HomeMy WebLinkAbout77- Meadow Way R.O.W. Gallatin County Encroachment Application and Permit " -~ <II . ,. .. , \ GALLAtIN GdUNTY ENCOACBMENT APPLICATION AND PER1.IIT Meadow Way R.O.W. --' '- - (Project or Road Affected) (Maintenanc~._~uuber) Sewer Line Installation (Insert Nature of this Per mi t -.- _.~~- 1. Name of Applicant: City of Bozeman I:" .. Address of Applicant: Bozeman, Montana 1. If Applicant is a Corporation give State of incorportation ~~...-: names of President & Secretary: 4. Nature of Permit desired: (Give sufficient detail to permit thorough understanding, and submit blueprints or sketches, it,. triplicate, if desired by Commissioners.) See attachment. s. Geographical points at or near which installations or s t ruc +: ~'.>:: s will be installed: See attachment 6. For how long a period is the permit desired: Pemanent 7 REMARKS: This application is made for the installatin of a new sanitary . . sewerline. Dated at Bozeman, Montana~ Ll -- t) Snbj ec t to the following terms and conditions, the permit herein applied for is' hereby granted: 1. TERM. This permit shall be in full force and effect fro:: from the date here of until revoked as herein provided. 2. RENTAL. Rental shall be 3. REVOCATION. This permit may be revoked by the County upon giving days' no tic e to Permittee by ordinary mail, directed to the address shown in the application hereto attached, but the County reserves the right to revoke this permit without giving said notice in the event PerElittee breaks any of the conditions or t erTJ.S set forth herein. 4 . ComtENcEUENT OF tiORK. No \.70rk shall be C onmi:'.l1C cd until Permittee notifies County Road Superintendent ,7 hen he proposed to coumence work. 5. CHANGES IN HIGm.;AY: If State or County ch<lnges hig11\7.::1.Y necessitating changes in structures or iu!;tallations installed under this permit, Perrn.ittce sh::1J.1 nake necessa~y changes without expense to State or County. 6. STATE AND COUNTY SAVED HARHLESS FRO::.! CLA H!S . In ac.ceptir.[; this permit the Pernittee, its/his successors or as S 1911S 1 agree to protect the State and County and sa'le them. h;lrnlcs.-' from all c 1 :l :LJ S , i1ctiol1, ,. . ~ " .. or damage of every kind and description which may accrue to. or be suffered by, any person or persons. corporations or property by reason of the performance of any such work, character of materials used, or mar.ner of installation. maintenance and operation. or by the improper occupancy of s~ld highway right of way. and in case any suit or action is brought against the State or :ounty and arising out of. or by reason of, any of the above causes. the Permittee, its/his successors or assigns. will. upon notice to it/him of the commencement of such action. defend the same at its/his sole cost and expense and satisfy any Judgment which may be rendered against the State or County in any such suit or action. 7. PROTECTION OF TRAFfIC. Insofar as the interests of the State and County and the traveling public are concerned. all work performed under this permit shall be done under the supervision of the County Superintendent of Roads and his authorized representatives. and he/they shall indicate barriers to be erected, the lighting thereof at night. placing of flagmen and watchmen, manner in which traffic is to be handled. and shall specify to Permittee how road surface is to be replaced if It is disturbed during operations, but said supervision shall in no way operate to relieve or discharge Permittee from any of the obligations assumed by acceptance of this rermft, and especially those set forth under Section 6 hereof. 8. HIGHWAY DRAINAGE. If the work done under this permit interferes in any way with the drainage of the highway affected. rermittee shall, at its!. his own expense, make such provisions as the County may direct to take care of said drainage. 9~ RU8B1SH ANO DEBRIS. Upon completion of work contemplated under this permit, all rubbish and debris shall be immediately removed and the roadway and roadside left in a neat and presentable condition that Is satisfactory to the County. 10. WORK TO BE SUPERVISED BY COUNTY. All work contemplated under this permit shall be done under the supervision of and to the satisfaction of the authorized representative of the Cownty, and the County hereby reserves the right to order the change of location or removal of any structure or installation authorized by this permit at any time, said changes or removal to be made at the sole expense of the Permittee. 11- COUNTY'S RIG!-fT NOT TO 8E INTERFERED ~!ITH. All such changes. reconstructing or relocation shall be done by Permittee in such a manner as will cause the least interference with any of the County's work, and the County shall in no wise be liable for any damage to the Permittee by reason of any such work by the County. its agents. contractors or representatives, or by the exercise of any rights by the County upon the highways by the installations or structures placed under this rermit. 12. REMOVAL OF I NSTALlAT f mJS OR STRUCTURES. Unless. waived by the County upon termination of this permit. the Permittee shall remove the installations or structures contemplated by this Permit and restore the premises to the condition existing at the time of entering upon the s~me under this permit. reasonable and ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements, or by circumstances over which the Permittee has no control. excepted. 13. MAINTENANCE AT EXFENSE OF FERHITTEE. Permittee shall maintain. at its/ his sole expense the installations anct structures for which this permit is granted, in a condition satisfacto~y to the County. 14. COUt!TY NOT LIABLE FOR ONIAGE TO INSTALLATIOi~S. In accepting this permit the Permittee agrees that any damage or injury done to said installation or structures by a contractor working for tha County or by any County employee engaged in construction. alteration. repair, maintenance or improvement of the County highway, shall be at the solo expense of the Perm i ttee. 15. COUNTY TO EE RE IMBURSED FOR REPA I R t NG ROADI.IAY. Upon being billed therefor Permittee agrees to promptly reimburse County for any expense incurred in repairing surface of rOB~~~Y due to settl~ment at in,>tZllbtion, or for .C)ny other dumage to rOi)cl'NClY uS <) rc:;ul t of th~ \llor'k pDd'on"",d undc.:l" th i 5 PCI-lfli t. . .. ,. '. . . , . 16. All culverts f.lvced in driveways connecting to County or secondary rO.Jds must be f'eW and galv<:mized, vnd th3 size recommended by the bridge foreman. No abutments may be placed at the ends of the culverts, which will extend above the surfuce of the driveway, and no curvings or obstructions above the level of the existing road in the County right-a-way. DATED at Bozeman, Montana, ~ 42 ' 1922. this ;17 -->-'day of ~~t:te~. C OUt.tTY ATTEST: earl J..~ Stuck';! ~J~,~ -' County Clerk and ecorde ' '. The undersigned, the "Permittee" mentioned in the foregoing instrument, hereby accepts this permit, together with all of the terms and conditions set forth therein. ~ ATTEST e~-- Y'~ """C?:, . ,:'-' yo s.j // ?::'~ ,,/ h ./n....,-~ .~'~~. Clerk of the City Co s~lon Permittee . I' t ! ~ ~ I Z j ! ,! c: , , I' ,., · t----~ . ..-j L,,~ ,- -:~]'~~~~~-c~';~~",~~:.lr:';;;~,j;;.;7~~~~~ftI.~~-.,.,.." i ,--,--"~----. ,ilnil )dl:> ,J ' 'J '. I OJ I-S(-jt-.. [1 .\ . \, ... /.. ' X:--:x '\, . 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