HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandum of Agreement, 1977 .. . . " . . MEMORANDUM Or: AGREEHUr!' -.. ~""'_. ., FOR C()NTINUI~;C; TRA.'iSP(JlrrATIO\ .,. ---"--'_.~~.- .._-~~ ._-,,-~-~~.,- T ~. .-j.'.... j J It: 1> ~ Ui.\.\ ,1<.'; '. \.;~ ,:'''' . \ _n___.____ ..__. ____n.'''._....''._ Tn Mcmorandt'm ljf cn".cnr ,1,u,! :, I..;:red into t.hi s 25th .~ day of -,~,~~~.. May .~~~~,~~ , 19"1'/ , by and b8- t.ween t.he State of Montana, Department of Highways, hereinafter called the State, the City of Bozeman, Gallatin Cow1ty Planning Board, hereinafter called the Cicy-County Planning Board, the Ci ty of B.1zeman> hereinafter called the City, and the County of Gallatin, hereinafter called the County. >1\,' , T ~ E S \ E T II I. --.- .-.-. - - - - -- ~- -- - - WHEREAS, it is the clesilc uf the Federal llighwuy Admin- istration, and the signatory 3genci es to have future tTanspor... tation projects for the Bozeman Urban area be based on u con- tim.ing, ':.mprch..r,'" 1 vc t ransportati 011 planning process carri ed on cooperatively by the State and Local Conunun i ty; and WHLREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire t.o cooperate in transportation planning now in progress and in the comprehen~ sive planning program of the Bozeman area and further desire to insure that trano.portation pI,Hi Ling 1S an integral part of C0~ tinuing comprehensive planning; and I . . . -, :2 ." WHEReAS. the Ci ty - ::01]n t\' f'i:i on i ' :'_ej.~:'!11y :'on- sti tuted agency ?nd , , authorl::.... t ,- . 'c"\(''-f\o: lVf' plar<~ .J , ning lmde:- Char.i'.:,):- I , ,~,:~ ' \ ; .' 'I!';n-,a. 19.1"7 ; and WHEREAS. the C1 ty of 30: /"u"n ar,. .' ~ C ~I ....~ ,':(};rnt: av viou.s ly recognized the Planning Hoard as the Lo(.a j /\genc:r' t :ic,l as liaison WIth the Montana Department ,,:: ;; ~ ,.:f>,G \., : ann iNI-lEREA.S , t he State, Ci ty and Courtty fecogni :c:;: t.t,e !"}an ning Board as the officially designated a'ri3a-..witie J,gCIIC) t" comprehensive metropolitan plamlin:;, i11 {h(~ g.J z. (~rH~).T" ;.:;r<.,;<: NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the parties hcret0 do mutually agree as follows; 1. A P~)]icy Coordinating CUilimitte';~ i,S hereby e~~t;:,], 1 i shed to manage the execut i ve 1),J s:i 11<:"'.:' oC the Bozeman Urban Transportation StLid" an.'J r c. ("i i'::'~' V ,",::~ :L G'p and keep CllTTent urban transpol'tation p.LciHni:L', In toe b()/.".'il;ar: a..r-ea. 'It,(: ('~ ..J .!, 'i I,,,. .,n.'h)'{ ~,.~,:i. na.I:.'i_ri.t:~ ~.,..,<~.y}tuJ.:: tee shall consist of the following officlals~ M2yor . City uf Bozeman Representative - Board of Cmlllt)' Cormnic,. sioners Chairman - City-County Planning Board Administrator. Engineering Division -. Montana Department of . , -, ;) - 'L i....., i \; j :-; : ~);: [.!:g' ,.' 1.".,... ,~' ,~.. ' ,-\ '~,:.T~ i n / ;:.."t. i ,~.1, '~: ) IT ,'" -L...... ;, ,"'\..' ~I,. ~.,' i "\ "",; 'L '~. ,~ 'I ,", r '" ',J ':0 prov-: de t eclln i c,(,~ 1 ;.::' d 1, .1. I,n ." ... =_c. "~ " (}'C..' '!.,. d ~L 11 ;~~. ':~ i l. !~ ~ COn,lLi.' ttee and te"hnl Cd,~, " ',d ":n' (; 0 I'" \'..:1 :i i,.J\'(. ,', Df tl18 study staff concerning i,',J i)':',;. '~~ J n ti ,'j: n i: urban '. :tdrl,~\ portation planning. The Techni'iii !~ dv i :.-, ,,)rv '/mlJl." ~__ '..,1' sh,a 11 C,O j'l ':. ,~ .s t of thE: Eo 1 j (\wi:': /, i;,er!:Jli:' r'i BOleman Pub Ii c Ser~"tce l~it{~{~t:J~. Be- -, eman Ci t V i:Jig; 11.,:e, /\ t\'llnt y Co.",-"".: ,'m lhrector -- City-County r'lanning Board Representative .., Pedestrian-Traffic Safety Committee Ch 1 e f - Planning I; Reseay-c~, Burc!i.IJ ~~,!::: r:. {. an .~} Oepa rUnen t 01 :,.w 'i_\~f ,'~:,. '..1..0:':"~}' VI :.~~ u:r .Boz\.:m,a"~i" U~,\"};",:=~ Jon" C(~nst: ,~U'" t.. iO.. ,:')I;~(' {. },~::~I\;. ~11on'r ('.l,n".'] . :'~ ';: ';' Highways U t ,5 s 5 on Planning & R' FH~; .1.j-j ec~" I,;' ~~'~r~ " , esc:::.r.'tl eT31 Highway Administ:'catlO\1 I, ."(h/D-'" ~.... ',~ t. irii2: ) Two Citizen Mernber::~ OEE' Cmmty Resid:'l:t and One City Reside~t Additional Iilembers of this committee may be appoinred - .~ ". by a maj ori ry of the roccilbeC';" " ." ~.~he n:jed [lTlS8S_ HI. A Citizen Advisorv Comml~tdP. ..'1( :Lucie::: the P(~d- !;;;:l~ f'1 t .-:c""'., T.~': .':;"f; (:.: " ,~,;~\,:IJ ' OJ, ':i,C'TPb;" estabU shed :.~ :";1 t (, ,L' r , : - - n.t. r t) ,:, ~ ". .-' ".. )i.,~ ",~ ;~ ~~, ~~ '''tv,mced by - ~, - \ , '. . - lh~; -['rc~:hll i ca I /".(_~ 'i ,L ,':l C': ';".Y C .")lnm .t. 1:. .~. ~~ ,...:. j r~ ':;. .:' COnmlJ. t te.(:) wi 11 ;o;ls;:- have the oppoTt.'_'.n.ity t'~rr'T,/idE' addit l,)n':ll "L C) ~',~. ~.-1. 1. input into the plmlning process by being inviter: and encouraged to attend all meetings of the Technica: Ad- v.'_,,~:or;; Committee. Memi"er:-; of this conuUJ (tee sha.l J be ;.~FUCL(lteCl c:t(; go z(,man C:.1 tv C;ol1Unj ':',-:; '; crl Hn.d C,.,. :..lat in C ourlLy (Olllln" s- sian from a cross see i~m of the study area;~; e(;on- omi',:: and social c la:.'iscs in accordance with approp- riatE sectjOLs of Title VI of the ~~:ivil Rights Act of 1964. IV. ~.~_~2~~~~~_~_1\rea ~ As a mInimum, continuing, compre., hensive transportation planning will be co:,Juctcd ,T) :1;:,1 : Ii" ";'t ion of the BozenlH.rl /J.rea .that~ .... _,I :':~'P t~; ':"'.: -:". c~ d- to become urbanized Juring a twenty-year period. The type or L,:HI'portation planning that wi 11 be conductc.J outside the urban are;] will be detfrm:! Jlbj by the Technical Advisory Conunittee and approved by the Policy Coordinating Committee. V. ~~~.P.c 0 t2~.-rv.; c e:..:~_ -. lhe transportation planning process ':hall be: ; : - 5 - Ci. Cooneretive in tl ;,'1 C8" C ','lmty , . ~~,.~--~-" Ci ty imd PJ ann; -::, ': i :ooper. :'1.t j \...~:,"j 1'.,1 i" ..'tation , ' '.'.; ."<> . '::.1 tbe ne(~GS .r;- .. d.:'lll"'!. ;'~ g ~'~ .~ f r and c:h:,mg;~~s ':1C ( 1.,;J'..:: .: (:g 1", ; "tv ,Lee 3 ' b. ~~~~e~~!~_~jye if' ':L J':.l. l L,lcmcnt" ::J.ffe'.- ting regional developmeIlt: and transportation shall be considered, 'fhose elements arf~ described in V1Tious 'Jo,-~ument'o JuL. 1 ished by the Federal Highway Administr~rioD ~nj Department of HOllSlng, and ifrba.?': DeveLolnnent. c. Continui:~ In th8,t the planning process is intended to continue indefinitely and shall be maintained as long as this Agreement IS in force. 'fhe operati,rrlicl SC,(',;,pc' c~ 1:" .t. r'. i~,: 1".'.1. :r:, ':~;~, p (~ r t .~l t. ion planning proce",;', \'~' ~ "1 ,~ LHv'nj " t,", c; C'1" 0 :r'n~ 1. n g th,:: LiJ. 1 o\<,! in f, fLiL .:' , L Lollect:,::rn \~J,3.j,:.tte.~'i,a,Di. ,=~ " a.',nd '1 ';/ s i ~:, 'In(I d", ':,:..c'n:.J.f'.ar i "'1 of ha"j c pI'In- ning and engJneenng c:',ata 2. Service to Imblic and private sections, especially by pro- vision of current information concerning plans, program ree-- ommendations, de~ign data and . . . . ~ 6 - their implementation. 3. Prepar<:.." , ~ j \ updating and re- vision of long and short range plans for the physical and so- cial development of the region and translation of these plans into program recommendations for implementation. 4. Production and distribution of reports, maps, etc. , for docu- mentation and information pur- poses, part idpation in meet- Ings, seminars, etc. , necessary to coordinate the planning and planning implementation activi- ties at the various levels of government; and conducting pub- lic information programs. 5. Research and development of es- timating, forecasting and other planning procedures. 6. Development of an action plan for pupil safety. VI. Work Programs - In conjunction with the preparation of comprehensive annual work programs by the participating agencies, a transportation planning portion shall be prepared to describe transportation planning work which . . . I . ," ..., ~ . , ..:..S LC 1"; '8 d.:=' L 0iTI.pl is r,. .~, .:": .j. J. ~ " J~ ': "'~ d~lcing the suc:,eeding f ~ ,;'::a 1 year', <: : 'o'S in\'olved shall fiit;Ct .::..~ : I"~ d~:t _I. 1 .:' L .~. turma' (' (" ( () their re~ 5 ::; c: c t .1 V c "i I"; l,'.C" r.."", ,~:,':.:~~ . , ~;'~; '0..1. '~:.~ 'h: l ,~ f:-' rc.!hTd~;.i.. '~Che tran.spcrl,;".i.t.ioH p 1, ;)'~.,:.Ti.i.;:g .p;,:;rt-\_GT.' ',;!,aI' '" ':~ 'u,'!' ",u1 " ;.~,.i .::; f\:. l!- t. /I" ',", "',~ ,A.... ..... L'. ~ i~": ..I 'lA' . '.' j,. '...l q 1..1.1 t Cj'nt~ n 't ;~;j J" t'(i. uJ.. 1" ::':'." ;,'."i .~~ ~:) a c c. 0 llYp ~, .~ ::; j'i I.h" W~i:"'K . I"'i}l :i..,;:\ transporr,itJ viI Pl::,dU't.tllg porri,oL of tt;c ..i 'i.,~ ~< i"" 'r c ~~.;.-:: ,~l 0(1 ,J 1.1 n~c prepared in dra ft form and considered in the budgetary review processes of the parties 1 nvolve,L f'h<:: d. f; ~ j ~).~':j ~~,. ~urk prcgr&m will shell<; the uimlnJstratl '" pro, [; du r'L~::; and the duties and responsibilities of each o~: t }. c' {__,~)1'. "~)e r::.':~ i'" '-lg agencies. !_'[' VI I. l.r 'l r-J g .=l ~- ,\ g [::: :'~'1L(:' r'j ';~ AIV ;).1 t,~., r~;.t ion, (',(t(T:~, i cr:. ~ ~ --,.__._,._._-_._--,,---,-,--~.._~ .- '0 oJpp 1 eF1cn ~ t ~.~ T,t1l.' (\., "i:'IT1S oj' thi s Agrc,",men r , .~:~ " . I....~C .. tailed herein, shall be ap:reed to in writing by the sIgnatory part l(S. VI I 1. Termination of ,\grecment ,- El ther party m;c'i cr;;,i'1a t t., 1 t,; i; l, f: f (' ~"-..1..,,"; ':Ulu ,;bligatluns ulld,'r thi S /;,gt,',;",n;::l',C gi \! j"rlk at least Sixty (60) days' notice Hl ",'iting to the ot.!-lCr p::rt,'ic.~.s, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands and fixed their seals. fL' a~/ DATED THIS ----Z~,,~. _ DAY OF c LZ 7~---' 1977 . <, . . . . . I .. ~ . .. " ~ . , , f)f?r'j'\l r.,"::", r ...~ ~ ~ ".." \.:~;, "u" '. 1___ ;.. .. -.,'. . ~ /k~' (- ./, / ./ By:" :%~)_'_-_u<.... t&cf.?2"L/_ ~n, <ountV C ""~iUn';'; f~ Y. ~ ;\,T"~'E~/.r ~:' :,r~ (c:\'l_,,~~~\Tj:,[,,1 :'~>JtJNTY l:" ' ~.., '''.,' :-". ......, ,./""- //" / (I / 7' ~t:--- If. ( h;b;m,;s~ighWay- By - "" C.!--l- . / -~IJ.---t>-7 '. .(~ ] e r k' il'1c'theR'(;~i rd---'-" -> ' ..... - jj~i.C::.t S ~,';.i .'~,,~ 1'\ \PPlWVEJ)i'uk lnL C ITr or BG~:cMAN Alii';)1 r/ #-:t bv;:tJ_i2~ ~.//,;/~_.,:/ ~''''L .. ".[::>',),e- / . ,~:.~.; " ;.:. ~ or' "(:':' t:. a "... ,. \\ ';, ',' ':-~', '," ;~" 1 /:/" t' \ i '. r 'l.,~! ,:", '-.;' / c: Ol1UlLL S si on \'rTT~,'<" 1"" l,}I~ (in, ':i1~nli^"'" API'ROVED: .;l /-/~ ~ "~~- . ,/., " ,.-;/' __, _ I By .l___c:::.~...~__/_ __ ,r:-_.j:_4::~/: C:.l t) C'~ '..~ l : A.rr RI.:.; \:'r.'T) r.. .;!.~ (., ! j ~ \ ., 'y ]> 1 . ~\ t\ ~\ 'r :'~ ( '! ~ :; \ ! _I ,. ; ul Ilv: - (~:h'Z:l. _r.r:jn~:t.n ATTEST FOR PLANN INC; BOARlJ /:; I I"~ lj 11; By' ,"V I . . ~ I_i.'. IW'~! . l'" v".... J - 7 ,I ~ \,,", / '" I \..r _______ . _:.....Jz___....__________