HomeMy WebLinkAbout27- Martin Agreement . -. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this First day . of April, A. D. 1927, by and between the City of Bozeman, a Municipa.l Corporation in Gallatin Co1i.nty, State of Montana, the party of the first part, an~ Ella T. Martin, of Bozeman, Gallatin County, State of Montana, party of the second part, WITNESSETH. , THAT V:/HEREAS, the party of the second part has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, for tlw priviledge of removing the old dwelling house situated in the northeast corner of Beall Park, in the City of Bozeman, and ereoting on the approximate site thereof a new building, without cost or expense to the City of Bozeman, and after Q:o~letion thereof to donate the same as a gift to said City, as is more fully set forth and contained in said petition, a .- ::::-.~<---.~- -..-.. copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof as fully as if written out at length herein; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, held on the First day of April A. D., 1927, said petition was granted subject to the agreements, covenants and reservations and conditions therein set forth; and WHEREAS, it appearing that the party of the first part is entitled to accept gifts and donations as provided by Section 5043 and Seotion 5044 of the Revised Codes of the State of' Montana 1921; and WHERFAS, i-; appel!trs that it 1s for the best interest of the City of Bozeman that such proposed gift or donation be -,' accepted, and that great and lasting benefit will accrue to the people of the City of Bozeman by the acceptance thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED in consideration of the . . ,. premises.as follows: That the party of the second part will, without any cost or expense to the p.arty of the first part, wreck and remove the old dwelling house now situated in the Northeast corner of Beall Park and construct on the approximate site thereof, a new building-and oomplete the same on or before the first day of January 1928. and give and deliver and donate the same to the City of Bozeman, all as set forth and oontained in said petition for such purpose, a oopy of which. a.s aforesaid, is hereto attached and made a part hereof. as fully as if set forth herein. The said party of the first part agrees to the reser- vations and oonditions set forth in said petition. and agrees u;pon the completion thereof to acoept the same for the purpose for whioh it is donated. IT IS DISTINCTLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD. between the parties hereto that the party of the first part shall not be .---........- at any e~en8e. nor shall it bear any burdens, be subject to any damage or any lOBS. of any kind whatsoever, by reason of the proposed operations of the party of the second part; And the party of the second part shall reimburse the party of the first part for any l.os8 which it may sustain, growing out of, or oonnected with the proposed operations of the party of the seoond part oarrying out, or attempting to oarry out, the objects petitioned for and granted. as aforesaid. The party of the second part agrees, and does, bind herself. her heirs. executors and administrators to oarry out the t.~ of this agreement and the obJeots. conditions and .. "., -- .-- oovenants set forth and oontained in said petition and in this instrument. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED. that the party of the second part shall not aoquire any right to Beall Park or the real estate therein contained. or any lien thereon by reason .,. of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the second part has hereunto set her hand, and the party of the first part has caused the same to be signed with its corporate name, by its Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission. Made and executed in duplicate this First day of April, A. D. 1927. THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ~/ ,!~ ~/ //.(? / i ,.-;;> ;' , By_____--- C. 4tU/t/iA ';I/Vl~/ ~ ~ Mayor. ATTEST: -"- //2%~~? iA-/,~Ilj / Clerk of City Commission. Party of the First Part. d3/g :/ w: L ,..--~ . -,-' /1; A' /i . / . Party of the Second part. i Approved as to"- form. - /-..., \ "',: ""-" JG ,.52 C\__..-1l-.--'l 01 ty Attorney. \ . '. ,. Boseman! JIont&na. Karoh a . 191'. To th.BOMn.lt~ _OJ', anA CU.t, O....101l\.:; tht 01 tl of lOaean, )Ion . oen~18_Jl' In a., OOIUJ'Uwt'lon and g1ft of a Couaunl '7 aou... for Beall :lark PlaTgN\Ul4, leoated on that "look bouDled by Jlk_ at., B...man St.. Short st., .... 'SUtU'4I"..... 'lJll'BEA8.., lmsban4, D. BrOGS Jlartln, and I lived. 111 .Bo~.man 'tOI' \Qw&r4 . et 10 7RJ'8. reared our tamll7 here, -.de our hOUl8un. earne4- a 11Yl1l&oo4 In thla ya.lley-. and have been lntel"tuste4a.nd Goeoern.d., clurl113 that time, in tho growth, pr06r... aal.iaproy_u'ctf this OOl.\illWU t71 8J1c1 I:III8W.l'" our _lab. 1n later year. to oontribute aubltanti&1.17 '0 80_ so04 and r...aonablo "au.. fostered by the OO~ 'r for Ita PUB ptople in partiCUlar and the .Public goot 1a ..neftll ad DlmU.S, the 01~1 of I..enan haa D04ef1n1te, IIUltable Uo~"ltl Roue tortr.. reoreatlontAl aa'Aviti.a; uc\ 1ltQE.AS, file CU. '7 ot .UDeIl owne _all Park, a .1t. &4i.Pta~l. ant valuable ..sa Pu'li. Pla7p0uD4, and ba. therel1l ..t. ...1de .pa" anAanow.4 and >>rovl4.ed appara.*w& a.nd an.. fo%" ....... pU\lU8. anA ,.b110 Noreatlon, aal w~, _,...131Ua....I.._ber. of ~O'Ul1B a..::~ .14.... ....'alftJ'l...... ot the pre.ent opponun1tl.. anl1abl. there, aad., the 81.,.1. benef,t to " "'r1..41 h-om the u.e of a 1'1r8t ola.. OO~'llli tl hOUH ..em to Justify larger. more peranellt, and more sui tabl. aooolDOdftt1onu than the preeent faol11 tie... t Beall Park otters. and. WJIIU,A.8. !be b\Ul1.1JJB 80w in u.s. on tlt. >>roP.Mf 1. 014. 4.1&,dAt04. &44. in ... nee" 01' lnrmaerable repairs; an4 QJtUI.AB. BUlb. 1Ml114J..D& a8 It stande doea not oontrtlm.te towari. the.b.." of .all .othendao fairlJ r.a>>.otabl....pp.arl~ and 1...0-.04 uea, aM 111 not oompatable with the 14ea of 01v . prib 1n aita'le, Mae.m., well-kept lN11dinga and grou.n4a .inu.ln.' to;r PU .11. \1M I ant WltSRBU. fU OS:,,, of Boaeman baa no fua4.a ....llable '1."1 the. pl'oJ.r _tatalMl'lOe of ibis prOpert"lIUch leas for ; UT additional _"'..."1&1 1II>>rovell1enta of pound. or butl&- lD681 an4 '. wmmUS,fteze 1act pbHntno legAl meaIlS by which --,. t()l" 'h1s pUJ"Poae f1a1' be prod.uee4 O:r." aecram.u1ated by ....tion or bon41,tlC, J1Qr ."".hlGh th. olty may further obligate 1 ,..It& t pre..nt .1M I ad WURW. I bave alreadl madeva.rlcm.e donationll to)!' 'u....'lJ.fIbMntof t111a ..r~ Centel' and w1sh to make a ..a14.ft.1l1e. defil11te oontributlOD 1utwardthe welta.rQ of ,i~(Hi()};tI1nt $:i ~Jf)tlf:l.,;i:: :peo:plo t filYlt'i ('Lo ~>:HH:;:ur;l::11)1~,d):; 'j,.".", ..". ',' i' ,,"'" tl ""''''~ '~"'\ h "1 '" ,I. ""'I ",,"''''d' , VJ~'rl,.'I..l. ,v..J.l {),:,.. 4iJI~~,.dllll' \,It'.i'\j,'(..JI-,,J,,r,\j >..> (L~ \;,iL~,tI 1J! 1i.~I't.~ ,:.~ ... ~ tm!!!.'/l)e bU.l1 t tt.t:l.tt utili ~f;lti't\ t Jt> ~'. : " ' .t, <F::t :pet! tiOtl. HOL10i'n\:;:LE' .C' ,I,~". i" oJ .j", .. i r,,'. ,~ """1 ,.., .,> ,," 1e ""'~' ," '1 .~< ' ....,,., """""'.,,..,, ", ., {., o,;\, vole V4.f1:;j."Chl.Ull,l,kl,,,,,O... t"J. ~,J."v '\." I"., ,'..'v iI"e,,,...':"',. :...L, pa::t'rdss!IJti t<j~:l:Lta.~nl ~.hf:) p~-et!li~~,() . def~,L~';, a .1~1JrU{1 .... .. '''''u''''';", .... t.h,"t. '~'l".".I.t''''....t.r.(l ~') ""."""" "''I"",.j''''h ""i',"j.,"()''''''''' '''1'''''''''' i"n11("'j+.4\.~')f' ~,: !W;f~t. J.;:;.'l,o;('~ '.l.,IU',,:~" 1&:.'...t., ''''JI':~ .....4;:',1-.. ~':;;"..t,. ...~,J4 v..f...l"; i",,/J,w.'~ V\Ln'.!:I. ~/'...iliI.,t..:;;. .I.i"...L", ~,JJ~ j:-J t.~",l,i,. ~.)tl",,\,\,~\,,-l. ".~; ~,: o,,';!, t:....:r'''.~'''1..1.'' ". "" "'I'l~"."~t. '0"" .t,'I.,.$.' t!o' ...~,.~,4.' 11 4.~. "".~. j:li:"""'~"HnJ'> ,,1,1'\ '.';''''-'11.. iI"!: "HI!" I;'\',"'~}'~"" .i:&V IC;~ O'tI. !/f?)-,~\1I 'fY~ .~~-\,ii,i..t" '.;~ i.Ji,.o4~ltJ .L..a'!J"....!V.4l~,./.:..~:~~, ./" ~~ ~...,,,......," t V ,IiI c~.,o;il..~,,,,,.,,,~ 1;.;" ~"'~"'''' ..,..,~t~.~,j.,.tA. pern:.lusion to'bGg1n. eot.tstl'Uot. and, COll~ple1.;e ''I:.iH!t IIJ"o j{:)ct In. aftex' d<'H~or1bed. a.nd,UAde:r.' the oonal t;ton"lt~ hi\H.'eitl aftEJ1' l11V't forth; 'i'he propo3edb11il(i1~~ is tijb(13 :fl)I"t,y :f.'(iI\S:ti h,y' :i.l1.~dy 4J' t (JlO'.'-;C'.O" ,#, ~ t \ .... . . t... .... '. ,.tt',...,. 1,.,,,, ~,",""n ...4, "",..,-1 Ii' ", "...,t', .0 it J,:fH~r . <$ .AU' .1. E, $ 1 II one $a 004 Y Vi.:,..;, ',,', vC"';,'\il",',I,;. h '" t.... "",.. ,::. ~, .1 '1 ;" 47>0'''''' ""i"",'waJ'i'''' ~'l~>...t. i'1J" t)'l~...'t. 4'<01""'1 '.-l"'t"I"fJ j'. ",.", t '""' rl'l"':l'n~"r"'i"'<' ~.}t.C ,.,lL.: ",~I ~~v~.t:~'t:;.~~."'. ,t:~if:~ ' .,;::,.~~> k ~,:;;"tl4: , ,.,t,\"'Q it v~. 1lJ!- 'i,.lI'fI_h ""'ll>M.j,j,.io, 11-I." ""~'r,&ir".,'J" 1:.1",><,'J", ..,J, ~:;;.. tr ,. l't" ,n(ll h",.. .l''''''~ "......""".',r Clt.t"'i'''&;!> A,f." "?hlll) ~~.",,4"1:;"'" ~' "!(l~\T:~:,"iO'i"",)"t'",.~ \ ' I/I~.,l~, t..I'Q 'v.J., ,i"..",.J4IW"t ~ ..,j"l.~ \.jf" 14/::.t..Il.'v ,.,!1,:,lI.~.l(rl\il~ _1f1.... ',,1 ~J,'J!'\'i,,;'.->l'!.' ",\,~ ,~.Il:~',,," ..~,!<,..;..1IMI' mOullt:tlXl ahJ.es'"i:n Ot::.I.,llt!t thl t:~UlYOXl. fUl,'t vdll 00 SUPJ;LiI" tecL-' ()n n, cobblestone f<:n~lw!:l;1on rn1m118J~' to th6:0Q;t' 'l;he::';V4'n,"gI>c'(~n Il",,<l..~".t, !,,"'. ~'1' '11""'" ~"'..' ~""1";;'1'" ",'H',' -:;> ,:.,.,,".,'\"'"'''''' ,.;"!'I j"~'pb:i, "me.n.I~$. . I' ~..d.&,,, E~ G, m.r.LH'I;., ...'" .:. \.JO... " . ." ,..J ,,1,.,..J\."'l..~.!l,> W._ -,. Jl, tt~ce the jas'\) $.114 ape!.. via entrY1w:-y;'oh w.tiI,lJ:::'().i,l.'~O;;;.CI;nan ~a;.reet... 4. ton :f f)\) t \'H~f;:lijnt t0I~rac ~,; 'l1.i 11 ;f'lru,:k ~i'i~~.ll I,) n 'tkU\ltrli()'ll.th, while sma1.1eJ:' steps lend.. i';r'(Ht exit ~j(; tbe!lOJ'th. m.'I.",.:r;;,'I"ll' .~;,41'1 '!.."" t,'.lI'i "''1",ht. ~"i.lI!l ~'''','.I('''N~ .-.""', ,"'1'"" \.1\''''.\ ,;.\,y' .A1,t'o:q)',_W ~i',.jJ", ,J~ Vv !\",;:{..liI.lo \r;_.J;'~,,L',. Y rnlt J,....~,\.\:I~4q' VJ,iP- ~"" ,.,.,,) ... .w..!..,~"'\'t"ij a:~l~ onllf1e 1d8 . Th0 mi.:a OJ." J~ro'Wl.d 1'l00J' vd.ll o(,Hrtni,n..: j; !I"""~ .,;:. 'l"'~ '1" ............ ....... 0::> t. It "'"'' T' '" i """. l~".' " '(I'. "'F' Y 1" 'j'.':'''' ", (, 1" ".. f11)" I .... .::'i,I': , . 10. ~~~' ~.t~..A.,. ~ll>' ..L ~ vilt.. ~l~1.C;~,. &.V,I.,~" .....~" ..,1;0,,,. .,.......~:' ;~;~ 11., V..t~"... ,,1.''',11 l, .,.1'"11 ~..,.<" 41;1.j,~ ~J ,f. ti.,nd'j1fl.t:!' ',c.'^""1M'> ~"';";';'I"')"""l..""q'~',(;, 1~."t1_!\t ""~'" ;,'t.~._;l~,,\\.o f-'i-~, d.VV';';:"f, .t.'"..'IiI,:,~'.'~',j '*'" w,.n..1. ji;,.,.:J'I."" Vi ~~ ,;i.:\.wv Ii ".' ~ "". 'j"'''''' )....-1'. . , " <". " ,,'~ ," """"i ''''''.' ..I. ,.,' ., '.' .., ,II", , "w., '.; t ,.",,111t1.,I\,1"1[',.. ,,,,{,,, "OX..Il,J,Cf,. a;1. '..1,1. i,;' , t".;'l.,,~i J",,,, ,...,:,\" 0, 1;.1<3'':01. OOlmtex' ami" i'"l;'wx';;;.;";:n' t;l iij,m:U:~on.. :::'\"10 toilet.. let\d.1ng frof,nl/i:l1nn.Qot:\. w..,....... tA11h,,"tI>"'1O'\'''''''1''1''~ ....n ..<",~.,,"" "'1;'\"~ ,J\~ 1I,","'" ~V" ,w ""'. '~Jr ~J.~ ..t,,\1<,4~'f "" 4... ..,.,J:,J..J.:io. ,,;I, t,'I,'\llI. .' 1\, iiJ!l:l;PPly 1'1) om.. ;Ibelv&$ t'OX'fH)oka. Tt .~ ""t"l""'....,'ltl C.'" :l ..,i) I,,,, V" J", t...,,,. ,4" ''''I () ".'" '/':>'4 .., 'f'l ' . . Jj. "'...<:"......v~)(,r;'" ,." 11,..", '" "',~.l.i:, L,:U...l..:.I. 1....,.0,.,. "-,J..:!.. "'. L bv wa1l'w(.'.!.ot ;hl.\.'" ra'I>"'<' ...lle h <I. li,'d.l' 1"" n "'l ~i <"t,<:-o.!.""", ,,1 f> ,"" "'I' ,,'>,':' 'l ''''''j1''l.4 ,t, ...",).'" "''', "J". .jq'L~' ,lofl:"",k"~ ,f.~"'\'''"''''' \I'i/.~' ~:;;l V~~l~..) "1\;,1""'1.""1'.,;1,0 '<~~i'<lI.,*.\. ....~1;.,'".J:~~'\....\W,l!j...l.,^,~"'.~,,",'. ~t4,.. 1" l~"l,te.ri!ie(l '1,;'''' 'll'''' ~''',lv., t"'u"Jl,:cIl" .~, ",'" <"i'''' , ., ... """"" I" IiIt.~"., l,'..... "" . ""'C:, \".... ';;'.:iJ2 ". ~ '{ ::n:l.f'ietn(~JC~t:".";a '1"" ',", "'0, if'~ !"'I 1'I,,"'t) '," A.l, '>,; t', ...;;\,." 1" ~ ''''W',~: , ~ ~ ,$...,~ .:i::'~' .I.. .,~."~ ..A '. ~4. I ~ ~J -J\ "",'I.,d ~:". ~) ,JI.,. V '. ," J. 1\ An H:ntl~.. .........11II "".I\.. "".......,';.".., i""",,",/"'" l".Io{y'1 f'l' ." V\4\IQ fill Jlv...;(;~~::~ '<..~ ~.~ "~' \: ',l-lJ, 'I":~ ~.iI.."J~llL,W" .. 1\ 000.1 l~oom 10' x10' . '\ :1'~I" "".'.," "'1 "'{\ "," """ "11' "'j' V" 'I" " ~ , '" .i~ "'",~"I..\.;"..,I:,',,,v J.t.ilWiU )),~~J ,.J.c"ou. "~/v'lG>fl tf4\ f~<}'~> ..j")~.,'lil(y.ce (l.!;tfHd,l~Hl aut!. {'Oml11@te. . ;~YtO.11'~iif:j..v lcad.:i.l~ to :tWO~)tl<t:rloOJ::'. ".,'t 1" 1" , i' . & . i"!/'S.Y' .ea,ct1t~j~~r:H:'. !),B,UCna4Jrrl:, to .:::ratlSd(:i'G 1i'l.l th tZlpfU":le to);" hone.. ' kltGhen 15'f x20' II :,'(n'T j,CICHl Vii th ,-", ,.\ v tUld . OUpl:H>f'l.i,'d... t ",.." ...,"" ~ I',. oU.utOlilil.""......' i~ "',:).!,\!"" 1":.1' ~.,,!:',\ t u.A~ ~ ~... '" V !.I'i." *,,1' l'iIo-;>jio!''''\~t;.' 1 pl'{)pOUe to C(HJstrUX;}t sa built' <)!'\ ~"""tJ"""''''''1n~f>.'~1u t'r. ~ '.., .<".i'~ ~".1.1'il' ...I;.. 'J ....f.'n. . . ~,,J" t" v..... r 'tAG l'i)l:\IJl<') ~d.t.,,) novii' o~cu;pled In tne 01(,1 0'" q.nt~f'l.'I....,.j;,>;'.I"'ll" "."'''. .' follo'Vlt1ll: "') -, ...~, ,.. .". ..' ,,,. '", L.'.........,,/' $ '-..,.... .'i~'t."'" \"'t",,,.t,I'l 11n.... .....+. t'h 'b"l"!l' '11' . . ..h"1 ...~......... . '" '"'.... ~ e "l..," "'" .H.(;:; ,. oe !'1JJuroximn t 1":1 v e1g.trty....l'lv'lJ 1;'S'ot S011th of the w11'(,' f(H1Ce t'Olw. t, bO'Hntlr..1 't;he ')rO;H'i:t:'t~l on the :lorth.. r,rh.e . /;;ast wall of hul1d11liX wil.lbe f.lcd; haelt i':"~)nl sld,ev4~lK tlpproxixtv:\ t(jly t\liGntY-(1b~. fc'ot Q,ntl OCH1J'lOCtod, ;;d:bh fli _lk by a. eeme.l'lt W1!11k.. . . S,UCh p~()ei'llent of the no \1'; buJ.,ltting \1,1:111 )'t..)t, (i(H3E)l~H;1i tnte rCHilQVcil 01 nor J.r.rterfe'~rtJnce~rlt: clt:;J,(<!.' of 1,;;r,'!;,(\,:)' r:~f~ !'i' . . .-era Whlob. IIOW 'J'W1 parallel "0 the old building. Neither wIll it 1I. n..'.8&1"1'0 hIlOV. 8..Dl' of the tre.. .I._Me. tely louth of tlle IN.1141na. 140 ~relD~. petition the City Commiesion to pant _ the t.11..1_ rich'., ,rlv.le.ges. .atlU.l'aftCG8. and oono...iout I'ms!, ..1'II1U10D to wnok the 014 build1ng now atanc'U..ac on the a1 t. rete:rrel. te. ;'1.10_,,- Reh1u.1oa 1;0 u~11i.. a.o4 &>>'l."Opr1a q 8U(lh. ,: ,part., tixt~., a.D4 GGntente ot .&14 old hJ.ldlnc .. .,'be .ft-'..,,.,,~-,,, . ... orft1u 1e oa.rr'11J1c 011 the oonllt:t,.tloaof the new, 01' in 'OJ!I'let1Jlg tne 12111141., 01" partllL11., turn1 eh1ne 1 t w1 th .."ropr1..,0 eQl1l.>>Mnt aft.rwardJ DID" fb.. anuanee tbat the 01t7 will_ke pNYtaion tor the u...or4J.epOaal" t .~r ", o~ of all 'OJUMe4ed or wm.a." POn10D ot iht .14 lhU1UDSt, U4 fit aU ru.bbleh and. retu..e of ....th 'bu1W.... 4UrlaB' wreoll\6lt it !Uu'.8eary to oleer "Paoe. kt..lzl ,u:z ..., wi thln a1stl' 4Iqa of oOIQleilon of tho ne. 'ltu.114.11W UJ.C1'nt'll.. Biyen of ..... rot1Iiflh the ..If l"1Pt '0 let oont""""t tor ,,"oking \he 014 'buJ.lUDtI. tor ......'1' tor tht new an4,tor OGlUlt1't18- 'ion ottihe... ~. _0....".1' Wl&; the r!.ht to h1re, Ae, leBa.., or 81'0111' ........r I Oho... to .U1~1 out the p1au 'UA pro>>olala hel'e1u ~. the right to find .. 8\11table p1&.. :to .'0" n.oh 00.l11leut8t t1xtUHa, a.n4. uable arti.lo. a. I ., willb. to ,".."'out or the old bu1141.ns tor UN in the newt rIlTSh!fha ~. tba ttheC1 tv w111 t\u'niab. tree ....r ... >>1WIl... 4v.rlnc0Ol14Uu.otton '.1'104.; that tho 01'7 w111 ~__ all....rant water oonneotlor~ neoesaa~1 tluLt the 01"1 wJ..U. upon ...,letlon ot the bu.l1ding, prepare _1t8.b1. 1&wa a1tftt th. h1141na. and will ln1114 and P&J1 foZ" IUffSolen' a&titlonal wire tenoe to .ompl.'. enoloaure uound .thAt park, . 8%1:111 fhatthe .01 t7 wl11pag the 1nauft\noe preld.um M'Il, , ins" 1... 'lal' tire that., ooour d:ur1r.lg oonatruotl.Jn ot, Rid luJ.llins. ahouJ.4 X de.. l' neo...rytha.t suoh 1ncru.ranoG be ~J..4 &AI plJ,d fl)r 'b)' _. '.A.ad it the City Co.t.alon w111 grant to t:ne the petition h.nln Be' forth. with all tll. prlvl1edge8, riBh'., reae.rvat1ona, au. S.81N.ftU:l... askod tor. 1 4Q here by agree I I. that I w1ll wr(lO~ the o14bu11Uns a..nd build thO n9W ... herein 4e8orl~.4 an4 .88Um8 all reapon81bl11t1ea tor the ,s;pen.. the!'..1 th 1n:vol VH, I. ., T.' \he 01'.1 ot "...n. 0. any oftloor, BonX'd, or :Je,partmtltlt t.:lereof II, &ball not be responsl ble for aU7 oost, _XI_net. ola1m, .rothex- 0 blip t10n tor tile wreok111g ot'tho old ltu11cU.ns or theoonatru.otloD Of the proposed new bu11dlng,or on a..ount of .au;r OJaerat1ona oarried on by mo or rq ngent. or tmplol'o.., in an4alkJui the doing or aaid work. a. that the 01t1 of Bo..wan "hall not be re.ponalble tor any ola1. to:r.' 4a~. or au1"fer a.D3 d.amage, whi. ch -1 accrue to a.n.)1;,ler8on or arfl propert1 by rem.on or pormission grantod, . .. to .-7 ill. Ot."7 to 40 the work herein petitionel tor, or wtdoh -7 1".8U1'~o. &Q.Y .,eratloJUt,I or Jrq "Bente or emplolees DAY _r'q _ Ia<-"furthe-.. ot 'j~ oltJeot. herein .et forth. And 1 'ad .,..If anA fn:3 exe.uto!'. and admlnl.tra tor. to reimburse the. Os. t1' ()t .....u. tor &rq' 10.., a.arage. or expena8, whtoh the _14 alt.,. .., .....1Jl 'b{ l'8&aon of the szant1J:lg of thi. petition 01' the ."1"'171_ OIl. Ol" .<<l1ne of the wOZ'k propo..4 herein. ; '. '. ..4. 1 agree. and 40 bl.nd ..,..It and m'l helr., 1n. eonaideratl()A ott:lG ~t1r.a6 of thi. petition. to aomra.0noe work at onoe u,on 'he p:t.'o,08H proJect' '1LIl4 tofulll 'GIlll". thOI!lr!UD8 . on or Mt.ft the Fir.,. <1a1 ofj..anu..ry. lIas .nncl it. 8414 1n111lttl1l" _I'''''''' lano'oo.p1etet aa& lel1..re\o ~. City of Bo..man on or 'befo" _id ll'lrst....,. of llU1\\IU")' 1926. th.n the 01t3 of Boll.san M&11 haye the ~lsh'."" 1ta option, to t1,. fUll possession 'aDd owaer.lp~root'. O. that UI' .on't.ot I _y enter in to .1 th &llf person :tol'the '.1:JIC of $.1l7 ot tho _n '1"01108..4 in thi8 pet1 tionl l&rtlO\llU1l' 111 tn.e. MMtftotlon of -.14 new bu1141nc t aha 1 . 88.1" a. ol.atlM 1:t1Mrte4 therein to tht e:tteo't "fhat the City of lJol__ aball 1'10" '" napoaalbl.. tor ~ eoet or .~.lW. in aa4 abou1; the Ooq'h.'lon otealc1 new 11114J.Dg, G:r' the 401UC .t ~ ....a: in OOJSDto",s... wltb.n.oh operation., nor shall flf,lq 11_ b. ,la..t .. 8JQ' '"pertl 01" atteJDpt to be pJaced th8;r-eOJ1 _lo:agl::\6 'oth6 Cl'{.AOJ" ahAll the Oi'1' of Botlean be neponalbl. for &n.J .,. 01" 4&-. \0 1t.!17 peraOD'by reasun of ..14 wo*". 6. 'fhat'" the p1'Qo8ed buildJ.1l6 bae been completed h4 the s~lpu1atl0n. and 8.8reeaenta afore mentioned earrled out. X....e . '8J'eUAq",,_ tU1 ., 1'1C.. \hel'.1Jl .. ....ihe 011;1 of :aoaemtUll that I will rfTe"'l ,w1tho1J.t re~..ratl0Jl. relml'N.r...nt or :rewa. . t and .. a 61f't, the _f!t'bu.l1ding.l th ita ..AU'lon. and ap'purtenlJ.no8.. fixture., and &uoh furnlshi!lga aa 1., .1]1&oe there1a. to __ 01'7 ot Bolt.an, 'to have. ue., _""07. aa ~O.. J.n authort"IH:O. tit, without ~ reatrlc- ;'10_ or other oondJ. tlou thfUl 'f TD HOU8E B~~ US:; FOR fla: 'PURPOSI . :fOR WllICll IT IS BUILT. .ABLY, ,A, COJ.IN.lJBITY ca.,pa. VID1lI YOUICaD OLD. OJ' QALkAfvr 'A.LL~rr lUY QATF!.!R A1fl) DIOf ~ELV1CS AJfI nmUtGE IN WltOJ&SOD lU~CHr~ATIOJf. and that the 01 "10t BO.... ....pi; "he rel>>OD81b111 i1 of ownership and. talce .1Ui'able ear. otthe build!., thereafter. . !ruet1ns ,hat lour Honorable bod1 will gN,nt the '.l"a7er of tb.18 petition. I ... 'ery Sl11oerelyyoura. &L~_r K~ ..'r,"':- \<jl