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MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING IN THE BOZEMAN URBAN AREA This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into this 22nd day of January, 1992 by and between the State of Montana, Department of Transportation. hereinafter called the State. the Bozeman City-County Planning Board, hereinafter called the Planning Board, the City of Bozeman, hereinafter called the City, and Gallatin County, hereinafter called the County, WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the signatory agencies to have future transportation projects for the Bozeman Urban area be based on a continuing, comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by the State and Local Community; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement desire to cooperate l.n transportation planning now in progress and in the comprehensive planning program of the Bozeman area and further desire to insure that transportation planning is an integral part of continuing comprehensive planning; and WHEREAS. the Planning Board is a legally constituted agency and is authorized to carryon comprehensive planning programs; and WHEREAS, the State, City, and County recognize the aforementioned Planning Organization as the officially designated agency for comprehensive planning in the Bozeman area. TCCAGR 3. BZM 1 01~22-92 ,- . / .!, ~. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: I. A Transportation Coordinating Committee is hereby established to guide the development of transportation plans and programs in the Bozeman area. The Transportation Coordinating Committee shall consist of the following officials: Representative, Bozeman City Commission Representative, Board of County Commissioners President, City-County Planning Board District Engineer, Butte District Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) Road Superintendent, Gallatin County Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman City Manager, City of Bozeman Director, Bozeman City-County Planning Board Representative, Bozeman Pedestrian-Traffic Safety Committee Chief, Community Services Bureau (MDT) Engineering Services Supervisor, Butte District (MDT) Citizen Member, City of Bozeman Resident (2-year term) Citizen Member, Gallatin County Resident (2-year term) Representative, Montana State University Chair, Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (or designated alternate) Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration (non-voting) Maintenance Chief, Bozeman Division (MDT) (non-voting) The citizen members of the Committee shall be appointed by the appropriate governing body for terms of two years. Additional members of the Committee may be appointed by a majority of the membership if the need arises. TCCAGR3.BZH 2 01-22-92 ,- .' >ii .' " II. The Pedestrian-Traffic Safety Committee is hereby designated to act as a sounding board for proposals advanced by the Transportation Coordinating Committee. This committee will also have the opportunity to provide additional local input into the planning process by being invited and encouraged to attend all meetings of the Transportation Coordinating Committee. Members of this committee appointed by the Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission shall be selected from a cross section of the study area's economic and social classes in accordance with the appropriate sections of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. III. PlanninEr Area - As a minimum, continuing, comprehensive transportation planning will be conducted in that portion of the Bozeman area that is expected to become u r ban in character during a twenty year period. The type of transportation planning that will be conducted outside the area which is expected to become urban in character during a twenty year period will be determined and approved by the Transportation Coordinating Committee. IV. Scooe of Services - The transportation planning process shall be: 1. Coooerative in that the State, the City, the County, and the Planning Board shall cooperatively accomplish the transportation planning process. 2. Comorehensive in that all elements affecting regional development and transportation shall be considered. Those elements are described in various documents published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. 3. Continuin.Et in that the planning process l.S intended to continue indefinitely and shall be maintained as long as this agreement is in force. The operational scope TCCAGR3.BZM 3 01-22-92 . . i {",:" , ~ of the transportation planning process will involve performing the following functions: a. Collection, maintenance, analysis and dissemination of basic planning and engineering data; b, Service to public and private sectors, especially by provision of current information concerning plans, program recommendations, design data, and their implementation; c. Preparation, updating and revision of long and short range plans for the physical and social development of the region and translation of these plans into program recommendations for implementation; d. Production and distribution of reports, maps, etc. , for documentation and information purposes, participation in meetings, seminars, etc. , necessary to coordinate the planning and planning implementation activities at various levels of government; and conducting public information programs; e. Research and development of estimating, forecasting and other planning procedures. In addition such other transportation planning services shall be carried out as consistent with the stated purpose of the Transportation Coordinating Committee in its bylaws. V. Citizen Participation - The Transportation Coordinating Committee will provide for public involvement and input in the local transportation planning process by inviting comments from local citizens' groups on major transportation planning issues, programs, and projects. In addition, the Committee will cooperate with these groups to conduct special public information and TCCAGR 3. 82M 4 01-22-92 " . , , , participation programs as necessary in dealing with transportation planning. VI. CJl!'Jn I<t e s in I\ltreemE'lnt. - Any alteration, extension or supplement to the terms of this agreement, as detailed herein, shall be agreed to in writing by the signatory parties. VII. 'Ierminat. ion of AltreE'lments. - A signatory party may terminate its interest and obligations under this Agreement by giving at least sixty (60) days notice in writing; to the other parties. VIII. lAC/peC HE'lrebV Dissolved. - The previouslY formed Transportation AdvisorY Committee and Policy Coordinating Committee are hereby dissolved and their respective duties, functions, and responsibilities are hereby assumed by the Transportation Coordinating; Committee established by herein, IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals. DATED THIS 22ND DAY OF JANUARY, 1992 APPROVED FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN APPROV D FOR STATE OF MONTANA DEPART T OF TRANS RT ATION -bn:!!- ~/~BY' By: ayor, Cit of Bozeman ~:~EST~H~TJr.~~M~ APPROVED: By: City Clerk -- TCCAGR 3. BZM 5 01-22-92 . ',," ,I J. \ . . APPROVED FOR BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY :~~NN~ r ident ATTEST FOR BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD By: ~i~Lo~~ By: County TCCAGR3.BZM 6 01-22-92 .. \ ,....' ,j , BOZEMAN URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS BYLAWS of the TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE Function, duties, membership and responsibilities of the Transportation Coordinating Committee are as follows: ARTICLE I - TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE Section 1. Name The name of this committee shall be the Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC). Section 2. Oriltin The Transportation Coordinating Committee is provided for in the Memorandum of Agreement which has been cooperatively agreed to by the four agencies consisting of the State, County, City, and Planning Board. Section 3. Puroose The purpose of the Transportation Coordinating Committee is to develop and keep current transportation planning as an integral part of comprehensive regional planning for the Bozeman area. Section 4. Function This Committee shall guide the development of transportation plans and programs in the Bozeman area. The Committee shall work closely with the City, County, State, and Planning Board to develop and keep current urban transportation planning in the Bozeman area. The Committee shall adopt and recommend implementation of long and short ran g e transportation programs for the Bozeman urban area. The Committee shall transmit all reports and recommendations related to the continuing transportation planning for the urban area to the various agencies for final adoption and implementation. Section 5. Membership The Transportation Coordinating Committee shall consist of the following officials: Representative, Bozeman City Commission Representative, Board of County Commissioners President, City-County Planning Board District Engineer, Butte District Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) Road Superintendent, Gallatin County Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman City Manager, City of Bozeman Director, Bozeman City-County Planning Board TCCAGR3.BZM 1 01-22-92 . \ jI'.,f". "I; Representative, Bozeman Pedestrian-Traffic Safety Committee Chief, Community Services Bureau (MDT) Engineering Services Supervisor, Butte District (MDT) Citizen Member, City of Bozeman Resident (2-year term) Citizen Member, Gallatin County Resident (2-year term) Representative, Montana State University Chair, Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (or designated alternate) Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration (non-voting) Maintenance Chief, Bozeman Division (MDT) (non-voting) The Division Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, and the Maintenance Chief of the Bozeman Division (MDT) shall be non-voting members. Each member of this committee may designate one alternate to serve in his absence. Such designation shall be in written form addressed to the chairperson of the Committee, and shall be kept on record. Additional members of the Committee may be appointed by a majority of the membership if the need arises. Secti.on 6. Election of Officers At its first regular meeting of each calendar year, the Committee shall elect from its voting membership a Chairman and Vice Chairman whose duties are described below. At the same meeting, the Committee shall appoint a recording secretary who shall take, transcribe, and distribute minutes. ARTICLE II - DUTIES Section 1. Duties and Resoonsibilities The Transportation Coordinating Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. Serve as a forum between the governmental and planning agencies in the area. 2. Periodically review the progress of comprehensive transportation planning for the urban area. 3, Adopt long and short range programs, establish project priorities, and recommend implementation of the individual projects by the appropriate agencies. Section 2. Duties of Officers 1. The Chairman will preside at all meetings of the Transportation Coordinating Committee and call special meetings as needed. TCCAGR3.BZM 2 01-22-92 . ... . , , . . ~'~.... ,; 2. The Vice Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in his absence. 3. The secretary shall record the minutes and attendance, notify members of the meetings and other such duties that may be required by the Chairman. Section 3. Coordination with other Officials, Staff. Citizens Grouos. and other Or~anizations 1. To best carry out its duties, the Transportation Coordinating Committee will assign staff tasks as required to accomplish its work and will receive input and consultation from interested individuals, groups and public and private organizations, During periods of intense activities, the Committee may request staff and representatives of relevant agencies involved, to meet and review specific transportation planning products and report back to the Committee. ARTICLE III - MEETINGS The Transportation Coordinating Committee shall meet as necessary to carry out its duties, A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. Time and place for the meetings shall be set by the Chairman. The Transportation Coordinating Committee shall meet a minimum of once a year or as required to carry out the duties and responsibilities of this Committee, Meetings shall be held in conformance with appropriate sections of the Montana Codes Annotated (MCA) which concern the "open meeting laws". Specifically, all meetings shall be open to the public. Reasonable public notice shall be given prior to meetings. ARTICLE IV - ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THESE ARTICLES Section 1. How Adooted These articles may be adopted by a majority of the voting members of the Transportation Coordinating Committee. Section 2. How Amended These articles may be amended by a majority of the voting members of the Transportation Coordinating Committee. DATED THIS 22ND DAY OF JANUARY, 1992 APPROVED FOR THE BOZEMAN TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE. BY: .-~._~ BY: Board TCCAGR3.BZM 3 01-22-92