HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-13-19 Public Comment - J. Kauffman (Kasting, Kauffman & Mersen, P.C.) - Request by HomeBase Partners to Convert Parking Permits nt1�TT �c�' TING, KAL7FFMAN & MERSEN,P.c. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W JOHN M.KAUFFMAN 7I6 SOUTH 2Oth AVENUE,SUITE I0I JANE MERSEN BOZEMAN,MONTANA 597I8 DENNIS L.MUNSON TEL:(406)586-4383 FAX:(406)587-787I LILIA N.TYRRELL E-MAIL:reception@kkmlaw.net JORDAN P.HELVIE SCOTT J.LORESCH (Montana admission pending) • KENT M.KAS'TING,OFConnsel ! .! WILLIAM B.HANSON,Refired February 13, 2019 BY HAND Ed Meece Parking Program Manager City of Bozeman 20 E. Olive Bozeman, MT 59047 Re: Request by HomeBase Partners to Convert Parking Permits Dear Mr. Meece: Following our brief call this morning I spoke with Tim Cooper in the City Attorney's Office. We discussed the agenda item currently on the Bozeman Parking Commission February 14, 2019 agenda relating the potential of converting to 107 monthly parking permits in the Bridger Downtown Parking Garage to Unified Development Code parking permits. That matter was the subject of a February 12, 2019 letter from me and Brian Gallik to you, a copy of which is attached for your convenience. To the extent that item remains on the agenda for the Bozeman Parking Commission meeting tomorrow morning, we request that the item be tabled until such time as we receive the documents requested in the attached February 12, 2019 letter. The request that the matter be tabled until the documents are produced will give the City time to gather the responsive documents and us time to consider the same so that we can make more informed comments before the Commission. We appreciate that the Commission wants its decisions to be well-informed and transparent. Tabling the matter until we have the documents will further those goals. Please pass along this letter to the Bozeman Parking Commission. If, Ed Meece February 13, 2019 Page 2 however, the Bozeman Parking Commission has decided to remove the item from the February 14, 2019 Agenda, please let Mr. Gallik and me know so that we can inform our clients. My telephone and email contacts are 586-4383 and jkauffman@kkmlaw.net and Mr. Gallik's are 404-1728 brian@galliklawfirm.com. Sinc ely, Joh M. auffman Encl. C. Clients (email only) Tim Cooper (email only) Brian Gallik (email only) Bozeman City Commissioners (by hand) KASTING, KAUFFMAN& I!/ MEN,P.C. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W JOHN M.KAUFFMAN 7I6 SOUTH 2Oth AVENUE,SUITE I0I JANE MERSEN BOZEMAN,MONI"ANA 597I8 DENNIS L.MUNSON TEL:(406)586-4383 FAX:(406)587-787I LILIA N.TYRRELL E-MAIL:teception@kkmlaw.net JORDAN P.HELVIE SCOTT J.LORESCH (Montana admission pending KENT M.KAS TING,OfCounse! WILLIAM B.HANSON,Retired February 12, 2019 BY HAND Ed Meece Parking Program Manager City of Bozeman 20 E. Olive Bozeman, MT 59047 Re: Request by HomeBase Partners to Convert Parking Permits Dear Mr. Meece Our office, along with Gallik, Bremer & Molloy, P.C., represent a number of citizens with interests in downtown businesses who are concerned about parking in downtown Bozeman. Recently they received a copy of a February 7, 2019 Memorandum by you to the Bozeman Parking Commission (the "Memorandum") regarding a request by Andy Holloran/HomeBase Partners ("HomeBase") to convert up to 107 monthly parking permits in the Bridger Downtown Parking Garage to Unified Development Code parking permits for a potential project called "5 East". The purpose of this letter is to request additional information related to the request made by Mr. Holloran/HomeBase and your Memorandum so that we can make more informed decisions on how to address the request. We understand that the request may be considered by the Bozeman Parking Commission and, if appropriate, the Bozeman City Commission. In particular, we request copies of the following documents, whether in the possession of the City, its agencies or the Bozeman Parking Commission: 1. Copies of the leases or other documents that evidence the 112 monthly parking permits referenced in the Memorandum. This would include any Ed Meece February 12. 2019 Page 2 and all leases that commit the "112 monthly the correspondence between the City and Mr. Holoran, hips represent tune(,) or HomeBase. 2. Copies of all emails, letters, memoranda, reports, studies or other writings that mention or discuss any of the "112 monthly parking permits" held by Mr. Holloran or HomeBase. 3. Copies of all emails, letters, memoranda, reports, studies or other writings that mention or discuss or relate to using or converting parking space leases in the Bridger Downtown Parking Garage to satisfy Uniform Development Code ("UDC") parking requirements. In reviewing the City's website, I noticed there was a form for making records requests. This letter is designed to provide the information requested in that form, rather than using the form itself. The information requested is also made pursuant to §2-6-1006 Montana Code Annotated. If there is a fee/cost for providing the foregoing documents, please let me know so that we can get the reasonable fee/cost paid. Thank you for helping gather and providing this information. We trust that the matter will not come before the Bozeman Parking Commission until the requested information has been provided and we have had an opportunity to consider the same. Should you have any questions in the interim, please call me (586.4383) or Brian Gallik (404-1728). Sincer j — _ r /John K , F an Brian K. Gallik r C. Clients (email only) Tim Cooper (email only)