plat. b. If the final plat is disapproved, the county commission shall cause a letter to be written to the subdivider stating the reasons therefore. 3. Filing. The subdivider shall file the approved, signed final plat and all other required certificates and documents with the clerk and recorder within sixty days of the date of final approval. (Ord. 1477 ~ 7, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.12 SUMMARY REVIEW PROCEDURES FOR MINOR SUBDIVISIONS Sections: 16.12.010 16.12.020 General procedure. Pre-submittal meeting or pre-application plan. Review procedures for minor subdivisions. Preliminary plat for the first minor subdivision from a tract of record. 16.12.030 16.12.040 16.12.010--16.12.020 16.12.050 Notice of certification that water and waste services will be provided by local government. Final plat application. 16.12.060 16.12.010 General procedure. Every plat of subdivision must be reviewed, approved, and filed for record with the county clerk and recorder in accordance with the procedures contained herein before title to the subdivided land can be sold or transferred in any manner. Subdivi- sions containing five or fewer lots in which proper access to all lots is provided and in which no land is to be dedicated to public use for parks and play- grounds, shall be reviewed under the procedures of this chapter. Further, subdivisions containing five or fewer lots in which proper access to all lots is pro- vided, in which no land is to be dedicated to public use for parks and playgrounds, and when the plats have been approved by the department of environ- mental quality, shall also be reviewed under the procedures of this chapter. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.12.020 Pre-submittal meeting or pre-application plan. Prior to the submittal of a preliminary plat appli- cation, the subdivider or his representative shall either meet with the planning department to discuss these regulations and standards, familiarize the sub- divider with the goals and objectives of applicable plans, regulations and ordinances, and to discuss the proposed subdivision as it relates to these matters, or submit an application for pre-application review. The planning department, may, during a pre-submittal meeting, require a subdivider to submit a pre- application plan, if, in the opinion of the planning department, pre-application review comments should be obtained from other reviewing agencies. A. Pre-application Plan Review. Ifa pre-applica- tion plan is required or submitted, the subdivider shall submit an application for pre-application re- view, the appropriate fee. and all required pre-appli- cation information as set forth in Chapter 16.08. 294-11 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.12.030--16.12.040 1. Planning Department Review. Ten copies of the prewapplication materials are required, unless a different number of copies is agreed to during a pre- submittal meeting. The planning department shall review the pre-applicatic~m plan and advise the subdivider as to whether the plans and data meet the goals and objectives of applicable plans and these regulations. a. Agency Review. The planning department will distribute the pre-application information to appropriate county and city departments and state and federal agencies for review and written com- ment. All written comments received from various agencies, along with the planning department's comments regarding whether the plans and data meet the goals and objectives of applicable plans, ordinances, and these regulations, will be forwarded to the applicant to aid in the preparation of the preliminary plat. b. Time for Review. The planning department shall review the pre-application plan and within thirty working days advise the subdivider as to whether the plans and data meet the goals and ob- jectives of applicable plans and these regulations. Every effort shall be made by the planning depart- ment to obtain department and agency comment within this time period. 2. Optional Planning Board Review. lfthe sub- divider so wishes, he may request in writing that the planning board review pre-application plans. The letter of request and twenty copies of the pre-applica- tion materials are required for this optional review. a. The request must be received at least thirty working days prior to the planning board meeting at which it is to be considered. The application will be submitted to the planning board at their next available meeting. A copy of the approved minutes of the planning board meeting will be forwarded to the subdivider. (Ord. 1477 S 8, 1998: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.12.030 Review procedures for minor subdivisions. After the requirement for pre-submittal and/or pre- application review has been satisfied, the subdivider (Bozeman 11-01) shall submit a preliminary plat. Preliminary plats are submitted to the planning department and must conform to the requirements of these regulations. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a surveyor licensed to practice in the state of Montana. A. First Minor Subdivision Created From a Tract of Record. For a first minor subdivision created from a tract of record, the requirements for a public hearing and preparation of an environmental assess- ment do not apply. B. Variance Requests for Minor Subdivisions. If the subdivider of a minor subdivision is requesting a variance from any requirement of these regulations, the procedures of Section 16.30.010 must be followed. Due to the requirement for a public hearing on variance requests, the subdivider shall provide the planning office with a written extension of the thirty- five-day review period referred to in Section 16.I2.040E of these regulations at the time the preliminary plat application and variance request are submitted. C. Second or Subsequent Minor Subdivision Created from a Tract of Record. For a second or subsequent minor subdivision created from a tract of record the planning board may require the prepa- ration of all or part of an environmental assessment. A public hearing shall be held in accordance with the hearing procedures in Section 16.10.050. The subdivider shall be provided with a written statement of the reasons for requiring the public preparation of an environmental assessment after the prewsubmittal meeting or prewapplication plan review has been completed. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) e e 16.12.040 Preliminary plat for the first minor subdivision from a tract of record. A. Preliminary Plat Application Submission. Within at least eighteen days prior to the next regular planning board meeting, the subdivider shall submit an application for minor subdivision review, the appropriate fee, and the following number of copies of all required preliminary plat information and supplementary information, as set forth in these regulations. e 294-12 e e e t. Within the city: twenty copies. 2. Within the city zoning jurisdictional area: twenty copies. 3. Within the Bozeman city-county planning jurisdiction, but outside th~ city zoningjurisdictional area: twenty copies. The planning department shall review the appli- cation within three working days to determine if the application is complete. The review period shall begin on the date that the planning department de- termines the application is complete. An application is complete only if it contains all of the information required by these regulations. If the application is incomplete, the application, review fee and a written explanation of why the application is incomplete will be returned to the subdivider. B. Affected Agencies. The planning department shall submit copies of the preliminary plat and sup- plementary information to the affected utilities and public agencies for review and comment. If the proposed subdivision is situated within a rural school district, the planning department shall provide an informational copy of the preliminary plat to the rural school district. Review by public agencies or utilities shall not delay the appropriate governing body's consideration of the preliminary plat beyond the statutory thirty-five-day review period. C. Planning Board Review. The planning board shall review the proposed first minor subdivision at a regular meeting. At the public meeting, the planning board shall review the preliminary plat, together with required supplementary plans and information, to determine if it meets with the requirements of these regulations, the development standards and policies of the Bozeman area master plan, the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, and other adopted state and local ordinances, including, but not limited to applicable zoning regulations. D. Planning Board Recommendation. Within ten days of their review, the planning board shall submit in writing to the appropriate governing body, a resolution forwarding its advise regarding the items listed under subsection C of this section, and a recommendation for approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the plat. 16.12.040 E. Appropriate Governing Body Action. The appropriate governing body shall approve, condition. ally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plat of a first minor subdivision within thirty-five days of determination that the application is complete, unless there is a written extension from the subdivider. 1. For subdivisions located within the corporate limits of the city, or for subdivisions on land which has concurrently applied for annexation to the cor- porate limits of the city, the city commission shall consider the application and planning board's rec- ommendation during a regular public meeting of the commiSSIOn. 2. For subdivisions located outside of the corpo- rate limits of the city, the Gallatin County commis- sion shall consider the application and planning board's recommendation during a regular meeting of the commission. F. Criteria for Governing Body Action. The basis for the appropriate governing body's decision to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the subdivision shall be whether the preliminary plat, applicable environmental assessment, applicable public hearing, planning board advice and recom- mendation, and additional information demonstrate that development of the subdivision meets the re- quirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act. The appropriate governing body may not deny approval of a subdivision based solely on the subdi- vision's impacts on educational services. G. Mitigation. The appropriate governing body may require the subdivider to design the subdivision to reasonably minimize potentially significant ad- verse impacts identified through the review required under these regulations. The appropriate governing body shall issue written findings to justify the reasonable mitigation required by these regulations. The appropriate governing body may not unreason. ably restrict a landowner's ability to develop land, but it is recognized that in some instances the un- mitigated impacts of a proposed development may be unacceptable and will preclude approval ofthe plat. When requiring mitigation under this subsection, the appropriate governing body shall consult with the . 294-13 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.12.050 subdivider and shall give due weight and consid- eration to the expressed preference ofthe subdivider. H. Findings of Fact. The appropriate governing body shall issue written findings of fact that discuss- es and weighs the follow!ng criteria, as applicable (pursuant to Section 76-3-608, MCA): 1. The effect on agriculture, agricultural water user facilities, local services, the natural environ- ment, wildlife and wildlife habitat, and public health and safety; Exception: When a minor subdivision is proposed in an area where a master plan has been adopted pursuant to Chapter 1, Title 76, MCA, and the pro- posed subdivision will comply with the plan, the subdivision is exempt from the review criteria listed in subsection (H)(1) ofthis section, but is subject to applicable zoning regulations. In order for a master plan to serve as the basis for this exemption, the master plan must, at a minimum, contain housing, transportation, and land-use elements sufficient for the appropriate governing body to protect public health, safety, and welfare, as well as a discussion of physical constraints on development that exist within the area encompassed by the proposed subdivision. 2. Compliance with the survey requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act; 3. Compliance with these local subdivision regulations and the review process of these regula- tions; 4. The provision of easements for the location and installation of any necessary utilities; and 5. The provision of legal and physical access to each parcel within the subdivision and the required notation of that access on the applicable plat and any instrument transferring the parcel. The written findings of fact shall include: a. The reason for the denial or condition imposi- tion; a. The evidence that justifies the denial or con- dition imposition; and c. Information regarding the appeal process for the denial or condition imposition. I. Preliminary Plat Approval Period. Upon approving or conditionally approving a preliminary (Bozeman 11-01) plat, the appropriate governing body shall provide the subdivider with a dated and signed statement of approval. This approval shall be in force for not more than three calendar years or less than one calendar year. At the end of this period the appropriate governing body may, at the request of the subdivider, extend its approval for no more than one calendar year, except that the appropriate governing body may extend its approval for a period of more than one year if that approval period is included as a specific condition of a written subdivision improvements agreement between the appropriate governing body and the subdivider, provided for in Chapter 16.22. J. Changes to Conditions After Approval. Upon written request of the subdivider, the appropriate governing body may amend conditions of prelimi- nary plat approval where it can be found that errors or changes beyond the control of the subdivider have rendered a condition unnecessary, impossible, or illegal. 1. The written request shall be submitted to the planning department. 2. The written consent of all purchasers ofland (via contract for deed, etc.) shall be included with the written request to amend conditions. 3. At a regularly scheduled meeting, the appro- priate governing body may approve the requested change if it meets the criteria set forth in these regulations. 4. The appropriate governing body shall issue written findings of fact as required in these regula- tions. K. Additional Conditions After Approval. After the preliminary plat is approved, the appropriate governing body may not impose any additional conditions as a prerequisite to final plat approval, providing said approval is obtained within the origi- nal or extended approval period as provided above. (Ord. 1477 9 9,1998: Ord. 145092 (part), 1998) e e 16.12.050 Notice of certification that water and waste services will be provided by local government. When a subdivision is approved that will be provided municipal facilities for the supply of water e 294~14 e e e and/or disposal of sewage and solid waste, the plan- ning office shall, within twenty days after prelimi- nary plat approval is granted, send notice of certifi- cation to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality that a subdivision ~as been preliminarily ap- proved and that municipal facilities for the supply of water and/or disposal of sewage and solid waste will be provided for the subdivision. The notice of certification shall include the fol- lowing: A. The name and address of the applicant; B. A copy ofthe preliminary plat or a final plat; C. The number of proposed parcels in the subdi- vision; D. A copy of any applicable zoning ordinances in effect; E. How construction ofthe sewage disposal and water supply systems or extensions will be financed; F. A copy of the master plan, when applicable; G. The relative location of the subdivision to the city; and H. Certification that adequate municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste are available or will be provided within one year after the notice of certification is issued. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.12.060 Final plat application. The final plat application requirements of Section 16.08.050 of these regulations shall be followed. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.14 DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARD~GENERAL Sections: 16.14.010 16.14.020 16.14.030 16.14.040 16.14.050 16.14.060 General standards. Lots. Blocks. Sidewalks. Easements. Fire protection requirements. 16.12.060--16.14.020 16.14.070 16.14.080 16.14.090 16.14.100 16.14.110 16.14.120 16.14.130 16.14.140 16.14.150 Grading and drainage. Mail delivery. Park requirements. Sanitary sewers. Utilities. Water supply system. Watercourse setback. Noxious weeds. Cleanup of property required. 16.14.010 General standards. A. Conformance. The design and development of a subdivision shall conform with adopted com- prehensive plans, zoning ordinances and other reso- lutions and regulations, including any and all amendments thereto. . B. Natural Environment. The design and devel- opment of the subdivision shall, insofar as it is possible, preserve or enhance the natural terrain, natural drainage, existing topsoil, trees, and natural vegetation. C. Lands Unsuitable for Subdivision. Land which the appropriate governing body has found to be unsuitable for subdivision because of potential hazards such as flooding, land slides, excessive slope, rock falls, snow avalanches, subsidence, high water table, polluted or nonpotable water; or because of unreasonable burdens on the general public such as requirements for the excessive expenditure of public funds, environmental degradation, or con- gestion in the streets or roads shall not be subdivided for building or residential purposes unless the hazards or excessive public burdens are eliminated or will be overcome by appropriate design and construction plans. Slopes in excess of twenty-five percent shall be presumed unbuildable unless other- wise provided by the developer. D. Re-vegetation. All areas disturbed during construction shall be reseeded with vegetation types approved by the Gallatin County Weed Control Supervisor. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.020 Lots. (See Figure I) A. Dimensions and Orientation. Lot size, width, shape, and orientation shall be appropriate for the 294w 15 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.14.030 location and contemplated use of the subdivision. Lot designs with irregular shapes, narrow necks, points, and flag shapes shall be permitted only when the subdivider can demonstrate that the proposed lot designs are necessary due to topography or other physical constraints. Each lot shall contain a satis- factory building site and shall conform to zoning ordinances and comprehensive plans, where official- ly adopted, and to the regulations of the State De- partment of Environmental Quality. B. Division by Rights-of-Way. No single lot shall be divided by a dedicated right-of-way or easement, which would reduce the buildable area to a size less than required by these and other adopted regulations. C. Double and Reverse Frontage. Double front- age and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from arterial streets orroads; to provide access to development adjacent to limited access roads; to overcome topography or other physical conditions; or to overcome specific disadvantages of existing design and orientation. D. Comer Lots. Comer lots shall have sufficient width to permit appropriate building setback from both streets or roads, and provide acceptable visibili- ty for traffic safety. E. Width. Lots shall have a width sufficient to allow normal construction without the construction encroaching on property lines, and shall comply with zoning regulations, where applicable. F. Depth. No lot shall have an average depth greater than three times its average width. G. Side Lot Lines. Side lot lines shall be, when- ever practical, at right angles or radial to street or road lines. H. Frontage on Public Streets or Roads. Each lot shall have a minimum of thirty feet of frontage on a public street or road or on a public street or road easement, to provide, among other things, adequate room for snow removal along the lot access (drive- way), and utility easements. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) (Bozeman 11-0 I) 16.14.030 Blocks. (See Figure 1) A. Size and Orientation. Blocks shall be designed to assure traffic safety and ease of traffic control and circulation, to accommodate the special needs of the use contemplated, and to take advantage of the limitations and opportunities of the topography. B. Block Length. Block length shall not be designed, unless otherwise impractical, to be more than twelve hundred feet or less than four hundred feet in length. C. Block Width. Blocks shall be wide enough to allow for two tiers of lots except where essential to provide separation of residential development from a traffic arterial or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. D. Rights-of-Way for Pedestrians. Rights-of-way for pedestrian walks, not less than ten feet wide, shall be required where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shop- ping centers, transportation and other community facilities. E. Subdivisions which have clearly delineated blocks shall use block numbers or letters, and each block shall contain its own grouping of lot numbers. (Ord. 1477 ~ 10, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e e 294-16 e e e - 16.14.040-16.14.050 FIGURE 1 SUBDIVISION LOT TERMS +- Block Length (400 ft. - 1,200 ft.) --+ Reverse Corner t Interior Frontage Lot Lot Double Lot Rear Lot Frontage +- Line Lot i Lot -l- Lot Front +- Width --+ Depth Lot --+ Line(s) .l. .l- 16.14.040 Sidewalks. A. Within the City. City standard sidewalks (including a concrete sidewalk section through all private drive approaches) shall be constructed in all subdivisions on all public and private street frontage of a property at the time street improvements are installed. B. Outside City Limits. Typically, sidewalks will not be required in rural subdivision. The county commission may, however, require sidewalks to be installed when sidewalks are determined necessary for the public health and safety. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) BLOCK Block \Vidtb (two tiers of lots) J. 16.14.050 Easements. A. Required Easements. Where determined to be necessary, the appropriate governing body shall require that easements be provided as for utilities, drainage, vehicular or pedestrian access, and plant- ing screens. All easements shall be shown on the plat. B. Utility Easements. Privately owned utility easements shall meet the following standards: 1. Utility easements shall be centered along side and rear lot lines wherever possible, and, if placed in the street or road, shall be located in a location required by and agreed upon in writing by all of the appropriate utility companies and the appropriate governing body. 294-17 (Bozeman 4.98) 16.14.060 2. Rear and side yard utility easements shall be twenty feet wide, centered on lots lines, where prac- tical, and front yard utility easements shall be twelve feet wide, except the appropriate governing body may require easements for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water lines to be thirty feet wide. In the event front yard easements are used, rear yard easements must still be provided unless written confirmation is submitted to the planning depart- ment from all utility companies indicating that front yard easements only are adequate. 3. Where a utility is to be located in an existing, dedicated right-ot-way, an encroachment permit must be obtained from the local or state street or road department having jurisdiction. 4. The following statement shall appear on the fmal plat a. Outside Qty Limits. "The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or corpora- tion, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the pub- lic, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under and across each area designated on this plat as 'Utility Easement' to have and to hold forever." b. Within City Limits. "The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or corpora- tion, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas, or cable television service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal. of their lines and other facilities in, over, under and across each area designated on this plat as 'Utility Easement' to have and to hold forever." C. Drainage and Irrigation Maintenance Ease. ments. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water- course, drainage way, channel, ditch, or stream, easements or rights-of-way in addition to the width of the watercourse may be required to parallel the lines of such watercourse at a sufficient width to allow for maintenance. Irrigation canals/ditches shall require a minimum easement width of twenty feet (Bozeman 4-98) beyond the limits of the watercourse; fifteen feet on one side and five feet on the other side of the water- course for maintenance purposes. The realignment or relocation of active irrigation ditches is discouraged. If an irrigation ditch or points of diversions thereon is proposed to be re- aligned or relocated, the subdivider's professional engineer shall certify, prior to final plat approval, that the amount of water entering and exiting the realigned or relocated irrigation ditch is the same amount of water that entered or exited the ditch prior to realignment or relocation. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.060 Fire protection requirements. All subdivisions shall provide adequate fire pro- tection. A. If a subdivision is not located in the city or a rural fire district or fire service area, one of the following alternatives shall be met: 1. If contiguous to a fire district or fire service area, annex to the district or area. 2. If the annexation is unsuccessful, contract for fire protection service or form a new fire district 3. Or, provide other reasonable protection as recommended by the county fire chief, or his designee. and approved by the county commission. B. If a subdivision is located in or annexes to a fire district or fire service area, the subdivider shall pay the following fee: 1. The fire impact fee, as adopted in accordance with the fire impact fee regulation. if the appropriate fire district/fire service area has entered into an agreement with Gallatin County for collection of the fire impact fees. The fire impact fee shall be placed into a fire protection impact fee fund in accordance with the fire impact fee regulation. 2. A one hundred dollar per lot (or per new lot if already in a fire district or fire service area) fee if the appropriate fire district/fire service area has not entered into an agreement with Gallatin County for collection of the fire impact fees. The one hun- dred dollar per lot fee shall be placed in a fund reserved for fire service improvements. 294.18 e e e e e e C. In subdivisions with public water systems, as defined by Section 76-4-102, MCA and ARM 16.16.101, National Fire Protection Association (NFP A) standards for hydrant systems shall be met. D. In subdivisions wit~out public water systems, as defined by Section 76-4-102, MCA and ARM 16.16.101, NFP A standards for fill sites shall be met. If an existing fill site is not located close enough to meet NFPA standards, the subdivider shall install a fill site. If the subdivision will have access to an existing fill site, the subdivider ofthe fill site shall be reimbursed. E. In minor residential subdivisions (Group R, Division 3, Uniform Fire Code), the subdivider shall provide one of the following standards to ensure a reasonable level of fire protection and life-safety to the public and firefighters. This standard may be applied to major subdivisions only when written approval of the fire chief or his designee is obtained in advance. 1. A single ten-thousand-gallon water supply with approved dry-hydrant type fittings for each home and associated structure (detached garage, shop under five thousand square feet, etc.). The water supply shall be: a. Capable of delivering five hundred gallons per minute for twenty minutes; b. The fire department connection (FDC) shall be located not more than one hundred twenty-five feet, but not less than seventy-five feet, from the main door on the street side of the structure and in a location approved by the fire chief; and c. Be a clean metal, fiberglass or concrete tank, approved by the fire chief, or a dry hydrant, approved by the fire chief or his designee, and permitted by the appropriate state stream alteration permit (if required). 2. A single twenty-thou sand-gallon water tank for two- to five-lot subdivisions, provided the tank and required FDC is located no closer than seventy- five feet from the nearest home and no further than five hundred feet from the main entrance on the street side of the most distant house as measured using an approved route. An approved horizontal standpipe or dry distribution system may be used to 16.14.060 meet the distance requirements provided the capacity of the piping is added to the required storage capaci- ty. The fire chief or his designee shall review and comment on all subdivision requests, and may im- pose additional requirements upon lots greater than five acres in size or residences to be built within a wildland/urban interface area. The water supply shall be: a. Capable of delivering five hundred gallons per minute for twenty minutes; b. The fire department connection (FDq shall be located not more than one hundred twenty-five feet, but not less than seventy-five feet, from the main door on the street side of the structure, and in a location approved by the fire chief; and c. Be a clean metal, fiberglass or concrete tank, approved by the fire chief or a dry hydrant, approved by the fire chief, or his designee, and permitted by the appropriate state stream alteration permit (if required). 3. A rural fill site, meeting the flow requirements of the currently adopted edition of the Uniform Fire Code, at a site approved by the fire chief or his designee. The fill site shall provide a minimum sustained fire flow of one thousand gallons per minute for two hours. If any structures within the subdivision are greater than three thousand six hun- dred square feet, the fill site shall provide one thou- sand five hundred gallons per minute for two hours. The fill site shall provide year-around access, provi- sions for apparatus turn-around, and fire department connections approved by the fire chief or his designee. The fill site shall be owned, maintained and kept accessible privately or by the appropriate owners association. 4. R-3 occupancies, as defined by the Uniform Fire Code, may be protected by automatic fire sprin- kler systems meeting the requirements ofNFPA 13D. If the residential fire sprinklering option is exercised, exposures must be no closer than fifty feet from the residence. Note: Lot size and wildland/urban interface conditions may dictate add itional fire protection requirements (e.g., additional access, defensible space, etc.). 294-19 (Bozeman 11.01) 16.14.070 5. A pressurized fire hydrant system meeting the flow requirements of Appendix 3-A of the Uniform Fire Code. Spacing of fire hydrants shall not exceed five hundred feet and hydrant location shall be approved by the fire chief or his designee. 6. Existing approved water supplies may be used with the written permission of the fire chief for whole or partial credit for the required water of the previous five standards. F. Proportionate Reimbursement. If subsequent subdivisions will be served by an existing fill site, the county commission shall include reimbursement of a portion of the original fill site improvement costs as a condition of preliminary approval of any subsequent subdivision. This reimbursement condition shall be in effect for ten years from the date the county commission directs the original subdivider to construct the fill site. The proportionate reimbursement shall be deter- mined based on the ratio ofthe number of lots in the subdivision to the total number of lots served by the fill site. The ratio then is multiplied by the total cost of the fill site. When the total cost of a fill site has been reimbursed, subsequent subdivisions will not be subject to this requirement. G. Reimbursement Methodology. The original subdivider shall forward the total costs of improve. ments to the planning department within sixty days ofthe completion of the improvements. Subsequent subdividers shall pay their proportionate reimburse- ment to the planning department. The planning department shall then make disbursements within sixty days of receiving reimbursement funds. Funds shall be disbursed to the entity which has the re- sponsibility for maintenance of the facility. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.070 Grading aDd drainage. The subdivider shall provide a complete grading and drainage plan with accurate dimensions, courses and elevations, showing the proposed grades of streets and roads and drainage improvements. A. Provisions shall be made for the control and drainage of surface water around buildings. On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall (Bozeman 11-0 I) extend above the elevation of the street gutter at a point of discharge or inlet of an approved drainage device a minimum of twelve inches plus two percent. Final grading shall provide a downward slope away from the building along the foundation walls. The final grade shall provide a minimum slope of one- half unit vertical in twelve units horizontal (four per- cent slope) for a minimum of six feet from the building. All subdivision lots and street boulevard areas shall be graded no lower than the back of curb or level of street, whichever is applicable, prior to final plat approval. B. The drainage system and facilities required for any surface run-off affecting the subdivision shall meet the minimum standards of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Sanitation, as required by Sections 76-4-101 through 76-4-128, MCA, and all regula- tions adopted pursuant thereto, and are subject to the approval of the appropriate governing body. I. The subdivider shall provide suitable drainage facilities for any surface run-off affecting the subdi- vision. a. For subdivisions outside the corporate limits of the city, these facilities shall be located in county road rights-of-way or in perpetual easements of appropriate widths and are subject to approval by the county commission. b. Drainage facilities, including detention and/or retention facilities, for subdivisions within the city and the zoning jurisdictional area, shall be provided in accordance with the criteria and provisions of the city's stormwater master plan. 2. Drainage systems shall not discharge into any sanitary sewer facility. C. A detailed site grading plan shall be provided with the subdivision infrastructure improvement plans. The plan shall include, at a minimum, existing contours, final plat contours, and where necessary, spot elevations after street and drainage im- provements have been constructed, and drainage flow arrows reflecting final developed lot grading. The plan must demonstrate that the final plat grading and final property grading will provide adequate e e 294-20 e e e e drainage to an acceptable discharge point, without adverse impacts to adjacent, down gradient, proper- ties. Off-site drainage facilities and drainage ease- ments or other rights of occupancy shall be provided where necessary for conveyance of drainage off site. D. When a proposed subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land and storm sewer infrastructure to the unsubdivided land would reasonably pass through the new subdivision, storm sewer infrastructure shall be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining unsubdivided land. Storm sewer infrastructure within the proposed subdivision shall be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, in which case a variance must be approved by the appropriate governing body. (Ord. 1477 ~ 11, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.080 Mail delivery. If mail delivery will not be to each individual lot within the subdivision, the subdivider shall provide an off-road area for mail delivery within the subdi- vision in cooperation with the United States Postal Service. It shall not be the responsibility of the city or county to maintain or plow any mail delivery area constructed within a city or county rightpof-way. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.090 Park requirements. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, all subdivisions shall be considered to be residential subdivisions, and park requirements shall be satis- fied, unless there are adopted zoning restrictions which prohibit residential development or it can be shown that the subdivider has immediate plans for nonresidential development. A. Dedication. A plat of residential subdivision shall dedicate to the appropriate governing body, a cash or land donation equal to the following: 1. Eleven percent of the area of the land pro- posed to be subdivided into parcels of one-half acre or smaller. 2. Seven and one-half percent of the area of the land proposed to be subdivided into parcels larger than one-half acre and not larger than one acre. 16.14.080--16.14.090 3. Five percent of the area of the land proposed to be subdivided into parcels larger than one acre and not larger than three acres; and 4. Two and one-half percent of the area of the land proposed to be subdivided into parcels larger than three acres and not larger than five acres. B. When a subdivision is located within the city, three-one-hundredths (0.03) acres per dwelling unit of cash in lieu or land donation shall be provided. These requirements are based on the community need for parks and the development densities identified in the master plan and zoning regulations. Park dedication requirements established hereunder are in lieu of those provided in subsection A of this section. 1. If a subdivision is proposed within a multi- family zoning district and the density of the property is unknown, cash in lieu of land donation of eleven percent of the land proposed to be subdivided into lots for multi-family use shall be provided. This park dedication requirement is based on the community need for parks, as identified in the currently adopted Parks and Trails Master Plan. 2. For the purpose of this section, "dwelling unit" means a residential structure in which a person or persons reside. C. When a subdivision is located totally within an area for which density requirements have been adopted pursuant to a master plan under Title 76, Chapter 1, MCA, or pursuant to zoning regulations established under Title 76, Chapter 2, MCA, the appropriate governing body may establish park dedication requirements based on the community need for parks and the development densities identi- fied in the plans or regulations. Park dedication requirements established under this section are in lieu of those provided in subsection A of this section, and may not exceed three-one-hundredths (0.03) acres per dwelling unit. D. A park dedication or cash in lieu thereof may not be required for: 1. A minor subdivision; 2. Land proposed for subdivision into parcels larger than five acres; 294-21 (Bozeman 11.01) 16.14.090 3. Subdivision into parcels that are all nonresi- dential; 4. A subdivision in which parcels are not created, except when that subdivision provides permanent multiple spaces for recreational camping vehicles, mobile or manufactured homes, or 'condominiums; 5. A subdivision in which only one additional parcel is being created. E. Use. The subdivider shall indicate the pro- posed use of the park as active, passive, playground, ballfield, etc. However, the final use of the park shall be determined by the appropriate governing body. F. Location. The appropriate governing body, in consultation with the subdivider, the planning board, and park and recreation board (where appropriate), may determine suitable locations for parks and playgrounds. Parkland must be located on usable land, and should be kept in a large block. If consis- tent with a master plan or parks plan, linear parks may be proposed along creeks or in swales, thus providing trail corridors. Giving due weight and consideration to the ex- pressed preference of the subdivider, the appropriate governing body may determine whether the park dedication must be a land donation, cash donation, or a combination of both. When a combination of land donation and cash donation is required, the cash donation may not exceed the proportional amount not covered by the land donation. 1. Parkland, shall, at a minimum, have frontage on at least one public or private street or road. Two accesses should be provided to every park. G. Development Subdividers shall consult any adopted parks, open space and trails (POST) plans and with the recreation and parks advisory board implementing such plans to determine the types of parks needed for the proposed subdivision and surrounding area. At a minimum, all subdivision parks shall be developed to the following standards by the subdivider, prior to final plat approval. 1. Stormwater DetentionlRetention Ponds. Public parkland may not be used for stormwater detention or retention ponds, unless approved by the appropriate governing body. (Bozeman I I ~o I ) 2. Boundaries. The park boundary bordering all private lots shall be delineated at the common pri- vate/public corner pins, with flat, flexible fiberglass posts, a minimum of six feet in length with no less than two feet driven into the ground. Each post must be labeled with a permanent glue on sign stating "park boundary" or "property boundary." Other forms of boundary marking may be approved by the planning or other appropriate department 3. Construction. At a minimum, the park area must have all fencing material, construction debris, and other trash removed. The park area(s) shall be leveled and any disturbed areas reseeded, to allow mowing with turf type mowers. 4. Trails. If linear trail parks are proposed, five foot pedestrian trails and bridges, where necessary, shall be installed. Trails and bridges must meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifica- tions and maintain a natural appearance. Trail and bridge specifications shall be submitted to the plan- ning department for review and approval. Any nec- essary permits for bridges shall be obtained by the subdivider from the appropriate agency prior to installation of the bridges. 5. Sidewalks. Sidewalks, when required within the subdivision, shall be installed by the subdivider at points where the park borders or crosses streets, rear yard frontages, or other nonlot frontages. 6. Waiver of Park Maintenance District For all subdivisions within city limits, the subdivider shall sign and file with the final subdivision plat, a waiver of right to protest the creation of park maintenance district( s). H. Cash in Lieu of Parkland Donation. Where in the opinion of the appropriate governing body the dedication of land for parks and playgrounds is undesirable because of size, topography, shape, location, or other circumstances, the appropriate governing body may, for good cause shown, accept a cash donation in lieu of the dedication and equal to the fair market value of the amount of land that would have been dedicated. I. For the purpose of these regulations, the fair market value is the value of the unsubdivided, unim e e 294-22 e e e e proved land. 2. Where cash has been accepted in lieu ofland dedication, the amount of cash donation shall be stated on the final plat. 3. Where cash has been accepted in lieu of land dedication, the appropriate governing body shall record in the minutes of the meeting of the prelimi- nary plat for the proposed subdivision why the dedication of land for parks and playgrounds was undesirable. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to provide an appraisal of the fair market value by a certified real estate appraiser of their choosing. The appraisal fee shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. I. Use of Park Funds. 1. The appropriate governing body shall use the dedicated money or land for development, acquisi~ tion, or maintenance of parks to serve the subdivi- sion. 2. The appropriate governing body may use the dedicated money to acquire, develop, or maintain, within its jurisdiction, parks or recreational areas or for the purchase of public open space or conservation easements, only if: a. The park, recreational area, open space, or conservation easement is within a reasonably close proximity to the proposed subdivision; and b. The appropriate governing body has formally adopted a park plan that establishes the needs and procedures for use of the money. 3. The appropriate governing body may not use more than fifty percent of the dedicated money for park maintenance. J. Property Owners' Association. In subdivisions which do not qualifY as planned unit developments, the appropriate governing body may waive dedication and cash donation requirements when the subdivider agrees to create a property owners' association for the proposed subdivision and to deed to the association land to be held in perpetuity for use as parks or playgrounds. The area of land and any improvements set aside for park and recreational purposes shall equal or exceed the area of the dedi- cation required. In subdivisions within city limits in 16.14.090 which this provision is utilized, the owner's associ- ation document shall include a provision wherein the city is named successor in interest ofthe park. K. Subdivisions Created for Rent or Lease. The appropriate governing body may waive dedication and cash donation requirements for subdivisions to be created by rent or lease (i.e., manufactured or mobile home parks, and condominiums) where the subdivider agrees to develop parks or playgrounds within the subdivision for the common use of the residents of the subdivision. The area ofland and any improvements set aside for park and recreational purposes shall equal or exceed the area of the dedi- cation required. L. Previously Dedicated Parks. If a tract of land is being developed under single ownership as a part of an overall plan, and part of the tract has been subdivided and sufficient park lands have been dedicated to the public from the area that has been subdivided to meet the requirements ofthis section for the entire tract being developed, the appropriate governing body shall issue an order waiving the land dedication and cash donation requirements for the subsequently platted area. M. Waiver of Park Dedication. The appropriate governing body shall waive the park dedication requirement if: 1. The preliminary plat provides long-term pro- tection of critical wildlife habitat; cultural, historical, or natural resources; agricultural interests; or aes- thetic values; and the area of the land proposed to be subdivided, by virtue of providing long term protection provided herein, is reduced by an amount equal to or exceeding the area of the dedication otherwise required. 2. The preliminary plat provides for a planned unit development or other development with land permanently set aside for park and recreational uses sufficient to meet the needs of the persons who will ultimately reside in the development; and the area of the land and any improvements set aside for park and recreational purposes equals or exceeds the area of the dedication otherwise required. 294-23 (Bozeman 11-0 I ) 16.14.100--16.14.120 3. The area of the land proposed to be subdivid- ed, by virtue of a combination of the provisions of subsections (M)(1) and (M)(2) of this section, is reduced by an amount equal to or exceeding the area of the dedication required. (Ord. 1477 ~ 12, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) , 16.14.100 Sanitary sewers. A. Where the subdivision is within the service area of a public sanitary sewer system, the subdivid- er shall install complete sanitary sewer system facili- ties in accordance with the requirements of the municipality or sewer district involved and the State Department of Environmental Quality. The subdivid- er shall submit plans and specifications for the pro- posed facilities to the muniCipality or sewer district involved and to the State Department of Environ- mental Quality, and shall obtain their approvals prior to undertaking any construction. B. Where lots cannot be served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer system, the subdivider shall obtain approval of lot sizes for individual septic tanks and disposal fields or approv- al of neighborhood disposal systems from the State Department of Environmental Quality. Percolation data and/or comments from local health officers must accompany the request for approval to the State De- partment of Environmental Quality. C. City Street Cut Moratorium. During a period of seven years following the initial paving, or any subsequent repaving of a street, no street cut permits will be issued to cut said street. This moratorium on cutting newly paved city-maintained streets may be lifted only under the following circumstances: 1. Emergency situations that require cutting the street. The state of emergency will be determined by the city street superintendent. 2. For new fire sprinkler service lines required by the city fire marshal to be installed prior to the end of the seven-year moratorium period when no alternate connection point is available. 3. When funding becomes available in the city's own capital improvements program for a project that cannot be otherwise delayed and requires cutting the street. (Bozeman 11-01) D. When a proposed subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land and sanitary sewer infrastructure to the unsubdivided land would reasonably pass through the new subdivision, sanitary sewer infrastructure shall be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining unsubdivided land. Sanitary sewer infrastructure within the proposed subdivision shall be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, in which case a variance must be approved by the appropriate governing body. (Ord. 1477 ~ 13, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.14.110 Utilities. A. Outside City Limits. All new utilities shall be placed underground. If placed in the road right-of- way, utilities shall be located between the roadway and the right-of-way line to simplifY location and repair of lines. Such underground facilities shall be installed after the road has been brought to grade and before it is surfaced to eliminate the necessity of dis- turbing the road surface when connecting individual services. In the event overhead utility lines are necessary, they shall be located at the rear property lines, where practical. Utility facilities shall be designed by utility firms in cooperation with the subdivider, subject, however, to all applicable laws and rules and regulations of any appropriate regula- tory authority havingjurisdiction over such facilities. Easements, as required in Section 16.14.050 shall be provided. B. Within City Limits. All new utilities shall be placed underground. Easements, as required in Sec- tion 16.14.050 shall be provided. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.14.120 Water supply system. A. Where the subdivision is within the service area of a public water supply system, the subdivider shall install complete water system facilities in accordance with the requirements of the municipality or water district involved, and the State Department of Environmental Quality. The subdivider shall submit plans and specifications for the proposed e 294-24 e e e facilities to the municipality or water district in- volved, and to the State Department of Environ men- tal Quality, and shall obtain their approvals prior to undertaking any construction. B. Where a public water supply is not within a reasonable distance or not made available to the subdivider, the subdivider shall obtain approval for some alternative water supply system and lot sizes for such proposals from the State Department of Environmental Quality. C. When the city's municipal water main is extended, the length of a dead end water main typi- cally shall not exceed five hundred feet in length, unless approved by the city engineer and water superintendent. D. When individual subdivision lots will be served by the city's municipal water service, service lines from the main to the structure may not exceed one hundred fifty feet in length, unless approved by the city engineer and water superintendent. E. City Street Cut Moratorium. During a period of seven years following the initial paving, or any subsequent repaving of a street, no street cut permits will be issued to cut said street. This moratorium on cutting newly paved city-maintained streets may be lifted only under the following circumstances: 1. Emergency situations that require cutting the street. The state of emergency will be determined by the city street superintendent. 2. For new fire sprinkler service lines required by the city fire marshal to be installed prior to the end of the seven-year moratorium period when no alternate connection point is available. 3. When funding becomes available in the city's own capital improvements program for a project that cannot be otherwise delayed and requires cutting the street. F. When a proposed subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land and water main infrastructure to the unsubdivided land would reasonably pass through the new subdivision, water main infrastructure shall be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining un subdivided land. Water main infrastructure within the proposed subdivision shall be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract to be 16.14.130 subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, in which case a variance must be approved by the appropriate governing body. (Ord. 1477 ~ 14, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.130 Watercourse setback. Where a subdivision is crossed by or is adjacentto a watercourse, the subdivider shall mitigate the impacts of the subdivision on the watercourse. This mitigation may not be less restrictive than the requirements of the Bozeman or Gallatin County floodplain regulations or any applicable zoning regulations. A. Setback. 1. A minimum one hundred-foot setback shall be provided between the ordinary high water mark and any residential or commercial structure, parking or other similar improvement, excluding structures used for agricultural purposes or for the maintenance of livestock, along the East Gallatin River. 2. A thirty-five-foot setback shall be provided from the ordinary high water mark on each side of all natural streams, stream ditches, creeks, drainages, waterways, gullies, ravines or washes in which water flows either continuously or intermittently and has a definite channel, bed and banks. A minimum of five feet of the required setbacks immediately adjacent to the ordinary high water mark shall be left in a natural vegetative state. No structures, parking or other similar improvement shall be located within said five feet B. Watercourse Mitigation Plan. The subdivider shall submit a plan and propose measures to mitigate the impacts of the subdivision on the watercourse. The plan shall evaluate the potential effects of the proposed subdivision on the watercourse and include, at a minimum: consideration of wildlife and fish habitat, water quality and vegetation. (Ord. 1477 ~ 15, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 294-25 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.14.140---16.16.010 16.14.140 Noxious weeds. Noxious weeds shall be controlled in all subdivi- sions as directed by the Gallatin County Weed Con- trol District (District) in accordance with the Mon- tana County Noxious Weed Control Act (Act). A. The subdivider shall identifY noxious weeds in the pre-application plan. B. Prior to application for preliminary plat ap- proval, the subdivider shall design a noxious weed control and revegetation plan (plan), and the subdi- vider shall submit the plan to the District for approv- al. This plan shall ensure the control of noxious weeds upon preliminary plat approval and the revegetation of any land disturbed during the con- struction of subdivision improvements. C. The subdivider shall submit the approved plan at the time of application for preliminary plat approval. D. Prior to application for final plat approval, the subdivider shall enter into a memorandum of un- derstanding with the District. The memorandum of understanding shall be signed by the District and the subdivider prior to final plat approval, and a copy of the signed document shall be submitted to the planning office with the application for final plat approval. E. The subdivider shall ensure that after final plat approval, the property owner(s) and/or property owner's association shall be responsible for the control of county declared noxious weeds by placing a covenant on the property. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.14.150 Cleanup of property required. Prior to final plat approval, the subdivider shaH ensure that all construction and other debris is re- moved from the subdivision. This includes concrete, asphalt, dead trees and shrubs, and fencing materials. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) (Bozeman 11-0 I) Chapter 16.16 e DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS, STREETS AND ROADS Sections: 16.16.010 16.16.020 16.16.030 16.16.040 16.16.050 General. Street and road dedication. Intersections. Names. Primary access street and road standards. Lot access. Paving requirements. Improvement standards. 16.16.060 16.16.070 16.16.080 16.16.010 General. For the purposes of these regulations, the terms "street" and "road" may be used interchangeably. The arrangement, type, extent, width, grade, and location of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topo- graphical conditions, to public convenience and safety, and to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. The design standards contained in these regula- tions shall apply to all construction, reconstruction, and paving of streets or roads dedicated to the public or within the county maintained road system, and to streets or roads improved through the special or rural improvement district process. A. Relation to Unsubdivided Areas. When a proposed subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, and access to the unsubdivided land would reasonably pass through the new subdivision, streets within the proposed subdivision shall be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining unsubdivided land. Streets within the proposed subdivision shall be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, in which case a variance must be approved by the appropriate governing body. B. Relation to Subdivided Areas. The subdivider shall arrange the streets to provide for the continuation of streets between adjacent subdivided e e 294-26 e e e properties when such continuation is necessary for the convenient movement of traffic, effective provision of emergency services, and efficient provision of utilities. C. Separation of Thr~ugh and Local Traffic. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial or collector street, the subdivider may be required to provide frontage roads, reverse frontage with a reservation prohibiting access along the rear property line, screen planting, or such other treatment as may be necessary for protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic. D. Distance Between Parallel Rights-of~Way. Where a subdivision borders on or contains a rail- road, limited access highway, canal, ditch, or stream right-of-way, the subdivider may be required to provide a road approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable to allow for the appropriate use ofthe intervening land. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separation. E. Dead-End Streets. No dead-end streets shall be permitted without an approved turn-around. Where streets terminate, the subdivider shall provide a cul-de-sac at the terminus. Cul-de-sacs must con- form to the appropriate city or county design speci- fications. Where it is planned that a dead-end road will be extended in the future, a temporary cul-de-sac shall be provided. All approved turn-arounds shall be signed "no parking." "T" turnarounds, in lieu of a cul-de-sac, must be specifically approved by either the county road superintendent or city engineer, as appropriate. "T" turnarounds on county roads shall include two straight backup lengths of thirty feet each, shall have an inside turning radius of twenty- six feet, and shall have an outside turning radius of thirty-eight feet. "T" turnarounds on city streets shall include two straight backup lengths of forty-five feet each to accommodate city fire trucks. All other design requirements shall be established by the city engineer. F. Minor Streets. Minor streets shall be laid out so their use by through traffic will be discouraged. 16.16.010 G. Half Streets. Half streets may be permitted only when it is shown they are beneficial to the city or county and are approved by the city public service director or county road office. H. Second or Emergency Access. To facilitate traffic, the provision of emergency services, and the placement of utility easements, the subdivider shall provide all subdivisions with six or more lots with a second means of access. If, in the judgment of the appropriate governing body, a second dedicated right-of-way cannot be provided for reasons of topography or other physical conditions, the subdi- vider shall provide an emergency access, built to the standards detailed in these regulations. The subdivider may be required to provide a second or emergency access for minor subdivisions if the maximum cul-de-sac length standard is exceeded or if topography or physical conditions so warrant. I. Street and Road Design Standards, General. The design standards contained in these regulations shall apply to all construction, reconstruction, and paving of streets and roads dedicated to the public or within the city or county maintained road system, and to roads improved through either the special or rural improvement district process. The variance procedure and standards of these regulations shall apply to these streets and roads. J. Bridges and Culverts. Bridges shall be built to Montana Department of Transportation H-20 load standards and approved by the county road office. 1. Culverts or bridges shall be provided and in- stalled by the subdivider where drainage channels intersect any road or street rights-of-way. All culverts shall, at a minimum, extend across the entire improved width of the road or street cross section. The size and length of the culvert and the amount of backfill over the culvert shall be determined by a registered professional engineer, when determined necessary by the county road office. 2. Each culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from upstream drainage areas. The minimum capacity ofa 294-27 (Bozeman 11.01) 16.16.020--16.16.050 culvert shall be equivalent to a circular diameter of fifteen inches. K. Encroachment Permits. The subdivider shall be required to obtain encroachment permits for all access to county roads and state highways. L. Road Impact Fees. A subdivider who submits a complete application for preliminary plat approval after May 1, 1997 shall pay a road impact fee in accordance with the Road Impact Fee regulations, as specified under Chapter 16.39 of these regulations. (Ord. 1477 ~ 16, 1998: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.16.020 Street and road dedication. All streets and roads within or providing access to the proposed subdivision shall be dedicated to the public, be private streets to be owned and maintained by an approved property owners' association, or, if the criteria of this section are met, be a public road easement. Roads outside the corporate limits of the city which are dedicated to the public are accepted for public use, but the county accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. Private streets may only be allowed in mobile home parks, condominium developments, and planned unit devel- opments. Private streets may be required to have a public access easement if deemed necessary by the appropriate governing body. Public road easements shall: A. Be approved by the city or county attorney's office, as appropriate; B. Be recorded in the office of the Gallatin County clerk and recorder; and C. Clearly grant to the public an unrestricted fight of ingress and egress from a public road to the property to be subdivided. D. Documented proof of maintenance of the road within the easement must be provided. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.16.030 Intersections. The following requirements apply to street and road intersections: A. The intersection of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided. (Bozeman 11~OI) B. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at less than a seventy-five- degree angle. C. Two streets meeting a third street from oppo- site sides shall meet at the same point, or their cen- terline shall be off-set at least one hundred twenty- five feet. County roads shall be off-set at least two hundred feet. D. Any street or road which intersects a paved minor collector or greater street or road shall be paved for at least seventy-five feet from the existing edge of pavement. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) e 16.16.040 Names. The following requirements apply to street and road names: A. New streets aligned with existing streets shall have the same name as the existing streets. B. All street and road names must be approved by the Gallatin County road office and city engi- neering office prior to preliminary plat approval in order to avoid duplication and confusion with names of existing streets and roads. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.16.050 Primary access street and road standards. All off-site streets and roads providing primary access to the proposed subdivision shall meet the following standards: A. Right-of-way width and construction stan- dards contained in this regulation shall apply. B. Access streets and roads which are not on the city or county's road maintenance system shall be dedicated to the public, or shall have a public ease- ment which meets the criteria of these regulations. C. Off-site primary access streets and roads which are not on the city or county's road mainte- nance system shaU be constructed to the standards in Tables 1 and 2 of these regulations. The subdivider shall be responsible for bringing up to current county standards and paving primary access roads if the primary access road is at or over one hundred trips 294-28 e e e e per day, or if the proposed subdivision will generate over one hundred trips per day, or if the proposed subdivision will add traffic that causes traffic on the primary access roads to exceed one hundred trips per day. Trips per day shall bt; calculated on an average of eight trips per day per household. Paving shall be done in accordance with the standards in these regulations. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.16.060 Lot access. A. Plats. All final plats shall contain a statement requiring lot accesses to be built to the standard contained in this section. B. Lot Access Standards. I. Within City Limits. The drive approach shall be constructed in accordance with the city's standard approach, which includes a concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb. A city curb cut and sidewalk permit must be obtained prior to installation of the approach. 2. Outside City Limits. The lot access surface shall be a minimum of eighteen feet wide on collec- tor roads and fourteen feet wide on all other roads. Lot accesses shall be built to county road standard, except for the minimum width. Access plans shall be a part of the road plans which are submitted for review and approval. Where culverts are necessary, in the opinion of the road office or project engineer, they shall be fifteen-inch minimum, approved by the county road office. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.16.070 Paving requirements. A. Within City Limits. All streets within the subdivision shall be built to the paved standards in these regulations, unless a variance is granted, or unless they are within a planned unit development and these requirements have been modified through that process. The city street section shall include standard curb and gutter, paving, suitable grading, and an adequate storm water system. 1. Timing Requirements. a. All streets shall be paved prior to the issuance of a building permit for any lot within the subdivi- sion unless otherwise provided for in development proposals occurring under the provisions of Chapter 16.16.060----16.16.070 16.24, planned unit development (PUD), or under provisions established for traditional neighborhood development and pursuant to the criteria established in Section 16.22.030(B)( 1) and 16.22.030(B)(2). b. The subdivider shall meet one ofthe following requirements for completion of paving. The option shall be specified in the preliminary plat submittal. i. The subdivision streets shall be paved prior to final plat approval; or ii. The subdivider shall enter into an improve- ments agreement guaranteeing the completion of the paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage, or other street infrastructure improvements not yet completed. The improvements agreement shall be financially guaranteed, as explained in Chapter 16.22. However, at a minimum, the plans and speci- fications for the street improvements must be ap- proved by the city engineer prior to final plat ap- proval. Building permits will not be issued until the final paving is completed and accepted by the city unless otherwise provided for in development proposals occurring under the provisions of Chapter 16.24, planned unit development, or under provisions established for traditional neighborhood development and pursuant to the criteria established in Section I6.22.030(B)(l) and 16.22.030(BX2); or iii. The subdivider may request that street im- provements be guaranteed by the creation of a special improvements district (SID). If a special im- provements district (SID) is formed for the im- provements, the SID bonds must be sold before the final plat can be filed. SIDs shall not be permitted for the installation of subdivision water and sewer improvements. Building permits will not be issued until the final paving is completed and accepted by the city unless otherwise provided for in development proposals occurring under the provisions of Chapter 16.24, planned unit development, or under provisions established for traditional neighborhood development and pursuant to the criteria established in Section 16.22.030(B)( 1) and 16.22.030(B)(2). B. Outside the City Limits. Roads within subdi- visions that will carry greater than one hundred tripseper day shall be built to the paving standards in these 294-29 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.16.070 regulations and in accordance with the timing requirements below. Trips per day will be calculated based on an average of eight trips per day per household. l. Timing Requirements. The subdivider shall meet one of the following requirements for comple- tion of paving. The option shall be specified in the preliminary plat submittal. If option b is chosen, the subdivider shall enter into an improvement agreement as set forth in subsection (B)(2) of this section. a. The subdivision roads shall be paved prior to final plat approval; or b. Paving shall be completed within four years of the date of preliminary plat approval ofthe subdivi- sion, or within one year of homes being built on fifty percent of the lots within the subdivision, whichever occurs first. 2. Paving Improvement Agreements. The pur- pose of improvement guarantees is to insure the paving requirements of this chapter are met. a. If paving option b is chosen, the county com- mission shall require an improvements agreement as a condition of final plat approval. The improvements agreement shall meet the following standards: 1. The length oftime of the agreement shall not exceed four years from the date of preliminary plat approval. i1. Security in the amount equal to one hundred fifty percent of the cost of the paving shall be included. Gallatin County has the discretion to require a second estimate of the cost of improvements. The cost of obtaining the second estimate shall be borne by the subdivider. Such secu- rity shall be in the form of a certificate of deposit, letter of credit or cash. iii. The required security shall not be reduced or paid out until all paving requirements are met. Security for improvements other than internal subdivision roads shall be reduced only upon recommendation of the county road supervisor and approval by the county commission, upon request by the subdivider. Requests for partial release of security shall only be in amounts such that the security will always equal one hundred fifty percent (Bozeman 11-01) of the value of the uncompleted work, as determined by the county road supervisor and such that not more than ninety percent of the security is released prior to completion of improvements. iv. The agreement and security shall be satisfac- tory to the county attorney as to form and manner of execution. b. The subdivider shall do either of the following to meet the paving requirement: l. Pave according to the requirements of these regulations. Reimbursement in accordance with this section may be paid when and if future subdivision occurs along the access road; or ii. Initiate a rural improvement district (RID) to meet the paving requirements ofthese regulations. If the RID fails, the subdivider shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. Reimbursement in accordance with this section may be paid when and if future subdivision occurs along the access road. c. Proportionate Reimbursement. If subsequent subdivision occurs along the primary access road which is improved according to this section, the county commission shall include reimbursement of the improvement costs as a condition of preliminary approval of any subsequent subdivisions. This reim- bursement condition shall be in effect for ten years from the date the county commission directs the original subdivider to pave the primary access road. The proportionate reimbursement shall be deter- mined according to the following formula: e e I. Traffic generated by subsequent subdivision Total traffic capacity of improvements Subsequent subdivider's cost = Total cost of improvement ii. The county road office shall review all traffic and improvement cost information. d. Reimbursement Methodology. The original subdivider shall forward the total costs of improve- ments to the Gallatin County planning department within sixty days of the completion of improvements. 294*30 e e e e Subsequent subdividers shall pay their proportionate reimbursement to the planning department. The planning department shall then make disbursements within sixty days of receiving reimbursement funds. To assist in the increased cost of winter and long term maintenance, twe~ty-five percent of the proportionate reimbursement shall be allocated to the county road office. Reimbursement funds shall be spent only for maintenance of the road which generated the reimbursement. The remainder of the funds shall be disbursed proportionately to the record lot owners in the subdivision that instigated the improvement. Record lot owners shall be determined as of the day that the planning department receives reimbursement. (Ord. 1533 ~ 1,2001; Ord. 1477 S 17, 1998: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.16.080 Improvement standards. All street and road improvements shall be de- signed by and constructed under the supervision of a professional civil engineer, registered in the state of Montana, and shall meet or exceed the construction standards adopted by the city and/or Gallatin County and required for the type of street to be constructed. A. Within the City. Plans and specifications for all public or private streets (including curb, gutter, and sidewalks), shall be provided to and approved by the city engineer. The subdivider shall provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post construction certifications, and preparation of mylar record drawings. The plans and specifications shall be approved and a preconstruc- tion conference shall be conducted before any con- struction is initiated on the street improvements. I. Surfacing. The pavement thickness design will be based on the current AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, or the current Asphalt Institute Manual Series No.1 (MS-I) for thickness design. A pavement design report, prepared by a professional engineer, or other qualified professional approved by the city engineer, shall be submitted to the city engineer for approval. The design shall be based on at least a twenty-year performance period traffic volume; however, the 16.16.080 minimum design lane equivalent eighteen-thousand- pound Single Axle Load (ESAL) used in the pave- ment design shall not be less than fifty-thousand ESAL. The minimum asphalt pavement thickness for any new roadway shall be three inches. A minimum of six inches of high quality untreated aggregate base shall be provided for designs utilizing asphalt pave- ment over untreated aggregate base. Where full- depth asphalt is designed, an adequate stabilizer lift shall be included, consistent with unpaved roadway design practices, to provide a suitable sub-base capable of withstanding the traffic required for the initial construction of the roadway. 294-30a (Bozeman II ~ I) e e e 16.16.080 e Table lA MINIMUM STREET DESIGN STANDARDS FOR CITY STREETS STREET TYPE ARTERIAL COLLECTOR MINOR/LOCAL Terrain* Ordinary Mountainous* Ordinary Mountainous* Ordinary Mountainous* Right-of-way 90'-120' 90'-120' 65'-80' 65' 60' 60' width Centerline **** **** 300' 150' 150' 100' radius on curves Tangent **** **** 100' 50' 50' length between reverse curves e Stopping **** **** 300' 200' 200' 100' sight distance Angle at **** **** > 750 > 750 > 750 > 750 intersection centerline Curb radius **** **** 25' 25' 15' 15' at intersections Length of **** **** 150' 100' 100' 50' tangent at intersection Back of **** **** 35'-51' 37' 37' curb to back of curb Length of **** **** 500** 2500' cul-de-sac e 294-31 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.16.080 Table lA (Continued) STREET TYPE Terrain* ARTERIAL Ordinary Mountainous* Outside radius on cul-de~sac R.O.W. **** **** Grade, maximum **** **** Grade, mInimum **** **** Grade within 150' of intersecting centerlines **** **** COLLECTOR Ordinary Mountainous* MINORILOCAL Ordinary Mountainous* 50' 50' 7% 10% ***12% 10% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 3% 3% 3% 3% Notes: * Mountainous terrain is defined as terrain which has a cross slope exceeding 15 percent. ** Temporary cul-de-sacs which will be extended in the future may exceed this length. *** Grades of over 10 percent shall not exceed 100 feet in length. **** All design criteria shall be to AASHTO standards. B. Outside the City. 1 . Subgrade Excavation and Embankment. The subgrade for the roadway shall be finished within a tolerance of three-quarters of an inch measured as a vertical ordinate from the face of a ten-inch straight edge. Compaction of the subgrade shall be accomplished through methods acceptable to the engineer and county road office. The subgrade shall be compacted, in place, to ninety-five percent of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO Designation T -180. This compaction is required before any gravel surfacing material is placed on the subgrade. Stripping requirements shall be approved by the engineer. 2. Sub Base Gravel. (Pit run selected surfacing.) All sub base gravel material shall be obtained from (Bozeman 4-98) previously approved pits - a tolerance of five per- cent by volume up to the next specified gradation (seven-inch for six-inch maximum) will be allowed. All oversized material not allowed in the top six inches shall be removed from the roadway typical section. 3. Road Construction Standards. All roads shall meet the following standards. Any deviation from these standards must be approved by a licensed engineer and the county road office. 294-32 e e e 16.16.080 e Table IB STREET DESIGN STANDARDS FOR COUNTY ROADS COLLECTOR MINOR/LOCAL Terrain* Ordinary Mountainous* Ordinary Mountainous* Right-of-way width 60' - 80' 60' 60' 60' Centerline radius on curves 300' 150' 150' 150' Tangent length between reverse curves 100' 50' 50' Stopping site distance 300' 200' 200' 100' Angle of intersecting center lines 750 750 750 750 e Curb radius at intersections 25' 25' 15' 15' Length of cul-de-sac 1000'** 2500' Outside radius on cul-de-sac R.O.W. 50' 50' Grade, maximum 7% 10% 10% 12%*** Grade, minimum .5% .5% .5% .5% Maximum grade within 150' of intersecting centerlines 3% 3% Maximum grade within 75' of intersecting centerlines 3% 3% e Note: All standards are minimum standards unless noted. * Mountainous terrain is defined as terrain that has a cross slope exceeding 15 percent. ** Cul-de-sac roads that provide access to unsubdivided land may exceed this length. *** Grades of over 10 percent shall not exceed 100 feet in length. 294-33 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.16.080 Table 2 PAVING AND STREET WIDTH STANDARDS FOR COUNTY ROADS ADT FINISHED GRAVEL WIDTH PAVING WIDTH Nonmountainous Terrain 8 22' NO 16 22' NO 24 22' NO 32-99 26' NO 100+ 26' 24' Major arterials and collectors 30' 28' Mountainous terrain 8-40 20' NO 41-99 24' NO 100+ 24' Determination by road office Major collectors and arterials 30' 28' (Bozeman 4-98) 294-34 - e e 16.16.080 e Table 3 SUB~BASE GRAVEL Pit run selected surfacing shall meet the following gradation: 2 3 4 5 6 6-inch sieve 100% 3-inch sieve 100% 2-lI2-inch sieve 100% 2.inch sieve 100% l-lI2-inch sieve 100% I.inch sieve 100% No.4 sieve 25-60% for all grades e No. 200 sieve 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% (not more than) Liquid limit for that portion of the fine aggregate passing the No. 40 sieve shall not exceed twenty-five nor shall the plasticity index exceed six. Construction requirements of the pit run selected surfacing shall be laid down in conformity with the approved typical section. The gravel base course shall be placed in uniform thickness of eight or nine inches and compacted to ninety-five percent of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO Designation T -180. If water is needed to facilitate compaction and bonding of the material, it shall be applied. The subgrade shall be finished within a tolerance of three-quarters of an inch measured as a vertical ordinate from the face of a ten-foot straight edge. e 294-35 (Bozeman 4.98) 16.16.080 Table 4 CRUSHED TOP SURFACING TYPE -A- Table of Gradations Passing Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 I-inch sieve 100% 3/4-inch sieve 100% l/2-inch sieve 100% No. 4 sieve 40--70% 40--70% 40--70% No. 10 sieve 25-50% 25-50% 25-50% No. 200 sieve 5-10% 5-10% 5-10% The aggregate for all grades, including added binder or filler, shall meet the following supplemen- tal requirements: a. The dust ratio, that portion passing the No. 200 sieve, shall not be greater than two-thirds of that portion passing the No. 40 sieve. b. The liquid limit for that portion of the fine aggregate passing the No. 40 sieve shall not exceed twenty-five nor shall the plasticity index exceed six. c. Compaction of type "A" crushed surfacing shall be accomplished by rolling equipment ap- proved by the engineer - on all crushed top surfac- ing type "A," these regulations shall require pneu- matic-tired rollers of two axle type, straight or oscil- lating, mounted on rigid frame and provided with a platform or body suitable for ballast and having effective rolling width of not less than four feet, and shall have a minimum working weight capacity of two hundred fifty pounds per inch of tire surface. Tires shall be smooth (no tread) and of equal size and diameter. The material shall be compacted to ninety-five percent of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO Designation T -180. If water is needed to facilitate compaction and bonding (Bozeman 4-98) of the material, it shall be applied. The surface course shall be finished within a tolerance of one- half inch measured as a vertical ordinate from the face of a ten-foot straight edge. 4. Road Signs. Road signs of the size, shape, and height as approved by the county, shall be placed at all intersections by the subdivider prior to final plat approval, or a cash bond covering the cost of purchase and installation of the signs shall be turned over to the county before final acceptance of any roads. 5. Road Sign Standards. Location of road signs shall be designated on road plans which are submit- ted for review and approval. a. Posts. All metal road posts shall be two-inch schedule 40 galvanized steel. All mounting hardware shall be die cast of No. 380 alloy with tensile strength of forty-nine thousand psi with excellent resistance to corrosion. The brackets shall have two angled gussets, or ribs on each side for extra strength. All sets of brackets shall be tapped and drilled for ten each five-sixteenth-inch zinc dichro- mate placed Allen-type set screws having self. lock- ing sawtooth ends. Wooden road signs and posts 294-36 e e e e e e may be approved by the county road office, upon submittal of design, which shall include reflective lettering. Other post and mounting brackets may be approved by the county road office. b. Signs. All sign bI~ks as specified: all six-inch wide by twenty-four-, thirty-, or thirty-six-inch long signs of either .08 inch flat aluminum with short radius rounded comers or of .08 inch to .1 0 inch extruded aluminum with heavy borders. All blanks to be coated with engineer grade green Scotchlite or equivalent reflective surface. All letters in four-inch white Scotchlite or equivalent reflective surface. All mounting hardware to fit green painted two FIGURE 1 16.16.080 pound/foot U-channel posts or green painted round steel posts. Hardware shall be either galvanized or painted green or made of aluminum. Nut and bolt assemblies are to be galvanized and will include nut, lockwasher, neoprene or nylon washers against the Scotchlite, and three-eighths-inch bolt. All posts will be mounted in at least one cubic foot of subsurface concrete. Other sign and mounting hardware may be approved by the county road office. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1988) GALLATIN COUNTY MINIMUM ROAD STANDARDS 21 n. VIIt . , IR J(J'TH IJ" , 1M. MI~ nUCTCD PIT IlI.M SUlI' ACa<<; (Zll ru 2t n. VIDC - l IN. 1IJ'11I cr I IN. MIMJS llOI\DHIX ( I n. SKJJ.1ItI VIDTH KlHlIIIt lit UCH Sill: IT 1IIlA1> (l' rlJ l4 n. VIDC ~ l 1ft aJl'ACTCD ASPtW. T PlAN' MIl. < CllllVH Jl r IJ r u <Z4 ru , I ctHTCJa.K SUIl"AAI( COt'ACTIOC . $[[ SPCCIAl PllUVISllM CKiItt:CR INSl'CCTJDf AND VltIT1DC IIf"illNAl RtllJlltCD lJl CAOt IT TII; rll.llJlluc;. (J) SUIC.llADC AND DIlOtS. <Zl Cl)t'ACTCD PIT IlI.M SUIII' ACl..... ,. MINUt. <ll CDf'ACTCD Cl\JSH:D T[I' S1JIrACll<<i fTl'( .^., ,. MilliS. (4) rlMIKD ROI\OVAT NlD STJI([T SI(".Nt. . 294-37 (Bo>:eman 11-0 I) 16.18.010--16.18.030 Chapter 16.18 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Sections: 16.18.010 16.18.020 16.18.030 General. Environmental assessment. Environmental assessment contents. Summary of the probable impacts. Community impact report contents. Exemption from preparation of environmental assessment. 16.18.040 16.18.050 16.18.060 16.18.010 General. Pursuant to Section 76-3-504( 1), MCA, it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to submit the information required by this chapter with the prelim- inary plat. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.18.020 Environmental assessment. The environmental assessment shall include the following required information. A. Major Subdivision. 1. A description of every body or stream of surface water that may be affected by the proposed subdivision, together with available ground water information, and a description of the topography, vegetation, and wildlife use within the area of the proposed subdivision; 2. A summary of the probable impacts of the proposed subdivision based on the criteria described in Section 76-3~608, MeA; 3. A community impact report containing a statement of anticipated needs of the proposed sub- division for local services, including education and busing; roads and maintenance; water, sewage, and solid waste facilities; fire and police protection; and 4. Additional relevant and reasonable informa- tion related to the applicable regulatory criteria adopted under Section 76-3-501, MCA. B. Second or Subsequent Minor Subdivision. In lieu of a complete environmental assessment, a (Bozeman ))..{})) summary of the probable impacts of the proposed subdivision based on the criteria described in Section 76-3-608, MCA shall be submitted with the preliminary plat application. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) e 16.18.030 Environmental assessment contents. A. Surface Water. 1. Mapping. Locate on a plat overlay or sketch map all surface waters and the delineated floodways which may affect or be affected by the proposed subdivision including: a. Natural water systems such as streams, lakes, rivers, or marshes; b. Artificial water systems such as canals, ditch- es, ditch/streams, aqueducts, reservoirs, irrigation or drainage systems. 2. Description. Describe all surface waters which may affect or be affected by the proposed subdivision including name, approximate size, present use, and time of year when water is present. Describe proximity of proposed construction (such as buildings, sewer systems, roads) to surface waters. 3. Water Body Alteration. Describe any existing or proposed streambank or shoreline alterations or any proposed construction or modification of lake beds, stream channels, or irrigation ditches. Provide information on location, extent, type and purpose of alteration. 4. Wetlands. When the soil survey maps indicate hydric soils are present, the subdivider shall provide a wetlands delineation completed by a qualified consultant, using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Manual. If the presence of wetlands is indicated, the wetlands delineation shall be shown on the final plat. When any construction or changes are proposed in the wetlands, a 404 permit will be required to be obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and a copy of the permit submitted to the planning office prior to the commencement of work within the wetlands area and/or plat approval, whichever is sooner. e 294-38 e e e e B. Groundwater. 1. Depth. Establish the seasonal minimum and maximum depth to the water table, dates on which these depths were determined, and the location and depth of all known aquifers which may be affected by the proposed subdivision. The high water table shall be determined from tests taken during the period of major concern as specified in writing by the county health department. Specific locations for test holes may also be determined by the county health department. 2. Steps to Avoid Degradation. Describe any steps necessary to avoid the degradation of ground- water and groundwater recharge areas. C. Geology-Soils-Slopes. 1. Geologic Hazards. Identify geologic hazards affecting the proposed subdivision which could result in property damage or personal injury due to rock falls or slides; slides-land, mud, snow; surface subsidence (i.e., settling or sinking); or seismic activity. 2. Protective Measures. Explain what measures will be taken to prevent or materially lessen the danger of future property damage or injury due to any of the hazards referred to above. 3. Unusual Features. Provide a statement de- scribing any unusual soil, topographic or geologic conditions on the property which limit the capability for building or excavation using ordinary and rea- sonable construction techniques. The statement should address conditions such as shallow bedrock, highwater table, unstable or expansive soil condi- tions, and slope. On a map, identify any slopes in excess of fifteen percent grade. 4. Soils Map. The subdivision shall be overlaid on the Gallatin County soil survey maps obtained from the Natural Resource and Conservation Service (NRCS). The maps are 1 :24,000 scale. These maps may be copied without permission. However, en- largement of these maps could cause misunderstand- ing of the detail of mapping. Soils were mapped using a minimum delineation of five acres, and these soils reports were intended to alert subdividers to possible problems and the need for a more detailed on-site investigation. The subdivider shall provide 16.18.030 the following soil reports, which can be obtained from the NRCS: a. The physical properties and engineering in- dexes for each soil type; b. Soil limitations for sanitary facilities, building site development, and water features for each soil type; c. Hydric soils report for each soil type. Ifhydric soils are present, the subdivider shall provide a wetlands investigation by a certified consultant, using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Manual; and d. The subdivider shall provide any special design methods planned to overcome the above limitations. 5. Cuts and Fills. Describe the location and amount of any cut or fill three or more feet in depth. These cuts and fills should be indicated on a plat overlay or sketch map. Where cuts or fills are necessary, describe any plans to prevent erosion and to promote revegetation such as replacement of topsoil and grading. D. Vegetation. 1. Vegetation Map. On a plat overlay or sketch map: a. Indicate the distribution of the major vegeta- tion types such as marsh, grassland, shrub, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, mixed forest. b. Identify critical plant communities such as stream bank or shoreline vegetation; vegetation on steep, unstable slopes; vegetation on soils highly susceptible to wind or water erosion. c. The subdivider shall have any noxious weeds identified and their location mapped by a person with experience in weed management and knowledgeable in weed identification. A noxious weed management and revegetation plan approved by the weed control district for control of noxious weeds shall be submitted with the preliminary plat application. 2. Protective Measures. Describe measures to preserve trees and critical plant communities (e.g., design and location of roads, lots and open spaces). E. Wildlife. 1. Species. Describe species offish and wildlife 294-39 (Bozeman ll~l) 16.18.040 which use the area affected by the proposed subdivi- sion. 2. Critical Areas. Identify on a plat overlay or sketch map -of the proposed subdivision any known critical or "key" wildlife areas" such as big game winter range, waterfowl nesting areas, habitat for rare or endangered species, wetlands. 3. Protective Measures. Describe any proposed measures to protect or enhance wildlife habitat or to minimize degradation (e.g., keeping building and roads back from shorelines; setting aside marshland as undeveloped open space). 4. The subdivider shall discuss the impact of the proposed development on fish and wildlife with the Department ofFish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP). The subdivider shall provide a written statement outlining any recommendation of FWP and any mitigation planned to overcome any adverse impacts. F. Historical Features. 1. Affected Areas. Describe and locate on a plat overlay or sketch map any known or possible histor- ic, paleontological, archeological, or cultural sites, structures, or objects which may be affected by the proposed subdivision. 2. Protective Measures. Describe any plans to protect such sites or properties. 3. The subdivider shall discuss the impact of the proposed development on any historic features, and the need for inventory, study and/or preservation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The subdivider shall provide a written statement outlining any recommendations of SHPO and any plans for inventory, study, and/or preservation and any mitigation planned to overcome any adverse impacts. G. Visual Impact. 1. Measures. Describe any efforts to visually blend development activities with the existing envi- ronment (e.g., provisions for appropriate building materials, colors, street design, underground utilities, and revegetation or earthworks). (Ord. 1477 9 18, 1998: Ord. 1450 9 2 (part), 1998) (Bozeman 11.01) 16.18.040 Summary of the probable impacts. A summary of the probable impacts on the review criteria established in these regulations shall be provided in the environmental assessment as follows: A. The Effect on Agriculture and Proposed Miti- gation of Impacts. 1. Number of acres in production and type of production. 2. Agricultural operations in the vicinity. 3. Additional information as needed. B. The Effect on Agricultural Water User Facili- ties and Proposed Mitigation of Impacts. 1. Type, description, ownership, and users of facilities. 2. Additional information as needed. C. The Effect on Local Services and Proposed Mitigation of Impacts. 1. Methods of water supply and sewage disposal. 2. Provision oflaw enforcement services and fire protection services, and projected costs to providers. 3. Costs of upgrading or extending off-site public streets and roads. Costs of annual street and road maintenance. 4. Provision of educational services and project- ed costs to providers. 5. Current amount of local property taxes, pro- jected amount the land and improvements will pay in local property taxes. 6. Provision of utilities and easements. 7. Additional information as needed. D. The Effect on the Natural Environment and Proposed Mitigation of Impacts. 1. Street/road drainage and erosion. 2. Terrain and surface runoff effects. 3. Grading and drainage plan, including stormwater facility maintenance plan. 4. Effects on native vegetation, soils, quality or quantity of surface or ground waters. 5. Weed control. 6. Additional information as needed. E. The Effect on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat and Proposed Mitigation of Impacts. 1. Proximity to area of significant wildlife habi- tat or critical wildlife areas. e e 294-40 e e e e 2. Expected effects of pets and human activity on wildlife. 3. Effects on fisheries. 4. Effects on public access to public lands, trails, hunting or fishing areas. 5. Additional information as needed. F. The Effect on Public Health and Safety and Proposed Mitigation of Impacts. 1. Potential natural hazards; flooding, snow, mud, or rock slides, high winds, wildfire, excessive slope, etc. 2. Potential man-made hazards; high voltage power lines, high pressure gas lines, nearby industrial or mining activity, high traffic volumes, lack of fire protection, inadequate traffic safety, etc. 3. Additional information as needed. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.18.050 Community impact report contents. Provide a summary of the following community impacts which have not been addressed by the infor- mation required in Section 16.18.040. A. Water Supply. 1. Description of Use. Describe how water will be provided for household use and fire protection. 2. Capacity. Indicate the number of gallons per day of water the proposed subdivision will require and whether the water supply is sufficient to meet the needs of the anticipated, final population of the subdivision. Identify any anticipated effects on existing water systems or wells within the area. 3. State Standards. Indicate whether the plans for water supply meet the standards of the State Department of Environmental Quality for quality, quantity, and construction criteria. 4. Existing Public System. If the subdivider proposes to connect to an existing water system: a. Identify and describe that system; b. Provide written evidence that permission to connect to that system has been obtained; c. State the approximate distance to that system;. d. State the cost of extending or improving the existing water system to service the proposed devel- opment; 16.18.050 e. Provide an engineering design report and/or other documentation demonstrating that adequate water distribution system and treatment works ca- pacity exists to serve the proposed subdivision. 5. New Public System. If a separate public water system is to be installed, discuss: a. Who is to install that system and when it will be completed; b. Who will administer and maintain the system at the beginning of subdivision development and when subdivision is completed; c. Provide evidence that the water supply is adequate in quantity, quality, and dependability; d. When the system will be completed, and how it will be financed. 6. Individual System. If individual water systems are to be provided, describe the adequacy of supply of the groundwater for individual wells or cisterns and how this was determined. B. Sewage Disposal. 1. Method. Describe the proposed method of sewage disposal. 2. Capacity. Indicate the number of gallons of effluent per day which will be generated by the proposed subdivision at its full occupancy, whether the proposed method of sewage disposal is sufficient to meet the anticipated final needs of the subdivision and whether it meets the standards of the Department of Environmental Qual ity. 3. Existing Public System. If the development will be connected to an existing public sewer system, include: a. A description of that system and approximate distance from proposed subdivision; b. Written evidence that permission to connecUo that system has been obtained; c. State the approximate distance to that system; d. State the cost of extending or improving the existing sewer system to service the proposed devel- opment; e. Provide an engineering design report and/or other documentation demonstrating that adequate sewer collection system and treatment works capaci- ty exists to serve the proposed subdivision. 294-41 (Bozeman Il..{ll) 16.18.050 4. New Public System. If a new public sewage disposal system is to be installed, discuss: a. When the system will be completed, and how it will be financed; b. Who is to administer an~ maintain the pro- posed system at the beginning of subdivision devel- opment and when development is completed; c. Provide evidence that the sewer supply is adequate in capacity, quality, and dependability. C. Solid Waste Disposal. 1. Collector System. Describe the proposed system of solid waste collection and disposal for the subdivision including: a. Evidence that existing systems for collection and facilities for disposal are available and can handle the anticipated additional volume; b. A description of the proposed alternative where no existing system is available; c. Whether the proposed method of solid waste disposal meets the standards of the Department of Environmental Quality. D. Streets and Roads. 1. Description. Describe any proposed new public or private access streets or roads or substantial improvements of existing public or private access streets or roads. 2. Access to Arterial. Discuss whether any of the individual lots or tracts have access directly to arterial streets or roads; and if so, the reason access was not provided by means of a street or road within the subdivision. 3. Modification of Existing Streets or Roads. Explain any proposed closure or modification of existing streets or roads. 4. Dust. Describe provisions considered for dust control on streets and roads. 5. Pollution and Erosion. Explain how road maintenance will be provided to meet the Departw ment of Health and Environmental Quality guidelines for prevention of water pollution and erosion. 6. Installation and Maintenance. Indicate who will pay the cost of installing and maintaining dedi- cated and private streets and roadways. 7. Traffic Generation. Discuss how much daily traffic will be generated on existing local and neighw (Bouman 11-0 I ) borhood streets, roads and main arterials, when the subdivision is fully developed, and provide the following information. The report format shall be as follows: a. Trip generation, using Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual; b. Trip distribution; c. Traffic assignment; d. Capacity analysis; e. Evaluation; and f. Recommended access plan, including access points, modifications and any mitigation techniques. The public service director, during the prewapplica- tion submittal review, may waive the requirement for any of the required information. However, such request for a waiver must be made by the subdivider at the time pre-application submittal is made. a. Land Use and Trip Generation. A table of each type of land use, the number of units or square footage, as appropriate, the trip rates used, (daily and peak), and resulting trip generation. b. Traffic Graphics, which show: 1. Am. peak hour site traffic; i1. P.m. peak hour site traffic; 111. Am. peak hour total traffic; IV. P.m. peak hour total traffic; v. Total daily traffic (with site generated traffic shown separately). c. Am. and P.m. Capacity Analysis. An a.m. and p.m. peak hour capacity analysis shall be provided for: 1. All major drive accesses that intersect collecw tor or arterial streets; and ii. All arterial-arterial, collector-collector, and arterial-collector intersections within one mile ofthe site, or as required by the director of public service during the pre-application review. d. Additional Analysis Criteria. i. Appropriate clearance intervals shall be pro- vided for each exclusive movement. Pedestrian movements must be provided for each cycle and pedestrian overpasses shall not be at intersections. Maximum pedestrian walking speeds shall be four feet per second with a minimum "WALK" time of seven seconds. Intersection pavement widths shall e e 294-42 e e e e not exceed that required to provide three through lanes in each direction, dual left-turn lanes and right- turn lanes. ii. Traffic progression will be of paramount importance. Consequently? all potential intersections with signals will be placed on quarter-mile points unless otherwise approved by the director of public service. iii. Streets and intersection level of service "c" shall be the design and operational objective, and under no conditions will less than level of service "D" be accepted. All arterial and collector streets and movements on intersection approach legs designated as arterial or collector streets shall operate at a minimum level of service "C." The design year for necessary improvements shall be a minimum of fifteen years following construction of said improvements. e. Summary analysis explaining: i. The proposed access points for the project, their location, and the rationale for their placement in terms of circulation; ii. Future off-site road improvements for access, which roads they will be, the projected time frame for their completion, and who is responsible for their completion; iii. ADT and level of service changes to all streets; iv. Describe how traffic impacts to existing streets will be minimized by the subdivision; v. Describe bicycle and pedestrian pathways to be developed with the development, if used. 8. Capacity. Indicate the levels of service (before and after) of existing and proposed streets and roads, including appropriate intersections, to safely handle any increased traffic. Describe any anticipated increased maintenance that will be necessary due to increased traffic and who will pay the cost of maintenance. 9. Year-Round Access. Explain whether year- round access by conventional automobile will be available over legal rights-of-way to the subdivision and to all lots and common facilities within the subdivision. 16.18.050 10. Private Access. Indicate ownership of any private access to the subdivision. E. Utilities. 1. Affected Utilities. Indicate which affected utilities the subdivision plat has been submitted to for review, and include a copy of responses. 2. Include a description of: a. The method offurnishing electric, natural gas, cable TV or telephone service, where provided; b. The extent to which these utilities will be placed underground; c. Estimated completion of each utility installa- tion; d. The subdivider shall provide a written state- ment from the utility companies that the proposed subdivision can be provided with service. F. Emergency Services. 1. Describe the emergency services available to the subdivision such as: a. Fire Protection. Indicate which urban or rural fire district the proposed subdivision is located in, and if not located in such a district, if a district will be formed or extended. If the subdivision is not located in a fire district and one will not be formed or extended, explain what fire protection procedures are planned for the subdivision; b. Police protection; c. Ambulance service; d. Medical services. 2. Give the estimated response time of the above services. 3. Describe how the needs of the proposed subdivision for each of the above services can be met by present personnel and facilities. If the needs cannot be met by present personnel and facilities, describe what additional expense would be necessary to make these services adequate, and indicate at whose expense the necessary improvements would be made. a. Indicate whether the subdivision preliminary plat has been submitted to affected above agencies; if so, include copy of response. b. The subdivider shall discuss the impact of the proposed development on the provision of emergen- cy services with each of the providers. The 294-43 (Bozeman] I"()I) 16.18.050 subdivider shall provide a written statement outlining the recommendations of the providers and any mitigation planned to overcome any inability to provide services or adverse impacts. G. Schools. 1. Available Facilities. Describe the available educational facilities which would service this subdi- vision. 2. School Children. Estimate the number of school children that will be generated from the proposed subdivision. 3. Provide a written statement from the adminis- trator of the appropriate school system indicating whether the increased enrollment can be accommo- dated by the present personnel and facilities and by the existing school bus system. H. Land Use. 1. Planning. Describe comprehensive planning and/or land use regulations covering the proposed subdivision or adjacent land and if located near the jurisdictional area of an incorporated city or town, whether annexation is proposed. 2. Public Lands. Describe how the subdivision will affect access to any public lands. Where public lands are adjacent to or near the proposed develop- ment, describe present and anticipated uses for those lands; (e.g., grazing, logging, recreation, etc.), and how public access will be preserved/enhanced. 3. Adjacent Land Use. Describe the effect ofthe subdivision on adjacent land use. 4. Hazards. Describe any health or safety hazards on or near the subdivision, such as mining activity or potential subsidence, high pressure gas lines, dilapidated structures or high voltage power lines. Any such conditions should be accurately described and their origin and location identified. List any provisions that will be made to mitigate these hazards. 5. Nuisance. Describe anyon-site or off-site land uses creating a nuisance, such as unpleasant odors, unusual noises, dust or smoke. 1. Housing. 1. Indicate the proposed use(s) and number of lots or spaces in each: a. Residential area, single family; (Bozeman 11-0 I ) b. Residential area, multiple family. Types of multiple-family structures and numbers of each (e.g., duplex, four-plex); c. Planned unit development (number of units); d. Condominium (number of units); e. Mobile home park; f. Recreation vehicle park; g. Commercial or industrial; h. Other (please describe). 2. Indicate whether the subdivision is planned as a second home or recreational subdivision. J. Parks and Recreation Facilities. Describe park and recreation facilities to be provided within the subdivision and other recreational facilities which will serve the subdivision. K. Taxation. 1. Acreage. Include a list ofthe number of acres in each land assessment classification prior to subdi- vIsIon. 2. Existing Taxes. Describe any existing tax and existing or proposed special assessments which will affect the subdivision. 3. Anticipated Taxes. Estimate the increased amount of taxes that will be generated by the subdi- vision at full development using existing valuations and mill levies. L. Accessibility of Service Systems and Facili- ties. Provide total distances over road types to each of the following services or facilities: e e 294-44 e e e e Unimproved Street/Road Fire protection Police protection Hospital facilities Elementary school High school M. Effects on Agriculture. Supply the following information: 1 . The number of acres in production of crops; 2. The productivity of the land; 3. Whether or not the property is part of a viable farm unit, and whether the property was under production during the last regular season; 4. The other uses of land in the general locality; 5. What measures will be taken, if any, to control family pets; 6. Fencing of Agricultural Land. Describe any existing fence lines around the subdivision boundary which protect agricultural lands under an ownership other than that of the subdivider, and describe any measures which will be taken to insure that the owners of the subdivision will share with the owner ofthe agricultural lands in the continued maintenance of the fence. N. Effects on Agricultural Water User Facilities. 1. Type, description of facility. 2. Ownership, users of facility. 3. Describe any proposed realignment, and provide written authorization of the affected water users for the proposed realignment. (Ord. 1477 S 19, 1998: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.18.060 Exemption from preparation of environmental assessment. A. Pursuant to Section 76-3-210, MCA, the requirement for preparing an environmental assess- ment shall be waived when: 1. The proposed subdivision is totally within an area covered by a master plan adopted pursuant to Title 76, Chapter 1, MCA, wherein zoning regula- tions and a long-range development program of public works' projects pursuant to Sections 76-2-201 16.18.060 Graded Street/Road Paved Street/Road Graveled Street/Road and 76-1-601, MCA, have been adopted. 2. The proposed subdivision is the first minor subdivision from a tract of record. B. The planning board may exempt the subdivid- er from the completion of all or any portion of the environmental assessment when: 1. The subdivision is proposed in an area for which a master plan has been adopted and the pro- posed subdivision will be in compliance with the plan; or 2. The subdivision will contain fewer than ten parcels and less than twenty acres. If such a waiver is desired, the subdivider must request the waiver as a part of the pre-application process. When such an exemption is granted, the planning board shall prepare and certifY a written statement of the reasons for granting the exemption. A copy of this statement shall accompany the preliminary plat of the subdivision when it is submitted for review. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 294-45 (Bo~eman 11-0 I) 16.20.010--16.20.020 Chapter 16.20 FLOOD HAZARD EVALUATION Sections: 16.20.010 16.20.020 16.20.030 General. Procednre. Waiver of requirement. 16.20.010 General. Land subject to being flooded by a flood of one- hundred-year frequency as defined by Title 76, Chapter 5, MCA, or land deemed to be subject to flooding by the appropriate governing body. shall not be subdivided for building or residential purposes, or other uses that may increase or aggravate flood hazards to life, health or welfare, or that may be prohibited by state or local floodplain or floodway regulations. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.20.020 Procedure. If any portion of a proposed subdivision is within two thousand horizontal feet and less than twenty vertical feet of a watercourse draining an area of twenty-five square miles or more, and no official floodplain or floodway delineation study of the watercourse has been made, the subdivider shall provide a floodplain analysis report establishing the calculated one hundred-year frequency water surface elevations and one hundred-year floodplain bound- aries. The analysis and report shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer qualified in this field of work. A. Submission of Report. The report shall be submitted at the time of preliminary plat application. The report may be submitted, upon the request of the appropriate governing body, to the Floodplain Management Section, Water Resources Division, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, for review and concurrence. B. Contents of Report. The required report shall include the following information: 1. Certification. Certification of the report by a registered professional engineer. (Bozeman 11-01) 2. Overall Plan View. An overall scaled plan view (project map) with identified scale for vertical and horizontal distance showing the following: a. Watercourse; b. Floodplain boundaries; c. Location of property; d. Contours; e. Cross sections; f. Bridges or other contractions in the floodplain; g. USGS gauging stations (if any). 3. Benchmark(s). The location and elevation of a temporary benchmark(s) established within the subdivision and referenced to mean sea level with appropriate elevation adjustment. 4. Cross Sectional Information. a. Cross section elevations and stations should be determined at points representing significant breaks in ground slope and at changes in the hydraulic characteristics of the floodplain (e.g., points where ground cover, soil or rock conditions change). Elevations must be reported in NA VD88 or DGVD29 datum. b. Each cross section shall cross the entire floodplain. The cross section alignment should be perpendicular to the general flow of the watercourse, the slope of the channel and the hydraulic characteristics of the reach. A minimum of four cross sections are required over the entire reach with at least two cross sections at the property where the elevations are desired. Additional cross sections must be taken at bridges, control structures or natural constrictions in topography. **NOTE: Photogrammetric methods may be used in lieu of cross sections whenever appropriate and when reviewed and approved by the appropriate floodplain administrator. 5. Bridges. Descriptions and sketches of all bridges within the reach, showing unobstructed waterway openings and elevations. 6. Water Surface. Elevations of the water surface determined by survey as part of each valley cross section. 7. Supporting Documentation. Engineering report of computer computations, calculations and assumptions that may include: e e 294-46 e e e e a. Hydrology (research of published hydrology or calculations showing how hydrology was derived). b. Input files (hard copy and on diskette). c. Output files (diskette only). (Ord. 1477 S 20, 1998: Or~. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.20.030 Waiver of requirement. The appropriate governing body shall waive this requirement where the subdivider contacts the Water Resources Division, Department of Natural Resourc- es and Conservation, and that agency states in writing that the data indicate that the proposed subdivision is not in the flood hazard area as defined in this chapter. (Ord. 1477 S 21, 1998: Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.22 IMPROVEMENTS Sections: 16.22.010 16.22.020 16.22.030 16.22.040 16.22.050 1m provements. Improvement procedures. Completion of improvements. Improvements agreements. Acceptance of improvements. 16.22.010 Improvements. A. General. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to comply with the following procedures and standards for the installation of subdivision improvements. B. Plans and Specifications. Engineering and survey plans, specifications and reports required in connection with public improvements and other elements of the subdivision required by the appro- priate governing body shall be prepared by a regis- tered engineer or a registered land surveyor, licensed in the state of Montana, as their respective licensing laws allow. C. Scope of Work. The intent of these subdivi- sion regulations is to provide standards by which the contractor and the subdivider shall execute their respective responsibilities and guarantee proper construction and completion in every detail of the 16.20.030--16.22.020 work in accordance with the plans, specifications and terms set forth under these regulations. The subdivider shall furnish the plans, specifica- tions and typical sections for approval by the county road office or city engineer, as applicable. It shall be understood that the work to be done will not necessarily be limited to within the right-of-way boundaries. The appropriate governing body shall have au- thority to make or cause to be made any reasonable changes, alterations, amendments and additions to the standard specifications for infrastructure im- provements. D. Control of Work. During the course of con- struction, and at the completion of each phase of the project, the subdivider's registered civil engineer shall submit a statement that the improvements have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifica- tions. Prior to making any changes, the subdivider's engineer shall notifY and receive written approval or disapproval from the city engineer or county road office, whichever is appropriate, for any changes in approved plans and specifications. E. Protection of Existing Improvements. The subdivider, his contractors, and suppliers shall be jointly and severally responsible to ensure that exist- ing improvements are not damaged or rendered less useful by the operation of the subdivider, his con- tractors, or suppliers. This provision is intended to preclude damage to existing roads, water, sewer, and drainage systems. The appropriate governing body may instruct the subdivider as to the streets or roads to be used for access by construction equipment, and the subdivider shall be responsible for enforcement of this instruction upon his contractors and their suppliers. The appropriate governing body may require the subdivider to post a surety to guarantee repair of damages. (Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.22.020 Improvement procedures. A. Improvement Procedure. After the preliminary plat has received approval or conditional approval and before the final plat is submitted, the subdivider shall either install the required improvements or enter 294-47 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.22.030 into an agreement with the appropriate governing body financially guaranteeing the installation and performance of the improvements. The following procedure for approval of the improvement plans and specifications shall be com- pleted before installation of improvements or the entering into of an agreement where collateral is to be provided for the completion of the improvements: 1. Submittal. Engineering plans and specifica- tions for all improvements required by these regula- tions shall be submitted to the city engineer's office and/or county road office, and to the State Depart- ment of Environmental Quality, as appropriate. 2. Review. Plans and specifications shall be locally reviewed by the: a. City engineer and/or county road office, to ascertain that the engineering plans and specifica- tions meet the requirements of these regulations and other adopted rules and regulations. When deter- mined by the city engineer or county road office to be necessary, the plans and specifications shall also be submitted for review to: i. Planning office, to ascertain that there have been no significant deviations from the preliminary plat, as approved. ii. Other affected local agencies and utilities. b. County health department, to review sanitary facilities which will not be connected to a public system. 3. Comments and Recommendations. Written comments and recommendations from the local reviewing agencies shall be forwarded to either the city engineer or county road office. 4. Approval. After comments and recommenda- tions have been received from local agencies and a certificate of approval of sanitary facilities has been received from the State Department of Environmen- tal Quality, the appropriate governing body shall either give approval in a printed or stamped certifi- cate on the plans and specifications or shall inform the subdivider in writing as to what additional re- quirements must be met to receive approval. 5. Pre-Construction Meeting. Prior to beginning construction of required infrastructure improvements, the subdivider or a representative, the subdivider's (Bozeman 11-01) engineer, and the contractor who will install the improvements shall meet with representatives of the city engineering and/or county road office to ensure that improvements will be installed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. The following information, as appropriate, must be provided to the city engineer or county road office by the subdivider prior to or at the time of the pre- construction meeting: a. DEQ, road office, and/or city engineer ap- proval of plans and specifications. b. Executed easements. c. Abandoned easements. d. Shop/fabrication drawings (must be submitted two days prior to pre-construction meeting). e. Traffic control plan (must be submitted one week prior to pre-construction meeting). f. Copy of contractor's performance and pay- ment bonds, and insurance. g. Permits, to include, but not be limited to: 1. Dewatering discharge permit (MDEQ); n. 310 permit (NRCSIFWP); Hi. 404 permit (Corps); IV. Stormwater control permit (MDEQ); v. Street cut permit (city/county/state); vi. Utility occupancy permit (MDOT/county); vii. Floodplain (city/county). (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e e 16.22.030 Completion of improvements. A. General. Improvements shall be installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifica- tions by the subdivider, and certified by a registered professional civil engineer, licensed in the state of Montana, and accepted by the city and/or county prior to the approval of the final plat, or in accor- dance with the terms of an executed improvements agreement. B. Completion Time. Construction of all subdivi- sion improvements, as approved by the city engineer or county road office, shall be completed prior to construction of any buildings on new lots within the subdivision. This requirement may be modified by the appropriate governing body's reviewing engineer for streets where dictated by circumstances, and e 294-48 e e e where acceptable improvement security for the ultimate development of the streets is provided. However, under no circumstances shall the required gravel courses be waived. 1. Exception. When m,unicipal water distribution and municipal sanitary sewer collection systems and city streets are being provided to serve a development proposal occurring under the provisions of Chapter 16.24, planned unit development (PUD), or under provisions established for traditional neighborhood development (TND), the issuance of a building permit may be allowed prior to completion of the public infrastructure, provided the following criteria are met: a. The subject property shall be developed under the provisions of Chapter 16.24, planned unit development or under provisions established for traditional neighborhood development; b. The property owners involved must enter into an improvements agreement, to be secured by a financial guarantee in an amount to be determined by the city, with said guarantee to be in the name of the city; c. Approval of the final engineering design, including location and grade, for the infrastructure project must be obtained from the city engineering department, and the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences when applicable, prior to issuance of any building permit for the develop- ment; d. Building permits may be issued incrementally, dependent upon the status of installation of the infrastructure improvements. All building con- struction within the PUD or TND shall cease until required phases of infrastructure improvements as described in the pun or TND have been completed, and inspected and accepted by the city; e. The property owner shall provide and maintain fire hazard and liability insurance which shall name the city as an additional insured and such issuance shall not be cancelled without at least forty- five days prior notice to the city. The property owner shall furnish evidence, satisfactory to the city, of all such policies and the effective dates thereof; 16.22.040 f. The property owner recognizes, acknow- ledges, and assumes the increased risk of loss because certain public services do not exist at the site; g. The property owner shall enter into an agree- ment with the city which provides for predetermined infrastructure funding options; h. No occupancy of any structures or commence- ment of any use constructed or proposed within the boundaries ofthe PUD or TND will be allowed until required infrastructure improvements have been completed, and inspected and accepted by the city, and a certificate of occupancy has been issued; l. The property owner shall enter into an agreement with the city to address the provision of any services on an interim basis during construction, if deemed appropriate; j. The property owner shall execute a hold hannless and indemnification agreement indem- nifying, defending and holding harmless the city, its employees, agents and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, loss, claims, causes of action, judgments, and damages resulting from or arising out of the issuance of a building permit under this section; and k. The property owner shall pay for any extraordinary costs associated with the project which the city may identify, including, but not limited to, additional staff hours to oversee the planning, engineering and construction of the project and infrastructure improvements, inspection of the infrastructure improvements and any extraordinary administrative costs. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1 above, the city may limit the scope, type, and number of projects eligible for simultaneous construction consideration. (Ord. 1533 S 2, 2001; Ord. 1450 S 2 (part), 1998) 16.22.040 Improvements agreements. A. If an improvements agreement is used to guarantee the completion of required infrastructure, it may allow for the staged installation of improve- ments in defined areas and in accordance with an approved time schedule. No building permits will be 294-49 (Bozeman 11-0 I ) 16.22.050 issued for the subdivision within the city's building permit jurisdiction until all required water, and sewer and street gravel courses are installed and accepted unless otherwise provided for in development proposals occurring under the provisions of Chapter 16.24, planned unit developmertt (PUD), or under provisions established for traditional neighborhood development (TND) and pursuant to the criteria established in Sections 16.22.030(B)(l) and 16.22.030(B)(2). The improvements in a prior increment must be completed or the payment or guarantee of payment for costs of the improvements incurred in a prior increment must be satisfied before development of future increments. If an improvement s agreement is filed with the final subdivision plat to secure infrastructure improvements, a separate document shall be filed with the final plat that clearly states that building permits will not be installed until all water and sewer infrastructure and street gravel courses are installed and accepted. All improvements agreements shall meet the following standards. 1. The length of time of the agreement shall not exceed four years from the date of preliminary plat approval. The agreement shall stipulate the time schedule the subdivider proposes for accomplishing the required improvements. 2. Security in the amount equal to one hundred fifty percent of the estimated cost of the improve- ments shall be included, with the estimated cost of improvements provided by the subdivider's profes- sional engineer. The appropriate governing body has the discretion to require a second estimate of the cost of improvements, with the cost of obtaining the second estimate borne by the subdivider. Such secu- rity shall be in the form of a surety bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash. The agreement shall stipulate which type of security arrangements will be used. 3. The agreement and security shall be satisfac- tory to the city or county attorney as to form and manner of execution. 4. Security for improvements other than internal subdivision roads, water and sewer mains, shall be reduced only upon recommendation of the city engineer and/or county road supervisor and approval by the appropriate governing body, upon request by the subdivider. Requests for partial release of securi- (Bozeman 11-01) ty shall only be in amounts such that the security will always equal one hundred fifty percent of the value ofthe uncompleted work, as determined by the city engineer and/or county road supervisor and such that not more than ninety percent of the security is released prior to completion of improvements. 5. The improvements agreement shall be filed with the final plat. The financial security shall be placed in the keeping of either the city treasurer or county clerk and recorder, as appropriate. (Ord. 1533 ~ 3, 2001; Ord. 1477 ~ 22, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.22.050 Acceptance of improvements. A. Acceptance of Subdivision Streets, Roads and Bridges to the City or County Road System. Before any subdivision street, road or bridge can be accepted into the city or county road system by the appropriate governing body, it shall be built to meet or exceed the required standards. Existing county roads or bridges shall be improved to meet or exceed the standards set by the county prior to petition for acceptance of such road. 1. Record Drawings. Record drawings of all public infrastructure improvements constructed within the city, drawn to the specifications required by the city engineering office, shall be submitted prior to final plat approval, per ARM 8.94.3003 (3.g). 2. Maintenance of County Roads and Bridges. If a subdivision road or bridge in a subdivision outside city limits has been built to a paved standard approved by the county road office, and the appro- priate steps have been taken resulting in the county commission accepting such facility into the county road system, the county will then accept responsi- bility for maintenance and snow removal of that subdivision road or bridge. B. County Road and Bridge Acceptance Proce- dure. 1. No road or bridge in a subdivision shall be- come a part of the county road system unless the county commission are petitioned, as provided by law, by the freeholders to accept such facilities as part of the county road system. 2. Upon receiving the petition, the county com- mission will set a date for a hearing. e 294-50 e e e e 3. All freeholders signing the petition and living on the road will be notified by registered mail of the date of the hearing. 4. After the hearing, each freeholder will be notified by registered mail, as to the course of action taken by the county commission. 5. Acceptance of any subdivision road or bridge shall be made by resolution and entered into the minutes of the proceedings of the county commission in session on that date. Upon acceptance, said road shall be assigned an appropriate name or number. The county commission shall exercise extreme precaution not to burden the county with various duties, expense, and liabilities subsequent to this acceptance. C. Previously Recorded Subdivisions. Roads and bridges in previously recorded subdivisions may become part of the county road system if accepted by the same procedure as set forth in this section. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.24 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Sections: 16.24.010 16.24.020 16.24.030 Intent. Procedures and submittal. PUD criteria. 16.24.010 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to provide flexibility in some of the design standards of Chapters 16.14 and 16.16, and promote innovation in development design and land utilization. By using a concept which clusters development, subdivisions may be planned so as to promote creativity in subdivision design; provide economies in the supply of public services; enhance and preserve open space and unique natural features; and enable the planning of a tract for a single use or for a harmonious combination of uses, such as a mixture of residential and commercial. All planned unit developments shall comply with 16.24.010--16.24.030 applicable zoning regulations. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.24.020 Procedures and submittal. The subdivision procedures as outlined in these regulations shall be followed, with the submittal of the following additional information. A. Pre-application Plan: 1. A layout plan showing the proposed location and use of lots and structures and the location and number of parking spaces, if appropriate. 2. A description of measures to be taken to assure permanence and maintenance of open space and other facilities to be under common ownership. 3. A description of all proposed waivers or modifications from the design standards. 4. Any additional, reasonable information. B. Preliminary Plat: 1. A schedule showing the time when improve- ments required by these regulations will be com- pleted where a plan calls for a development time of eighteen months or more for improvements. 2. If common property is to be deeded to a property owner's association, the subdivider shall establish a property owner's association and submit a draft of all covenants and legal documents which will govern the association. 3. A description of all proposed waivers or modifications from the design standards of these regulations. 4. Any additional information found to be nec- essary during pre-application plan review. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.24.030 PUD criteria. The appropriate governing body may establish or approve a PUD and waive or modify the design standards of Chapters 16.14 and 16.16 for lots, blocks, roads, and parks if the following criteria are met or exceeded. A. General. The plan shall conform to the in- tended purposes of these regulations, the special intent of this section, and one or more ofthe follow- 109: 294-51 (Bozeman 11.01) 16.26.010--16.26.020 1. Preserve to the maximum extent possible the natural characteristics of the land; includingtopogra- phy, vegetation, streams and other bodies of water. 2. Preserve productive agricultural land. 3. Protect important historic sites, structures, or areas of important wildlife habitat. 4. Provide economies in the provision of roads and public improvements. B. Site Size. The total site size, as measured by the boundary perimeter of the PUD, shall be appro- priate to the proposed area and design. C. Open Space. Each PUD shall provide an area for dedicated park and/or common open space ap. propriate in size to the proposed development and design; however, such area shall not be less than the amount of land required to be dedicated under Sec- tion 16.14.090 for the area of the subdivision, exclu- sive of all other dedications. D. Landscaping. Landscaping may be required between building sites or on the PUD perimeter where the appropriate governing body deems it necessary to provide buffer screening between dif. ferent land uses. E. Parking Area. Adequate parking area shall be required for the proposed uses of the development, as determined appropriate by all applicable zoning regulations or the appropriate governing body. F. Streets. Streets within the subdivision shall be open to the public; however, private streets may be allowed by the appropriate governing body under the following circumstances. Any internal street not meeting the standards of Section 16.16.080 of these regulations shall be a private street. 1. Collector roads designed to furnish access to adjacent areas are dedicated. 2. Adequate responsibility for the improvement and maintenance of private roads is assumed by the land owners' association. 3. Subdivision street improvement specifications are in compliance with these regulations. G. Other Regulations. Where there are other ordinances or regulations which require compliance to pun or other minimum standards, this section does not authorize the appropriate governing body to (BozemaQ 11-01) waive or modifY such ordinances or regulations. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e Chapter 16.26 SUBDIVISIONS CREATED BY RENT OR LEASE OR CONDOMINIUMS Sections: 16.26.010 16.26.020 16.26.030 General. Procedure. Standards for mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks. Standards for condominiums. 16.26.040 16.26.010 General. Subdivisions created by rent or lease (Le., mobile home parks) and condominiums are exempt from the survey requirements of these regulations, but must be submitted for review and be approved before possession of any portion thereof may be conveyed in any manner. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.26.020 Procedure. The procedures as outlined in Chapter 16.08, Review Procedures for Major Subdivisions, shall be followed except as follows: A. Final Approval Procedure. 1. The subdivider shall submit two originals and three copies of the plan, with required revisions, together with all required signed certificates and documents. 2. Before any portion of a rental or lease subdi- vision may be rented or leased, the subdivider shall have installed all required improvements. Final plans, profiles, and specifications for proposed im- provements shall be submitted to the appropriate governing body for its approval prior to the con- struction of improvements. The appropriate govern- ing body may provide for inspection of all required improvements in order to assure conformance with the approved construction plans and specifications. A letter from the city engineer or county road su- perintendent, whichever is applicable, shall be e 294-52 e e e submitted to the planning office with the final plat application, where applicable, certifying that the following documents have been received: a. As-built drawings, i.e., copies of final plans, profiles, grades, and spe,;ifications for public im- provements, including a complete grading and drain- age plan; b. Copy of the state highway pennit when a new street or road will intersect with a state highway. 3. The planning office shall review the plan to ascertain that all conditions of preliminary approval have been met. 4. The appropriate governing body shall examine the plan within forty-five days of the date of sub- mission and shall approve it if it conforms to the conditions set forth on the preliminary plan and the terms of these regulations. Ifapproved, the appropri- ate governing body shall so certify in a printed certificate on the plan and provide the subdivider with one copy thereof. The original shall be filed with the county clerk and recorder as a "miscellaneous" document and one copy of the approved plan shall be retained in the planning office. If disapproved, the appropriate governing body shall write the subdivider a letter stating the reasons therefor. B. Plans and Data. Plans and supplemental infor- mation required in these regulations shall be submit- ted with the following exemptions and additions. 1. Boundary Lines. All plans may showapproxi- mate boundary, lot, right-of-way, or other lines including the plan submitted for final approval. 2. Documents and Certificates. The following documents and certificates shall be submitted with or shown on the preliminary plan (draft or copy) and the plan submitted for final approval (final form and signed.) a. Covenants, restrictions, or lease and rental agreements. b. Encroachment permits or a letter indicating in- tent to issue a permit where new roads, easements, and other subdivision improvements intersect or are located within city, county, or state highways or roads. 16.26.030 c. Certificate of installation of improvements by registered engineer. d. Certificate ofthe appropriate governing body. e. Certificate of approval by the State Depart- ment of Health and Environmental Sciences (with plan for final approval only). f. Certificate of county treasurer. g. Certificate of mortagee(s). (Ord. 1477 ~ 23, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.26.030 Standards for mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks. The design standards of Chapters 16.14 and 16.16 of these regulations shall be complied with, except where otherwise noted below. A. Space Layout. Required plans shall include a layout of typical spaces showing the location and dimensions of the space, stand, driveway and parking spaces in compliance with the following standards. 294-53 (Bozeman II~OI) 16.26.030 1. Within the City Limits and Zoning Jurisdiction. Mobile Home Space a. Minimum space area 5,000 sq. ft. b. Minimum space width 50 feet c. Minimum stand size 12' x 60', single 24' x 48', double d. Setback of stands from: Property line (exterior boundary) 20 feet Interior streets 15 feet Public streets 25 feet e. Distance between stands from: Side to side 25 feet Rear to rear 15 feet f. Parking spaces (9' x 20'): Each mobile space 2 spaces For every 4 mobile spaces (guest parking) 1 space 2. Within the Planning Jurisdictional Area. a. Minimum space area b. Minimum space width c. Minimum stand size Mobile Home Space 6,000 sq. ft. 60 feet 12' x 50', single 24' x 50', double d. Setback of stands from: Property line (exterior boundary) Interior roads Public roads e. Distance between stands from: Side to side Rear to rear f. Parking spaces (9' x 20'): For each mobile space For every 4 spaces (for guest parking) 20 feet 15 feet 25 feet 25 feet 15 feet 2 spaces 1 space 3. Setback Requirements. The setback of stands from private interior streets shall be measured from either the back of curb or from the improved edge of pavement, whichever applies. e Recreational Vehic1e Space 1,500 sq. ft. 15 feet 8 feet in width 20 feet 25 feet 1 space Recreational Vehic1e Space 1,500 sq. ft. 15 feet 8 feet in width e 25 feet 25 feet 1 space 4. Arrangement. Mobile home spaces shall be arranged to permit the practical placement and re- moval of mobile homes. Every space must front on a public or private street. (Bozeman 11-01) 294-54 e e e e 5. Stand Base Requirements. Each mobile home stand shall be constructed to provide adequate sup- port for placement of the mobile home, including a stabilized sub-base, along with an appropriate base material (gravel, concrete, etc.). The base material shall be subject to approvai by the county road office or city building department, as appropriate. 6. Tie-Downs. Mobile home stands shall be equipped with anchors or tie-downs in conformance with the Uniform Building Code. 7. Parking Spaces. Two parking spaces shall be provided on each mobile home space, minimum and maximum. The spaces may be stacked, one behind the other, or they may be side by side within the front yard setback area, but may not protrude over the sidewalk. The required guest parking shall be uniformly arranged and dispersed for convenience throughout the mobile home subdivision. Guest parking must be paved. If parking is provided on one or both sides of the subdivision streets, the requirement for guest parking will not apply. 8. A permanent enclosure for temporary storage of garbage, refuse, and other waste material shall be provided for every mobile home space. If trash dumpsters are to be used, they shall be centrally and conveniently located, shall not be located in any front yard, and shall be situated so that containers can be pulled straight out of the enclosure or so the sanitation truck can back straight into the enclosure. The location of each trash dumpster shall be shown on the preliminary plat, with the location subject to review and approval by the sanitation company of the subdivider's choice. Enclosures shall be constructed for every trash dumpster, and shall be constructed of solid or orna- mental pierced masonry walls or other appropriate material, with a solid concrete floor sloped for drainage and maintenance of sanitary conditions. Enclosures shall be of sufficient height to conceal contents, including container, but shall, in no case, be less than four feet in height above grade. If each mobile home space will use individual cans for the temporary storage of garbage, refuse, and other waste materials, a garbage can rack shall be provided for each mobile home space. The rack shall 16.26.030 be of sufficient size to hold two standard garbage cans, and shall be constructed to ensure the cans cannot be spilled from the rack by wind, children, or animals. The location of each rack, and a detail ofthe construction, shall be provided with the preliminary plat application. B. Street and Road Design. Private or public streets or roads, which are improved in accordance with these regulations, shall be provided. The subdi- vider shall not be required to reserve right-of-way in excess of the improved street or road width, except for public streets which extend through the subdivision. 1. Street Type. The width of private streets, as measured from back of curb to back of curb (within city limits), or improved edge to improved edge, whichever applies, shall be: Street Type Within City Outside City Streets with parking allowances on both sides 37 feet 40 feet Streets with parking allowances on one side 30 feet 32 feet Streets without parking allowances 24 feet 24 feet 2. Private Streets. Except for public streets that extend through the subdivision, streets in mobile home or recreational vehicle parks shall not be dedicated to public use. a. All private streets without parking allowances on one or both sides shall be signed "No Parking, Fire Lane" in accordance with the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Any curb on the side or sides of a street which are signed "No Parking, Fire Lane," shall be painted yellow. b. All private streets for mobile home or recre- ational vehicle parks shall be constructed as paved 294-55 (Bozeman 11.01) 16.26.030 streets, with concrete curb and gutter installed on streets within city limits. Sidewalks shall be installed on at least one side of all private streets that have parking allowances on one side, as well as on those that provide no parking allowances. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of the street for private streets with parking allowances on both sides. A minimum four-foot wide boulevard shall be provided between the edge of pavement and sidewalk for snow removal. 3. Public Streets. Public streets that extend through the subdivision shall be dedicated to the public either through the minor subdivision process or by written easement. Public streets within the subdivision shall be constructed to city or county standards, as appropriate. For subdivisions within city limits, sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of the public street. 4. Primary Access. Mobile home and recreation- al vehicle parks shall have direct access to a desig- nated collector or arterial street or road. All off-site access to mobile home or recreational vehicle parks shall meet the requirements for collectors or arterials in the design standards of these regulations. 5. Stand Access. Minimum access width to each mobile home or recreational vehicle stand shall be twelve feet. All private stand access drive approaches to public streets within the city limits shall be constructed in accordance with the city's standard approach, i.e., concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, with approaches being a minimum of eight feet from subdivision property lines. All private stand access drive approaches to public streets outside city limits shall be approved by the county road office. C. Public Access and Utility EasementslRight-of- Way. Written public access/utility easements shall be filed with the county clerk and recorder for water and sewer mains, private utilities (power, phone, gas, TV, etc.), streets and sidewalks prior to final plan approval. In the interest of obtaining dedicated right-of-way instead of access and utility easements for public streets, the appropriate governing body may require the subdivider to apply for a minor subdivision which (Bozeman 11-01) will provide the means of dedicating the right-of-way as well as utility and access easements. The dedication of public streets and appropriate easements shall be the sole purpose of the subdivi- SIOn. D. Second or Emergency Access. To facilitate traffic, the provision of emergency services, and the placement of utility easements, the subdivider shall provide all mobile home or recreational vehicle parks with a second means of access. If, in the judgement of the appropriate governing body, a second dedicated right-of-way cannot be provided for reasons of topography or other physical conditions, the subdivider shall provide an emergency access, built to the standards of these regulations. E. Mail Delivery. If mail delivery will not be to each individual space, the mobile home park shall provide an off-road area for mail delivery within the development in cooperation with the United States Postal Service. F. Landscaping. Landscaping may be required by the appropriate governing body to provide a buffer between mobile home and recreational vehicles parks and adjacent uses, and to enhance the appearance of the development. The landscaping may be interspersed with a fence or wall. Specific perimeter landscapelbuffering treatments shall be determined on a case-by-case basis, with the appropriate governing body considering appropriate factors such as the nature of adjacent uses, noise, proximity to busy streets, and community character into account. Landscaping within the mobile home or recre- ational vehicle park shall be provided by the subdi- vider to soften the aesthetic appearance of the park as well as to enhance privacy of park residents, help conserve energy by shading and cooling the buildings and roadway surface, and give some visual order to the development. G. Recreation Areas. At a minimum, the amount of land required to be dedicated under Section 16.14.090 of these regulations shall be reserved as park or recreation area. These areas shall be located to conveniently serve residents ofthe entire develop- ment, and shall be configured to provide usable recreational area. Recreation areas may include space e e 294-56 e e e e for community recreation buildings and facilities. 1. Public Accessibility to Recreation Areas. Public access through the recreation area may be required, through the provision of a written public access easement, if it is de~ermined by the appropri- ate governing body that public access is necessary to ensure public access through the private recreational area from adjoining properties to nearby or adjacent public parks. 2. Conducive Use of Stormwater Facilities Lo- cated Within Recreation Areas. If stormwater facili- ties are located within the recreation areas, the con- ducive use of the stormwater facility as recreation land shall be determined by the appropriate govern- ing body to ensure adequate recreation area is avail- able. If it is determined that the storm-water facility is not conducive to recreation use, the subdivider shall either provide additional recreation area, or may install recreational improvements, such as play- ground equipment, to offset the decrease in usable recreation area. 3. Recreation Area Improvements. All recreation areas must be leveled and reseeded, and a permanent irrigation system provided by the subdivider. H. Storage Requirements. The subdivider shall indicate how on-site storage needs of residents, including but not limited to, recreational vehicle storage (e.g. boats, trailers, snowmobiles, motorcy- cles, campers, etc.), summer-time patio furniture, bicycles, lawnmowers, etc., will be met. (Ord. 1477 ~ 24, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.26.040 Standards for condominiums. A. Condominium developments shall meet the minimum standards of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, adopted pursuantto Title 76, Chapter 4, MCA. B. The design standards of Chapters 16.14 and 16.16 of these regulations shall be complied with, as applicable, except where noted below. . 1. Exemptions. Subdivision review and approval requirements shall not apply where: a. Condominium buildings are being constructed on land divided in compliance with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act; or 16.26.040 b. An adopted zoning ordinance permits multiple family use of the density proposed on the property proposed for development, when that property is part of an approved and filed subdivision, the approval of which was based on the anticipated construction of multi-family developments. C. Street and Road Design. Private or public streets or roads, which are improved in accordance with these regulations, shall provide access to the development. Internal private streets or drive access- es shall be a minimum of twenty-four feet in width, when no allowance for on-street parking is provided. If parking is provided on a private street within the development, the standards of Section 16.26.030 shall be met. 1. Private Streets. All private streets without parking allowances on one or both sides shall be signed "No Parking, Fire Lane" in accordance with the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Any curb on the side or sides of a street which are signed "No Parking, Fire Lane," shall be painted yellow. a. All private streets or driveways for condomin- ium developments shall be constructed as paved streets, with concrete curb and gutter installed on streets within city limits. Sidewalks shall be installed on at least one side of all private streets that have parking allowances on one side, as well as on those that provide no parking allowances. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of the street for private streets with parking allowances on both sides. A minimum four-foot wide boulevard shall be provided between the edge of pavement and sidewalk for snow removal. 2. Public Streets. Public streets that extend through the development shall be dedicated to the public either through the minor subdivision process or by written easement. Public streets within the development shall be constructed to city or county standards, as appropriate. For subdivisions within city limits, sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of the public street. D. Second or Emergency Access. To facilitate traffic, the provision of emergency services, and 294-57 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.28.010--16.28.020 the placement of utility easements, a second means of access may be required by the appropriate governing body, if deemttd necessary. E. Mail Delivery. Ifmail delivery will not be to each unit, the development shall provide an off-road area for mail delivery within the development in cooperation with the United States Postal Service. F. Unit Ownership Act. Condominium develop- ment shall comply with all provisions of the Unit Ownership Act, Section 70-23-102 through 70-23- 703, MCA, and all regulations adopted pursuant thereto. G. Other Requirements. The subdivider shall comply with all other standards and requirements of these regulations and other local and state regula- tions. Condominium applications shall, at a mini- mum, show the proposed location of buildings, snow storage, parking, and internal access. All de- velopments must comply with applicable zoning regulations. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.28 SUBDIVISION EXEMPTIONS Sections: 16.28.010 16.28.020 Purpose and general guidelines. Procedures and general requirements. Procedures for filing certificates of survey of divisions of land entirely exempted from the requirements of the Act. Specific exemptions. Correction of errors. 16.28.030 16.28.040 16.28.050 16.28.010 Purpose and general guidelines. The state of Montana provides that certain divi- sions of land, which would otherwise constitute subdivisions, are exempt from local subdivision review and approval, unless the transactions are an attempt to evade the Montana Subdivision and Plat- ting Act, Section 76-3-101 et. seq., MCA, hereinafter (Bozeman 11-01) referred to as "the Act." Each newly created parcel less than one hundred sixty acres shall have a certificate of exemption, unless reviewed as a subdivision. These regulations shall not be applicable to deeds, contracts, leases, or other conveyances executed prior to July 1, 1974. An exemption may not be made under this section, except for security for construction financing and court orders, unless the county treasurer has certified that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to be divided have been paid. The following procedures, criteria, and require- ments shall be used to review an exemption from subdivision review and to determine whether the division of land is for the purpose of evading the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.28.020 Procedures and general requirements. All certificates of surveyor amended subdivision plats claiming an exemption inside the city limits shall be submitted to the planning office. The pro- cedures and requirements of these regulations are limited to the exemptions specified in these regula- tions. A. Submittal. A claimant seeking an exemption under the Act and these regulations shall submit a claim on the appropriate application form, including a signed certificate of exemption, together with evidence to support the claim and any other infor. mation required by these regulations to the planning office. Four paper copies of the certificate of the sur- vey or amended plat shall be submitted with the claim and shall be folded to fit in a standard eight and one-half inches by eleven inches or eight and one- half inches by fourteen inches folder. B. Review. The planning office, the Gallatin County clerk and recorder, and the city attorney's office, will review the claimed exemption. During this review, the planning office personnel will include a personal visit to the proposed site, understand thoroughly the nature of all activity e e 294.58 e e e occurring on the site, and shall identify any existing or potential zoning conflicts. The planning office shall make a report to the city commission, which shall also be made available to the claimant or the claimant's representative. 1. The city commission shall review the submittal at a regular meeting. The claimant or the claimant's representative shall be notified of the date and time of the meeting. The claimant may request a continuance of the meeting. a. At the meeting, the claimant may present evi- dence in support of the exemption. The city com- mission shall allow or disallow the exemption within thirty days of its submission to the planning office, unless the claimant has requested or granted a continuance of the hearing, in which case this time limit shall not apply. If the exemption is approved, the director of public service shall so certify in a printed certificate on the plat/C.O.S. 2. In assessing the claimant's purpose for the exemption, the city commission will evaluate all relevant circumstances including the nature of the claimant's business, the prior history of the particular tract in question, and the proposed configuration of the tract, if the proposed exemption transactions are completed. 3. Where a rebuttable presumption is declared in these regulations, the presumption may be overcome by the claimant with evidence contrary to the presumption. If the city commission concludes that the evidence overcomes the presumption and that from all the circumstances the exemption is justified, the exemption will be allowed. On the other hand, if the city commission concludes that the presumption is not overcome and that from all the circumstances the exemption is not justified, the exemption will be disallowed. 4. If the exemption is allowed, the city commission shall so certify in a printed certificate on the certificate of surveyor amended plat. 5. If the exemption is disallowed, city commission shall provide written notification of its decision to the person claiming the exemption, and to the Gallatin County clerk and recorder. 16.28.020 C. Filing Requirements. A certificate of surveyor an amended plat of a division of land which is exempt from review must be filed within one hun- dred eighty days of the completion of the survey. It may not be filed by the Gallatin County clerk and recorder unless it complies with the following re- quirements: 1. It must bear the certificate of the person having the recorded interest claiming the exemption stating that the division of land is exempted from review as a subdivision and citing the applicable exemption. 2. Certificates of survey and amended plats shall be legibly drawn with permanent ink or printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record and shall be eighteen inches by twenty~four inches overall, to include a one and one-half-inch margin on the binding side. 3. For certificates of surveyor amended plats within city limits and the zoning jurisdictional boundary of the city, two signed cloth back or opaque mylar copies and two signed reproducible copies on a stable base polyester film or equivalent, and one digital copy of the survey on a three-and- one-half-inch DSIDD disk shall be submitted. 4. Whenever more than one sheet must be used to accurately portray the land subdivided, each sheet must show the number of that sheet and the total number of sheets included. All certification shall be shown or referenced on one sheet. 5. The certificate of surveyor amended plat shall show or contain on its face or on separate sheets referenced on its face, the following information only: a. A title block including the quarter section, section, township, range, principal meridian, county, and state of the surveyed land. Space shall be pro- vided on the certificate of surveyor amended plat for clerk and recorder's filing information. A certificate of survey shall not bear the title "plat," "sub- division," or any other title other than "certificate of survey." b. Name(s) of the owner(s) of the land surveyed and the names of any adjoining platting subdivisions 294-59 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.28.030--16.28.040 and numbers of any adjoining certificates of survey previously recorded and ties thereto. c. Date survey was completed and a brief de- scription of why the certificate of surveyor amended plat was prepared. d. North point and scale bar. Scale shall be sufficient to legibly represent the required data on the certificate of surveyor amended plat submitted for filing. e. All monuments found, set, reset, replaced or removed describing their kind, size, location and giving other data related thereto. f. The location of any corners of sections or divisions of sections pertinent to the survey. g. Witness monuments, basis of bearing, bear- ings and length of lines. h. The bearings, distances and curve data of all perimeter boundary lines shall be indicated. When the parcel surveyed is bounded by an irregular shoreline or a body of water, the bearings and dis- tances of a meander traverse shall be given. i. Data on all curves sufficient to enable the re- establishment of the curves on the ground. These data shall include: 1. Radius of curve; ii. Arc length; iii. Degree of curve; IV. Notation of non tangent curves. j. Lengths of all lines shown to at least tenths of a foot, and all angles and bearings shown to at least the nearest minute. k. A metes and bounds description ofthe perim- eter boundary of the tract surveyed. 1. All parcels created by the survey, designated by number or letter, and the dimensions and area of each parcel. (Excepted parcels shall be marked "Not included in this survey.") m. The signature and seal of the registered land surveyor responsible for the survey. The affixing of his seal constitutes a certification by the surveyor that the certificate of surveyor amended plat has been prepared in conformance with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-614, MCA), and the regulations adopt- ed pursuant thereto. (Bozeman 11 ~o I) n. Memorandum of oaths administered pursuant to Section 76-3-405, MCA. (Ord 1501 ~ 6, 1999: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.28.030 Procedures for filing certificates of survey of divisions of land entirely exempted from the requirements of the Act. The divisions of land described in Sections 76-3- 201 (court order, security for construction mortgages, mineral interest, cemetery lots, life estate, lease or rent for ag purposes), 76-3-205 (state owned lands), and 76-3-209 (state highways), MCA, are not required to be surveyed nor must a certificate of surveyor subdivision plat thereof be filed with the clerk and recorder. A certificate of survey of such a division may, however, be filed with the clerk if it meets the requirements for form and content for certificates contained in this section and bears a certificate of the surveyor performing the survey stating the applicable exemption from the Act. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.28.040 Specific exemptions. A. Exemptions as a Gift or Sale to a Member of the Immediate Family. 1. A member of the immediate family is the spouse of the grantor, or whether by blood or adop- tion, a son, daughter, mother or father of the grantor. 2. The proper use of the exemption as a gift or sale to a member of the immediate family is to convey one parcel of land outside of a platted subdi- vision to each member of the landowner's immediate family, providing that the use of the exemption creates no more than one additional parcel of less than one hundred sixty acres in size. The parcel involved in the division must be outside of a platted subdivision. Each exemption under this section will be reviewed by the appropriate governing body under these regulations. 3. A certificate of survey for a family transfer may include more than one exempt parcel providing all parcels meet the criteria of this section. 4. Certificates of survey showing the creation of new parcels of land pursuant to this exemption as a e 294-60 e e e e gift or sale to a member of the immediate family must be accompanied by a copy of the deed trans- ferring interest in the parcel being created, or a statement detailing where the deed is in escrow, how long it will be in escrow, and authorization to contact the escrow agent for verification. 5. The certificate of survey for an exemption for a family transfer must indicate the name of the grantee, the relationship of the grantee to the land- owner, and the parcel to be conveyed to the grantee. 6. The appropriate governing body makes a rebuttable presumption that a family transfer is adopted for the purpose of evading the Act if it is determined that one or more of the following condi- tions exist: a. The exempted parcel would leave more than one additional parcel of less than one hundred sixty acres. b. The member of the landowner's immediate family would have received more than one exempted parcel in the county. B. Agricultural Exemption. An agricultural exemption is a division of land made outside of a platted subdivision by gift, sale, or agreement to buy and sell in which the parties to the transaction enter a covenant running with the land, revocable only by mutual consent of the appropriate governing body and the transferee/property owner, that the divided land will be used exclusively for agricultural purposes. No building or structure requiring water or sewer facilities shall be utilized on such a parcel. The parcel involved in the division must be outside of a platted subdivision. A change in use of the land for anything other than agricultural purposes subjects the division to these subdivision regulations. C. Relocation of Common Boundary Lines. 1. The proper use of the exemption for relocating common boundary lines is to: a. Establish a new boundary between adjoining parcels ofland, without creating an additional parcel; or b. Establish a new common boundary line be- tween a single lot within a platted subdivision and adjoining land outside a platted subdivision. A re- 16.28.040 striction or requirement on the original platted lot or original unplatted parcel continues to apply to those areas. 2. A certificate of survey for the relocation of common boundary lines may include five or fewer parcels and/or lots. 3. Certificates of survey showing the relocation of common boundary lines must be accompanied by: a. A deed(s) exchanging recorded interest from every person having a recorded interest in adjoining properties for the entire newly-described parcel(s) that is acquiring additional land; and b. Documentation showing the need orreason for the relocation (for example: structure encroachment, surveyor error, or enhancement of the configuration of the property). c. The certificate of survey must bear the signa- tures of all landowners whose parcels are changed by the relocation, and show that the exemption was used only to change the location of a boundary line dividing two parcels, and must clearly distinguish the prior boundary location (shown, for example, by a dashed or broken line or a notation) from the new boundary (shown, for example, by a solid line or notation). 4. The appropriate governing body makes a rebuttable presumption that a proposed relocation of common boundary lines is adopted for the purpose of evading the Act, if the appropriate governing body determines that the documentation submitted accord- ing to this section does not support the stated reason for relocation, or an additional parcel is created. D. Aggregation of Lots and/or Relocation of Common Boundaries within a Platted Subdivision. 1. The proper use of the exemption for aggrega- tion of lots and/or relocation of common boundaries is to rearrange and/or aggregate five or fewer lots within a platted subdivision and does not increase the total number of lots within the subdivision. The plat shall contain the title "Amended Plat" and must be filed with the county clerk and recorder. 2. The amended plat showing the aggregation of lots and/or relocation of common boundary within a platted subdivision must be accompanied by: 294-61 (Bozeman ))-0 I) 16.28.050 a. A deed(s) exchanging recorded interest from every person having a recorded interest in adjoining properties for the entire newly-described parcel(s) that is acquiring additional land; and b. Documentation showing the need or reason for the relocation (for example: structure encroachment, surveyor error, or enhancement of the configuration of the property). c. The amended plat must bear the signatures of all landowners whose parcels are changed by the relocation or aggregation. The amended plat must show that the exemption was used only to change the location of boundary lines or aggregate lots, and must clearly distinguish the prior boundary location (shown, for example, by a dashed or broken line or a notation) from the new boundary (shown, for example, by a solid line or notation). 3. The appropriate governing body makes a rebuttable presumption that a proposed aggregation of lots and/or relocation of common boundaries within a platted subdivision is adopted for the pur- pose of evading the Act if it determines that six or more lots are affected by the proposal. 4. Any division of lots which results in an in- crease in the number of lots or which redesigns or rearranges six or more lots must be reviewed as a subdivision and approved by the appropriate govern- ing body prior to the filing of the final plat. E. Security for Construction Financing. 1. The proper use of the exemption is to provide security for construction mortgages, liens, or trust indentures, when a survey of the parcel has been required. 2. The appropriate governing body makes a rebuttable presumption that a division of land that is created to provide security is adopted for the purpose of evading the act under the following conditions: a. If the division of land is created for the pur- pose of conveyance; or b. The financing is for construction on land other than on the exempted parcel. 3. When the security for construction financing exemption is to be used, the landowner shall submit, in addition to such other documents as may be required, a written statement explaining: (Bozeman 11-0)) a. How many parcels within the original tract will be created by use of the exemption, b. Who will have title to and possession of the remainder of the original parcel, c. A signed and notarized statement from a lending institution that the creation of the exempted parcel is necessary to secure a construction loan for buildings or other improvements on the parcel. 4. The written statement and the instruments creating the security shall be filed at the same time as the survey with the clerk and recorder. F. Court Order. The proper use of this exemption is when a division of land is created by order of any court of record in this state or by operation oflaw, or which, in the absence of agreement between the parties to the sale, could be created by an order of any court in this state pursuant to the law of eminent domain, when a survey of the parcel has been required. (Ord. 14 77 ~ 25, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e 16.28.050 Correction of errors. Correction of errors may be made by the submis- sion of a corrected certificate of survey for the appropriate governing body's approval. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e Chapter 16.30 ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Sections: 16.30.010 16.30.020 Variances. Amendments to subdivisions regulations. Administration. Corrections, amendments, or vacation of recorded final plats. Inaccurate or incomplete information. Changes to conditions after approval. Additional conditions after preliminary plat approval. e 16.30.030 16.30.040 16.30.050 16.30.060 16.30.070 294-62 e e e 16.30.080 Waivers. 16.30.010 Variances. The city commISSIOn may grant reasonable variances from the design and improvement standards of these regulations where it is found that strict compliance would result in undue hardship and is not essential to the public health, safety, and general welfare. A. Procedure. The subdivider shall include with the submission of the preliminary plat a written statement describing the requested variance and the facts of hardship upon which the request is based. The planning board shall include their findings and conclusion regarding the requested variance in its recommendation to the city commission. The city commission shall then consider each variance at the public hearing on the preliminary plat. B. Public Hearing Notice. The notice required in Section 16.1 O.050E of these regulations shall include a reference to all requested variances. e. Review Criteria. Per Section 76-3-506, MCA, a variance to these regulations must be based on specific variance criteria, and may not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations. The city commission shall not approve variances unless it makes findings based upon the evidence presented in each specific case that: I. The granting of the variance will not be detri- mental to the public health, safety, or general wel- fare, or be injurious to other adjoining properties; 2. Because of the particular physical surround- ings, shape or topographical conditions of the spe- cific property involved, an undue hardship to the owner would result if strict interpretation of these regulations is enforced; 3. The variance will not cause a substantial increase in public costs; and 4. The variance will not, in any manner, place the subdivision in nonconformance with any adopted zoning regulations or comprehensive plan. e. Variances from Ploodway Provisions Not Authorized. The city commission may not, by variance, permit subdivision for building purposes in areas located within the floodway of a flood of one- 16.30.010.--.16.30.030 hundred-year frequency as defined in Title 76, Chapter 5, MCA. D. Conditions. In granting variances, the city commission may require such conditions as will, in its judgement, secure the objectives of these regulations. E. Statement of Facts. When any variance from these regulations is granted, the motion of approval shall contain a statement describing the variance and conditions upon which the issuance of the variance is based. P. Planned Unit Development. Where the stan- dards and requirements of these regulations may be modified by the city commission in the case of a planned unit development, no application for a variance shall be necessary. However, the procedure for a variance shall be followed. (Ord. 1501 ~ 7, 1999: Ord. 1477 ~ 26, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.30.020 Amendments to subdivisions regulations. General. For the purpose of providing for the public health, safety, and general welfare, the city commission may amend the provisions of these regulations. Hearing. Amendments to these regulations shall not become effective until after a review has been held by the planning board, and the board has forwarded a recommendation on the amendments to the city commission. The city commission shall consider the amendments at a public hearing. Legal notice of such hearings shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the county not less than fif- teen days nor more than thirty days prior to the date of hearings. (Ord. 1501 ~ 8, 1999: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.30.030 Administration. A. Violation. Any person, firm, corporation, or other entity who shall violate the provisions of these regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. B. Penalties. Any violation of the provisions of this title is an offense punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred 294-63 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.30.040---16.30.050 dollars, or imprisonment in jail for not more than three months, or by both fine and imprisonment. Each sale or transfer, or offer of sale or transfer, of each separate parcel of land in violation of any provision of these regulations shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. ' C. Enforcement. Every final plat must be filed for record with the county clerk and recorder before title to the subdivided land can be sold or transferred in any manner or offered for sale or transfer. If illegal transfers or offers of any manner are made, the city or county attorney, as appropriate, may commence action to enjoin further sales or transfers or offers of sale or transfer and to compel compliance with all provisions of these regulations, the cost of such action being imposed against the person or entity committing the illegal act. D. Review Fee. Review fees shall be paid to the planning office for each subdivision plat reviewed according to the fee schedule approved by the ap- propriate governing body under a separate document. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.30.040 Corrections, amendments, or vacation of recorded final plats. A. Correction of Errors. Correction of errors that, in the opinion of the appropriate governing body, will not materially alter the plat may be made by the submission of a corrected final plat for the appropri- ate governing body's approval. The plat may be filed under the procedures for first minor subdivision plats. The plat shall be entitled "Amended Plat of the (name of subdivision) Subdivision," and the reason for the correction shall be stated on the face of the plat. B. Material Alterations. Amendments that mate- rially alter the final plat, or any portion thereof, shall be made by the filing of an amended plat showing all alterations. The amended plat shall be approved by the appropriate governing body under the major or minor subdivision procedure, as is appropriate. Prior to such approval, the amended plat shall be reviewed by the planning office. The appropriate governing body may not approve an amendment which will place the plat in nonconformance with the standards (Bozeman 11-01) contained herein unless a public hearing is held on the plat and a written variance from the standards issued pursuant to procedures contained herein for such variances is granted. The plat shall be entitled "Amended Plat of (the name) Subdivision," and the reason for the amendment shall be stated on the face of the plat. C. Vacating Recorded Plats. Any plat prepared and recorded as herein required may be vacated, in whole or in part, as provided by Sections 7-5-2501, 7-14-2616(1) and (2), 7-14-26]7,7-14-4114(1) and (2), and 7-14-4115, MCA. Upon vacation, the appro- priate governing body, or the district court, as pro- vided in Section 7-5-2502, MCA, shall determine to which properties the title to the streets and alleys of the vacated portions shall revert. The appropriate governing body, or the district court, as provided in Section 7-5-2502, shall take into consideration the previous platting; the manner in which the right-of- way was originally dedicated, granted, or conveyed; the reasons stated in the petition requesting the vacation; the parties requesting the vacation; and any agreements between the adjacent property owners regarding the use of the vacated area. The title to the streets and alleys of the vacated portions may revert to one or more of the owners of the properties within the platted area adjacent to the vacated portions. When any pole line, pipeline, or any other public or private facility is located in a vacated street or alley at the time of the reversion of the title to the vacated street or alley, the owner of the public or private utility facility has an easement over the vacated land to continue the operation and maintenance of the public or private utility facility. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) e e 16.30.050 Inaccurate or incomplete information. The appropriate governing body may withdraw approval of a preliminary plat if they determine that information provided by the subdivider, and upon which approval of the preliminary plat was based, is inaccurate or incomplete. A. Within thirty days following approval or conditional approval of a preliminary plat, any per e 294-64 e e e son or agency which claims that information which was provided by the subdivider is inaccurate or incomplete may submit the information and proofto the planning department. B. The planning dePat1ment shall investigate the claim, the accompanying information and proof, and make a report to the appropriate governing body. C. Within fifteen days after receipt of the infor- mation, the planning department shall present the report to the appropriate governing body at a regular meeting of the appropriate governing body. Notice of the meeting shall be given to the claimant and the subdivider. At the meeting, the appropriate governing body shall consider the information and proof. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.30.060 Changes to conditions after approval. A. Upon written request of the subdivider, the appropriate governing body may amend conditions of preliminary plat approval where it can be found that errors or changes beyond the control of the subdi- vider have rendered a condition unnecessary, impos- sible or illegal. B. Procedure. The written request shall be sub- mitted to the planning department. 1. A public hearing shall be scheduled before the appropriate governing body, and notice of the hearing given, in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. 2. The appropriate governing body may approve the requested change if it meets the criteria set forth in these regulations, and shall issue written findings offact, as required in these regulations. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.30.070 Additional conditions after preliminary plat approval. After the preliminary plat is approved, unless (1) inaccurate or incomplete information is found; or (2) a change to a condition has been requested by the subdivider. The appropriate governing body may not impose any additional conditions as a prerequisite to final plat approval, providing said approval is obtained within the original or extended approval 16.30.060-16.32.010 period as provided in these regulations. (Ord. 1477 ~ 27, 1998: Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.30.080 Waivers. A. The appropriate governing body may grant reasonable waivers from these regulations where it is found that these regulations allow a waiver to be requested and granted. B. Procedure. The subdivider shall include with the submission of the preliminary plat a written statement describing the requested waiver and the reasons upon which the request is based. The appro- priate governing body shall then consider each waiv- er at the time the preliminary plat is reviewed. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Sections: 16.32.010 16.32.020 16.32.030 16.32.040 16.32.050 16.32.060 16.32.070 16.32.080 16.32.090 16.32.100 16.32.110 16.32.120 Chapter 16.32 CERTIFICATES General. Dedication or consent. Mortgagee. Cash in lieu of park. Surveyor. Improvements. Appropriate governing body. Release of sanitary restrictions. County treasurer. Clerk and recorder. Certification of use of exemption claim. Examining land surveyor. 16.32.010 General. The following certificates shall be shown on plats and certificates of survey, as appropriate. Other certificates than those shown may be required by the appropriate governing body, when deemed appropri- ate. A corporate notary shall be used in place of an individual notary, when appropriate. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 294-65 (Bozeman 11-0 I) 16.32.020 16.32.020 Dedication or consent. All plats of subdivisions must contain a certificate of dedication or certificate of consent. In the case of corporate ownership, the proper corporation offi- ceres) must sign, a corporate notary form must be used, and the corporate seal must be affixed. The certificate shall read as follows: A. Within the Corporate City Limits ofthe City. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION (I), (We), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that (I) (We) have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, and other divisions and dedi- cations, as shown by the plat hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to wit: Description (Exterior Boundary Description of Area Contained in Plat and Total Acreage) The above-described tract of land is to be known and designated as (name of subdivision), City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. DA TED this _ day of ,~. (Acknowledged and notarized signatures of all record owners of platted property) CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT (I), (We), the undersigned property owner( s), do hereby certify that (I) (We) caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by this plat hereunto included, the following des- cribed tract of land, to wit: (Bozeman 11.01) Description (Exterior Boundary Description of Area Contained in Plat and Total Acreage) e The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as (name of subdivision), City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. DATED this _day of '-' (Acknowledged and notarized signatures of all record owners of platted property) B. Within the Unincorporated Area. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION (I), (We), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that (I) (We) have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, roads, and alleys, and other divisions and dedica- tions, as shown by the plat hereunto included, the following described tract ofland, to wit: e Description (Exterior Boundary Description of Area Contained in Plat and Total Acreage) The above-described tract of land is to be known and designated as (name of subdivision), Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in all roads, avenues, alleys, and parks or public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever. The roadways dedicated to the public are accepted for public use, but the County accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. The owner(s) agree(s) that the County has no ob- ligation to maintain the roads hereby dedicated to public use. DATED this _ day of (Acknowledged and notarized signatures of all record owners of platted property) 294-66 e e e e 16.32.020 CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT (I), (We), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that (I) (We) caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted int,o lots, blocks, roads, and alleys, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by this plat hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to wit: Description (Exterior Boundary Description of Area Contained in Plat and Total Acreage) The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as (Name of Subdivision), Gallatin County, Montana. 294-66a (Bozeman 11-01) e e e e e e DATED this _ day of '-' (Acknowledged and notarized signatures of all record owners of platted property.) (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.030 Mortgagee. In those cases where the area being platted or the plat of subdivision is subject to any liens, mortgag- es, claims, or other encumbrances by party(ies) or other owner(s), the following certificate shall be required: A. Within the City Limits of the City. CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE(S) (I), (We), the undersigned mortgagee(s) or en- cumbrancer(s), do hereby join in and consent to the described plat, releasing (my) (our) respective liens, claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets, ave- nues, parks or other public uses which are dedi- cated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. DATED this _ day of (Acknowledged and notarized signature of all encumbrancers of record). B. Within the Unincorporated Area. CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE(S) (I), (We), the undersigned mortgagee(s) or en- cumbrancer(s), do hereby join in and consent to the described plat, releasing (my) (our) respective liens, claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into roads, ave- nues, parks or other public uses which are dedi- cated to the use of the public forever. 16.32.030-16.32.050 DATED this _ day of (Acknowledged and notarized signature of all encumbrancers of record). (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.040 Cash in lieu of park. Where the park requirements are being waived in lieu of cash, plats of subdivision shall show the following certificate: CERTIFICA TE ACCEPTING CASH-IN- LIEU-OF PARK DEDICATION In as much as dedication of park land within the platted area of (Subdivision Name) would be undesirable for park and playground purposes, it is hereby ordered by the (City Commission of the City of Bozeman)(Board of County Commission- ers, Gallatin County, Montana), that land dedica- tion for park purposes be waived and that cash- in~lieu, in the amount of dollars, be accepted in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Section 76-3-101 through 76-3-625, MeA, and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. DATED this day of (Signature) (Chairman, Board of County Commissioners) OR (City of Bozeman Director of Public Service) (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.050 Surveyor. All plats of subdivision shall contain a certificate of surveyor which shall read as follows: CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, (Type or Print Name), Regis- tered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that be- tween , and 294-67 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.32.060---16.32.070 , I surveyed (Name of Subdivision), and platted the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Section 76-3-101 through 76-3-625, MeA, and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. DATED this day of (Signature) (Printed or Typed Name) Registration No. (Seal of Surveyor) (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.060 Improvements. Where improvements are to be installed prior to fmal plat approval, the plat of subdivision shall contain a certificate of completion of public im- provements. The certificate shall read as follows (Note: This certificate may be amended to indicate which improvements are not completed, and are thereby guaranteed by an Improvements Agree- ment). A. Within the City Limits of the City. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS I (Name of Subdivider), and I (Name of Subdivider's Registered Engineer), a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montana, hereby certify that the follow- ing improvements, required as a condition(s) of approval of (Name of Subdivision), have been in- stalled in confonnance with the approved plans and specifications. (List the improvements actual- Iv installed). The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a peri- od of one year from this date. The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure improvements to the City of Bozeman, and the City hereby accepts possession of all public infra- (Bozeman 4-98) structure improvements, subject to the above indicated warranty. Signature of Subdivider (Date) Signature, Number. and Seal of Engineer (Date) Signature. Director of Public Service (Date) B. Within the Unincorporated Area. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS I (Name of Subdivider), and I (Name of Subdivider's Registered Engineer), a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montana, hereby certify that the follow- ing improvements, required as a condition(s) of approval of (Name of Subdivision), have been in- stalled in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. (List the improvements actual- ly installed). The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a peri- od of one year from this date. Signature of Subdivider (Date) Signature, Number and Seal of Engineer (Date) (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.070 Appropriate governing body. The appropriate governing body shall certify ap* proval of the plat of subdivision. Said certificate shall read as follows: A. Within the City Limits of the City. 294-68 e e e e e e CERTIFICA TE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE I, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompany- ing plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to the law, approves it, and hereby accepts the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to such use. DATED this day of Signature: Director of Public Service B. Within the Unincorporated Area. CERTIFICA TE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I, the Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners, Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to the law, approve it, and hereby accept the dedica- tion to public use. DATED this day of (Signature) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners C. Within the City Jurisdictional Zoning Area. In addition to the certificate of county commission, subsection B of this section, the following certificate shall be provided on every subdivision plat within the city's zoning jurisdictional area: CERTIFICA TE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE I, Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the ac- companying plat has been duly examined as re- quired in Section 7-3-4444, MeA, and that all 16.32.080-----16.32.090 streets and alleys are of a proper width and are coterminous with adjoining streets and alleys, and all other regulations are conformed with. DATED this _ day of ,-' (Signature), Director of Public Service City of Bozeman, Montana (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.080 Release of sanitary restrictions. The following certificate shall be added to all subdivision plats when the subdivision will be pro- vided with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste: RELEASE OF SANITARY RESTRICTIONS The (Name of Subdivision), Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman, Mon- tana Master Plan area, and can be provided with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste. Therefore, under the provisions of Section 76-4-124(1), MeA, this subdivision is not subject to sanitary restrictions. DATED this _ day of '-' Signature, Director of Public Service City of Bozeman, Montana (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.090 County treasurer. All final subdivision plats shall show the follow- ing certificate of county treasurer: CERTIFICA TE OF COUNTY TREASURER I, (Name of County Treasurer), Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that 294-69 (Bozeman 4.98) 16.32.100-16.32.120 the accompanying plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assess- ments assessed and levied on the land to be sub- divided are paid. DATED this day of Signature, Director of Public Service City of Bozeman, Montana (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.100 Clerk and recorder. All plats shall show the following certificate of clerk and recorder: CERTIFlCA TE OF CLERK AND RECORDER I, (Name of Oerk and Recorder), Oerk and Re- corder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office at o'clock, (a.m. or p.m.), this day of . and re- corded in Book of Plats on Page , Records of the Oerk and Record- er, Gallatin County, Montana. (Signature) Clerk and Recorder (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.110 Certification of use of exemption claim. The following certificates shall be provided in a printed certificate on the amended plat or certificate of survey for allowed exemptions: A. Certificate of Governing Body. CERTIFICATE OF GOVERNING BODY I, (Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman) (Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners), do hereby certify that the ac- (Bozeman 4-98) companying (Certificate of Survey) (Amended Plat) has been duly reviewed, and has been found to confonn to the requirements of the Subdivision and Platting Act, Section 76-3-101 et. seq., MCA, and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. DATED this _ day of '-' (Signature) Title B. Certificate of Exemption. Reference to ex- emption from release of sanitary restrictions can also be added to this certificate, as appropriate. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION (I) (We) certify that the purpose of this survey is to (state exemption), and therefore this survey is exempt from review as a subdivision pursuant to Section 76-3-207(1) (add appropriate sub-sec- tion), MeA. DATED this _ day of '-' (Acknowledged and notarized signatures of all record owners of surveyed property) (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.32.120 Examining land surveyor. Where required, the following certificate shall be added to all final subdivision plats: CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINING LAND SURVEYOR I. (Name of Examining Land Survevor), Examin- ing Land Surveyor for Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that I have examined the final plat of (name of subdivision), and fmd that the survey data shown thereon meet the conditions set forth by or pursuant to Title 76, Chapter 3, Part 4, MCA. 294-70 e e e e e e DATED this _ day of '-' (Signature) (Name of Surveyor) Registration No. _ Gallatin County, Montana (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.34 SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS Sections: 16.34.010 16.34.020 16.34.030 General. Property owners' association. Covenants. 16.34.010 General. When required, the following documents shall be submitted in draft form with the preliminary plat, and signed and notarized with the [mal plat. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.34.020 Property owners' association. If common property is to be deeded to the prop- erty owners' association or similar organization, the covenants and restrictions set up to govern such an association shall include as a minimum: A. Membership. Automatic and mandatory mem- bership for each property or unit buyer and any subsequent buyer. B. Perpetual Reservation. Perpetual reservation and limited use of common property. C. Right to Use. The right of each property or unit owner to use and enjoyment of any common property or facility. D. Responsibility. Responsibility for liability insurance, any applicable tax assessments and the maintenance of any common property or facilities to be placed in the association. E. Assessments. Assessments which require each property or unit owner to pay a pro rata share of the cost of any common expenses, with any assessment 16.34.010-16.34.030 charged by the association becoming a lien where necessary on individual parcels. Safeguards against unreasonably high charges and provision to adjust assessments may be provided. COrd. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.34.030 Covenants. The appropriate governing body may require covenants to be recorded with the [mal plat when it is determined they are necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. The covenants may be required to include, but are not limited to, the following provisions: A. That all county declared noxious weeds will be controlled. B. A section addressing agricultural uses of neighboring properties in the following form: Lot owners and residents of the subdivision are informed that adjacent uses may be agricultural. Lot owners accept and are aware that standard agricul- tural and farming practices can result in dust, animal odors and noise, smoke, flies, and machinery noise. Standard agricultural practices feature the use of heavy equipment, chemical sprays and the use of machinery early in the morning and sometimes late into the evening. C. That all fences bordering agricultural lands shall be maintained by the landowners in accordance with state law. D. The property owners' association shall be responsible for the maintenance of subdivision roads and parks. E. That any covenant which is required as a condition of the preliminary plat approval and re- quired by the appropriate governing body may not be amended or revoked without the mutual consent of the owners in accordance with the amendment procedures in the covenants, and the appropriate governing body. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 294-71 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.36.010 Chapter 16.36 UNIFORM STANDARDS FOR MONUMENTATION AND FILING REQUIREMENTS Sections: 16.36.010 Uniform standards for monumentation and filing requirements. 16.36.010 Uniform standards for monumentation and filing requirements. . The following standards shall govern monu- mentation of land surveys: A. All permanent control monuments or monu~ ments set to control or mark the boundaries of any division shall be of not less than one-half inch di- ameter by twenty-four inches in length with a cap of not less than one and one-quarter inch diameter marked in a permanent manner with the name and/or registration number of the registered land surveyor in charge of the survey. A cap of the above dimensions may be set firmly in concrete. B. Prior to the ftIing of any subdivision plat or certificate of surveyor record the land surveyor shall confirm the location of sufficient monuments to reasonably assure the perpetuation or re-establish- ment of any comer or boundary or retracement of the survey. The surveyor shall clearly identify on the face of the plat or certificate of survey all monu- ments used in the survey, and the descriptions shall be sufficient to identify the monuments without reference to another record of survey. C. All monuments must be set prior to the filing of a plat or certificate of survey except those monu- ments which will be disturbed by the installation of improvements. Such monuments may be set subse- quent to filing if the surveyor certifies that they will be set before a specified date. D. The plat or certificate shall clearly show the relationship of all adjacent monuments of record and the relationship of the monuments of record to mon- uments set after ftling. (Bozeman 4-98) E. Monuments not less than three-eighths inch in diameter and eighteen inches in length and marked with the name and/or registration number of the registered land surveyor in charge of the survey shall be set at the following locations: 1. At each comer and angle point of all lots, blocks or parcels of land created. 2. At every point of intersection of the outer boundary of the subdivision with an existing or created right-of-way line. 3. At every point of curve, point of tangency, point of reversed curve, or point of compounded curve on each right-of-way line established. F. When the placement of a required monument at its proper location is impractical, the surveyor may set a reference monument near that point. Such a reference monument has the same status as other monuments of record if its location is properly shown. Where any point requiring monumentation has been previously monumented, the location of the existing monument shall be confirmed by the land surveyor if used, and if so confirmed shall likewise be considered a monument or record when properly shown and described on the certificate or plat filed. G. If the land surveyor uses any previously established monument, he must confirm the location of the monument. If properly confirmed and shown and described on the ftled certificate or plat, such a monument shall be considered a monument of record. (Ord. 1450 9 2 (part), 1998) Chapter 16.38 GALLATIN COUNTY FIRE IMPACT FEE REGULATION* Sections: 16.38.010 16.38.020 16.38.030 16.38.040 16.38.050 Legislative findings. Authority and applicability. Intent. Fire protection benefit areas. Imposition of fire protection impact fees. 294-72 e e e e e e 16.38.060 Computation of amount of fire protection impact fee. Payment of fire protection impact fees. Fire protection impact fee funds. Use of fire impact fee funds. Waivers of fire protection impact fees. Refunds of fire protection impact fees paid. Credits against fire protection impact fees. Fee adjustment. Miscellaneous provisions. 16.38.070 16.38.080 16.38.090 16.38.100 16.38.110 16.38.120 16.38.130 16.38.140 * Adopted August 27,1996 16.38.010 Legislative findings. The commissioners of Gallatin County, Montana, fmd that: A. Fire protection services are currently being provided to the citizens of the county by various rural fire districts and fire service areas that received administrative fees from the county to help fmance such services and facilities. B. The protection of the health, safety, and gen- eral welfare of the citizens of the county requires that fire protection facilities and equipment be ac- quired and constructed to accommodate continuing growth within the county. C. All types of development for which specific waivers have not been defined in this regulation will create increased demands for fire protection facilities and equipment. D. The current system of fire impact fees is inadequate to allow fourteen of the rural fire dis- tricts and fire service areas to provide the fire pro- tection facilities and equipment needed to serve new development. E. The adoption of a new fire protection impact fee system would enable the county, at the request of one or more of the fourteen rural fire districts and fire service areas, to collect additional revenues for such districts or areas for the purpose of acquiring 16.38.010 or constructing fire protection facilities and equip- ment, and to impose a proportionate share of the costs of required fire protection facilities and equip- ment on those developments that create the need for them. F. The county road and fire impact fee study prepared by James Duncan and Associates, dated September 1995, sets forth a reasonable methodolo- gy and analysis for determining the impacts of new development on fire protection facilities and equip- ment and for determining the cost of acquiring or constructing the capital facilities and equipment required to serve new development G. The fire protection impact fees described in this regulation are based on that county fire pro- tection and fire impact fee study, and do not exceed the costs of acquiring or constructing the fire protec- tion facilities and equipment required to serve the new developments that will pay the fire protection impact fees. H. The county fire protection and fire impact fee study did not include the costs of providing a water supply to fight fires in remote areas, and the fire protection impact fees described in this regulation do not cover such costs. Any obligation to provide a water supply to fight fires imposed by a rural fire district or fire service area is separate and distinct from the obligation to pay the fees described in this regulation. I. The acquisition or construction of new fire protection facilities and equipment by the fourteen rural fire districts and fire service areas will provide benefits to the landowners in the district or area where the new facilities and equipment are located, and it is therefore appropriate to create fourteen different fire protection benefit areas for purposes of collecting and spending fire protection impact fees. J. There is both a rational nexus and a rough proportionality between the fire protection impacts created by new development covered by this regu- lation and the fire protection impact fee that such development will be required to pay. K. This regulation creates a system by which the fire protection impact fees paid by different devel- 294-73 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.38.020-16.38.050 opments will be used to acquire or construct fire protection facilities and equipment benefiting the development that paid the fee within a reasonable period of time after the fee is paid. L. Section 76-3-510, MCA, authorizes the coun- ty to require a subdivider to payor guarantee pay- ment for part or all of the costs of extending capital facilities related to public health and safety, includ- ing but not limited to, public roads, sewer lines~ water supply lines, and stonn drains to a subdivi- sion. Fire protection facilities and equipment relate to the public health and safety. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.020 Authority and applicability. A. Authority for the adoption of this regulation is found in the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections 76-3-101 et. seq., MCA. B. The provisions of this regulation shall apply to all of the land within any rural fire district or fire service area that: 1. Is listed in Table 1; and 2. Has executed an agreement with the county in the fonn attached as Appendix 1, which is an integral part of this regulation, but shall not apply to any land located within the corporate limits of any city or town in Gallatin County. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.030 Intent. A. This regulation is adopted to help implement the Gallatin County plan. B. The intent of this regulation is to ensure that new development beaTS a proportionate share of the cost of fire protection improvements, to ensure that such proportionate share does not exceed the cost of fire protection improvements required to serve such new developments, and to ensure that money col- lected from such new developments are actually used to acquire or construct fire protection im- provements that benefit such new developments. C. It is not the intent of this regulation to collect any money from any new development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset new demands (Bozeman 4-98) for fire protection improvements created by that new development. D. It is not the intent of this regulation that any moneys deposited in any impact fee fund created by this regulation ever be commingled with moneys from a different impact fee fund or ever be used for a type of facility or equipment different from that for which the fee was paid or located in a different fire protection benefit area than that for which the fee was paid, except in the case where two or more of the eligible rural fire districts or fire service areas have agreed to jointly acquire or construct improve- ments or equipment that will benefit each of them using moneys from each of their respective impact fee funds and the disbursements from each impact fee funds meet the requirements set forth in the agreement between each such district or area and the county. E. As used in this regulation, the term "fire protection improvements" means the planning, land acquisition, engineering design, construction, con- struction inspection, equipment purchases, and fi- nancing costs associated with new or expanded facilities, buildings, and equipment, that expand the capacity of a fire protection facility or system and that have an average useful life of at least ten years, but not including maintenance, operations, or im- provements that do not expand capacity. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.040 Fire protection benefit areas. A. For purposes of this regulation, there shall be fourteen fire protection benefit areas corresponding to the boundaries of the fourteen rural fire districts and fire service areas listed in Table 1. E. No fire protection benefit area shall include any area within the corporate limits of any city or town in Gallatin County. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.050 Imposition of fire protection impact fees. A. Any subdivider who obtains preliminary plat approval of a subdivision of land within those fire protection benefit areas listed in Table 1 after the 294-74 e e e e e e effective date of this regulation shall pay a fire protection impact fee in the amount specified in this regulation prior to final plat approval. B. The duty to pay the fire protection impact fees described by this regulation shall be attached as a condition to any preliminary plat approval of a subdivision. C. No final subdivision plat shall be approved until the fire protection impact fee described in this regulation has been paid, unless such fee has been explicitly waived by Section 16.38.100 of this regu- lation. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.060 Computation of amount of fire protection impact fee. A. A subdivider required to pay a fire protection impact fee may choose to have the county determine the amount of such fee pursuant to either subdivi- sion 1 or 2 of this subsection. 1. Unless a subdivider requests that the county detennine the amount of such fee pursuant to sub- section A of this section, the county shall determine the amount of the fire protection impact fee by applying a fixed fee of four hundred ninety-six dollars per lot or parcel shown on the final plat of the subdivision. 2. A subdivider may prepare and submit to the county an independent fee calculation study pre- pared by a qualified fire protection professional and/or economist calculating the cost of fire protec- tion improvements required to serve the proposed development, that: a. Is perfonned on an average cost (not marginal cost) methodology; b. Is specific to the rural fire district or fire service area in which the land is located; c. Uses the service units and unit construction costs stated in the county road and fire impact fee study; and d. Is performed in compliance with any criteria for such studies previously established by this regu- lation or by the county. An average cost methodolo- gy is one that calculates the average cost of new fire facilities and equipment needed to serve each new lot or parcel in new developments in a specific rural 16.38.060-16.38.080 fire district or fire service area over a future period of at least ten years. B. If the subdivider is applying for a resub- division of an approved subdivision, or an amend- ment to a final subdivision plat, for which a fire protection impact fee has previously been paid, then the fee shall be the net positive difference between the fee applicable at the time of the current applica- tion and any amount previously paid as an impact fee for fire protection facilities or equipment. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.070 Payment of fire protection impact fees. A. A subdivider required to pay a fire protection impact fee shall pay such fee to the county prior to fmal approval of any subdivision of land. B. All moneys paid by a subdivider pursuant to this regulation shall be identified as fire protection impact fees and shall be promptly deposited in the fire protection impact fee fund for the fire protection benefit area or areas in which the subdivider's land is located. C. If the subdivider's land is not located entirely within one of the fire protection benefit areas de- fmed in Section 16.38.040 of this regulation, then the fire protection impact fee due from the subdi- vider shall be calculated separately for the portion of subdivider's land in each benefit area, and each separate portion of the fire protection impact fee shall be deposited in the fire protection impact fee fund for the fire protection benefit area in which that portion of the land is located. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.080 Fire protection impact fee funds. A. A separate fire protection impact fee fund is created for each of the fourteen fire protection bene- fit areas listed in Table 1. B. Each fire protection impact fee fund shall contain only those fire protection impact fees col- lected within the fire protection benefit area for which such fund was created and any interest which may accrue from time to time on such amounts. 294-75 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.38.090-16.38.100 C. Interest earned on moneys in any fire protec- tion impact fee fund shall be considered part of such fund, and shall be subject to the same restrictions on use applicable to the fire protection impact fees deposited in such fund. D. The county's reasonable costs to calculate and document fire protection impact fees, credits against those fees, and refunds of those fees pursuant to this regulation shall be considered as expenses of re- viewing subdivision plats, and shall be included in the county's fees for the review of such plats pursu- ant to authority granted in Section 76-3-602, MeA. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.090 Use of tire impact fee funds. A. The moneys in each fire protection impact fee fund shall be made available to the rural fire district or fire service area serving the fire protection benefit area for which such fund was created, but only after such district or area has signed a contract with the county in the fonn attached as Appendix 1 to this regulation, and then only: 1. To acquire or construct fire protection im- provements within the fire protection benefit area for which that fund was created; or 2. To pay debt service on any portion of any future bond issue used to finance the acquisition or construction of fire protection improvements to the extent that such improvements expand the capacity of a fire protection facility or system within the fire protection benefit area for which such fund was created; or 3. As described in Section 16.38.110 or 16.38.1200 of this regulation. B. Moneys in each fire protection impact fee fund shall be considered to be spent or encumbered in the order collected, on a first-in/first-out basis. C. No moneys from any fire protection impact fee fund shall be spent for periodic or routine main- tenance of any facility of any type or to cure defi- ciencies in facilities existing on the effective date of this regulation. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) (Bozeman 4--98) 16.38.100 Waivers of fire protection impact fees. A. The county shall waive the fire protection impact fee for any lot meeting all of the following criteria. 1. The lot is developed with at least one dwell- ing unit/structure. 2. The use of the lot will produce no greater demand for fire protection than would have been produced if such land had not been subdivided. 3. The lot is located within a fire district; and 4. The lot was not annexed to the fire district after August 27, 1996. Such waiver shall be granted prior to final approval of the subdivision. A request for a waiver made after that approval shall be inval- id. B. Subdividers otherwise required by this regu- lation to pay a fire protection impact fee may re- quest a full or partial waiver of that requirement if one of the following can be demonstrated. 1. A full waiver may be received if the subdi- vider has provided a contribution towards the cost of acquiring or constructing the capital facilities and/or equipment required to serve the 10t(s), ex- cluding the provision of a water supply to fight fires, in an amount that equals or exceeds the fire protection impact fee otherwise required by this regulation; or 2. A partial waiver may be received if the subdi- vider has provided a contribution towards the cost of acquiring or constructing the capital facilities and/or equipment required to serve the lot(s), ex- cluding the provision of a water supply to fight fires, in an amount that does not equal or exceed the fire protection impact fee otherwise required by this regulation. Any such claim for waiver must be made no later than the time when the subdivider applies for fmal approval of the subdivision, and any request for a waiver not made at or before such time shall be invalid. C. The county planning director shall determine the validity, subject to an application for subdivision review, of any waiver or claim for a waiver pursu- ant to the criteria set forth in subsections A and B 294-76 e e e e e e of this section. Pinal determination of validity shall be made at final approval of the subdivision. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.110 Refunds of fire protection impact fees paid. Any moneys in any fire protection impact fee fund that have not been spent or encumbered within ten years after the date on which such fee was paid shall, upon application of the then current owner of the land for which the fee was paid, be returned to such owner with interest at the rate of ten percent per year since the date of payment. In order to be eligible to receive such refund, the then owner of the land shall be required to submit an application for such refund within six months after the expira- tion of such ten-year period, or such claim shall be waived. When the right to a refund exists due to a failure to encumber or spend fees within such ten- year period, the county shall provide written notice of entitlement to a refund to current owner of the land for which the fee was paid. The county shall also publish such notice within thirty days after the expiration of the ten-year period from the date the fire protection impact fee was paid. The published notice shall contain the heading "Notice of Entitle- ment to an Impact Fee Refund." (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.120 Credits against fire protection impact fees. A. After the effective date of this regulation, all mandatory or voluntary dedications of land for fire stations, all mandatory or voluntary construction of fire stations, and all mandatory or voluntary pur- chases of fire trucks by a subdivider, shall result in a pro rata credit against the fire protection impact fees otherwise due for such development, except that no such credit shall be awarded for: 1. Land dedications for, or construction or pur- chase of, fire protection improvements that remain under the control of the subdivider and serve only the subdivider's property; or 16.38.110--16.38.120 2. Any voluntary right-of-way dedications not accepted by the rural fire district or fire service area in which such land is located; or 3. Any voluntary acquisition or construction of fire stations or fire trucks not approved in writing by the rural fire district or fire service area in which such land is located prior to commencement of the acquisition or construction; or 4. Any mandatory or voluntary dedication, con- struction, or acquisition of a type of fire protection improvement not included in the calculation of the fire protection impact fees in the county road and fire impact fee study. Credits shall not be granted for the provision of a water supply to fight fires. B. In order to obtain a credit against fire protec~ tion impact fees otherwise due, a subdivider must: 1. Submit a written agreement or offer to dedi- cate specific parcels of land to the rural fire district or fire service area in which the subdivider's project is located, or to construct specific fire protection improvements in accordance with all applicable state or county design and construction standards; and 2. Obtain the written approval of the rural fire district or fire service area serving the fire protection benefit area or areas in which the land is located; and 3. Specifically request a credit against such fire protection impact fees. Such written agreement, offer, or evidence must be made on a form provided by the county, must contain a statement under oath of the facts that qualify the subdivider to receive a credit, must be accompanied by documents evidenc- ing those facts, and must be filed not later than the time when an application is made for final approval of the first subdivision required for the development, or the claim for the credit shall be invalid. C. The credit due to a subdivider who submits such a request shall be calculated by the county and documented by the county as follows: 1. Credit for qualifying land dedications shall, at the subdivider's option, be valued at: a. One hundred percent of the most recent as+ sessed value for such land as shown in the records of the county assessor; or 294-77 (Bozeman 4-98) 16.38.120 b. That fair market value established by a pri- vate appraiser acceptable to the county in an ap- praisal paid for by the subdivider. 2. In order to receive credit for acquisition or construction of fire stations or fire trucks, the subdi- vider shall submit acceptable engineering drawings, specifications, construction cost estimates, or pur- chase price estimates to the county. The county shall determine the amount of credit due based on the information submitted, or, if it determines that such information is inaccurate or unreliable, then on alternative engineering or construction costs accept- able to the county. D. Approved credits shall become effective at the following times: 1. Approved credits for qualifying land dedica- tions shall become effective when the applicable rural fire district or fire service area confirms that the land has been conveyed to it or that acceptable arrangements have been made for the future convey- ance of such land. When such conditions have been met, the county shall note that fact in its records. Upon request of the subdivider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdivider. 2. Approved credits for the acquisition or con- struction of fire protection improvements shall gen- erally become effective when the applicable rural fire district or fire service area confirms that all required construction has been completed and ac- cepted or that acceptable arrangements have been made for future construction or acquisition. When such conditions have been met, the county shall note that fact in its records. Upon request of the subdi- vider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdi- vider. E. Approved credits may be used to reduce the amount of fire protection impact fees otherwise due from any subdivider within the same fire protection benefit area for which the credit was approved, until the amount of the credit is exhausted. Each time a request to use credits from a mandatory or voluntary dedication, acquisition, or construction is presented to the county, the county shall reduce the amount of (Boz.cman 4-98) the fire protection impact fee otherwise due from the subdivider, and shall note in the county records the amount of credit remaining, if any. Upon request of the subdivider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdivider. F. Approved credits shall only be used to reduce the amount of fire protection impact fees otherwise due under this regulation within the fire protection benefit area for which the credit was approved, and shall not be paid to the subdivider in cash or in credits against any impact fees for any other type of facility or service or against fire protection impact fees for any other fire benefit area or against any other moneys due to the county, except as described in subsection G of this section. Credits may be limited to use in areas that can be served by the land, fire station, or fire trucks whose dedication, purchase, or construction gave rise to the credit. G. If the amount of approved credits exceeds the amount of fire protection impact fees otherwise due under this regulation, the subdivider may request in writing that the county provide for reimbursement of any excess credits to the subdivider in cash in- stead of transferable credits. Such written request must be filed not later than the time when an appli- cation is made for final approval of the first subdivi- sion required for the development, or the claim for the credit shall be invalid. Upon receipt of such written request, those credits described in subsection C of this section shall not be issued, and the county may, at its discretion, arrange for the reimbursement of such excess credits from the fire protection im- pact fee fund or funds for the fire protection benefit area or areas in which the subdivider's land is locat- ed from fees paid by others. H. Credits may be transferred from one owner to another by any written instrument clearly identi- fying the certificate or certificates issued under subsection C of this section that are to be trans- ferred; provided, that such instrument is signed by both the transferor and transferee and that the docu- ment is delivered to the county for registration of the change in ownership. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 294-78 e e e e e e 16.38.130 Fee adjustment. A. The fire protection impact fee stated in Section 16.38.060 of this regulation shall be adjusted annually to reflect the effects of inflation on those costs for fire protection improvements set forth in the county road and fire impact fee study. Beginning on January 1, 1998 and on January 1 st of each following year unless and until the fee in Section 16.38.060 is revised or replaced by action of the county commissioners, the fee amount in Section 16.38.060 shall be adjusted by multiplying such amount by a fraction, the numerator of which is the U.S. Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers for Allltems as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the area for the most recent period for which figures are available, and the denominator of which is the Consumer Price Index for All Items for the same area for the period one year prior to the period reflected in the numerator. Such adjustments in the amount of such fee shall become effective immedi- ately upon calculation by the county, and shall not require additional action by the county commissioners to be effective. B. The fire protection impact fees described in this regulation and the administrative procedures of this regulation shall be reviewed at least once every three fiscal years to ensure that: I. The cost assumptions underlying such fees are still valid; 2. The resulting fees do not exceed the actual cost of acquiring land for fire protection improvements and/or acquiring or constructing fire protection improvements required to serve new development; 3. The moneys collected or to be collected in the fire protection impact fee funds have been and/or are expected to be spent for fire protection improvements; and 4. Such fire protection improvements will benefit those lots and parcels for which the fees were paid. C. If a fire protection impact fee has been calcu- lated and paid based on a mistake or misrepresenta- tion, it shall be recalculated. I. Any amounts overpaid by a subdivider shall be refunded by the county to the subdivider within thirty 16.39.130--16.39.140 days after the county's acceptance of the recalculated amount, with interest at the rate often percent per year since the date of such overpayment. 2. Any amounts underpaid by the subdivider shall be paid to the county within thirty days after the county's acceptance of the recalculated amount, with interest at the rate of ten percent per year since the date of such underpayment. a. In the case of underpayment, the county shall not issue any additional permits or approvals for the project for which the fire protection impact fee was previously paid until such underpayment is corrected, and if amounts owed to the county are not paid within such thirty-day period, the county may also repeal any permits or approvals issued in reliance on the previous payment of such fire protection impact fees and refund such fees to the then current owner ofthe land. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) 16.38.140 Miscellaneous provisions. A. Nothing in this regulation shall restrict the county from requiring a subdivider to construct reasonable project improvements required to serve the subdivider's project, whether or not such im- provements are of a type for which credits are avail- able under Section 16.38.120. B. Knowingly furnishing false information to any official ofthe county charged with the administration of this regulation on any matter relating to the administration of this regulation, including without limitation, the furnishing of false information regarding the expected size of a proposed subdivision or expected fire hazards related to a proposed subdivision, shall be a violation of this regulation. C. If any portion of this regulation is detennined to be invalid, unenforceable, or unconstitutional for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be treated as an independent provision of this regulation, and such determination shall not affect the validity, enforceability, or constitutionality of any other portion of this regulation. D. The section titles used in this regulation are for convenience only, and shall not affect the inter 294-79 (Bozeman 11-0 I ) 16.39.010 pretation of any portion ofthe text of this regulation. E. The county shall keep a copy of the county road and fire impact fee study, prepared by James Duncan and Associates dated September 1995, on file in the offices of the county planning department, and shall maintain accurate records of the fire pro- tection impact fees paid, including the name of the person paying such fees, the project for which the fees were paid, the date of payment of each fee, the amounts received for each fee, the fIre protection benefit area for which the fee was paid, and any other matters that the county deems appropriate or necessary to the accurate accounting of such fees, and such records shall be available for review by the public during county business hours. F. This regulation shall become effective on August 27, 1996. (Ord. 1450 ~ 2 (part), 1998) Table 1 FIRE PROTECTION BENEFIT AREAS Benefit Area I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Rural Fire District or Fire Service Area Amsterdam RFD 165 BelRl"ade RFD 105 Bridger Canyon RFD 110 Clarkston FSA Fort Ellis FSA Gallatin Canvon RFD 115 Gallatin Gateway RFD 120 Manhattan RFD 125 Rae FSA Reese Creek FSA Sourdough RFD 155 Sprin2hill FSA Storm Castle RFD Three Forks RFD 145 (Bozeman 11-0 I) Chapter 16.39 e GALLATIN COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE REGULATION Sections: 16.39.010 16.39.020 16.39.030 16.39.040 16.39.050 Legislative findings. Authority and applicability. Intent. Imposition of road impact fees. Computation of amount of road impact fee. Payment of road impact fees. Road impact fee fund. Use of funds. Waivers of road impact fees. Refunds of road impact fees paid. Credits against road impact fees. Miscellaneous provisions. 16.39.060 16.39.070 16.39.080 16.39.090 16.39.100 16.39.110 16.39.120 16.39.010 Legislative findings. The commissioners of Gallatin County, Montana, find that: A. The protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the county requires that the road system of the county be expanded and improved to accommodate continuing growth within the county. B. All types of new development for which specific waivers have not been defined in this regulation will generate traffic that will require expansions and improvements to the county major road system. C. The creation of an equitable road impact fee system would enable the county to impose a proportionate share of the costs of required road expansion and improvements on those developments that create the need for them. D. That county road and fire impact fee study, prepared by James Duncan and Associates dated September 1995, sets forth a reasonable methodology and analysis for determining the impacts of new development on the county's major road system and for determining the cost of acquiring or constructing e e 294-80 e e e those road expansions and improvements required to serve new development. E. The county hereby adopts the assumptions, levels of service and capital improvement plans related to roads and reference in the county road and fire impact fee study as part of its current plans for the county's major road system. F. The road impact fee described in this regulation is based on that county road and fire impact study and does not exceed the costs of acquiring additional rights-of-way and acquiring or constructing those road expansions and improve- ments required to serve the new developments that will pay the road impact fee. G. All of the road expansions and improvements listed in the county road and fire impact study will benefit all new development in the county and it is, therefore, appropriate to treat all of the unincorporated areas of the county as a single benefit area for purposes of calculating, collecting and spending the road impact fees. H. There is both a rational nexus and a rough proportionality between the traffic impacts created by new development covered by this regulation and the road impact fee that such development will be required to pay. I. This regulation creates a system by which the road impact fees paid by different developments will be used to provide road improvements benefiting the development that paid the fee within a reasonable period oftime after the fee is paid. J. Section 76-3-501, MCA, authorizes the county to require a subdivider to payor guarantee payment for part or all of the costs of extending capital facilities related to public health and safety including, but not limited to, public roads, sewer lines, water supply lines and storm drains to a subdivision. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.020 Authority and applicability. A. Authority for the adoption ofthis regulation is found in the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections 76-3-101, et seq., MeA. B. The provisions ofthis regulation shall apply to all of the land within Gallatin County, but shall not 16.39.020-16.39.040 apply to any land located within the corporate limits of any city or town in Gallatin County. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.030 Intent. A. This regulation is adopted to help implement the Gallatin County plan and any future updates to or replacement of that plan. B. The intent of this regulation is to ensure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of road improvements, to ensure that such proportionate share does not exceed the cost of road improvements required to serve such new developments, and to ensure that funds collected from such new developments are actually used to construct road improvements that benefit such new developments. C. It is not the intent of this regulation to collect any money from any new development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset new demands for road improvements created by that new development. D. It is not the intent of this regulation that any monies deposited in the impact fee fund created by this regulation ever be commingled with monies from a different impact fee fund or ever be used for a type of facility or equipment different from that for which the fee was paid. E. As used in this regulation, the term "road improvements" means the planning, land acquisition, engineering design, construction, construction inspection, equipment purchases and financing costs associated with new or expanded facilities or equipment, that expand the capacity of the county's major road system and that have an average useful life of at least ten years, but not including maintenance, operation or improvements that do not expand capacity. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.040 Imposition of road impact fees. A. A subdivider who submits a complete application for preliminary plat approval after the effective date of this regulation shall pay a road impact fee in the amount specified in this regulation 294-81 (Bouman 11.0 I) 16.39.050 prior to final plat approval. The effective date of this regulation is May 1, 1997. B. The duty to pay such road impact fee shall be attached as a condition to any preliminary plat approval of a subdivision. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) , 16.39.050 Computation ofamouot of road im- pact fee. A. A subdivider required to pay a road impact fee may choose to have the county detennine the amount of such fee pursuant to either subsection B or C of this section. B. Unless the subdivider requests that the county determine the amount of such fee pursuant to subsection C of this section, the county shall determine the amount of the road impact fee by applying a fixed fee of one thousand five hundred and ninety-six dollars per lot or parcel shown on the final map of the subdivision or on the zoning permit application. Such fee amount includes credits for expected future receipts offederal highway funds and expected future receipts of gas tax revenues applied to the road improvements required to serve new development. C. A subdivider may prepare and submit to the county an independent fee calculation study for the proposed development prepared by qualified professional traffic engineers and/or economists. Any such study must: (i) use the service units and unit construction costs stated in the county road and fire impact fee study; (ii) be perfonned in compliance with any criteria for such studies previously established by this regulation or by the county; (iii) show the traffic engineering and economic methodologies and assumptions used including, but not limited to, those forms of documentation listed in subsections 1 and 2 of this section; and (iv) be acceptable to the county pursuant to subsection 3 of this section. 1. Traffic engineering studies must include documentation of trip generation rates, trip lengths, any percentage of trips from the site that represent net additions to current trips from the site, the percentage of trips that are new trips as opposed to (Bozeman 11-01) pass-by or divert-link trips and any other trip data for the proposed land use. 2. Economic studies must include documentation of any special factors that the subdivider believes will reduce the traffic volumes otherwise attributable to the development. 3. The county shall consider all such documentation and any independent fee calculation submitted by the subdivider, but shall not be required to accept any such study or documentation reason- ably deemed to be inaccurate or unreliable, and may request that the subdivider submit additional or different documentation for consideration. Any inde- pendent fee calculation study submitted by a sub- divider may be accepted, rejected or accepted with modifications by the county as the basis for cal- culating road impact fees. 4. Upon acceptance or acceptance with modifications of an independent fee calculation study and documentation, the county shall use the following formula to determine the fee: e New Lane Miles = [(One Way Average Daily Trips x Primary Trip Factor x Average Trip Length) / (390 Vehicles per Day per Land)] (390 is the weighted average of current use rates per land for paved and gravel roads from county road and fire impact fee study) e Cost = New Lane Miles x $55,300 ($55,300 is the weighted average of cost per lane mile of paved and gravel roads from county road and fire impact fee study) Street Impact Fee = Cost x .617 (representing the same 38.3% credit for expected state and federal highway funding and gas tax revenues used to calculate the fee in Section 16.39.060(B) 294-82 e e e e Where: "One way average daily trips" means one-half ofthe average daily trip ends on a weekday; "Primary trip factor" means that percentage of average daily trips to or from the development that are primary trips, as opposed to pass-by or divert-link trips; and "Average trip length" means the average distance per trip traveled on public roads in the county. D. If the subdivider is applying for a resubdivision of an approved subdivision or an amendment to a final subdivision plat for which a road impact fee has previously been paid, then the fee shall be the net positive difference between the fee applicable at the time of the current application for subdivision approval or amendment and any amount previously paid as an impact fee for road facilities. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.060 Payment of road impact fees. A. A subdivider required to pay a road impact fee shall pay such fee to the county prior to the final approval of any subdivision of land or enter into an improvements agreement and provide security for said agreement pursuant to Gallatin County Sub- division Regulation Section 8.B.I.g., improvements agreements. B. All monies paid by a subdivider pursuant to this regulation shall be identified as TOad impact fees and shall be promptly deposited in the road impact fee fund as described in Section 16.39.070. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.070 Road impact fee fund. A. A road impact fee fund is created for the county. B. The road impact fee fund shall contain only those road impact fees collected pursuant to this regulation and any interest which may accrue from time to time on such amounts. C. Interest earned on monies in the road impact fee fund shall be considered part of such fund and 16.39 .06Q-..----.16.39 .090 shall be subject to the same restnctIons on use applicable to the road impact fees deposited in such fund. D. The county's reasonable costs to calculate and document road impact fees, credits against those fees, and refunds on those fees pursuant to this regulation shall be considered as expenses of reviewing subdivision plats, and shall be included in the county's fees for the review of such plats pursuant to authority granted in Section 76-3-602, MCA. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.080 Use of funds. A. The monies in the TOad impact fee fund shall be used only: 1. To acquire land for and/or acquire or construct any road improvements, including planning, land acquisition, engineering design, construction, construction inspection, equipment purchases and financing costs associated with new or expanded facilities or equipment within the county; or 2. To pay debt service on any portion of any future bond issue used to finance road improvements to the extent that such improvements expand the capacity ofthe county's major road system; or 3. As described in Section 16.39.100 or Section 16.39.IIOH. B. Monies in the road impact fee fund shall be considered to be spent or encumbered in the order collected, on a first-in/first-out basis. C. No monies from the road impact fee fund shall be spent for periodic or routine maintenance of any facility of any type or to cure deficiencies in facilities existing on the effective date of this regulation. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) 16.39.090 Waivers of road impact fees. A. The county shall waiver the road impact fee for any lot meeting the existing use or the agriculture covenant criteria. 1. Existing Use. a. The lot is developed with at least one dwelling unit/structure. 294-83 (Bozeman II"()I) 16.39.100-16.39.110 b. The use of the lot will produce no greater demand on road impacts than would have been produced if such land had not been subdivided. 2. Agriculture Covenant. a. A covenant has been placed on the lot that the lot will be used exclusively for ag'ricultural purposes, no building or structure requiring water or sewer facilities shall be utilized on the lot. b. The covenant runs with the land and is revocable only by mutual consent of the county commission and the property owner through the subdivision process. c. The impact fee in place at the time of the revocation shall be paid. Such waiver shall be granted prior to final approval of the subdivision. A request for a waiver made after the approval shall be invalid. B. Subdividers otherwise required by this regulation to pay a road impact fee may request a full or partial waiver of that requirement if one of the following can be demonstrated: 1. A full waiver may be received if the subdivider has provided a contribution toward the cost of acquiring or constructing the capital facilities and/or equipment required to serve the lot(s) in an amount that equals or exceeds the road impact fee otherwise required by this regulation. 2. A partial waiver may be received if the subdivider has provided a contribution toward the cost of acquiring or constructing the capital facilities. Any such claim for waiver must be made no later than the time when the subdivider applies for final approval of the subdivision, and any request for a waiver not made at or before such time shall be invalid. C. The county planning director, after consulting with the county road and bridge department, shall determine validity, subject to an application for subdivision review, or any waiver or claims for a waiver pursuant to the criteria set forth in subsection A or B of this section. Final determination of validity shall be made at final approval of subdivision. (Ord. 1477 S 28 (part), 1998) (Bozeman 11-0 I) 16.39.100 Refunds of road impact fees paid. Any monies in the road impact fee fund that have not been spent or encumbered within ten years after the date on which such fee was paid shall, upon application of the then current owner of the land for which the fee was paid, be returned to such owner with interest at the rate of ten percent per annum since the date of payment. In order to be eligible to receive such refund, the then owner ofthe land shall be required to submit an application for such refund within six months after the expiration of such ten year period, or such claim shall be waived. When the right to a refund exists due to a failure to encumber or spend fees within such ten year period, the county shall provide written notice of entitlement to a refund to current owner of the land for which the fee was paid. The county shall also publish such notice within thirty days after the expiration of the ten year period from the date the road impact fee was paid. The published notice shall contain the heading "Notice of Entitlement to an Impact Fee Refund." (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) e 16.39.110 Credits against road impact fees. A. After the effective date of this regulation, all mandatory or voluntary right-of-way dedications for road improvements by a subdivider, and all mandatory or voluntary acquisition or construction of road improvements by a subdivider, and all payments to any approved rural improvement area for road improvements, shall result in a pro rata credit against the road impact fees otherwise due for such development, except that no such credit shall be awarded for: 1. Land dedications for, or construction of, site- related improvements as defined in subsection B of this section; 2_ Any voluntary right-of-way dedications not accepted by the county; 3. Any voluntary acquisition or construction of road improvements not approved in writing by the county prior to commencement of the acquisition or construction; or e 294-84 e e e e 4. Any mandatory or voluntary dedication, construction or acquisition of a type of road improvement not included in the calculation of the road impact fee in the county road and fIre impact fee study. B. For purposes of tHis regulation, site-related improvements include all: 1. Access roads leading to the proposed development; 2. Driveways and roads within the development; 3. Acceleration, deceleration, right or left turn lanes leading to any road and driveway within the development; and 4. Traffic control devices for roads and driveways within the development. C. In order to obtain a credit against road impact fees otherwise due, a subdivider must: 1. Submit a written agreement or offer to dedicate to the county specific parcels of land, or to construct specific road improvements in accordance with all applicable state or county design and construction standards; or 2. Submit written evidence of the payment of fees for road improvements to an approved rural improvement district; and 3. Must specifically request a credit against such road impact fees. Such written agreement, offer or evidence must be made on a form provided by the county, must contain a statement under oath of the facts that qualify the subdivider to receive a credit, must be accompanied by documents evidencing those facts, and must be filed not later than the time when a subdivider applies for final approval of the first subdivision required for the development, or the claim for the credit shall be invalid. D. The credit due to the subdivider who submits such a request shall be calculated by the county and documented by the county as follows: 1. Credit for qualifying right-of-way dedications shall, at the subdivider's option, be valued at (a) one hundred percent of the most recent assessed value for such land as shown in the records of the county assessor; or (b) that fair market value established by a 16.39.110 private appraiser acceptable to the county in an appraisal paid for by the subdivider. 2. In order to receive credit for acquisition or construction of road improvements, the subdivider shall submit acceptable engineering drawings, specifications and construction cost estimates to the county. The county shall determine the amount of credit due based on the information submitted or, ifit determines that such information is inaccurate or unreliable, then on alternative engineering or construction costs acceptable to the county. 3. Credit for payments to an approved rural improvement area for road improvements shall be valued at the full amount of such payments. E. Approved credits shall become effective at the following times: 1. Approved credits for dedications of rights-of- way shall become effective when the right-of-way has been conveyed to the county in a form acceptable to the county and at no cost to the county and has been accepted by the county commissioners. When such conditions have been met, the county shall note that fact in its records. Upon request of the subdivider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdivider. 2. Approved credits for the construction of road improvements shall generally become effective when (a) all required construction has been completed and has been accepted by the county; and (b) a suitable maintenance and warranty bond has been received and approved by the county; and (c) all design, construction, inspection, testing, bonding and acceptance procedures have been completed in compliance with all applicable county and state procedures. However, approved credits for the construction of road improvements may become effective at an earlier date if the subdivider posts security in the form of a performance bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or escrow agreement and the amount and terms of such security are accepted by the county. At a minimum, such security must be in the amount of the approved credit or an amount determined to be adequate to allow the county to construct the improvements for which the credit was 294-85 (Bouman 11-01) 16.39.120 given, whichever is higher. When such conditions have been met, the county shall note that fact in its records. Upon request of the subdivider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdivider. 3. Credits for payments to 'an approved rural improvement area for road improvements shall be effective immediately upon review and approval of the evidence of such payment submitted by the subdivider. When such conditions have been met, the county shall note that fact in its records. Upon request of the subdivider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdivider. F. Approved credits may be used to reduce the amount of road impact fees otherwise due under this regulation, until the amount of the credit is exhausted. Each time a request to use credits from a mandatory or voluntary dedication, acquisition or construction is presented to the county, the county shall reduce the amount of the road impact fee otherwise due from the subdivider, and shall note in the county records the amount of credit remaining, if any. Upon request of the subdivider, the county shall send the subdivider a letter stating the number of credits available to the subdivider. G. Approved credits shall only be used to reduce the amount of road impact fees otherwise due under this regulation, and shall not be paid to the subdivider in cash or in credits against any other impact fees for a different type of facility or service or against any other monies due to the county, except as described in subsection H of this section of this regulation. H. If the amount of approved credits exceeds the amount of road impact fees otherwise due under this regulation, the subdivider may request in writing that the county provide for reimbursement of any excess credits to the subdivider in cash instead of transferable credits. Such written request must be filed not later than the time when an application is made for final approval of the first subdivision required for the development, or the claim for the credit shall be invalid. Upon receipt of such written request, those credits described in subsection D of (Bozeman 11-01) this section shall not be issued, and the county may, at its discretion: 1. Arrange for the reimbursement of such excess credits from the TOad impact fee fund from fees paid by others; or 2. Arrange for reimbursement of such excess credits through the issuance of a promissory note payable in not more than ten years and bearing interest equal to the interest rate paid by the county for its long-term debt. I. Credits may be transferred from one owner to another by any written instrument clearly identifying the credits issued under subsection D of this section that are to be transferred, provided that such instrument is signed by both the transferor and transferee and that the document is delivered to the county for registration of the change in ownership. (Ord. 1477 ~ 28 (part), 1998) e 16.39.120 Miscellaneous provisions. A. Nothing in this regulation shall restrict the county from requiring a subdivider to construct reasonable project improvements required to serve the subdivider's project, whether or not such improvements are of a type for which credits are available under Section 16.39.110. B. At least once during each fiscal year of the county, the county planning director shall present to the county commissioners a proposed capital improvement program for the county major road system, and such capital improvement program shall assign monies from the road impact fee fund to specific projects for the expansion or improvement of the county major road system and related expenses. Any monies, including any accrued interest, not assigned to specific projects within such capital improvements program or not expended pursuant to Section 16.39.100 or 16.39.110Hofthischaptershall be retained in the road impact fee fund until the next fiscal year. C. The road impact fee stated in Section 16.39.050B ofthis chapter shall be adjusted annually to reflect the effects of inflation on those costs for road improvements set forth in the county road and fire impact fee study. Beginning on January 1, 1999, e e 294-86 e e e and on January 1 of each following year unless and until the fee in Section 16.39.050B is revised or replaced by action of the county commissioners, the fee amount in Section 16.39.050B shall be adjusted by multiplying such amount by a fraction, the numerator of which is the U.S. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for All Items published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the area for the most recent period for which figures are available, and the denominator of which is the Consumer Price Index for all items for the same area for the period one year prior to the period reflected in the numerator. Such adjustments in the amount of such fee shall become effective immediately upon calculation by the county, and shall not require additional action by the county commissioners to be effective. D. The road impact fees described in this regulation and the administrative procedures of this regulation shall be reviewed at least once every three fiscal years to ensure that: I. The traffic and cost assumptions underlying such fees are still valid; 2. The resulting fees do not exceed the actual cost of acquiring land for road improvements and/or acquiring or constructing road improvements re- quired to serve new development; 3. The monies collected or to be collected in the TOad impact fee fund have been and/or are expected to be spent for road improvements; and 4. Such road improvements wilJ benefit those developments for which the fees were paid. E. If a road impact fee has been calculated and paid based on a mistake or misrepresentation, it shall be recalculated. Any amounts overpaid by a subdivider shall be refunded by the county to the subdivider within thirty days after the county's acceptance of the recalculated amount, with interest at the rate of ten percent per annum since the date of such overpayment. Any amounts underpaid by the subdivider shall be paid to the county within thirty days after the county's acceptance ofthe recalculated amount, with interest at the rate of ten percent per annum since the date of such underpayment. In the 16.39.120 case of an underpayment, the county shall not issue any additional permits or approvals for the project for which the road impact fee was previously paid until such underpayment is corrected, and if amounts owed to the county are not paid within such thirty day period, the county may also repeal any permits or approvals issued in reliance on the previous payment of such road impact fees and refund such fees to the then current owner of the land. F. In order to promote the economic develop- ment of the county and the provision of affordable housing in the county, the county commissioners may agree to pay some or all of the road impact fees imposed on one or more subdivided lots or parcels from other funds of the county that are not restricted to other uses. Any such decision to pay road impact fees on behalf of a subdivider shall be at the discretion of the county commissioners and shall be made pursuant to goals and objectives previously adopted by the county commissioners to promote economic development and/or affordable housing. G. Knowingly furnishing false information to any official of the county charged with the administration of this regulation on any matter relating to the administration of this regulation, including without limitation the furnishing of false information regarding the expected size of a proposed subdivision or expected traffic impacts from a proposed subdivision, shall be a violation of this regulation. H. If any portion of this regulation is determined to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be treated as an independent provision of this regulation, and such determination shall not affect the validity, enforceability, or constitutionality of any other provision of this regulation. L The section titles used in this regulation are for convenience only, and shall not affect the interpretations of any portion of the text of this regulation. J. The county shall keep a copy of the county road and fire impact fee study prepared by James Duncan and Associates dated September 1995 on file 294-87 (Bozeman 11-01) 16.39.120 in the offices of the county planning department, and shall maintain accurate records of the road impact fees paid, including the name of the person paying such fees, the project for which the fees were paid, the date of payment of each fee, the amounts received for each fee, and any other matters that the county deems appropriate or necessary to the accurate accounting of such fees, and such records shall be available for review by the public during county business hours. K. The regulation codified in this chapter shall become effective on May 1, 1997. (Ord. 14779 28 (part), 1998) - - (Bozeman 11-01) 294-88 - S6Z . -.- , . (03:A 1I3531JJ L 1 ann . .... . . .