HomeMy WebLinkAbout73- provide for a Joint Recreational-Instructional Swimming Facility , . . " ~ : . .. .. .,' f. " . . . , ~ INTBRLOCAL COOnM'l'IONAGREflN1,'TO' PROVID~FOR , A , JOINT ~!mATIONAL-IN$TRUCT . .. Nit SWI~NGPAei:LXTY THIS AqUlWllK',. ..de' allC1.nt..red 1tlt,.;.~J..' 2...th. day of Mlty,l974,byand between theCltyofBoaeman, Montana, a.unlcipal'COJrporat1on, herein*fterreferred to as the .. .cityn, an4 tneBoz...n Hi9hSchool.piat:riot and School . - , . J)latrict.No. 7 of MOntana, herein!':.r referred to a8 th.. n01.trict..... W~''r N E S"S E 'flit. ..... -.Ii '~ - ....... ..... ... _ ......'-.iiI ; ... WHEUAS,the City does not:~.ve an adequate faoility to provide for year around recrea,tlonal 8w111'lJQlnq; WBtRB,ls,the District deair.. to improve on the . phy.ioal 8t\ucat.lQZlianil...fety tnatructionfor" ohildren, through a svimmin<<.;rp~9r_J WHEREAS, bothput.i.. desire t.opz-ov1de the moat economical us. of tax. money, avoidinq duplication wherever po..ible; ,,' , ,.. " WHEUAs, botb.parti.. h'aV.,.,.t~.ti9at.d many methods of Proyid1ngt.h1e,. .taoilit.y ~'have determined " ~ -;' . - . , " , . . .. I that. c~per&ti~1y,.~:1l~Z.d,CltY-D1.trict swimming pool would:be,t~e', aq,t." advdi11iav4iou.,.. !or. all concerned; ,IIBBRiAS~. bo1:h. partie a have. expre..ed an 1nteZ'..:t in .nt.ring into an I1'1t.erlocal Cooperation .Agreement to r""'N l,~, , 'j', ~ c' . - '~,. ,., -1- 'd, , . . ' , , . : , " J . . i . provide this .wtmming pool facility and are allowed to , , " cooper.~e, in 8ucrb>a IlilitUr a8 provided byS.atlons 16-4901 ~~U9h 16....4909, R.~ ~~1. 194'1, Arti:clext,' section 7, of , . ,_ , ' :'" :,,' , ...: '". -.',~, .' ",~ i.,: t:" , the",Con.~itutiOno,f',Monu.na, and furtherprovid-.d, f~ by ~h.',Interlocal cooperation Aqreement. to provide' fora Joint. ComriRulit.y Recx-aation Departmlen~; approved by the Attorney" G.'ral'. otfic.,'M.y1S, 1973.. NOW, THERRPOU, IT IS AGREED THAT: , . , 1. The Cit.y and, the,olatrlct cooperate in the COJl\llunJ.1::i8wi.u.nqpoo1.. 2. '1'hla city will ca"..e"t.he4eaiqn 'andgonatruction ot'aso.terpo01faci~it:.r:utill.in9' proceed.~of . General Ol:>liga'tion Bond Issue au1:horized by theV01:ers of the c! ty ..' '.. "",,",' .\":'; <',,-; .~., ::, 1:"-.' ~ ., ", ~,..,... ' ., . ~ of Boaeman at an elect10n held "Novembar ,6" 1973" t0ge1:her with ...y federal Or at.ategrant funda whlohmay be ...de . ,'; available.. 3. The Diets-tot will,'provide a site on the J\U\ior- .. Senior 8i911 School Campua for the location d'!this facility :, ' '..' '. , .: '!, ,-. anct"!ll ent;er into a fifty (50) year lea.. wi~h the City '" fQ~ an adequat.e swim1i..inq Pool '.! te . " .. .. ' 4.. The City will be th.,'owner of Ba14 improvements. . " .. 5'~' . The,,';.Cit.y tA,ll,,'~ye.~oP. prelinlia~, ,arC:h'1tec~ral 'pl.~s lor the" fttl~in9'Yf;cil1iy of' n.~..'.rY-4ea19n to meet the r.quirement8'o~t.. r.Ct'._t~,oJl~l Ilpd .in.tru~t1ql),.1 .. .' !. " ~, ::, ,. ~ faoility.. ;,~ ~~ ','.ll'l ,- 'i; , '~2~ , . . ".:..:!f', . .. "' : .., ' ..,:', 6~Al.1."phn. aft4'.pficifiaai:1ons are to'bcI .na appro.4 by the, CH1Y and. District r..~oti vely to as&ure tbatt.hed..1pis. adeq.~. to meet 1~,,1,' . 11','" - " .,;~ . of i;...iith , an40~~:;.~):'aqu1~q.. .' '., ';':.:,:'-?' ,,': ':'1"',. ~..- ,:; .v,~, ' II,,_,,"':' ',:'". ':,: ..i . ""';'-'.:.,' '.:' "'" :":Ii, ".;' " . , ::,:~_.~','.'- " 'j, ,.... .,. ot.t.riOt"aqr....ti1.i't.he' pat.ronaoi &UQh .~ t.a4.li~y..hall. h~va" ~.,.r:~9ht~9:1l.. .' 1:he school pU:kill9 ;'" ",< ":'< n;:. .,,"., .' ,;,>, . .,: 'i' ,:~~/~d 'l..'; ",," ~ .~,. ~ : " ,,:", ~. "" . , , , , ' ' ' ~ , , '''" " : " , , ,," '" "" ~,'~ faolli.ti.. to 'the vloin1.~~, C)f th~'~i~.:'o7 'a~,...may be herelnafttat' .'. ,," ,.>,/,:~:', ~i ':'-:,:~ -",,'~i, .:, >.:',:..' t ". r)~;" ,,:~' ftPftVIUl........\.,.,.."'.. ,r-.,.... wwu.., ", "\I". 8~." Tl\..:~n1.~at.iv.'Tru8t.eeS. ot.t.be':BOard ,ofC_unU:.Y...a...tioC....hall ha..,~. ~*,"'Ud........uthori~y, ',:'. .. .' ';t.;';;:.,;-". . . . ',,: ,'. ... '.' ..., subject to ~.'PPJ:C)~.of '.tha,governinvbo,U..., m adopt . :"J:ules An.el 'r.9Ulaiton.fQ.~. _~gem8nt ~.~the"aCftli ty . .,',," .,:;. ",',~"'.,f':,.." . , ..' ",," '. ,,' .n4..tabli~~.~..lIOn~>i. :aad_i:to~ ebarg8 for. tM.p~Lvileve ''';\,?, ~ ' : ' ,. . '. ,.;:'...,........"..~'...........:1n.,,<ac.....-.na. wi t.h the intex loaal _grClement .topZ'C)"i~ fo~.a.Join~,S~1t.y R.cr..t.J.on~n't, . ~" ..,;.-~ the..ordlnanc.. ot. th..city and/OJ:~.~aw. of the. .State "'\,',:.,'; . ~\', :.:',k.t::'!" "" ,,' , ' "" ,. ~" "" ,," ,^ ~"'-,,," "". 1 otMCSntan.a.Th.eit.l"c~..~On, aa the 9QverningbQdy . . '." , ~ . '" I." '". , . ',,, "-,.,,\;,, . of. the .~.rof thi..r..ll1ty,ahall have ftnalz..vlew ' . " , . and decision r89-1:411'9.11 .ration lUlClu.e proeectuz:... rUl1_~o11.ot.~by the City forpub11c use of ., ~. :. . ,:: ,," ,':"" , . "," . ',,, . -thi. faail.1.t.y .~ll be pe.14 in'to the recreation-fund of the' cl~y and. willba'..4..to help detray the C~i: ofoperat1ol\';' " ""',:; . ,,', '. '.. , ~ _">' '. ,,', ': "" : " , :':'.'1.>: ". .... .:....lJaten.n.~:'~li...;. ""; ; :'::~~:'~<~ ,;~,~: ".:.:\'.:' '~"'~" ':!.'." ~. :~ :.,~. ..3~ " I ' , :.:- , \ .1;:. , " .." . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. ,. The City will arrange for managerial and , custodial .ervice required tor the facilities durinq the year, and will provide for and pay life quards and in.~ruc- tion.l atatf for, the reoreation program. The District. . ' v111 provide at.aff personnel a8 it aM'" appropriate for the sohool program. 10. The Cit.y ahall provide adequate liability insurance, naminqthe ,', District .s co-assured covering operation ot'..idtacilit}P. 11., The City.ball carry such ~ir. insurance on the bul14~9. aDd equipment .. its COMmie.ioners may d... n.c.....ry. 12., On anClbelon Julyl, 1975, ana July 1 of , , .~l.' .- ;...ohyear"~""."r,'1:he DietriCk ,shallaubmit. to the City a .chedul* reflect,1ft, the periods durinq which the Di.u1ct de81r.. us.ot the pOOl for the eb'u1nCjJ school yearand/or fiscal year.. In t.ho.. years the District submit. such a 8chedule, t:heCltywill grant., after a joint conference, a reasonable period ottJ,.mefor 8choolu... upon det.erminat.ionthat the pool can be (obliqat.ed and)r..erved tor District. us. during the time. and pex-lods reque8ted, th.C1t.yandDl.~rtct shall enter int.o a .eparate , ' annual rmltual a,q.....ftt. lIett.inq forth.th. d.t.al1s ofuee, -. . .,' " .}~~~,~." ,'\:'".:' J ~) .:". . ..:~1".. . (I. '. , ~t . operation, co.~.and. ~aYlDent;'lch.d\1le to'1)a followed. ", j, ;' -4-' " " · ",...~'. . .;':~';.:';':';;':,~'I~.~"l~~':-::.:.. - .,. . , ,. ,.": ".' . . "" ! ' - , . - "~J:'- ,"".. . '" .,': ".,,'. ":" " " ,'~ ,''',', ,: .;;',,": :, .'_"" \. At. ...the .itd '0.....; fci.cal"~.ar d.t.~J:'IDln.t1~ .hallbtlmact. Of th.>.Ot.ualaO.,t' of.int..nan"., opera~lon ,',' .j"'. ,. ;, ',.,'. ,. ... . " ". . . "" , , . .m4a\9Pl1.. of'~.'pqolf~~ thAt'~y~.r.i~-',',ft..Di.triou'~'~A".'.: ,. ,.',',. ".. ,'; :,' ., ::., . '~~:, ." . :' ,.','t.". .',l;_, -"". ';.,' " - .',"," ~ ..." '".." " aut"C:i ty'.' 'Pl"f!'I:'_:;;~<:."'''~\'~,~. ;.a~nUn9" yea" ; ,..,.,"" .' ....'...-"'.':.. .........-,}>,:'~;'i ." ....,.. '< '. ';\', ,~h.l1 1:henb.,.~~~t4Klti.Hd:'.upOn ~o.~,c:!o.tan~.'ontl1. . - .,.,' ,," "..;-. . . . ~ ." . ~ - , - .: ,," . 1.n9~ ot .__.,th.~l .'la':t;oW'ua_4"by '.a,Gh.... .\" .,. . "" 7,'., .": . '~zi" .t.b.:'P~lI'~;:~l'~.. 'fo..i1\9'paravraph: i . ". ';..". ." ".. . '"" . "", , '._'.,' r :'. ;i"~~' ., : , ' " . . :. ~:. " , ' '. ' , .....~~at:;LOtf.hall...~.:.UCh ex.PQlid :in,c~."~i"on wJ.~ , tite\l.. ,..ofthttPhi.tcal plut. a.' ol..al\inv, di81nfect:J.lt9," .' , "~ '. ' , . ',. . !'., ;" be.t:1nq /119ht:~9' wa~~~~4'~l.;~larit:~Vhi(Jh a~ re9\tlArly . . . . .. . . '. ....'.. .."',;'L ............ .' ..c',;> ". ...... . '.. .... 1.aUr~~' eieJ1er da~:Ly,..lr.i1.:or.,.month1y'~... Il't:,a44it.lon.. :, to .uch,itt_.l':it"~~.ll,.~l~'i"~U", th~ .a'lar1..~~rnece..Q:Y . .., - ' , ""'. ' .. '. ,.', ' , '. cuat.ocU.an."antl..anavitjt ,tiN. ' : ; , '. '-,' ".. r.. '" .. ." .. ~ -. ~ '., ., . " ,~,', . , . , '~. , . "i :";;.I:4t~,';l",,,",~,,,~,,~>-;'>.$;,"'ftllctD""~, .b4l~J,.~D::.t;'Cl).ctn..,....~pendi ture." " ',,:, ""-. . " .' '.""r';"'::i: . ............ ..... .": .." .;" '. ftZ':.~~~.to ...~.~'*lpllent,."i~.J.~ pool",b.ti!fhO\Qi8,: ::;/""....;::;(\.. ...,:/,"~I.,.. .'...... ."c",'.' '.'., .... (Jt;:h'*,~n.,~"~.ry" buJ.l~iL~a"~,:. h~&~.,~ ..v.n~~;J.at.lncj ,and ti,1t;.rin9"" ., ',' ;',..', ;:::',,; :-':,"~~ ,,":',", ",,:"",": '~', ,:"",t,,".:' ,.r:", "',, ,,',", ,', ",i'::,', ',~ I""","', ':". P~~i'l",hch,." 'f!~~~ei' ,,~,"i~t;'~~~P..~~i Jia2r~ware, pI U1Pb11l9 ., ",:\" ',~~' ;'-: , :t: ."", .' k, ::~,:f .'),: ,":'~~~I}~ "'~, ,~,:' ,':~:.'i*:' ': ~'::',:':;;~' ,;. '., .'",L,'I":" '.' ,;:,.: :,1". ;t",~~, '.~ >~': .l.' , ' . " . .ftlf".:-p~j;;;. of..lrUl.~':'D.t;ur.;::; In .*d~lUon ~r1!It.o, it .. . '" '.' +,,' '" . ," ",,:'. ~I'/" ':-~; ",:,: ,'~'_';"',,' , ',l"",,~ ,:<.,,1.1':~~"'~::->:""'.'.' ,f ,':", ,:::"::~qf""':,,., '':'~'~~'''#(~~'~':T':'' ',', ',_ ',," . .,,~)..:"~~.o\]b1.~v4.;'~ ;',.,e(.io",,,ipJiIAjIanCl t'.pa~~tin9' of ;", , . ",;" .:' :c , ," . :' , :~ "', ' :. 'j,,: ", ',. . ' ' , fl~~\ ,,~_' t,-..~,,~~J.A",na~~,';..~ not1nal\lde .xpe~ltiure. ;j',f~r~_}~,~tt':~~~~f'Ji.~~ ~!ra~or . "~p;llc.men~.:o~;~1l.~~...tft9 "pOOli",'J>ath l1oua., ',oth.x: nece..uy , ",',:<',~~jJ:;:: ",':,""::':"'" <":":":::/:':''',,,, '::',,~',:':""':- : ", , .. ': ,', '".., , ':' ., : ,~:' ':" ,-;",:'i'.','~~"',~:,,::,,' ~' ',:, ., " '; ,}b?'~M1n9'.,.-ll,,~~ln9','~n~at1ri9 .or t~i'..il~: pleQIU, plUJQb1nq . . ";"}'.~;'.,'.,...,,,t.':;l"':....'''~''::t.,:,,,:,,, >:'- . ',....l',,,..:.' ,.i, ...'. . . .' . 01"..ctri~lf1xtur8.'oroth'-~:~Ul~'c>t such 'type. ,'."'., . ,.r,. . .. .. , .... . .. . ',,1. ,~5- I,!'. " . :~"!' . " . . . . , . '" , , ,. , "., .'. ..' .',~S1JPtl,~.t:t,~,~i.~~~h.](p8n...J;~ conn.-cd-on .':' " ".":',.~::'," ~~:!~~,":i: ; ,::"',:":.!" :'., " "" ~. '" :~,', ."- _" ,:' '. :~1..: ., '. "" .. - ..' " """ ",': "I' ,,\' " "" '~,".n ~ , ': ,:' t with. tile ua.().f, ~.~~r.~.,.l p1a~":'a.'broOftta~,:fAQiJ.,.lubr1cat- in...U. 1+9h~buib. /~la ... ~il.t;pal"'r... ~.iiViDmd.G9 ;...It:hlor~e 4ndne1J,tr.rl:c:ln9a~line',a.iui,s1mil.r '.' ,:.:\', .:.',:'.' .,; ';':-., :""" ' " ,." ,",. ",.", - ., -. ".'.: . ': :.:..,.'.;.\;....: :,," '.., "'..'. . . . ,,'I', - ". c',' _',",.'. "J,g,.., ,,' "'.up,li...'or,tt.... . , . '" , . . ,,'" . - ~. ,;13. It 1.' a9~dbybOthp...t1.. ~af;. consideration ,. , ': ' '" '"u . . .vtn.t>>e,;.'91 ven:to~1~t..~:..4..~.ul'::tQ.,p.:rt1ciP&t.il\ recre. tionai .,', ' " ":.:'1..,., " :";,,:. "","""""'~." "~, ",~, .,::", .''- >'.:., '. "":,;,'":.,,, i ,'., " '.., ';<"", . '.: " ..... . .SCh.dui~~ tl)r,!.~.:ot:_1;h~..,poOl will'"nf~.ct this :':pz.-iorl ty b\1~.'._ll.~_'ll~~f; conllider.tlonto .tMaeed. ,d' , . . ......:,..<.;.' . .... ....,<): ,,-.., ,,(:,;,:;;:,::~,. ..:, .. ""'. ".c1'" d.~lre.," of'. ~r9~rd~.d ill,uuct.lo,.l . ewimminv,' ,pby.ioal .", "':,'" ",,:,>: ,', ':, ,,:.., ',;,:r,; ,:':::::'~ ',: , " ,",; , ' . '., '( '. .' :';'.4uc.~i.nc,.k..".,:;'~~~"t.\..., ~sm9 ,~'.w1mmin9.' ...ta ... ~. .::.., :':':.~."t' .. _' . '; ", "f,',.::, ;~~.;,~..' \:",'.', '.: ,":;" "":':.::'~:-~:'.:""'l,' '" : "," ~,~~,".:..'\" r::;~,;,>:~(:;,,;.' :' .::~,'~."'~~.~;',i~::~>"/ ~~~ :,' -. ' I ',~ ~- ", and. oth~:r 'Pool act."1v1ti~.. ., :':':,i:,':"'" ,',',;;: "":,";'~:'l':.":"t,i.~~'. r.",},,~,:~;,,:'~",~,~. "~< ",:" ' l'::,,:,;,:i~.'J'~ '~"',::,.:J,:~-i,.,,, " " ,,:. i. .~r'ii:l.l"ft-:'.::ff/"Jn 'tb.i:l.~.t;.f.,'publio .be.lthand!o2; ';,< .!~f.~l.,.,,9;~91\:..~..~tf:~,~;n~.ir.L~~ torar\yother reasons'" '.,:,,,,,V,,;.-', :P"'^':;'ii"~'<:":~' ;,';J',;"J:':'t "';'-!i"fi.'.,,..':;,;': '. ';. :', .. ' ". .'.....: ...' it 1. 'deeii84'.4visabl,e t:o..clo..~h.'.;~l, 48cl.10n' ,for. . , , ' : . ' , " ',' ''', ,,':'. .' ' ~ '; , " , " ,"'.,". ',. ' " . " ., :. ,- . ... ."('i'. . .'"'. .... noli acUon "'11_.t.,r;~.ith 'thAdldlli.tz'ative T:tua~.. . . , . , - " .'" "ioi~: ., " ' .- . ,.' ' , . . :, .,", .. ,',.,: , :, ,,"'-', ' .";: ,: " ,: '., '., ~' ,', '~:.f,; of the Board o~ Ccm.ui11~y, a,aor..tiOll. 15;.",!rh~~',o'l.:thi*".q~..nt ..'tbe sbaring , "", " '" , ',:,,:. ":':" ."",.!::,:"~,~",,./.., .,,,~',,":'~,,:,:,",l:;"',.,,,, .. ~- ~.:.' ' ,. ". , " ': 'of maitl'teh8h0-,t.lp.n:t.:t9ft co.ta and supplie.,.. to the .....i".. ....' ... ~., and~~t..~,m.'::o~..., an4>~o otheraqi-e.a.ntlll may b. IIDdltied'.t.an1tim6'bY'wt'i~t.n.qre. eMnt by both parti... . , , . , , , , , -.,",. , '. 16."'."Tlu..d. *,re..t'-'.ahaU ~"tor. terr., of fifty .',., ., " ,.",', : ",,'" '"' , . " ,', '.' .' - . ,"., ,.,' ,. .. , 'J:'::"';. .. ,,'.' "" "",.,',:'" ",,','.:"',",,",:.,>,:::~,'-:~,~ ,.',' ., ,:' .{ :J,'.~~",. y.ar.','. '.)1bjeft;.i;. b'hDewal'byboth parti.. .:ilUanafter. - , , ". ",:,'. , " ,', ,',. Ir~ .the even't' ith'~'t~e,~_~~i.'.~ provided: .toJ:Ln'ka9~.pb "3 . ... " ~~, ,': n,'.. " J " ,'. ":,' :'", ' ,', " '.: above, .hall RO\ b.'~.n""~t tJ,Itt,City ahall. haft'. r...ohable . ..", ,r _' I t.iJnI:t to re.ov..uch':iJap~n~,a. l."P#aeticabl.~ ~6- ". ,I. . ~. ." " . I ! 1If'".; r ... . - t;'. ." - =, ,1i~ ..Thl....'r_nt. i. bin4In9;bri;ib~',:j~c"Bor8 "". i of bOth p~1e.. IN 'W%MSSWBERBOr" the Ci1:Y Cadd.,,"ion"of'the . ,"''',', ,:',' '.::">~':'';~:,~~::,:; ~",::.' : ",', ;:', , ,: " ,.~:", ., ,J.,:.('::<',:;r,""', ~,;.\s~: ,'."" , \ 'City ,o(;:BCf:zeman ha.:.ati~ha~iz~d J. tsMayor.tid 'cler~ of the , ..,~ltYi~.~_ ~,~l,,'~lDi.~i01o'~. .. . "'-80boo1 Di.,ri<*,.li,:'l""Qf Mon~an., ..by .aottlon of it.. Board .",,' , .~ " .. ~:'''''': ~;."',,~' I"~'/:" :t.. ;j:.,:::, &0:,:" t,,:~,:>':,: ."'''.''''~' :': ,.",'::", ::"" ,~:}" .:", , '~'~.,~, 'f ,,;Of Tru.,..., 'JUl~' autbol'J;J,~it:8';Chairman 'an., Clerk t.o~.nter ui1:O' t.hs.,~~.cj"'_.t."tflQf' ~2~d ......,. d~~~ tf'May,it7i4 .'. '-0.:' / :~'f ::.<:.~~"~':~ .,;.'. ~.", " ~ ., .::,~,' . '" I r.. : ':.! ~'.'"~';}.d ,t~;,~~.Z;:'''''::''\. . .......';.~i. ';' . ~'1(',1W&;t~, ..... . " ' ... . '-, .. " . " , .~ . ", ' , .. .;.. c:,... sOl.... It,IGHSCHOoL'OXS'1'RICT AND SeROOL DIS'1'lUcr NO~ . .1.oP' KON'1'ANA ~/: .....(....';........,.,;;..;.:..':....., ........... ."".' ..' .... "". ,., .'. .' 1. . . " ' " ';:' ",,!,,: , . . , , , " . . . , , " ," , . ",". ,.. ,,- ,. . , ' . ",. .~<~. ',:., ','....~ ','. .', '.:., '/;.-7:,::,.:.7.,~;,.,. ':"':",, ':,,"",:' ':',' ',.:..:,'",,,,':'~'.," ':' ','~' .... . ...~. ..i.....f...~.\..~.~.'j.{.......~......:~.......:...........:...... . ... .,.'... ' '.'r "'I:.' .,'. ' : "', .. ,",'. ,'." ,::;:1';"."~~',""'~.:" . ','.'. ::' . 1..'.", \ 1974. , , ~;3>'1 .. ~a I I "\ . " "I ~ ~ .. "'... ' . . ' ,~h~t~ llf ~hlt1fmm (Jl)fficl' of '(ITllc ;\Ullntl'U (Jf)l'ltl'ntl Melena 59601 l June 11, 1974 ROBEcRT L.,. WOODAflL ATTOfHH y G~_NJ::RAl. Mr. Thomas Olson Gallatin County Attorney County Courthouse Bozeman, Montana )5P"15 _ Dear .J...lt:-",-"er1S0d:,,:;~ .~,....-- I have reviewed the interlocal cooperation agreement between the City of Bozeman, Montana, and Lhe Bozeman High School District and School District No.7 to provide for a joint recreational-instructional swimming facility, and find the agreement to be in proper legal form. My approval lS endorsed upon the agreement and I am returning it for proper filing. The inter local agreement must be filed within ten (10) r. ~/ di1Ys. of my approval with the clerk and recorder of Galla-hi (fv 1 Lin County and with the Secretary of State of the state I~U ~~\ '. .. L r-iI r..... _~ -i.. _, '~.. ,.., ~_)j_ L".H..Jll L..U,L",U. .. Very truly y.<)urs, ../ ,..,.' / ~ytL /' RO~<~. WOODAHL AttorneY General HLW:dm Enclosures