HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-19 City Commission Packet Materials - WS. Goal Setting and Strategic Plan Priorities for 2019 - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALSStrategic Plan & Goal Setting 2019 February 2019 1 Vision 7 Vision Statements 30 Vision Strategies 70 Action Items 7 Top Priorities 161 Other Key Projects +/-238 Unique Projects + Core Services 2019 7 Priorities* 1. Community Outreach 2. Affordable Housing 3. Planning and Land Use Initiatives 4. Annexation Analysis and Study 5. Parks Maintenance District 6. Partnerships for Education and Learning 7. Bozeman Public Safety Center * No particular order 3 Progress on Priorities 4 Initiated Implementing Completion Strategic project Completion Core Service Community Outreach 1.1 Outreach – Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. 1 Progress on Priorities 6 Initiated Implementing Completion Community Outreach Affordable Housing 4.5b. Housing & Transportation Choices: Develop a Comprehensive Affordable Housing Action Plan… 1. Mandates housing across all dwelling types 2. Provides flexibility in accomplishing mandate 3. Provides substantial, reliable source of funding 4. Actively encourage major employers to develop workforce housing 2 Progress on Priorities 8 Initiated Implementing Completion Affordable Housing Community Outreach Planning & Land Use Initiatives 4.1 Informed Conversation on Growth a. Adopt a new growth policy based upon sustainable growth principles 3 4.2 High Quality Urban Approach d. Update Historic Preservation Guidelines (NCOD) 4.4 Vibrant Downtown, Districts & Centers a. Update the Downtown Plan Progress on Priorities 10 Initiated Implementing Completion Planning and Land Use Initiatives Affordable Housing Community Outreach Annexation Analysis & Study 4.2a Manage Growth Adjacent to City 4.3e Annexation of Islands and Critical Adjacent Lands 4 Progress on Priorities 12 Initiated Implementing Completion Planning and Land Use Initiatives Affordable Housing Community Outreach Annexation Analysis and Study Parks Maintenance District 5 4.3a Develop a Comprehensive Parks Maintenance and Facilities Funding Program Progress on Priorities 14 Initiated Implementing Completion Planning and Land Use Initiatives Parks Maintenance District Affordable Housing Community Outreach Annexation Analysis and Study Partnerships for Education & Learning 6 5.3 Partnerships for Education and Learning – strengthen and support partnerships for arts and culture with a wide variety of individuals, organizations, and institutions to enhance and improve education and learning in Bozeman Progress on Priorities 16 Initiated Implementing Completion Planning and Land Use Initiatives Partnerships for Education and Learning Parks Maintenance District Affordable Housing Community Outreach Annexation Analysis and Study Bozeman Public Safety Center 3.1a Develop a Criminal Justice Facility Plan 3.1c Implement the Fire Station Location Plan 7 Progress on Priorities 18 Initiated Implementing Completion Planning and Land Use Initiatives Partnerships for Education and Learning Parks Maintenance District Community Outreach Public Safety Center Affordable Housing Annexation Analysis and Study 19 238 Projects in the smartsheet Note: Jon H. to review smartsheet tool here Recent Commission Requests ○ Wetlands ○ Stretch Code ○ Street light study ○ Infill “black holes” Improvements update ○ Push Notification ○ Broadband as Essential Utility Others to Add To Workplan ? ○ Evaluation of Library expansion opportunities, possible satellite with new HS on west side or other option ○ Continue focus on livable wages and market rate pay to avoid compression for city employees ○ PCC study for planning donut around city ○ Review UDC codes for landscaping/conservation ○ Pile C of the UDC ○ Percent for art ○ Gender pay project for vendors 20 Process Tonight 1. Commission to determine the Top Priorities for the Strategic Plan ○ What stays on? ○ What c a n c ome o ff? ○ Protect the im p o rta nce of the p riorities to b e the b o ld a c tions o f the Commission this yea r ○ Consider staff c a p a c ity, fisca l re sources, a nd time to dedicate 2. Commission to identify a ny other projects from previous list for inclusion in the smartsheet work p la n for 2019 3. Staff a va ila b le to a nswer q uestions a b out individua l p rojects 4. Staff takes this inform a tion a nd re fines timelines for c ompletion of work 21 Next Meeting 1. Commission to provide feedback about what success looks like for the top priorities of the Strategic Plan ○ Rely upon underlying plans for guidance? ○ Re ly upon the te xt o f the Stra te g ic Pla n? 2. Under what te rm s d o ite m s rota te o ff o f the list? ○ Completion ○ Successful ongoing im p le m e ntation ○ No longer strategic (becomes core service), or ○ Becomes core service but remains because critical to vision 3. Confirm update frequency o f this p rocess ○ How frequent to update ○ which m onth ○ Tie to Budget/CIP p re p 22 Questions