HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Pipe Line Agreement, Railroad '~'", . " ' . -- .. . 1.'\1')116 Pi., L1........-8bwl 1. J~t..\, ~'; ,. '.. ;.. ~ ~~ ~52 f l\.~, :;.~ tlllK PIPE LINE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the u.d dayof ,1979, ' b and between STANLEY E. G. HIID1AN as 'IK.ISTEE of the prcperty of the CHICllGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC FAn.RJN) a:MPANY, OEB':roR, hereinafter referred to as the nRailzoad n, ani CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA , hereinafter called the "LicenBee," (if more than one licensee, said term and all language herein referring thereto sha.l1 be interpreted in the plural and refers jointly and severally to such licensees). WITNESSETH That WHEREAS, the licensee desires the right to install, maintain and operate a certain pipe upon. along and under the Railroad's premises at or near Bozeman GallatinCounty, MonuJl4 to be used for the purpose hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree a8 follows: 1. The Railroad, for and in consideration of the payments and covenants hereinafter mentioned to be made, kept and performed by the Licensee, does hereby license and permit said Licensee to construct, insful1, and thereafter during the tenn hereof to maintain and operate under, along and across the Railroad's property in the manner and subject to the tenns and conditions herein provided, a certain pipe to be used only for the purpose of a w,~er 1fe~. ' in the location or locations shown by the l~w me ween points lettered A-B upon the map a1tac ed hereto, marked "Exhibit X", dated FE/3.12vAfJ-j2 /j 7;( and made a part hereof, The boundaries of the railroad right of way are loca~ as shown by the heavy dash and two dot lines. 2. The said pipe shall be of ductile iron and have a diameter of not to exceed 6.0 inches, At ,all points where said pipe passes beneath the roadbed or tracks the same shall be installed and maintained at such depth that the top of said pipe, or any casing which may contain it, shall be not legs than 8.3 feet, measured vertically. below the base of the rails of any such track. The specifications for materials dnd construction procedures shall be as outlined on said "Exhibit X", and shall be in accordance with the standard specifications for pipelines Illarked "Exhibit "A'" furnished by the Railroad, which the Licensee acknowledges having received. 3, The word "pipe" wherever used herein, not otherwise herein modified, shall be construed to mean all of the pipes above described and the casings and other coverings and all appurtenances thereof. 4, This agreement shall be effective from and after the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in some one of the ways hereinafter provided. 5, The Licensee shall pay to the Railroad upon execution of this agreement the sum Of~*$lOO) dollars ~~to cover the cost of preparation thereof. The Licensee shall pay all assessments or axes W IC , ed or levied against or on account of said pipe, or the use thereof and shall indemnify and save harmless the Railroad and the Railroad's property from and against any and all liens or claims on account of any such assessments or taxes, ... M ~ ~ j .' ... IIIr .... ... 'pf,,,,, J,ln...-Sh~t 3, . . 10:'962 . .. .... t;..., fILr<i, ~O tM;~ fl54 In case of termination in any manner herein provided the Licensee shall have no claim or redress of any character against the Railroad by reason of such termination, removal of said pipe or restoration of the premises, nor shall such termination release the Licensee from any obligation or liability of the Licensee hereunder with respect to any matter or thing occurring prior to such termination, 13, The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be binding upon and the benefits thereof shall accrue to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, but the Licensee shall not assign the same or any rights thereunder without the written consent of the Railroad having been first obtained. In the event the Railroad shall permit any other railroad company or companies to use its said right of way facilities or premises, Ruch other user or users shall have the benefit of the provisions of indemnity and release from liability inuring to the Railroad hereunder, with the s'ame effect as if such other user or users were parties hereto. 14. '!.he license hereby granted is subject to the superior title of the Railroad to its said pl"'q)erty and to all other outstanding and superior rights and mortgage liens, and the Licensee shall not by reasoo of the licen..c;e hereby granted aCXIUire or assert art:! title or claim of title to any of said pl"'q)erty adverse to the tl tie of the Railroad or the use hereby authorized or upon arrj termination of the license hereby granted, such ti tIe shall renain in the Railroad, its successors and ac;signs free and clear of all rights or claims of the licensee. 15. 'lliis 81reernent is binding an Stanley E. G. Hillman, not as an individual, but solely in his capacity as Trustee. 16. All reference. herein to indemnification include but are not limited to attorneys' fees and court eoats. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written, STANLEY E. G. H~ AS TRUSTiJ: OF THE PROPERl'Ya CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST, PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, DEB'lOR ~"J ;) ~/.:, Attes~m.s;,;;;;;t;;~ By......v! reSiaent~efE:ry;j , (--p " ~ -- "./" ~ ,..~'~'~~g;~J ,~;:\..'~.,\, ',mo=,f.-~ i!:?m~ C2~,' rc~ 'zr/, , . "'\ ~" > ' ~ ~ - / ::.z>":::~~-:<!r.'" LIcensee I ' (" '. . .. 1 ./ /..... , '. .",,', ,) " " ./ ./ . J '"' }I ~ " ,f.. C / ./ ~ ~~ -- ~ /....--- . ,,' ' '" \ c- - ~ /' - "--'..-?"- -;P"'. / ':.f-~".r--" ./ ~ /L '" ...~"l..- .~~~~~ / BY"f. -'r mm~Am.2Zc'"( hlt 4,~ _ . 4fw'P '~ #~1f8';:a:~);i ~ - / - ,/ -- ~> ~ \. ~. \', ' ~. I ' -------- '."\"".\ i- ,. ~."..:. \'C. . ,,,",,, " 1'(." }" Add . .A1.~~(...' 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E' ... :E H W W 0 .e:; '\ . ~ U Cl~Cl::zu .,......, ') , L ~'I'/~ '. 9 -/,,0 (1 V;; '\ ' ' "I~ ,~.;) ~S~ ll'1J C~ ~11J '1!. 9 00 I J.." , I A~ - ~.",.. rJ ' _ . (" /,/ ''''1 I' \. __.~ . . ",_ ....... ' ..~.. ' ~ Q re'~ ---- ^' .. '" ".. .. . J . ." .... _. ' t '" .. . ,.- , .~ .........-- ' ~' ,. ",'" '.- . c;;. .~. ", ',.~ l ' ( '5'1/ '. · . I "',,' I ... . . Ghict"l[.'o, Milwaukee, St.'Paul' . , and Pacific Railroad Company 51 G West Jackson Boulevard t I- IL.' t... /' .." Chicago, 1IIII1OIS 60GGb (' ,J t ' ,t ,:" " 'J F)lwne 31 >'/648-3000 I j /11 I .,t (. )f' , /./ 1979 (.(' March 20, 054 MT Bozeman Mr. Wesley R. Bressler 15 Sout.h Tracy Bozeman, Montana Dear Mr. Bressler: Attached are two copies of a proposed agreement providing for the installation of a water line beneath Railroad tracks for the City of Bozeman, Montana. The agreement provides for a preparation fee of $100.00. I Please present to the City, and after the signing and witnessing of I both copies, please return both copies to me along with a check for $100.00 payable t.o the Treasurer-Milwaukee Road. After signing by the Railroad, the City copy of the fully signed dgreement, will 1::e returned to you for delivery to the City. I also enclosiO! i:> machine copy of license agreement cla ted February 7, 1963, cov(~ring installation of stann and sdni tary sewers at four locdtions in Bozoffidn, including a sanitary sewer adjacent to the propo;'3ed wa.ter line crossing per your request. Very truly yours, W. E, Fulu: Assistant Chief Enqineer-St.aff / I / By __ I j)/ '~~/., J /,11. Taylor, Works ( a ttdchments -, cc-Mr. G. Y. Neu \ < 'I i \ " i, \. I . . I .. . . Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul' . . . and Pacific Railroad Company 516 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago. Illinois 60606 Phone 312/648-3000 May 3, 1979 054 (w 10069) MT Bozeman Mr. Wesley R. Bressler 15 South Tracy Bozeman, Montana Dear Mr. Bressler: Attached for your delivery to the City of Bozema.n is the City' s fully executed copy of pipeline Agreement dated April 26, 1979 covering the installation of a water line beneath the Railroad's tracks at Bozeman, Montana. Very truly yours, W. E. Fuhr Assistant Chief Engineer-Staff Works attachment