HomeMy WebLinkAbout97- Bozeman Creek / Mount Ellis Resource Management Area planning . , ~ , . . DATE: 1/24/97 MEMORP~DUM OF UNDERSTANDING AMONG U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Gallatin Natlonal Forest Bozeman Ranger Dlstrlct STATE OF MONTANA Department of Natural Resources and conservation AND CITY OF BOZEMAN concerning a coordlnated Approach to Plannlng in the BOZEMAN CREEK/MOUNT ELLIS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AREA Galla'Cln county, MT. --------- ---------- ; - . . . I. PURPOSE Public en'Cities with land and resource planning responsibilities in the "BOZEMAN CREEK / MOUNT ELLIS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AREA" include Federal, sta'Ce and city Agencies. with all or the land wi~hin the boundaries of the resource management area being Federal, State and city ownership, the actions of the management agencies can and do have a significant effect on the future economic and envlronmental climate of the resource management area. Federal Agencies are directed by law to develop land and resource management plans. The agencies have a responsibility and obligation under these laws to coordinate the preparation of these plans with local governments and agencies. conversely, state and local government agencies have an obligation to join with the federal agencies to ensure that the needs of the citizens and the effects on state and federal lands are recognized and addressed in the resulting plans. Therefore, it is recognized that it is in the best interes'C or all parties to join together In a coordinated effort to develop and implement plans. II. ASSESSMENT AREA The area covered by this MOU consis-cs of all land wit.hln the "BOZEMAN CREEK / MOUNT ELLIS RESOURCE M.ll,.NAGEMENT AREA" for which the parties t.o this MOU have land or resource management or planning au'Chority. (SEE ATTACHED MAP) III. ADMINISTRATION NOi:hing 1n 'Chis memorandum shall obliga-ce the parties to tnls agreement to expend funds or enter into any contract or other obligations. specific work projects or activities that involve the transfer of funds, serVlces or property among the parties of this MOU will require -che execution of separate agreements or contracts, contingent upon the availability of funds as appropriated by congress, state Legislature, or the city of Bozeman. Each subsequent agreement or arrangement involving the transfer of funds, services or property between the parties to this MOU must comply with all appllcable statutes and regulat:ions, including those applying to procurement activities. This MOD in no way restricts the parties from participating in similar activities or arrangements with other public or private agencles, organizations, or individuals. No part of this agreement modifies exis1:ing authorities under which 'Che parties currently operate. 1 . . This MOD shall become effective on the date of the last signature by participating parties. It may be renegotiated or canceled at any time at the initiative of one or more or the parties, following at least a 60-day notification period to the other party(s). supplements or amendments to this MOU may be proposed by any party and shall become effective upon approval of all parties. Following any change in the MOU membership, all parties must reapprove the MOU. The parties agree to review and assess the erfectiveness of this MOU biennially (every 2 years). unless otherwise terminated under the terms of this section, this MOU will remain in full force and effect until september 30, 2002. In the execution of this MOU, there shall be no discrimination by any or the parties against any person because of race, creed, color religion, national origin, disability or gender. In consideration of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), interagency representatives/working group members participate lifoI' the purpose of obtaining the advice of individual attenders and no~ for the purpose of utilizing the group to obtain consensus, advice, or recommendations." NO member or delegate to congress, State Legislature, or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this MOD, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, but this provision shall no'!: be construed to extend to this MOD if made with a corporation for its general benefit. IV. AUTHORITIES Federal Land .policy and Management Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 1701 et;seq. as amended) National Forest Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.c. 1600(note)) Intergovernmental cooperation Act of 1968 (40 U.S.C. 531) Fish and wildlife coordination Act of 1958 (16 U.S.C. 661) outdoor Recreation coordination (16 V.S.C. 460L) V. STATEMENT OF JOINT OBJECTIVES The parties desire to provide a framework to fully consider the social, economic, and cultural impacts of public land and resource management decisions as part of the overall planning and decision making processes. 2 . - . It is the intent of this MOU to facilitate better communication and understanding of how each party's individual actions benefit the area's resources and people. All parties desire to develop processes and procedures to ensure that all concerned are able to efficiently and effectively meet their responsibilities as public entities. All parties to this MOU will be mu~ually respectful of the goals and objectives or the other parties to the MOU. All parties desire to develop a dynamic collaborative approach that builds or i~proves trusting relationships. VI. ORGANIZATION, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES The parties ~o which this MOU applies are the USDA Forest service, Montana Department of Na~ural Resources and conservation and the city of Bozeman (referred to herein as "the parties" ) . They recognize that their authorities are distinctly different. Each is guided by the specifIc laws and regulations WhICh pertain to their respective level of government and administrative responsibilities. However, they recognize the need to coordinate with each other and share a broader vision of how their actions can contribute to implementing a coordinated approach to resource management In the "BOZEMAN CREEK / MOUNT ELLTS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AR3A" . The. parties need to jointly share their knowledge of conditions and emergIng Issues and trends to best achieve common goals of enhancing economic, social, and natural resource conditions in the resource management area. Representatives of the parties will comprise a working group formed pursuant to this MOD, with responsibilities to disseminate relevant information to the public and the parties represented. VII. AGENCY AND WORKING GROUP RESPONSIBILITIES USDA Forest service - The Forest Service IS a land management agency responsible for the management of the national forest including approximately 19,320 acres (65%) contained within the resource management area. Montana DeDartffient of Natural Resources and ronservation - The DNRC/State Trust Lands is responsible ror managing the state's Trust Land resources to produce revenue for the trust benericiaries while considering environmental factors and protecting future income generating capacity of the land. The DNRc/state Trust Lands ownership within the resource management area encompasses approximately 6,400 acres (2296). 3 . , . city of Bozeman - The commissioners of the city of Bozeman serve as the governing body of the city and are charged with providing the leadership and services necessary to maintain the health and safety of all city residents. The city of Bozeman owns approximately 4,000 acres (13%) within the re,source management area. InteraqeDCY Representatives/workinq Group - Explores opportunities to further expand and strengthen coordinated planning efrorts and cooperative implementation where there is mutual benefit to sharing resources, expertise, and information. - Coordinates the establishment of guiding principles for collaborative planning and developing a coordinated approach to management of the jurisdictional areas within the resource management area. - coordinates appropriate procedures to ensure adherence to all legal requirements in analyzing changes and establishing new management direction. - Promotes consistency in development ,and implementation of collaborative planning and coordinated resource management. - Serves as a clearinghouse ror information/technology transfer related to collaborative planning and resource management. - works closely with interested public to provide general understanding of resource management and collaborative planning efforts, including consideration or public needs as a part of public participation. VIII. MUTUAL AGREEMENT The Parties agree to: - Share, when appropriate, available resources, personnel, funds and technical assistance. - Recognize the philosophies and principl.es of all the parties to this MOU in providing a range of goods and services to all people who choose to use and enjoy our public lands. - Develop and exchange information related to land management decisions, socio-cultural values, economic considerations and natural resource conditions. - consider the community values, opinions, and perceptions or the residents or Gallatin county as a part or overall public participation. 4 --- --- --- " . ~ - . . - share, when appropriate, training workshops, technical sessions. - Meet, at least semi-annually, to assure the objec'Cives of this Memorandum of unders~anding are being accomplished. IX. EFFECTIVE DATE -- 2~,/ ,1971: This agreement will be effective as of --J ciA.! uar/ X. APPROVALS OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ~u')M~1 ~J !fr~ Gene Gl~ n Mark Ahner: Bozeman Dis~ric~ Ranger Area Manager Gallatin Na~ional Forest central Land Office Department of Natural ~Ys~i [J~, Resources and Conservation city Manager city of Bozeman 5 ~ . ,a. '-O;,~",,-, _"i~~ ," './ '/'\::..-.:;..aH,:'-.~"" .- - - ;:r .r .06:....."'\. ~ at/-;......... \\ ' . _ ~'JU.2l........... 'I f'" c: 'r' -".'\.-1 '...-- "r i~ -, ',~/I -0>,' -~ + - - .,' J . ~ 1 . -Y';J/-/ -- "ctt -- _ ,,~ ?oIl "1-' J ',:,,_ ~~ . ":"';',,\.: . , I 26 ~ , 'II'" / ? ...~~- ll!l.A .-'..... \ .........1 -(' ',~~-_..~ .,...f ' I ,l, 09"-- L I'. '" ~ =;< ,>- \. >0 '-r=d lO "" -"2 ",ii.r", ~-'_<~\ . .}.': 12 'ZO'.\-.. --,.. ,,"'..,_ L~/, ~ --::::'~::-..... I I " \ _ I ~_Ct1.I.t.(f'tI~ ../ (!~ J~ r --~'\ ~-"'::;" ~~..", y~. ..,,,'-..1 1 "",..-~' ", ."d........'" >\\.-..,,- '1/".-.0- I , 'IS ~PlCN'C ~,c1 ''1. ~""r ~)"'- -- ;,-...~. f ~,,~"'\' I ' :~~ I =J ... _."N.\ J - ':;:: ~ ~..... 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As the original, I would ask that you blue bonnet and file it, If you have any questions, please contact me, cc: Ron Brey (with attachment) Craig Brawner (with attachment) Larry Woodward (with attachment) Dean Elliott (with attachment) File