HomeMy WebLinkAbout96- Harley Davidson Security Agreement , '. .. .. SECURITY AGREEMENT Agreement is made and entered into this 17 th day of June , 1996, by and between City of Bozeman, of 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, hereinafter referred to as "Debtor," and J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc., of P.O. Box 568, Belgrade, Montana 59714, hereinafter referred to as "Secured Party"; WHEREAS, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth herein, Debtor and Secured Party agree as follows: 1. Creation of Security Interest. Debtor hereby grants to Secured Party a security interest in the collateral described in Paragraph 2 of this agreement to secure the performance and payment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $15,000.00. 2. Description of Collateral. The collateral of this security agreement, hereinafter referred to as "collateral," consists of a 1996 FLHPI Harley-Davidson motorcycle. 3. Debtor's ObliQations. Generally. Debtor shall pay to Secured Party the sum evidenced by the above mentioned Promissory Note in accordance with the terms of such Promissory Note. Debtor agrees to maintain appropriate liability insurance on the collateral until the Promissory Note secured hereby is paid in full. 4. Payment of Promissory Note. It is understood and agreed that in the event the City of Bozeman returns the collateral to J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. in good condition on or before October 1, 1996, that the Promissory Note secured by this Agreement shall be deemed paid in full and no monetary payments shall be due from the City of Bozeman to J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. pursuant to the Promissory Note secured by this Agreement. 5. Proceeds of Collateral. Debtor hereby grants to Secured Party a security interest in and to all proceeds of collateral, as defined by Section 30-9-306, M.C.A. This provision shall not be construed to mean that Debtor is authorized to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of collateral without the written consent of Secured Party unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. SECURED PARTY: DEBTOR: J.D. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC. CITY OF BOZEMAN BY~~M- -dJJJ~ .~' \ "_ )1 I I By: '<~'-"-- (;. G {,\~ll Its:. S ~..Jl~ - "'t'~ Its:~ .,.y Manaq.~r ' . -. ATTEST: ~ ,iJbf~ R IN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . PROMISSORY NOTE FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Bozeman, promises to pay to the order of J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc., the sum of $15,000.00 in lawful money of the United States, negotiable and payable to payee with no interest before maturity at the rate of 12% per annum if the Note is not paid on or before October 1, 1996. This Note shall be due and payable in full on October 1, 1996. It is understood and agreed that this Note is secured by a 1996 FLHPI Harley-Davidson motorcycle. In the event the City of Bozeman returns the Harley-Davidson motorcycle to J.D. Harley- Davidson, Inc. in good condition on or before October 1, 1996, this Note shall be deemed paid in full and no monetary payments shall be due from the City of Bozeman to J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. In the event of default, it is agreed that the holder of this note may recover such necessary expenses as may be incurred in collection, including a reasonable attorney fee. The maker hereof waives presentment, demand, protest and notice thereof. DATED this 17th day of June . 1996, CITY OF BOZEMAN ~ I \) ~)~L(h' B. ~v....l...4J ~ . / --. '1 c r,,-,,- Its: C ty Manaqer ,.._,-~'" J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. 540 Alaska Frontage Road Belgrade, Montana 59714 Phone: (406) 388-7684 Fax: (406) 388-4056 (Ii) I DATE October 2 , 1996 -~-,_.. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERt'\: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT J.D, HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC.I-lAS RELEASED THEIR LIEN ON City of Bozeman ~S 1996 Harley-Davidson FLHPf motorcycle , ~~~~,~~~-,'~~~-~-~-~. SERIAL NUMBER IHDIFHR17TY620989 , TIlLE (. E085982 , IN TIlE AMOUNT OF $ 15,000.00 FILED ON June 26, 1996 -_.~.~ ,---::::.~--I1--''--'-&-'-r---'-' --Ji)-<_lL'----_~-<?_) Ardyce DeVries, Secretary-Treasurer 1. D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. 540 Alaska Frontage Road Belgrade, Montana 59714 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 2nd DA Y OF _O~obec , 19l~4/fl t CJ ~//)[() /" ,,/ C) 1- ",.'._.';\\\11;";""'1'/// ___~_'./,,'. " ",C, J 0 II,~_, NOTARY PUBLIC F R 'nlE STATE OF MONTANA :/~~~~:.~...:.....~ '~~:::\.. } ... ~OTAR yo ....U\t Residing at NOTAHY PI Jf?,\JC for 1M mala of MontalUl ...... . . J_ j i *: ~ Re5!Lnltg &! ~;ICliJl'E'.tllr,J\l~--_.- ~~: --.- :;;" Mv Conufllssinn e::plwr. Mr1l'~J1,~ 24. 1QOOl ~,~ . tI ....... ~t,,_ ..... PUBL\C ./ J My Commission Expires ",. ~Y" ..' ,$' 'ic. (", ". ,.' '?J _""- "';/., l(":l" ......_.... r~~""" ,'::..> c;,;' (01 Of Mn\y.:I~,\\~::c '1//flfliull H Ii II ~\~~,\\\\\\\" 1__- ~-_. ._~~." Title and Registration Bureau - 925 Main, Deer Lodge, MT 59722 STATE OF MONTANA rlTlE NO. ~-~',~ APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE , l!We City of Bozemarr lhe applicant(s) mak.in~ claim 01 ownership of the following described moto( vehicle lor "the purpose of obtaining a Certificate- of Ownership ('Tille) lor said 1J;~hi~'I~'~p~~;sua.n' tolhe prOVISions of the Montana Statutes. make lhe following stat@m@nt and represent them to be true without res@rvatlon, and agree thaI the Cerllhcate of Tille Issued shall be null and void If any false slatements are made:, 2. Mailing Address 411 East Mairr Bozeman, Morrtana 59715 SHael city -Slate i'iP--- 3. Residential Address Street City State ZIP 4, County of Residence Gallatin 5. State Montarra DESCRIPTION OF MOTOR VEHICLE 6, MFG LISt Price $ 15,000.00 1996 Harley-Davidson FLHPI motorcycle wh i te 7. Year 8, Make 9_ Model 10. Style of Body 11. COlor IHDIFHR17TY620989 gasolirre 692 If 12. Identifica1ion Number , 3. Fuel Type 14. Unlad@n WGT 15. Ton 16. GVWW.'9ht 1340 CC's Motorcycle 17, Cycle Engin. CC's 18, Bus/No, 01 Pass. 19, length 20, Type of Veh. 2'. Lic@nse No. 22, Device No. 23. State of Last Reg, 24, No. of Foreign 'Title 25. Inter or Intrastate 26. Surrender of foreign certificates and evidences of registration. (1) No Certificate of Title shall be issued by the Department for a motor vehicle. trailer or semitrailer from a.nother state, unless with the application there is surrendered the Cenificate of Title issued by t.he other state, if such state requires Certificates of Title, and if such state does not require Certificates of Title. then upon surrender of the Registration Card. (2) Upon the regisrration of every imported motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer which has baen regislefed in 3.ny other state or country, the registrant shall surrender to the Depa.rtment all Number Plates, Seals. Certific3.tes of RegistratIon or other evidence of the former registration in the applicant's possession Or control. STATEMENT OF TITLE '27_ The above described vehicle waS a.cquired new on Jurre 25 1996 New or Second Hand ~~ if New. Attach the Manufacturer's Statement at Origin 28_ From J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. 540 Alaska Fr. Rd. , Belgrade, Montarra 59714 Give Name and Complete Address 01 Former Owner. Whether Dealer or Individual 29_ The above described vehicle is free and clear of any encumbrances whatsoever. except~ One Promissory Note Dated June 25 19 96 EorS 15,000.00 Maturity Date 10~01-96 -- State Kind of Lien In favor 01 J. D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. 540 Alaska Frontage Road, Belgrade, Montana 59 14 FlUNG FEE $4_00 Giv. Full and Compiet. Name and Address 01 Lienholder l!We further sta.te that in consideration of the issuance of Certificate of Title applied for, I/We hereby agree to indemnify the Chief 01 the Title and Registration Bureau and all persons acting for him from any and all liability which ma.y be incurred by the issua.nce of such certificate and agree at our own expense to defend any such suit which may be brought against the Chief or any perSOflS acting for him as a result of issuing such certifica.te. INfe certify under pena.lty of law (Section 4&-7-203, MeA, Unsworn FaJsification to Authorities) that the statements made herein are true and correct to the best of my/our Knowledge. information and belief, and that I am/we are the same person(s) named on line one and if I am signing for a commercia.l entity. I further certify that I have tuli authority to do so, Daled this 25 t h day of June 19 96 urchaser's Signature ~~ This is My City of Bozeman ~ ~ '^"- <s pE~d N~ 'jp:'o~a~~ ~ If Applicant is Firm Or Corporatiol1. Give Full Name DEALER'S STATEMENT OF SALE I hereby certify that the vehicle described in Ihis application was sold to: City of Bozeman Tille snail be issued to none other than the purchaser designa.ted. Name of purchaser I/we certify 10 t~e best of my/our Knowledge that the odometer reading is (NO TENTHS) 3 mil e S and reflects the actual mileage of the vehicle unless one of the fOIlOWin~\""\\\lIl/i" ifI/?/}.cked: ~J rrO /111 ,~,..... ..!l.... .6~1~e is in excess of the odometer's mechanicallirnits OR D The odometer reading is not the aClual mileage WARNING ~ OOOMETER QISCREPANCY ~ ,-" '. r :.;. ~ ~'U~d8r penalty ~f-1(~htehe stalements made herein are true and Correct to the best of my k.nowledge, information and belief and if I am signing for a. commerciaJ anrity I fUrlher certify g th:. I. ~:mI:~t'<lidlo. tAANING: Federal and State la.. requires that you stale the mileage in clction with the transfer of ownership. Failure to complele or providing a false .:: sta"me y I ines and Improsonment. I. ) I JiD. lM!"~y~D~vilson, Inc. 6MCD2 ~ vrf.P-___"- ~f)......(L /~~ 'S ~ j!J,aler FI~me.. ::: Dealer License No, A Signa:ure of Dealers A,enl "" . Vel' . ::: I '%4~.;;fJ.' ."" ..",~<i m""~., ,,' June " 96 if" v " D" V, ; e" 13 '" ''''-G. "--- ~~ ~ . ;:( ~" <.. P"nted Name 01 Dea'er's Agen! lj '\ "..... '?/III" ~,,\\\\~ .~S Mycommlssicne~forthesmteofM.orm....__ Signa.ture and Se I of Notary Public ~III~ Wontare:l TITLE FEE $5,00 R@siding at ~(blb,~~~M.1999 ~..,~.,-_. -~,. MV1 (Rev 7/95) , ,. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANve 1:',I:III~I!'I'II,jlll S.W.R. - SALES AND WARRANTY REGISTRATION HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY" . MOTORCYCLE DEALER SET-UP VIN NUMBER DATE SHIPPED INVOICE NUMBER AND PRE-DELIVERY CHECK LIST :1. II II This fcrm end the following steps must be compleled by you for each new motorcycle belore delivery IC your purchaser, Each item must be DEALER NUMBER DEALER NAM E I ADDRESS ackncwledged by check mark (,') In the fi,st column box (A) Indicating completion, or in the second column box (N1A) indicating ilem does not apply, I I' T h I a form mu al ba II gn ad by the dall vaf I n 9 des Ie r' a esrv Ic Ing tech n I clan an d Ihe deliver Ing deale r upon comp lell 0 n 01 ISI-u p and I n I pectlo n. It m ual elae be al gn ed by Ihe cuate me r ellhsJ Ime 01 delivery. This check list is to be used in conjunction with pertinent vehicle Pre-Delivery and Set.Up instructions, The procedure usad for speoific items must be Ihose recommended in epplioeble instructions, Service Manuals, and Bulletins, If an indioated compcnent is faotory in sial led , ins peot for cc rrecl in sl all ation, adj u st men I. cp e'at i on and to rq ue, TRANSFERRED TO IDEALER NUMBER I PRE-DELIVERY AND SET-U!, 9HECK LIST A W' , , UNC RAT E . Check fo r damaged or miss Ing parts, . REAR SPROCK ET - Check bo II I orq ue, ~~' BATTERY. Remove, add electrolyte, charge. reinstall; REAR WHEEL SPOKES. Check lor loose spokes and adjust. D A YTI M E PHON E N U M B E R check venl hose routi ng. . . REAR FEND ER . Check m ounling bolt to rq ue. / ' ....0 INSTALL WINDSHIELD. MIRRORS, HAND CONTROLS, ; REAR BRAKE - Check fluid level and pislon return, I f ItCC) 51' j -- J a I a I ~ HORN & DIRECTIONAL LAMPS - and adjust ~ required. .u REAR BRAKE PEDAL. Check proper position and \ I., - ~ 0 FRONT BRAKE. Check Iluid level and piston return, /.- required free play. PURCHASER'S NAME: IJ Mr. CI Mrs. CI Ms. Cl Bus. CI M r, & Mrs. . .0., HANDLEBARS. Position and tighten bo~s to proper ~;:J" WIRES - Check fasteners and routing, ~~ _ seq uence a nd torque. . ::J ENGINE. Check engine mo~ting bo~s and torque & transmission, I TITlE i FIRST . L.lf'iJ 0 TI R ES - Ch eck air prassure. I':) -'1.0, E. S. . Ch eck lor p roper ope ration, I C \ }y 0\ ~ 0 ~ e \-v..O l/'-~O FRONT DISC ROTORS. Check faslenar lorque. . THROTTLE CABLES - Check routing and adjustment. . 0 FRONT WHEEL SPOKES - Checldor loose sp:lkes and adjust EN RICH EN ER - Check operation and adju stmanl. PURCHASER'S NUMBER I STREET ADDRESS 0 FRONT AXLE - Check nut torque and axle cap nut lorque ~ SPARK PLUGS - Check electrode gap and torque plugs. I . I . ""'."","0"""'''' ~~ ~ FASTENERS - Check and tighten various motorcycle 11 II r'(J ST Vi\", . . Q q FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS - Free on pins. mounting bolt fasteners, except head bolts, I, U .. '^'- / lorque, ,::J ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS - Check operation and adjust It FRONT BRAKE LINES - Check routing and for leaks, 'headlight . hazard lights i!J FRONT FE NDE R - Check faslene' torque. , taill ight . hom ~. FOR K SEALS - If a p p licable, check for leaks and lock ' stcp light, froot & rea r . starte, CITY I PROVING E, AND I OR STATE liP I POSTAL CODE ? ring installalion. , / 'turn signals , . ,"dieator lights , FORK CLAMPS - C~ upper and 10W<lI' plrlCh bo~ torque, ~ ' en glne off SWitch . rn slrum ent lights , OIL FILTER - Check for leaks at mount and hoses. I' - STEERING HEAD BEARING - Check fo, and adjusl 1 ~O ~ "" IA--'- a L",-, l"\A \"" II S-9 ~ I S] ~ JIFFY STAND - Locks securely in down position and excessive play and smooth movement. snap tlack freely, FUEL FITTING S - Fi II tank and check for leaks in fuel system, . COUNTRY CURRENT H.O.G. MEMBER? IF YES, H.O.G. NUMBER ~ c:<t PRIMARY CHAINCASE - Check proper chain adjustment .'. IG.NITION TIMING - Check at proper rpm (carll, only) I I , II 11# I ~ and oil level. W IDLE - Check idle speed setting, U S 0 YES JZI CLUTCH CABLE - Check proper routing and adjuslment. '; CHARGING SYSTEM - Check output. A ~ NO 0 01 L LEVELS - Check propel' Ievel- oil tank and transmission, . 01 L. PRE SS U R E - Check oi I feed and retum to tan k. TYP E 0 F SAL E 0 SEAT. Check m ou nts, h an d strap, seat latch adj u stment, '::J ftl VE H I C L E S - Check: / s issybar m ou nt. /" 'fuel press u re . hOI an d cold id Ie speeds o Retail (Direct to Ultimate Consumer) Police/Shrine 0 Other a-- Q SHOCK ABSORBER - Check mounling torque and adjust .../. . clear any trouble codes , . ,. . . ,/ lor rider weight. ~::J ROAD TEST - Check: NOTICE: II IS Ihe responSibility of the delivermg dealer to complete and return Sales and Warranty !!:f 0 SADDLEBAGS, TOUR-PAK _ Check mountings, locks. . engine opera lion . brakes operation Registration form to Harley-Davidson, Inc.. Milwaukee, WI 53201 or local distributor. within ten (10) days _ cover strike plate adjuslmenl, lightness of fasteners and . transmission operation . motorcyole handling of delivery date to comp!y with the provisions of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Public v' / wire routing, . clutch operalion . CBlradlo operation Law 89-563, and to qualify Ihe vehlcie for warranty. 0.--0 REAR BRAKE DISC ROTOR. Check torque. . cruise conlrol operation A Ha rf6 y-Da vidson emboss<><i own..r's idsn'ifica tiOll card will be ssnt to tha 0 wner whan warran!y ragislra Non forms is ",turned 10 us. ~ 0 RE AR BRAKE CALI PERS . Free on pin s, mo unting boit ~ ;:J CLEAN I NG CYC LE - Check for flu Id leeks and po I ish. CALIFORN/A DEALER ONL Y: The emissions warranty statement has been provided and explained. '. lorque, Er ::J OWNER'S MANUAL, Explain contents 10 customer DEALER' I rff th t I th d I' . de I d th t th' vehicle has been prepared lor delivery tr 9 REAR BRAKE LINES. Check routing and for leaks ../ along with salety a~d riding tips handbook: .. ce I y, a am e, e Ive ling a er .an ~ ~ s ,/. includl ng switch MIng, Q ,;:) DELI VE RY _ Expl aln ope rat Ion end break-In procedures, according 10 all applicable Pre-Delivery an? Set-Up Instructions, the warranty h.as been. explalnE;d to pur- Q/.j REAR BELT _ Check adjustment and alignment. aa::J MOTORCYCLE BEING DELIVERED WITH PAINT AND chaser; the Owner's Manual has been delivered to the purcha~;:lnd that. the I~formallon on thiS f?rm IS ~::J VEHICLE ALIGNMENT. rear wheel: horizontal, vertical. P!<ROME IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION, true, ?orrect and ?omplete to the best 01 my knowledge. I aisQ ~'if that thiS vehicle was ordered With the If adjustmenl is required, follow procedure in selVice 0 -;:y" EVAPORATIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (CALIF ONL Y)- I ntenllon fo r R~tall Sale I n t~~ c?u ntry of U and make: no rap":!- man u al. Check hose rouli ng and connecti ons, fue I tank venting sentation that meets specfflca1;lo s m any other country. I acknowledge that any misrepresentation on thiS 10 canister. form will be iderad a materi b eac of my dealer contract and may consl~ute grounds for termination. ".- ~ / --j Y 9( CERTIFICATION IF THE SET.UP ANO iNSPECTiON OF THIS VEHICLE WAS COMPLETED AT L -, ~ lP ~ r : ANOTHER DEALERSHIP PRIOR TO TRANSFER OF VEHICLE: Oa1'IMontill 0., I V";'tl DIi/lv.rlng Du~r'li Slirvloe Tlichn/cllin: I ce~lfy that I have DliIlv.rln9 Du~r'li S.,v1oe TechniC/ii": I certify that ~ . ., com pi e/ed I sel. up an d Inspect Ion of th IS "eh',cle Ins""""'d !he vehic~ and Ihat it has been prepared for del iIIe'" according CALIFORNIA PURCHASER ONL v:. The emiSSions warranty statement has been received and explained . ~~.~ , , " '1 , ,. . -~,,,, to all applicable Pre-DelIVery aM Set-Up Instructions. , PURCHASER: This motorcycle has been delivered to me and is in acceptab,e condition. I acknowledge t--'"} I / /' tnat this vehid~ is intended to ~ meet the specifications Df the country stated above. I have received . /j ,t! ""J A ('. /, . / G 1 arl Own.er's Manual anrMlle warra,ty has been erflain~d to me., ,/ ~.(, - L__/ {. i "" 0 ( Co ~. Of'::'," . . ~t.~,t, '; L__f'-.f _ . \.....}.)r..; ".. ii" ~\;E-A.. & ~ i..f '- 9 (.; Delivering Dealets SelVioe Tec~cia~ Da11IMontMla,IY"'1 Delivering Dealer's Service Technician Slgnalure OaII(MontMlayIY,"r) y O.Ii,"ry MelptlMl by P urcha,"r . ig""l ur. D.,. (Monlh I Oay I V.or) 501. F Rev, 12.95 Con OlOt"butlon: White a rl glnll- iVrll)'.O.vidIon, ino, Vollaw - ClJStomar PInk - Oilier ~.,;' .:.;..~ J.D. HARL~Y-DAVIDSON, INC. 540 ALASKA FRONTAGE RD.. (406) 388-7684 BELGRADE, MONTANA 59714 10.0' ft, ....... ~-_._--,_.~ ."..-'-~._-_.,..,.- ---,~'..~'."'. ODOMETER' D1Sci"oSURE STATEMENT '" FEDERAL LAW (AND STATE LAW, IF APPLICABLE) F1EQUIRES THAT YOU STATE THE MILEAGE UPON TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FAILURE TO COMPLETE OR PROVIDING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY RESULT IN FINES AND/OF1IMPRISONMENT ..-..., ~'\ j i . ":,\ ) I:' (", ....) . L', '1 J ". / I, ~',(Il;"( ". C J \ (. ._, .. STATE THAT (TRANSfEf1orn; NAMF - SELLER PRINTI , i<\.A.. , \ ~j- THE ODOMETER NOW READS 0 MILES AND TO THE ODOMHFR READING (NO n'NTHS) BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT IT REFLECTS THE ACTUAL MILEAGE OF THE VEHICLE DESCRIBED BELOW, UNLESS ONE OF THE FOllOWING STATEMENTS IS CHECKED. 0 (1 ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE ODOMETER READING REFLECTS THE AMOUNT OF MILEAGE IN EXCESS OF ITS MECHANICAL LIMITS 0 (2) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ODOMETER READING IS NOT THE ACTUAL MilE- AGE WARNING - ODOMETER DISCREPANCY. M7 80DY TYPE ~l 0 \ I.., ~ V ( elSe, ", I ii'l , \1<" r - (" ( I.." VFHICLE IDENTIFICATION NO. DEALEf1 STOCK NO !fID/F H1-<., lIT I '1 (/(p 'S SIGNATURE (SELLE.~ i' .~... JlcJ_C:':~~'-~~=S ,..~ -"- l TRANSFE~~R'S STREET AD~ESS (SFLLER) r:-~< {)c( -5 if' 'f \ - 'l- e- ( '.j \. C<,_ (CITY) ~L-~"" I C if ,. rfl . (STATE) (ZIP COOF) r...<'r' C'-(',,) Ill' _, _ 0 -'- U ( "".. _; r 1./ DATE OF ST A TEMFNT (". .) \{-?4- .~~. ,(PRINTED NAME) \J '(,,-,\ c" ;"'" '~ .'~ I "if ,""..-.... ()-~ ' I \;;, () 'C...e I.A-' (l '.. ,-, V11\0 ( v, ;--uSt- (STATE) (ZIP CODF) ~'l..^_"T"- ......-1' ~ ~ I <:- vQA.' ) 1 I' Reynolds + Reynold!!; UTHQ IN U ~i,A EXTF1A COPY (STATr- (;CWY if' NECESSARY) PROMISSORY NOTE FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Bozeman, promises to pay to the order of J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc., the sum of $15,000.00 in lawful money of the United States, negotiable and payable to payee with no interest before maturity at the rate of 12% per annum if the Note is not paid on or before October 1, 1996. This Note shall be due and payable in full on October 1, 1996. It is understood and agreed that this Note is secured by a 1996 FLHPI Harley-Davidson motorcycle. In the event the City of Bozeman returns the Harley-Davidson motorcycle to J.D. Harley- Davidson, Inc. in good condition on or before October 1, 1996, this Note shall be deemed paid in full and no monetary payments shall be due from the City of Bozeman to J.D. Harley-Davidson, Inc. In the event of default, it is agreed that the holder of this note may recover such necessary expenses as may be incurred in collection, including a reasonable attorney fee. The maker hereof waives presentment, demand, protest and notice thereof. DATEDthis 17th day of June , 1996. CITY OF BOZEMAN .-----.. ~ \ - . , )) ~ By;'- '....~ ~" ~ CC"- Its: C tv Manaqer \. ," sJ-v{f;; -\_ ., -J" , iv' ,,'-' '.';--- ,:.... ,~ (\ . t..-' _ (~., -C' ""\ l t~',> ,~ '- o-)J \.11 , .), v '~. , l ( I ' \", ,<t_ . \ ..' <,-' \' C\ t.p /3" \ ,(.\. .' \i / ". ,/--' \). . -',-," - ,tf / \ . ('\K)- ,,\, \",\ t;.. c:, c \ () '\\ \..;pJ - _)' ~>,./ . ._~pL )_/ ~Y (// . THE LAW FIRM F) F (,.. , ;\ '..,:,. '''-a/'1 t.:.1..'r, t -,- MOORE, O'CONNELL & REFLING A PRUFESSIUNAL CORPORATION SUITE 10 LIFE OF MONTANA IllJlLIlIN(; PFI\RY j, MOORE 601 IIAGGERTY LANE RARRY G O'CONNELL HefJ/Y To MARK [). RFf'UNG WM. RUSSELL McELYEA POST OHler: flOX IISS CINDY E. YOUNKIN BOZEMAN, MONTANA S977I-I2kk WILLIAM M. flf{OOKE TELEPlIONE (406) 587-\511 FAX: (406) \R7-9079 June 4, 1996 Paul Luwe, City Attorney City of Bozeman P.O. Box 640 Bozeman MT 59771-0640 RE: Our File No. 49027-001 Dear Paul: Enclosed please find the original Promissory Note and Security Agreement relating to the City's purchase of a 1996 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The only change that I have made in enclosed documents is on paragraph 3 of the Security Agreement, wherein I have deleted any reference to collision or comprehensive insurance on the motorcycle. As we discussed on the phone, if the bike is damaged or destroyed prior to return of the motorcycle on October 1, 1996, the City of Bozeman will be obligated to pay J.D. Harley-Davidson the $15,000 as evidenced by the Promissory Note. After the City Commissioners have approved the Promissory Note and Security Agreement at their June 17th meeting, I would appreciate your having the appropriate City officials sign the Promissory Note and Security Agreement and returning the original to J.D. Harley-Davidson at the time the City picks up the motorcycle. The motorcycle has not yet arrived in Belgrade, but they expect that the motorcycle should arrive by or around June 17th. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed documents, please feel free to give me a call, Y~~r~ ;/t{~ .' MAR'D. 'LZ Encs. cc: Ardi Devries w/enc. 49027001.L14 .. . - THE LAW FIRM MOORE, O'CONNELL & REFLING A P](UFFoo!UNAI.. CUIU'UI\ATIUN SUITF ID I.lcE UF MUNTANA IH.lILlJIMi PERRY J. MOORE WI HA(i(iERTY LANE HARRY (i, O'CONNELL Ret>ly Tu MARK I). REFLlN(i POST OFFICF BUX [2SS WM. RUSSEI.I. McEI.YEA CINDY E. YOUNKIN BOZEMAN, MONTANA 'i97nW'1\ WII.LiAM M, BROOKE IHEPHUNE, (406) \87.\\1 I FAX, (4D6) oS7"<}(J79 ii" J ~;- It; I' l'i .1~ f~ :j May 28, 1996 Paul Luwe City Attorney City of Bozeman P.O. Box 640 Bozeman MT 59771~0640 RE: Our File No. 49027.001 Dear Paul: Enclosed please find a proposed Promissory Note and Security Agreement relating to the City's purchase of the 1996 Harley~Davidson motorcycle. As we discussed on the phone, the purchase price would be the amount of the Promissory Note. As long as the bike is returned to J.D. Harley~ Davidson on October 1, 1996 in good condition, there would be no cost to the City of Bozeman in purchasing and using the motorcycle If you have any questions concerning the enclosed Promissory Note or Security Agreement, please feel free to give me a call. MDR:ket Encs. cc: Ardi Devries 490270Q1.L12