HomeMy WebLinkAbout90- United Parcel Service Settlement Agreement for Oil Wastewater Discharge . . ups Unrted P2~r-CEd Service 1'-' , ; I \' ~ October 8, 1990 Mr, craig E. Brawner Assistant city Engineer 35 North Bozeman Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59771-0640 Re: Letter of Understanding for Oil/Solvent Wastewater Discharge Control Plans Dear Mr. Brawner: As agreed to at our meeting on Thursday, May 10, 1990, three areas of concern should be addressed in a letter of under- standing between the City of Bozeman and United Parcel Service: 1. Establish an emergency response procedure which includes contacting the City of Bozeman Engineering Department. 2. Assurance that the pipe connecting the waste oil tank to the oil/water separator is removed or capped off. 3 , Provide written control plans to prevent a reoccurrence in the future, The following steps have been taken to "address the above concerns: 1. A Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Telephone Listing has been prepared which includes the Bozeman City Engineering Department as a required contact (enclosed) . Action steps for an oil spill incident have been prepared which includes the use of the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Telephone Listing (enclosed) . 2. The pipe connecting the oil/water separator to the waste oil tank has been plugged off by H2L Inc. as indicated on invoice 1088 ( enc losed) . .. , . o. 3 . An agreement has been signed with H & M Oil for the semiannual waste oil removal in the Bozeman Center. An agreement has been signed with H2L Inc. for the semiannual removal of oil/water separator sludge in the Bozeman Center. United Parcel Service has tried to very cooperative in the past and I assure you we will be equally cooperative in the future. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at (406) 255-1680, Sincerely, UNI~ARCEL SE~C. a ~^e) .. / ",. uU /~.;~ chael W, Sousa 'District Automotive Manager I have read the above concerns and agree that each has been addressed adequately to correct the current problem and prevent f e problems. C__ November 19, 1990 Date Additions to Letter of Understanding l. The City of Bozeman and United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS) agree to a $2,000.00 cost recovery/penalty settlement payable by United Parcel Service for costs incurred by the City of Bozeman in its investigation associated with the oil and/or other chemical compounds through May 10, 1990, 2. This settlement shall not relieve UPS of any future liability or responsibility, as determined by a court of law, administrative agency, or other regulatory authority for any damage resulting from the aforementioned discharge of oil and/or other chemical compounds into the Bozeman sewer system in violation of Federal, State, or local laws and regulations Nor shall this settlement be deemed a waiver by the City of Bozeman of any claim or right of in- demnification or counterclaim it may now or in the future may , have against UP~ as a result of said diS~ "~ " v/ ,/; , / rU ~~.. "/>'(' t::~L / nited Parcel Service v' (Signature/date) .. . . , THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 411 E. MAIN ST. P.O_ BOX 640 PHONE (406) 586-3321 BOZEMAN. MONTANA 59715-0640 November 9, 1990 TO: Bruce E, Becker, City Attorney FR: Phillip J. Forbes, Director of Public Service ~ RE: U.P.S. Settlement Attached please find two copies of the referenced Settlement with U,P,S. for the oil discharge into the sanitary sewer, I believe Craig Brawner has worked with you in previous reviews of this Settlement agreement, If this document continues to meet with your approval, please forward as necessary for the appropriate signatures, After full execution of this Settlement, please return the copies to me so that I may forward them to U,P,S. with an invoice for the indicated lump-sum payment, If you have any questions, please contact me, PJF/mcl Attachment (! !/3/fu o ((' 5\~~ ~ ~~JJ ~./\ ----. r d/ .,1 ( /'!c~ < Q_ 0,1\ c"'J .R 0(1 e:...... 0-/1 Y<J'v"/ ,~_.. '7 " ./ J)~- i HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK