HomeMy WebLinkAbout19- Affidavit - RFP - Sourdough Creek Municipal Watershed Forestry Services AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 366584 1849664 STATE OF MONTANA ) )SS. LEGAL#101895 CITY OF BOZEMAN County of Gallatin ) PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN MT 59771 -{ oM being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she CITY OF BOZEMAN is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, i Request for Proposals a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; Sourdough Creek and that the notice here unto annexed Municipal watershed CITY OF BOZEMAN REQUEST F Forestry Services has been correctly published in the regular and The City of Bozeman ("COB") entire issues of every number of said paper for requests proposals from con- sultants qualified in the prac- 2 insertions. tice of forestry, forest man- agement, and silviculture to provide technical forestry ser- vices aimed at reducing the risk and severity of wildfire in the Sourdough Creek munici- pal watershed. Critical mu- nicipal water supply infras- Said notice was published on: tructure is susceptible to di- rect and indirect damage as well as operational impacts from wildfire. Implementation of vegetative management best practices to strategically reduce fuel loads and thereby increase resiliency of munici- pal water supply infrastruc- ture is the desired goal. Subscribed end sworn to before me this Request for Proposals pack- 20th day of January , 2019 ets are available online at https://www.bozeman.net/gov ernrfgs or id 06-5- rfgs or by calling 406-582- hour during normal business ota Public for the State of Montana hours. Residing at Bozeman, Montana Proposals will be received until January 24,2019 at 5:00 Pm. Non-Discrimination The City of Bozeman is an AMANDA KUNZ �s -- - --- - wTARY PUBLIC for ti:E - - - -- Res�8111111119 Monlem- as �'