HomeMy WebLinkAbout66- Montana Power Company Contract (3) .. . Ii- , ' I 41 l I ....,~ . CONTRACT ...............lIIIIIIIlfjIIo...---~.... '1'HlS AflDBMIm, made and entered into t;b1e 5th day ot January , 196!.-. by and. betw..n '1'BI MON'1'DA POWIRCOMPAHt, a oo:rporat1on. havIng 11:;8 principal office and plaoe of business at 40 Bast Broad.way, lIutte, Montana (herein... ar_1" called the "COlllP&l1J'") and ,be CITY OJ' SOZItMAN, a lIImicipal corporation organl..d .nder __ 1..s of the State ot Montana (here1nafter called t;be "CItl") i ! 1 ! ! I ! ! I !. 112 WHIRIAS. Spe01al Improvement Lighting Maintenance District Mo. 459 has been duly and. regularly oreated. by the eIty Co"~,,.: "':5i"" of the City ot Bozeman, Montana, tor the purpose of providing new _roll17 vapor 00101" 1llProved street 11ghts along and upon tJbe streets and aveDUes w1tbin the boundaries ot said Distrlota and WHltBBA8. a. Co. pan, 1s wl111ngto supply. 1nstall and own the faoilities wIthin 8a1d District, and turnlsh eleotrioal enex-Q to and M1nMnanO. tor'said Distriet upon the terms and conditions beN1nat"te:r .., ror'&ib; MOW ~ '!JIIIt'I1'ORI, 1n oonsideration of the premises and mutual oovenants of the parties hereto, 1t is agreed a8 follows: S~01I 1, IHSTALLA'1'IOtI .0' DW PACILrrIlS : '!'he Oowapany undertakes and agrees to oonst:ru.et and install the street lighting tacilities 1n said D1strlot at its own ex- pense, and such work ahall be commenoed and oOlllpleted as soon as reasonab11 possible. the 8a1d fa011ities ahall be of the t,J)e here1naftel" speoified and ahall be installed at the locations and acoording to the specifioations ot the City given prior to theeOJlllenoement or the WOft, <a) TJpe or taOll1'1..: New MrcUry vapor, color im- proved lamps, Jl(NDt:led on tapered 8teel poles with enolo..d. ."..' ". ,- " " 1 ~ . . I .. . . , lwnina1X'fJ8 to be Ml'V84 bY' overhead oonduotors w1 th 85 units along and upon the 8Veeta and avenues named in ,he resolution oreating ...14 Distriot. (b) Locat10n81 '1'l\e-N w111 be 85 light units, spaced and looated in aocordance with the map or 8aid lighting Dls'1'1ot on f118 in the ofti.. of' the CitJ' bglneer of 1;he CitY' ot Bozeman; JIontaDa . '.r7pe of .qul~t and nuJlber of' lights -y be IIOdlf1M only by the written consent of the parties hereto. P9'1101 2. OWIDSJ!I! The faoilit1es to be constructed aDd lnstalled are, and shall remain, .-. property of the Company.. :SBCTIOH 3. ~~ AJfD OPlJlA'fIOH The Company agrees to lnatal1 and operate sa1dstreet lishtlng f'acilit1ea in. the Distriot, and to maintain said Bystem for tM charpa hereinafter specified. Llpts shall be turned on at dusk and turned oft at dawn each day during the term ot th18 agreement. '1'be OOlaPIDJ wl1l make all neoessary repalrs and replaoe..nta within areaaonable t1.. atte~ recelving notice of any outage orotber d.amage to equipment thereof. The police , ..",,'..,,', oft1oe1'8 of the 01t7 ahall "POrt an,. outages to the CoapanJ'. ottiee ln Bo~.JD&n,Montana. ~OH 4. SUPPLY 01' I1tI1tOY '1'0 SYSTM the OompanJ apelta to supply eleotr1cal .nerBY 1;0 said a'Net 11gb'1ns s,a.. for the ohargee hereinatter specified. ~BC'1'ION 5. CHARQBS The C1t, undertakes and &arM. to pay the COIlPAD7 tor tum1sh1na, operating and ain'ta1nine as Mreinabove prov14ed, sa1d street lighting BY'stem to be constructed and owned bY' the COlDpanJ" and foraupply1na eleotl'1calener17 thereto # a8 tollows; For eaoh 175 watt Ilercu1'7 vapor, 7,000 1..n. oolor- improved 11ght1nl unit, the sum of $3.70 per month. -2- .. ... .. J I 1 .II , ~.... . , '1'be above aha. ahall apply only to eaoh of the 85 light unite herein specified. ancl it additional un1~8 are subsequently ina.l1ed w1 th tme Mltual oonsent or the paJ'tleshereto, the oharpe tor suoh additional I1gbts shall be in acoordanoe wi'h tbe r&_s 1n .rreet ., the 1;1_ aaid Ins.lIatlona are ade. The ohapp tor eleotrlcal ..I'D' lnolude4 in ,he above rate is based upon rate schedule sL-64p applied to the wattage of the lamp and ba.llaet. and 1t la sub3eot to amendment or re. vis10n by the ~bllo Service Co_1s.1on ot the state ot Montana. The cbarpa above shown for the ayate. are based upon ...~'-<l normal wear and b1"8akapt tor lamp., glas8ware and pole,. It is wi thin the po11oe power of the 01'7 to prevent; or pWl1.h persona ...ponaible tor wanton and 118.1ic1oUB damage ~o street 11s,hts. In oGnaequence thereof, the COilpan)' shall have tM. right to .1Wte an additioul oharp to the 01_ ot the actual co., of the mate1'1a1 and labor ror repairs Co and Nplaoeaents in said 87$.... made ~o..8ary by .. aota ot ~hird pan1... B111. tor aaid a8PY1e8. shall be <1Q and payable 1n oash or valid warran~s at the office ot the Company in Bozeman, Montana when rendered .aebmontl'l, and w111 b800me delinquent 1Mtn (10) days tMNat_r. .l1JC'fION 6. POlt~ IIAJtmg It is \I.It4."~od an4 &lP'Md that the Company ahall not be 11able tor failure to oomply with any of the terms and 001141- tione ot this agree_at wbeN .uGh fa11u.. i8 caused by aota ot Clod, covemnan'bal re gu la' lOllS or orders, strikes or labor d1ttl- o\ll'1e., f1NS, tloocla,dl'O\lsb'., riots, destruot1on or property, 01", w1thouO !a.ing l1111te4 by .... foregoing, by any o'her oaua. beJ'ond the reaaoftabl. control ot the COlllpanJ. SEC'1'ION 7. 'l'IRM '!hi. agree_nt shall be aDd rema1n in t'u11 foroe and etrect for a perlod ottwo (2) y.are and eleven (11) month. troll "3- ."" " ." I I..... J I ,I "i ~ l I '- the date hereof, and shall thereafter oontinue in torce and eftect top sucoessive peJ'1ods ot two (2) year8 and eleven (11) montbe eaoh, until and unl... Mrmlnated by either party giving 1)0 the other party notioe in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the 1~1 tlal term hereof, or any re.,. newal thereof, of its intent10n to terminate this agreement at the expiration of such in!'b1.l term or any renewal. IN WI'J.'NISS WHBR.EOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be eMcuted in duplicate by their duly authorlud officers. '!HE M01r.1'ANA POWER COMPANY /I By ~~~ ~ f/tr/~" ~ nager.. ~...n v sioh CI'l!' 0. BOZDAN, a Mun1el~1 COrpO~t~9~ , / . AT'lBS'J.'a ~.....:;. . '(</:/ /.;: ef~:y' ;~l';r{' r:;</ a;'~~7