HomeMy WebLinkAbout96- N. 19th Ave. & Oak St., State of Montana Dept. of Highways Right of Way Agreement, 1991 f); r \, (co, '1,- STATE OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT R/W ~28 (Rev. 10/85) P.E. PROJECT N. 19th AVe. & Oak Street R/W PROJECT M 1299(2) Designation Gallatin CONST. PROJECT County Parcel From Station To Station Subdivision Section Township Range 4- 2+30.77 3+60 Lot 23 Blk. A 1 2 S 5 E Maple Terrace 26 32+88 34.+37.2 "Park Area" 1 2 S 5 E Royal Vista List Names & Addresses of the Grantor. Con. Purchaser & Lesser City of Bozeman p.'C ',~'.' L.< 4-11 East Main . .. ,- ~.. ~ ..c:; f ,. , " .~.', ~,:., :', i-', I" ,', P.O.Box 64-0 Olfi~""'li\;ikil.. ~ vA. I t...-..:- Bozeman, MT. 59715 ~ 1. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYMENTS HEREIN SET FORTH AND THE SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS TO BE PERFORMED BY BOTH PARTIES HERETO AND WRITTEN IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES HERETO BIND THEMSELVES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS SHALL BE BINDING UPON EITHER PARTY AND THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON EXECUTION BY THE CHIEF, RIGHT-OF-WAY BUREAU OR A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. 2. COMPENSATION FOR LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS (List acres and improvements in the taking.) ~~-5,869 sq. ft. Residential land & Limited Access Control by Deed $9, 68fL 00 ~26-3,905 sq. ft. Residential land by Easement & Limited Access Control $722.00 by Deed 3. COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGES #4-3,380 sq. ft. Temporary Construction Permit for sidewalk sloping $1,116.00 Depreciation to Remainder (steep slop) $6,700.00 #26-2,01.1-4 sq. ft. Temporary Construction Permit for sidewalk sloping $28.00 4. TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR PARCEL $18.250.00. 5. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THE STATE SHALL HAKE THE FOLLOWING DISBUESEIVlENT OF PAYMENT. A warrant in the amount of $18,250.00 to be made payable to City of Bozeman, 1.1-11 East Main, P.O. Box 6~0, Bozeman, MT. 59715. - 6. For and in consideration of the compensation shown herein, the Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys all rights of ingress ~nd egress, locl uding all existing, future or potential easements of access except 'as may be stated on the Bargain and Sale Deed. 7. Permission is hereby granted the State to enter upon the Grantor's land, where necessary and for the purposes described as follows: ~ 1.1- A. S ta . 2+50 to Sta. 3HO 3D' Temp. Canst. Permit for sloping RT :JOP #26 E. Sta. 32+88 to Sta. 33+20 10' Temp. Canst. Permit for sloping RT SOP #26 C. Sta. 33+80 to Sta. 3i>+37. 2 30 I Temp. Const. Permit for sloping RT SOP #1.1- D. Station 2+30 (95' RT on Durston Rd.) Construct Driveway Approach ET SOP (CcJntinued OIl N'?xt L,ge) -1- _..____.____._.._. u_.______... .._......._.....___...".. .__... .._..__ PROJECT NO.H-1299f2\ PARCEL NO.4 rV. 2( (Contim:ed from Pre v iOllS Pdt;n) - Page 2 of 7 7-19-90 NEGOTIATIONS BASED UPON THE APPROVED PLANS DATED Paqe 6 of 7 10-18~90 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year as written below. ~ FOR ~PPR -1L ~~ --~3-91 '. ,~4 05-08-91 Ri ht~of~Way Agent (Date) ~ (Date) ..-- 0, 7'~/ 05-08-91 (Date) (Date) ~. (- '7 r (Date) (Date) (Date) Right-of-Way Bu (Date) FOR JACK R. RtcKER 81-6001238 Tax 1.0. No. or SSN - 2- -. l , o .~~ 8 \J=>..~C::.'C." '::::. ......~\::::."""\a~ ~ '\ 0 ff )q\ \ . 0 'Q'E.C:. . <>to' ~ ~'f'\."l p.." c::, 'L (.. ./ '(11 ~'E.e:,. ~o' ~f:>...'U~?-.~ IY1 ~~'K.. 3. ~'::."E.. ""-~ ., (p ~c::. ~"-..... l.o 0 ri) 'E~~ "'::"0' 'U~~\\..:) p..,C:.'t::... t..\....l.u ~'Ro~~~)=:>,'-( 'C..~c::."'t.... t.~"::."E.. . , ,LI 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I i=f,\'yy I I j.L1 .1 I-L" L...L.LJ..l -S::) , 'C:ll- "S\' ';<... '\ ~t..~~~'--' ~~ ~ \2.~~ (2..') So. '2:,'=\ ~ 0'-0' -<::0,0' 'E... -<\... "'" ~ ~ ~w S~4~'i::.. <':::'~.\ S~.\ 'eo'>',\'::::,\"' R\~ '\...:J.~~ ~t..""r , "=::."8:... \ R'\~ .so _ 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITI R/W 34+37.2. RIl.V =-Ex.RIW @ PROP LlI't ~ : .. .. """,..,,- ~"-"'h OF 'tJ . . \..:>.E ~ ?o'-1~\... "-:l\~T~, "" : ~~. \ 'E\....::,'\::> ~. ~......\:)~?>..~ 2:LJc\:::.'\"'-\j\S\O~ ~ : ":I.,~... Cl - 'i:::.\..\~ ~'::."e:.. - ~~c,.. . ~' ::0' "U'R"""~,,,Gr'Ct ~~1:.. .... 'D~o;::...,\~f:lo...~~ ~~'E.... "C~. SO'<;:::R?1~""C:."E. SO' ~\'\.)f'>...G't.. "E.J:>..~t::.. 'EJ>....S t. . ' STATE OF MONTANA ?.D=\'.~. 30-'00 (O\'>...'" 'S\.') \S DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ~\. "'I\'Y-, ~. '2,"""7 F"CE\ f'>.....N:'D Et::::...S\ , 2.c,cc . Slc ~'E:\, ~~t::. OR- \..ESS, Right of Way Plat 'p;<.oN'., \Vo..'i::. ~'E-S\ QU~~,~ ~R'N."t..."tC.. O~ S'8:::\\Ou \. PROJECT NO. "^' \LC\~ (2") PARCEL NO. 2l n '\.""2.. 'S. R.S 'E... C-:r~LL~'\\\0 _ COUNTY, MONTANA LEGEND OJ OWNERSHIP BOUNDARy........... ACCESS CONTROL LINE LLLLl TRACT CONVEYED L- 1 SCALE: ONE INCH=.~ FEET THIS PLAT 1$ PREPARED FROM THE STr...TE CF ~::::Hr,~~NA, [:[Pt..R P~ENT (iF ....;IG....r'f'loAYS RIGHT OF" WAY PLAN ON f~LE IN T HE (oF F-I::.E OF THE COUNTy CLE R..:: AND RE.(CHl:~R \...0-\ -0.0 REV. G:,-17-9\ SHEET NO-l__OF\ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Right-af-Way Bureau - Land Section STAN STEPHENS, GOVERNOR 2701 PROSPECT AVE. STATE OF MONTANA HELENA, MONTANA 59620 June 24, 1991 City of Bozeman 411 East Main P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59715 Subject: M 1299(2) North 19th Avenue & Oak Street Parcel 4, 26 Ref: 66-JFK We are forwarding herewith the certified approved copy of the Right-of-Way Agreement which you may retain for your records. Thank you again for your cooperation in this matter. (.--) 1fo-e---r<2, r7 ~\/'-::t:jl: f. I.' Kintli, Supervisor Joseph F. Land section JFK:RTM:D:RW:576.cm-7 Enclosure /IN [OUAI OPPOR ril/',':' T'y f MPI ()Yf N Li I:. (' I j{ /'1 Ii A('1 r'c-r STATE OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT R/W #28 (Rev. 10/85) P. E. PROLTECT U...._.J.2s1LAve .1L.llilk Street R/W PROJECT M 1299(2) Designation gallatin CONST. PROJECT County Parcel From Station To Station Subdivision Section Township Range 4 2+30.77 3+60 Lot 23 Blk. A 1 2 S 5 E Maple Terrace 26 32+88 34+37.2 "Park Area" 1 2 S 5 E Royal Vista -----. -~~,~~~ List Names & Addresses of the Grantor, Con. Purchas~LJLLesser City of Bozeman 411 East Main P.O. Box 64.0 Bozeman, MT. 59715 1. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYMENTS HEREIN SET FORTH AND THE SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS TO BE PERFORMED BY BOTH PARTIES HERETO AND WRITTEN IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES HERETO BIND THEMSELVES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS SHALL BE BINDING UPON EITHER PARTY ,AND THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON EXECUTION BY THE CHIEF, RIGHT-OF-WAY BUREAU OR A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. ') CONPENSATION FOR LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS (List acres and improvements in the t.aking.) " . #4'.5,869 sq. ft. Residential land & Limited Access Control by Deed $9,681,10.00 #26-3,905 sq. ft. Residential land by Easement & Limited Access Control $722.00 by Deed 3. COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGES #lv3,380 sq. ft. Temporary Construction Permit for sidewalk sloping $1,116.00 Depreciation to Remainder (steep slop) $6,700.00 #26-2,04.4 sq. ft. Temporary Construction Permit for sidewalk sloping $n.uo If. TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR PARCEL $18.250.00. 5. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THE STATE SHALL MAKE THE FOLLOWING DISBURSEMENT OF PAYMENT. A warrant in the amount of $18,250.00 to be made payable to City of Bozeman, 411 East Main, P.O.Box 6/10, Bozeman, MT. 59715. 6. For and in consideration of the compensation shown herein, the Grant~or hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys all rights of ingress and egress, including all existing, future or potential easements of access except as may be stated on the Bargain and Sale Deed. 7. Permission is hereby granted the State to enter upon the Grantor's land, where necessary and for the purposes described as follows: 14 A. Sta. 2+50 to Sta. 3+60 30 I Temp. Const. Permit for sloping RT SOP #26 B. Sta. 32+88 to Sta. 33+20 10' Temp. Canst. Permit for sloping RT SOP # 26 C. St.a. 33+80 to Sta. 34.+37.2 30' Temp. Canst. Permit for slopi.ng RT SOP #it D. Station 2+30 (95' RT on Durston Rd.) Construct Driveway Approach RT SOP (Continued on Next Page) -1- PROJECT NO. 1:L.)'3 9 9 ( 2 ) PARCEL NO .'-LL26 (Continued from Pyevious Page) NEGOTIATIONS BASED UPON THE APPROVED PLANS DATED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t.he parties hereto have executed tillS znt the day and year a, wrltten b::>low. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL ./h ,L ) ( / _ _..i.l ~ _ 05-08-91 ..Right-of-Way Agent (Date) ~ L~ !Date) _ .. .~. . _____~~"_ 05-08-~ Supervisor - Right-of-Way Section (Date) (Date) ~~~. ~.~~_._-_..,-~,."-- ,._~_.,"~ Supervisor - Negotiation Section (Date) (Date) APPROVED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE MONTANA ~.............-----_.~ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS (Date) -~~-"-~~~,~ -_.,...~~-_......---------~~~~,.~~_.~~--------- Chief - Right~of-Way Bureau (Date) (Date) 81-6001238 _',"N"_~_~~ Tax 1.0. No. or SSN ~ 2- , STATE OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT R/W #28 (Rev. 10/85) P.E. PROJECT ti.. 19th Ave. & Oak Street R/W PROJECT M 1299(2~ Designat.ion Qs:tllatin CONST. PROJECT County Parcel From Station To Station Subdivision Section Township Range 4 2+30.77 3+60 Lot 23 Blk. A 1 2 S 5 E Maple Terrace 26 32+88 34+37.2 "Park Area" 1 2 c 5 E ,-' Royal Vista ~--,~~~~ .- LisZ Name~ & Addresses of the Grantor, Con. Purchaser & Lesser City of Bozeman 411 East. Main P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT. 59715 1. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYMENTS HEREIN SET FORTH AND THE SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS TO BE PERFORMED BY BOTH PARTIES HERETO AND WRITTEN IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES HERETO BIND THEMSELVES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS ~;HALL BE BINDING UPON EITHER PARTY AND THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON EXECUTION BY THE CHIEF, RIGHT-OF-WAY BlTREAU OR A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. 2. COMPENSATION FOR LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS (List acres and impr.:Nements in t.he t.aking.) #lr5,475 sq. ft.. Residential land & Limit.ed Access Control by Deed $9,034.00 #26-3,905 sq. ft. Residential land by Easement & Limit.ed Access Control $72.2.00 by Deed ? COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGES ,J . #4-3,380 sq. ft.. Temporary Construction Permit for sidewalk sloping $1,116.00 Depreciation to Remainder (steep slop) $7,200.00 #26-2,044 sq. ft. Temporary Construction Permit for sidewalk sloping $28.00 4. TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR PARCEL $18,100.00. 5. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THE STATE If#\LL MAKE THE FOLLOWING DISBURSEMENT OF PAYMENT. .\ A warrant in the amount of $18,foo.00 to be made payable to City of Bozeman, ~11 East Main, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, MT. 59715. 6. For and in consideration of the compensation shown herein, the Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys all rights of ingress and egress, including all exist.ing, future or potential easements of access except as may be stated on the Bargain and Sale Deed. 7. Permission is hereby granted the State t.o enter upon the Grantor's land, where necessary and for the purposes described as follows: 14 A. Sta. 2+50 to Sta. 3+60 30' Temp. Const. Permit for sloping RT SOP #26 B. Sta. 32+88 to Sta. 33+20 10' Temp. Const.. Permit for sloping RT SOP #26 C. Sta. 33+80 to Sta. 3~+37.2 30' Temp. Const. Permit for sloping RT SOP #~ D. Station 2+30 (95' RT on Durston Rd.) Construct Driveway Approach RT SOP (Continued on Next Page) -1- PROJECT NO.ML~299(2) PARCEL NO .i..J~ 26 (Continued from Previous Page) f6!fi?. - 7 -,-/1-90 ,oCl? ~6'-7 IO-lfr-9o NEGOTIATIONS BASED UPON THE APPROVED PLANS DATED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year as written below. ~ /I~ -cr( 11-13-90 ight-of-Way Agent (Date) ~c7!~ (Date) ~/'.~~. .. .-t4~,r 11-13-90 ---, Supervisor - Rig t-of-Way Section (Date) Clerk of the Commission (Date) ._-~.~~-,-~~_._~--~'~~--~~- Supervisor - Negotiation Section (Date) (Date) APPROVED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE MONTANA -~-~,~-~ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS (Date) .._--~~.~-~-~ Chief- Right-'of-Way Bureau (Date) (Date) 81-6001238 -- Tax I.D. No. or SSN -2- . , .C , .-- FOLD AT (-) TO FIT DRAWING BOARD ENVELOPE # EW10P n~. ]J The Drawing Board' NOTE-a-GRAM'. ~ 4-\ POBox 660a29. Dallas Texas 70266 0429 _ _ Call Toll Free 1 800 527 9530 REORDER ITEM" NN73 CITY OF" BOZEMAN P.o. BOX 640 . BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0640 . (406) 5B6~332 1 M E S S A G E R E P L Y IRobin Sullivan I DATE TO L ~ DATE: 3121191, ~ Ri char d Riley. MDOHright-of-way agent, delivered acorxec tedagreemen t for .G.i.ty- ow-uedpro 12 erty needed for the L9th & Oak projec..t. We ar.e..to receive an additional $L501 The only change was in the squ.ar.e footage of the right-of.....w-ay take. Please havet he... ..... Mayor sign the ...tw-o new agreement forms and des...t..r.ny the old. Questions? Please conta.c.t me... By-phil1ip J. "forbes, Director of Public Ser ~~ED Item # NN7::! The Drawing Board, Dalla!'>, Tp.)(;'I~ 7S266-Q4?9 Wheeler Group, Inc., 1982 I ~ i :\" I"ill-'\'[: RFI"'I J ~ \ I I )1:, \1 I' . . . ; RW 108 (Rev. 10/88) DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RIGHT~OF-WAY BUREAU HELENA, MONTANA 59620 OFFER TO PURCHASE RIGHT-OF-WAY To: City of Bozeman Date: --7. ,..."?- 9 / 4,11 East Main Project: /1299(2) P.O. Box 64,0 Parcel: #4, & #26 Bozeman. MT. 59715 Location: N. 19th & Oak Street Our records indicate you have an interest in the property as referred to on the attached forms. On behalf of the Department of Highways, I am authorized to offer you $18.250.00 (EIGHTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY & NO/100 DOLLARS) for this property. Said amount is the total offer for the interests shown on the attached Right-of-Way Negotiations Report and Agreement Form. This offer is based on the current fair market value appraisal of your property considering the effect the proposed highway, as shown on our official plans, will have on your property. The above offer has been determined by our appraisers to be the full, just compensation for the right-of-way required for you. The determination of just compensation disregards any decrease or . . Increase .1.n the current fair market value caused by the project for which the property is being acquired. In the case of separately held interest in the real property, the determination of just compensation includes an apportionment of the total just compensation for each of those interests. You will not be required to surrender possession of your property until the State has made available to you the full amount of this written offer. Arrangements may be made if you desire to surrender possession of your property before receiving this payment. In exceptional cases, changes of plans, unavailability of funds, or legal complications may prevent. us from acquiring this property. Therefore, the Department or Highways must reserve the right to rescind this offer without prior notice. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS By: Di~,tr ibution Landowner - 1 Original Helena, r/lontana Helena File - 1 '-------- . - ~, ~~-,:,~C=-","~:~'-'---~'."~'~_=;:rci~:'f'; -, r--- . - , " .' I .-.. -, - - '.! / / '., / " /' I: ,,'_. ...' ,.'ce'S". _.-'=' ,C., 'c.., / Vi --- /~--::-L-t-~--(;--- ~........ . i,,' ", ~:,~.~~. ~:....: _.. __ ~~~~tn~:-:itC:=:.~~:'--.---:::--"';::~'6L~'~-.i~ 22::} ;"""_t,e: ..J - ::: ~_ __ ~G?U.~'3 z. (}~:= .:i--.b~""~~>: '~: n_. - \.', ~.: _:. '-' ~ ; - .,-. :..;, ,:_, i j:.j- ~'j j':3~jt~~'~::i"~~,T ::: 8~""-;~;:LF> r- ~~::.~ c.' L" "": ..."., ..-.. 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