HomeMy WebLinkAbout97- Improvements Agreement for Northwest Water Line Trunk Improvements for Cape-France Enterprises , '~ IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR NORTH'VEST WATER LINE TRUNK IMPROVEMENTS FOR CAPE-FRANCE ENTERPRISES ~ NO\J~ lo~ , 1997, by THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this I B day of and between Cape-France Inc., 16 North 9th A venue, Suite No. I, Bozeman, MT, hereinafter called the "DEVELOPER", and the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the "CITY". WHEREAS, the CITY has received a petition requesting creation of a Special Improvement District for construction of major trunk water main improvements known as the Northwest Water Line, hereinalter called the "SID", the boundary lor which is depicted in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made part of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the following tracts are located within the proposed boundary of the requested SID; Property Gross Acres Ownership Tract 0, COS No. 1240-F 44,69 Grace E. France & Joann L. Cape Unplatted Land adjacent to N. 19th 13.00 Grace E. France & Joann L. Cape Unplattcd Land adjacent to N, 19th 16.42 Grace E. France & Joann L. Cape Tract A, cas No. 121SC 8.29 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract 13, cas No. 121SC 11.70 Phillip Saccocia, .II'. Tract 113, cas No, 121SA 20.00 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract 4A, COS No. 121SA 22,24 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract 413, COS No. 121SA 20.00 Phillip Saceoeia, Jr. Portion of Tract 2 of COS No. 1215 40.00 Jerry Perkins & Peter K. Nelson Tract 3, cas No. 121S 25.26 .lcrry Perkins & Peter K. Nelson WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER and associated property owners' desire to privately fund construction of looped municipal public trunk water main improvements for their properties as depicted in Exhibit 13, which is attached hereto and made pal1 of this Agreement, a portion of which said improvements would be utilized as a part of the proposed Northwest Water Line trunk improvements under the requested SID; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER and associated property owners desire to have the above-referenced properties excluded from the SID; and WHEREAS, it is critical that the design, construction, and schedule for any portion of the Northwest Water Line installed by the DEVELOPER be coordinated with the remaining portion of the trunk water line improvements anticipated to be constructed under the proposed SID; ancl WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose or both the DEVELOPER and the CITY to hereby enter into an Agreement wh ieh wi II guarantee the full, satisfactory and timely completion of the privately funded Northwest Water Line trunk improvements on the properties hereinalter described and thereby allow the properties to be excluded from the requested SID currently being eonsid~red by tht: CITY. NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 7 ", . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: I. Propel'tv Descdption This Agreement pertains to the water line improvements for those properties listed below which are located in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 2 and North half of Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, hereinafter called the "PROPERTY", and which are further shown on the attached Exhibit B: Propert y Gross Acres awnership Tract D, cas No. 1240-F 44.69 Gracc E. Francc & Joann L. Cape Unplattcd Land adjacent to N. 19th 13.00 Grace E. France & Joann L. Cape Unplatted Land adjaccnlto N. 19th 16.42 Grace E. France & Joann L. Cape Tract A, cas No. 121SC 8.29 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract B, cas No. 121SC 1l.70 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract 18, cns No, 121SA 20.00 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract 4A, cns No. 1215A 22.24 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. Tract 48, cas NO.12l5A 20.00 Phillip Saccocia, Jr. I Portion of Tract 2 of cas No. 1215 40.00 Jerry Perkins & Peter K. Nelson Tract 3, cas No. 1215 25.26 Jerry Perkins & Peter K. Nelson 2, InlJ)rovemellts and Estimated Cost of Impmvcmcnts The proposed system sizing and layout as shown in Exhibit B has not been approved by the City. This Agreement specifically guarantees the design, construction inspcction and adm in istration, and construction of trunk distribution water main improvcmcnts for the PROPERTY in conformance with thc trunk watcr distribution systcnl improvement needs master planned for this area under the City's Water Facility Plan update and in coordination with the SID. The DEVELOPER'S Engineer shall coordinate with the SID Engineer in assessing the water line hydraul ics, sizing and layout during the preparation of the Design Report and preparation of plans and specifications for this project. The improvements include ductile iron pipe water main, fire hydrants, pressure regulation devices, fittings and all other appurtenances, pavement restoration and any required easements. The improvements shall be constructed in accordance with a Design Report (including Hydraulic Modeling) and final plans and specifications approved by the CITY, and the project schedule (Exhibit C). The Estimated Cost of said improvements, as calculated by the DEVELOPER's Engineer, attached as Exhibit 0 and made a part of this agreement, and accepted by the City of Bozeman, is $450,000. 3. Financial Guanmtcc, Time rOl' COIII()lctiol1 or IUlJ)rovcmcn(s The DEVELOPER has provided the CITY with a detailed schedule for completion of the improvcments which is attached as Exhibit C and hereby made a pali of this agreement. The DEVELOPER shall not initiate construction of the water main improvements until the City and Montana Department of Environmental Quality NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 7 have approvcd the project design report and the plans and specifications. This Agreemcnt shall be secured by a financial guarantee acceptable to the CITY in the amount of $675,000, which is one and one-half times the estimated total cost of thc installation of the water line improvements, and shall be cffectivc for a period of not less than twelve (12) months. The DEVELOPER hereby agrees that the improvements will be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the CITY. All required improvements shall be completed within the time frame provided in the approved project schedule, included hercin as Exhibit C, for the completion of the inlprovemcnts in order to avoid dehllllt on the financial guarantee. 4, Inspection The DEVELOPER shall provide qualified Professional Engineering services for full-time Construction Inspection, Post-Construction Certification, and preparation of mylar Record Drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public water line improvcments until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. . Representatives of the CITY shall have the right to cnter upon the PROPERTY at any reasonable time in order to inspect the improvements and determine if the DEVELOPER is in compliance with this Agreement and with the approved plans and specifications. The DEVELOPER shall permit the CITY and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the PROPERTY at any reasonable time. 5. Default Timc is of the essence of this Agreelnent. If the DEVELOPER shall default in or fail to fully perform any of its obligations in conformancc with this Agreement including the time schedule, and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice specifying theddault is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the DEVELOPER at 16 N. 9th, Suite No. I, Bozeman, MT 59715, or such other address as the DEVELOPER shall provide to the CITY tl'om time to time, without being completely remedied, satisfied, and discharged, the CITY may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: A) The CITY may, at its option, deelarc the financial guarantee to be forfcited to the City, obtain the funds of the financial guarantee, and thereafter secure the complete design, bidding, construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The CITY's representative, contractors, and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the PROPERTY and perform such work and inspection, and the DEVE::LOPER shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them to do so. 13) The CITY may enforce any other remedy provided by law. NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 7 . 6, Warranty The DEVELOPER shall warrant against defects of the subjeet all work completed under this agreemcnt for a pcriod of onc year from the date of their written acceptance by the CITY. 7, Govenlin!! Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation cooeemiog this Agreement, venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial Distrie' Court, Gallatin County, State of Montana. 8. Modifications 0" Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid, unless agreed to in writing by the pa\1ies hereto. 9, Invalid Provision The inval idity or unenforceabi I ity of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the olher prov isions hcreof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. ~ 10. Assil!nmcnt It is expressly agreed that the DEVELOPER shall not assign this Agreement in whole, or in part, without prior written consent of the CITY. 11. Successors Except as pmvided by Paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benet" of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. 12, Attorney Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party of this agreement to retain an attorney to enforcc any of the terms or conditions of this agreement or give any notice required herein, then the prevailing party or the pmty giving nolice shall be entitled to reasonable altomey's fees and costs, incloding fees, salmy, and cost of in-house counsel to include the City Attorney. 13. Waiver A waiver of any breach of default by the CITY shall not be a waiver of any other breach or dehllllt. The CITY's approval of any act by the DEVELOPER requiring consent of approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary CITY consent to or approval of any subsequent or similar act. 14, Bindinl! Effect The covenants and agreements herein contained shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 7 , . .- DEVELOPER " 0 / n; By: Joann L. Cape, Secreta!; By: i Cape-France Ine. 4'<--C F: ~- By: I3y: Gary ~rance, Vice President Cape-Francc Inc. STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of 0 cf -, , 19'17 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared, Joann L. Cape, known to me to be the Secretary of Cape~France, Inc. and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executetl the within instrument for and on behalf of Cape-France Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixcd my Notarial Seal the day and year 11rst above written. (SEAL) ~p~ Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in I3ozcman, Montal~ ' My Commission Expires __.. . If ' 0 I STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of Oc:f , 19'17, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared, Donald E. Cape, known to me to be the President of Cape-France, Inc. and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of Cape-France, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) ,~p~ Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires f>. f' () / NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 5 OF 7 , . . . STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this -3- day of CJd , 19 'i'/before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for thc State of Montana, personally appeared, Grace E. France, known to me to be the Treasurer of Cape-France, Inc. and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of Cape-France, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havc hercunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) ~f~ Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires S< 'If ~ D I I STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County or Gallatin ) On this ~ day of ~ d.___" I eft1 bcrorc llle the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared, Gary France, known to me to be the Vice President of Cape-France, Inc. and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument lor and on behalf of Cape-France, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and artixed IllY Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Notary~~~ Residing in Bozeman, Mon~HI_ My Commission Expires ~ ~ ~ 0 , NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 6 OF 7 . . . . THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ;J,;lft It U4-. By: PhiII' J. t;brbes Director of Public Service STATE OF MONTANA ) ) :ss County of Gallatin ) .f/i / On this ~ day of ~":.'/x.(U C , 1997, beforc me the undersigncd Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeare PHILLIP J. FORBES, known to me to be the Director of Public Service for the City of Bozcman, and the pcrson whose name is subscribed to the within instrumcnt and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed my seal on the day and year first written above. (SEAL) I PI I /;;::;;7;"... (-_./'.(. ./:-:. .. . .-t _-1.i.l..c.d (L- / -z L _ _.J"._...t:{tt "." ....Aotary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Bozcman, Montana My Commission Expires ({ . /j'", ;/) NW WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT PAGE 7 OF 7 . EXHIBIT A BOUNDARY MAP FOR NORTHWEST WATER LINE S.I.D. BOZEMAN, MONTANA Coo.s.. H<Il. ,al1 ti~ ""'..- ......- ~1 lI.BEA I ACRES It I ....-? _.......- co< 'I' "'" ,",0 1 I ~ J ,..,.., ,.". IIIJWC.~CN- I" I ..., 1 NOr III Ol'Y lMTS NOT 1/1 I ~. DJSllNG B. W^ TEll ),lAIN : e.,u. .... ,20-( \ Ol'Y UWTS Ol'Y OF BOlDiloN ~ I'. I -.< I li~.11 , I I i : ---..., ~\ ~ I : '" ~I i I' j I ~ \ \ ~ I i I I e.o.s..... IZ_ Ol'Yor BOlD/IoN I : ---. \ ffJr; 2 GASTON ENGINEERING &. SURVEYrNC I co:a'tILTDfO~. LlJ'ttII :!URTZTOD -Ie !tOlL 'J'%3'T1NQ I -.o1mUl1". worn-..uu. ::.,_ :- I NORTHWEST WATER LINE L J S.I.D. BOUNDARY I JmI1WI. >>OI<t..... I MlIlIlt twJr. ~,.fT~ TN' ~ -M4*' I'r. 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I I W A TERMAIN BOUNDARY ,I,. ,,~. ,.. ,-"'....-,,-~, c--" , ., "',1"" C',. .~ ","',,' '.___.~_,_ ' I "._______.._ .....__ __~~______~_)'~:'I ~ (\~~::".."~.~.,1. '~'-=-~~~~:'::.:~~.',~'~",_~~~ .:' ~~H'"I .__j_l~~~.~. I ~':.'D C'-<"'1'~5 ~.."~~ ~ _~~.'>~ . . . . ' . . . " EXHIBIT C NORTHWEST WATER LINE TRUNK IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETION SCHEDULE FOR CAPE-FRANCE ENTERPRISES DESCRIPTION DATE CAPE-FRANCE ENTERPRISES to return executed Improvements Agreement to CITY OF BOZEMAN October 10, 1997 MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC. shall submit Improvement Plans, Project Manual and Design Report to CITY OF BOZEMAN October 10, 1997 CITY/MDEQ/LANDOWNER REVIEW 45 DAYS December 1, 1997 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION December 15, 1997 FINAL ACCEPTANCE June 1,1998 1-I:\2605\009\SCI lED, WPD .. - . . , 1 . I" , . . _. ... ~10PI)ISON rw.."cm" ,,,:', ; " " ''''"'''' EXHIBIT "0" ~I';i';< 'NIAI E P LEI . ";,~::,::O::,~ .","', i'i'" ,. . .J \ , NC, '.,er ",." .f'\~. E7TLp(.(.l-v--....-O"\<,."'Ul'd C'o"t';'1.'1,w:I,7\.Y ~.","".", !:'>,"" - _._ .__ __ ..".._ _"0"- 'u .- NORTHWEST WATER LINE - PERKINS, SACCOCCIA & CAPE Cost Estimate BY M.E.E. 08/21/97 - Item No. Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Total Price -- 12" WATER MAIN ,- Y"- 101,0 5435,0 IF 12" DIP WATER MAIN $38,00 5206,530,00 102.0 1310,0 IF 10" DIP WATER MAIN $33.00 $43,230.00 103,0 277,0 IF 8" DIP WATER MAIN $28,00 57.756,00 104,0 1.0 EA 12" X 10" CROSS $1,000,00 51,000.00 105.0 2.0 EA 12" X 12" CROSS $1.000.00 $2,000.00 106.0 1.0 EA 12" X 12" X 12" TEES $404.00 $404.00 107.0 7,0 EA 12" X 6" X 12" TEES $404.00 52,828.00 108,0 3,0 EA 10" X 6" X 10" TEES $404.00 51,212.00 109.0 7,0 EA 12" BUTTERFLY VALVE WI BOX $1,600,00 511,200,00 110.0 3,0 EA 10" BUTTERFLY VALVE WI BOX $1,400,00 $4,200,00 111,0 1,0 EA 8" GATE VALVE WI BOX $1,000,00 51,000,00 1120 6,0 EA 12" PLUGS $175,00 51.050,00 113,0 1,0 EA 10" PLUGS $175,00 5175.00 114,0 2,0 EA CONNECTION TO EXIST. WATERMAIN $5,000,00 $10,000,00 115,0 1,0 EA 8" X 12" REDUCER 5800,00 5800,00 116,0 1,0 EA 10" TAPPING TEE ASSEMBLY $4.000,00 $4,000,00 117,0 115,0 IF 6" DIP WATER MAIN $28,00 $3,220,00 MISCEllANEOUS 201,0 80.0 IF HIGHWAY PIPE INSTALLATION $76,00 $6,080.00 301.0 10.0 EA HYDRANTS $2,000.00 $20,000,00 401,0 1.0 lS HAND, & TREAT CONTAM. WATER $15,000.00 $15,000.00 501.0 50.0 SY STREET RESTORATION $25.00 51,250.00 601,0 1,0 lOA CREEK CROSSING $5,000,00 55,000,00 CONSTRUCTION COSTS $342,935.00 SUBTOTAL $342,93500 CONTINGENCIES (10%) $34,293.50 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 5377.228.50 ENGINEERING (13,0%) $49,03971 lEGAL FEE $1,000,00 TOTAL $427,28821 USE: $450,000.00 . NOTE; CONTINGENT UPON BEING ABLE TO USE EXISTING CONDUIT CROSSING . . . .. ... THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 35 NO. BOZEMAN AVE. P.O. BOX 640 CARNEGIE BUILDING BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-0640 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PHONE: (406) 582-2380 · TOO: (406) 582-2301 · FAX: (406) 582-2363 December 1, 1997 MEMORANDUM To: Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk or Commission From: James R. Nickelson, Project Engineer r;(/ Re: Cape-France Improvements Agreement Northwest Water Line Attached is one original fully executed copy of the above referenced document for your files. Please call if you have any questions or need additional inf'(mnation. cc: Phillip J. Forbes, Director of Public Service ERF Project File HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK