HomeMy WebLinkAbout66- Montana Power Co. Contract 7J , . . . . . COlf'lR1CT ....~....................~1IIIIIiIIIIIP THIS AGRDMIH'l', _4. and entered iato this 5th day or ,January , 196 6 I by aM between 'lHI MON'l'ANA POWER - COMPANY, a oorpora'1oa. havinalts priae1palort1ce andplaoe of business at J4.O Bast JS;roaclW8I'. Butte, Montana (here1nafter called the "C'OIIpaay") and the am 07 BOZIIWI, a .unioipal oorporation orsaaized uad.-r the laws or the stat4t ot Montana (nere1n.atter oalled the "City"): II f !. !. ! ! I ! J!z WHBRIAS, Speolal IaprovemeDt Llpting Maintenance BIs... 'rict No. 460 nas been 4\111' and Nplar17 created by the City ,~.~'" .. mi"seion ot the City ot Bozeun, Montana tor tbe purpose of pJ'Ovlding new aex-oul'7 vapor color-improved street 11ghte along and upon thl stNet. and avenue. wl ~n the boundarles of sald Dlstpict; and WHIRIAS, the COIIP&D7 18 wi111ng to supp17. install and own the taoi1it1.. within sald Distriot, and furnish electrioal .Berg to and ..In_DAnoe tor sa14 District, .pon the terms and cond! t~ona bereinafter .., torth; 1fOW, fJIaft&IOD, 1n ooft81derat1on ot the pre.i"a and mutual covenants ot the part1es hereto, 1t 115 agreed a8 follows: ~lcnIOR 1. 1NSI'~'I01f 0' _ 'ACILrf~ !be Compan)' underta.. an4 ~. to OODstJ'UCt and. Install ,be street 11ghttnl fac111t1e. 1n aaid district at its own ex- pen.e, and suoh work sball be co_need and oompleted as Boon as reasonabl7 po.8lble. !be said facilitles ahall be of the type hereinafter specified and shall be lastalled. at the loca- tions and aooording to the specifioations or the 01ty given prior to the COII1Ienoement ot the work. (a> '17pe of facilities: Hew mercury vapor, Clolor- improved lamps, IIOUDted on tapeNd lteel pole. with enoloeed . . " J ( I I " I I ~ , luinaiN8 to be served by overhead oonductors with 33 units alonla.nd upon the au.eta and avenues ~d 1n tb$ resolution oreating said District. (b) Looatl0Dat !beN w111 be 33 light units, spaced and l.....d in aooordano. with U. mapot sa1d 11gbting Dletriot on tile 1n the oftioe of the CltJ'lnaineer ot tAe Clf;J' ot Be_an, IIontana . Type or eq\ll.PJIP' an<1llU111ber ot lipts 11&7. be mod1fied only by the written consent or the parties hereto. ~0Jf 2. ~l The taol11t1e. to be oonetftlo'-d and 1nstalled are, and shall reMa1n, the prope"" of the CompaD7. ~OH 3. ~AJICI AD Ol.llAnml The COIIpaft7 acrees to install and open.te 8aid stNet li.-tins taol11t~. 10 ,he Dis'riot, and to maintain said .ystem tor .. Obal'p8 hereinatter specified. LIghte aball be 'b.rnec1 on at dusk and _J'Md. off at dawn eaob day during the un ot 1*18 apee.-nt. "- eoapahJ' wIll _lee a11ne0888&1'Y repairs and Npl....D. within a reasonable tlM after reoelving notioe ot any outage or other damap to equipment thereot. The police oftI0." ot .. 01'" lhall report aQ' en.ta... to 'ibe COJ8P8bY'a offioe in Bozeman, Montana. ~O. 4. SUPPItT o' It'IJGJ .,.., Sl!1J! !be Company ...... to aupply eleotr1oal energy to said .'Net l1sbtina a7." tor the ebarps here1natter specified. am!ll! 5. CHAItOBS The C1t7 lU'lClertakea and aarees to pay the COIDJ>8.DY for tumish1ns.. operating aD4 ma1ntaining as bereinabove provided, 8a14 atl'Nt lightal .,.... to be Con8truCted and owned by the Ooapany. and tor au.ppl,.1q electrical ene1"l7 thereto, as tollow8: Par 8a011400 wat' _rcuPJ vapor, ~O,OOO lumen. color- i_proved lighting u1i). .the SUID ot $6.38 pel' month. '1'heabove chuse ahall appl7 only to each of the 33 -2- <' ,. Ji i I I f I I "4 i I I .. lishiins unite _..1n .peotliedJ an4 if additional unite are subeequen'tl,. 1nstalled with .. mutual consent ot the parti8. berete. tbe 0baZ'P8 fer suoh add11:10nal ll1hts aha11 be in acoordance with 'tbe rates 1D ert.at at the t1M said inatalla... tlons 8M -.de. 'llw cbarp tol" 81Mb1...l .nerD' in.l\lded in .. above rate 1s baaed upon Ia.lobedul. SL-64P app11ed to the wa'tap of the lamp and ballast. and 1t 1& 8ub.1ect to amendment or re- Vi81011 by .. M1lch"!" Oo.-1ss1on or the state ot Montana. Tbe obarsea shewn above for the. a,Btem are based upon estimated normal wear and bl"8akap for laape. glassware and poles. It i. within the- police power Of the 01_ to prevent OJ' P\Ul18h peNon. reapouibl.ror wanton and _11010\l8 dama.. to .'Met 11gb'.. In ConMqMDOe Uwreot, the COMPany shall have tM righ'b 1)0 _lee an addi\ional charae to tme 01'- of .. actual 80.' ot .tu ._rial and labor tor "paiN to and replaq_ntB 1n sa1d 81'S.., Mde neoeaaa17 by tthe aot. ot 'hi" pant.a. Billa tor 8aid servlcea shall be due and payable in oaeh or valid warrants at the ottie. ot the Company in Eozeman, IIontaDa when rendeNCl eaCh IIIOI'ltb. and w111 becoae delinquent ten (10) days thereatte". Rft10Jf 6. I" JC!aJIUIl It 18 understood an4 apeed that the COJlPany shall not be liable for tal1~ to Gomply with &nJ ot the terms and aOftditlonB ot this a~nt where suoh tailure 18 oaused by acta of God, governmental ~~la'lon8 or ordera. strikes or labor dift1- oult1es, tiNS, rlOOda,4l'OU8b1)e, riots. c1eatl'Llctlon of prope~. 01', w1 thO\t~ being l1m1 tad b7 the tONpin" bY' any other oauae ba7Onc1 the re8sonable oontrol of the CompaftJ. .-ne. 1. ftlt1! 'lb.1. agree.nt sball be and re_1n In rull force and etreot tor a period or two (2) 78&1'8 and .1e~ (11) months "'3- ", I # , k" ,,4 ii I I t ) ! I . f'JIOIR tbe date bereof. aDd ahall theNafter eontlnue in tONe and effect fox-suooess! ve periods of' two ( 2) ,.are and eleven (11)"" ...ch, until an4 un1e.~ te:rs1nated. by e1ther party pv1ns.1>> tb8 otMl' fla."" net1" in Wl"l'iag at least 8ixty (60) daJ'8 priOl'to tale ..pi...'ion of tbe in1 tla1 tel'll _"of, 01' aDr' l"ttDtWal thel"8Ot. ot 1 ta 111_ot10D to term1na'M th1. -P'H'Mnt at the expiration of SUCh !nt.tisl teN or Bn7 renewal. IN WIINISS WlCIft.IlO'. 'bbe parties heNto bavacaused ~. _....1*\$ to be *xecu1)ed 1n duplicate by their duly authorized offioers. mJ MOJrldA PQWJRCOMPANY B7 ~Cb, ~ ("hr- .. pr. soa.an . vision , AT!IS'1'1 c-.... ~~' ./ /)./ . . ~i~z,lj.~~ (' {, j;;r