HomeMy WebLinkAbout83- Park Land Agreement r , ( . '. .. { . .. . PA.PI< LAND AGRPFMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 2nd day of May , 1983, by and between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Montana, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, Monta'1a 59715 (" the City") and GENE E. COOK, whose business addn~ss if' 611 West Main, ROZemi'1T1, Montnna 59715; WIT N E SSE 'J' H: WHEREAS, the Montana State Legislature is considering approval of an application for a park project known as Glenlake Park (lithe Project") vlh i ch is located a1nna the northern boundary of the City; i'1nd WHEREAS, Mr. Cook is the owner of real property lorated adjacent to the Project property; and WHEREAS, the City desires to enlarge the amount of real property within the proposed Project to include a portion of Mr. Cook's property; and r'lHEREAS , Mr. Cook is willing to have a portion of his real property included within the project; N OvJ , THRREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. Mr. Cook will provide a survey which describes from 4 to 6 acres of real property owned by him and located i'ldja.cE'mt to the City-owned property which is i'l part of the Project. 2 . The survey shall include particular rei" 1 proIJerty and establish such lines as arF' acceptable to the Recreation Advisory Board of the Bozeman-Gallatin County Recreation Department. 3. The survey shi'111 be performed by i'1 registered land surveyor. , '. " , . . 4. Mr. Cook shall convev thp surve'/E'(l prot)prtv bv ;.Tarrantv Tl"'pr1 t-o the Cit~/. 5 . cehe Citv shall crpdit Mr. Cook for th?t nrnDPrty which is conveved to the City. 6 . Th", rc"'oi.t :;hi'111 be ""stablisnp(1 (1.S pqual to the DreriSr> acrrc:'1ge of the pr0pert:)1 convevec] b" V-c. Coe,)( or, J ,. the> _: I case of a cash donntion in 1 . of the dedi"atin!l of .._lJ~U lono pursuant to Section 76--3-606 ((1) , 1V!.C.A. 1981, pqual to 72 (Cents per square foot of such convPyanre. 7 . ~..~.r . Cook may use this crpoit to offset ;,=]n~l requiremprt~; for :'1. clpclic2tion to the pub1ir fnr T),:'!rks or plavgrounds J. n Clccordanc"" with Secti0n 76.-3-S0r:: , M.r~.A. 1(\81, ,~_ n future subdivisions clpveloD0o b'l :~r. Cook w~thi:\ th"" City. In the olternativp, Mr. Cook DlAV use thp c:rodit to offs""t any rf"quirement for such n c1pc1ication in accordance '.vi th C' +-' 76-3..-606, M.C.j\. 1981, 1n ,.)0C_1on future subc~ivifdons developed by him outsid,:, the city limits, so long as such subdivisions are located within ? threp (3 ) mile radius of the ci. tv limits and subjert to approval of such 2 uu.bc'livisiop bv Gal1,:'1tin County. 8. Mr. Cook TTlay elect to use thls crpc3it for aClY subdivision within the City or its thrf?P (3 \ rr:ilc,:, rBdil.ls, in v.:h i ch the finAl :c.ubd i vi s ion pIet is Clnpn:,>ved 0'l nr before the expiratj_on of f i ftc::'pll (15) ye;>1'"" f'roTY) +:11 P date of this aq:-:-eempnt. 9. ".I[ r . C(\ok 1]1'1'1 elect to use this cr""rlit i" \<7h01e 0T in pi'lrt from +-. ~ !'l P tn tilT'P (luri'lC! tl,o f"if"+:e>,.,~ ( 1 5 ) '\7(-".J2. !' Der:Lod. 10. The> tenns of this agreem0nt sh,"Ill 0P en-r0rcPi"'.blp n!lJv upon -F' , finnrov"l nr the Glnnl ",Ju' P"1:rk 1I.nD 1 j C?t ion j" ],_ 11 n .~. bv th,o> V[(Ytlt:'1':" St0te 1,eg i,..o L-l turp. -?-. , .. . . , .. " I \ . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties havA caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Ry-0l/~/ ~ ~ J~ f G.,~ Gene F.. Cook Its Mayor AP'1"1\"0lfl;"l1t (~S 1rW~ ~""tttia ~, "., L" I ."."k!! !. ~\ 1.1 \,,_' ~,J .--J(( (1__,'> 1-2;'J &t-dS --....,......""....'''._.._ __._.,_~_,,~.'''m~ __,~ ..,:, L'(Orney -3-