HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-16 . --" THE C I T Y 0 F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA December 16, 2002 1. Call to Order - 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - January 18, 2000, and October 2, November 22, December 9, December 11 and December 12,2002 4. Consent Items - a. Commission Resolution No. 3566 - authorizing the issuance and calling forthe sale of $1,685,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A (second part of $4,000,000 GO bond issue for new Library) b. Commission Resolution No. 3567 - authorizing the issuance and calling forthe sale of$3,485,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series2003B (refinancing of remainder of $5,000,000 GO bond issue for transportation projects) c. Commission Resolution No. 3568 - certifying delinquent assessments as of December 2, 2002, to the County d. Acknowledge receipt of staff report - request for annexation of 4.04 acres described as Lots 3, 4, 11 and 12, Gordon Mandeville State School Section Subdivision (2311 North 7th Avenue)- Murdoch Family Limited Partnership for John Dorn, Mark Douglas Dorn and Lisa Ann Dorn (A-02011) (DS) e. Commission Resolution No. 3569 - intent to annex 4.04 acres described as Lots 3,4,11 and 12, Gordon Mandeville State School Section Subdivision (2311 North 7th Avenue); set public hearing for January 6,2003 f. Applications for renewal of Beer, Wine and Liquor License for Calendar Year 2003 g. Authorize Fire Department to begin immediate acquisition of capital items funded through the recently-approved mill levy h. Authorize settlement of Cause No. DV-02-520 and payment of settlement amount i. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement - 30-foot-wide easement across Lot 3, Minor Subdivision No. 210 - Gallatin Center L.P. j. Authorize City Manager to sign - Release and Reconveyance of Public Utility Easement - 30-foot-wide easement across Lot 9.1, Gallatin Center Subdivision, Phase II - Gallatin Center Limited Partnership k. Authorize City Manager to sign - Professional Services Agreement for improvements to West Babcock Street from West Main Street to Fowler Avenue- Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Bozeman, Montana I. Authorize City Manager to sign - Professional Services Agreement for the sewer rehabilitation project, EPA Grant Priority 2 - HKM Engineering, Bozeman, Montana m. Authorize Mayorto sign - Findings of Fact and Order - preliminary plat for Diamond Estates Subdivision No.2, Phase I (subdivide 20.302 acres described as a portion of the South % of Section 3, T2S, R5E, MPM, into 29 residential lots ) (north side of Durston Road at Ferguson Avenue extended) City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TOO 582-2301). Page 1 of 2 n. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order - preliminary plat for minor subdivision to subdivide 10.667 -acre tract described as Tract A-2, COS No. 1827 into two commercial lots (east side of Valley Center Road, northwest of its intersection with North 19th A venue) o. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order- Amendment to preliminary plat for Minor Subdivision No. 99 of Advanced Technology Park Subdivision - to remove "no access easement" on south side of Lot 3, Block 2, Minor Subdivision No. 99, along Garfield Street (2048 Analysis Drive) p. Authorize Mayor to sign - CTEP Participation Form for Federal Fiscal Year 2003 q. Building Inspection Division report for November 2002 r. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 5. Continued public hearing - Major Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness to allow construction of a 5,865-square-foot bank, with two-story residential units above, on Lots 1-4, 17 and 18, Block C, Story Addition, with deviation from Section 18.50.100, Bozeman Municipal Code, to allow drive-through facility to encroach into side yard setback - Springer Group for Buz Cowdrey (202 West Main Street) (Z-02218) (KC) (Previously Item 11 on December 9 agenda) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 6. Informal review - Bridger Peaks Court subdivision pre-application and concept plan for planned unit development - subdivide 18 acres into thee lots zoned for commercial development and construction of two 60-unit buildings for affordable senior housing (along north side of West Oak Street, between the Bridger Peaks Town Center and North 15th Avenue extended) Conduct review; forward individual Commissioner comments 7. Appointments to various boards and commissions: (a) Board of Appeals, (b) Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board, (c) Cemetery Board, (d) Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board, (e) Design Review Board, (f) Fire Code Board of Appeals, (g) Pedestrian/Traffic Safety Committee, (h) Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, (i) Senior Citizens' Advisory Board, (j) Tax Increment Financing Industrial District (TIFID) Board, and (k) Transportation Coordinating Committee Motion and vote to appoint; direct staff to readvertise for boards not filled 8. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 9. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 2 of 2