HomeMy WebLinkAbout93- Utility Occupancy and Location Agreement , , I , . , , ~ . R/W 131 (Rev. 07/23/84) UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND LOCATION AGREEMENT , Date Submitted Dccember 18, 1981 Agreement No. Date Approved MAY :1 . 199:1 Hwy. Proj. No. F 50-2(4)79 Applicant/Utility: r.-i-ry nf nn7.p,mr1n Address: P.O. Box 640 Phone: 586-3321 ----.- Bozeman, Mt 59715 Requests an agreement to occupy the following location on Highway Right-of~Way for: 1. Overhead facilities 2. Underground Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drain, & Watelfaci lities 3. Other Location: 1- Highway Name/Route No. P-50 2. Longitudinal: Feet from N ~ S - E - W R/W Line From Mth:Jw~ Sta. 353+7t:9 I.tbt opxImc to Sta. 340+12 (see attached prints) 3. Centerline Crossing(s) at Milepost N/A 4. Downguys not in parallel with the roadway at Milepost N/A 5. Section 1 1 Township 2-S R.ange 5-E County Gallatin Construction Prints Prints are attached and incorporated by this reference and indicate the above information. in detail. Distances from R/W Line and Centerline must be provided. Cover print and pages 2 , ,3, 4 , & 5 for S.LD. 633 - 635 Traffic Control The applicable minimum signing standard attached must be adhered to. unless additional signs are required. If work 1S not commenced within 180 calendar days of the Agreement Approval date. this agreement is automatically void. Expi red agreements may be re-approved by the Dfstri ct Engi neer usi ng Exhi bi t "A" unless resublnission of a new agreement by the utility is necessary due to extensive changes. It is necessary that utility notify the District Utility agent in Ph. at least 48 hours in advance of any work under this agreement. except for emergency situations. After com- pleting the work. applicant will fill out the Form R/W 131-6 (attached) and return for acceptance. This Agreement is subject to compliance with the provisions of the Administrative Rules of Montana 18.7.201 through 18.7.241 including but are not limited to the following conditions and requirements: 1. The State shall not be liable to the general public'for any injury to or death of any person whomso- ever. or for the loss of or damage to property of any kind or nature to whomsoever belonging when such injury. death. loss or damage arises out of or results from the construction. maintenance. or repair of existing 0'. future utility facilities located within the highway right-of-way. or the installation or operation of such utility facilities within the highway right-of-way. regardless of whether or not the Department has expressed or implied approval of the construction. maintenance. repair. installa~ tion or operation of such facilities within the highway right-of-way. 2. If the work under this agreement interferes with the drainage of the area affected. the utility agrees to resolve the problem at its own expense. 3. Any Highway Department signs. etc.. that are removed to allow the utility's installation shall be replaced on the same day as per Highway Department specifications. 4. All closures. markers or other identification are to be placed near the outer edge of the right-of-way or next to the right-of-way fence. 1 ... . . I . t 5. All areas that are excavated will be recompacted. and disturbed area$ restored to original like condition. 6. Requirements: (A) Overhead Installations (1) Vertical clearance shall meet the standards of the National Electrical Safety Codes. (2) Location will be at or near right-of-way line. Where right-of-way width and terrain fea- tures permit. the facilities shall be located not less than 30' from edge of traveled way. In urban areas the facilities will be located as far as practicable from the edge of pave- ment and no closer than 2' behind curb line, (3) All downguys installed on new or added to existing structures not in parallel with the roadway ~ have the location called out on the permit. If the anchor is allowed within the 30' clear zone. it must be constructed. located. or protected such that it will not be a roadside hazard. (B) Underground Pipeline Installations (1) Conform to all applicable National and State Codes. Location: longitudinal will be located as near the R/W line as practicable. (2) Bored and Pushed Crossings: wi 11 be (a) 30" below adjacent ditches or ground line (42" if reasonably possible). (b) no push pits closer than 10' from edge of asphalt. (3) Open Trenching: on existing highways requires a special traffic control plan as per Exhibit "B" and will be considered only when pushing and boring fails. (C) Underground Cable (1 ) Vertical Depth: Per N.E.S.C. - Minimum Electrical 30" - Convnunications 24" (30" if reason- ably possible). All crossings 42" below adjacent ditches or ground line if reasonably possible. (2) Location: (a) First cable within 5' of unoccupied R/W from the R/W line. (b) Any additional cable - 3' or less from existing cable. (c) Four locations maximum per utility. (d) Crossing will be as near as possible to right angles. (e) No underground longitudinal occupancy under any pavement or surfacing courses except installations in curbed sections or built up areas ~ be permitted provided there are no border strips available for the installation. (f) For hardship cases see Administrative Rules of Montana 18.7.224. 7. The approval is granted with the understanding the installation is made according to your plans as sublnitted. Field revisions may be made only with approved modification of this agreement on Exhibit "A." If the installation is not made as shown on the plans or approved amendment. the Department at its discretion. may require the removal of the installation. S Any attachments to this agreement. including but not limited to Exhibit "A," "B," "C," and Right-of-Way Form RW 131-B are hereby incorporated by reference. 9. The above-stated requirements are generally'mandatory. Under unusual circumstances, deviations may be permitted. but the justification and the extent of the devi.ations must be specifically stated in Exhibit "A." Deviations must be approved by the District Engineer or his designee. Util i ty r)i~f R'J~ By Title 1:>i ~~,. 01- Pvl"l,- c... ~&V1Ii d!.. This agreement replaces and supcrc<2des R/W 20 dated 12/18/81 I STATE OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Approved "- Disapproved By: K...L~ ,\-eA Date: .f;' /'1 /9 i , 'fl.l~ District E ginaar nr:33/2 0~.~?J) VI VI 'I' 0 I ~ . \ m m '\ '-" ". I~\\ ,,,.. 'lVI'''': i P , 'I z: ,1'-" i' I f : I. ,.. 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