HomeMy WebLinkAbout91- City/County North 19th Ave. Interchange . . ~ ,. , .-.; " . .. , . . Agreement North 19th Avenue Interchange Bozeman/Gallatin County, Montana The undersigned parties, the City of Bozeman (the City), Gallatin County (the County), and Montana Department of Transportation (the Department) do hereby agree and acknowledge that: l. The conditions set forth herein apply to the North 19th Avenue Interchange Project in its presently conceived design concept and location, and the new connecting roadways of East Valley Center Drive and North 19th Avenue as formally proposed by the Department to the Federal Highway Administration (the FHWA). 2. The Montana Highway Commission has approved the use of Interstate-4R funds for the construction of this interchange. 3. As the City was successful in securing $4,462,000 in Demonstration Funds, such funds will be used in place of Interstate-4R funds for the construction of this interchange. It is understood that the 20% FHWA-required match has been partially satisfied by the City through engineering design funding and rights-of-way donations. The City or the County, or the City and the County, will furnish whatever additional matching contribution is required to satisfy the 20% match. 4 . If Demonstration Funds are insufficient, supplemental 1-4R funds may be used for construction of this interchange, as approved by the Montana Highway Commission on March 29, 1991. 5. The Demonstration Project grant will be administered by the Department. 6. Funding for 1) preliminary engineering; 2) right-of-way acquisition, railroad agreements, incidental construction, utility agreements and relocations; 3) construction and contract administration will be allocated as follows: Demonstration Funds The interchange and crossroad from the connection with Springhill Road, including any revisions to Springhill, to the connection with East Valley Center Drive, including that part of East Valley Center used to access the visitors center/rest area, including all ramps, structures and utility work; the visitors center/rest area and associated drive and parking areas; the Wastewater Treatment Plant final effluent irrigation system for the proposed tree nursery; and the North 19th parkway plantings. Federal-aid Secondary Funds East Valley Center Drive from the existing grade separation -------- ------- --- - --- ------- . ~ . , ': "' , , , on 1-90 west of North 19th to the visitors center/rest area point of access; East Valley Center from the intersection with the interchange crossroad to the intersection with Baxter Road (approximately Sta 102+53 to Sta 146+00) . Federal-aid Urban Funds North 19th Avenue from the intersection with Durston Road to the intersection with Oak Street; Oak Street (contingent upon availability of funds) from the intersection with North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue. City Funds North 19th Avenue from the intersection with Baxter Road to the intersection with Oak Street. 7. The Department has the authority to review and approve all plans for the interchange and all connecting links to be built in association with this interchange. This review will be coordinated through the Consultant Design Section of the Department. S . At no cost to the Department, the City will provide the Department with title to approximately 19.6 acres of land for right-of-way needs of the interchange project. 9. The City has provided a finalized environmental assessment for the interchange. Any revisions or updates to existing environmental assessments for the referenced projects will be completed by the City or its consultant and approved by the Department and the FHWA. 10. The County will retain the East Valley Center Drive (S-235) secondary project as a high priority. The design of this project will incorporate features that are compatible with a North 19th Avenue connection to Interstate 90. That portion of the secondary project that provides southern access to the interchange will be completed by or before the time the interchange is completed. 11. The Bozeman Transportation Coordinating Committee will retain the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street (M-1299) federal-aid urban project as a high priority. That portion of the urban project (19th Avenue-Durston to Oak) that provides southern access to the interchange will be completed by or before the time the interchange is completed. 12. The route segment on North 19th Avenue between Oak Street and Baxter Road for which the City is solely responsible will connect to the intersection of East Valley Center Drive and Baxter Road at approximately 90 degrees to Baxter Road and will be designed to accommodate arterial type traffic and will be completed by or before the time the interchange project is completed. -2- , . . " I .... ,. 13. Right-of-way Acquisition The City agrees to proceed with the acquisition of the needed right-of-way as described below in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 24, Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Regulations for Federally Assisted Programs and the guidelines and procedures contained in the the Department's Right-of-Way Manual, and will provide the Department legal possession (in the name of the State of Montana) of all required right-of-way before advertising for bids for construction. This service will entail the actual definition of property to be acquired, development and submittal of official Department right-oi-way plans, preparation of legal descriptions, preparation of deeds and contracts to be utilized in the actual right-of-way negotiation, and finally the actual appraisal of and negotiation for the right-of-way purchase with each individual property owner. If it is necessary that individual parcels be taken through condemnation proceedings, the City will be responsible for the condemnation action and will proceed as quickly as possible to complete condemnation action. The City will provide the Department with a set of final right- of-way plans and all right-ot-way agreements, railroad agreements and easements for record keeping purposes. Upon request, the Department will advise and assist the City in right-ot-way and condemnation actions. The following guidelines are hereby to be utilized in this right-ot-way acquisition by the City. 13.1 Rights-ot-Way The Department claims any rights-ot-way through the project that the Department has been operating on and maintaining tor many years, as may be noted on the approved right-ot-way plans tor the project. 13.2 Special Considerations The City will obtain the Department's approval betore agreeing to any nonstandard special considerations such as nonstandard curb cuts, special landscaping, "grandfathered" encroachments, etc. 13.3 Encroachments All signs, planters, canopies, and all other encroachments on the existing right-ot-way will be removed at the Owner's expense with no participation by the Department. 13.4 Right-ot-Way Plan Approval Prior to beginning right-ot-way acquisition, the City will submit to the Department completed right-of-way plans for use in securing FHWA plan approval. Upon receipt of plan -3- ( , ' \ " ~ " . .' , . approval, the Department will authorize the City to proceed with preparation of appraisals and appraisal reviews. 13.5 Appraisal Approval The Department will be responsible for establishing the final determination of just compensation. Therefore, prior to negotiations with property owners, the City will submit to the Department for review, all property appraisals and appraisal reviews to be used in conjunction with right-of-way acquisition on this project. The City will be authorized to proceed with acquisition upon completion of this review. 13.6 Relocation Assistance The City will be responsible for providing relocation assistance, from the funding sources identified in #6 above, to any individuals, families, businesses, farm and ranch operations, or non-profit,organizations displaced as a result of this project. 14. Utility Relocations & Railroad Agreements The City agrees to arrange for and assure that all utilities that would be impacted by the construction of the new North 19th Interchange as defined above, will be relocated and adjusted according to the Department standards as part of this project. All Utility agreements shall be submitted to the FHWA and approval secured prior to authorization of the physical work. Consulting engineers used by the utilities shall be approved by the Department prior to any work. These utilities may include buried power lines, power poles, telephone poles, buried telephone line, cable TV lines, water lines, sewer lines, and gas lines. Utility occupancy will be in accordance with Section 18.7.201 through 18.7.241 of the Administrative Rules of Montana. The City will be responsible to develop all necessary agreements and acquire required permits, including railroad agreements, permits and easements. Cable television shall not be considered a utility, and therefore cable television lines shall be handled and relocated as an encroachment. 14.1 Right-of-Way Bureau Approval The Right-of-Way Bureau of the Department shall approve all right-of-way purchases and administrative settlements. 14.2 Utility Section Review The Utility Section and District Office of the Department shall be provided a review copy of all Utility and Railroad Agreements. The Utility shall submit bills for relocation to the City. The City and consulting engineer shall verify -4- I . ' . . " ' .. . . '.' , . the changes and final placement of the Utility. The City shall submit Utility bills to the District Office for proces- sing and payment. 15. The City will provide an original set of construction plans, including right-of-way plans, for this interchange that are in final approvable form by the Department and the FHWA. The City will be responsible for the costs incurred in the development of the basic interchange plans in accordance with its current consultant contract, dated August 1, 1988. Design of any "demonstration" elements of the interchange will be funded with Demonstration Funds as noted herein. 16. The City will amend its contract with its consultant (Morrison- Maierle/CSSA) or contract with other consultant(s) to provide an original set of construction plans for the following packages: 1. The interchange including East Valley Center Drive from the interchange crossroad to the visitors center/rest area access; the visitors center/rest area; the Wastewater Treatment Plant final effluent irrigation system; the North 19th Avenue parkway plantings. 2. East Valley Center Drive from the existing grade separation to the visitors center/rest area access. 3. East Valley Center Drive from the interchange crossroad to Baxter Road. 4. North 19th from Baxter Road to Oak Street. 17. The City or its consultant will complete all required railroad and utility agreements and/or relocations prior to beginning the construction phase for each of the above referenced projects. 18. The City's consultant will provide the original set of con- struction plans in packages appropriately prepared to allow for tracking the funding sources herein identified. 19. If the City is successful in establishing a public-private tree nursery operation, with any monetary gains being used only to offset the visitors center/rest area annual maintenance costs, the Department will cooperate in the review of the operations to maintain safe conditions for the traveling public. 20. Future maintenance of these facilities will be provided as follows: Department The interchange ramps and the crossroad from the intersection with Springhill Road to the intersection with East Valley Center Drive and that portion of the interchange right-of-way not otherwise used for tree nursery operations. -5- , f , . ' -, , " , .. . . 'I . ' , . County All portions of East Valley Center Drive from the existing grade separation to Baxter Road. City North 19th from Durston Road to Baxter Road; Oak Street from North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue; the irrigation system and that portion of the interchange right-of-way used for tree nursery operations; the parkway plantings; the informa- tion center/rest area building and facilities. 2l. The Department will let and administer all contracts to effect construction of the interchange, other associated demonstration project work identified in paragraph number 16.1., above, and all federal aid system projects that provide essential connecting links to the interchange as identified in paragraph number 16.3 and paragraph number 16.4, above. 22. All billings from consultant engineers will be submitted directly to the City. Engineering charges are not eligible for any federal aid until the federal-aid funds for that specific purpose are authorized by the Federal Highway Adminis- tration (FHWA) . The City will review and approve the billings, and then recommend payment to the Department. Approved bills should be sent to: Consultant Design Section Montana Department of Transportation 2701 Prospect Avenue Helena, MT 59620 The State will remit payment to the consulting engineers for approved services from the funding sources identified in number 6 . , above. Subject to the above conditions, the parties agree to proceed with the development of the interchange and related projects, review and approval of plans and designs, contract letting and administration, and construction inspection. However, in the event federal-aid highway funding is changed or reduced by Congress to the extent that would preclude construction of the project with such funds, this agreement may be voided or renegotiated at the discretion of the Department. Date~this /Jt}K day Of~~, 1991. CITY OF/~9~~~1 GALl TIN COUNTY CO~ISSI~NERS By: i / l~_-IrL (( i-.-/ By : ~J~ Its'Mayor' rperson tL-..__ -f- (Continued on following page) -6- . , .. \ oj, .. .. "~' I I' "i .: " , I . o ;J 0 j 0 III! p ,> il'~ ~ z::- l{~ DZ ~ /,/ /,/ ../t~t{ , - Clerk of corrunission CorrunJ.ssioner MONTA,NA.. DEPARTMENT. OF CN.:t:TA~ON) .. By' /"/ 1)- '-~7-- , . ............ ~y, /~ Its/Director (// -7- ----------------- ------------------- . . . , ~ . ~ ... , " .' ., . . , . . . " ." ~11 Montana Department R,:]ii Tr.:.iiisiI Divi.~~::'iOI Z7()) Prospect Avenue St:'.1n Stcr),' IMf ... ........ of ftansportat.ioJl ;")r,::i(~:rlrj, rvlOi'I(i-llld !)(:.J6;)(j October 11, 1991 Phillip J. Forbes, Director of Public Service City of Bozeman 411 E. Main Street PO Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59715-0640 Subject: North 19th Interchange Agreement Atttached are two copies of the excuted agreement for the North 19th Avenue Interchange. One copy is for the City and the other is for the County. As discussed at the last task force meeting the original will be retained on file in this office. By this letter I am asking the Fiscal Programming Unit to obligate the Demonstration funds for this project. Should you have any questions, I can be contacted at 444-6123 in Helena. ~~,~ Michael S. Davis, Supervisor Urban Planning Section MSD:D:RT:39.gh cc: S.c. Kologi wJattach K.G. Rapp wJattach R.O. Anderson wJattach H. Honeywell-FHWA wJattach G.L. Larson w Jattach L.a. Williams wJattach C.S. Pei! w / attach J .R. Ricker w J attach (:",.t"" ,~, ".' ,)~"i (tf '! ,I: ,; :' l < { /' . ,r ... ~ t 11 ~ .. .. .. . . .... . . t f AMENDMENT NO. 1 AGREEMENT NORTH 19TH AVENUE INTERCHANGE BOZEMAN/GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ... ~ The undersigned parties, the city of Bozeman (the city), Gallatin County (the County), and Montana Department of Transportation (the Department) do hereby agree and acknowledge to amend the agreement dated September 24th, 1991 as follows: That the following be added to paragraph #22: "The total payment to the consultant engineers for the work completed pursuant to paragraph #16, above, shall not exceed the following amounts without prior approval of the city, the County and the Department. Demonstration Funds Two Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars $217,500 Federal-Aid Secondary Funds One Hundred Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars $106,500 Maximum Ceiling for payments by the state $324,000" Dated this day of December, 1991. .// CITY OF BO~~. GAL TIN COUNTY COMM,ISSIONERS: By: / __ 1-' By: /fU l~ ~ M:YO~ ~ [Jts'C(77tp):~on~ ~ v1 (IA-v- ",>v{/ Clerk of commission Comm"ssioner ./; MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ~ TRANSP RTATION:. .rifle U'r' {Jle, ( . f'f7' " '" County Cle /& ecorder By: ~- ~A.I'] el:4we/J . . , , ~.~...i /.8~""'/..;L . , " .' , 'V' Monl.ailil Ue/.'i;r'cIIWllt ". 'i..t ; I ,kttf' '~J I of rr~:~n~~:~~or.tr.; ,:.~n,'fi': January 3, 1992 Phillip J. Forbes Director of Public Service City of Bozeman P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59715-0640 SUBJECT: North 19th Interchange Agreement-Amendment No. 1 Attached are two copies of the above noted amendment with the appropriate MDT signature. One copy is for your files and the other for the Gallatin County Commission files. We will provide this signed amendment to the appropriate MDT staff so that any billings received from the consultant can be processed accordingly. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~ tJ~ a~Williams, Chief Secondary Roads & Statistics Bureau Rail & Transit Division Lw/slh Attachments ~ . , . AMENDMENT NO. 2 AGREEMENT NORTH 19TH AVENUE INTERCHANGE BOZEMAN/GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA The undersigned parties, the City of Bozeman (the City), Gallatin County (the county) and the Montana Department of Transportation (the Department) do hereby agree and acknowledge to amend the agreement dated September 24, 1991 as follows: That the following addition to paragraph #22 be amended to read: "The total payment to the consultant engineers for the work completed pursuant to paragraph #16, above, shall not exceed the following amounts without prior approval of the City, the county and the Department. Demonstration Funds Five Hundred Forty six Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-two Dollars $546,532.00 Federal-Aid Secondary Funds Two Hundred Ten Thousand One Hundred Dollars $210,100.00 Maximum ceiling for payments by the State $756,632.00" Dated this ~ day of November, 1992. CITY OF BOZEMAN: BY:,~~, By: C9Ir r " ,,' /i, __ '0 y~~ Clerk of Commission MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: By: Its Director . .. . , " " , 1 .- . ~ , . .' '1' . . r AMENDMENT NO. 3 AGREEMENT NORTH 19TH AVENUE INTERCHANGE BOZEMAN/GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTJillAN The undersigned parties, the City of Bozeman (the City), Gallatin County (the County) and the Montana Department of Transportation (the Department) do hereby agree and acknowledge to amend the agreement dated September 24, 1991 as follows: That the following addition to paragraph #22 be amended to read: "The total payment to the consultant engineers for the work completed pursuant to paragraph #16, above, shall not exceed the following amounts without prior approval of the City, the County and the Department." Demonstration Funds Six Hundred Ninety Six Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-two Dollars $696,532 Federal-Aid Secondary Funds Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Dollars $230,620 Maximum ceiling for payments by the State $927,152 I day of D~_ ---' Dated This , 19J..? ~ GALLATIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: By: t{r:"'1 t3l1'/'ruY' By ~r/p,~ I s Ch~erso~ . ~ ~. ! ~~ ~~L Clerk of Commission ~Y:;?2Vu~ Comm~ss1oner &t. County MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS PORTAT) ON!: I By: , /"' ',.\-'-.,\,.... \\ ( t......\....... Its' Director H:\417\AMMEND.N03 ... '. ~ ..... '1 r . . ... . . . . . AMENDMENT NO. 4 AGREEMENT NORTH 19TH AVENUE INTERCHANGE BOZEMAN/GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANAN The undersigned parties, the City of Bozeman (the City), Gallatin County (the County) and the Montana Department of Transportation (the Department) do hereby agree and acknowledge to amend the agreement dated September 24, 1991 as follows: That the following addition to paragraph #22 be amended to read: "The total payment to the consultant engineers for the work completed pursuant to paragraph #16, above, shall not exceed the following amounts without prior approval of the City, the County and the Department." Demonstration Funds Seven Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Two Hundred Twelve Dollars $746,212 Federal-Aid Secondary Funds Two Hundred Thirty Thousand six Hundred Twenty Dollars $230,620 Maximum Ceiling for payments by the State $976,832 ~,/t Oe-r: 1976 Dated This 7'-- day of , CITY O~EMAN: TIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: --i'lL-du" By: ( ;( ~~,.~ Q~Y~ ~~~ Clerk of Commission Commissioner CJ -R-P fU:~ Commissioner er APPROVr:D fOR H:\9100\093\AMMEND.N04 lEf:;ll,'~," (;.,::I?~'l"t~::~:'~l";~ ~:f5t~~tt ~ /ignatOJ e ----------- - _______n__________ , , .. ., r · ~Y"!" + . . ~ F (' J: l · ~.' f) "\." 1;""-'1'1 ., . . ". 1, ("L j,:t,"'1 Montana Department of Transportation Helena, Montana 59620-1001 Memorandum Distribution r/ ~ [MAS~5tL"\ To: From: '6' Samuel A. Naseem, P.E. ~ ~ Consultant Design Engineer Date: October 30, 1996 subject: IR 90-6(51)305 North 19th Interchange - Bozeman C. N. 1437 Attached is fully executed Amendment No. 4 to the three- party agreement dated September 24, 1991 between the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, and MDT for additional services for the subject project. The purpose of the Amendment is to raise the Demonstration Funds ceiling amount for consultant services for the redesign of the rest area/visitors center. 1096.sgc Attachment Distribution: G. A. Gilmore, w/attach J. R. Giard, , D. W. Jensen, D. G. Zook, C. s. peil, R. D. Morgan, s. A. Naseem, B. F. Juvan, FHWA, s. A. Russell, w/2 attach Precon File, w/attach JYhil Forbes, w/orig