HomeMy WebLinkAbout79- Railroad Pipeline Agreement J Hi ,m M \..... ,.-8b_ l. C' (\" c\,~;r./ S-lg~~ j,", ~,. I, .. 11 i I ' , ;~ / PIPE LINE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into thi~ the day of .1\1 , b and between srANLEY F.. G. HILI11AN as TRUSTEE of the prq:>erty of the CIIICJa), MILWAUKEE, .ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RATI.JOI\D a:MPANY, DEmUR, hereinafter referred to as the "Railroad", 8Trl CITY OF BOZEMAN, WJN'l'Ai'JA , hereinafter called the "Licensee," (if more than one lIcensee, said term and all language herein referring thereto shall be interpreted in the plural and refers jointly and severally to such licensees). WITNESSETH That WHEREAS, the licensee desires the right to install, maintain and operate a cert.ain pipe upon, along and under the Railroad's premises at or near Bozeman Gallatin County, Hont.and to be used for the purpose hereinafter set forth. NOW. THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: l. The Railroad, for and in consideration of the payments and covenants hereinafter mentioned to be made, !(('pt and performed by the Licen~ee, doe~ hereby license and permit said Licensee to construct, im,tall, and thereafter during the term hereof to maintain and operate under, along and across the Railroad's property in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, a certain pipe to be used only for the purpose of a water line , in the location or lowtions shown by the yellow line between points lettered "A-B" upon the map attached hereto, marked "Exhibit X", dated September 22, 1978 and made a part hereof. The boundaries of the railroad right of way are located as shown by the heavy dash and two dot lines. 2. 'I'll(' saicl pipe shall be of ductil<J iron and have a diamC'tcr of not to exceed 12 inch{~s, At .all points where said pipe passes beneath the roadbed or tracks the same shall be installed and maintained at such depth that the top of said pipe, or any casing which may contain it, shall be not less than 5 r.: feet. measured vertically, below the base of the rails of any .;) such track, The specifications for materials and construction procedures shdll be as outlined on sdid Exhibit "X" and shall be in acco.t'dance with the standard specifications for pipelines marked Exhibit "A," furnished by t.he Railroad, which the Licens(:(' dcknowledges having received. 3. Th\' word "piIw" when'\'cT llsed herein, not otl1Prwj~w hen'in llvH_-Jirlt'd. ~hJ,]1 :)e cOn,qlrtH',j ill mf'an ;>J! ;)f the l'ip(~s above described and the casings and other covering" and ail HPIJurtf'l1anee:, tlwn~of. 4. 'l'his :Jgrpement shall be etfpdive from and nfter the date hereof and shall eontinue in full force v!1d eITect until terminated in some one of the ways hereinafter provided. 5. rl'hl,)J..ic~DS.(14,-'..h.all.. pa.Jl. .to.tQ~ JWl.r-'.'l&d-l~Q,X-QGUtiGn. Bt:~:.Ri<j.. A.gl'eemeRt- {he '8t1ffl' 'fff-'Fhi-rtY""1k>e..B,,}.. ..jat>8-*~~""QQ).-tt'l"'~flp.,4;Re-ee~1;.ltf.pp~ton--~f. The Licensee shall pny all assessments or tax!'s which may be as~essed or levied against or on account of said pip(~, or the use thereof and shall indemnify and save harmless th(~ Railroad and the Railroad's properly from and against uny and alllien:l or claims on account of any such a"scssments or taxes. ~ ...... .. ~h'"""'t ). ~ {j - '9 ~i ;, , . , I ,I ~ in case of termination in any manner herein provided the Licensee shall have no claim or redress of any character against the Railroad by reason of such termination, removal of said pipe or restoration of the prunbws, nor shall such termination release the Licensee from any obligation or liability oi the Licen5ee hereunder with respect to any matter or thing occurring prior to such termination. 13. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall he binding 11plHl and the benefits thereof shall accrue to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, hut the Licensee shall not assign the same or any rights thereunder without the written consent of the Railroad having been first obtained. In the event the Railroad shall permit any other railroad company or companies to lIf\e its said right of way facilities or premises, Ruch other lIRer or users Ahall have the benefit of the provisions of' indemnity and release from liahility inuring to the Hail road hereunder, with the same effect as if Buch other user or users were parties hereto. 14. 'I'he license hereby granted is sulJjec--t to the superior title of the Railroad to its said prq:>erty and to all other outstandinq and ~,uperior rights aJYl mortgage liens, 811<1 the Licen...c;ee shall not by rea..sco of the liCE'.n.c;e hereby grantE..d. acxJUire or assert any title or claim of ti tle to any of said prq:>erty adverse to the title of the Hailroad or the use hereby authorized or upon any termination of the license hereby granb:.>(1, sudl ti tIe shall remain in the Railroad, its successors and ac;sign.s free and clear of all rights or cla1ros of the licerLc;ee. 15. '!his a]reemeJlt is bindirg on Stanley I~. G. Billrnan, not as afl irdi vidual, but solely in his capacity a-s Trustee. IN \\llTNESS WHEltEOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. STANLEY E. G. llILll"'AN AS THIJS~ OF TilE PROPERI'Y CHICAGO, MII,WAUKI<;E, ST. PA1JL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, DED'l'C)R By,.... ...____n.'.. Vice Presldent-chief .EJl;:JinecI:..-" AUeRt: Set~retary ..'".- - ..~.'-.'.'-'.""'._"". , ' t.JlcenHf.'e A Hest :- -- By ..__n. .____.....__....__ . ----- ----....,.-.---.-. .-.-._~...~.,-~...,-----~'''''- Secretary Addrc8s: ^';',-:,;~ ;'E1j~~~'t;'~7tr.< \....J'f] j j- i Cr r;~ K ~ r r:..1.....-1 ( ll. A 1 i U J"i,:) i" U f\ t.i.c-.c. Lt .ill t..;:) LAi ~ i.0 J. .l. t1 - \"'J "l~ M"'llJ " '~.. A- CARRIER CASP;C DIAMETER ,'7..:" I~" . . /lAJ\TERIAL DUCT I <.% l~~ ST~l.. DEPTH FROM BASE OF RAIL TO TOP OF PIPE - 1-, , " METHOD OF INSTALLATION o ?~N '- \IT CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE 00 '?s.'!: .. \, --- ---- . I ~ . ? ~ , . Y-' " - 1\1 . I ~ ',~ ~ ~ 0'1 ~----::::::- '.~ \i(') ~ i- , to 'i) ~~ Ok :1l'I I Vi. -- f';" , '/ \C , ~ -- . . , 1"\ I ' . ~ ; .~ . \ . . ~ , . .. " .,._. G .; , .. tI'lO 0 ,') f . . c ...... . ..A - ..... " , ,.1 ~~_ -. J' ...~. 1 r ~ . . . . . ..- .) . ~ O/- i , "/~~'~,,,~, " ... ~. .... t - \ ~---- ~ ExHIBIT"'" ' X ".~-- . , I \ 'f 'iJ ~ .-- .\ .,<." ~ VI \"'/ ; ;g.<... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CM. ST. p, & P. R. R, C ~ ..,.. PLAT SHOWiNG ? '?-C>YO~~D W~ZUI)~ \ l' .t,:, \ ~ ~~ ~- ,.: U..AS~l~l~ \ "~ ; .... Bv " ~ <:> 't:~"''''<''''.1 _. - L. IT'( o~ , ~ . ,- I AI' -- \ \ ....' ..~. '. ~ ~()~~",j rACNJ " ,,~. -- G A~T\ lJ ~ ' '" .~'.. . / ' " CITY COU1-';TY . . .~_ f. ~ STATE ~ .. ...-";'- SCALE: iDO FEET PER INCH '-Dc... ./\ . ..- ~- / . .., ..' , \ QIVISiON ENGINER'S OmCE ~rT ~'1!f'l72' I '. \ I r,EER LODGE, MON1 N-J.A D A.T E h., F, f:. l-.J''J, i \ ! ! ,j - - .-.--- , .... ~ , i ' . Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company OFFICF: OF TllF: JJTVlSION 'Il^N^CJo:[{ P.I), BOX 570 DEER LODGE, MONTANA 5972= 'Ilareh 26, ] 979 Fi]e: stations - Bozeman ; 'l';-.it~ rc.l ~ \/ " C"J, I ~ . " 1.-) .' \'" ~. 't,! , -"'4~ _"I . j ,_~ ,,_.I Thulliil '" , ])ean C Ilo:,:kins Inc, ~J:;\R 2 7 1979 Engineering Consultants ) , A~:_~! I,) L ~\ , ,.,', !" '~.. ,i ".', K, 1 ,:\~;~ 1111 North ~;cventh Ave. nozeman, i\lT 5971;", L'::C' f" \ '\ :.~. .::..'i :", ~ 'r r\r\L:~. I ll~\L ATTN: .James A. Cummings CL.\. \"- 'f- (;entlemen: ~AA\fz. C~_ Of-- ;'\ 'i' i-" (,I) 'J;, :,'.Y'P j"I"n ('nn i p <; n f' ~ n l"'f"')i' "'I'd a F y'('crn f'n t tn c nv!'", r j.h i"' J. ,I '.' . 'in:,;ldllation of a 12-inch ducti.le iron water line underneath the railroad tracks at Bozeman, ~lontana , Pl en Sf: alTange Lo deliver these agreements to the C i ly 0 r no zemarl for execution by the proper city official. After both copics of the agreement have been executed, p 1 ca,;c return thew to me for' execution by the railroad, One copy of the fully executed agreement will be returned for the city's files, ~~ '{~ G, Y. Nell Acting Division Manager ,Jllli/bg Att,