HomeMy WebLinkAbout66- Montana Power Company Contract
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TIn S i\.G RE,E.:1EN'r . :~lade and entered into th i.,'! '. _. ...:S.t!:':. ____ da~'
01 ___~, January . 196 6 , by and b:!tween 'l::~E MONTANA
POWl:~F C\)t1PANY. a corporation, het ling its pJ::'inc~pal office and
place of business at 40 East Broadway, Butte, Montana (he.r:'G1n-
alter ca l.V~d the "Company" ) and the CI'rY CF BOZEMAN, a municipal
corporation organized undel:' the laws ot the ~tat~ of Montana
(her.:!inatter called the "City") 1
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,'/lIE-REI>.:;) . 3peclal I'1lpl<).e;:1f"n,: ;"',;._~tl;~..,ng i'Jla1ntenance LnstlJC::'
No. 453 has been dul and xeq u lal~ Ii Cl eate'd b:y tne C.itJ C:
OJ: the C.1t',.' 01: Bozeman, Montana, 1,.o:r tl1(; r-urposto~ OJ. [.11 ,/ ! l.ding
f.;,:;;,v d~l C\~l.':/ Japur CQ.LO:C J..mpr.o/Uc1 str.;et Uo:Jht::.; a :Long and ',..tpon
till: st:teetiii and allenues with tLG boundar j';;$ ot sald D1.Stiict.i
V\'HEREAS. t.hf2 Company l.S wl.ll1.ng t,o supply, J..n.stal..l. and
own tile 18Cl.l:'..;.;les "":.Ltnin said lhstr'ict, and lurnlSh electrlcal
enenlY to and "l(:~ intenance for sa1.d District c..pon the tG.t \(\.9 and
condl.tions herein.Jtter set forth;
NOd, 'l'HEHi,FORE . 1n con81derat1on of the prem1.6es C'lnd
nut~al covenants ot tne parties hereto, It lS ag1::~~d as 10 L lows:
~EC!~o.Ji...l ,!__..~~rrA~:.~~!.~N_.~~.J.:!;~~,,_~~~~~~!1.:.f!.::;;.
'rhe Company undertakes and agrees to constl' uct and lJ"lstall
the :3tr eat lignting tacilities in said Dis~rict at its own ex-
pense. ana SUCH work. shall be commenc<:d and compieted as soon
aa reasonably poasibla. The said facilities ana 1] .':'12 0..: the
type hereinafter specilied and shall be lr:,.3e.allad at tne locations
and accccdin..;, to the speciLicat~ons ot the City ~iJen priuL b)
the CO;f~n.;nce.nent of. the '#)rk.
(a) I":tPe. of facilit;tes: ~ew Il1dX:CU:r \, /apoL, cola): 1 il-
pJo./ed l.a:nps, :no\..mted on tapered st~e 1 poles witi; ~.:nc 103eo
. ~ ,. ..
, , .
luminaires to be served by ove.r:head conductors WJ,th 15 units
'-~ long ana upon t~e streets and avenues na,.i'ed in trt:! 1 e;:;olution
creating said Cistllct.
(b) Locations; There will be 15 light units, spaced
and l.ocated in accordance with the.-lap of said lighting District
on file in the otfice ot the City Engineer of the Cit} of Bozeman,
Hontana. Type of eqLllphlent and number vi liyhts :nay be ,nodiiied
only by the written consent .of the partJ..es !H::l:'OI:...::).
The facJ..lities to be constructed and J..nstalled are, and
shal.l, remain, the propertj-' .ot the Compa,:;:.
~Ec..!!2.U!-,_MA~~~; AND OPERA.i!2~"
The ComDany agl:ees to inata 11 and o'~'el:ate sald stl',H::L
.J. .:." ":1 ,i.;. "",., ..L:rJ,~~ ..:acill.tl.e13 .:...n the District, and 1.0 ;".aJ..nt.aJ..n sa:l.d S j :;;te!.
"",or. th~ ch~J.:'-Jes he.r el.naite.a:- sp.:;cilled. L, :Lghts sha 11 .1.>('; tuxn'.?d
on at du~k and turned off at dawn each da:r d ul.' ing the tar.:, 01
this agl'eement. Thf;;;. Compan~ w~ll i.lake al.l nel:eSSal1 YI::!pall.l:i
and lcplacement withln a reasonable tl',1€ ,~ttel: recel.viH"j not" C'\~
01 an.i 0;", tagf.: or othe:r damage to equipment, t.llerC:JI. 'rh!:;\ PO,Li ce
o.l..Licers ot the Cl t} shall report any outages to the Company's
Ol.:l..~ce ill Bozeman, Montana.
~~f~~~~_~_~~~I2~!...Q!. El\j~~!.._'!'.~_ ~~~~~
The Company a~r~~eg t,o supply t.~L~ctr jea 1 en~rgy to sa;.~;
street lighting system for the charges hereinafter 3pecifi~c.
;?;~I ~~.2..___~l\RG.E,S.
The Ci t.) und'ertakes and agrees to pel tile Company i<.:n:
f t~rru",hin9, ope.t:atl.n.g and maintainifl~ as Lereinabo ::;! pro/ided,
said otr:eet lighting system to be const,1.4cted and owned by tne
Company, ond LOX. supplying electrical ener;i ti12.r.eto, as 1.:..:.,1 lows :
For each 175 watt mercury vapor, 7,000 lumen, color-
~lnpro ie'~ l.lc3htJ..ng unit" the sum of $3.70 per ~onth.
I ' .
, ,
The abo'Je charge shall apply only to each ,:)1 t.ile .1 ,) light
~n1ts herein spec~~1~d; and il: additional Un.l.ta aXd ~.....bliequently
installed with the mutual consent of the parties .l1ereto, the
char~es ~or buch addit.l.onal lJ.ghts sha,ll be in accordance with
the rates in effect at the time said installations are made.
'rh'~ cilarge tor el~ctrical energy included 1.0 the abo1e
rat,,! ..l6 based upon rate schedule .:iL-64P applied to the wattage
01. the lamp and ballast, and it is subject to amendment or re-
"J.5ion bi tne Publ.l.c Set' ,'ice COmHI1.SS10n 01 tne i:itate or: i'lantana.
'l'h~ Charges abo'/e shown lor th~ s:.stem are based upon
<2;.:>C j., ildt ed I,o.r;',ai, 'wi:~a:;~ and l:.r ..;<;1.->.age tOl la,nps. glass.....a):'e and
po 11.."13. It :d~; 'w.Ltiu.n the police power oi the City to pre~ent or
pUfush persons responsible for ,.,cmton and '-a8l1.cious da'C1C!ge ":0
stre,;;;t~ 1~'Jht3 . In consequence thereof, t '~ CO!!lpany aha 11 ;la'Ie
the r1gnt to make an add1tional charge to the City of the actual
c:>st 01.: the material and labor for rep~irs to and replacements
:Lfl said sy ste':J., made necessary by the acts of third nart;l.l~S.
B:! L16 lO}~ sa id se~;vice8 shall be due and pa:;,'abLJ :Ln ;) ,,,11
or /al1.C warrants at the office OL tn.s: Corrpany in Bozeman, '.1/)ntana
when rend~red each 'nontn, and will be CO!'l1(i di~ Unguent ten { 10)
days ClH:1rea iter. .
.SEC'l'I'JI'l 6. FORCE lV1AJE'U11.E
'____._,.,,~.,'_._,....'M...,'.~ ....._,_ .... ,.. ~ ,_,...,..,_'......._,._' 'OM _
It is understood and agreed that the Ccmlpany shall not
Le l1.a'ble fot i:ailure co comply with any ':01: -the ter-ins and cond.i.-
tJ..ona 0...: th1S agree~ent where such fa'; !'e ;.s (:au8ed b; acts os:
God, goverrunental reguLations or orders, str ikes (' .labor dift:.i.-
culties, fires, floods, droughts, riots, destructj_on oJ: p:conert~;,
or. w'.1:.hout bel"ng Ilmited by the tore'}oiW3, by an} other cans,,,
be ',and the reasonable ~ontroL 01 thE CQmPany.
'':ib(,'l'II >N I , .pt.ru:.1
"" ,. -+ ~ r'._.. g.
fhls C1':Jreemenc shall. be and rema~n in rull lorce and
e.ltect 1:0l a pe:t.lod ot two (2) ~". <Jars and ele/en (L 1) month rro',n
, . -..
, , ,
\.:.jl~ Cia t:.1:..~ n;;?reoJ.... and s na .L .1 t,'1::c'f:;!a L t~r c,;;' It.:;\ '\ ~"'1" ~ ~1'.;,~:~
~:;;;.'1. .\ \ ". ~ (or ..; 11 :.:. C I..~ ..j ~3.l ."~.,2. ;)'3. l,j().j CI ~, t"0I0 1,2) J '~ct _. ,_I 3.. .:: : -~.,.J . C ;-\ ( \ \ '
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"I0nth:\3 each, unt11 and unle3s t~rr.1.nat(!d D::-' ,~..Lth.:; part:r J ~, /1ng
to .~ , L ~. '.Jt ;~i: pa.z: t~y ;),:)tl.C0 i.l} Wl.l.t1nq dt .\~ac~i,: 3.z:xtv (60) da .,0
'Ol. ..L.O-': to toil ~ 8xp1l__ation or the l.ru t.l.a 1. t,:.cu :.er.::or. :n- 0"\ ' rE~-
~l::";;\\iJl c.l':~r ,_~~)~, 0_ :..-c.s d_ .1t 2nt.l.On to t'c;l:Al;,ab,;, tn..\ S d'J 1- e:c"'r. ,2 n t.: elL
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1r'4 \"lITNESS ~"lHEREOF . the parties h"2!-eto hcL~2 caused this
aqr.._'=',~'.;. ~.t ~>,) :.\",' uX"CL tE..(: in Q'.p1..l..cat_ b:~" toLl''; ,~~...l' t'; '.~ l~, i':lutr::);, ,\ 'f.~,;
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