HomeMy WebLinkAbout58- Simgraf Corp. Agreement t .. . .' .- , .. - - . . I - . ... m 18..372 - AG R E EM E N T ...... ~ - "- - - - - --. THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 12th do:;,}" ot ~~ovcmbel", 1968, -by-and between SIMGRAF CORPORATION, a corporation ." organized and existlnguI1i~r am by virtue of th e lIaws of t:q.e state of Montana, with itsprinc1pal plao~ of business at Bozenan, Montana, _-,,!?heparty o!'the,t1rst,p.a~:t'J,,-andthe CITY OF,B()~~..a m~ic~'pal .' ~."~ ....,' " ' , ,".,:1"._:",,' corporation of' the state of' Montana in Gallatin County" Montana" the party of the second part, WIT.~E S S JET H : .' WHEREAS, the pi rty o,f the first part is the owner of the fol- lowlngdesc~ibEldr~al property -, 8i tuated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: The West Haltot'the West Hail of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (:wi SwtNEt) of Section Eleven (1],) in Township Two ( 2) South of Range Five (5 )Eas t of theM.P.M., containihg ten (10)aores; subject toa mortgage givef1, by the' party of the f irat part to Arthur ..:,....:j,~:r,~,~~ka:q.d _~al{l.Wk, .husband and ,wife" as joint tenants-- 'w1 - the . righ,t.ot survivorship; . and WHEREAS, the party at the f 1rst part has sub-divided and prepared a plat of the here1nbeforeqescribed real property to be known and deslgnatedas Farwestern Sub";Dlvision to Bozem$Il" Montana; ani WHI<.:REAS, Seotion 11-602 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, provides that one-ninth (1/9) of the platted area, exclusive of streets, alleys" avenues and highways, shall be dedicated to the public f()r pat'ks and playgrounds and said section also provides .,'1 .' <that where such ple.ttedareB. consists of' a tract of Hmd conta.ining - less than (20) acres, the Board ot County Connnissioners of the county or the council' of the city or town, may ~an order in the proceedings of such body to be endorsed and certified on said plat that no park or playground be set aside or dedicated; and WHEREAS" inconsideration of the covenants and agreements on tl:e pert of' the party of the .first part here inafter contained, the party of the second part is willing to waive the requirement that one-ninth -1- ~ - -~. . 'I'," " . # ~' , - . . - '. > ' .'it ~ -, - .. ,;."f:' " ""," 800K'18 PAnE 373 :, ".'" ,,'...', ' ':,": ,'" .....::/:':, "",, ': " " ",'''"" :,,1:... , .,,' (1!9)of the platte,d'ir.~a:, 6,OD.t~~t?-ed:,ln ,ialdp,latt6.,be kn6wna~ .' ,~, :' :;r.,::,:. "..~I" " :,"',j~i"~':::"'.: ,..:,',::"'," ."":. '''',..J'' .'~ ',' .;" . ~.' . '~ Farwestern Sub"":,D1V,,,S1()J:l to Bozeman, - Montana, be dedioated to the publio for parks and p~aygroun.d~ at thi $ time. '- NOW, THEREFORE, in,oonsid~ration of tlle party of the second part apProving saId'pl-atan;!p~rnl1ttlngthe plrtyof the first part to file said pl.:t:ot Fa~westertl.'~";lb-DIViS"ion - to Bozeman, Montana, wlth- ",' ',' , '"'''''' , "" ' " ,/ out dedicating a tthist:ins one'-ninth (1/9) of the area oontai'ned .'.:'..',\,,:+-.<,':i""""",I~''''':.'~ .: ..i:", ,,'..'\: ,>,i\,'"'"',, ,<.".' \::"'>~:i:"",.'i,:";,L.:';.",, ,,'.;','\-".': ,":",:i "':'''~'''''l~': ,ii,;,'.,i.:".:,','.:'~":".:'v'>,~,:"'~':?" ,."":,'~.,,<i:(.,:",~,,, :' ,. " " ",' 'in:' sej.Q"'Plati',t'O'tl1e publ:\C; for park:! 'ahd.'pla1gj"Oifrids'i;:"'the"'p~f.j':';:o't' , -, -:,,1 ..', the first part covenants and l1~e.es.tbat it will at any time within ,,': ','. ' " ,,'" . .' .. , thiX'ty (30) ida'1~.,<j.fter reo.~.1pt ofawr1tten 'demand by seoond party ", ,'::" ,",':," "",., , ",: :' "'" ,-:, ~ , " convey to tl;:l.epa~t1;oftheseeond part; by, wa~rant:'1deed, Lo:tsFour (4) and Fiv~(5')fn'B-f60k'Th~ee (3) ofsa1d Fax-western Stib";"Dlv1sf6n to , ' " " '," ' , Bozell18n, Montana., free, and olear' ot 11en, aIld enoumbrances. aId the part1'ot th e firstpax-t e~ena.rits and' agrees that 1 twill notoonvey ,'. ',. ." , . sai'dLots Four (4}'~'F1ve' (5) in aaI.d ,BlookThree (3) of Farwestern Sub....D1vislon ',to, ant otherpari?1. ",J ;:;~~~~~:~!~.?:':;t~\.Q.Qp.l3i,derat:1,QIr,of,t he,cove~ants: and~greement s hereinbefor €I - -... ..', ' ,', ' ' oontained to be perfo1'Il1ed:by'the'par1;Y' ot the fIrst part, the party of theseoond part oovenants-snd agre~.sthat1n:t;he event It shall , ' , , , . sell ltsright, titl~~'e8tate'and lnte~est'ln said Lots FOUJ.'(4) , fi\ndFive (5) in Bloek Thre'e (3) of said FarwesternSub-Divisi.on to. " Bo~eman, Mont$a.ltwill give the partyotthe fIrst part the first ."right to purohase said lots a.t the same prlceand under the same terms 8.sthe party of' th,e second part "ould sell sa1d lots to any other .part,.. ~hls"agreettl~ta.~a./the covenan tsoon.tain,ed here'in shall apply to and bind thesu.ecessor'sandassigns ()f't he parties hereto. IN WITNESS WREREOF,th,e. plrty of' the fits'!;;. part hasoaused its corporate name toh~subso.il>ed apdits ..e'orporate sea.l to be af'fixed , . byit~ properoi.'tlcers the.I'euntoduly atttho~iz.ed, and' the party ot. the second psrt.baso,aused1tscorpora.tename to besubsoribed am 1 t.8CQrpo:rate se-alto be affixed 9:1' 1.ts' proper .Qfficers thereunto duly' authorized,executing this agreem,~!mt In triplioate,theday and yearflrst above writ ten. . ,;,~ 'i,'. '. 1 ~'., ;. :: -,2~ :'~'~'. -~ -'~ ;, -- .. ~",w..,-' . ., , -' ... . ~ . ~. . ~ . , .. . aOOK 18 PAGF~J74 SIMGRAF CORPORATION~ a corporation --y~ - ert G. Simkins, president Attest: " ,.' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, , of the State of Montana in G&llatin ~' ..." . ': ........, ...;~; ... 'J,;, .. " ". ,"""". County, Montana J. ". __ ~, ,~ --- _' ~"" r-- ,--- ~ '\ii~-~- , - - , By u - -~ ') ~ d 1) ~-....~_~ \,'- ../ Mayor Attest: ~~. / City lerk , ~}!. \',-: ",' '--- -- --- . .. ~ ...... 't' ~. ., . ~ ~ </:f;'~ '0,\ '~ '~~ , ~ ..~, t ' .., -. / /,/, ~, '~ .\, ,,~~ ~. . '"., ~'tl- · , f ,...., '." ". t ,;.. ,':' .. 'f-'" ~ .. .,' , .1-. ."'. ". I '".. . ~'."'.I WI". ,'L,,~":'~Io--.,.,":,;': ' ; ; . ",' r-~ i)"'i:'~ -. f-; .- ~... ~ '~ 'I' f. ,,--:' ;~ j/~~', ;} I- : Z .'", t" k. ,,'- . r~ " r '. ~ ,.'" .. (':-." ., . '." ""q ('.' . . ." . -, . : "'\ ) --.' . /- " . .-. ~ ~ ' .~ - -. -3- ,'" . .... '-' "1It -.., .. .... . ....." ..oj ~ . ~ aOQl( 18 PAlif 3 75 STATE OF MONTANA) : ss. county of Gallatin) On this /JJ:.tL day of November, 1958, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Robert G. Simkins known to me to be the president of SIMGRAF CORPORATION that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporartUJ.t e-xe-cuted the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I I have hereunto set my hand <:.-md affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. .' ~ '",,'" ,. \ ~_ ~ I .'" / "...,., '~' . .-1'.1 , . . . ""'1' '''7'~ 7' -",,-"'--":' . .' ":.(/', ...) II- .1 ,..,. _' '_'n~~__' 1/ ,_,' / ,i f -C, ">:..' ,,' .'1 1 ; t~.;:..~....:&~V_~_":'/../-~~C1Z-'::..---:::.'_____ :;,\,_ .-' Notary Public for the State of M~1I{t.ana}..1~i\ ': . ' Residing at Bozeman, Mont/nP~n 1\\( '1" .0"';' ..' . ~, .,....., My Commission expire.s';"<~,,; 1\1 BO~"='"",,,. ,.,>; ,149 -,,'tf>..... ~~._~---~--- .,' ""tAIS&\ott 101"/ (.Q ST:\'fE OF MONT/\NA) : ss. County of Gallatin) On this l;::~t.. day of November, 1958, before me, the under- , --- _ . -- -~- --- _ . . . _______ _ n . . '" signed, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personallY3ppea::::-ec'l Howard Erwin known to me to be the Mayor of The City of Bozeman, which corporation executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this ce-rtificate first above written. , ~ , ~. ~ . . < " .j ~ . ~_....",._._,.~-~-~,~ ", ~. ~ .. Notary Public r t '. ;0-<- Residing at Bozema. , ..1 ': ,_ My Commission expires~__~c_,~ 1 e., .~ ',- ...... - ' r ~ ,. - ". , , 1NDEXED.m 1 ~2 .i/ {) :; 2- :p~ArrCIJ,:~ D -~-_. . (7 ~ .. .' . f M C f ro 11 +' ~ 1"'1.... -1 fnr ,"''''''''rd . "'-t:-nc... 5' ..195C; Stote 0 ont.. ounlY o. U01.Q,m. s.,.u-d .j. - ~\ .", . -,_m./nmh"::r~7~..m....---_......._.m__._' ..... / at.........../L-.:-~~;yr.. Qnd !;ccOlued i~l 15J)~~ .--/-f.-V:nnoLmm.?I&~.......page...3..z.a.. ~,(~__....ReCOrder. By.._.....__.__.___._._._.____Depuly; -4-