HomeMy WebLinkAboutTitle 13 e Chapters: 13.04 13.08 13.12 13.16 13.20 13.21 e 13.24 13.28 13.32 13.36 e Title 13 PUBLIC SERVICES Division 1 WATER Protection of Water Supply Water System Water Service Utility Operations Water System Rules and Regulations Irrigation Restrictions Outdoor Water Use Restrictions Division 2 SEWERS Sewer Service Rules and Regulations Sewage Disposal System Sewer Service Outside City Sewage Disposal Rates and Charges 195 (Bozeman 3-87) e e - ,e e e Division 1 WATER Chapter 13.04 PROTECTION OF WATER SUPPLY Sections: 13.04.010 Interfering with or polluting water supply prohibited. Watershed boundaries designated-Trespassing prohibited. 13.04.020 13.04.010 Interfering with or polluting water supply prohibited. It is unlawful for any person, without the written permission of the director of public safety, to ma- nipulate, interfere with and/or obstruct, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, the free flow of water in any part of the municipal water carrying and distributing system of the city, whether within or without the corporate limits of the city; and/or to manipulate, interfere with, injure, deface, remove and/or destroy any part of the water carrying and distributing system of the city, including in whole and in part any and all appliances, pipelines, aque- ducts, reservoirs, telephone system and any signaling system or device, gates, headgates, measuring devic- es, ditches, canals, trenches, drains, valves, valve parts, manholes, hydrants, sprinkling-pipes, fences, gates, posts, signs, notices and/or appurtenances of every kind and description of the water carrying and distributing system and/or used in connection there- with and/or for the protection thereof, and/or any part thereof; and/or to pollute and/or impair the purity and wholesomeness, by any means or manner whatsoever, of any part of the water supply of the municipal water carrying and distributing system within and without the corporate limits of the city. (Prior code ~ 10.24.010) 13.04.010-13.04.020 13.04.020 Watershed boundaries designated-Trespassing prohibited. It is unlawful for any person not duly authorized or permitted as provided in Section 13.04.010 of this chapter to enter or trespass upon the watersheds and sources of the municipal water supply of the city, which are described as follows: Bozeman Creek Watershed In Township 3 South, Range 6 East, Gallatin Coun- ty, Montana. All of Section 8. Slf2 of SWlf4 and Sth of the Slf2 of SElf4 of Sec- tion 9. Sth of SW1f4 of SW1f4 of Section 10. W1f2 of SE1f4, SWlf4 and SW1f4 of NW1f4 of Sec- tion 14. All of Sections 15, 16 and 17. Eth and E1f2 of W1f2 of Section 18. NEt/4 and Nlh of SE1f4 of Section 19. All of Sections 20, 21, 22, 23, and S1f2 of Section 24. All of Sections 25, 26, 27, 28 and NEt/4 of Sec- tion 29. All of Sections 34, 35 and 36. In Township 3 South, Range 7 East, Gallatin Coun- ty, Montana. Section 19 and Wlf2 of Section 20. SE1f4, SWlf4 and NWl/4 of Section 29. All of Sections 30, 31, 32 and W1f2 of Section 33. In Township 4 South, Range 6 East, Gallatin Coun- ty, Montana. Sections 1, 2 and NE1f4 of Section 3. NE1f4 of Section 11. Section 12 and E1f2 of Section 13. In Township 4 South, Range 7 East, Park County, Montana. NW1f4 and WIf2 of SWIf4 of Section 4, Park Coun- ty, Montana. All of Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 18 and W1h of Section 17, Park County, Montana. 197 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.04.020 Lyman Creek Watershed In Township 1 South, Range 6 East, Gallatin Coun- ty, Montana. The SEI/4 of Section 21. The NElf4 of the NEI/4 of Section 28 (Lot 1). Beginning at a point in the west line of the NEIf4 of the SWI/4 of Section 28, said point being 790 feet, more or less, north of the SW comer of said NElf4 of SWI/4; thence north 631/2 degrees east, 780 feet more or less; thence north 241/2 degrees east, 1005.7 feet more or less; thence north 341/2 degrees east, 381.1 feet more or less, to a point in the west line of Lot 3 of said Section 28; thence north 54 degrees east, 1594.5 feet more or less to a point in the east line of Lot 2 of said Section 28, which point is 700 feet more or less south of the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence north on the line between Lots 1 and 2, to the section line between said Sections 21 and 28; thence west along said section line to the north- west comer of said Section 28; thence south to the Northwest corner of the SW1/4 of the NWlf4 of said Section 28; thence south to the northwest comer of the SElf4 of the NWlf4 of said Section 28; thence south to the point of beginning. Section 22. The SEI/4 of Section 15, and the SWlf4 of Section 14. A tract of land (reservoir site) 800 feet east and west by 400 feet north and south (7.57 acres) in the northeast corner of the NE1f4 of Section 32, and a tract ofland (reservoir site) 311.14 feet east and west by 140 north and south (1 acre) in the southeast comer of the SE1/4 of Section 29. (Prior code ~ 10.24.020) (Bozeman 6-96) Sections: 13.08.010 13.08.020 Chapter 13.08 -~ WATER SYSTEM* Article I. Def'mitions General. Other definitions. Article II. Findings and Authorization 13.08.030 The system. 13.08.040 The project. 13.08.050 Authority for bonds. 13.08.060 Issuance and sale of series 1982 bonds. Article III. Series 1982 Bonds 13.08.070 Date, amount, denomination and maturity. Interest. Redemption. Payment. Preparation and delivery. 13.08.080 13.08.090 13.08.100 13.08.110 - Article IV . Water System Fund 13.08.120 Bond proceeds and revenues pledged and appropriated. Construction account. Operating account. Bond account. Reserve account. Depreciation account. Surplus account. Deposit and investment of funds. 13.08.130 13.08.140 13.08.150 13.08.160 13.08.170 13.08.180 13.08.190 Article V. Priorities and Additional Bonds 13.08.200 Priority of bond payments. 13.08.210 Additional refunding bonds. 13.08.220 Additional bonds. * Prior code history: Prior code ~~ 10.12.010--10.12.260. 198 e e e e 13.08.230 Subordinate bonds. Article VI. Covenants 13.08.240 General. 13.08.250 Competing service. 13.08.260 Property insurance. 13.08.270 Liability insurance and surety bonds. 13.08.280 Disposition of property. 13.08.290 Books and records. 13.08.300 Cost of insurance and accoun ting. 13.08.310 Handling of funds. 13.08.320 Rules and regulations. 13.08.330 Billing. 13.08.340 Rate covenant. 13.08.350 Independent engineer. 13.08.360 Remedies. 13.08.370 MBIA insurance. Article VII. Amendments 13.08.380 Amendments without bondholder consent. 13.08.390 Amendments with bondholder consen t. 13.08.400 Notice and consent. 13.08.410 Proof. Article VIII. Defeasance 13.08.420 General. 13.08.430 Payment. 13.08.440 Prepayable bonds. 13.08.450 Escrow. Article IX. Arbitrage and Certifications of Proceedings 13.08.460 Arbitrage certificate. 13.08.4 70 Transcript. Article I. Defmitions 13.08.010 General. The terms defined in this section shall for all purposes of this chapter have the meanings here~ in specified, unless the context clearly otherwise req uires: 13.08.0 lO-13.08.020 1. "This ordinance" means the ordinance codified in this.chapter as originally adopted or as it may from time to time be amended by one or more ordinance amendments adopted pursuant to the applicable provisions hereof. 2. All references in this chapter to designated "sections" and other subdivisions are to the designated sections and other subdivisions of this instrument as originally adopted. 3. The words "herein," "hereof' and "here- under" and other words of similar import with- out reference to any particular section or sub~ division refer to the ordinance codified in this chapter as a whole and not to any particular section or other subdivision unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. 4. The terms defined in this section shall in~ elude the plural as well as the singular. 5. All accounting terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assigned to them in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. 6. All computations provided herein shall be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. (Ord. 1115 ~ 1.01, 1982) 13.08.020 Other defmitions. The following words shall have the following meanings; I. "Accountant" means a person who is a certified public accountant employed or retained by the city. 2. "Act" means Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 7, Part 44 as heretofore and hereafter amended or supplemented. 3. "Additional bonds" means any bonds issued pursuant to Article V of this chapter, ex~ clusive of subordinate bonds. 4. "Bonds" means all bonds issued pursuant to this chapter, including the Series 1982 bonds and any additional bonds, but exclusive of sub~ ordinate bonds. 5. "Bond counsel" means any firm of nationally recognized bond counsel experienced in matters relating to the financing of public facilities, selected by the city. 199 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.020 6. "Bond account" means the account created in Section 13.08.150. 7. "Bondholder" means the bearer of a bond. 8. "City" means the city of Bozeman, Montana, and any successor to its functions hereunder. 9. "City request," "city order" or "city con- sent" means, respectively, a written request, order or consent of the commission, signed by the manager or other official of the city desig- nated pursuant to a city resolution. 10. "City resolution" means a resolution, ordinance or other appropriate enactment by the commission certified by an appropriate of- ficial thereof to have been duly adopted by the commission and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification. 11. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. All references herein to sections of the Code are to the sections there- of as they exist on the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, but include any amendments of the provisions thereof. 12. "Commission" means the city commis- sion of the city or a successor to its functions. 13. "Construction account" means the account created in Section 13.08.130. 14. "Depreciation account" means the ac- count created in Section 13.08.160. 15. "Engineer" means an engineer or firm of engineers duly licensed in the state and experienced in the operation, design and construction of municipal water systems. 16. "Fiscal year" means the twelve-month period commencing July 1st and ending June 30th or any other twelve-month period adopted by the commission as the fiscal year of the system. 17. "FUnd" or "water fund" means the water system fund created in Section 13.08.120. 18. "Government obligations" means direct general obligations of, or obligations the prompt payment of the principal of and the interest on which are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by, the United States of America. (Bozeman 4-83) 19. "Improvements" means any additions, enlargements, improvements, extensions or alterations of or to the system as it then exists (other than the project), and shall also mean any fixtures, structures, other facilities or per- sonal property acquired or constructed by the city for use in connection with the system, 20. "Independent" when used with respect to any specified person means such a person who: a. Is in fact independent; b. Does not have any direct financial interest or any material indirect financial interest in the city, other than the payment to be received under a contract for services to be performed by such person; and c. Is not connected with the city, the city as an official, officer, employee, promoter, under- writer, trustee, affiliate or person performing similar functions. 21. "Interest payment date" means the stated maturity of an installment of interest on any of the bonds. 22. "Manager" means the city manager or a successor to his functions. 23. "Maturity" when used with respect to any bond means the date on which the principal of such bond becomes due and payable as there- in or herein provided, whether at the stated maturity or by declaration of acceleration, call for redemption or otherwise. 24. "Maximum reserve requirement" means, as of the date of calculation, an amount of money equal to the average annual principal and interest requirements on outstanding bonds for the then remaining future fiscal years during the term of the outstanding bonds or such greater amount as may be required in connec- tion with the issuance of a series of additional bonds. 25. "MBIA insurance" means a policy of insurance and all amendments thereto, if any, issued by the municipal bond insurance associa- tion with respect to the Series 1982 bonds or any series of additional bonds. e e 200 e e e e 26. "Net revenues" means the revenues of the system remaining upon each monthly ap. portionment pursuant to Section 4 hereof, after crediting to the operating account the amount required by Section 13.08.140 to be credited thereto. The net revenues for a fiscal year shall be the aggregate of the net revenues for each of the twelve months therein after appropriate adjustments and accruals, if any. 27. "Outstanding" when used with reference to bonds means, as of the date of determination, all bonds theretofore issued and delivered under this chapter except: a. Bonds theretofore cancelled by the city or delivered to the city cancelled or for cancella- tion; b. Bonds and portions of bonds for whose payment or redemption moneys or government obligations (as provided in Article VIII of this chapter) have been theretofore deposited for the holders of such bonds; provided, however, that if such bonds are to be redeemed, notice of such redemption have been duly given pursuant to this chapter or irrevocable instructions to call such bonds for redemption at a stated redemp- tion date has been given to the paying agent; and c. Bonds in exchange for or in lieu of which other bonds have been issued and delivered pursuant to this chapter; provided, however, that in detennining whether the holders of the requisite principal amount of outstanding bonds have given any request, de- mand, authorization, direction, notice, con- sent or waiver hereunder, bonds owned by the city shall be disregarded and deemed not to be outstanding. 28. "Paying agent" means any person desig- nated by or pursuant to this chapter to receive and disburse the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the bonds on behalf of the city. 29. "Person" means any individual, corpora- tion, partnership, joint venture, association, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated organization or government, or any agency or political subdivision thereof. 30. "Principal and interest requirements on 13.08.020 outstanding bonds" means, for any fiscal year, the amount required to pay the principal and the interest becoming due on all outstanding bonds during such fiscal year, to be determined on the assumption that each outstanding serial bond is to be paid on its stated maturity and each outstanding term bond is to be paid on its mandatory redemption date. 31. "Qualified investments" means those obligations and securities set forth in Section 13.08.190 hereof, in which revenues and other moneys may be invested. 32. "Rates" means the rates, fees, charges and rentals imposed by the city for connection to and for the availability, use and benefit of the system and for the purchase of water and other commodities and services provided there- by. 33. "Redemption date" when used with. respect to any bond to be redeemed means the date on which it is to be redeemed pursuant hereto. 34. "Redemption price" when used with respect to any bond to be redeemed means the price at which it is to be redeemed pursuant hereto. 35. "Reserve account" means the account created in Section 13.08.160. 36. "Series 1982 bonds" ,shall mean the five million dollar aggregate principal amount of the city's water system revenue bonds, Series 1982. 37. "Stated maturity" when used with respect to any bond or any installment of interest thereon means the date specified in such bond or the coupon representing such install- ment of interest as the fixed date on which principal of such bond or such installment of interest is due and payable. 38. "Supplemental ordinance" means any ordinance supplemental or amendatory to the ordinance codified in this chapter adopted pur- suant to Article VII of this chapter. 39. "Subordinate bonds" means bonds or obligations issued by the city pursuant to Section 13.08.230. 201 (Bozeman 4.83) 13.08.030~ 13.08.050 40. "Surplus account" means the account created in Section 13.08.180. 41. "Surplus net revenues" means the net revenues of the system remaining upon each monthly apportionment pursuant to Article IV of this chapter, after crediting to the bond acw count and reserve account the amounts required by Sections 13.08.150 and 13.08.160 to be credited thereto. 42. "System" or "water system" means the real and personal properties owned or used by the city in connection with its acquisition, treat~ ment and distribution of water, including without limitation all water rights, water storage facilities, water mains and distribution lines, water treatment and purification facilities, purifying equipment and facilities and all real and personal properties incidental thereto and used in connection therewith and all improve- ments thereto. (Ord. 1115 ~ 1.02, 1982) Article II. Findings and Authorization 13.08.030 The system. The city, pursuant to authority conferred by laws of the state has established and presently owns and operates the system. The city and the system have all necessary right and title to an adequate supply of water for its present and its projected requirements during the useful life of the project. (Ord. 1115 ~ 2.01, 1982) 13.08.040 The project. After investigation of the facts and as autho- rized by the Act, this council has determined it to be necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the city to acquire and construct the project. The project will consist of a water treat- ment plant, two major water transmission lines, water storage facilities and incidental and re- lated real and personal properties all as more fully described in plans and specifications there- for prepared by the engineer for the project. Plans and specifications for the project have been prepared and approved. The total cost of the pro)ect, including construction contracts, (Bozeman 4-83) 202 engineering, legal, consulting and administration fees and expenses, insurance premiums, reserve funds and a reasonable allowance for contingen- cies, is presently estimated to be four million seven hundred twenty thousand dollars. In addi- tion, it is estimated that an additional three hundred thousand dollars will be required to es- tablish an initial bond reserve, eighty thousand dollars will be required to pay and retire out- standing water system revenue bonds and ap- proximately one hundred sixty thousand dollars will be required to pay a premium for bond in- surance and other costs of issuance with respect to the Series 1982 bonds issued to finance pro- ject costs. The city has applied to the Montana Public Service Commission for an increase in its rates to provide sufficient revenues to pay for the increased costs arising from the project and Series 1982 bonds and has obtained approval from the Public Service Commission for such increases. AU acts of the Commission and the city and its officers and employees with respect to authorizing, construction and financing the project heretofore taken and done and not inconsistent with this chapter are hereby ratified and confirmed. (Ord. 1115 ~ 2.02, 1982) e e 13.08.050 Authority for bonds. The city is duly authorized by the Act to issue the Series 1982 bonds in the aggregate principal amount of five million dollars for the purpose of paying costs of acquiring and con- structing the project and costs and expenses incident thereto; to prescribe and collect just and equitable rates for connections to and use of the system and for services, facilities and com- modities directly or indirectly furnished thereby; and to pledge and appropriate to the payment of the bonds the net revenues to be derived from the operation of the system as set forth herein. There arc no bonds ou tstanding which are payable from or constitute a lien against the net revenues of the system except eighty thousand dollars of water revenue bonds due and payable in the principal amount of fifty thousand dollars on July 1 st in the years 1983 e e e e and 1984. The city shall deposit in escrow with the paying agent for the outstanding bonds an amount of cash or cash and qualified securities sufficient to pay and redeem the bonds on July 1, 1983, and shall take all required action to call for redemption and prepay the bonds on said date. The clerk, director of fmance and mayor are authorized and directed to call the outstanding bonds for redemption and execute and enter into instruments with respect thereto. The useful life of the system, as improved by the project, is greater than the term of the Series 1982 bonds. (Ord. 1115 ~ 2.03, 1982) 13.08.060 Issuance and sale of series 1982 bonds. The Series 1982 bonds shall be offered for sale at public, competitive sale in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Upon the sale of the Series 1982 bonds, the city shall, pur- suant to and in accordance with this chapter, issue the Series 1982 bonds in the aggregate Year Serial Number Amount 1983 $ 90,000 1984 100,000 1985 115,000 1986 125,000 1987 140,000 1988 155,000 1989 170,000 1990 185,000 1991 205,000 1992 225,000 (Ord. 1115 ~ 3.01,1982) 13.08.060-13.08.070 principal amount of five million dollars for the purpose of paying costs of the project. Costs of the project in excess of the proceeds of the Series 1982 bonds available therefor will be pay- a ble from investment income and other avail- able funds of the system. (Ord. 1115 ~ 2.04, 1982) Article III. Series 1982 Bonds 13.08.070 Date, amount, denomination and maturity . The Series 1982 bonds shall be in the aggre- gate principal amount of five million dollars, shall be designated water system revenue bonds, Series 1982, shall be dated as of Decem ber I, 1982, shall be one thousand in number and numbered from one through one thousand, in the denomination of five thousand dollars each and shall have stated maturities of December 1st in the years and amounts as follows: Serial Year Amount Number 1993 $250,000 1994 280,000 1995 305,000 1996 340,000 1997 375,000 1998 415,000 1999 460,000 2000 505,000 2001 560,000 203 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.080-13.08.105 13.08.080 Interest. The Series 1982 bonds shall bear interest payable on each June 1st and December 1st, commencing June 1, 1983 at the rate or rates per annum designated by the original purchaser thereof and approved by municipal resolution. (Ord. 1115 ~ 3.02, 1982) 13.08.090 Redemption. A. Series 1982 bonds maturing in the years 1983 through 1992 shall be payable on their respective stated maturities without option of prior payment, but those having stated maturities dates in the years 1993 through 2001 shall each be subject to redemption and pre~ payment at the option of the city, in inverse order of serial numbers, on December I, 1992, and any interest payment date thereafter, at the redemption prices (expressed as a percentage of the principal amount of each such bond to be redeemed) set forth below opposite the respec. tive redemption dates of redemption plus accrued interest ot the redemption date, as follows: Redemption Date Decem ber 1, 1992 through June 1, 1997 December 1,1997 and thereafter Redemption Price 101% 100% B. Not less than thirty days before the date specified for redemption of any bond, notice of the call thereof shall be mailed by the city director of finance, by registered mail, to the holder, if known, to the original purchaser of the Series 1982 bonds and to the paying agent therefor, and shall also be published in one issue of the official newspaper of the city and in one issue of The Bond Buyer published in New York, New York. The city director of finance is directed to maintain a record of the names and addresses of the holders of the prepayable Series 1982 bonds so far as such information is made available to him, for the purpose of mailing such notices. (Ord. 1115 ~ 3.03, 1982) (Bozeman 4-83) 204 13.08.100 Payment. The principal of and interest on the Series 1982 bonds shall be payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. The princi- pal of and interest on the Series 1982 bonds shall be payable at a paying agent designated by the original purchaser thereof and approved by city resolution, or any successor paying agent designated in accordance with law. The city shall pay the reasonable charges and expenses of the paying agent. (Ord. IllS ~ 3.04, 1982) e 13.08.105 Form. The Series 1982 bonds and the interest coupons appurtenant thereto shall be in sub~ stantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF GALLATIN CITY OF BOZEMAN e WATER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND, SERIES 1982 No. $5,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Bozeman (the City), a duly organized municipal corporation of Gallatin County, Montana, for value received promises to pay to bearer, solely from the Bond Account of its Water System Fund, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the 1st day of December, 19_, or, if this Bond is prepayab1e as stated below, on a date prior thereto on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, and to pay interest on said principal sum from said ac- count from the date hereof until the principal sum is paid or, if this Bond is prepayable, until it has been duly called for redemption, at the rate of percent e e e e ( %) per annum, payable semiannually on June 1 and December 1 in each year, commencing June 1, 1983, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant hereto. Both principal and interest are payable at in or a duly appointed successor paying agent, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of pay- ment is legal tender for public and private debts. This Bond is one of an issue in the principal amount of $5,000,000 (the Series 1982 Bonds), all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, interest rate, maturity date and redemption privilege, issued for the pur- pose of providing money to finance the con- struction of improvements (the Project) to the City's municipal water system (the Water System) and to refund outstanding water system revenue bonds pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Montana and the resolutions of said City thereunto enabling, including Title 7, Chapter 7, Part 44, Montana Code Annotated, and Ordinance No. of the City, duly enacted on (the Authorizing Ordi- nance). The Series 1982 Bonds maturing in the years 1983 through 1992 are payable on their respective Stated Maturities without option of prior payment, but those having Stated Maturities in the years 1993 through 200 I are each subject to redemption and prepay- ment at the option of the City, in inverse order of serial numbers, on December 1, 1992, and any Interest Payment Date there- after, at the Redemption Prices (expressed as a percentage of the principal amount of each such bond to be redeemed) set forth below opposite the respective Redemption Dates plus accrued interest to the Redemption Dates as follows: 13.08.105 Redemption Date December I, 1992 through June 1, 1997 December 1, 1997 and thereafter Redemption Price 101% 100 Not less than 30 days before the date specified for redemption of any Bond, notice of the call thereof shall be mailed by the City Director of Finance, by registered mail, to the Holder, if known, to the Original Purchaser of the Series 1982 Bonds and to the Paying Agent therefor, and shall also be pub- lished in one issue of the official newspaper of the City and in one issue of The Bond Buyer published in New York, New York. The City Director of Finance is director to maintain a record of the names and addresses of the Holders of the prepayable Series 1982 Bonds so far as such information is made available to him, for the purpose of mailing such notices. IT IS CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVE- NANTED AND AGREED that the City has duly authorized and will forthwith con- struct and complete the construction of the Project, has fixed and established and will collect reasonable rates and charges for the services and facilities afforded by the System, in accordance with and subject to the regula- tions of the Montana Public Service Commis- sion, and has created a special Water System Fund into which the gross revenues of the Water System, including all additions thereto and replacements and improvements thereof, will be paid, and a separate and special Bond Account in that fund, into which will be paid each month, from and as a first and prior lien on the Net Revenues of the Water System an amount which is equal to not less than the sum of one-sixth of the interest due within the next six months and one-twelfth of the principal due within the next twelve months with respect to all outstanding Bonds payable from that account, and into which shall be paid additional Net Revenues sufficient to 205 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.105 accumulate and maintain a reserve therein equal to the average annual amount of princi- pal and interest to fall due within any subsequent fiscal year on all such Bonds; that the Bond Account will be used only to pay the principal of and interest on Bonds issued pursuant to the authority herein recited; that the rates and charges for the Water System will from time to time be made and kept sufficient to provide gross income and revenues adequate to pay promptly the reasonable and current expenses of operating and maintaining the Water System and to produce in each fiscal year Net Revenues in excess of such current expenes equal to 125% of the maximum amount of principal and interest payable from the Revenue Bond account in any subsequent fiscal year; that additional Bonds and refunding Bonds may be issued and made payable from the Revenue Bond Account on a parity with the Series 1982 Bonds upon certain conditions set forth in the Authorizing Ordinance but no obliga- tion will be otherwise incurred and made pay- able from the Net Revenues of the Water System, whether or not such obligation shall also constitute a general obligation and in- debtedness of the City, unless the lien thereof shall be expressly made subordinate to the lien of the Series 1982 Bonds and parity Bonds on such Net Revenues; that all pro- visions for the security of the holder of this Bond set forth in the Authorizing Ordi- nance will be punctually and faithfully per- formed as therein stipulated; that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Montana and the ordinances and resolu tions of the City to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed in order to make this Bond a valid and binding special obligation of the City according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required; and that this Bond and the interest hereon are payable solely from the Net Revenues of the Water System (Bozeman 4.83) pledged and appropriated to the Revenue Bond Account and do not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or pro- vision and the issuance of this Bond does not cause either the general or the special indebtedness of the City to exceed any con- stitutional or statutory limitation. [To be inserted if appropriate] [The payment of the principal and interest on the Series 1982 Bonds, as due in accordance with their respective terms, with- out regard to any acceleration thereof, is guaranteed by the Municipal Bonds Insurance Associations pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and provisions of a policy of insurance - Policy No. a copy of which is on file with the paying agent. ] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, by its City Commission, has caused this Bond and the certificate on the reverse side hereof and the coupons appurtenant hereto to be executed in its behalf by the signatures of the Mayor, Clerk of Commission and Director of Finance, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, all of such signatures being authentic facsimiles authorized by the officers to be printed hereon, except for the manual signa- ture of one officer on the face of this Bond, and has caused this Bond to be dated as of June I, 1982. e e Mayor Coun tersigned: Director of Finance Attest: Clerk of Commission (SEAL) e 206 e e e (Form of Coupon) No. $ On the I st day of June (Decem ber), 19_, unless the Bond described below is subject to and has been called for earlier redemption, the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, will pay to bearer , in , from the Bond Account in its Water System Fund, the amount shown hereon in lawful money of the United States of America for interest then due on its Water System Revenue Bond, Series 1982, dated June 1, 1982, No. (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) Director of Finance Clerk of Commission (Facsimile signature) Mayor (Form of certificate to be printed on the reverse side of each Bond, following a full copy of the legal opinion on the issue) We certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of the legal opinion rendered by Bond Counsel, on the issue of Bonds of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, which includes the within Bond, dated as of the date of delivery of and payment for the Bonds. (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) Director of Finance Clerk of Commission (Facsimile signature) Mayor (Ord. 1115 ~ 3.05, 1982) 13.08.110 Preparation and delivery. The Series 1982 bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the director of finance, and shall be executed on behalf of the city by the signature of the mayor, countersigned by the director of finance, and attested by the clerk of commission; provided, that the signature of two of such oftlcers may be a printed facsimile there- . 13.08.110-13.08.120 of. The interest coupons appurtenant to the Series 1982 bonds shall be executed and authen- ticated by the printed facsimile signatures of such officers, and on the reverse side of each bond shall be printed a copy of the legal opinion to be rendered by the bond counsel, authenti- cated by the certificate and facsimile signatures of such officers. The Series 1982 bonds shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the city, which may be printed thereon. After registering the Series 1982 bonds in the manner specified in Section 7-7-4257, Montana Code Annotated, the director of finance shall cause them to be delivered to the original purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchase price as specified in the contract of sale, and the original purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application of the purchase price. (Ord. 1115 ~ 3.06, 1982) Article IV. Water System Fund 13.08.120 Bond proceeds and revenues pledged and appropriated. The water system fund is hereby cfeated and shall be maintained as a separate and special bookkeeping account on the official books of the city until all bonds issued hereunder and interest and redemption premiums due thereon have been fully paid, or the city's obligations with reference to such bonds has been dis- charged as provided in this chapter. All proceeds of bonds issued hereunder and all other funds from the system hereafter received or appro- priated fOf purposes of the system are appro- priated to this fund. All revenues derived from the system are irrevocably pledged and appro- priated and shall be credited to the fund as received. All revenues of the system on hand in the city's existing water system fund as of December 1, 1982, exclusive of revenues appro- priated and pledged to the payment and defeasance of the city's outstanding water revenue bonds, shall be pledged, appropriated and credited to the fund. The fund shall be sub- divided into separate accounts as designated and described in Sections 13.08.130 and 13.08.170, 207 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.130-13.08.150 to segregate income and expenses received, paid and accrued for the respective purposes described in those sections. The revenues re- ceived in this fund shall be apportioned monthly, commencing December 1, 1982. (Ord. 1115 ~ 3.07,1982) 13.08.130 Construction account. The construction account shall be used only to pay as incurred and allowed costs which under generally accepted accounting principles are capital costs of the project, and of such future improvements as may be authorized in accordance with law, including but not limited to payments due for work and materials per- formed and delivered under construction con- tracts, architectural, engineering, inspection, supervision, fiscal and legal expenses, the cost of lands and easements, interest accruing on bonds issued hereunder during the period of construc~ tion of the project and the improvements financed thereby and for six months thereafter, if and to the extent that the bond account is not sufficient for payment of such interest, rei1n. bursement of any advances made from other city funds, and all other expenses incurred in connection with the construction and fmancing of the project or any such improvement. To the construction account shall be credited as received all proceeds of bonds issued hereunder (except proceeds of additional bonds appro- priated to refund outstanding bonds or appro- priated to another account in the fund), amounts appropriated by the city for the project, and all income received from the investment of the construction account. (Ord. 1115 ~ 4.02, 1982) 13.08.140 Operating account. On each monthly apportionment there shall first be set aside and credited to the operating account, as a first charge on the revenues, such amount as may be required over and above the balance then held in the account to pay the reasonable and necessary operating expenses of the system which are then due and payable, or are to be paid prior to the next monthly apportionment. The term "operating expenses" (Bozeman 4-83) 208 means the current expenses, paid or accrued, of operation, maintenance and current repair of the system, as calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and shall include, without limitation, administrative expenses of the city relating solely to the system, premiums for insurance on the properties thereof, labor and the cost of materials and supplies used for current operation and for maintenance, and charges for the accumulation of appropriate reserves for current expenses which are not recurrent monthly but may reasonably be expected to be incurred. Such expenses shall not include any allowance for depreciation or renewals or replacements of capital assets of the system or interest expense and shall not include any portion of the salaries or wages paid to any officer or employee of the city, except such portion as shall represent reasonable compensation for the performance of duties necessary to the operation of the system. There shall also be credited to this account upon the delivery of the Series 1982 bonds and from available funds other than the proceeds therefrom a sum equal to the estimated average monthly operating expenses of the system to establish an operating reserve, which sum shall be maintained by additional transfers upon each monthly apportionment whenever necessary, or may be augmented by transfers of additional amounts from the surplus account described below if determined by the city commission to be necessary to meet contingencies arising in the operation and maintenance of the system. Moneys in the operating account shall be used solely for the payment of current operating ex- penses of the system, as herein defined. (Ord. 1115 ~ 4.03,1982) e e 13.08.150 Bond account. Upon each monthly apportionment there shall be set aside and credited to the revenue bond account out of the net revenues an amount equal to not less than the sum of one- sixth of the interest due within the next six months plus one-twelfth of the principal to e .. e e e become due. within the next twelve months with respect to all outstanding bonds. Moneys from time to time held in the bond account shall be disbursed only to meet payments of principal and interest on bonds as such payments become due; provided, that on any date when all outstanding bonds are due or prepayable by their terms, if the amount then on hand in the bond account is sufficient with other moneys available for the purpose to pay all such bonds and the interest accrued thereon in full, it may be used for that purpose. If any payment of principal or interest becomes due when moneys in the bond account are temporarily insufficient therefor, such payment shall be advanced out of any net revenues theretofore segregated and then on hand in the depreciation account or the surplus account or the reserve account in said order. (Ord. 111 5 ~ 4.04, 1982) 13.08.160 Reserve account. Upon receipt and from the proceeds of the Series 1982 bonds the city shall credit to the reserve account the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. Thereafter, upon each monthly appor- tionment, from the net revenues remaining after the credit therefrom to the bond account, the city shall credit the revenue account an amount equal to one-thirty-sixth of the difference between the maximum reserve requirement and three hundred thousand dollars until the balance in the reserve account equals the maximum reserve requirement. Thereafter the city shall maintain the same by crediting on each monthly apportionment to the reserve account from the net revenues remaining after the credit to the bond account. Amounts on hand in the reserve account shall be transferred by the city to the bond account if on any interest payment date the amount then on hand in the bond account, after transfers from the depreciation account and surplus account, is not sufficient to pay the principal and interest then due, whether at maturity or upon redemption or by acceleration. If not used for that purpose, the city shall hold the reserve account in trust to be applied toward 13.08.160-13.08.180 payment of the final payment or toward redemption or defeasance of outstanding bonds when bonds are by their terms redeemable or defeasable and all of the outstanding bonds are to be redeemed or defeased and paid in full. (Ord. 1115 ~ 4.05, 1982) 13.08.170 Depreciation account. There shall next be credited, upon each monthly apportionment, to the depreciation account such portion of the surplus net revenues as the commission shall determine for deprecia- tion of the system and for replacement or re- newal of worn out, obsolete or damaged prop- erties and equipment thereof. Moneys in this account shall be used only for the purposes above stated or, if so directed by the commis- sion, to redeem bonds which are prepay able according to their terms, to pay principal or interest when due thereon as required in Section 13.08.150, or to pay the cost of improvements to the system; provided, that in the event of financing the construction and installation of additional improvements or additions to the water system other than from proceeds of bonds payable from the bonds account, surplus net revenues from time to time received may be segregated and paid into one or more separate and additional accounts prior to the payment required to be made into the depreciation ac- count. (Ord. 111 5 ~ 4.06, 1982) 13.08.180 Surplus account. A. Any amount of the surplus net revenues from time to time remaining after the above required applications thereof shall be credited to the surplus account, and the moneys from time to time in that account, when not required to restore a current deficiency in the bond account as provided in Section 13.08.150, may be used for any of the following purposes and otherwise: 1. To redeem and prepay bonds payable from the net revenues when and as such bonds become prepayable according to their terms; or 209 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.190-13.08.210 2. To purchase bonds on the open market, whether or not the bonds may then be prepay- able according to their terms; or 3. To be held as a reserve for redemption and prepayment of bonds payable from the net revenues which are not then but will later be prepayable according to their terms; or 4. To pay for repairs of or for the construc- tion and installation of improvements to the system; or S. To restore the operating reserve or in- crease the same when determined to be neces- sary by the commission. B. No moneys shall at any time be trans- ferred from the surplus account or any other account of the fund to any other fund of the city, nor shall such moneys at any time be loaned to other municipal funds or invested in warrants, special improvement bonds or other obligations payable from other funds, except as provided in Section 13.08.190. (Ord. 1115 ~ 4.07, 1982) 13.08.190 Deposit and investment of funds. The director of finance shall cause all moneys pertaining to the fund to be deposited as received with one or more depository banks duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-7-201, Montana Code Annotated, in a deposit account or accounts. The balance in such accounts, except such portion thereof as shall be guaranteed by federal deposit insurance, shall at all times be secured to its full amount by bonds or securities of the types set forth in said Section 7-7-201. Any of such moneys not neces- sary for immediate use may be deposited with such depository banks in savings or time deposits. No moneys shall at any time be with- drawn from such deposit accounts except for the purposes of the fund as defined and authorized in this chapter; except that moneys from time to time on hand in the fund may at any time, in the discretion of the commission, be invested in government obligations, bank repurchase agreements with respect to such obligations or certificates of deposits of national (Bozeman 4-83) 210 banks having a combined capital and surplus of at least one million dollars maturing and bear- ing interest at the times and in the amounts esti- mated to be required to provide cash when needed for the purposes of the respective ac- counts; provided, that the reserve account, the depreciation account and the surplus account may be invested in government obligations maturing not later than five years from the date of the investment. Income received from the deposit or investment of moneys in said accounts shall be credited to the account from whose moneys the deposit was made or the invest- ment was purchased, and handled and accounted for in the same manner as other moneys in that account. (Ord. 1115 ~ 4.08, 1982) e Article V. Priorities and Additional Bonds 13.08.200 Priority of bond payments. Each and all of the bonds shall be equally and ratably secured by and payable out of the net revenues without preference or priority of anyone bond over any other by reason of serial number or otherwise; provided, thatifat any time the net revenues on hand in the fund are insuf- ficient to pay principal and interest then due on all such bonds, any and all moneys then on hand shall be first used to pay the interest accrued on all outstanding bonds, and the balance shall be applied toward payment of the maturing principal of such bonds to be paid first, and pro rata in payment of bonds maturing on the same date. (Ord. 1115 ~ 5.01, 1982) e 13.08.210 Additional refunding bonds. The city reserves the right and privilege of refunding any or all of the bonds herein authorized and referred to, but only subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Any matured bonds may be refunded if moneys available for the payment thereof at maturity, within the limitation prescribed in Section 13.08.120, should at any time be insufficient to make such payment in full. e e e e B. Any bonds may be refunded prior to maturity-, as and when they become prepay able according to their terms. C. Provision may be made for 'the payment and refunding of any unmatured bonds by the deposit with a duly qualified depository bank, as escrow agent, of cash sufficient, or of securities of the kinds authorized by law, the agreed pay- ments of interest and principal with respect to which are sufficient, to pay the principal amount of such bonds with interest to maturity or to any prior date or dates on which they have been duly called for redemption, and any premium required for such redemption. D. Any refunding bonds issued for the above purposes may be made payable from the net revenues on a parity with all then outstanding bonds, provided that: I. The maturity of each refunding bond shall be subsequent to the last maturity of any then outstanding bonds which are not refunded or to be refunded out of moneys on deposit with such escrow agent; and 2. No bondholder shall be required to accept a refunding bond in exchange for any bond owned by him. (Ord. 1115 @ 5.02, 1982) 13.08.220 Additional bonds. A. The city reserves the right to issue addi. tional bonds for the purpose of financing costs of improvements (including the project), includ- ing reserve requirements and financing costs with respect thereto, payable from the bond account of the fund, on a parity as to both principal and interest with the Series 1982 bonds and other additional bonds, if: 1. The net revenues for the last complete fiscal year preceding the issuance of such addi- tional bonds have equaled at least one hundred twenty-five percent of the maximum principal and interest requirements on outstanding bonds and the additional bonds; in any subsequent fiscal year during the term of the outstanding bonds; 2. The balance in the reserve account is increased to the maximum reserve requirement 13.08.220-13.08.230 with respect to the outstanding bonds and addi- tional bonds from the proceeds of the additional bonds or from net revenues within thirty-six months from the issuance of the additional bonds; and 3. An opinion of bond counsel is obtained to the effect that the issuance of the additional bonds will not cause interest on the outstanding bonds to become subject to federal income taxa- tion. B.For the purpose of the foregoing computa- tion, the net revenues for the fiscal year preced- ing the issuance of additional bonds shall be those shown by the financial reports caused to be prepared by the city pursuant to Section 13.08.290, except that if the rates for services provided by the system have been changed since the beginning of such preceding fiscal year, then the rates in effect at the time of issuance of the additional bonds or finally authorized to go into effect within sixty days thereof shall be applied to the quantities of service actually rendered and made available during such preced- ing fiscal year to ascertain the revenues, from which there shall be deducted to determine the net revenues, the actual operating costs plus any additional annual operating costs of which an independent engineer estimates will be in- curred because of the improvements of the system to be constructed from the proceeds of the additional bonds proposed to be issued. In no event shall any additional bonds be issued bond account if the city is then in default in any payment of principal or interest on any out- standing bonds or if there then exists any deficiency in the balances required by this chapter to be maintained in any of the accounts of the fund which will not be corrected upon the issuance of the additional bonds. (Ord. 1115 @ 5.03, 1982) 13.08.230 Subordinate bonds. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the city from issuing bonds or obligations which are expressly made a charge on only the surplus 210-1 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.240~ 13.08.270 net revenues subordinate to the pledge of net revenues to the bond account. (Ord. 1115 @ 5.04, 1982) Article VI. Covenants 13.08.240 General. The city covenants and agrees with the holders from time to time of all bonds that the recitals contained in Article I of this chapter are correct; and that until all bonds are fully discharged as provided in this chapter, it will continue to hold, maintain and operate the sys- tem as a public utility and convenience, free from all liens thereon or on the revenues other than the liens herein granted or provided for, and will maintain, expend and account for the fund and the several accounts therein as provided in Article IV of this chapter, and will not incur a further lien or charge on the revenues of the system except upon the condi- tions and in the manner prescribed in Article V of this chapter, and will perform and cause all other officers and employees of the city, to perform and enforce each and all of the addi- tional convenants and agreements set forth in this article; and that it will complete the con- struction, furnishing and equipping of the pro- ject and all other improvements as expeditiously as practical. (Ord. 1115 @ 6.01, 1982) 13.08.250 Competing service. The city will not establish or authorize the establishment of any other system for the public supply of service or services in competition with any or all of the services supplied by the system. (Ord. 1115 @ 6.02, 1982) 13.08.260 Property insurance. The city will cause all buildings, properties, fixtures and equipment constituting a part of the system to be kept insured with a reputable in- surance carrier or carriers, qualified under the laws of Montana, in such amounts as are ordinarily carried, and against loss or damage by fire, explosion, and such other hazards and risks (Bozeman 4-83) as are ordinarily insured against, by public utilities owning and operating properties of a similar character and size; provided, that if at any time the city is unable to obtain insurance, it will obtain insurance in such amounts and against risks are reasonable obtainable. The pro- ceeds of all such insurance are duly appro~ priated to the construction account and shall be available and used for the repair, replacement and reconstruction of damaged Of destoryed property, and until paid out in making good such loss or damage, are pledged as security for the outstanding bonds. All insurance proceeds received in excess of the amount fequired for restoration of the loss or damage compensated thereby shall be and become part of the revenues appropriated to the fund. If for any reason insurance proceeds are insufficient for the repair, replacement and reconstruction of the insured property, the city shall supply the deficiency from revenues on hand in the depreciation account and surplus account. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.03, 1982) e e 13.08.270 Liability insurance and surety bonds. The city will carry insurance against liability of the city and its employees for damage to persons and property resulting from the opera- tion of the system in such amounts as the city determines from time to time to be necessary or advisable by reason of the character and ex- tent of such operation. It will also cause all persons handling money and other assets of the fund to be adequately bonded for the faithful perfonnance of their duties and to account for and pay over such money to the city. All amounts received under such insurance and bonds shall be applied to the payment of the loss or damage covered thereby. The premiums for all insurance and bonds required by this sec- tion and Section 13.08.260 constitute part of the operating expenses of the _system, but no insurance liabilities of the city in excess of amounts received under such insurance and bonds shall constitute a lien or charge on e 210-2 e e e revenues or any other assets herein or otherwise pledged to the fund. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.04, 1982) 13.08.280 Disposition of property. The city will not mortgage, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of any real or personal prop~ erties of the system, unless: A. Prior to or simultaneous with such mort~ gage, lease, sale or other disposition, all of the bonds issued hereunder and then outstanding shall be discharged as provided in Article VII of this chapter; or B. 1. The properties to be mortgaged, leased, sold or otherwise disposed of are unserviceable, inadequate, obsolete or no longer required for use in connection with the system; 2. The mortgage, lease, sale or other disposi- tion will not prevent the city from complying with the provisions of this resolution; and 3. All proceeds of the mortgage, lease, sale or other disposition of such properties are deposited into the fund. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.05, 1982) 13.08.290 Books and records. The city will cause proper and adequate books .of record and account to be kept showing complete and correct entries of aU receipts, disbursements and other transactions relating to the system, the monthly gross revenues derived from its operation, and the segregation and application of the gross revenues in accor- dance with this chapter, in such reasonable de~ tail as may be determined by the city in accor~ dance with generally accepted accounting prac- tices and principles. It will cause such books to be maintained on the basis of the same fiscal year as that utilized by the city. The city shall have prepared and supplied to the original purchasers and paying agents, within one hundred twenty days of the close of each fiscal year, an audit report prepared by an indepen. dent accountant in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles with respect to the financial statements and records of the system which report shall, in addition to 13.08.280-13.08.300 other information deemed appropriate by the independent accountant, contain the following information: r. A statement in detail of the income and expenditures of the system for the tlscal year, identifying capital expenditures and separating them from operating expenditures; 2. A balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year; 3. The number of premises connected to the system at the end of the fiscal year; 4. The amount on hand in each account of the fund at the end of the fiscal year; S. A list of the insurance policies and fidelity bonds in force at the end of the fiscal year, setting out as to each the amount thereof, the risks covered thereby, the name of the insurer or surety and the expiration date of the policy or bond; and 6. A determination that the report shows full compliance by the city with the provisions of this chapter during the fiscal year covered there~ by, including proper segregation of the capital expenditures from operating expenses, main- tenance of the required balance in the bond ac~ count, and receipt of net revenue during each fiscal year at least equal to one hundred twenty- five percent of the maximum principal and interest requirements in or, if the report should reveal that the revenues and net revenue have been insufficient for compliance with this chap~ ter, or that the methods used in accounting for such revenues or net revenues were contrary to any provision of this chapter, the report shall include a full explanation thereof, together with recommendations for such changes in rates accounting practices or in the operation of the system as may be required. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.06, 1982) 13.08.300 Cost of insurance and accounting. The insurance and fidelity bond premiums and the cost of the bookkeeping and audits herein provided for and of the billings and collection of the rates, shall be payable from the operating account. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.07, 1982) 210-3 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.310-13.08.340 13.08.310 Handling offunds. The employees of the city, under the direc- tion and control of the manager, shall keep books of account, issue statements and collect bills for the rates and for other money currently receivable on account of the system and shall, to the extent required by Section 13.08.330 provide for the discontinuance of service in case of nonpayment for services or noncom- pliance with regulations. All money collected with respect to the system shall be deposited daily with the director of finance. The director of finance shall be bonded at all times with a surety company authorized to do business in Montana, in the amount of at least five thousand dollars, to assure the faithful carrying out of such duties. Any failure on the part of the director of finance to comply and to enforce compliance on the part of all officers and em- ployees concerned with the provisions of this chapter shall constitute malfeasance for which the director of finance and the surety on his bond shall be personally liable. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.08, 1982) 13.08.320 Rules and regulations. The rules and regulations for operation of the system and the use of water service from the system shall be as provided in the existing city resolutions, and any city resolutions sub- sequently adopted amendatory thereof or sup- plemental thereto, all, however, consistent with the terms and provisions of this chapter and pru- dent practices and procedures for the operation of a public water utility of the size and character of the system. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.09, 1982) 13.08.330 Billing. The charges for water services will be billed at least monthly, and if the bill is not paid within ninety days of the date of billing, or if the customer. fails to comply with all rules and regulations established for the system within ninety days after notice of violation thereof (which notice shall be given promptly upon dis~ covery of any such violation), the service to the (Bozeman 4.83) premises involved shall be discontinued and shall not be resumed until payment of all past-due bills for water service and compliance with all such rules and regulations. The city shall take appropriate legal action to collect the unpaid charges, including, to the extent now or here. after authorized by law, making the charge a lien against the real property served by the water connection for which the charge remains unpaid and causing charges with respect to such prop- erties to be collected in the same manner as taxes levied against property within the city. (Ord. 111S~ 6.10, 1982) e 13.08.340 Rate covenant. A. While any bonds payable from the revenue bond account are outstanding and unpaid, the rates for all services and facilities furnished and made available by the system to the city and its inhabitants, and to all customers within or with- out the boundaries of the city, shall be reason- able and just, taking into consideration the cost and value of the system and the cost of main- taining and operating them, and the amounts necessary for the payment of all bonds and the accruing interest thereon, and the proper and necessary allowances for the depreciation of the water system, and no free service shall be provided to any person or corporation. It is covenanted and agreed that the rates, charges and rentals to be charged to all recipients of water services shall be maintained and shall be revised, subject to any required approval and regulation by the Public Service Commission of the state, whenever and so often as may be necessary, according to schedules such that the revenues therefrom will be at least sufficient to pay the current operating expenses, to main- tain the operating reserve established, and to produce net revenues during each fiscal year commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983, not less than one hundred twenty- five percent of the sum of the maximum princi- pal and interest requirements on outstanding bonds during any subsequent fiscal year. B. If at the close of any fiscal year the net revenues have been less than required hereby, e e 210-4 e e e the city will prepare a schedule of altered rates which are just and equitable and sufficient to produce net revenues in such amount, and will do all things necessary to the end that such schedule will be placed in operation at the earliest possible date. C. The establishment of a ratio of net reve- nues at least equal to one hundred twenty-five percent of the sum of the maximum principal and interest requirements on outstanding bonds has been deemed necessary in order to sell the bonds upon terms most advantageous to the city. The excess of the net revenues may be used as authorized in Article IV of this chapter. The bonds may be prepaid according to their terms on and after Decem ber 1, 1992, and in the esti- mation of the commission any excess, prior to that date, of net revenues will be needed to pay or to provide reserves for payment of replace- ments, renewals and improvement costs, in order' to provide adequate service for the present population and the increase thereof reasonably to be expected; and after that date, any excess not required for such purposes in the judgment of the commission may be used to prepay bonds and thereby reduce the interest cost thereon to the city and to the persons served by the system. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.11,1982) 13.08.350 Independent engineer. If the commission defaults in its obligations hereunder, or if additional bonds for improve- ments are to be issued, the commission will retain an independent engineer to advise it. In the event the city defaults in the payment of principal or interest on any bonds or fails for two consecutive years to meet the requirements of Section 13.08.340, the independent engineer shall prepare a report based upon a survey of the system and the operation and maintenance thereof. Such report shall, in addition to such other information and recommendations as the independent engineer may determine to include or the commission may request, include the independent engineer's comments regarding the manner in which the commission has carried 13.08.350-13.08.360 out the requirements of this chapter, and re- garding any change or improvement which should in his opinion be made in the operation of the system. Copies of such reports shall be made available upon request to bondholders. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.12, 1982) 13.08.360 Remedies. The holders of not less than twenty-five per- cent in principal amount of the outstanding bonds issued and secured under the provisions of this chapter shall have the right, either at law or in equity, by suit, action or other pro- ceedings, to protect and enforce the rights of all holders of such bonds and to compel the performance of any and all of the covenants required herein to be performed by the city, and its officers and employees, including but not limited to the fixing and maintaining of rates and the collection and proper segregation of revenues and the application and use thereof. The holders of a majority in principal amount of such outstanding bonds shall have the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the bondholders or the exercise of any power con- ferred on them, and the right to waive a default in the performance of any such covenant, and its consequences, except a default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any bond when due. However, nothing herein shall impair the absolute and unconditional right of the holder of each such bond to receive payment of the principal of and interest on such bond as such principal and interest respectively become due, and to institute suit for any such payment. Any court having jursdiction of the action may appoint a receiver to administer the system on behalf of the city with power to charge and collect rates sufficient to provide for the pay- ment of any bonds or other obligations outstanding against the system, and to apply the revenues in conformity with this chapter and the laws of the state. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.13, 1982) 210-5 (Bozeman 4-83) 13.08.370-13.08.400 13.08.370 MBIA insurance. The city will keep, perform and observe each of its obligations under and with respect to the MBIA insurance. (Ord. 1115 ~ 6.14, 1982) Article VII. Amendments 13.08.380 Amendments without bondholder consen t. The city reserves the right to amend the ordi- nance codified in this chapter from time to time and at any time, for the purpose of curing any ambiguity or of curing, correcting or supple- menting any defective provision contained here- in, or of making such provisions with regard to matters or questions arising hereunder as the commission may deem necessary or desirable and not inconsistent with this chapter, and which shall not adversely affect the interest of the holders of bonds issued hereunder, or for the purpose of adding to the covenants and agreements herein contained, or to the revenues herein pledged, other covenants and agree- ments thereafter to be observed and additional revenues thereafter appropriated to the fund, for the purpose of surrendering any right or power herein reserved to or conferred upon the city or for the purpose of authorizing the issuance of additional bonds in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in Article V of this chapter. Any such amend. ment may be adopted by supplemental ordi- nance, without the consent of the holders of any of the bonds issued hereunder. (Ord. 1115 ~ 7.01, 1982) 13.08.390 Amendments with bondholder consent. With the consent of holders of bonds issued hereunder as provided in Section 13.08.400, the city may from time to time and at any time amend the ordinance codified in tHis chapter by adding any provisions hereto or changing in any manner or eliminating any of the provisions hereof, or of any supplemental ordinance, except that no amendment shall be adopted at (Bozeman 4-83) any time without the consent of the holders of all bonds issued hereunder which are then out- standing, if it would extend the maturities of any such bonds, would reduce the rate or extend the time of payment of interest thereon, would reduce the amount or extend the time of pay- ment of the principal or redemption premium thereof, would give to any bond or bonds any privileges over any other bond or bonds, would reduce the sources of revenues appropriated to the fund, would authorize the creation of a pledge of said revenues prior to or on a parity with the bonds (except as is authorized by Article V hereof), or would reduce the percent- age in principal amount of such bonds required to authorize or consent to any such amendment. (Ord. 1115 ~ 7.02, 1982) e 13.08.400 Notice and consent. Any amendment adopted pursuant to Section 13.08.390 shall be made by ordinance, notice of which shall be published in a financial news- paper of national circulation published in New York, New York, and shall become effective only upon the filing of written consents with the clerk, signed by the holders of not less than two- thirds in principal amount of the bonds issued hereunder which are then outstanding or, in the case of an amendment not affecting all outstand- ing bonds, by the holders of not less than two- thirds in principal amount of the bonds adversely affected by such amendment. Any written consent to an amendment may be embodied in and evidenced by one or any number of concurrent written instruments of substantially similar tenor signed by bond- holders in person or by agent duly appointed in writing, and shall become effective when de- livered to the clerk. Any consent by the holder of the same bond with respect to any amend- ment adopted by the city to such consent, provided that any bondholder may revoke his consent with reference to any bond by written notice received by the clerk before the amend- ment has become effective. In the event that un. revoked consents of the holders of the required e e 210-6 e e e amount of bonds have not been received by the clerk within one year after the publication of any amendment, the amendment and all consents theretofore received shall be of no futher force and effect. (Ord. 1115 ~ 7.03, 1982) 13.08.410 Proof. Proof of the execution of any consent, or of a writing appointing any agent to execute the same, or of the ownership by any person of bonds, shall be sufficient for any purpose of this chapter and shall be conclusive in favor of the city if made in the manner provided in this sec- tion. The fact and date of the execution by any person of any such consent or appointment may be proved by the affidavit of a witness of such execution or by the certificate of any notary public or other officer authorized by law to take acknowledgments of deeds, certifying that the person signing it acknowledged to him the execution thereof. The amount of bonds held by any person by or for whom a consent is given, and the distinguishing numbers of such bonds, and the date of his holding the same, may be provided by a certificate executed by any trust company, bank or other depository, wherever situated, if such certificate is deemed satisfac- tory by the clerk, showing that at the date there- in mentioned such person had on deposit with such depository, or exhibited to it, the bonds therein described; or such facts may be proved by the certificate or affidavit of the person executing such consent, if such certificate or affidavit is deemed satisfactory by the clerk. The city may conclusively assume that such owner- ship continues until written notice to the contrary is received by the clerk. The fact and date of execution of any such consent and the amount and distinguishing numbers of bonds held by the person executing the same may also be proved in any other manner which the city council may deem sufficient; but the council may nevertheless, in its discretion, require further proof in cases where it deems further proof desirable. (Ord. 1115 ~ 7.04, 1982) 13.08.410-13.08.450 Article VIII. Defeasance 13.08.420 General. When the liability of the city on any bond issued under and secured by this chapter and all coupons appurtenant thereto has been dis- charged as provided in this section, all pledges, covenants and other rights granted by this resolution to the holder of such bond shall cease. (Ord.l11S ~ 8.01, 1982) 13.08.430 Payment. The city may discharge its liability with reference to any bonds and coupons which are due on any date by depositing with the paying agent or agents for such bonds on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full; or if any bond or coupon shall not be paid when due, the city may nevertheless discharge its liability with reference thereto by depositing with the paying agent or agents a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full with interest accrued to the date of such deposit. (Ord. 1115 ~ 8.02, 1982) 13.08.440 Prepayable bonds. The city may also discharge its liability with reference to any prepayable bonds which are called for redemption on any date in accordance with their terms, by depositing with the paying agent or agents on or before that date an amount equal to the principal, interest and re- demption premium, if any, which are then due thereon; provided, that notice of such redemp- tion has been duly given. (Ord. 1115 ~ 8.03, 1982) 13.08.450 Escrow. The city may also at any time discharge its liability in its entirety with reference to any bond or bonds, subject to the provisions of law now or hereafter authorizing and regulating such action, by calling all prepayable bonds of such issue for redemption on the next date when they may be prepaid in accordance with their terms, by giving the notice required for such 2 1 0- 7 (Bozeman 4.83) 13.08.460-13.08.4 70 redemption, and by depositing irrevocably in escrow, with a bank qualified by law as an escrow agent for this purpose, cash or govern- ment obligations which are authorized by law to be so deposited, bearing interest payable at such times and at such rates and maturing on such dates as shall be required to provide funds sufficient to pay all principal, interest and redemption premiums to become due on all bonds of the issue on or before the redemption date. (Ord. 1115 ~ 8.04, 1982) Article IX. Arbitrage and Certifications of Proceedings 13.08.460 Arbitrage certificate. The mayor, clerk of commission and director of finance, being the officers of the city charged with the responsibility for issuing the bonds pur- suant to this resolution, are authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the purchaser a certification in order to satisfy the provisions of Sections 1.103-13, 1.103-14 and 1.103-15 of the Treasury Regulations. Such certification shall state that on the basis of the facts, esti- mates and circumstances in existence on the date of issue and delivery of the bonds as there- in set forth, it is not expected that the proceeds of the bonds will be used in such a manner that would cause the bonds to be arbitrage bonds, and the certification shall further state that to the best of the knowledge and belief of the certifying officers there are no other facts, esti- mates or circumstances that would materially change such expectation. The city further covenants and agrees to take all action necessary to assure that the bonds shall not be deemed to be "arbitrage bonds" under Section 1 03( c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. (Ord. 1115 ~ 9.01, 1982) 13.08.4 70 Transcript. The officers of the city and of Gallatin County are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchasers of the bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality of the (Bozeman 4.83) issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceed- ings and records of the city relating to the bonds and to the organization and financial condition and affairs of the city, and such affidavits and other information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and market- ability of the bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates, and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the city as to the truth of the facts purported to be shown there- by. (Ord. 1115 ~ 9.02, 1982) e Chapter 13 .12 WATER SERVICE UTILITY OPERATIONS Sections: Article 1. General Provisions 13.12.010 Provisions adopted-Regulations a part of service contracts. 13.12.020 Dermitions. 13 .12.030 Purpose of provisions. 13 .12.040 Scope of provisions- Revision conditions. 13.12.050 Information available to public. 13.12.060 Waiver of regulations- Conditions. e Article 2. Service Provided 13.12.070 Service provided by utility- Basis. 13.12.080 Water service for customer's use only- Violations. 13.12.090 Customer to furnish easement, right-of-way and permits. 13.12.100 Access to premises. 13.12.110 Unauthorized tapping into system prohibited. 13.12.120 Furnishing water to others prohibited-Exception. 2 1 0-8 e e 13.12.130 Procedure for activating water 13.12.330 Maintenance-When utility lines. responsibility . 13.12.340 Maintenance-Property owner Article III. Application for Service responsibility. 13.12.140 Applicat,ion-Service agreement 13.12.350 Meter-Required for new forms service-Installation cost deposit 13.12.150 Establishment of credit- required. Required when. 13.12.360 Meter-Remote reading 13.12.160 Establishment of credit- attachment required when- Residential service. Costs. 13.12.170 Establishment of credit- 13.12.370 Meter-Required for expanded Nonresidential service. service when. 13.12.180 Deposit-Required when. 13.12.375 Maintenance of meters-Utility 13.12.190 Requiring deposit for certain responsibility . reasons prohibited. 13.12.380 Irrigation or other outdoor use- 13.12.200 Deposit-Uniform application of Restrictions-Prohibited in standards. emergencies. 13.12.210 Deposit-Amount. 13.12.390 Irrigation or other outdoor use- 13.12.220 Deposit-Interest to be paid to Hours to be posted. customer. 13.12.400 Flat-rate service-Billing 13.12.230 Deposit-Recordkeeping procedures-Penalties for requirements. delinquent payment. e 13.12.240 Deposit-Refund conditions. 13.12.410 Metered service-Billing- 13.12.250 Guarantee in lieu of deposit Penalties for delinquent payment. permitted when. 13.12.420 Billing method for multiple 13.12.260 Guarantee terms and conditions. delivery points or separate meters 13.12.270 Guarantor release conditions. for single customer. 13.12.430 Termination of service by Article IV. Service Conditions customer. 13.12.280 General conditions for supplying 13.12.440 Maintenance-Customer service. responsibility-Wasting water 13.12.290 Application-Existing service- prohibited. Req uirements. 13.12.450 Adjustment of accounts following 13.12.300 Service supplied to existing repairs. points of delivery only. 13.12.460 Continuity of service-Liability 13.12.310 Line extension costs borne by limitations. customer. 13.12.470 Suspension of service for repairs 13.12.320 Installation conditions- and changes. Property owner's 13.12.480 Interruption of service-Liability responsibilities-Penn it required. limitations. 13.12.322 Protective devices. 13.12.490 Maintenance-Authorized utility 13.12.323 Fire lines. personnel required. 13.12.324 Service lines-Inspection, 13.12.500 Violation of irrigation or connection and penalty for failure sprinkling rules-Penalty. e to comply. 21 0-9 (Bozeman 11-01) 13.12.010-13.12.050 13.12.510 Violation of chapter provisions- Disconnection of service required when. Article I. General Provisions , 13.12.010 Provisions adopted-Regulations a part of service contracts. A. The rules and regulations set out in this chapter are made for the government of the waterwork system of the city of Bozeman. B. These rules and regulations of the city pertaining to its waterwork system, and approved by the Public Service Commission of the state, are made a part of the contract with every individual, firm or corporation who takes water, and every such individual, firm or corporation agrees, in making application for water, to be bound thereby. The following rules and regulations set out in this chapter are adopted by the city. (Ord. 1077 9 I (part), 1981: prior code 9 10.04.030 (part)) 13.12.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter: A. "Commission" means the Department of Public Service Regulation of the state of Montana Public Service Commission. B. "Customer" means any individual, partnership, association, firm, public or private corporation, or governmental agency, or any other entity receiving water service from the utility. C. "Meter" or "meters" mean the complete installation, including auxiliary devices and equipment, if any, used to measure the water supplied to a customer. D. "Point of delivery" means the point at which the utility's facilities connect physically to customer's facilities, the location of which shall be designated by or satisfactory to utility, unless otherwise defined in the service agreement. E. "Residential dwelling unit" means any room or combination of rooms, including trailers and mobile homes, with facilities for cooking, designed for occupancy by one family. (Bozeman ll.ol) F. "Room." On flat-rate service, where the charge is based on the number of rooms, any finished room with an area of eighty square feet will be considered a "room." Bathrooms shall have no minimum area requirements. G. "Service agreement" means the agreement or contract between utility and customer pursuant to which service is supplied and taken. H. "Utility" means the city of Bozeman, Montana, and its water service division, engaged in the business of providing water and supplying water service to its customers on its system in the state of Montana. 1. "Water service" or "service" means the supplying of or availability at the point of delivery of water, and also the water delivered or used. (Ord. 1077 9 1 (part), 1981: prior code 9 10.04.030 (Rule 1,99 1-1-1-9)) e 13.12.030 Purpose of provisions. These service regulations are intended to define good practice which can normally be expected, but are not intended to exclude other accepted standards and practices not covered herein. They are intended to ensure adequate service to the public and protect the utility from unreasonable demands. (Ord. 1077 9 1 (part), 1981: prior code 9 10.04.030 (Rule 2, ~ 2- 2)) e 13.12.040 Scope of provisions-Revision conditions. These service regulations govern the supplying by the utility, and taking by its customers, of water service from the utility's water system. These regulations are subject to revision, upon approval by the commission, and supercede all regulations, by whatever term designated, which may heretofore govern the supplying and taking of water service. (Ord. 1077 9 1 (part), 1981: prior code 9 10.04.030 (Rule 2,92-1)) 13.12.050 Information available to public. There shall be made available to the public at the office ofthe commission and at the principal offices of the utility copies of these service regulations and e 21 0-1 0 e e e 13.12.060--13.12.090 the rate schedules, forms of agreement for water service, and service standards of the utility. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 2, ~ 2-3)) 13.12.060 Waiver of regulations- Conditions. In any case where compliance with any of these rules introduces unusual difficulty, such rule may be temporarily waived by the commission upon application of the utility or the customer. If in any case compliance with a rule would cost more than the results of such compliance are worth, such rule may be permanently set aside by the commission. (Ord. 1 077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 2, ~ 2-4)) Article II. Service Provided 13.12.070 Service provided by utility-Basis. The utility agrees to furnish water and water services for certain specified purposes as contained in the service agreement, for a certain specified sum, based either on a metered or nonmetered rate, as hereinafter provided. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, ~ 3-1)) 13.12.080 Water service for customer's use only-Violations. If a customer furnishes other individuals or entities with water services without permission from the utility, or utilizes the water or water service for other purposes than for which it was intended, that customer is in violation of his service agreement. Customers in violation of their service agreements may have their water service discontinued unti such time as the charge for such additional service has been paid, together with the actual additional expense incurred by the utility in discontinuing or reconnecting water service. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, ~ 3-2)) 13.12.090 Customer to furnish easement, right-or-way and permits. A customer, or prospective customer, must 211 (Bouman 11-01) e e e . . . furnish all easements, cleared rights-of-way, and permits necessary to enable the utility to supply the service required. (Ord. 1077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, @ 3-5)) 13.12.100 Access to premises. The utility's employees or representatives, or other authorized persons, shall have access at reasonable hours to enter any premises where water is used, for the purpose of making inspec- tion, or investigation. (Ord. 1077 @ I (part), 1981: prior code @ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, @ 3-6)) 13.12.110 Unauthorized tapping into system prohibited. With the exception of special installation ap- proved by the utility, no person or other entity, other than agents, representatives or employees of the utility, shall tap into the utility's trans- mission or distribution system or service lines attached thereto. (Ord. 1077 @ I (part), 1981: prior code @ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, @ 3-4)) 13.12.120 Furnishing water to others prohibited -Exception. In no instance may the customer extend his water facilities across or under a street, alley, lane, court or avenue, or other public or private space, existing under different ownership, in order to obtain a rate advantage by taking water service for two or more premises through one source or meter. (Ord. 1077 @ I (part), 1981: prior code @ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, ~ 3-3)) 13 .12.130 Procedure for activating water lines. No person or entity shall activate a line con- nected to the utility's system, or allow any other person to do so, except upon specific, written permission of the utility. Activation of any line, for testing purposes, or otherwise, shall obligate the individual performing the test to turn off the water service at the curb stop. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 3, ~ 3-7)) 13.12.100-13.12.160 Article 3. Application for Service 13.12.140 Application-Service agreement forms. A utility may require a customer or pro~ spective customer to sign one of the utility's standard application or service agreement forms. The application or agreement shall be binding only after acceptance by a duly authorized representative of the utility. In case of accep- tance of service by a customer prior to the signing of such agreement, customer shall pay for the service so furnished in accordance with the applicable rate schedule or schedules in force and shall abide by these service regu- lations. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code & 10.04.030 (Rule 4, ~ 4~1)) 13.12.150 Establishment of credit-Required when. The utility may at any time require from any customer, or prospective customer, that it establish credit as hereinafter set forth; or that the customer or prospective customer deposit a certain amount of funds to guarantee payment of utility bills. Regulations regarding the estab- lishment of credit and the filing of deposit to guarantee payment are as hereinafter set forth. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-1)) 13.12.160 Establishment of credit~ Residential service. An applicant for residential utility service may establish credit by demonstrating to the utility anyone of the following factors: A. Prior service with utility in question with- in the previous twelve months during which for at least six consecutive months service was rendered and was not disconnected for failure to pay the utility bill and no more than one delinquency notice was served upon applicant; B. Prior service with a utility of the same type as that of which service is sought with a satisfactory payment record as demonstrated in subsection A above, provided that the reference 213 13.12.170-13.12.200 may be quickly and easily checked by the utility and the necessary information is pro- vided; C. Full-time consecutive employment during the entire twelve months next previous to the application for service, with no more than two employers, and the applicant is currently em- ployed or has a regular source of income; D. Ownership of significant legal interest in the premises to be served; E. Furnishing of satisfactory guarantor to secure payment of bills for services requested in a specified amount, not to exceed an esti- mated one-year bill, such estimation to be made at the time that service is established. (Ord. 1077 @ 1 (part), 1981: prior code @ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, @ 5-2)) 13.12.170 Establishment of credit- Nonresidential service. An applicant for nonresidential service may be required to demonstrate that it is a satis- factory credit risk by reasonable means appro- priate under the circumstances. (Ord. 1077 S I (part), 1981; prior code @ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, @ 5-3)) 13.12.180 Deposit-Required when. A deposit may be required under the follow- ing circumstances: A. Where the applicant has failed to establish a satisfactory credit history as outlined in Sections 13.12.160 and 13.12.170; B. In any event, a deposit may be required when; 1. Within the twelve months prior to the application, applicant's service of a similar type has been disconnected for failure to pay amounts owing, when due; or 2. Where there is an unpaid. overdue balance owing for similar service provided the customer; or 3. Where two or more delinquency notices have been served upon the applicant by any other utility company during the twelve months previous to the application for service; C. Initiation or continuation of service to a residence where prior customer still resides and where any balance for such service to that prior customer is past due orowing; D. Where the customer is a tenant or lessee of rented property where the landlord or lessor has not assumed, in writing, obligation to pay the utility bill on behalf of the tenant or lessee or a satisfactory guarantor has not been fur- nished as provided in subsection C of Section 13.12.160; E. Where the customer has, in an unautho- rized manner, interferred with the service of the utility situated or delivered on or about the customer's premises within the last five years, if the finding of unauthorized interference or use is made and determined after notice and opportunity for hearing is provided to the cus- tomer and is not in dispute. (Ord. 1077 @ 1 (part), 1981: prior code S 10.04.030 (Rule 5, @ 5-4)) . 13.12.190 Requiring deposit for certain reasons prohibited. A utility shall not require a cash deposit or other guarantee as a condition of new or con- tinued residential utility service based upon commercial credit standards (except as pro- vided in these rules), income, home ownership, residential location, race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, or any other criteria not autho- rized by these rules. This rule does not prohibit a utility from ensuring that agreements with customers who may be incompetent, such as minors, are made in such a manner and with such persons, as to be legally binding. (Ord. 1077 @ 1 (part), 1981: prior code @ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, @ 5-5)) . 13.12.200 Deposit-Uniform application of standards. A utility shall apply deposit standards uni- formly as condition of utility service to all residential customers. (Ord. 1077 S 1 (part), 1981; prior code S 10.04.030 (Rule 5, S 5-10)) 214 . e e e 13.12.210 Deposit-Amount. In instances where a deposit may be required by the utility, the deposit shall not exceed one-sixth of estimated annual billings. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 1 0.04.~30 (Rule 5, ~ 5-6)) 13.12.220 Deposit-Interest to be paid to customer. Simple interest at the rate of six percent per year on the amount of the deposit shall be paid to the customer upon refund of such deposit, or shall be paid annually to the customer upon demand, provided the deposit has remained intact with the utility for a period of at least six months in order to earn such interest. Interest shall cease on the date of termination of service or refund of deposit. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-7)) 13.12.230 Deposit-Recordkeeping requirements. A. A utility shall maintain a record of all deposits received from customers, showing the name of each depositor, the date and amount of the deposit made, the location of the premises occupied by the depositor at the time of making the deposit, and each successive location while the deposit is retained. B. Each customer posting a cash deposit shall receive in writing at the time of tender of the deposit a receipt as evidence thereof, which contains the following minimum information: 1. Name of customer; 2. Address of customer; 3. Place of payment; 4. Date of payment; s. Amount of payment; 6. Identification of the employee receiving the payment; and 7. Statement of the terms and conditions governing the receipt, retention and return of deposit funds. C. A utility shall provide means whereby a customer entitled to a return of his deposit is not deprived of deposit funds even though he may be unable to produce the original receipt for the deposit. 13.12.210-13.12.250 In such event, utility records shall he controlling. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-9)) 13.12.240 Deposit-Refund conditions. A. Utility may refund any customer's deposit, or a part thereof, by check or by credit to customer's account at any time, and any unpaid interest due on the refund shall be paid to date of refund on such portion of the deposit as has been held intact by utility for six months or more. B. Deposit plus accrued interest shall be refunded under the following circumstances and in the following form: 1. Satisfactory Payment. Where the customer requests the refund, and has for eighteen consecutive months paid for service when due in a prompt and satisfactory manner as evidenced by the following: a. The utility has not initiated disconnection proceedings against the customer; b. No more than two notices of delinquency have been made to the customer by the utility. 2. Termination of Service. If the deposit is not returned as above provided, upon termination of service the utility shall return to the customer the amount then on deposit plus accrued interest less any amounts due the utility by the customer for service rendered. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-8)) 13.12.250 Guarantee in lieu of deposit permitted when. In lieu of a cash deposit required by these rules, a utility shall accept written guarantee of a responsible party as surety for a customer service account; for the purpose ofthis rule, a "responsible party" means: A. Any individual or business entity which has maintained service with the utility in question for the previous twenty-four months, and who has not had service disconnected for failure to pay and has received no more than two delinquency notices; B. Any special fund identified in writing as a guarantee and approved by the utility. (Ord. I 077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-11)) 215 (Bo>:eman 11-0 I ) 13.12.260---13.12.320 13.12.260 Guarantee terms and conditions. A guarantee accepted in accordance with these rules is subject to the following tenns and conditions: A. It shall be in writing, and if necessary shall be renewed in a similar manner annually; B. It shall state the terms 'of guarantee, the maximum amount guaranteed (such maximum not to exceed an estimated one-year bill, such estimation to be made at the time the service is established), and that the utility shall not hold the guarantor liable for sums in excess thereof unless agreed to in a separate written instrument. (Ord. 1077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-12)) 13.12.270 Guarantor release conditions. A. The guarantor shall be released upon the satisfactory payment by the customer of all proper charges for utility service for a period of twelve successive months. For purposes of this section, payment is satisfactory if: I. The utility has not initiated disconnection proceedings against the customer; 2. No more than two notices of delinquency have been made to the customer by the utility. B. The utility may withhold the release of the guarantor pending the resolution of a disputed discontinuance. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 5, ~ 5-13)) Article IV. Service Conditions 13.12.280 General conditions for supplying service. Service will be supplied only under and pursuant to these service regulations, and any modification or additions thereto lawfully made, and under such applicable rates, schedules and contracts as may from time to time be lawfully established. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-1)) 13.12.290 Application-Existing service- Req uirements. Application for the use of water from an existing service must be made at the city finance office on a (Bozeman 11-01) 216 printed form provided for that purpose. Service will be furnished to any customer who fully and truly sets forth all the purposes for which water may be required and who agrees to and conforms with all the rules and regulations governing the service; provided the purposes set forth comply with all the utility's rules and regulations as on record and approved by the commission, and, that the existing utility water system, and water supply, is adequate to meet the use for which the application is made. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-5)) e 13.12.300 Service supplied to existing points of delivery only. Service will be supplied under the applicable rates, schedules and contracts only at points of delivery as are presently existing on the utility's system. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-2)) 13.12.310 Line extension costs borne by customer. Line extension costs will be borne by the customer requesting that service. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-3)) e 13.12.320 Installation conditions-Property owner's responsibilities-Permit required. A. Except under special conditions approved by the utility, the property owner, at the property owner's expense, will be responsible for installing all water service lines, fire lines, back flow valves and all other necessary appurtenances or attachments from the curb box to the meter inside the served structure. All water services to any premises shall be installed by a plumber licensed and bonded in accordance with Montana state law and the Bozeman Municipal Code. Service lines must be so installed that the supply of water for each separate building, house or customer shall be controlled by a separate curb stop placed within or near the property line. The curb stop and box must be kept in a readily accessible condition by the owner of the premises. e e e e B. An application for installation of water service to any premises must be signed by the property owner or the property owner's designated agent and must be made on a regular form furnished by the utility for that purpose. :rrior to approval of such application, the utility will require the property owner to obtain a plumbing permit, and may require the property owner to establish credit or to furnish a deposit as provided in Sections 13.12.150 through 13.12.270. C. Upon completion of the application, receipt of the plumbing permit and payment of all charges related to the connection of water services, and full inspection by the utility, the utility will, it its discretion and at the property owner's expense, install the service, from the main to the curb box. (Ord 1497 ~ 1, 1999: Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-6)) 13.12.322 Protective devices. When it is deemed by the water/sewer superintendent that such protective devices are necessary to protect another customer's facilities and/or the municipal water supply system, the water/sewer superintendent may require a property owner to install, as a condition of continued water service and at the property owner's expense, an approved expansion tank, pressure reducing valve, backflow prevention device, pressure relief valve, or any other similar type of device on property owner's water service line at a location designated by the city's water/sewer superintendent. Property owners will be responsible for keeping these devices in good repair and effective operating condition at all times. Failure to keep these devices in good working condition may be cause to discontinue water service to the property involved. (Ord 1497 ~ 2, 1999) 13.12.323 Fire lines. Fire lines will be applied for and installed, at the property owner's expense, in compliance with the utility's standards of design and construction for fire lines. Except when specifically excepted, a fire line will not be interconnected with domestic service pipes downstream of the curb valve, and each fire 13.12.322-13.12.324 line will have its own independent curb valve, which will be located at or near the water main in the street at a point designated by the utility. (Ord. 1497 ~ 3, 1999) 13.12.324 Service lines-Inspection, connection and penalty for failure to comply. A. The owner of any house, building or other property used for human occupancy, employment, or recreation, which is situated within the corporate city limits and abuts on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public water main of the city which the city determines is of sufficient capacity within one hundred feet of the property line will, at the city's request and at the owner's expense, connect to the city water service for domestic purposes. The utility will be responsible for the connection from the water main to the curb box. The connection of the service lines between the main and the curb box will not be made by any other person, business or entity other then the utility unless given express permission by the utility. B. Prior to backfill, the applicant will notify the utility when the service line is ready for inspection and connection to the curb box. The connection and testing will be made under the supervision of the city water/sewer department. The utility may elect not to connect the property owner to the utility's water service unless the inspection has been completed and the service line fully complies with all applicable federal, state, and city of Bozeman regulations. C. Should the owner of any property described above fail to connect to the city of Bozeman's water service or in any way fail to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the water/sewer superintendent will provide the owner with notice of the requirement to do so. The notice will be sent to the owner by certified mail and give the owner ninety days to install the proper service lines. Should the owner fail to connect even after receiving proper notice, the utility may, at its discretion and at the owner's cost, lay the proper service lines from the main to the meter. The utility may charge the owner an additional five percent ofthe cost of installing the 217 (Bozeman 11-0 I) 13.12.330--13.12.375 service for failure to connect within a timely manner. (Ord. 1497 ~ 4, 1999) 13.12.330 Maintenance-When utility responsibility. , Subject to Section 13.12.340 below, the utility, at its own expense, will maintain the service lines or fire lines up to a distance of sixty feet, as measured from the curb box, or to and including the meter, whichever is less, to any property owner receiving service prior to July I, 1999. (Ord. 1497 ~ 5, 1999: (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-15)) 13.12.340 Maintenance-Property owner responsibility. A. Beginning July I, 1999, water service lines and fire lines from the curb box to the premises are owned by the owner of the property served. As owners of the service lines, all new property owners will have the responsibility of keeping the service lines, backflow valves, and all other necessary appurtenances from the curb box to the meter in good condition. Should the lines not be properly maintained, the utility may, at its discretion and at the owner's expense, fix or correct any deficiencies that occur which may affect the utility's ability to provide service to its customers. The utility, at its own expense, will maintain the service lines, tIre lines or combinations thereof from the utility's main line to the property owner's curb box. B. Any property owner currently receiving water from the utility seeking to utilize the water provided for purposes not stated in their original agreement with the utility, including but not limited to extending those lines, or those requiring any type of repair to the water lines within their boundaries will be required to complete a new application in which they agree to maintain the service line from the curb box to their property. (Ord 1497 ~ 6,1999: Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-12)) (Bozeman 11.01) 218 13.12.350 Meter-Required for new service- Installation cost deposit required. All new installations shall be metered. Prior to installation, the customer is required to deposit with the utility an amount equal to the installation charges, as determined by the utility. Following installation, the actual costs incurred thereby will be credited against the amount of the deposit. If the installation charges are less than the deposit, the difference between the actual costs incurred and the deposit shall be refunded to the customer. If the installation costs are greater than the deposit, the difference shall be billed to the customer. (Ord. 1 077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-7)) e 13.12.360 Meter-Remote reading attachment required when-Costs. All new metered water service or replacement of service or meter shall include the installation of a meter with remote reading attachment. The meter shall be located at some convenient and accessible point inside the premises and so located that it cannot freeze. The cost of the remote reading attachment shall be borne by the customer, who, except in the case of a new metered water service, upon request will be given ninety days to pay for the remote reading attachment. (Ord. 1269, 1988: Ord. 1077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-8)) e 13.12.370 Meter-Required for expanded service when. Any customer presently on a flat-rate schedule who installs additional fixtures or seeks to utilize the water provided for purposes not stated in their original agreement, such as expanding or remodeling their residence, shall be required to convert to a metered water service. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-18)) 13.12.375 Maintenance of meters-Utility responsibility. The utility shall install and maintain all meters to include routine maintenance and replacement of meters on an established schedule. When it is determined maintenance is required, the utility will e e e e notifY the customer in wntlOg and schedule the required service. No person, business or entity other than the utility will tamper with the meter for any reason. Should the customer feel maintenance is required or for any other reason feels the meter should be inspected, the customer must contact the city's water/sewer superintendent to schedule service. (Ord. 1497 ~ 7, 1999) Irrigation or other outdoor use-- Restrictions-Prohibited in emergencies. A. The water superintendent of the utility is hereby authorized, directed and empowered, whenever in his opinion the necessities of the situation require such action, to restrict and/or wholly prohibit the use of the utility's water to supply for garden, lawn or other outdoor irrigation or use. Such restriction and/or prohibition shall become effective twenty-four hours after notice thereof shall be published in any newspaper of general circulation distributed in the city. B. In emergency situations, as determined by the water superintendent, which demand immediate action, the water superintendent of the utility may immediately restrict or wholly prohibit the use of water from the utility's system by notifYing customers by newspaper publication within a newspaper of general circulation in the city and/or public by service radio announcements within the city. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-19)) 13.12.380 13.12.390 Irrigation or other outdoor use- Hours to be posted. Utility may specifY the hours and days during which sprinkling or irrigation will be permitted, and may publish notice thereof in newspapers at the start of the sprinkling or irrigation season, or whenever conditions require a change in present sprinkling or irrigation practices. The utility shall prominently post, within its local office, a notice advising the public of the hours and days within which sprinkling or other irrigation is permitted. (Ord. I 077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-20)) 13.12.380--13.12.420 13.12.400 Flat-rate service-Billing procedures-Penalties for delinquent payment. All flat-rate services shall be billed monthly in advance, on or about the first day of each month, based on rates and charges on file with and approved by the commission. Payment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is received. If the bill is not paid within thirty days after it has become delinquent, the water service will be disconnected after a ten-day written notice. Service will not be reinstated until delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting and subsequently reconnecting the line. (Ord. 1077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-24)) 13.12.410 Metered service-Billing- Penalties for delinquent payment. All metered services shall be billed for actual water consumed, based on rates and charges which the commission will set by resolution. Payment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is received. If the bill is not paid within thirty days after it has become delinquent, the utility, at its own discretion, may disconnect the water services following a ten-day written notice. Should the utility disconnect a customer's service for failure to pay a delinquent bill, service shall not be reinstated until delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting or subsequently reconnecting the line. (Ord. 1497 ~ 8, 1999: Ord. 1077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-23)) 13.12.420 Billing method for multiple delivery points or separate meters for single customer. Where separate points of delivery exist for supplying service to a single customer, or separate meters are maintained and provided for measurement of service to a single customer, each point of delivery or metering shall be separately billed under the 219 (Bozeman II ~]) 13.12.430--13.12.480 applicable rates. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-4)) 13.12.430 Termination of service by customer. Customer shall give utility a~ least twenty-four hours' notice, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excluded, to terminate service, unless a longer notice of termination is provided for in the service agreement. Should the customer desire to discontinue the use of water temporarily, or should the premises become vacant, the utility must be notified in writing of the temporary discontinuance of use of the utility water supply. Upon being so notified, the utility will shut offthe water at the curb box and allowance will be made on the bill (for customers on a flat-rate charge) for such time as the water is not in use. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-13)) 13.12.440 Maintenance-Customer responsibility-Wasting water prohibited. Waste of water is prohibited, and customers must keep their fixtures and interior pipes in good order at their own expense, and all waterways closed when not in use. Leaky fixtures must be repaired at once without waiting for notice from the city, and if not repaired within five days after written notice is given, water service may be discontinued until such time as the leak isrepaired. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-9)) 13.12.450 Adjustment of accounts following repairs. Following completion of the repair of customer's lines, the utility may adjust the customer's account to the extent of actual water consumed retroactive for three billing periods, commencing upon completion of the repair. The customer will be responsible for notifying utility of the repair made. (Ord. I 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-10)) (Bozeman 11-0 I ) 13.12.460 Continuity of service-Liability limitations. A. Utility shall make reasonable effort to avoid interruption of service, and when such interruptions occur, shall reestablish service with reasonable diligence. B. Utility shall not be liable to customer or others for failure or interruption of water service due to acts of God, governmental regulations, court or commission orders, acts of the public enemy, strikes or labor difficulties, accidents, weather conditions, acts of third parties, droughts, or, without limitation by the foregoing, any other cause beyond the reasonable control of utility. (Ord. 1077 ~ I (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-14)) e 13.12.470 Suspension of service for repairs and changes. A. When it is necessary for the utility to make repairs or to change its water collecting, storage, transmission or distribution system, meters or other property, utility may, without incurring any liability therefor, suspend service for such period as may be reasonably necessary, and in such manner as to minimize the inconvenience to customers. B. All persons having boilers on their premises, depending on connected pressure with the water mains, are cautioned against collapse of their boilers. As soon as the water is turned off, the hot-water faucet should be opened and left open until the water is again turned on. A check valve must always be placed between the boiler and the city's mains to prevent draining the boiler. A customer must never leave the premises with any faucets open or water turned off. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981; prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-16)) e 13.12.480 Interruption of service-Liability limitations. Interruptions of service resulting from the repair of leaks as provided in Section 13.12.440, or for repair of frozen facilities of customer, shall not render the utility liable for any adjustment in customer's bill. Whenever service is discontinued under Section 13.12.440, the utility shall not be required to restore e 220 e service until customer's account, if any be outstanding, is paid in full. The utility may also require customer to pay all costs of discontinuing or reestablishing service. (Ord. I 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-11)) 13.12.490 Maintenance-Authorized utility personnel required. With the exception of special installations approved by the utility, no person or other entity, other than agents, representatives or employees of the utility, shall maintain or repair the utility's water utility system. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-17)) e 13.12.500 Violation ofirrigation or sprinkling rules--Penalty. At such time when the utility, through its agents, employees or representatives, determines that a customer is in violation of the utility's regulations in regard to sprinkling or irrigation, the utility shall deliver to such customer a copy ofthe notice of hours and days of sprinkling and irrigating, and shall advise the customer that he is in violation of the rule. If the customer is found in violation of the rule on more than one occasion in anyone irrigation or sprinkling season, he will be notified by certified mail, with return receipt, that another violation will result in discontinuance of service or the installation of a meter. (Ord. 1077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-21)) 13.12.510 Violation of chapter provisions- Disconnection of service required when. For violation of any of these regulations or for nonpayment of water charges, as provided in the utility's schedule of rates and charges currently on file with and approved by the commission, the utility has the right to disconnect water service following ten days' written notice to the customer. After service has been discontinued, the same shall not be reinstated until all delinquent charges are paid. Costs of all disconnects and/or subsequent reconnects shall e 13 .12.490--13 .16.0 10 be borne by the customer. (Ord. 1 077 ~ 1 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.04.030 (Rule 6, ~ 6-22)) Chapter 13.16 WATER SYSTEM RULES AND REGULATIONS Sections: 13.16.010 Rules and regulations adopted -Part of contract with customer. Plumbers--Rules and regulations. 13.16.020 13.16.010 Rules and regulations adopted- Part of contract with customer. A. The following rules and regulations are made for the government of the waterworks system of the city. B. These rules and regulations of the city, pertaining to its waterworks system are made a part of the contract with every individual, firm or corporation who takes water. The following rules and regulations are adopted by the city: Rule 0-1. An application for the introduction of water service to any premises must be signed by the owner of the premises and must be made on the regular form furnished by the city for that purpose. When such an application has been granted, the city, at the property owner's expense, will tap the main and furnish corporation cock, clamp when necessary, and any other material used or labor furnished in connection with the tapping of the main. All expense of laying the service pipes from the mains to the property owner's premises must be borne by the property owner. Additionally, the property owner is responsible for the maintenance of all service lines including the pipe and all necessary fixtures and appurtenances as required, from the curb box to the meter as well as all associated costs. The lines must be laid below the street grade and on the property owner's premises, at a depth not less than six feet and, designated by the city, to prevent freezing. A curb cock of approved pattern with a cast-iron curb box must be installed by the property owner at a 221 (Bozeman 11-01) 13.16.010 point designated by the city. Whenever a tap is made through which regular service is not immediately desired, the applicant will bear the entire expense of tapping, subject to a refund whenever regular service is begun. , Rule G-2. At some convenient point inside ofthe building and so located that it cannot freeze, a stop and waste cock must be placed, so that the water can be readily shut off from the building and the water pipes drained to prevent freezing. Rule G-3. Waste of water is prohibited, and consumers must keep their fixtures and service pipes in good order at their own expense, and all waterways closed when not in use. Leaky fixtures must be repaired at once without waiting for notice from the city and if not repaired after reasonable notice is given, the water will be shut off by the city. Rule G-4. No plumber or other person will be allowed to make connection with any conduit, pipe or other fixture connecting therewith or to connect pipes when they have been disconnected, or to turn water off or on, on any premises without permission from the city. Rule G-5. Service pipes shall be so arranged that the supply of each separate building, house or premises may be controlled by a separate curb cock, placed within or near the line of the street curb, under rules established by the city. This curb cock and box must be kept in repair and easily accessible by the owner of the premises. Rule G-6. Should the consumer desire to discontinue the use of water temporarily, or should the premises become vacant, the city, when notified to do so in writing, will shut off the water at the curb and allowance will be made on the bill for such time as the water is not in use. No deduction in bills will be made for the time any service pipes may be frozen. Rule G-7. Notice will be given, whenever practicable, prior to shutting off water, but consumers are warned that owing to unavoidable accidents or emergencies, their water supply may be shut off at any time. All persons having boilers on their premises, depending on connected pressure with the water (Bozeman 11.(1) mains, are cautioned against collapse of their boilers. As soon as water is turned off, the hot water faucet should be opened and left open until the water is again turned on. A check valve must always be placed between the boiler and the city's mains to prevent draining the boiler. Never leave the premises with any faucets open and water turned off. Rule G-8. Contractors, builders and owners are required to take out a permit for the use of water for building and other purposes in construction work, payable in advance at the rate of one dollar per month. Consumers are warned not to allow contractors to use their fixtures unless they produce a permit specifying the premises on which the water is to be used. Water will not be turned on at any new building until all water used during construction has been paid for. Rule G-9. Permits for lawn sprinkling during each current year must be secured at the office of the city clerk, and payment made at the time of securing such permit, as the supply to any premises, using a hose without a permit, will be shut off without warning. Lawn sprinklers will only be permitted where water is carried into the house also. Rule G-l O. The city's officers or other authorized person shall have access at reasonable hours to enter any premises where water is used, for the purpose of making inspection or investigation. Rule G-l1. For violation of any of these rules or for nonpayment of water rent, for either domestic, sprinkling or other purposes, the city has the right to turn off the water without further notice, and after it has been turned off from any service pipe on account of nonpayment or violation of rules, the same shall not be turned on again until back rents are paid, together with the cost incurred thereby, amounting to one dollar. Rule G-12. The foregoing general rules shall be effective for all water utilities operating in Montana. The flat-rate rules and the meter-rate rules shall be effective for all water utilities having schedules of that nature. This rule, however, shall not be construed to mean that any utility must have both flat rates and meter rates. A utility may adopt, subject to the approval of e e 222 e e e e the Public Service Commission, either a flat-rate or meter-rate schedule, or both In addition to the general flat-rate and meter-rate rules, a utility may adopt, subject to the approval of the Public Service Commi,ssion, other rules, to be designated as "special rules," to fit local conditions. In case of any apparent conflict in rules, the general rules shall govern. Flat-rate Service Rule F-l. The flat-rate will cover the use of water for domestic use, lawn sprinkling, and any other purposes enumerated on the rate sheet covering flat-rate services. The city agrees to furnish water for certain specified uses for a certain specified sum. If, therefore, a consumer furnishes other people with water without permission from the city, or uses it for other purposes than those he is paying for, it is a violation of his contract and the consumer offending, after reasonable notice, may have his water shut off and service discontinued until such time as the additional service furnished has been paid for, together with the actual additional expense incurred in shutting off and turning on water, not to exceed one dollar. Rule F-2. Flat-rate water rents are payable monthly in advance and payments should be made at the city clerk's office on the first day of each month. If not paid before the fifteenth day of the month, the water will be shut off. Rule F-3. Every user of water coming under the use prescribed under meter rates shall furnish his meter or meters at his own expense, and the meter rate for the first month shall be the rate for such use as estimated by the city clerk, and thereafter the rate shall be paid monthly in advance; and payment should be made at the city clerk's office on the first day of each month. If not paid before the fifteenth day of each month, the water will be shut off. The rate for each succeeding month after the first month shall be based upon the amount of water used during the preceding month. Rule F-4. Should any consumer on a flat-rate schedule wish to install additional fixtures or should 13.16.020 he desire to apply the water to purposes not stated in the original application, written notice must be given the city prior to making such installation or change of use. Special extension penn its are issued for any extension of pipes within a building. In case a consumer places new fixtures on his premises without securing an extension permit from the city, when such fixtures are discovered, a charge will be made for such extra fixtures at schedule rates for the full length of time such fixtures have been installed. Rule F -5. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of water for any special purpose, whether for bathtubs, closets, lawn sprinklers, hose connections, or other fixtures, the faucet must be removed, the branch pipe plugged, and notice given the city at the city clerk's office before any reduction of rates will be made. (Ord. 1497 ~ 9, 1999; prior code ~ 10.04.010) 13.16.020 Plumbers-Rules and regulations. The following rules and regulations are adopted for the government of plumbers: Inspection of the Work Rule 3. Any person or firm, carrying on a plumbing business, who shall interrupt or resist an inspection of his or their work, done upon the pipes or appurtenances of the city waterworks or its consumers, shall be liable to a forfeiture of his license and bond; and may, on conviction, be fmed in any sum not more than one hundred dollars. Application for Permits Rule 4. Any person or firm, canying on a plumbing business, desirous of introducing water from the works to any premises, or of making any alterations, additions or extensions for consumers, shall first procure a permit from the city for such purpose, and for each and every opening, excavation or change required. All applications for penn its must be made in writing, upon blanks fumished by the city, stating the full name of the owner of the property and the purpose or purposes for which the water is to be used. 223 (Bouman 11-01) 13.16.020 Taps Rule 5. No person, exceptthe tapper employed by the city, shall, under any circumstances, tap the distributing pipes or insert pipes therein, or lay pipes in the streets; and any violatioJ?- shall subject the offender, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Kind of Material That May Be Used Rule 6. All pipes placed in connection with the city watelWorks, and the pattern of all water closets, hydrants, stopcocks, and other appurtenances that are proposed to be used, shall be submitted to the inspection and subject to the approval of the watelWorks committee. The water pipe laid in trenches shall be laid not less than six feet below the surface ofthe ground, and in such a manner as to prevent rupture by settlement. All lead pipes used shall be ofthe class known as "extra strong," and shall weigh per lineal foot for various diameters as follows: Size of Tap Diameter of Weight Per Foot Pipe Yz inch % inch 3 pounds o/s inch % inch 3 pounds 10 oz. % inch 1 inch 4 pounds 12 oz. 1 inch 1 ~ inch 6.pounds All pipe, either of lead or iron, and all cocks and fixtures must be of sufficient strength to sustain a hydrostatic pressure of three hundred pounds to the square inch. No lead pipe of less diameter then one-half inch, or iron pipe of less diameter then five-eighths inch, nor any pipe of greater diameter than one inch, will be permitted to be placed under ground in connection with the watelWorks, unless by special permit. All work shall be done in the manner required by the watelWorks committee, or its authorized agent, and shall be subject to its inspection or approval; and no work underground shall be covered up until so inspected and approved. (Bozeman Il..nl) 224 Location of Service Pipe Rule 7. Permits for attachments will not be granted when the service pipe passes over or through premises which at the time are, or may thereafter, become the property of persons other than the owner of the premises to be supplied by such attachments; and in case the building does not occupy the full width of the lot on which it is situated, the service pipe must either be laid under the building or in the lot clear of the building, and within three feet of the side wall thereof. No service pipe will be permitted to be laid in a sewer trench, or within eighteen inches of such trench. e Waste Cocks and Boxes Rule 8. There shall be a stop and waste cock attached to every supply pipe at the point where it enters the building, so as to admit of the water being shut off in frosty weather, or in case of accident, and of the pipes being drained. The service pipe passing from the ground into every building shall be enclosed in a box of not less than eight inches, inside measurement, filled with sawdust or other suitable material to protect the pipes from frost, except when connections are in cellars. e Turning on and Shutting off Water Rule 9. No plumber shall turn on the water at the curb cock, or allow any person in his employ to do so, except with the special permission of the watelWorks committee, or its agent. When the work in any building has been completed and tested, it shall be the duty of the plumber or fitter to turn off the water. Report of Plumbers Rule 10. Within forty-eight hours after the completion of any work, the plumber, or other person doing the work, shall make the water collector a full return stating the ordinary and special uses for which the water is to be applied, giving a description of the apparatus and arrangements used, the number of stories and rooms in the building, and all the particulars the case may call for. All plumbers shall e e e e 13.16.020 make to the water collector, in addition to the special report required, not later than the fifth day of each month, a regular monthly report which shall cover, with the detail required by the special report above referred to, all work done ~y such plumber involving any new or increased use of the city's water, including sewer use and connections, during the calendar month preceding the date of such report. If no such work has been done, the plumber shall so report. For failure to make such report and return, or for any misrepresentation or false statement therein or omissions therefrom, or for leaving the water on after completion or after testing any plumbing, the plumber so offending shall be liable to the suspension or cancellation of his license upon conviction, and in addition to such suspension or cancellation shall be subject to a fine in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. No Plumber or Fitter to Allow His Name to Be Used by Others Rule 11. No plumber or fitter shall allow his name to be used by any person, directly or indirectly, either to obtain a permit or permits, or to do any work under his bond. 224-1 (Bozeman 11-01) e e e e e e Rule 12. The license of any plumber violating any of the city's rules and regulations governing the introduction, supply and consumption of water, will be revoked or suspended, at the dis- cretion of the city, and will not be renewed under any circumstances until the city has been reimbursed for all damages that it may have sustained on account of such violation. (Prior code S 10.04.020) Chapter 13.20 IRRIGATION RESTRICTIONS Sections: 13.20.010 Outdoor use of water- Restrictions authorized when. Violation-Penalty . 13.20.020 13.20.010 Outdoor use of water-Restrictions authorized when. The director of public safety of the city is authorized, directed and empowered, whenever in his opinion the necessities of the situation demand such action, to restrict and/or wholly prohibit the use of the water supply of Bozeman City Waterworks for garden, lawn or other out- door irrigation or use, except fire protection; such restriction and/or prohibition shall become effective twenty-four hours after notice thereof shall be published in any daily newspaper pub- lished in the city. (Prior code S 10.08.010) 13.20.020 Violation-Penalty. Every person, firm, association or corporation violating any order of the director of public safety made under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty- five dollars. In any prosecution for violation of this chapter, it shall be no defense that the offender had no actual notice or knowledge of such restriction and/or prohibition. In addition to the flne hereby provided for, the judgment in any such case may also provide that the water supply from the city waterworks shall be cut off 13.20.010-13.21.010 from the offender until the fine is paid or security given for the payment thereof, and all costs, in the event of appeal from such judgment of conviction in the police court of the city for violation of this chapter. (Prior code S 10.08.020) Chapter 13.21 OUTDOOR WATER USE RESTRICTIONS Sections: 13.21.010 13.21.020 13.21.030 13.21.040 13.21.050 13.21.060 13.21.070 13.21.080 13.21.090 13.21.100 13.21.110 13.21.120 Definitions. Application of restrictions. Authority to restrict outdoor use of water. Restriction of particular indoor uses. Sprinkling systems-Timing. Landscaping - Seeding -Sodding- Planting. Notice required. Wasting water prohibited. Exception to maintain sanitation. Enforcement. Penalties. Legislative intent. 13.21.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the follow- ing terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. A. "City" means the city of Bozeman. B. "Director" means the director of public safety or public service. C. "Outdoor use" means the use of water, excepting water which has been used indoors 225 (Bozeman 3-87) 13.21.020-13.21.070 and is being recycled for outdoor use, for: 1. Sprinkling or irrigating gardens, lawns or other outdoor vegetation; 2. Washing automobiles, trucks, or other mobile equipment except at places of business where such are washed on every business day either with attendants, with automatic equip- ment or by self.service; 3. Washing sidewalks, driveways, outside building walls or other outdoor surfaces; 4. Washing any business or industrial equip- ment machinery; S. Operating any ornamental fountain or other similar structure not employing a recir- culating system; 6. Swimming and wading pools not employ~ ing a filter and recirculating system; 7. Leakage or other escape outdoors through defective plumbing when a person has knowingly permitted the defective plumbing to remain in disrepair; 8. Settling back-fill around foundations, pipes, etc.; and 9. Other outdoor uses except use for fire protection. D. "Person" means any individual, business association, partnership, corporation or other legal entity or organization of any kind. E. "Water" means water from the city's water service utility. (Ord. 1201 S 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.020 Application of restrictions. The provisions of this chapter or any restric. tion or prohibition in force pursuant thereto shall apply as follows: A. To all persons using water both in and outside the city, and regardless of whether any person using water shall have a contract for water service with the city; or B. To persons contracting for water service at a location who shall be responsible and strictly liable for all water use at that location. (Ord. 1201 S 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part), 1985) (Bozeman 3.87) 13.21.030 Authority to restrict outdoor use of water. The director is, with the concurrence of the city manager, authorized, directed and em~ powered, whenever in his opinion the necessities of the situation demand such action, to restrict or wholly prohibit the outdoor use of the water supply of the Bozeman water service utility. (Ord. 1201 S 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part), 1985) e 13.21.040 Restriction of particular indoor uses. Whenever outdoor use restrictions are in effect, business establishments which serve beverages for human consumption shall be pro- hibited from serving water except upon request. (Ord. 1201 S 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part),1985) 13.21.050 Sprinkling systems-Timing. Whenever outdoor use restrictions are in effect, the director may set alternative time restrictions for the use of large scale sprinkling systems or those which are equipped with a timing device. (Ord. 1201 S I (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part), 1985) e 13.21.060 Landscaping-Seeding-Sodding- Planting. While it is not the intent of this section to place restrictions on the normal conduct of business, whenever outdoor use restric;tions are in effect, the director may restrict or wholly prohibit the seeding, sodding or planting of live vegetation. (Ord. 1201 S 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.070 Notice required. Restrictions or prohibitions imposed by the director shall become effective at midnight immediately following the publication of notice thereof in any daily newspaper published in the city. (Ord. 1201 S 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 S 1 (part), 1985) e 226 e e e 13.21.080 Wasting water prohibited. Whenever outdoor use restrictions are in effect, no person shall waste water which shall include but not be limited to permitting water to escape or run to waste. (Ord. 120 1 ~ 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.090 Exception to maintain sanitation. The director shall have the authority to permit a reasonable use of water in any case necessary to maintain adequate health and sani- tation standards. (Ord. 1201 ~ 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.100 Enforcement. A. Police Officers to Enforce. Every police officer of the city shall, in connection with the duties imposed by law, diligently enforce the provisions of this chapter. B. Discontinuance of Service. The city manager shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter by the discontinuance of water service in the event of violation hereof. (Ord. 1201 ~ 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.110 Penalties. Any person who violates this chapter or the restrictions issued hereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not less than one hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars. (Ord. 1201 ~ 1 (part), 1986: Ord.118S ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.120 Legislative intent. It is the intent of the city commission that the criminal offense listed in this chapter shall be an offense involving absolute liability. Unless specifically provided otherwise, this offense shall not require proof of anyone of the mental states described in subsections (33), (37), and (58) of Section 45-2-101, M.C.A. (Ord. 1201 ~ 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 1185 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.21.080-13.21.120 Division 2. SEWERS Chapter 13.24 SEWER SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS Sections: Article 1. General Provisions 13.24.010 Regulations adopted- Applicability. 13.24.020 Definitions. Article 2. General Regulations 13.24.030 Purpose of provisions. 13.24.040 Applicability of provisions. 13.24.050 Regulations available to the public. 13.24.060 Waiver of regulations- Conditions. Article 3. Service Provided 13.24.070 General service conditions. 13.24.080 Easements, rights-of-way and permits furnished by customer. 13.24.090 Sewer service for customer use only. 13.24.100 Access to premises for inspection. 13.24.110 Extension of service to other persons prohibited when. 13.24.120 Connections to be made by authorized personnel. Article 4. Service Agreement 13.24.130 Application and service agreement- Effect. 226-1 (Bozeman 3-87) 13.24.010-13.24.020 Article 5. Credit and Deposits 13.24.140 Credit-Establishment required when. 13.24.150 Credit-Residential service requirements. 13.24.160 Deposits-Standards to be applied uniformly. 13.24.170 Deposits-Prohibited standards designated. 13.24.180 Deposits-Amount. 13.24.190 Deposits-Recordkeeping requiremen ts. 13.24.200 Deposit-Interest payment conditions. 13.24.210 Deposits-Refund conditions. 13.24.220 Guarantee-In lieu of deposit when. 13.24.230 Guarantee-Terms and conditions-Release of guarantee. 13.24.240 Guarantor released when. Article 6. Service Conditions 13.24.250 Basis for supply of service. 13.24.260 Service provided only to existing collection points. 13.24.270 Line-extension costs borne by customer. 13.24.280 Application and other service conditions. 13.24.290 Installation prerequisites and procedures. 13.24.300 Billing-For multiple delivery points or separate meters for single customers. 13.24.310 Billing-Meter service-Penalty for delinquent payments. 13.24.320 Billing-FIat-rate service-Penalty for delinquent payments. 13.24.330 Adjustment of accounts following repairs. 13.24.340 Continuity of service-Liability limitations. 13.24.350 Suspension of service for repairs and changes. 13 .24.360 Maintenance-Work performed by utility. (Bozeman 3"87) 13.24.3 70 Maintenance-Authorized personnel required. 13.24.380 Violation of regulations- Nonpayment of sewer charges notice-Penalty. Article 1. General Provisions 13.24.010 Regulations adopted-Applicability. The city commission adopts the following service regulations prescribing standards for sewer service as provided under Montana Law. These regulations supersede all rules, regu- lations and supplements previously applicable to municipal sewer utility operations. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (part), 1981) 13.24.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter; A. "Commission" means the Bozeman city commission. B. "Customer" means any individual, part- nership, association, flrm, public or private cor- poration or governmental agency, or any other entity receiving sewer service from the utility. C. "Point of delivery" means the point at which the utility's facilities connect physically to customer's facilities, the location of which shall be designated by or satisfactory to utility, unless otherwise defined in the service agree- ment. D. "Residential dwelling unit" means any room or combination of rooms, including trail- ers and mobile homes, with facilities for cook- ing, designed for occupancy by one family. E. Room. On flat-rate service, where the charge is based on the number of rooms, any flnished room with an area of eighty square feet will be considered a "room." Bathrooms shall have no minimum area requirements. F. "Service agreement" means the agreement or contract between utility and customer pur- suant to which service is supplied and taken. G. "Sewer service" or "service" means the collection and treatment of waterbOrne wastes. 226-2 - e e '. . . H. "Utility" means the city of Bozeman and its sewer service division, engaged in the business of providing sewage collection and treatment to its customers on its system in the state of Montana. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 1, @@ 1-1-1-8), 1981 ) Article 2. General Regulations 13.24.030 Purpose of provisions. These service regulations are intended to define good practice which can normally be expected, but are not intended to exclude other accepted standards and practices not covered herein. They are intended to ensure adequate service to the public and protect the utility from unreasonable demands. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 2, ~ 2-2),1981) 13.24.040 Applicability of provisions. These service regulations govern the supply- ing by the utility, and taking by its customers, sewer service to the utility's sewer system. These regulations are subject to revision, upon approval by the commission, and supersede all regulations, by whatever term designated, which may heretofore govern the collection and treatment of waterborne wastes. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 2, @ 2-1),1981) 13.24.050 Regulations available to the public. There shall be made available to the public at the office of the commission and at the principal offices of the utility copies of these service regu- lations and the rate schedules, forms or agree- ment for sewer collection and treatment stand- ards of the utility. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 2, @ 2-3), 1981) 13.24.060 Waiver of regulations-Conditions. In any case where compliance with any of these rules introduces unusual difficulty, such rule may be temporarily waived by the commis- sion upon application of the utility or the customer. If in any case compliance with a rule 13.24.030-13.24.100 would cost more than the results of such com- pliance are worth, such rule may be permanently set aside by the commission. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 2, @ 2-4), 1981) Article 3. Service Provided 13.24.070 General service conditions. The utility agrees to furnish sewer services for certain specified purposes, as contained in the service agreement, for a certain specified sum based either on a metered or nonmetered rate, as hereinafter provided. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 3, ~ 3-1),1981) 13.24.080 Easements, rights-of-way and permits furnished by customer. A customer, or prospective customer, must furnish all easements, cleared rights-of-way and permits necessary to enable the utility to supply the se1"':ice required. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 3, @ 3-5), 1981) 13.24.090 Sewer service for customer use only. If a customer furnishes other individuals or entities with sewer services without permission from the utility, or utilizes the sewer service for other purposes than for which it was in- tended, that customer is in violation of his service agreement. Customers in violation of their service agreements may have their water service discontinued until such time as the charge for such additional service has been paid, together with the actual additional expense in- curred by the utility in discontinuing or recon- necting water service. (Ord. 1081 ~ I (Rule 3, @ 3-2), 1981) 13.24.100 Access to premises for inspection. The utility's employees or representatives, or other authorized persons, shall have access at reasonable hours to enter any premises where sewers are used, for the purpose of making 227 13.24.110-13.24.150 inspection, or investigation. (Ord. 1 081 ~ 1 (Rule 3, ~ 3-6), 1981) 13.24.110 Extension of service to other persons prohibited when. In no instance may the customer extend his sewer facilities across or under a street, alley, lane, court or avenue, or other public or private space, existing under different ownership, in order to obtain a rate advantage by taking sewer service for two or more premises through one connection. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 3, ~ 3-3),1981) 13.24.120 Connections to be made by authorized personnel. With the exception of special installation approved by the utility, no person or other entity, other than agents, representatives or employees of the utility shall connect to the utility's collection system or service lines at- tached thereto. (Ord. 1 081 ~ 1 (Rule 3, ~ 3-4), 1981 ) Article 4. Service Agreement 13.24.130 Application and service agreement- Effect. A utility may require a customer or prospec- tive customer to sign one of the utility's stand- ard application or service agreement forms. The application or agreement shall be binding only after acceptance by a duly authorized representative of the utility. In case of accep- tance of service by a customer prior to the signing of such agreement, customer shall pay for the service so furnished in accordance with the applicable rate schedule or schedules in force and shall abide by these service regu- lations. (Ord. 1081 ~ I (Rule 4, ~ 4-1), 1981) Article 5. Credit and Deposits . 13.24.140 Credit-Establishment required when. The utility may at any time require from any customer, or prospective customer, that it establish credit as hereinafter set forth, or that the customer or prospective customer deposit a certain amount of funds to guarantee payment of utility bills. Regulations regarding the estab~ lishment of credit and the filing of deposit to guarantee payment are as hereinafter set forth. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 5, ~ 5-1), 1981) 13.24.150 Credit-Residential service requirements. An applicant for residential utility service may establish credit by demonstrating to the utility anyone of the following factors: A. Prior service with utility in question with- in the previous twelve months during which for at least six consecutive months service was rendered and was not disconnected for failure to pay the utility bill and no more than one delinquency notice was served upon applicant; B. Prior service with a utility of the same type as that of which service is sought, with a satisfactory payment record as demonstrated in subsection A above, provided that the reference may be quickly and easily checked by the utility and the necessary information is pro- vided; C. Initiation or continuation of service to a residence where prior customer still resides and where any balance for such service to that prior customer is past-due or owing; D. Where the customer is a tenant or lessee of rented property where the landlord or lessor has not assumed, in writing, obligation to pay the utility bill on behalf of the tenant or lessee, or a satisfactory guarantor has not been fur- nished as provided in subsection C of this sec- tion; E. Where the customer has, in an unautho- rized manner, interferred with the service of the utility situated or delivered on or about the . . 228 . . . customer's premises within the last five years, if the finding of unauthorized interference or use is made and determined after notice and opportunity for hearing is provided to the cus- tomer and is not in dispute. (Ord. 1 081 ~ I (Rule 5, @ 5-2), 1981) 13.24.160 Deposits-Standards to be applied unifonnly. A utility shall apply deposit standards uni- formly as condition of utility service to all residential customers. COrd. 1 081 ~ 1 (Rule 5, @ 5-10), 1981) 13.24.170 Deposits-Prohibited standards designated. A utility shall not require a cash deposit or other guarantee as a condition of new or con- tinued residential utility service based upon commercial credit standards (except as provided in these rules), income, home ownership, resi- dential location, race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, or any other criteria not autho- rized by these rules. This rule does not prohibit a utility from ensuring that agreements with customers who may be incompetent, such as minors, are made in such a manner and with such persons, as to the legally binding. (Ord. 1081 @ 1 (Rule 5, ~ 5-5), 1981) 13.24.180 Deposits-Amount. In instances where a deposit may be required by the utility, the deposit shall not exceed one- sixth of estimated annual billings. (Ord. 1081 ~ I (Rule 5, ~ 5-6), 1981) 13.24.190 Deposits-Recordkeeping requiremen ts. A utility shall maintain a record of all depo- sits received from customers, showing the name of each depositor, the date and amount of the deposit made, the location of the premises occupied by the depositor at the time of making the deposit, and each successive location while the deposit is retained. A. Each customer posting a cash deposit 13.24.160-13.24.210 shall receive in writing at the time of tender of the deposit a receipt as evidence thereof, which contains the following minimum information: 1. Name of customer; 2. Address of customer; 3. Place of payment; 4. Date of payment; S. Amount of payment; 6. Identification of the employee receiving the payment; and 7. Statement of the terms and conditions governing the receipt, retention and return of deposit funds. B. A utility shall provide means whereby a customer entilted to a return of his deposit is not deprived of deposit funds even though he may be unable to produce the original receipt for the deposit. In such event, utility records shall be controlling. (Ord. 1081 @ I (Rule 5, ~ 5-9), 1981) 13.24.200 Deposit-Interest payment conditions. Simple interest at the rate of six percent per year on the amount of the deposit shall be paid to the customer upon refund of such deposit, or shall be paid annually to the customer upon demand, provided the deposit has remained intact with the utility for a period of at least six months in order to earn such interest. Interest shall cease on the date of termination of service or refund of deposit. (Ord. 1081 @ I (Rule 5, @5-7),1981) 13.24.210 Deposits-Refund conditions. A. Utility may refund any customer's depo- sit, or a part thereof, by check or by credit to customer's account at any time, and any unpaid interest due on the refund shall be paid to date of refund on such portion of the deposit as has been held intact by utility for six months or more. B. Deposit plus accrued interest shall be refunded under the following circumstances and in the following form: 1. Satisfactory Payment. Where the customer 229 13.24.220-13.24.280 fequests the refund, and has for eighteen con. secutive months paid for service when due in a prompt and satisfactory manner as evidenced by the following: a. The utility has not initiated disconnection proceedings against the customer; b. No more than two notices of delinquency have been made to the customer by the utility; 2. Termination of Service. If the deposit is not feturned as above pfovided, upon termina- tion of service the utility shall return to the customer the amount then on deposit plus accrued interest, less any amounts due the utility by the customer for service rendered. (Ord. 1081 ~ I (Rule 5, ~ 5-8), 1981) 13.24.220 Guarantee-In lieu of deposit when. In lieu of cash deposit fequired by these rules, a utility shall accept written guarantee of a responsible party as surety for a customer ser- vice account; for the purpose of this rule, a "responsible party" means: A. Any individual Of business entity which has maintained service with the utility in ques. tion for the previous twenty-four months, and who has not had service disconnected for failure to pay and has received no more than two delin- quency notices. B. Any special fund identified in writing as a guarantee and approved by the utility. (Ord. 1081 S 1 (Rule 5, ~ 5.11), 1981) 13.24.230 Guarantee-Terms and conditions- Release of guarantee. A guarantee accepted in accordance with these rules is subject to the following terms and condi tions: A. It shall be in writing, and if necessary shall be renewed in a similar manner annually; B. It shall state the terms of guarantee, the maximum amount guafanteed (such maximum not to exceed an estimated one-year bill, such estimation to be made at the time the service is established), and that the utility shall not hold the guarantor liable for sums in excess thereof unless agreed to in a separate written instrument. (Ord. 1081 S I (Rule 5, ~ 5-12), 1981) . 13.24.240 Guarantor released when. A. The guarantor shall be released, and upon the satisfactory payment by the customer of all property charges for utility service for a period of twelve successive months. For purposes of this section, payment is satisfactory if: 1. The utility has not initiated disconnection proceedings against the customer; 2. No more than two notices of delinquency have been made to the customer by the utility. B. The utility may withhold the release of the guarantor pending the resolution of a disputed discontinuance. (Ord. I 081 ~ I (Rule 5, ~ 5-13), 1981) Article 6. Service Conditions 13.24.250 Basis for supply of service. Service will be supplied only under and pur- suant to these service regulations, and any modi- fications or additions thereto lawfully made, and under such applicable rates, schedules and contracts as may from time to time be lawfully established. (Ord. 1081 S 1 (Rule 6, S 6-1), 1981 ) . 13.24.260 Service provided only to existing collection points. Service will be supplied under the applicable rates, schedules and contracts only at points of collection as are presently existing on the utility's system. (Ord. 1081 S 1 (Rule 6, S 6-2), 1981) 13.24.270 Line-extension costs borne by customer. Line-extension costs will be borne by the customer requesting that service. (Ord. 1081 S 1 (Rule 6, S 6-3), 1981) 13.24.280 Application and other service conditions. Application for the use of sewers from an . =--"" 230 e e e existing service must be made at the city finance office on a printed form provided for that purpose. Service will be furnished to any customer who fully and truly sets forth all the purposes for which water may be required and who agrees to and conforms with all the rules and regulations governing the service, provided the purposes set forth comply with all the utility's rules and regulations as on record and approved by the commission, and that the exist- ing utility sewer system is adequate to meet the use for which the application is made. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-5), 1981) 13.24.290 Installation prerequisites and procedures. All sewer services to any premises shall be in- stalled by a bonded installer, except under special conditions approved and inspected by the utility. An application for introduction of sewer service to any premises must be signed by the owner or the owner's designated agent, and must be made on a regular form furnished by the utility for that pur- pose. Prior to approval of such application the utility may require the customer to establish credit or to furnish a deposit as provided in Article 5 of this chapter. The utility shall then install the service to the property line, and the customer shall have the service brought to the building by a bonded install- er, agreed upon between utility and customer. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-6), 1981) 13.24.300 Billing-For multiple delivery points or separate meters for single customers. Where separate points of delivery exist for sup- plying service to a single customer, or separate meters are maintained and provided for measure- ment of service to a single customer, each point of collection or metering shall be separately billed under the applicable rates. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-4), 1981) 13.24.310 Billing-Meter service-Penalty for delinquent payments. All metered services shall be billed based on the 13.24.290---13.24.340 actual water consumed, based on rates and charges on file with and approved by the commission. Pay- ment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is received. If the bill is not paid within thirty days after it has become delinquent, the water service will be disconnected after a ten-day written notice. Service shall not be reinstated until delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting or subsequently reconnecting the line. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-13), 1981) 13.24.320 Billing-Flat-rate service- Penalty for delinquent payments. All flat-rate services shall be billed monthly in advance, on or about the first day of each month, based on rates and charges on file with and ap- proved by the commission. Payment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is received. If the bill is not paid within thirty days after it has become delinquent, the sewer service will be disconnected after a ten-day written notice. Service will not be reinstated until delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting and subsequently recon- necting the line. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-13), 1981 ) 13.24.330 Adjustment of accounts following repairs. Following completion of the repair of customer's lines, the utility may adjust the customer's account to the extent of actual water consumed retroactive for three billing periods, commencing upon comple- tion of the repair. The customer will be responsible for notifying utility of the repair made. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-7), 1981) 13.24.340 Continuity of service-Liability limitations. A. Utility shall make reasonable effort to avoid interruptions of service, and when such interruptions 231 (Bozeman 6.96) 13.24.350-13.24.380 occur, shall reestablish service with reasonable dili- gence. B. Utility shall not be liable to customer or others for failure or interruption of sewer service due to acts of God, governmental regulations, court or commission orders, acts of the public enemy, strikes or labor difficulties, accidents, weather condi- tions, acts of third parties, droughts or, without limitation by the foregoing, any other cause beyond the reasonable control of utility. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-8), 1981) 13.24.350 Suspension of service for repairs and changes. When it is necessary for the utility to make re- pairs or to change its sewer collecting system, utility may, without incurring any liability therefor, sus- pend service for such period as may be reasonably necessary, and in such manner as to minimize the significance to customers. (Amended during 6-96 supplement; Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-10), 1981) 13.24.360 Maintenance-Work performed by utility. Once service to any customer has been installed, the utility, at its own expense, shall maintain the service lines up to the public right-of-way line, with the exception that removal of tree roots and resultant line repair shall be borne by the customer. (Ord. 1160, 1984: Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-9), 1981) 13.24.370 Maintenance-Authorized personnel required. With the exception of special installations ap- proved by the utility, no person or other entity, other than agents, representatives or employees of the utility, shall maintain or repair the utility's sewer system. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-11), 1981) 13.24.380 Violation of regulations- Nonpayment of sewer charges notice-Penalty. For violation of any of these regulations, or for nonpayment of sewer charges as provided in the utility's schedule of rates and charges currently on (Bozeman 6-96) 232 file with and approved by the commission, the utili- e ty has the right to disconnect sewer service follow~ ing ten days' written notice to the customer. After service has been discontinued, the same shall not be reinstated until all delinquent charges are paid. Costs of all disconnects and/or subsequent reconnects shall be borne by the customer. (Ord. 1081 ~ 1 (Rule 6, ~ 6-12), 1981) Chapter 13.28 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Sections: 13.28.010 13.28.020 13.28.030 13.28.040 13.28.050 13.28.060 13.28.070 13.28.080 13.28.090 13.28.100 13.28.110 13.28.120 13.28.130 13.28.140 13.28.150 13.28.160 13.28.170 Purpose and policy. Definitions. Abbreviations. Discharge prohibitions. Wastewater dischargers. Permit required for connection or use. Sand and grease traps. Construction and materials standards. Use of old building sewers permitted when. Building sewer-Location. Building sewer-Excavations. Building sewer-Connection to system-Specifications. Building sewer-Inspection requirements. Connection to public sewer required when. Private sewage disposal facilities-Restrictions. Discharge of unpolluted waters to sanitary sewer prohibited unless approved. Connecting downspouts or drains to building sewers prohibited when. e e e e e 13.28.180 13.28.190 13.28.200 13.28.210 13.28.220 13.28.230 13.28.240 13.28.250 13.28.260 13.28.270 13.28.280 13.28.290 13.28.300 13.28.310 13.28.320 13.28.330 13.28.340 Special agreements for sewage treatment. National Categorical Pretreatment Standards. State requirements. Excessive discharge. Accidental discharges-Notice to employees-Control of slug discharges. Wastewater classification survey. Industrial discharge permit. Monitoring facilities. Sampling, analysis and inspection. Reporting and compliance requirements. Affirmative defenses. Upsets. Bypass. Suspension and revocation of permit. Nuisance-Injunctive relief available-Liability. Criminal penalties. Civil penalties. 13.28.010 Purpose and policy. A. This chapter sets forth uniform requirements for direct and indirect contributors into the wastewater collection and treatment system for the city and enables the city to comply with all applica- ble state and federal laws required by the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CPR, Part 403). B. The objectives of this chapter are: 1. To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the municipal wastewater system which will inter- fere with the operation of the system or contaminate the resulting sludge; 2. To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the municipal wastewater system which will pass through the system, inadequately treated, into receiv- ing waters or the atmosphere or otherwise be incom- patible with the system; 13.28.010-13.28.020 3. To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewaters and sludges from the system; and 4. To provide for equitable distribution of the cost of the municipal wastewater system. C. This chapter provides for the regulation of direct and indirect contributors to the municipal wastewater system through the issuance of permits to certain nondomestic users and through enforce- ment of general requirements for the other users, authorizes monitoring and enforcement activities, requires user reporting, assumes that existing customer's capacity will not be preempted, and provides for the setting of fees for the equitable distribution of costs resulting from the program established herein. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.020 Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates other- wise, the following terms and phrases, as used in this chapter, shall have the meaning hereinafter designated: 1. "Act" or "the Act" means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended, 33 U.S.c. 1251, et seq. 2. Authorized Representative ofIndustrial User. An "authorized representative of an industrial user" may be: a. A principal executive officer or an officer of at least the level of vice-president, if the industrial user is a corporation; b. A general partner or proprietor if the industri- al user is a partnership or proprietorship, respective- ly; c. A duly authorized representative of the indi- vidual designated above if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facilities from which the indirect discharge originates. 3. "Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)" means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the bio- chemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure, five days at twenty degrees centigrade expressed in terms of weight and concen- tration (milligrams per liter (mgll)). 233 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.28.020 4. "Building drain" means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which re- ceives the discharge from soil, waste and other polluted waters drainage pipes inside the walls of buildings and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning five feet outside the inner face of the building wall. 5. "Building sewer" means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal. 6. "Bypass" means the diversion of waste streams from any portion of an industrial user's treatment facility directly to the POTW. 7. "Categorical standards" means National Cate- gorical Pretreatment Standards or pretreatment stan- dard. 8. "City" means the city of Bozeman, Montana_ 9. "Combined sewer" means a sewer receiving both surface runoff and sewage. 10. "Cooling water" means the water discharged from any use such as air conditioning, cooling or refrigeration, or to which the only pollutant added is heat. 11. "Direct discharge" means the discharge of treated or untreated wastewater directly to the waters of the state of Montana. 12. "Engineer" means the city engineer, or his authorized deputy, agent or representative. 13. "Estimated maximum daily discharge" means the greatest discharge into the sewerage system which it is estimated will occur in anyone twenty- four-hour day during the year. 14. "Garbage" means solid wastes from the prep- aration, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of produce. 15. "Grab sample" means a sample which is taken from a waste stream on a one-time basis with no regard to the flow in the waste stream and with- out consideration of time. 16. "Holding tank waste" means any waste from holding tanks such as chemical toilets, campers, trailers, septic tanks and vacuum pump tank trucks. 17. "Indirect discharge" means the discharge or the introduction of nondomestic pollutants from any source regulated under Section 307(b) or (c) of the (Bozeman 6-96) 234 Act, (33 D.S.C. 1317), into the publicly owned treatment works (POTW). 18. "Industrial user" means any user that dis- charges wastewater other than domestic wastes from industrial or commercial processes. 19. "Industrial wastes" means the liquid wastes from industrial processes, as distinct from sanitary sewage. 20. "Interference" means the inhibition or dis- ruption of the POTW treatment processes or opera- tions which contributes to a violation of any require- ment of the city's NPDES permit. The term includes prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal by the POTW in accordance with Section 405 of the Act (33 D.S.C. 1345) or any criteria, guidelines or regu- lations developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Dis- posal Act (SWDA), the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, or more stringent state criteria (including those contained in any state sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Title IV of SWDA) applicable to the method of disposal or use employed by the POTW. 21. "National Categorical Pretreatment Standard" or "pretreatment standard" means any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated in accordance with Section 307 (b) and (c) of the Act (33 D.S.C. 1347) which applies to a specific catego- ry of industrial users. 22. "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit" or "NPDES permit" means a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Act (33 D.S.C. 1342). 23. "National Prohibitive Discharge Standard" or "Prohibitive Discharge Standard" means any regula- tion developed under the authority of 307(b) of the Act and 40 CFR, Section 403.5, as amended. 24. "Natural outlet" means any outlet into a wa- tercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water. 25. "New source" means any source, the con- struction of which is commenced after the publica- tion of proposed regulations prescribing Section 307(c) (33 D.S.C. 1317), Categorical Pretreatment Standard, which will be applicable to such source, if such standard is thereafter promulgated within one e e e e e e hundred twenty days of proposal in the Federal Register. Where the standard is promulgated later than one hundred twenty days after proposal, a new source means any source, the construction of which is commenced after the date of promulgation of the standard. 26. "Pass-through" means a discharge which exits the POTW into waters of the state in quantities or concentrations which alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit (including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation). 27. "Person" means any individual, business association, partnership, corporation or other legal entity. 28. "pH" means the logarithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions expressed in grams per liter of solution. 29. "Pollutant" means any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, wastewater, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biologi- cal material, radioactive material, heat, wrecked or discharged equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal and agricultural waste dis- charge into water. 30. "Pollution" means the manmade or man-in- duced alteration of the chemical, physical, biological and radiological integrity of water. 31. "POTW treatment plant" means that portion of the POTW designed to provide treatment to wastewater. 32. "Pretreatment" or "treatment" means the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimina- tion of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a POTW. The re- duction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical or biological processes, or process changes by other means, except as prohibited by 40 CFR Section 403.6(d). 33. "Properly shredded garbage" means the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of foods that have been shredded to such a degree 13.28.020 that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sew- ers, with no particle greater than one-half inch in any dimension. 34. "Publicly owned treatment works (POTW)" means a treatment works as defmed by Section 212 of the Act (33 U.S.c. 1292) which is owned in this instance by the city. This definition includes any sewers that convey wastewater to the POTW treat- ment plant, but does not include pipes, sewers or other conveyances not connected to a facility pro- viding treatment. For the purposes of this chapter, POTW shall also include any sewers that convey wastewaters to the POTW from persons outside the city who are, by permit, contract or agreement with the city, users of the city's POTW. 35. "Public sewer" means a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights and which is controlled by the city. 36. "Sanitary sewer" means a sewer which carries sewage and to which storm, surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted. 37. "Severe property damage" means substantial physical damage to property, or significant opera- tional interference, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expect- ed to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe prop- erty damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. 38. "Sewer" means a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage. 39. "Shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive. 40. Significant Industrial User. Except as provid- ed in Section 13.28.24OC the term "significant in- dustrial user" means: a. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 CFR 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter N; and b. Any other industrial user that discharges an average of twenty-five thousand gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the POTW (exclud- ing sanitary noncontact cooling and boiler blowdown wastewater); contributes a process wastestream which makes up five percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic 235 (Bozeman 6-%) 13.28.030-13.28.040 capacity of the POTW treatment plant; or is desig- nated as such by the engineer on the basis that the industrial user has a reasonable potential for ad- versely affecting the POTW's operation or for vio- lating any pretreatment standard or requirement. 41. "Slug discharges" means any nonroutine discharge, episodic in nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or a noncustomary batch discharge. 42. "Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)" means a classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual issued by the Exec- utive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, 1972. 43. "State" means the state of Montana. 44. "Storm sewer" or "storm drain" means a sew- er which carries storm and surface waters and drain- age, but excludes sewage and polluted industrial wastes. 45. "Stormwater" means any flow occurring during or following any form of natural precipitation and resulting therefrom. 46. "Suspended solids" means solids that either float on the surface or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering. 47. "Toxic pollutant" means any pollutant or combination of pollutants listed as toxic in regu- lations promulgated under the provisions of CW A 307(a) or other acts. 48. "Upset" means an incident, beyond the rea- sonable control of the industrial user, that causes the user to be in unintentional and temporary noncom- pliance with categorical pretreatment standards. Upsets do not include noncompliance caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 49. "User" means any person who contributes, causes or permits the contribution of wastewater into the city's POTW. 50. "Wastewater" means the liquid and water- carried industrial or domestic wastes from dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities and insti- tutions, together with such ground, surface and (BoZA:man 6-%) 236 storm waters as may be present, whether treated or untreated, which is contributed into or permitted to enter the POTW. 51. "Wastewater contribution permit" shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 13.28.240 of this chapter. 52. "Watercourse" means a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or inter- mittently. 53. "Waters of the state" means all streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, wells, springs, reservoirs, aquifers, irrigation sys- tems, drainage systems and all other bodies or accu- mulations of water, surface or underground, natural or artificial, public or private, which are contained within, flow through, or border upon the state or any portion thereof. (Ord. 1390 ~ 1, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) e 13.28.030 Abbreviations. The following abbreviations shall have the desig- nated meanings: BOD Biochemical oxygen demand CFR Code of Federal Regulations COD Chemical oxygen demand CW A Clean Water Act 1 Liter mg Milligrams mg/l Milligrams per liter NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Publicly owned treatment works Standard Industrial Classification Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 V.S.C. 6901, et seq. USC United States Code TSS Total suspended solids (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) e POTW SIC SWDA 13.28.040 Discharge prohibitions. A. No user shall contribute or cause to be con- tributed, directly or indirectly, any pollutant or wastewater which will cause pass-through or inter- fere with the operation or performance of the POTW. These general prohibitions apply to all such e e e e users of a POTW whether or not the user is subject to National Categorical Pretreatment Standards or any other national, state or local pretreatment stan- dard or requirements. A user may not contribute the following substances to any POTW: 1. Any liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are, or may be sufficient either alone or by interaction with other substances to cause fire or explosion or be injurious in any other way to the POTW or to the operation of the POTW including, but not limited to, waste streams with a closed cup flash point of less than one hun- dred forty degrees Fahrenheit or sixty degrees centi- grade using the test methods specified in 40 CPR 261.21. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketone, aldehydes, peroxides, chlorates, perchlorates, bromates, car- bides, hydrides and sulfides and any other substanc- es which constitutes a fire or explosion hazard; 2. Solid or viscous substances which may cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or other interfer- ence with the operation of the wastewater treatment facilities. Prohibited materials include but are not limited to: fats, oils, grease, garbage with particles greater than one-half inch in any dimension, animal guts or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshings, entrails, whole blood, feathers, ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, shavings, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spent hops, wastepaper, wood, plastics, paint, gas, tar, asphalt residues, residues from refm- ing, or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, mud, or glass grinding or polishing wastes; 3. Any wastewater having a pH less than 5.0 or greater than 9.0, or wastewater having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and/or personnel of the POTW; 4. Any wastewater containing toxic pollutants in sufficient quantity, which either singly or by interaction with other pollutants, injures or interferes with any wastewater treatment process, constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, creates a toxic effect in the receiving waters of the POTW, or exceeds the 13.28.040 limitation set forth in a categorical pretreatment standard. A toxic pollutant shall include butnot be limited to any pollutant identified pursuant to Sec- tion 307(a) of the Act; 5. Any noxious or malodorous liquids, gases or solids which either singly or by interaction with other wastes are sufficient to create a public nui- sance or hazard to life, or which create the presence of toxic gases, vapors or fumes within in the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems, or are sufficient to prevent entry into the sewers for maintenance and repair; 6. Any substance which may cause the POTW's effluent or any other product of the POTW such as residues, sludges or scums, to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse or to interfere with the recla- mation process. In no case, shall a substance dis- charged to the POTW cause the POTW to be in noncompliance with sludge use or disposal criteria, guidelines or regulations developed under Section 405 of the Act; any criteria, guidelines or regula- tions affecting sludge use or disposal developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, or state criteria applicable to the sludge management method being used; 7. Any substance which will cause the POTW to violate its NPDES and/or state disposal system permit or the receiving water quality standards; 8. Any wastewater with objectionable color not removed in the treatment process, such as but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solu- tions; 9. Any wastewater having a temperature that will cause the temperature of the wastewater plant influent to exceed forty degrees centigrade (one hundred four degrees Fahrenheit) or will inhibit biological activity of the wastewater treatment; 10. Any pollutants, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.) released at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which will cause interference to the POTW; 11. Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration as may exceed established limits; 237 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.28.050--13.28.100 12. Any septic tank pumpings or material taken from cesspools, privies or other sewage treatment systems; 13. Any water or waste which may contain more than twenty-five parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil or grease; 14. Any petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that will cause interference or pass-through; 15. Any trucked or hauled pollutants, except as may be approved by the engineer and at discharge points as may be designated by the city. B. When it is determined that a user(s) is con- tributing to the POTW, any of the above-enumerated substances in such amounts as to interfere with the operation of the POTW, then the engineer shall: 1. Advise the user(s) of the impact of the contri- bution on the POTW; and 2. Develop effluent limitation(s) for such user to correct the interference with the POTW. C. Upon such notification, the user shall develop a pretreatment program and comply with the condi- tions set forth in this chapter, particularly Sections 13.28.220 through 13.28.310, inclusive_ (Ord. 1390 ~ 2, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.050 Wastewater dischargers. No person shall discharge any wastewater to any natural outlet within the city or to the POTW except as authorized by the city. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.060 Permit required for connection or use. No authorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or dis- turb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof with- out first obtaining a written permit from the city. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.070 Sand and grease traps. A. No person operating a filling station, garage, car wash or similar place having wash or grease racks shall discharge into the wastewater utility unless such place is provided with a sand and grease (Bozeman 6-96) 238 trap of a size and construction approved by the engineer. Each owner shall submit a detailed draw~ ing and design criteria for the sand and grease trap. The operator of a restaurant or food preparation establishment discharging wastewater containing greater than twenty-five mgll of oil and grease or that has a recurrence with grease buildup or block- age of sewer lines shall immediately install an ap- proved grease trap. All sand and grease traps shall be properly maintained and serviced at the owner's expense. B. Records of maintenance and service for the sand and grease trap shall be made available to the city upon request by the engineer. (Ord. 1390 ~ 3, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) e 13.28.080 Construction and materials standards. The size, slope, alignment, materials of construc- tion of all sanitary sewers including building sewers, and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, joining, testing and backfilling the trench, shall conform to the requirements of the building and plumbing code or other applicable rules and regulations of the city. In the absence of suitable code provisions or in amplification thereof, the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specification of A.S.T.M_ and W.P.C.F. Manual of Practice No.9 shall apply. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) e 13.28.090 Use of old building sewers permitted when. Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the engineer, to meet all requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.100 Building sewer-Location. Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. In all buildings in which any build- ing drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such build- e e e e ing drain shall be lifted at the user's expense by an approved means and discharged to the building sewer. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.110 Building sewer-Excavations. All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lighted so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public prop- erty disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.120 Building sewer-Connection to system-Specifications. The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall conform to the requirements of the building and plumbing code and other applicable rules and regulations of the city, or the procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the A.S.T.M. and the W.P.C.F. Manual of Practice No. 9. All such connections shall be made gastight and watertight, and verified by proper testing. Any devi- ation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved in writing by the city before installation. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.130 Building sewer-Inspection requirements. The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the city when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection and testing shall be made under the supervision of the city's building department. (Ord. 1390 ~ 4, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.140 Connection to public sewer required when. The owner of any house, building or other prop- erty used for human occupancy, employment or recreation, which is situated within the city and abuts on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public sanitary lateral sewer of the city within one hundred feet of the property line, shall install suitable toilet facilities therein at his 13 .28.110---13 .28 .180 own expense and connect such facilities directly with the proper sewer. The connection shall be made within ninety days after such owner is given official notice to make the connection by the city. Connection to the public sewer may also be required in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.50.030D. (Ord. 1390 ~ 5, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.150 Private sewage disposal facilities-Restrictions. It is unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage, unless such facility is approved by the Gallatin County health department. (Ord. 1390 ~ 6, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.160 Discharge of unpolluted waters to sanitary sewer prohibited unless approved. No person shall discharge or cause to be dis- charged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff or subsurface drainage into any sanitary sewer, except, however, that industrial cooling water or unpolluted water may be discharged into a sani- tary sewer upon approval of the engineer. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.170 Connecting downspouts or drains to building sewers prohibited when. No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, foundation drains, areaway drains, or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.180 Special agreements for sewage treatment. No statement contained in this chapter shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the city and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual 239 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.28.190-13.28.220 strength or character may be accepted by the city for treatment. Such agreement shall not include the waiver of National Categorical Pretreatment Stan- dards. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.190 National Categorical Pretreatment Standards. Upon the promulgation of the National Categori- cal Pretreatment Standards for a particular industrial subcategory, the national standard, if more stringent than limitations imposed under this chapter for sources in that subcategory, shall immediately super- sede the limitations imposed under this chapter. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.200 State requirements. State requirements and limitations on discharges shall apply in any case where they are more strin- gent than national requirements and limitations or those in this chapter. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.210 Excessive discharge. No user shall ever increase the use of process water or, in any way, attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate pretreatment to achieve compliance with the limita- tions contained in this chapter. (Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.220 Accidental discharges-Notice to employees-Control of slug discharges. A. Each user with the potential to contribute prohibited substances as outlined in Section 13.28.040, shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other substances regulated by this chapter. Facilities to prevent acci- dental discharge of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the user's own cost and expense. Detailed plans showing facilities and oper- ating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the engineer for review, and shall be approved by the engineer before construction of the facility. No user shall introduce industrial wastes into the system until accidental discharge procedures (Bozeman 6-96) 240 have been approved by the city. Review and ap- proval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the industrial user from the responsibility to modify the user's facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter. In the case of an acci- dental discharge, it is the responsibility of the user to immediately telephone and notify the POTW treatment plant of the incident. The notification shall include location of discharge, type of waste, concen- tration and volume, and corrective actions. B. Within five days following an accidental discharge the user shall submit to the engineer a detailed written report describing the cause of the discharge and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notifica- tion shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to the POTW, fish kills, or any other damage to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the user of any civil or criminal penalties or other liability which may be imposed by this chapter or other applicable law. C. Each user shall permanently post on the user's bulletin board or other prominent place advis- ing employees whom to call in the event of a dan- gerous discharge. Each user shall advise all employ- ees who may cause or suffer such a dangerous dis- charge to occur ofthe emergency notification proce- dure. D. The city may evaluate, at any time, whether each significant industrial user needs a plan to con- trol slug discharges. If the city decides that a slug control plan is needed, the plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following elements: 1. A description of discharge practices, includ- ing nonroutine batch discharges; 2_ Description of stored chemicals; 3. Procedures for immediately notifying the POTW treatment plant of slug discharges, including any discharge that would violate a prohibition in Section 13.28.040; and 4. If necessary, procedures to prevent adverse impact from accidental spills, including inspection and maintenance of storage areas, handling and transfer of materials, loading and unloading opera- e e e e e e tions, control of plant site runoff, worker training and the building of containment structures or equip- ment. (Ord. 1390 ~ 7, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.230 Wastewater classification survey. A. All industrial users shall complete and file with the engineer a wastewater classification survey containing the following information prior to dis- charging into the municipal wastewater system: name and facility address; type of services rendered and products produced; principal raw materials and catalysts used; plant operational characteristics; water use information; wastewater discharge infor- mation; wastewater quantities and constituents; wastewater pretreatment; a plot plan of sewers on the user's property showing sewer and pretreatment monitoring facility locations; details of systems to prevent and control the losses of materials through spills to the POTW; and nondischarge wastes and their disposal. B. All industrial users obtaining a building per- mit for initial construction or for building expansion or remodel shall complete and submit the survey to the engineer for review prior to approval of said building or remodel permit. C. All industrial users shall update the wastewater classification survey on file with the engineer whenever significant changes are made in the wastewater discharge. Significant changes in- clude without limitation, an increase or decrease in wastewater volume, concentration of materials or substances or changes in types of wastes that will last for a period exceeding normal wastewater pro- duction variations. The engineer may request a new submittal of the wastewater classification survey as deemed necessary. (Ord. 1390 ~ 8, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.240 Industrial discharge permit. A. A significant industrial user shall obtain an industrial discharge permit renewable every three years at the initial cost of one hundred dollars and a renewal fee of fifty dollars if the user: 13.28.230-13.28.240 1. Is subject to National Categorical Pretreat- ment Standards; or 2. Is determined by the engineer to have signifi- cant impact, either singly or in combination with other contributing industrial users, on the quality of the wastewater treatment plant's effluent, sludge, scum or residues, or such that interference with the treatment process or facilities would result. B. Existing significant industrial users shall apply for a wastewater discharge permit within sixty days after the effective date of the ordinance codi- fied in this chapter and proposed new significant industrial users shall apply at least sixty days prior to discharging into the wastewater utility. The appli- cation shall include a statement regarding whether or not applicable pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not, what addition- al operation and maintenance and/or additional pretreatment is required to meet the standards. C. The engineer may at any time, and in accor- dance with 40 CPR 403.8(f)(6), determine that an industrial user meeting the criteria of Section 13.28.020(40) is not a significant industrial user if the user has no reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW's operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement. D. Industrial wastewater permits are subject to all provisions of this chapter and all other applicable reports, regulations, user charges and fees estab- lished by the city. Permits may contain, without limitation, the following: 1. A statement of duration; 2. A statement of nontransferability; 3. Effluent limits based on applicable general pretreatment standards, categorical pretreatment standards, local limits, and state and locallaw; 4. Limits on average and maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regula- tion and equalization; 5. Schedules for installation of pretreatment equipment to bring discharge into compliance with applicable regulations; 6. Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities; 241 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.28.250 7. Specifications for monitoring programs that include sampling locations; frequency of sampling; number, type and standards for tests; and reporting schedules; 8. Requirements for submission of technical reports, discharge reports and compliance progress report; 9. Requirements for maintaining and retaining records relating to wastewater discharge as specified by the city and affording city access thereto; 10. Requirements for notification of the city to the new introduction of wastewater constituents or any change in character of the wastewater constit- uents or average volume being introduced into the wastewater utility; 11. A statement of applicable civil and criminal penalties for violation of pretreatment standards and requirements, and any applicable compliance sched- ule. Such schedules may not extend the compliance date beyond applicable federal deadlines; and 12. Other conditions as deemed necessary by the engineer in order to enforce the provisions of this chapter. E. The engineer shall issue industrial discharge permits for a specified time period not to exceed three years. The industrial user shall apply for per- mit reissuance at least thirty days prior to the expi- ration of the user's existing permit. The terms and conditions for the permit may be subject to modifi- cation by the engineer during the term of the permit if limitations or requirements are modified, if neces- sary to meet requirements of the city's NPDES discharge permit to accommodate new or increased contributions of wastewater or changes in the nature of the wastewater, or if there is other good causeo Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance. F. An applicant for a permit shall pay the pre- scribed fees. G. A wastewater discharge permit may not be sold, traded, assigned, transferred or sublet. Any new significant industrial user must obtain a wastewater discharge permit regardless of whether a permit previously existed for the same premises. (Ord. 1390 ~ 9, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) (Bozeman 6-%) 242 13.28.250 Monitoring facilities. A. All significant industrial users shall provide and operate, at their expense, monitoring equipment and facilities sufficient to allow inspection, sampling and flow measurements of the private sewer or internal drainage system. B. The monitoring facility shall normally be situated outside of the building on the user's premis- es. If the industrial user's service line ties into an existing city manhole and such manhole allows for safe sampling and isolation of the industrial user's discharge, the engineer may allow said manhole to serve as the industrial user's monitoring facility. C. Any significant industrial user or user dis- charging prohibited substances or specific pollutants into the POTW shall install a monitoring facility for each separate discharge. Each separate monitoring facility shall meet requirements set forth by the engineer with safe and independent access for city personnel at all times. D. There shall be ample room in or near such monitoring manhole or facility to allow accurate sampling and preparation of samples for analysis. The industrial user shall maintain and operate its own monitoring facility and all sampling and mea- suring equipment at all times in a safe and proper operating condition at the industrial user's expense. E. Whether constructed on public or private property, the industrial user shall construct the sam- pling and monitoring equipment and facilities in accordance with monitoring requirements and all applicable local construction standards and specifica- tions within sixty days following written notification by the engineer or before final building inspection approval. F. All industrial users shall provide safe access to sampling and monitoring sites and pretreatment facilities at all times for authorized city personnel. G. The city may inspect the facilities of any industrial user to determine whether the intent of this chapter and all applicable requirements are being met. Owners, employees or occupants of premises where wastewater is discharged shall allow city representatives or agents ready access at all reasonable times to all parts of the premises where e e e e e e wastewater is created or discharged, including indus- trial process areas, for the purpose of inspection, sampling, records examination and copying, or performance evaluation. Where an industrial user has security measures in force which require proper identification and clearance before entry into indus- trial user's premises, the industrial user shall make necessary arrangements with the security personnel so that upon presentation of suitable identification, personnel authorized by the city, the state, or United States Environmental Protection Agency will be permitted to enter without delay for the purpose of performing their specific responsibilities under this article. (Ord. 1390 ~ 10, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.260 Sampling, analysis and inspection. A. All industrial users shall obtain the engineer's approval for all sampling and measuring equipment prior to its installation or use. All measuring, test and analyses and all sampling that the industrial user is required to make shall be done at his/her own expense. B. All industrial users shall make all measure- ments, tests, sampling and analyses required by this chapter in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 CPR 136 and amendments thereto. The engi- neer may direct an industrial user to deliver a split sample to a designated laboratory for analytical verification. C. The engineer shall determine the frequency of sampling, measuring and analyses and include them as conditions of the user's industrial discharge permit. The engineer may impose mass limitations on industrial users that use flow equalization to meet applicable standards or requirements or in other cases where imposition of mass limitations are ap- propriate. D. The city may place upon the industrial user's property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling inspection, compliance monitoring and/or metering operations. E. Sampling and analysis may be performed by the city in lieu of the industrial user. Where the city itself collects all the information required for the 13 .28.260---13 .28.270 report, the industrial user may be excused from submitting duplicate test data results. F. The city may randomly sample and analyze the effluent from industrial users and conduct sur- veillance activities in order to identify, independent of information supplied by the industrial users, occasional and continuing noncompliance with pre- treatment standards. G. The city shall inspect and sample the effluent from each significant industrial user at least once a year. (Ord. 1390 ~ 11, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.270 Reporting and compliance requirements. A. All significant industrial users required to meet categorical pretreatment standards must submit the reports required in 40 CPR 403.12. All reports shall be based on sampling and analysis performed during the period covered by the report, and per- formed in accordance with the techniques described in 40 CPR Part 136 and amendments thereto. All reports shall be signed by an authorized representa- tive of the industrial user and certified by a qualified professional. All industrial users that have permits or that have the potential to discharge prohibited substances or specific pollutants that may cause a significant impact on the POTW shall submit to the engineer semiannual compliance reports at the times designated on the permit, and containing information and data as required by the permit including but not limited to the following: 1. The name and address of the industrial user including the name of the operator and owners; 2. Any environmental control permits held by or for the industrial user; 3. A brief description of the nature and average rate of production by the industrial user; 4. A brief description of the Standard Industrial Classification of the operation(s) carried out by the industrial user; 5. Building plans or details that indicate all points of discharge to the city sewer system from the regulated process; 243 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.28.270 6. The measured average daily and maximum daily flow, in gallons per day, to the POTW from each of the following: a. Regulated process streams; and b. Other streams as necessary to allow use of the combined waste stream formula of 40 CFR 403.6(e). All flows shall be measured unless cost or feasibility justify allowing a verifiable estimate of the flow; 7. Nature and concentration of pollutants or materials prohibited in the discharge; 8. A statement indicating whether pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not, whether additional operation and maintenance and/or additional pretreatment is required for the industrial user to meet the requirements; and 9. If additional pretreatment and/or operation and maintenance will be required to meet the re- quirements, the industrial user shall supply the shortest schedule by which the industrial user will provide such additional pretreatment and/or opera- tion and maintenance. B. An industrial user is in significant noncompli- ance if its violation meets one or more of the fol- lowing criteria: 1. Chronic violation of wastewater discharge limits, defined here as those in which sixty-six percent or more of all the measurements taken dur- ing a six-month period exceed (by any magnitude) the daily maximum limit or the average limit for the same pollutant parameter; 2. Technical review criteria (TRC) violation, defined here as those in which thirty-three percent or more of all the measurements for each pollutant parameter taken during a six-month period equal or exceed the product of the daily maximum limit or the average limit multiplied by the applicable TRe (TRC = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, fats, oil and grease, and 1.2 for all other pollutants except pH); 3. Any other violation of a pretreatment effluent limit (daily maximum or longer-term average) that the engineer determines has caused, alone or in combination with other discharges, interference or pass-through (including endangering the health of POTW personnel or the general public); (Bozeman 6-96) 244 4. Any discharge of a pollutant that has caused imminent endangerment to human health, welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or pre- vent such a discharge; 5. Failure to meet, within ninety days after the schedule date, a compliance schedule milestone contained in a local control mechanism or enforce- ment order for starting construction, completing construction or attaining [mal compliance; 6. Failure to provide, within thirty days after the due date, required reports such as baseline monitor- ing reports, ninety-day compliance reports, periodic self-monitoring reports, and reports on compliance with compliance schedules; 7. Failure to accurately report noncompliance; and 8. Any other violation or group of violations which the city determines will adversely affect the operation or implementation of the local pretreat- ment program. C. The city may publish an annual public notifi- cation, in the largest daily newspaper published in the municipality in which the POTW is located, of industrial users which, at any time during the previ- ous twelve months, were in significant noncompli- ance with applicable pretreatment requirements. D. All industrial users shall notify the POTW, EP A Regional Waste Management Division Direc- tor, and state hazardous waste authorities in writing of any discharge into the POTW of a substance, which, if otherwise disposed of, would be a hazard- ous waste under 40 CFR Part 261. Such notification shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 403.12(p). E. All industrial users shall promptly notify the POTW in advance of any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants in their discharge, including the listed or characteristic hazardous wastes for which the industrial user has submitted initial notification under 40 CFR 403 .12(p). F. Any industrial user submitting information to the city pursuant to this chapter may claim it to be confidential if it demonstrates to the satisfaction of the engineer that release of such information would e e e e e e divulge information processes, or methods of pro- duction entitled to protection as the user's trade secrets. 1. The user must assert such claim at the time of submission by stamping the words "confidential business information" on each page containing such information. If no such claim is made at the time of submission, the city may make information available to the public without further notice. 2. Such confidential business information shall not be made available to the public but, the city may use the information for determining compliance with this chapter. 3. Effluent Of discharge data is not confidential. 4. The city may provide confidential business information to governmental agencies upon written request for uses directly related to enforcement of this chapter, but, the city shall not transmit the confidential information to any government agency until the city has received written approval from the user. G. No person shall make any false statement, representation or certification, knowing it to be false, in any application, record, plan, data or docu- ment filed or required to be maintained pursuant to this chapter. H. No person shall falsify, tamper with or know- ingly render inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under this chapter. 1. The engineer shall have access to records and wastewater testing facilities during normal working hours of the user. (Ord. 1390 ~ 12, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.280 Affirmative defenses. An industrial user shall have an affirmative de- fense in any action brought against it alleging a violation of the general and specific prohibitions established in subsection A of Section 13.28.040 where the user can demonstrate that: A. It did not know or have reason to know that its discharge, alone or in conjunction with a dis- charge or discharges from other sources, would cause pass-through or interfefence; and 13.28.280-13.28.290 B. A local limit designed to prevent pass- through and/or interference, as the case may be, was developed by the city for each pollutant in the in- dustrial user's discharge that caused pass-through or interference, and the user was in compliance with each such local limit directly prior to and during the pass-through or interference; or C. If a local limit designed to prevent pass- through and/or interference, as the case may be, has not been developed for the pollutant(s) that caused the pass-through or interference, the industrial user's discharge directly prior to and during the pass- through or interference did not change substantially in nature or constituents from the industrial user's prior discharge activity when the POTW was regu- larly in compliance with the POTW's NPDES per- mit requirements and, in the case of interference, applicable requirements for sewage sludge use or disposal. (Ord. 1390 ~ 14, 1994) 13.28.290 Upsets. A. An industrial user who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other felevant evidence that: 1. An upset occurred and the industrial user can identify the cause(s) of the upset; 2. The facility was at the time being operated in a prudent and workman-like manner and in compli- ance with applicable operation and maintenance procedures; 3. The industrial user has submitted the follow- ing information to the POTW treatment plant and the city within twenty-four hours of becoming aware of the upset (if this information is provided orally, a written submission must be provided within five days): a. A description of the indirect discharge and cause of noncompliance, b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, c. Steps being taken and/or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent recurrence of the noncompli- ance; 244-1 (Bozeman 6~96) 13.28.300-13.28.310 B. In any enforcement proceeding the industrial user seeking to establish an affirmative defense for the occurrence of an upset shall have the burden of proof. (Ord. 1390 ~ 15, 1994) 13.28.300 Bypass. A. An industrial user may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause pretreatment standards or requirements to be violated, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to assure efficient opera- tion. These bypasses are not subject to the provision of subsections B and C of this section. B. The industrial user shall provide notice of bypass, to the city, as follows: 1. If an industrial user knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the POTW treatment plant, if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass. 2. An industrial user shall submit oral notice of an unanticipated bypass that exceeds applicable pretreatment standards to the POlW treatment plant within twenty-four hours from the time the industri- al user becomes aware of the bypass. A written submission shall also be provided within five days of the time the industrial user becomes aware of the bypass. The written submission shall contain a de- scription of the bypass and its cause; the duration of the bypass, including exact dates and times, and, if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccur- rence of the bypass. The city may waive the written report on a case.-by-case basis if the oral report has been received within twenty-four hours. C. Bypass is prohibited, and the city may take enforcement action against an industrial user for bypass, unless: 1. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage; and 2. There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facili- ties, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise (Bozeman 6-96) of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; and 3. The industrial user submitted notices as re- quired under subsection B of this section. D. The city may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the city deter- mines that it will meet the three conditions listed in subsection C of this section. (Ord. 1390 ~ 16, 1994) e 13.28.310 Suspension and revocation of permit. A. The engineer may suspend or revoke any industrial discharge permit and terminate the wastewater service if the permittee: 1. Discharges wastewater which presents immi- nent or substantial endangerment to the environment and/or public health, safety and welfare; 2. Discharges wastewater which causes interfer- ence with the POTW or causes the city to violate any conditions of its NPDES permit; 3. Violates any condition stated in the permit or provisions of this chapter; 4. Fails to report an accidental discharge of a toxic substance; 5. Increases the use of process water or attempts to dilute the discharge for the sole purpose of achieving compliance with any limitations; 6. Falsifies any report of the wastewater constit- uents and characteristics; 7. Tampers with, disrupts or damages monitor- ing and sampling equipment or facilities; 8. Refuses reasonable access to the industrial user's premises for the purpose of inspection or monitoring; or 9. Fails to pay fees or charges. B. In the event of any violation of this chapter the engineer shall revoke the industrial discharge permit for the remainder of its term or suspend it for a shorter period based on the severity of the disqual- ification, its effect on public health, safety and wel- fare, and the time during which the disqualification can be remedied if at all. e 244-2 e e e e C. No user will be permitted to discharge into the POTW any wastewater which is in violation of this chapter. Any user may have their wastewater service(s) suspended or terminated by the engineer. D. Any person notified of a revocation or sus- pension of their wastewater treatment service and/or the wastewater contribution permit shall immediately stop or eliminate the contribution. In the event of failure of the person to comply voluntarily with the suspension order, the city shall sever the sewer connection or take such steps as deemed necessary to prevent or minimize damage to the POTW system or endangerment to any individuals. The city shall reinstate the wastewater contribution permit and/or the wastewater treatment service upon proof of the elimination of the noncomplying discharge. A de- tailed written statement submitted by the user de- scribing the causes of the harmful contribution and the measures taken to prevent any future occurrence shall be submitted to the engineer within fifteen days of the date of occurrence. E. Any user, whose permit is revoked or sus- pended, may request a hearing before the city com- mission to show cause why the proposed enforce- ment action should not have been taken. 1. The city commission will cause the user to be notified of the time and place set for the hearing. Notice will be served personally or by registered or certified mail at least ten days prior to the hearing. 2. The city commission or its designated repre- sentative will conduct the hearing by accepting testimony and evidence relevant to the matter in- volved in the hearing. Testimony shall be taken under oath and transcribed so that it may be made available to any party at the hearing or the public. 3. The city commission will, within ten days after the hearing, issue its final determination to the user. F. The user shall pay all costs and expenses associated with any such suspension and restoration of service. (Ord. 1390 ~~ 13 (part), 17, 1994: Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.320--13.28.330 13.28.320 Nuisance-Injunctive relief available-Liability. A. Any discharge into the POTW in violation of this chapter or any rule, regulation, limitation, per- mit condition or order in force pursuant thereto, is declared to be a nuisance. B. If any person discharges into the POTW in violation of this chapter or any rule, regulation, limitation, permit condition or order in force pursu- ant thereto, the city attorney may, in addition to any other remedies, commence an action for equitable or legal relief, or both, including a petition in a court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary restraining order, and preliminary and permanent injunctions to prohibit the continuation of any viola- tion of this chapter. C. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any rule, regulation, limitation, per- mit condition or order in force pursuant thereto, shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense to the city or others arising out of, resulting from or occurring in connection with said violation, includ- ing but not limited to injury to or death of any person, damage to property, enforcement of this chapter, attorneys' fees or increased costs for man- aging effluent, sludge or operating POTW. D. Any person who discharges into the POTW in violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule, regulation, limitation, permit condition or order in force pursuant thereto, shall be liable for any expense arising out of, resulting from or occurring in connection with said discharge if the city is found to violate any condition of its NPDES permit, in- cluding but not limited to fines assessed against the city, enforcement of this chapter, attorney's fees, sampling or analytical testing. (Ord. 1390 ~ 13 (part), 1994; Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) 13.28.330 Criminal penalties. Any person who purposely, knowingly or negli- gently violates any provision of this chapter, or any rule, regulation, limitation, permit condition or order in force pursuant thereto, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars per violation per day 244-3 (Bozeman 6-96) 13.28.340 or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both. (Ord. 1411 ~ 1, 1995: Ord. 1390 ~ 13 (part), 1994; Ord. 1184 ~ 1 (part), 1985) e 13.28.340 Civil penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, or any rule, regulation, limitation, permit condition or order in force pursuant thereto, shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount of not less than two hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars for each violation, and a separate violation shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. (Ord. 1390 ~ 18, 1994) e (Bozeman 6-96) 244-4 e e e e Chapter 13.32 SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY Sections: 13.32.010 Applicability of chapter and plumbing code. Application for pennission to connect. Extension of service-Factors for consideration. Consent to annexation-Design specifications applicable. Sewer connection charge. Line extensions-Costs borne by property owners. Rates, charges and rentals. 13.32.020 13.32.030 13.32.040 13.32.050 13.32.060 13.32.070 13.32.010 Applicability of chapter and plumbing code. Any person owning or leasing property out- side the corporate limits of the city now con- nected with the system of sanitary sewers shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. As a condition and a prerequisite for the continuing use of the sanitary sewerage system, the plumb- ing inspector may, upon demand, inspect the plumbing on such property and require the owner or occupant to comply with the latest plumbing code. The plumbing upon any prop- erty which is to be connected with the city sewerage system shall comply with the plumbing code. (Ord. 1081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.18.060) 13.32.020 Application for pennission to connect. Application for permission to connect with the sanitary sewerage system shall be made in writing to the city manager. The owner or lessee of such property shall make application to connect as provided, obtain a plumbing 13.32.010-13.32.040 permit from the plumbing inspector, and pay the inspection fee required by the plumbing code. (Ord. 1081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.18.070) 13.32.030 Extension of service-Factors for consideration. A. The following factors will be considered by the city commission in determining whether or not to extend water or sewer service outside of the city limits of the city: I. Orderly growth and development of the city; 2. Water and land pollution abatement or control; 3. Need of persons or industries requesting service as determined by the city commission; 4. Capacity of the utility system of the city to serve property outside of the city limits of the city; S. Extension of water or sewer service facilities outside of the city limits will not be approved if the property to be served has been determined by an engineering analysis to be outside of the areas that the existing water system, sewer collection system and sewage treatment facilities are designed and constructed to serve. B. The city manager will be responsible for submitting information and recommendations pertaining to the foregoing factors. (Ord. 1081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.18.010) 13.32.040 Consent to annexation-Design specifications applicable. A. Any person, firm or corporation request- ing water and/or sewer service outside of the incorporated limits of the city shall be required, as a condition precedent to the extension of such service, to execute and deliver to the city a written consent of annexation of the property to be served by the water and/or sewer facilities. B. All extensions of water and/or sewer lines outside the city limits shall be constructed in accordance with the design and specifications 245 (Bozeman 3-87) 13.32.050-13.36.010 approved by the city engineer prior to the in- stallation of the water and/or sewer lines. (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: prior code S 10.18.030) 13.32.050 Sewer connection charge. A charge based on actual cost shall be made for each connection to any lateral of the city sewerage system to serve property located out- side the city limits. The charge established by this section shall apply to each dwelling or building connected with a sewer lateral. (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: prior code S 10.18.040) 13.32.060 Line extensions-Costs borne by property owners. The cost of water and/or sewer line exten- sions outside the city limits shall be borne by the owners of the property to be served, who shall also pay all water and sewer assessments and rates. (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: prior code S 10.18.020) 13.32.070 Rates, charges and rentals. The sanitary sewerage disposal rates, charges and rentals shall be charged by the city and paid monthly for all premises outside the city limits which are now or hereafter con- nected with the sewerage system of the city sanitary sewerage disposal, based upon the total consumption of water used during the months of November, December, January and February on the respective premises. The rate shall be computed in the same manner as for city residents, and where the character of the waste exceeds the limitations imposed by the ordinances of the city, the surcharges shall be based on a formula used by the city with the determination of the charge made by the office of the city engineer. (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: prior code S 10.18.050) (Bozeman 3.87) Chapter 13.36 e SEWAGE DISPOSAL RATES AND CHARGES Sections: 13.36.010 Persons liable for sewerage rates, charges and rentals. 13.36.020 Operation and maintenance costs designated- Determination. 13.36.030 Wastewater contribution percentage-Determination procedure. 13.36.040 Determining a surcharge for users with excess BOD and SS. 13.36.050 Determining each user's wastewater service charges. 13.36.060 Notification of wastewater treatment rate. 13.36.070 Billing of charges-Penalties for late payment. 13.36.080 Sewer connections-Deferred payments authorized when. 13.36.090 Review of wastewater service e charges. 13.36.100 Payment of sewerage charge- Status of debt. 13.36.110 Extra-strength surcharge- Computation of rates. 13.36.010 Persons liable for sewerage rates, charges and rentals. The rates, charges and rentals for sewage disposal service provided by the sewerage system of the city shall be imposed upon the parties and properties which are connected thereto for sanitary sewerage disposal. (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 S 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code S 10.19.010) 246 e e e e 13.36.020 Operation and maintenance costs designated -Detennination. The city, or its city engineer, shall determine the total annual costs of operation and main- tenance of the wastewater system which are necessary to maintain the capacity and per- formance, during the service life of the treat- ment works, for which such works were de- signed and constructed. The total annual cost of operation and maintenance shall include, but need not be limited to, labor, repairs, equipment replacement, maintenance, neces- sary modifications, power, sampling, laboratory tests, and a reasonable contingency fund. (Ord. 1081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. I 064 ~ I (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code S 10.19.011) 13.36.030 Wastewater contribution percentage -Detennination procedure. A. The city, or its city engineer, shall deter- mine each user's average daily volume of waste- water which has been discharged to the waste- water system, which shall then be divided by the average daily volume of all wastewater dis- charged to the wastewater system, to determine each user's volume contribution percentage. The amount used as the total average daily volume of wastewater shall exclude infiltration and inflow. The city, or its city engineer, shall determine each user's average daily poundage of five-day, twenty-degree centigrade bio- chemical oxygen demand (BOD) which has been discharged to the wastewater system, which shall then be divided by the average daily poundage of all five-day BOD discharged to the wastewater system to determine each user's BOD contribution percentage. B. The city, or its city engineer, shall deter- mine each user's average suspended solids (SS) poundage which has been discharged to the wastewater system, which shall then be divided by the eaverage daily poundage of all suspended solids discharged to the wastewater system, to determine the user's suspended solids con- tribution percentage. Each user's volume 13.36.020-13.36.050 contribution percentage, BOD contribution percentage and suspended solids contribution percentage shall be multiplied by the annual operation and maintenance costs for wastewater treatment of the total volume flow, of the total five-day, twenty-degree centrigrade BOD and of the suspended solids, respectively. (Ord. 1081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 S I (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code ~ 10.19.012) 13.36.040 Determining a surcharge for users with excess BOD and SS. The city, or its city engineer, will determine the average suspended solids (SS) and bio- chemical oxygen demand (BOD) daily loadings for the average residential user. The city, or its city engineer, will assess a surcharge rate for all nonresidential users discharging wastes with BOD and SS strengths greater than the average residential user. Such users will be assessed a surcharge sufficient to cover the costs of treat- ing such users' above-normal BOD and two hundred fifty ppm SS. The surcharge rate struc- ture for such above-normal-strength waste discharges is attached. (See Appendix A to the ordinance codified in this chapter.) (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 S 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code ~ 10.19.013) 13.36.050 Determining each user's wastewater service charges. Each nonresidential user's wastewater treat- ment cost contribution as determined in Sec. tions 13.36.030 and 13.36.040 shall be added together to determine such users' annual waste- water service charge. Residential users may be considered to be one class of user, and an equit- able service charge may be determined for each user based upon an estimate of the total waste- water contribution of this class of user. The governing body may classify industrial, com- mercial and other nonresidential establishments are equivalent to the wastes from the average residential user with respect to volume, sus- pended solids, and BOD. Each user's wastewater 247 (Bozeman 3-87) 13.36.060-13.360100 treatment cost contribution will be assessed in accordance with the attached rate schedule. (See Appendix A to the ordinance codified in this chapter.) (Ord. 1081 @ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 S 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code S 10.19.014) 13.36.060 Notification of wastewater treatment rate. Each user will be notified, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to wastewater treatment services. (Ord. 1081 @ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 ~ 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code @ 10.19.017) 13.36.070 Billing of charges-Penalty for late payment. The city shall submit an annual statement to the user for the user's annual wastewater service charge, or one.twe1fth of the user's annual wastewater service charge may be in- cluded with the monthly water and/or waste. water utility billing. The city shall add a penalty of one and one-half percent per month if the payment is not received by the city within fifteen days. Should any user fail to pay the user wastewater service charge and penalty with. in three months of the due date, the city may stop the wastewater service to the property. (Ord. 1081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 ~ 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code ~ 10.19.015) 13.36.080 Sewer connections-Deferred payments authorized when. Pursuant to the provisions of RCM 11.3302, it is provided that whenever any sewer connec. tion shall be made voluntarily, or ordered to be made by the director of public service, and the person so voluntarily making such con- nection or making it pursuant to such order shall, within thirty days after such connection is completed, request in writing filed with the clerk of the commission that the cost thereof (Bozeman 3-87) be divided into not more than eight equal annual payments with interest on the deferred pay- ments at not to exceed six percent per year, the director of finance shall make the appro- priate entry on his books of account, and the assessment shall be certified and collected as are other assessments for street improvements. (Ord. 1081 S 2 (part), 1981: prior code ~ 10.20.010) e 13.36.090 Review of wastewater service charges. The city shall review the total annual cost of operation and maintenance, as well as each user's wastewater contribution percentage not less often than every two years, and will revise the system as necessary to assure equity of the service charge sytem established herein and to assure that sufficient funds are obtained to adequately operate and maintain the wastewater treatment works. If a significant user, such as an industry, has completed in-plant modifica- tions which would change that user's waste- water contribution percentage, the user can present, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body, such factual information, and the city shall then determine if the user's waste. water contribution percentage is to be changed. The city shall notify the user of its findings as soon as possible. (Ord. 1081 @ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 S 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code ~ 10.19.016) e 13 .36.1 00 Payment of sewerage charge- Status of debt. The sewerage charges for each premises shall be personal or corporate obligations of the same party or parties who are obligated for payment of city water bills for such premises, according to the ordinances and regulations respecting the city water utility. It is the duty of the water department of the city to prepare, issue and mail, as near as may be to the first day of each calendar month, a statement of the sewer- age charge for each user of the sewerage utility. In all cases, the sewerage charges shall appear as e 248 e e e a surcharge, separately stated, upon the water bill as rendered. Each such charge shall be due and payable at the time and place as the water bill on which it is shown, and no payment shall be accepted by the city, or any of its officers or employees, of a water bill without con- current payment of the sewerage charge; and all of the penalties, including the shutting off of the customer's water supply, shall be applied in each case of nonpayment of the sewerage charge in like manner as for nonpayment of the water charge. Each user of the sewerage utility shall be deemed to have contracted and agreed to pay the sewerage charges hereby imposed, and such charges may be collected by actions at law whenever the same are more than thirty days overdue and shall bear interest at the highest rate allowed by law for contract in- debtedness from and after the fifteenth day of the month in which the charge becomes due and payable. To the full extent now or here- after permitted by law, overdue sewerage charges shall constitute a lien upon, and en- forceable against, the real estate constituting the premises which was the user of the sewerage utility for which the charges were imposed. No subsequent owner or occupant of any premises for which any sewerage charge is overdue shall be entitled to water or sewerage service until the overdue charge is paid, notwithstanding that such subsequent owner or occupant may not have been personally obligated therefor. (Ord. 1081 @ 2 (part), 1981: prior code @ 10.19.040) 13.36.110 Extra-strength surcharge~ Computation of rates. Customers contributing waste water with strength concentration in excess of normal allowable limits of two hundred fifty parts per million of BOD and two hundred parts per million of suspended solids would be subject to an extra strength surcharge, in addition to the regular service charge computed in accord with the following formula: 13.36.110 Extra Strength Surcharge. S "" V, x 62.4 (0.095 (BOD) - 250 - 0.115 (SS-200) Vs = Sewage volume in million cubic feet 62.4 = Pounds per cubic foot of water 0.095 = City Unit Charge for BOD in dollars per pound BOD "" BOD strength index in parts per million by weight 250 = Allowed BOD strength in parts per million by weight 0.115 = City Unit charge for suspended solids in dollars per pound SS = Suspended solids strength index in parts per million by weight 200 = Suspended solids strength in parts per million by weight. (Ord. 1082 @ 1, 1981: Ord. 1 081 ~ 2 (part), 1981: Ord. 1064 ~ 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 1059 (part), 1980: prior code ~ 10.19.030) 248-1 (Bozeman 3.87) e e e 6tz: . . (a3A 1(35311) vi 31ll~ . . . .