HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCOD Review Draft Presentation 1 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION AGENDA 2 Scope Schedule NCOD History Project Team Engagement Methods Themes Recommendations Work Program PROJECT SCOPE “Re-evaluate the use of the NCOD and where and how it is applied.” Review existing conditions and recommend possible alternatives to NCOD. 1 Recommend improvements to historic preservation program and Advisory Board. 2 Conduct innovative and effective community outreach. 3 PROJECT SCOPE SCHEDULE Project and Scope Finalization Project Kick-Off Stakeholder Mapping Staff Survey Outreach Plan Windshield Survey Community Survey Media Release #1 NCOD Review BPAG Luncheon Public Historic Tour HPAB Meeting Small Group Meetings Stakeholder Meetings Neighborhood Survey Open House Meeting #1 Listening Post Bogerts Listening Post Library Data Conversion Outreach Summary #1 Draft #1March April May June July AugustMap Brewing Event HPAB Meeting Baxter Hotel Polling #1 Baxter Hotel Polling #2 Board Member Meeting Story Mansion Event Data ConversionSeptember OctoberOutreach Summary #2 Cumulative Data Analysis Joint Board Meeting Final Recommendations Draft Work Plan Media Release #2NovemberDecember Commission Meeting Work Plan Adoption Final ReportJanuaryFebruaryMarchApril20182019 PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III We are here NCOD HISTORY 1978 South Willson Avenue His- toric District nomination to National Reg- ister City of Boze- man and SHPO conduct large scale architec- tural survey 1984 1986-7 Nomination of 8 historic districts and 50 individual properties Implementation of large-scale zoning overlay to encompass historic districts (NCOD) 1991 2004 City updated zoning stan- dards for re- quired setbacks and lot sizes to be more compli- ant with historic patterns City of Bozeman updated NCOD Design Guidelines to create more flexibility 2006 2015 Introduction of subchapter 4B Second update to Design Guide- lines and NCOD Audit NCOD Review Project completion and final work plan adoption 2019 OUR TEAM Sara Adams, AICP Historic Preservation BendonAdams Orion Planning + Design Chris Bendon, AICP Process Analysis Reilly Thimons, IAP2 Public Engagement Allison Mouch, AICP Policy Analysis Carol Rhea, AICP Process and Policy EXPERTISELand Use Moratorium Devel- opment Scenarios, Aspen Re- sponding to changes to Aspen Land Use Code in 2016, Ben- donAdams analyzed develop- ment scenarios based upon changes to zoning, mitigation, and site planning requirements to recommend Code changes. Commercial Design Guidelines and Standards, Aspen In 2016, BendonAdams rewrote the City of Aspen Commercial, Lodg- ing and Historic District Design Guidelines including updates to neighborhood boundaries, pub- lic amenity, and Board Reviews. Historic Preservation Design Guidelines, Aspen Sara worked to revise the City of Aspen His- toric Preservation Design Guide- lines including a new chapter on site planning and innovative language for new development on historic properties. Aspen Area Community Plan, Aspen. Chris facilitated the development, adoption and successful implementation of the 2012 Aspen Area Community Plan, which facilitated discussions with thousands of citizens through multiple techniques ranging from personal interviews to “clicker sessions” to web-based venues. Historic Preservation Design Guidelines, Rochester NH Ben- donAdams is currently writing the City of Rochester’s new His- toric Preservation Design Guide- lines and working on Land Use Code amendments to allow for increased density and infill in the historic district. Development Department In- ternal Processes Audit, City of Anchorage Chris and Sara con- ducted an internal processes audit of the building & plan- ning departments to identify gaps. Chris and Sara facilitated discussions with Staff to em- power them to solve each issue with attainable solutions. Moratorium Land Use Code Amendments City of Aspen Reilly developed and managed 30+ events and 20+ Board meetings across six City of Aspen Code rewrite projects as part of a year-long devel- opment moratorium covering growth management, off-street parking, use mix, mitigation, and view planes. Aspen Modern Program, As-pen. Chris and Sara developed an AspenModern program that preserves mid-century histor- ic resources. This program in- volved a 2-year process with a citizen task force that resulted in changing community sentiment through education and the implementation of a voluntary landmark program. 2014 nati o n al a w a r d winner 2017 CO A P A A w a r d Laramie Downtown Project, Laramie WY. Orion teamed with Arnett Muldrow & Associates, Mahan Rykiel Associates and Community Design Solutions to update the Downtown Devel- opment Plan for Laramie, Wy- oming. The planning area was comprised of approximately 50 square blocks of historic down- town Laramie. Sheridan Land Use Plan, Sheri-dan WY. Orion is working on the Sheridan, Wyoming Land Use Plan consists of three phases: Existing Conditions, Land Use Analysis and Community Vision, and Land Use Policy and Com- munity Master Plan. The proj- ect schedule encompasses 14 months with heavy engagement opportunities. Oxford Comp Plan, Oxford, MS. Orion was selected to lead this effort based on Orion’s outstanding ability to diagnose community development dy- namics and facilitate the cre- ation of effective, workable solutions that are sensitive to the preservation of Oxford’s his- toric neighborhoods. Maui County Title 19 Zoning Code Audit, Maui, HI. Orion was hired by Maui County to conduct a comprehensive au- dit of their county-wide zoning code. Prior to the initiation of the audit, Title 19 had not been through a comprehensive re- view or rewrite since the 1950’s. ENGAGEMENT METHODS Stakeholder Mapping Outreach + Communications Plan Project Page Online and Windshield Survey Historic Tours Open Houses Listening Posts Stakeholder Meetings Staff Meetings Board Meetings Live polling sessions WE ASKED PARTICIPANTS ABOUT NCOD Purpose and Boundary Key role and function of the NCOD Streamlining pro- cesses and project Information Where to encourage new development Role of Historic Preservation Advisory Board Current policy and regulations Design Guidelines and Standards Transition zones and boundary adjustments Historic preservation program BY THE NUMBERS 403 Participants 120+ Questions asked ~7,500 Data Points 22 Historic Tour Attendees 18 Total Outreach Opportunities 30 Formal Submissions 93% Bozeman Residents 80% Repeat Participants 645 Open Comments 34 Stakeholder Groups 174 Online Surveys 635 Windshield Surveys WINDSHIELD SURVEYRoof forms Trees Fencing Landscape Number of stories Roof typology Chimneys Porches Window typology Entrance features Materials of principal building Detached secondary buildings 635 properties RECOMMENDATIONS + WORK PLAN The following slides outline the level of sup- port for policy recommendations concerning the NCOD purpose and boundary, historic preservation program, zoning and context, streamlining processes, and dissemination of development information. A suggested work program has been com- piled indicating short, medium, and longterm priorities; and will be reviewed by City staff and City Commissioners. NCOD PURPOSE + BOUNDARYRetaining the NCOD1 Topic Support Recommendation 2.1 Retain the NCOD and focus on two programs to distinguish two separate goals: promote historic preservation through local designation and estab- lish neighborhood character areas. High Not changing the NCOD area2 2.2 Adjust NCOD boundary based upon results of building survey: 1) North 7th all in or out, 2) Use Frontage Street as northern edge, 3) Conduct building survey to provide basis for boundary adjustments 4) Complete an architectural survey Create standards and guide- lines specific to areas / neigh- borhoods within the NCOD 3 2.3 Create Neighborhood Character Design Standards and Guidelines. Mixed High NCOD PURPOSE + BOUNDARYSHORT TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM Architectural Inventory - historic districts and landmarks (build on recent inventory of downtown buildings). Prioritize historic districts based on feedback from July neighborhood survey results. Building survey of neighborhood character - use July windshield survey as example. Adjust NCOD boundary based on results of building survey: * N. 7th all in or out. * Use Frontage St. as northern edge. Define neighborhood character. Adopt local historic preservation program with Bozeman specific rules to designate landmarks, districts, process for exterior changes. Create neighborhood character design standards and guidelines. HISTORIC PRESERVATIONCreate local historic preserva- tion program applicable to dis- tricts and landmarks regardless of NCOD boundary. 1 Topic Support Recommendation 3.1 Alternative: Phase in a stronger historic preservation programMixed Develop incentives for historic properties.2 3.2 Expand incentives for historic property owners Elevate Historic Preservation Board to a decision-making body. 3 3.3 Alternative: Require HPAB rec- ommendations for historic proj- ects and projects within a historic district High Low Create historic preservation standards and guidelines.4 3.4 Create historic design standards and guidelines for historic districts and landmarks that align with up- dated Sec. of Interior’s Standards. High HISTORIC PRESERVATIONSHORT TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM Training for HPAB Members Develop preservation plan with HPAB to identify pres- ervation goals. Explore incentives for his- toric properties, historic districts. Develop quick reference guides for appropriate re- pairs of historic properties. Process for HPAB recommendations for historic projects and projects within a historic district. Adopt incentives for historic property owners. Create historic design standards and guidelines for historic districts and landmarks that align with updated Sec. of Interior’s Standards. Locally designate National Register (NR) properties with owner consent. Begin process to nominate new NR listings and bound- aries for NR historic districts. Begin process to amend NR listings and boundaries for NR historic districts. RELATING ZONING TO CONTEXTAdjust B-3 Boundary near his- toric districts to encourage bet- ter transition. Use streets to de- lineate boundary. 1 Topic Support Recommendation 4.1 Create a B-3 transitional zone for areas located beyond the Core. Incorporate additional transition standards within the existing zone edge transition requirements. Mixed Align zone district boundaries and dimensional allowances with historic districts 2 4.2 Alternative: Explore adjusting the historic district boundaries to relate to the existing zone dis- tricts. Consider aligning zone district allowances with neighborhood character. 3 4.3 Align zone districts with neigh- borhood character. Update form and intensity standards to bet- ter address concerns about mass and scale. Update current design guidelines and add standards to better address concerns about mass and scale. Mixed Mixed RELATING ZONING TO CONTEXTSHORT TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM Analyze zone districts: ID where dimensional require- ments and boundaries conflict with neighborhood character/ future vision, or historic district boundary. Map review process and iden- tify redundant requirements and areas of overlap for proj- ects within the NCOD: i.e. Arti- cle 5, Site Plan Review, Project Review... Amend zone district requirements to relate to neighbor- hood (or historic district if applicable) character (either existing or future vision). Create transition specific standards and guidelines that are context based and replace Article 5 standards (where it is redundant) for projects within NCOD. Create design standards and guidelines specific to com- mercial, mixed use and lodge in B3 and adopted URDs; and subject to a review process by Staff or Commission with referrals. Reference and align design standards and guidelines with the adopted DBIP and VisionNE. Residential within the B3 or URD are subject to residential specific guidelines and traditional NCOD review process. Transition standards are in place and apply to edges of B3. STREAMLINE PROCESSEnsure the review process is un- derstandable and streamlined. 1 Topic Support Recommendation 5.1 Map out the different review processes to determine overlap and areas to simplify and consoli- date. Develop review criteria that is ob- jective and allows some flexibility. This can be achieved through a mix of regulations, design standards and design guidelines. High STREAMLINE PROCESSSHORT TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM Exempt the NCOD from duplicative review processes and replace with context derived standards and guidelines. PROJECT INFORMATIONStrengthen existing project in- formation channels. 1 Topic Support Recommendation 6.1 Explore working with GIS De- partment and web administrators on how to integrate additional in- formation into the existing GIS lay- ers and website to make detailed project information more readily available to the public. Look into an educational campaign through City social media channels discussing where to find planning project information. High Increase opportunity for com- munity awareness through no- ticed public hearings.2 6.2 Explore meetings prior to ap- plication review (with impacted neighbors). Explore collecting in- put from neighborhood associa- tions on large scale projects. High PROJECT INFORMATIONSHORT TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM Explore methods for input from established neighborhood asso- ciations on large scale projects and possibly rezoning applications. Explore hosting meetings prior to application review for impacted neighbors. Architectural Inventory - historic districts and landmarks (build on recent inventory of downtown buildings. Prioritize historic districts based on feedback from July neighborhood survey results. Adopt local historic preservation program with Bozeman specific rules to desig-nate landmarks, districts, process for exterior changes. Begin process to amend NR listings and boundaries for NR historic districts. Write context papers on Bozeman’s vernacular buildings identified in survey but not eligible for National Register Locally designate National Register (NR)properties with owner consent. Develop quick reference guides for ap-propriate repairs of historic properties Create historic design standards and guidelines for historic districts and land- marks that align with updated Sec. of Interior’s Standards. Develop preservation plan with HPAB to identify preservation goals. Training for HPAB members. Explore incentives for historic proper- ties, historic districts. Adopt incentives for historic property owners. Process for HPAB recommendations for historic projects and projects within a historic district. Begin process to nominate new NR listings and boundaries for NR historic districts. Map review process and identify redundant requirements and areas of overlap for proj-ects within the NCOD: i.e. Article 5, Site Plan Review, Project Review.. Exempt the NCOD from duplicative review processes and replace with context derived standards and guidelines. Analyze zone districts: ID where dimensional requirements and boundaries conflict with neighborhood character/future vision, or historic district boundary. Require input from established neighborhood associations on large scale projects and possibly rezoning applications. Require neighborhood meeting prior to application review. Amend zone district requirements to relate to neighborhood (or historic district if applicable) character (either existing or future vision). Adjust zone district boundaries to use streets, alleys?, geographic barriers, adopted plans. Building survey of neighbor-hood character - use July windshield survey as example. Third party to conduct 6-10 development scenarios to test zone district requirements and Article 5 along transition edges of B3 and potential impact of taller buildings between historic Main Street and historic districts to the north and south. SP Create neighborhood character design standards and guidelines. Create transition specific standards and guidelines that are context based and replace Article 5 standards (where it is redundant) for projects within NCOD. Create design standards and guidelines specific to commercial, mixed use and lodge in B3 and adopted URDs; and subject to a review process by Staff or Commis-sion with referrals. Design standards and guidelines reference and align with the adopted DBIP and VisionNE. Adjust NCOD boundary based on results of building survey: * N. 7th all in or out.* Use Frontage St. as northern edge. Residential within the B3 or URD are subject to residential specific guidelines and traditional NCOD review process. Transition standards are in place and apply to edges of B3. Define neighborhood character.COMPREHENSIVE WORK PLANSHORT TERM MID-TERM LONGTERM QUESTIONS FOR BOARDS Do you generally support the recommendations?1 2 Is there anything else that should be considered? NEXT STEPS 26 CITY COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 11TH