HomeMy WebLinkAbout89- Humane Society Agreement , . . AGREEMENT Agreement made this l1"'-day of 4-- 1989, between t_he City of Bozeman, Montana, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Montana, hereinafter referred to as "City" and the Humane Society of Gallatin County, hereinafter referred to as the "Society. " Witnesseth: WHEREAS, the City requires all dogs and cats within its jurisdictional area to be licensed or registered; and WHEREAS, the Society is involved with the care of dogs and cats within the City; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to authorize the Society to assist the City in the licensing of dogs and registration of cats and the Society is willing to assist the City in the licensing of dogs and registration of cats. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City hereby authorizes the Society to sell dog licenses and cat registrations on behalf of the City with the understanding that said authorization does not create an exclusive franchise for the Society to sell said licenses and registrations and with the further understanding that the City reserves the right to sell said licenses and registrations, to appoint others to sell said licenses and registrations and to terminate this agreement upon the notice provided herein. 2. The City shall supply license tags, registration books and receipt books to the Society. 3. The City agrees to refund the Five Dollar ($5.00) late licensing and registration fee to the Society for all renewal licenses not purchased by February 15 of each calendar year. 4. The Society agrees to accept said refund in exchange for its services provided hereunder and further agrees to complete all licensing and registration information required by the City, to account for all funds received from the sale of said licensing and registration, and to transmit to the City on a l . . . \veekly basis all funds received with the City's copy of the license or registration. 5 . On a monthly basis, the City shall pay to the Society the late filing fee received by the Society of five dollars ($5.00) for each license or registration renewal issued after February 15 of each calendar year. The amount of remittance shall be based upon the accounting submitted by the Society to the City. 6. The current fee schedule to be charged for dog licensing and cat registration as set forth by the City, and which cannot be modified by the Society, is as follows: NEUTERED/SPAYED UNNEUTERED/UNSPAYED DOGS $10.00 $25.00 CATS 5.00 10.00 LATE FILING FEE FOR RENEWALS ISSUED AFTER FEBRUARY 15 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR OF FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) SHALL BE ADDED ON TO EACH CATEGORY. 7. The Society agrees to segregate all money and checks received hereunder for licensing and registration from any other funds that the Society may have. The Society further agrees to require people paying for licensing or registration by check to have said check made payable to the City of Bozeman. 8 . The Society acknowledges that it may not charge the late filing fee for renewals that are timely made; that is, made prior to February 15 of each calendar year, and acknowledges that the donations made hereunder by the City from the late filing fees for renewals after February 15 of each calendar year shall be deemed full and complete compensation for the full calendar year even though they may have issued licenses and registrations prior to February 15. Additionally, the Society acknowledges that new licenses and registrations shall be issued at the set rate without the late filing fee being imposed and that donations received hereunder from late filling fees shall be deemed to have compensated the Society for their services throughout the entire calendar year. 9 . This agreement shall take effect as of the date of execution and may be terminated at any time by either party by the giving of two (2 ) weeks notice in writing to the other party. -2- '" ~ , .. 10. Any notices required under this agreement shall be deemed sufficient if made by writing and sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid at the following address: City of Bozeman P. O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59771-0640 Humane Society of Gallatin County P. O. Box 914 Bozeman, MT 59771-0914 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement at Bozeman, Montana the day and year first above written. City of Bozeman Humane Society of Gallatin County ,--~ .1 ,JA By '7ir~~ l{~rLUP4 Its ,;/ ( (l 'J . .' ity . Its ATTEST: (2~ 0:1 ~ Clerk of the Commission -3-