HomeMy WebLinkAbout94- Humane Society Agreement . . , .. . " ., ~ . . . . . l&.r~~Eg1x:.t.rr ~~rI{IS A(;RJ~;I,;,~1'II:;t~I':"e, entered into on this 1st day of J'uly, 1994, by and between the HUHANE SOCIETY OF GALLA'I'IN COUN'ry (hereinQfter referred to as Humane society) and the CITY OF BOZEMAN. WI'l'NgSSETH : WHEHEAS, the city of Bozeman requires an animal shelter for the purpose of impounding and caring for animals found in violation of City of Bozeman ordinances; and ~qHEREAS I the Humane society maintains and operates an animal shelter which s(;rtistC ies the nl;}eds of the City of Bozeman in enforcing animal related ordinances. NOW, 'rHERE:F'ORE , be it agreed: 1- (:9cr~ ...gnst.(:JJ~tody~_ ~T'h(~ Humane society hereby agreer::; to accept responsibility for the care and custody of all animals impounded by city of Bozeman authorized representative. The Humane society shall provide proper food, water and shelter for these animals. '') .Rg~;:_Qnl:;:,-; <!, . Any authorized City of Bozeman representative, upon impounding an animal, will provide a written record to the Humane Society, .to include: a. Date and time anima] 1,S impounded; b. A description of the animal by breed, gender, phys.i.cal characteristics, collar/tags and assigned identification number; 1 . . ~ .. .' .. . . . . . "r ...... :~.... '::\ J,.... .!; ~,'~-, ~,~""::__~1 ~';.:..s c r-. ~.,"Y"'\....-=1 :}nd ~.~,....., ....... ("'""'< r-'\""'" .p r."''''''' '-. .LJ........."........u tJ.,........J...v,~,J1. cti i.i, .4i.it:.A....L .L U UJ..i.-...,.i ..L,~U;..J...........l.l .LuL impoundment; Qnd d. Name of authorized city of Bozeman repn~sentative impounding animal. '1'11 e IIurnane society wil.1 provide a w.ritt"en record of the dispostion of all animals impounded by city of Bozeman, to include: il. Dispos:ition, date and ti.:me of same; b. Name, address and phone number of owners reclaiming their Qnimals. c. Name of Humane Society representative releasing or euthanizing the animal; and d. A month:L y .i temi zed account of all animals and charges for related services. 3 . IlPl,giJ19,." The Humane society hereby agrees to hold any livestock, fowl, reptiles, small bird or animal impounded for violation of city of Bozeman ordinances for a period of 1:0 u r (1 ) days, unless sooner claimed by owners. Any animal impounded for rabies quarantine will be held ten (10) days from time of the bite. l'he parties may negotiate fees regarding any animal held for a special reason, such as a court case, or cruelty investigation, but such negotiations must be done in a timely manner if fee charges are to be modified. 'I'he Humane Society shall not release any impounded anima,l to its owner without written proof that board costs accrued have been paid to the city of Bozeman. 4. EQQJ,'?: . 2 . .. , . . , . . . . The City of Bozeman shall pay the Humane Society the following fees on C1 monthly basis after receiving a detailed billing: a. One", 1'housand Five Flundred Dollars ("}IOO Or') per I~._~J . J month for providing access to, and maintaining, the shelter. r) . Ten Dollar ($10.00) impound fee for animals listed in Section 3, for the firs"t day of impoundment by an authorized city of Bozeman representative, and ( 1 ) Five Dollars ($5.00) per day, or part thereof, after the f.irst day, for keeping any dog impounded by an authorized city of Bozeman representative. ( 2) Four Dollars ($4.00) per day, or part thereof, after the first day, for keeping any cat impounded by an authorized city of Bozeman representative. ( 3 ) After the :fin3t day charge, there shall be additional charges no greater that a Fifteen "" Dollar ($15.00) total for any :!J"n;:;~l~ti1!1s!Q cat or litter of kittens impounded by an authorized city of Bozeman representative. c. Five Dollars ($5.00) per day, or pa:.t:"t thereof, for keeping any Ii vef3tock impounded by an authorized City of Bozeman representative. d. ~I'wo Dollars ($2.00) per day, or part thereof, for" keeping any rabbit, bird or other small animal 3 . . l " . , ^ ... < . , impounded by an authorized city of Bozeman reprc",sentati ve. e. Ni.n€~ Dollars ($9.00) for euthanizing and disposing of any animal impounded by an C1uthorized city of Bozeman representative. 5. Qi~nm~_~1_ uPb .,Q~{J,g.bn.imgJ-s: The City of Bozeman agrees to provide assistance with disposal of dead animals by providing free access .to th(~ City of Bozeman Landf.i 11. when necessary, city of Bozeman trucks will transport dead animals. 6 . hGQ~_~~t~L_JJ_!JJ]_mL~.~Q.~;:"igt:Y_bnilflaJ__SheJte;J;::; 'rhe city of Bozeman Police Department will be provided with key to the animal shelter for purposes of impounding or releasing animals. City of Bozeman authorized representatives having C1ccess to the key are to maintain shelter security by keeping doors locked and by following established shelter policies and procedures. 7. Texm_"_ The term of this Agreement shall be from the 1st day of July, 1994, through the 30th day of June, 1995. This Agreement will be reviewed by the city of Bozeman and Humane society in March of 1995 and appropriate changes will be prepared for a new Agreement to commence on thE~ 1st day of July 1995. For the purpose of reviewing this Agreement, -the Humane Society agrees to provide the City of Bozeman with financial statements and other records as required. 4 .. .. I . , ", ~ . ~ . . . IIUMANE: SOCIE'I'Y OF GALLNI'TN COUN'I'Y BY~____ 'I'HE CI'l'Y OF BOZEMAN I MON'I'ANA , - .~ ( .' )'. ~ " .... I. . ...' ) BY~i~~~...- ci y Manager 5 ~MANf ~O(ln OF. GALLA TI N · VALLEY 1111 Nom ROlilf' BOUMIN 'liT '\911\' 11061;8Ion~ May 30, 1995 ,James Connor Chief of Police city of Bozeman Bozeman, M'l' Dear Chief Connor, I am writing to let you know the current contract between the City of Bozeman and the Humane Society of Gallatin Valley will be up for renewal on July 1, 1995. 1 would like to make arrangements to meet with you to discuss the contract and the needs of the Humane Society. I will call your office to arrange a time, or you can give me a call at 587-2281, Monday through Friday. If you have any questions concerning the contract please call us. I or our office administrator will gladly answer any questions you may have. Thank you very much. . , I I 1)nll.1r' (; , h 1\ 1\ f",". , r"L'I1C'er"ely . .'-"/' )i',,' I.':) - ~ ,J J I "1 J )(i f" I I".!" i) > \ ~).. .. . .~_.'~-_-.-_n~"' ~.. rn-..----- . ./I?i I.' J",.I ( -". .' , I' I ( ..I?( ( \ / r/ ~~rt-c-'/ ~ I J /1 ;' (' ( . / ! 11 ' - _ ,l.~"" '/ / . "". ' l' .,) r .! ~~\ '( \ (/ -----_- _- . C ./ r.J -t / ..... ,,-)' \<'/) , }. /- l.;'~J""'----.,,, \ , ' ".' . ;} ~) '. /J , J)"("\ t ". Samuel A. Hotelllnl . _.l-"~i J ,_ - f ), il~; D t . D . t . 1 'I' I. - - f ~,' r:,xecu 1_ ve _ lIec or "l n r 1-" )I( I', ., /1' . " . \ Jl'-'( ill'l' Humane SOclety of Gallatln Valley ,", )1 r<< .";1 ( , ." /1')C;")H/i(l:; , I - ). ) ,,,-' p , . J 11 J J .. ) )1 '" i . cc: ,Jim Wysocki "T It' 'I - ,!1PI) i ," __', (in f 7 /." , Paul L,uwe I . f/((! 1/) -')~'\'-' ')(11,,),,' I I l .~' I, I D)l Ii ] )/C- I{ 1- / -' : i ' I_ ) / ,- ,- ,- I" ... C-;./ ., 'I ) } 1:-l1:':) I, ._. (')7J)I'/ ,_ '""\ I ~ I (1 . -,01' <: I , " , I Y ) J/' (I I, ,'-\ ,._A . iI/5.. _/.,." Y-p~'\\ I /) .J- ., ~;,. '/ '-.1 ---I l \' (" ' I L., '-)('1'- - A (' I'" r- (,/" ! ' ./ <( I j '. /'\ /.," In I ,vi I' r, f 1\1'1 II . . . ~MANf ~O(IH OF. GALLA TI N. V ALLEY 111\ Nom ROlllf' BOWlIN' ,Ill' \911\' (WISil on6 October 4, 1995 dames Connor Chief of Police City of Bozeman Bozeman, MT Dear Chief Connor. I am writing to see if you have drafted a copy of the new contract for 1995. 1 am enclosing a copy of last years contract, which is identical to the current one. please send me a signed copy as soon as possible If you have any questions concerning the contract please call us. I or our office administrator will gladly answer any questions you may have. 'l'hank you very much. :21Y'[O~ <: , ,_. l- .. -,.-- ~amuel A. Rote1lini Executive Director Humane Society of Gallatin Valley cc: Paul Luwe III (", I ,I! 1\ f'^l'[ fl ------ .~OZEMAN FOUCE DEPARTMENT " october 11, 1995 Samuel A. Rotellini, Executive birector Humane Soci~ty at G~llatin Valley 2125 North ROUse Bozeman, Montana 59715 Dear Mr. Roteliihi, I received your letter on October 10; 1995 that was dated october 4, 1995 r~garding th~ dontract between the cltyof Boieman and the Hum~he ~ociety. However, I did hot receive the cop~ of last years contract as yoU did not enclose it with the letter~ On June 1. 3, 1995 ,t.had ateiephone conversatioh with you regarding an earlier-letter that t received f~om you dated May 30, 1995. At that time we discussed the contract and both of us agreed the ctirrent contract was acceptabletb b~th of us. You fUrther advised me..that YOll WoUld send a letter stating the existing contr~ct was okay for the next fiscal year. I neVer received that letter. l3ased on our convers.ation ~i JUhe 13, .1995, I fel t the current contract was acceptable and that no changes would be made. I do not believe any further actiotl is heeded other than a letter from you stating the current contact is acceptable. Any requested or suggested dhahges lh the contract would have to be sUbmitted by FebrUary 1996 as my bUdget must. be sUbmitted during the latter part of March 1996. sincerelY, 11\ R.fhj (lo/v.; eA. Larfy conner, Chief Copy to: Paul Luwe, cltyAttorney connie Lien, Animal Control Officer SeTZVl11q S,,,ce AI"Ul 12; 1883 .. ~ . .. ~MANf ~O(ln OF. GALLA TI N. V ALLEY 11)) NOm ROU\!' BomAN' MI' 19i1i I IH&1181.04H - October 12, 1995 Larry Conner, Chief of Police 615 South 16th Bozeman, MT 59715 Dear Chief Conner, Let me apologize for the confusion concerning the contract. The Humane Society of Gallatin Valley feels the current contract is acceptable. I hope the Police and the Humane Society can continue to work together in the future. And if you have any questions please call me at 587~2281. Sincerely, ~(12~-- __ ~... . 'f'~~ Samuel A. Rotellini Executive Director HI "', 1,111\ 1'1\1'[ fl