HomeMy WebLinkAbout58- Bozeman Creek Drainage Cooperative Agreement , . . oJ '. . lJ SJft3VISICIf...Qe)) .tin ct. ot BQ_ BoTl..' creek BollIa COO~.~JUl~,f~" ~ !:JID us) 9! ~'&L"V~'" ~~.~ ~ms ~ of .~i'-ct??1 ~/rl 1-2'r-~ ~a'-1IiO ~. 1l1t~_ - of the Act of J't.1M 30, 1911,. (lP VIC '-98), lJettU.1I1 tbe united ItIt:Ma 0'1 ..rica, ~ tUousb 1_ fIPDG7, 'tbe P\x-'. aem.ee, Ua1W, ...... ~ of AptCN1tul"e, hel'e1.Dlltter re1'''' 'to... tbe Fond 811"rlAae, -. tbe Cltr' at 10...., . IlUId.clpa1. OOI'JOatle f4CMl'-tt" ~, ..... of....... 'b.en1a- after Nterre4 to .. tbII ct". "4""~: !S'WI 1. !be pertt.. beretlo eMb CIIIIl 1.& ... ~.... 111t.ld.1l the loll . , Creek 41n.1.nap, 041'''''1'' WOI'ldaI Cinle, Oa1J,&t4alIatl~'PoJW", ~".1.D 8Dd Pu'k Couat1"1 MoataDa, 91-' ... ..... tIftatI .. .... atUolMt he.-et.o ....... .~. ~ r..'.~""'vlI:lotl ~ ~....- iatllf-i1l1ln..... tbat. tM1r HJ*at.e ~'WI ~ lilt.... ~ .. be lION ettlo1ent17 aBd eoanad.aaJ.q h.-'l'" b7 ooo~ "'lo1 tat .. _ ~. 0QdIIfWl .... ....... 2. '!he CUr .. tilt ........, of . aal.. 'ta_ ~...t of - '" Agr1ou1t1\11'e _ JCW111!7 5. 1917, ....... bIW . ~Uift ~t to.. t.t. ~.. of ~ ." Vl~ ... 4Lll1I .'aupp1r' of tb8 01117. .!'be 1a\c1a 00Nftd ", tlDat ..,....., 11111" ... ~ti",'" ... _ lMdaM .... CD ..". ,"". .~' ,..: ',~.... ',:::,. :=\",~'. .. .:;i.:. i,' ';.:~.,. .'"."'">: . ., . . .. ,. , " . bb1b:1t A of th1. _...., aDd. 8&U lIP....., 1e .1\U11.a fUll tone" etten. !he ...4 .IIIIIDt 8P8CU'1ca.l.17-1ibt.wt... ~'\ _ \lie ot tM tf.... tNeJUl'Ce, COUVuot1oB of ~.. iJaOJ'V'f. ..... .. aJ.-o -.t.bori_ ~le ... ~ I'eCNatiQ1l&1 WI8 "" .. pub11c -- esree4 to l\r the Cl'\y. 3. .t1ae C1\y 1. a Joiat onitr ell ~.t_MtIJ 1M 0J*'&tJ.- u4 ~ or 'the IIrftI.c ,..... _ -' ~b .....wtWda 1M ... 4ef"1De4 in tbia ~, vh1ch .. ... NIM'I'OU 1a.uat 1D pwt :f'ol' ~ ~c ... to the ct_ ot :BoIeIraJ ...... 01" .... a." tor u.a- poJtias m&Wl1.&l.a -. ..~ tor ftP81I' .. ~..., of ..w. .... 4. Ia 0I'6tr iIc obadn ~ N'tiw.'Itt .. MId.eM .1drm. puW. beD8f1t.8, the C1t7 ..... .. Pore.".1UV1oe 1DMa4 to 101 ....s.r ~.... ~ .. ill eo 401Ds to p:IO'Mct lID4~r-i' .. ~e14 ...~~ ~.uca at 1lbe atenbe4. ,. The Cl\7.M4 tbII J'OJWt ~ .\1eU.en .. tile ~ ot bothpaJ't1ea, 'tbe1r ..... Cd' ~. u4 tile plbl1e will be beft ~ . 1M Jo1I1t p'--'na, ~t1I2a, .. ~ot . ou .1 'On .,.... 0'1 roeda Vi'tbf.D tbe ana c1et1n84 011 t.be ~, Elld.bit A, 10 tUt _ zwda YlU be duiPU0a'te4 .... ~ eu.ob I'OII4a wUl be ~ ... -.tDtaiM4 1D . ~r vbS.oJa vUl DOt ...... tba ~. Jlaw,tbefttore, it i. ....., ~ ...... \wtJlJa.. t1alt pUtt.., _to1.1Gna I.. ~ ~~S 'fhe cu,- .. tbe Ponn &emae vlU .... ~ to ""101 . __~, 11 __.eoua p.1e tor tbe l'M4 ....lDJ1N1f... to .. ~ b7 eltMr puoty ,. ," ,~, ~ ^:.. i/, ;'\'."'.;,,,:~, '." - "!:,'.'.:.~1l'?:,:';'~:~' -.- .----- . __".,__,u --- , , . . . 0;, V:ltld.a tile .... 6tt1ne4 in bb1b1 1; A. 8uoh p1aa VlU be dtmtlopl4, 1& aoeo1'11lDcHt v1tb eoUDd l~ftl ~r-r.z1.D8 "._nbe4 ~_"""I.>>1e.. Road. deaigu, w14tba, CNJ."Yaturea, ptIIItIa, temlD1 mJ4 4r&i~. RJ'uctun. eball, lneotar .. 1. prMUea.l, prwt.de tor.... proteatlon ot aU parUel- pati1t8 l8da ~ 1mp~ from .. ."...ot ~11 .1'08100, pI'Otiltcn ..,.. cbe>>U.l. ,.......... vaab~. or1M81r.~u,., _ ....... .... hazard and dm8ge at toreet firee &D4 1iutect pelte. II. LoeaUOD Arter plMe Un bea lII.a~l..ll~ esree4 \lJOD tor tJM dlmI~' ot . JlOa4 ,. l'Oa4 .,..tea _ be~ pJ.'OriW, 1ibe JlU"tl' iat'tii-".. eouttuOUOD will locate or.... to be loca1ltl4, BD4 P '.""\7 MJiIe4 OD tbe 6Jl"OUD4 Pr1.oi' to COU"tJ"uoUa, 8Uoh ~ .. aN ...... tor ita .......t operaUou, u4 for that purpo_ IIUJJ. bin t.be riPt, to tM ...... ~ by it.Mlt or .. -- of lDMp1D61nt COD'tnIellon, to ao .. be UpoIl ~ len4a otrr.l4I4 b7 t!W other l'artJ. WMD INCh locatlone ... 'marke4, rao'tifteaUon 1n wr1 tire V111 be pftD ~ to 'tbe otbllzo PIlV tOZ' ... ~ot ~y1ltc tile ~ location en4 4Ip'ft:i.Dc upon coutru.oUon ....aU.. to be rou..4. AppN"al of N.nal 1ocat1oaa tor aU ~ to be eouvwrte4 ,~ u t.be tene ot tht. acnement 8ball 'be in vr1"- 81pe4 l:W' bo'tb parti.., pl"OYtded., t.bat IUCb location rill be aonal..N4 ...,<<0'. aner' tb1rt;J', (]D) .,. fftatbe date of auoh notlt1oaUo1'J, un1e"obJeat101l 1. .... v1'tbSa ~ tt.- _ the ower of' the lut8 croaMd. .. 3.. . "~,:~:,:~, "'/~'k:,";'),.;{',~/. . "':',. ,. .' 'if','~ .;; "l~...." ' . . '(', m. aeob~ ~~~ 'UBI 1I'MD 8D7 IOlII ~1ate4.. \h1I .....-""'qt; .-.u.... ... looM... .. 1IppJ."CMId, 1lbe ~ Wbo 1. to ~ ..... ..... abaU __ ...... tbe riP"', .. lu.lf 01" __ -.nil at ~ ~ to SO ... be \qIQI1 tbe ~ ovtW4 .. t.be otbu' paI"tty tor the JilUI1"W of ~ IIUCh Z'OfI4, u4 .... 8UCh P8l"V IIh&U .... tile 0*- 1Mt" .~......... 1.... 1Mb, tel'tbe mabrt..~"". end tbe jofDt U8e ~ __ tM pM'tt._ .. tbe1r l"NPHU.... verJd8e.) la...., UO~.'." ..~. Tbe Forte, 8ert1oe vUl pwrt lIUCh t'ishte-of..".,. v1'UwJu't cJa.use, 18 tM toN 0'1 ....Ul1 '*' peNlta a>>Jt/or lIU:pu..1.IRi0D8 ~ ..... .....he of 1DcN" .... ...... ft8b.1;e, 1___ -'bor11l84 '" 1_ ],.,a _ ....t.tOlW.tbe ct. aIa&U ...-t 8UCb rtpta-ot-YI\Y witbou't cb.u8e izl ~ 1I1th .. .... toN __.. to ... .... .. pa;a:'t lIeroot _ lbIta1'blt B. \JD1eu otbuwSJle .....,..."1' .1." to, .u ~ .tfm'hAwr cnt' at .. 1De1i8noe ot ODe ~ vpa l"OIIt! ~ 0VM4 .. the .... P8rtf' IIlaaU be pa14 tor at. I"Me8 ~ be1DI p&t4 tor .Il"f'. 't....14 ll\Y tbe ~~, ....,.. .11& .,.... or ~ ..., OS' wt 1D loc lv.watM. till ...ka4 OIl or Deal' tbe ~.."., tor 4U.PoIa1b1' .. QiUMI'. IY. ~.- - SJo~ w,o.". MOl" to each ~ ..1.1. or 011 01' ~ .... 1 of ...,.... tMC1'1 t41d the Forwt lerI10e IbIU Jo1J1-u, .......... ... ..,.. upon a..a W1J.cU.:als J>~'" tor tibe --t.. ..... file o'bJ-""" vU1 .... 110 ~ 1lba't roate . vU1 be fIO",,-J.-\ tor ~. .. V1U ~J bav ... .... vtU be ~, bow eeoh ,l*'tr vUJ. .,... to. ~ 1.... ....... ot ~ -4- ~ '~,. . . " . , cofl1i8, ... 101ft .. ot.bIr ~ )III'UDeat. '. ... onNJ.l .obJ.u.... of tWa 8cVt1 -'1Ilat. IMhJOll4 1fU1 'be ~..... _ . ...... __V- ....1:ri4ual. ktaUe4coo.puatt:" ~ J Itml." ....... .. ~. o~~, .... ~ fd each roa4 riU ... 1A~ac1 .. ....w. .. 'bcrih ,.ni.. to tId.a .-.1Xl -.rrt.. 8,,-~~ &Dol apu:I' I'MIIa wt'tlda tM awtefta14 _ IIIIdblt .. lUll be OOD8V\loW"" 'Ute JUtW' 1Id.~""''''. ~ .. tMU be glJ'allable for use of tbe o1Iwr .-'f 110 -.u .... V. [,t V1tbcNt, ~ UMpt, toz' tbe ~ ~Tnof. 'UD.lJMa otheft1. ~ 1D tM eped.fU laIt.~.N8I ~-'1lT-n. to ,.. ......... 1Jdlo .. ......~" ........... 1t 1. ~~ .... ..... ~'. p:ro .... .... of 1'01I4 ~ coote wUl.......! ,..... upca ... 'iM1. 01 .. ~ ot 'tota\ ~I. of" II'l'd>>. AMNi .~ Jlllul ...... ~'I )ftor to the ~1'Iftt. tit aut....... ~. 1tIU ......,.n.tw Mr..... of ~'I".....rctal ton.. :a..t owa.!ll9' __ ~ w1Wa ..... WlDe4 in 1Ib1'btt.A 1& uto11Gwa: l'onat Iew1.oe 11, m ........19J -~; ;'el't.y 6t'~~ i;"..' ..1aS!!2 aoru or ~1" "{'A':":':.': .,". .J;.;,,' total lA,851 .... ADd tbat .. '--' ....... ..... at... I'IIlIl ~ ... .. .......... .." ltt ~ of 1M toW ..... of ~. ,,"'t.......u be 19/1"'- tile 01_'11 ... . ......~ 1a ... _ ~ aIrIlIU. be .-. It 18 tunlIier ......s ___ JlIIII"t.lH ....... ... .. ........ fw .. ... CGU't:'W:UOD will be ..",..... .___~,)" ........ .. 1a Vlttllal prior to ''':} -~.., .. . . . , .(. coutN.crt1on. ......., e1.....~ to ilta.U ".l1Jak~ .. ~ .. 1014 to ..biaMI' at~1Irt. ))I'OV'1.... tbat. .. 1IlII1t1-.l toft. of ..........u. to .. hi... ~ I1IeU be bol'M 'by 'tile ~. 11d.U..,. .. .........,.. v. ~~I[J~ Prior to tbI .-n or .. ~ 11"l1f~, OJ" ce or IiboUt Marob 1 --.117_ ..Q1.___1'*- __..-.u ~..... tIII-.......... :plan fur t.be ~. If 01 ther };C"ty 18 .. sole \1I8r .of .. roa4, 1. t will __WIlD INCh. ~ at 1_ .. .~.. ... to .....ant ~~11J' ~~a4 __ both p&l"U.ea 'bI.tt ~ to a "f"'" lit- "-~ll .. OI't~_nT ~. It tbeN 1. .. \Mt ~oiat WIe. of,..... .. ... ....... w1U...._ *ieb IIlIaU be ft""b1e t\w ....... ....',.-r ... JMra1l PM'tir .. I. 0GIl....... .11 tile .... ta _____ CON OIl. t.be .... of ~ of prorIueta .... ~ 0Mr 1lbe ~. MnIa04a .. .... of J tiLl"" vUl lit .. _ 1Ue be ep'WlI upoa .. .. ~.. u.alJ'C_4 ......%t 1. .......,.. tbM... adju......1n tile plM -.y 'be :r"9,tN4 . ... ....... opeJ"llt.1ou PftIINI8. MI'tII.o4a of 4eMJ-1~'. the ,".1-. ...,... viU be "",- -j Otlt b1 .nu&L '41 II - ._~u... ',,:,:;.~ '{i).. VI. ~P,. Q.!! T.be C1 V M4 tbe Pofttrt Ierr.I.OI ..... .. ....atitcID ... of ___ ~.... .... ~~",rll 'bI''' ~ vS.U bit ~nJ<r<q.""'tIIe ~... plaa1~ttt. __ .___ beeR IeleoW. ... tMWu.. for __ u.I8 .. .w. pnri.... ~ .. ~laW tD ,.eoopen.U,.. IPlllnrkf. of ~ 5. 1917. t.lD1d1 tIUeh U. _ 1"1IOl"Mt1....1 tlIel11Uee.. pftPW'1W, tl.U ct. .... l.tm1t publto u.... It'.'" &A~t1aJ........... tM....... l'Oe4.,...... , , . .',+:":'~ . . , '. ' ' .~ 1'he pt4ll 11111 ba'nt . prov1ll1Ql\ tor eoG." b7 ott1o:i.'. a4. ~ .f" Citi' ~ tbIa lorut 1wv1.cM. tbe1Z' ~ aDd .~. A1I. ~ 81p .-u be ~. at w.. P" iaf'omI.DI "lW paW" t.l:l.due of ...... 18 Um1 te4 under 'tum8 at 'the coop8I'at.1ft . l_.-t ot .1...., '.1911. fba C1t7 wi,U be ~b1a tor uec'U.>>ll u4 ~ w.. .san. VII. ' ,_., ,.':"'-:'1: t,flmageoent aDd han'eet o~ nat10ual torwt Umbel" wiU 'be lDaccor4atoe Vi th currD't Porea't 8Wriee 41Not1..... for' '~. mi. nlt, -.1 bu~ at "t~ _ umle1pa.l ~. Dnat1acl ~ tot' ~I~t.ot +........ to W cut., ,..,. .-tho48, ... lMati<s ... ........., ....... ~~.u_ ... a.1Mll 41.,.&1 wiU be ;lu"MIM\ 1a ... +'1~ -.1e ~. Oaerel obJeot1yee ..... pOl1clM vId.aIl will .. totl11114 1a ........... .. ............. ...-1:-.1 tOl'Wt UIiber -.1.e 0011..... ... 1. "'''IJ>~ ~. \f~ t.o be ~I lIot f:1fW ..~ (50) ~ of .. ~ voluIe v1U \Ie :NIr111'~ 1Ja b 1I1tt1a1 cut.. PatelI. c~ eu~ of __ __ to ...... f'ol1r (110) .... 1d.U be ... ~. ____.at.v !i11.............'_r .tll.......:. Ju.as.w-t of t..bt ,....... 811rri.oe, aUrtcu1:wnl OJ" .......... ~ obJecU'fta Vin M 'bet'- ..--..... It. I'U'lp at ....... "........ 7' ten v14t1 v1U ... Wt Ob ..... ..... of ... "~f.. .... 2. J~_.~I 3...,. ....1Mt. 1dJ.l .. .tIIe ..... II8'IIba4 of logS.. ~. 0UlW MtWa 1Ja011&tSras ............tIU.r.t& ..,. be 1'.P8t1na."l' _~ ill ~.... ....1J.apM. leU ..'7- ,," , . - , ' , <>:, cbanlcteft.~lo. .. otber coa4f.ttou aN __ 'tiIqR"-ln.ble ~. ...."iou vtU DOt M &'ttenI4 ~. Vbe tnatoJ"t1d.44UIs u ., l~ u....,8)led.t1o IUt.} t.. .. to 1oeaU0I'l:t gralM, ~ ~s1DI. M4 ~ ......... tor ek14 traila 11111 be lnal.u.W 111 '\be t.1aber .... oontnln. 3. 11oaI1I : AU ... J..oGaUou.. nar .. IIIlIIl 8I*1n..-t4'*' v:Ul be ~e4 in ...... 0' ~. AU I'CII4a will be ~ ISO .. 110 1lI1nhdM tbe -~ or ...--. OftMMti.., uUU_ .sid.." ~ .. l"NUl\ 11\ m1~'lJJ. 'heoleflbpt 41___.. lpM1t1catiou 1d.1l proy14e tor .11 ,,.,. o~ 'Ua:nuP ... of cul..-rt.. ..... bre&Im, 41pa, 0UW1.0p1rc, .... ~, OI'.otber ........... -- 8D4 ......,. ...... vtU 'be OIl conour J..oGaUou .. ~ to .. ...~ V14tb ~ _* ~t~ baulit. o't ~f~ 111 ol'der .., M8 .. Un. .. I'tk1uce4 to 1tle. PNCUctIble .bltMUll.. 4. ~ ~m_u.1 J....,.. to w1~'''. uoAeD ...... rill be requ1N4 ~ ..,.. lW. .... ill ., trMDt JX7t l.a't.er t.ba ... cm4 01' each ~ 1'1"11111I'>1\ 0Jl the ... anA I084a attecW by ,,..,. 1& that ..,.... lit....... l"8tJdn4 to .... ..... ~ to .. pJ'MUoable m.lJd.aa (8 1"084s ... lid.. tNll11to P"'f-' .11 JJOt'...u .. .4 1ft ~ ~ft OG'IV .... 1IIolufe lilt.... 110'\ NaVle'M4 to tbI to.l1aw1.Ds: (1) ~ ot....CD ~..., .......... tipe .. C1'OU dltche8, (2) ou.~, JWOVa1 of..... 0'1 Vou8h- -0... -----.-- . ~ ' . . . , 11 j ~ f t(:- ..., OOD8VucUOD of va.tu 4'Iopou.d P'Mt. ot 1..... e1.ub OIl cut .... tul eloJeIlD4 _ ak14 ~J (J)twW.1I'1D8. -~,~. aut IOII'1Dc of ..... .... all teo<<t." ilN't 1DIft11 IJ..apt8 .. otMJo 4t~...., ... (4) ~ ot 1"014..,...., """.... atru.ctufte ..." ~ OQJ1tJo1 f'tIoUI...... ca aU l'OaS1I tbat. 40 DOt __ ,.~~ on...tnt..-, "blMI' aa1e cont1"8cta v11l NfJd8. t.1Iat ftll8 ... ~ _.... cu1'm'ta be I'aMKt fl"CIl ..tu.ral ~ ~... ".,. aJId IU.Oh Cftw", be NftoN4 to 1M1. f'ofteJ' ccaUtlcm .. ...~ _ 1. ~. ,. ~ 4t~1 BUUI\ ~ wtU 'be 1111. J.4i~ ia . ..... tIaat VlU r.......'. ~ 4tI'MtcW1PN'b~. w....,~. t1JW ......" .. ....,t....I.~. ......... 01' ~.. v1ll be QI4 ~1116 QIl -Rills ....UOU. .. UI'Jdu 1ibe met ~. OCIDIU.Ucme IIO't .... __ ,0 ~N IllL~ ..ot ... CJ.'GQIaIl auftIoe Ylll bI 418\Urbell __ -w-~... 1lO'UoB. 1M City ...... tbat ~ J ,L ... ~ of il1... _ C1~ ~ ::,;;/.:,;.;'''- vtthin the aNa 0CIV'eftKl ~ th1s ...... VUl be ~1.-t ~ 18 tbe - ....~r .. heftt.,l1..w. t1Hor1'Mct tor.. DM...-.t roz.t 1a4a. VUI. ~ Irot.l~ 1'he ttn baar4 .... ~ eon. vl1l ....0 In. .. __ V1t1l .. ia1uau.c of l.osI1>>8~. MoM ~_ ftn ~OD _.... vU1 beo~ .....1tal7. Priol' to lrd.tid4.., ...a CIGIIItnotl_or '..., ..9- ., ~ ... j I ' . ' , 1Ibe C1V MMl the Pol"e8t 8eniee Il8Ne to >>NpeN ... _J:MVVettn ~, Pft8UP~ ... ~OD ~ eoM1....... ....~. to ~ ~ the .1AtIIU attecW tv' IUOb openUou. IX. Ko r llfl'bw 01" 4&1... to COZJINN Mall be tIIIII1t~ to ..,. ...... or pWt of tJai. ~t, at' t.o .,'beIft't 'tlIuA -r ..... ~~ '""'" it 1. .... With a OOl'pOl"aUon tor 1t.a SGMNl 'benet:lt. x. I~ C01l't&1J:le4 .......... 8baU 'be ~ . W........ .. Poftat Ien10e to JJ.PeD4 in ..,.n.aoal ,... .. ... ta ..,.. ot ..~J.at1.. ..,. br CoDere.. tor tbe,'t t1-.al ,... OJ' to 1avol.ft * ~~ 18 .. or:atna't or other M\HrUonfor the .fUtunMlfIl8ll4' of ... In..... at ~t1ou. xt. In COI'lDIlCUoa vs.'ti.Il tile pute".,.. fd....... w.. .-t, '\be CU.\'V' ~ Dot to ..~ .....nn .. .-."lGfWOI" awUout tfW ~t ..."..". . of ...., fill...,.... ~. .. Jla't4IJ11 d, .......... af'oIaat4 ........ aball .,.1,. 'but UDt. be l1mlW to t.be~: ~, ~, demoUOD, or ~l nezu1'ti111eDt or NONt'bIeDt.._ ~..., larott Gl" 1ieJ'm1Dat1Q1lJ .-- o~ P-.r 0Jl .<Aber roe. or _~."lC1lJ .... MJ.eeUoa .foao val". laclu.v-. ~ceab1;p. '.rile Ct. ..... ... pon Mnatter 1a ~lcnaou.a ~ ....1alJJ.e .f'or~ .. ..u.... for lIII!P'iJlf I )i, aa1r1oea to be PIW1cle4 b;y tile ron. Ieme. ~ twtlhtbe Pl"OV1e1oa1 of tbt.DOD41I1U"1m'1Mt1_ c18uR. -10- 0'<1';1'-' Y' ""~ - . ~., . . I , , .,i 1 . ~ .... . IlIe Cl't7 ~ lINN to t-rtlrt1 tbe ,..,.. pzrorW_ 1. all ~ ~, ....ot ~u tv ~ _1 lIJ1Ual,-..u.. or ~ .~. m. In~ vlth 't:.be pertonaeaee of IIV" ....... "11 rn, .. CUr ecr-. Mt .. 1IBplo1-.u.ow ~ ..., of_ ~~ UIJIr:rso1lll --.c. of 11l1pZ'1~ 1.... a'....... 1aber. XII! . Bab ~ DIllY .. 1IIld1n.... bJ IUWal +~, .... ~.-..., 'by ~........ of tba partt.. :PJ'Ori.... t.II&tClOll~ ~ IIlInof .. ~. ........... XIV. ltd.. ....-u .-u be ld~f.. UJilOII .. ct"'"' s.... .......... up.... ... u;pon tu l'oI'N\ llII'r1.ee to tIIa ...... 1Idi&Iorl.... .. ... Jlll8Ulat.. ..... aeta o't Coapea.. Dl wn:.. \r~"""J 1;be.)IIIr1d.......... __..'tll __ ~ to be ....W bf' _11'............_ ,.....,...atcCit..... __ aa4..,.-,......-, tlti. ~ t1J"t\. .,.. VJI'ltteD. V .J. DllAetlU.,. MDIlQUI4VBI ,..... Iel'ftee :'~~~ 'c.. _"'..~.-- '~ ....'. '.. .Clftor'BOZIIWf ":~~p~-"~:~~~ _P. / ..11- .. ",;", ,~';~V~~~~', ,~ ".,-,"" I B'Q:,.. ,'",. ~ 1t. · A "kTrg~ g ~ /v~1 i ~-~*"~'\,~ ~", ~ ~ j (;p" \",~'~ E ;-r[, ~/~ ~ I~ : .<II J J' 1. --~~ ~ ~ I/ i '" ~..,~' ,r> IBozerr!3'n PaW' ~ _ h h ~1"\" 1 !~ 1'-"1 '- ':' /y' '1" it D '- 3 !. ""_~" -/ ~ ' MA TUNN L'- HOP ERS 'li\ 1 '""'- .' ,,\ _..ff,~' ' .,' ---' "IR ~O""A C'~ : "---- i :iH' I -;;;;JJ. / 7~\ ~~ ~ff,'tf i ~"6,W:\ \lat~' ~S' ~ ~/ I'll' , _ ~ ee L 1--, M LI. LIS...' V '" -y---- i..... ,______. V I I' "'" _.~G/~~r '.' 1[J' .~. ASE.,' Ac ,a-MY. ./~~ E. CHE. T/tuJ. ~ ,,\~~ I 1../ 1 ' i COKE ~K,' C' ~ ~ ! ,\, \ :LJ' i '" I V ll~;" "% I....~- ~~{ I. ; ,"tlVE:S~ ,,r!! '. ' -"1'e.;:............ ' ^ . . , 1/"" -"'~-c:.- ---------T' . - )' ! ,\ - --11;---1-- ~ PAT/7 f:RSOI / 1------/ mi' bJ '\ ~ L':" 0".,. -.i. I ....::~./ _ L ,/" ,T ,rake' \i' \:.~ .r" 't \\:...... r-_ j fOAL ~ '.__f '- ,I 1'\ I 1 i . ! .~~y ClTTE1--i.U, , .r,,' ~ /1 /' A", i ' ......~~ 1 qINE'X ~__-~ ,() i\ :,,' ." i I 't~" CHA~ M TH~" ~,' /,,,,'! \. / !:"f\:,.:.:::... ..~, . . , I " r-fi ~. \0.. PAC I: ~ 0"" ,::' ", \ \ i;~~~.,.' ~.,~}-. 1:-:,-;--.' WAc;.".. "\C"OK~.I:- \ '....~I.-,___ ~71\1./ \ "",11 _,,- I ih -:S.; ! '-' -----'('o-x \, .- '//' \, [1 L I ~ OVEn!" \ . 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TCH Y 0 j \..~, ____ -~ Exh/I;/t B ... ' .. .. i . . , . . M-1539-RI (REVISED 1957 RIGHT-Of-WAY DEED THIS INDENTURE, ~DE THIS DAY OF , 19 __, BETWEEN A CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF . AND FULLY AUTHORIZEO TO DO BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF , GRANTOR, PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF , THE RECEPT OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART DOES H~REBY GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY UNTO THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AND ITS ASSIGNS AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES FOR A HIGHWAY TO BE LOCATED, CONSTRUCTED. OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE UNITED STATES AND KNOWN AS THE _.' PROJECT NUMBER , ON. OVER, AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PREMISES SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF ., STATE OF BEING FEET IN WIDTH ON .-- ..'--~- SIDE .OF"A-cENTERLINE MORE PARTICULAPLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: -:oj PROVIDED, HOWEVER. THAT IF AT A~ TIME THIS EASEMENT, OR ANY HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTED THEREON, SHALL BE ABANDONED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHTS AND PRIVilEGES HEREBY GRANTED SHALL CEASE AND TERMINATE AND THE PREMISES TRAVERSED THEREBY SHALL BE FREED FROM SAID EASEMENT AS FULLY AND COMPLETELY AS IF THIS INDENTURE HAD NOT BEEN MADE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE SAID GRANTOR HAS CAUSED THE AFORESAID TO BE EXECUTED IN ITS NAME AND ITS CORPORATE SEAL TO BE HEREUNTO AFFIXED THE DAY AND YEARS HEREINABOVE WRITTEN, ATTEST BY SECRETARY PRESIDENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ) ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) ON THIS ~~-~ DAY OF ---, 19 -------> BEFORE ME . A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF PERSONALLY APPEARED - --~. KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE OF THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT SUCH CORPORATION EXECUTED THE SAME, .- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY H~ND AND AFFIXED MY OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR IN THIS CERTIFICATE FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE UF ..~_.__._~r___ -'~-~--'--- . RESIDING AT ._---'~,~-~~.- .~----~--,-~-- -~'- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES .------------~~~-,-~.,_._-,,~-_. I . . --' . " ,-,., . U SU"VI8IOlI-Ga.Ua~1n Ct_ of 110_ Bo.-- Creek R-'. IU.....-r 10. 1 to coonun:Y.I .Ml~ ,. O{MINCfiCII, JIA.II'lBWfCIl Am> USE OF ilOADS II TO BOPaU CBIIK DlAIlAGE, BALUrm NA'lIONAL POUS'l :mIS SUPPLDOIII!AL MJl~-w6, WIde .. en1iered into th1. 1/9~( .. of 't(f-tt.f.-nC-dl1:j , 19 t"y, by 84 between tb8 C11yr ot BoMll.18l1, . am1c1p&l - qor.pora'tiaa of Gal1aUn County, Ita1'At ot McataDa, he:re1natter referred. to as the "Clty" 1114 'the Forut. le1"Y1ce, Un1:te4 State. ])epartment ot .Agr1oultul'e, here1Dafter referred to as "JoN8t leniee", WITD'SSI'.l'H : WIrEEAS, on I/rCJ..('1~.jbV /,9 , 19U; 'the City entered into .. Coopefttt,.. ~t v1th the Porut lerrtce tor the construction, maintenance u4 1188 of 1"OII4lI 111 the Do.... Creek 4ra1Dec., Gallat1n National Foreat., QaJ.la1;1n and Park eounue., ~, ud ~BAI" the C1't1 ..." the Foreat Serv1ce entered into a cooperaUve ~~t tor.. roa4 8U1"'Ie:f in the Eo..." Creek drainase and said survey baa been completed, and 'WIIJREAS, the Foreet 8erv1ce baa tHUd a apec1al \1M perm t to the ct't7 for conetrue't1on aad \We of _ acce.. ftNI4 to ICv8t1c Lake Dam to be lmovn as Roa4 No. V(9, aa14 roe4 to be on the looa't1oo as wrveye4 pul'8UIU1t to ea14 cooperatlft _l..-nt tor .. road aurn:y, 11I14 WH!lU:AS, the 01 V inteD48 to loa a portton ot 1't8 lan4a vi thin the area def1ne4 on the lap atteche4 hereto and..... a part of th1. acnement as , . , . t EJIh1b1\ A u4 in ca:n")'1rc out 1 ta l~ 1'\& ope~on. the 01 ty 1nt.eDda to conaVu.n or CCUI8 to be ~ _4 Roa4 No. m vb1ch will extend from tile eD4 ~ the n1at1D8 COUll. 1'084 in the ~ 01' secUOI1 7, T. 3 s., R. 6 I. alcmC Bo.... CJ:eek to ~e ta1Ia .. 1n tbe SBt lecUon 25, T. 3 8., R. 6 I., WDREAS, 111 IId41UOIl to ta. roe4 Q80U'lcalq bere1Mbove re:tern4 to u4 4et1DI4, there n.ll be n.eedecl ~ and spur roads vhteh. will be con.trwrted e.u4 UH4 ue1eaor.lbe4 in 8&1.4 COOperat1veAsreement dated tl;[t.f~V /.9. 19.flJtD4 wm:LUWI, 'the.ronat 8el'rice timber 111 tbe ~ Creek 4ra1Dase 11 to be lJ\it up for ..:Li .. . cODl)Jlt'U.t1" bid but'J C1d WIEREA8, 11; 1. tht IlUtual 4n1n of the part.1e. to tb.18 ~ tha't the cap1 tal iJIYUtMnt IIl84e _ both pwt:l.el 1D the cOl18'trUction of 8814 road be equ1~ pI'Oftte4 bet1llle the City .. the J'ore.t Sen10eJ NaN', ~J 1t 1. acree4t 1. 'l'bat tbI eatd l'OI4 10. fflabaU becaIe pert of' the nat10nal 1'o1'8.t road .,... .. ahaU be oautl'UCte4 to Foretrt lemoe Slf-la. ~ in Meo'" aDOe with foJ'll M-at25-Rl 8D4 "'plJC1:N.C!aUonI tor IDs Haul Boab", bot.h of vtdch ate arrt".to u4 baN'" .... . part of thi8 agf\I.-ent~ except that the City rill 1n1t1&JJ.r conatru.ot the 1"084 onJ.r to 'that .taf'l(lU'd 4ellCnbe4 in t.he spec1al use pest to the C1 V 4ated September 7 J 1956, at.tache4 to ... herebJ ... a part of' WI ...~t .. E1rb1blt B. !I.'be sa14 road 10. 979 eball 'be ~lete4 to 8-1'" .tw'Vwoda b7 iii tber or both parti.. as c1roum- .teD.oe. III\V pnacrl'be. fte 01 V anA the PoreR luvice ... agree to kHp .2- . I , . , . . I cClllplet.e .... accurate~ti.QIl coat l"ftOrd.e .vb:l.oh nco1'tla .u.u be IJUbJeot to awU.t by the otar ~ ~ esre--vt t'beftto. 2. ~ the J'oRllt lftYtoe .... ot tile W iotal ccmaVu.otioQ .up ebaU be tulll' ..u.t1_ 'bJ' the JI'oreri s.Mce tu.nd.1h1JII the _terialtor but DO't ~U1.. tile ~'~.Ht, ant.... ~. 1'01' eat4 l"OlI4, proY1cle4.. ~t. ......t Qt n.14 _terial III&U I10t UDMd 19 plIrcent o~ the total cotrt or said initial eonstzouot1oa etIIp. '1M 1Di t1&1. IttItp ot c:oatrtnot1on Itba1l be oaaplete... the _4. roM baa 'bIeD.ecutJ:uc'ted to MpUo ta1ce D8m to t..be ~ apeotft. 1D bh1bl" I. 3. That t.III to1ia1. 11611:tlOM1 ...wuatioa coRa nee4ed to 'better 'the aaid roa4 to ..1Ja. ~11lOU1"N4 bt el1ibR ])U'tJ' or 1ts OOJ1"tnetionatter tbllnS:t1al cautn.n1. .... 1.. ~, wUl be ehan4 on the 'buil of acl'8tlPot CClIIIID8rOlal ftmta1; ,.. CM'MICt __ euh ~.. 4nc:r1Mc1. in Section IV ot All CooptraU... JCr'1T11I~:t Iate4 ~'-fn:.44V 1,1 ,19.fr. An .eettmate of euah -'41t1oul COl1IItNn1on ooate .Mall be. made an4 &greed. to in v:r1tiDs "" \)otJa. partin ~w tJd:tlat1nc IUCh ll4d1t1oaal couvuot1on. 4. .7.'U;t 1;be .~ of .w. 'tiOD&l coat D88C1e4 to 'bZ'i12C tbe tat tial road to ...14 ~ aIIall OGIP'iaeeM1t1oria1l\11"N7 ... 4H1&D, a441tlcmal eonatruction 1I'Ie1u41nc .aatt1C1Da1.~ f'8c1UU_ P\"O'I1w, anc11D1u"ecl by e1tbe:rpal'tf', ... ewu .t 4lftO't aoutruetton w.pervll1., but lIh&U DOt iaolwle anrbe114 ....... at . ....N1 olpld._UGII&l ~. .,. . . , . . J ;.. !hat titter tbe ea14 roeA.. 10. m.. bem ~ ~.." .tan.... u4 .rter .. _...n by brih p&rt1_ .. to tot&l td41 UGD&1 oOU'tl'uot1= coati 1acuneA b7 ... pa:rtJ,fIIJ1I ,,~-\1'" :pont.eIl of e1iibe puty' a abaft of .. eon. rill 'be. pa:I." 'to 111M otMI:' pII'tJ' .rt.1 Ue4 1:10 IUcJ1 ~~.. 'J.'he 01 ty agree. to pq ., .fIQ.Ch .-~-t1.... 'balance to 'UIe J'orMt 8errio. 1D e4v8ee or .. turtbIJo .... of Mi4. n:NI4 ... .:1.". ttaber ]lUO.bMen. .".J'onat ..l"Vi..~_..tat ." \1UIIQJ't1.....porUon otl't.1 .... of llUoh coate Will be. pel4 .. .. or .... otber 01' . e~J)&'tJ.oa ot the to1.lollr1al 'two ~s .. B7 PIrIiI* aU or ., put of 11&14 uMIIOrt11e4 "'-' .~. from t\m4a ~... __ ~.. fbI' tile UIllI oftbe Ponst 8en1oe. b. By ottedltl -'1-.1 tozut tf.mber tor ..:Le ana Ua the IQJpt'&1Hla ot ft_ \., ~ 81' -.lri.. .,..U'ta e:u..nuo.. :per tIIGuaD4 boUl fHt; f'OJ' .... ..,nt_10ft wbS.ca e.1.lcJwMoea will 'be Nff11N4 to be pdel to .1M 01.... * ~ .,_a :aatloaal .~ "..... 1Aa total llDIJI .. tit ___ of .., _of _4 l"OIMl b1' .&14 ~ef Da't1Claa1 toren Umber. fta. 1'ona't 8uv1oe ~ acnea t.IIa, 1t vlU,v1tb1a five (5) pan fra'rl tibe ute of We .IIlU.It~t O'ttffr tor' ale trom DatiODal toNat lID48 vi thin tal __ kt1Ba4 in M1'b1~ A at 1eMt ftve (,) m1U1oa)0u*4 teet of timber haD. vtd.cll ....... of tiDer tbrt ~ roz. .,. ~1_ tore8't .... ot ....... coat. ..,. be pd.4 e1tJler Ul1fbole or 1J'4 ;part. ...It... . , . . . I, 6. ..,.. *-. CUI' ......, wS:tb1D tt.... yeara of the __ o~ .1rtl1l WI ~.1~1U+'1 to o'b.... _ CJOJXVe:r totM Uai'W. Itatlea 1D eccon1eDoe V1th ....u.a 01 of ..s.A ~ft ~, of .~....e",x~~.1.,J /1, 19~.. aU ~__ ...... 01......... pt'1.,.~...0ame4 l8Db t""eNd bJ _4 1'OIlI1Io. 9T9. 1M ~. MrY1cua act.... to .~ UIa 01 tJ' one to' ,... ($1.00) fozo .... auaa _lrl'~.w&rtt.. In aMJ. t1oXl. to t.b.e uo\.... ~t&wClt.." the Cl'tqehall coar4I7 to the United ~ rish:t~ 1W ~ ... ......,. nl4a vtI1cb. t.raftl'M lMfI8 one4 b)"thc Q1_... wld.cb .. ror..t ~1.. ~. an ._Ied to pl'OVi" ..... to _U..-11WMt 1u4a deI'i.M4 in lbbib1t A. hob r18hta.of~ Vi11 'be 1ft the form ~r1'be41ta 1Id.4Coo:pent1Y8 .....t iIate4 Jtl..t??C-./c..v /f . . J 19..f!;, a4 lUll be Plt4 tor b;r tbe Pol"U't 8m."t14e at the I"&te of ... cIellu- (tl.oo) fOI' ... .. "'111 m",. 1'1le l'oNat. IIerY1ce rill t\1Itit.. tile en. tb8 ..._~ p18U or o__11a.e 4uU'lpU._ nee_..., t. :PJNIJlIri1tl eueh IMlll1lllU. ..,. CttJ' .-u. tun.tllb .. l'iaIlu-ot..... .. ...,.uti'" ..poa11t1e ...n.r NMlpt 01 . NfIlen ~ the :roreat lerv1... The J'oreat lerviee 1I1U arant ~...., _IOU natiOD&1 f'onlt lAm4s in . ' ___ wi. ..u ~.,. "-'L r -t ~ ~~"'=.hu (9 .. 19.a. 1. 'l'ba.. ~ 10 ... OpeI"atsae HUOn or OIl or about Ma:reh 1 ~.. tbe Cl. ... ~ ~ left10e 1tUl pl"!I'pUe a ~ plaiA tor 11M roed.IJ eOYVld . tb1....JmltJlt 1n ~ vttJl the ~ ..abed in ...... V of -.t ~.,. ....- ~ ~~ /.'l. , l~~ - "5~ . . , . . , . . , 11. S. DRAlfDOII'J! ,. NDIeutrfUU Forut 8al"Y1oe CHA8. 1.. 'l'EBBE, Rec10D&l Yorwter ., E; F, Barry Aet1Dl ifteciouJ. Fo1"'e8ter ~-- r.rr or BOZ.lJW'I A- ~~~ ,..~ ~ . r .,p~~ - ~ .- ..6.. . . K-2225_R1 (Revised January 1957) ROAD DESIGN STANDARDS Forest CIIJJ.a\ta Project name and no. 10_ oreek 1m Tennini CADV' Bead ... JCratio Lake Length miles ROAD STANDARD - CLASS Sl1h' Widths: Bunks ~ feet, roadbed 16 feet, surface 14 feet, turnouts: surface 2h' feet subgrade 26- feet W6'orir7J, $'{jf'ace _ iT'spe Irle .] 'j Note: Fill sections shall bS61 be designed, staked - l' Roo, 'bed and constructed 1 ~labiliz:ed Su foot wider on each side than shown to T yp ICAL FILL SECTION I TYPICAL CUT allow for settlement. I SECTION When the fill at the road shoulder is 100' .50' greater than 6 feet in height, add 1 foot to that side in addi- -tj- - - - - - ( - tion to the above. - Turnouts shall be intervis- ible and constructed on the "empties" side where prac- ticable. Spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet. (See reverse side for turnout Typical Turnout Plan widths.) Alignment: Wearing Surface: Minimum radius 200 feet. Width l~ feet. Depth 6 inches. Gradient: Type .ttanb-un - spot - Sustained maximum , % favorable. Sub grade Reinforcement: Sustained maximum % adverse. To be designed to depth-as needed *Pitch maximum 8 % favorable. below top of subgrade. *Pi tch maximum 4 % adverse. Show both favorable and adverse grades on logging roads. On other than logging roads cross out the word "favorable" and the entire line marked "adverse" in each case. Approved: *Not more than 1,000 feet in anyone mile. Cut Slopes: Fill Slopes: Name Solid rock 1/4:1 Common 1-1/2:1 Ti tle and date Hardpan. soft rock 1/2:1 Rock 1-1/4:1 Name Common, slopes over 55% 3/4:1 Ti tle and date Common, slopes under 55% 1:1 Name Common. outs under 3 feet 2:1 Title and date I . STRUCTURES (AASHO CLASS): . Loading LOCATION: Roads shall be located and staked.or otherwise designated on the ground and shall be approved by the forest supervisor before construction begins. TURNOUT WIDTHS: Bunk Top width Width sta- width surfacing bilized subgrade 8 24 26 10 26 28 12 29 31 14 31 33 16 33 35 *BLIND CURVES (Both Vertical and Horizontal): Double track to full turnout width plus specified curve widenin~ for entire length of blind curve or until intervisible with next turnout. EXTRA WIDTH ON CURVES: Widen inside shoulder of curves - 400 feet divided by radius. SUPERELEV ATI ON: ~t Superelevation - feet, Logging Curve radius Regular Favorable Adverse 100-300 feet .08 .04 .02 300-400 feet .07 .04 .02 400-500 feet .06 .03 .02 500-700 feet .05 .02 .01 EROSION CONTROL, CHANNEL CHANGES AND BORROW PITS: Shall be included as a part of the road design. Specifications covering details of construction may be attached to these standards. *Blind curves defined as those having stopping sight distances less than the following minimum : At 20 miles per hour - 125 feet; at 25 miles per hour - 160 feet; at 30 miles per hour - 200 feet; at 35 miles per hour - 235 feet; at 40 miles per hour - 275 feet. ..........---........ I. See Section lOb-l . SPECIFICATIONS roo. too HAUL ROADS I. Clearing and Grubbing A. ~ber to Be Saved. Merchantable timber on all areas staked for . c . ~learing shall be felled, tI'immed of limbs, cut into merchantable lengths, and placed outside the are'a to be cleared separi.t~J.y from other refuse, or shall be removed prior to the start of grading operations. B. Area. The area to be. cleared and grubbed shall be the entire area between lines four feet outside .of the grading limits, eXcept as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2 below. , . ~. 1. Where fills are placed on slopes steeper than 50 percent, the edge of the area to be cleared and grubbed shall qe a point on the slope line of the fill, said point being the lo~st on the slope line that is four feet vertical distance above the original ground line; provided, however, th3.t no clearing line so established shall be closer than four feet to the edge of the roadbed. 2. A wider clearing area than specified above ~ be determined desirable for any of the following reasons and mutual~ agreed upon between the purchaser and the forest supervisor. a. Prevent trees on the uphill side of the road fram falling or sliding onto the roadway. b. Allow more sunshine on wet sections of roadway. c. Improve sight distance on curves. d. Provide additional clearing width on the lower side of the roadway in which to pile the spoil fro~ clearing and grubbing for future burning. C. Con~1ruction Methods. Clearing may be by dozer or any other method the purchaser may elect which will give the specified results. 1. Small scattered pieces of wood may be left in the designated area for clearing and grubbing, provided none is left in the ditches or the top 12 inches of the roadbed. Such pieces left shall be less than 4 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length. 2. Generally, all stumps, roots larger than 4 inches in diameter, and matted roots shall be dug out and removed from the area desig- nated, except that stumps at points where the embankment is to be more than 3 feet in height may be left in place, provided they do not extend closer than 2 feet to any subgrade or slope surface. In cuts, the digging out and removal of all such stumps and roots shall be done to. such depth that in no case will any portion . I remaining below grade extend closer than 12 inches to any subgrade . or shoulder surface. On areas staked for clearing and grubbing beyond the road. prism slope lines, stumps may be cut one foot above the original ground in lieu of being removed, except that no stump shall be left within 4 feet of the road.bed. D. Disposal of Refuse. All refuse from clearing and grubbing operations Shall be burned, except that when permitted in writing by the forest officer in charge, large stumps and logs that cannot be piled and burned advantageously may be disposed of without burning, at locations out of sight of the roadway. Burning shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the Slash Disposal Requirements and Fire Plan aa provided in this agreement. ,. ..' " . . II. Excavation. A. Equipment. Excavation may be ,by machinery designed for normal road and drainage construction and timber harvesting methods which will give the specified results. B. Construction Methods. 1. Utilization of Excavated l'1aterials. All suitable material removed from the excavations shall be used as far as practicable in the formation of the embankment, subgrade, shoulders, slopes, bedding, and backfill for pipe culverts, and elsewhere. 2. Roek' for Slope Protection. Where so required, coarse rock encountered in the excavation shall be conserved and used as directed for constructing the sides of embankments adjacent to or parallel with any stream or used where such material may ~ - - serve as protection against slope or channel erosion. 3. Conserving Cushion and Finishing Material. During the progress of the excavation, material taken from the cuts and deemed suitable for subgrade cushion or for topping material or for road finishing shall be saved and utilized for those pur- poses. 4. Protection of Roadbed During Construction. During the con- struction of' the roadway, the roadbed shall be lIW,intained in such condition that it will be well drained at all times. Side ditches emptying from cuts to embankment or otherwise shall be so constructed as to avoid damage to embankments by erosion. 5. Stre~ Obstruction. Material deposited in any stream channel outside the roadway prism which in any way adversely obstructs or impairs the flow of the stream, thus endangering the rOad"Hay or stream bank, shall be removed in such a way as to cause the minimum possible disturbance of the channel. 6. Ditches. "Ditches" shall be interpreted to mean roadway ditches, changes in channels of streams, inlet and outlet ditches to culverts and other structures. No excavation material or spoils material from a ditch shall be deposited or left within 3 feet of the edge of the ditch unless otherwise shown on the plans or approved in writing by the forest officer in charge. Ditches shall be cut accurately to cross-section and grade as indicated by the plans. Care shall be taken not to excavate ditches below the grade contemplated. . '. All roots, stumps, and other foreign ma.tter in the sides and bottoll1$of ditches shall be cut to oontorm to the slope, .grade, and shape of the seotion shotm.. The purohase,r shall maintain and keep open and free from leavos, sticks,. and otper debris all ditches dug by hi.ni until final aeeeptan~ ot the work.. 7. Finishing Slopes. All earth slopes shall be finished to reasonably smooth surfaces, and be in substantial accordance with the plane or 'oth~r am-faces _ indiC09.ted by, the lines and cross- sections- shown on the plans. Degree of finish for grading of slopes shall be that ordinarily obtainableQJi ther from blade grader, dozer, or scraper operations, as the purchaser may elect. The nicety o.f finish or<.i.inarily associated with hand shovel methods will not be required. 8. Borrow Pits. Borrow pits, except when specifical13' permitted to the contrary, must not be Visible from the completed roa.d unless' they are contiguous to, and in effect a part of, the road prism. Where practicable, borrow pits shall be, so excavated that no water will collect or stand in them. 9. Topping Material. Suitable material shall be conserved for constructing the tcp portion of embankments and no rocks or hard . lumps that cannot readily be broken up into pieces not over 6 inches in diameter shall be' placed in the upper l2-inch layer. JO. Shrinkage 'and Haintenance. Th~purchaser shall construct all embankments so that after shrinkage and settlement and at the time of acceptance of the p'roject, they I shall have the required grade, width, and cross-section at all points. The purchaser shall be responsible for the stability of all embm kments made under the contract until final acceptance of the work, and shall bear. the expense of replacing any portions w~ich have become displaced due to carelessness or negligent work on his part or to d~nage result- ing from natural causes, such as storms, etc. 11. Finishing Earth-Graded Roads. After the roadbed has been sub- stantJ..ally completed, it shall be shaped in conformity with the tlfinish" lines, grades, and typical cross-sections shown on the plans. No roots, sod, or other deleterious matter, or stones that would fail to pass a '2...inch square ,opening, shall be left within the top 4 inches of the finished road surface. All rock sections and all other sections where the natural ~terial is not deemed suitable by the forest supervisor shall be brought to grade with a satisfactory cushion of selected material and the entire roadbed shall be brought to the final elevation and sha.pe. At intersections with other earth roads or traUs asmoothriding roadway shall be constructed. . III. Drainage Installation, A. Description. Culverts shall be of corrugated galvanized sheet metal pipe of the various sizes, gages and lengths furnished and installed at such places as staked on the ground by the forest of- ficer in charge. B. Material and Manufacture. Corrugated meta.l pipe shall be of the full circle, or pipe arch, riveted type with lapjoint construction. The delivered product shall meet all the requirements for material, fabrication and workmanship set forth in the latest revision of Federal Specifications QQ-C-806ao 1. Coupling Bands. Field joints shall be made with bands of the same base metal as the culverts. The bands shall be not less than 7 inches wide for culverts with diameters of B to 30 inches, inclusive, and not less than 12 inches wide for culverts with diameters of 36 to 60 inches, inclusive. Such bands shall be so constructed as to lap on an equal portion of each of the , culvert sections to be connected, and preferably shall be con- nected at the ends by galvanized angles having minimum dimensions of 2 x Z by 3/16 inches. The 7-in<~b band shall have at least two galvanized bolts of not less than 1/2-inch diameter. The 12-inch band shall have three bolts of 1/2-inch diameter. 2. Galvanized Sheet Gage. Gages shown in Table II of Federal Specifications QQ-C-806a shall govern for round pipe and corres- ponding pipe arch sizes unless otherwise specified on the plans. c. Construction Methods. 1. Trenches. The width ofa trench shall not be greater than necessary to permit satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of the bedding material under and around the pipe, unless other- wise authorized due to unsuitable material encountered. The bedding surface shall provide a firm but slightly yielding founda- tion of uniform density throughout the entire length of the culvert, and shall in general be slightly cambered in direction parallel with the pipe center line to correct for expected settlement and insure tight joints in the lower half of the pipe. 2. Bedding. The pipe shall be bedded in an earth foundation of uniform density and carefully shaped to fit the lower part of the pipe exterior for at least 10 percent of its overall height. Where rock in either ledge or bounder formation is encountered, it shall be removed below grade and replaced with suitable materials in such manner as to provide a compacted earth cushion having a thickness under the pipe of not less than 1/2-inch per foot height of fill over the top of the pipe, with a minimum allowable thickness of B inches. Where a firm foundation is not encountered at the grade estab- lished, due to soft, spongy, or other unstable soil, all of such ; .i'. , unstable 'soil under the pipe and for a width of at least one, - c (.. diameter on each side of the pipe shall be removed and replaced with gravel or other suitable selected material pr'operly compacted to provide adequate support for the pipe. ,., .3. Placing Pipe. Every culvert under the roadway.._shall 'be so . -laid that the minimum distance from the finished surface of the roadbed to the top of the pipe shall be not less than one-halt the':diameter of the pipe with a minimum of one foot. ~he pipe shall be laid with the separate sections joined firmly together and with outside laps of circumferential'joints pointing upstream and with longitudinal laps on the sides.. Any metal in the joints which is not protected thoroughly by galvanizing shall be coated with a suitable asphaltum paint. Proper facilities shall be provided for lowering the pipewhan it 'is to be placed in a trench. The pipe shall be laid carefully and true to'lines and grades as given, ~ /'. Any pipe which is not in true alignment'or which shows any undue settlement after being laid, or is damaged, shall be taken up and relaid or replaced. , Pipes of 42-inch or larger'diameter shall,be strutted as shown on the plans. 'Fhe struts shall be placed before the embankment is made and shall be remov ed when remov al is ordered by the forest officer in charge. 4. Backfilling. After the bedding has been prepared and the . Pipe installed, selected material from excavation or borrow shall .. 'be placed alongside the pipe in layers not exceeding 6 inches in depth and cOffiFla'cted thoroughly so that on each side of the pipe ., there: shall be'a"'berm of thoroughly compacted material at least ,. . J ~ ' as wid'e, aathe'external diameter of the pipe, except insofar as UndiStur-bed';rna.terial obtrudes upon this area. Each layer, if drJ", ': . 'shall bif- moistemed and then compacted by rolling or by tamping with mechanical rammers,'or!by hand.tamping with heavy iron tampers, the tamping faces of which shall not exceed 25 square inches in area, special care being taken to compact the fill thoroughly under the haunehes of the pipe. Thiscmethod of filling 'and compacting snal1.be-continued uht.il the embankment has reached an el~vati6n 8 inches above the top of the pipe. ,. Handling. Metal culverts shall' not be dragged or otherwise roughly handle~in such manner as to wear .or break the outerccoat- ing of spelter. Culverts ha;v.ing worn,' bruised or broken .spelter" or distorted shape from rough handling, which would impair their usefulness will be rejected and must be replaced even if already installed. IV. Treated Timber Bridges . . A. Description. Treated timber bridges shall be bridges constructed of timber fabricated in accordance with the plans and treated with I preservative material as required by the plans and these specifications. B. Material. All structural timber, lumber, piles and posts shall be Coast or Inland Region Douglas-fir or larch of the grades specified for the various items on the plans. All such material shall be completely and accurately fabricated in accordance with the details shown on the plans before treatn~nt. C. Treatment. After fabrication, all structural timber, lumber, piles and posts shall be pressure treated in accordance with standard specifi- cations Tl and T2 of the A.W.P.A. for Pacific Coast Douglas-fir except as modified or supplemented in this paragraph. The preservative mixture shall be of equal parts, by volume, of creosote and petroleum oils as required by standard specification P} of the A.W.P.A. The creosote shall conform to specification Pl~49 of the A.W.P.A. The preservative treat- ment shall be by the empty cell process to a final retention of 10 pounds par cubic foot for material less than 5 inches in thickness and 8 pounds per cubic foot for material 5 inches and over in thickness, Piling and posts shall have a final retec1tion of not less than 10 pounds per cubic foot. All material 3 inches or over in thickness shall be incised on all four faces before treatment. Lumber 2 inches or less in thickness need not be incised.. D. Construction!\1ethods. Bridges shall be erected in accordance with the plans~~Jnlass otherwise specified, the bottom of treated timber sills shall be placed at least two feet below the streambed at its lowest point under the bridge. A minimum depth of footings of three feet may be specified and/or shown on the plans depending upon the material composing the streambed. Boulders shall be removed from the excavation by drilling and blasting, if necessar,y. In excavating for the bridge foundations or sills the streambed under the bridge shall not be disturbed by the use of a dozer. The original material in the streambed between the bridge abutments shall be un- molested insofar as possible. A trench shall be dug for each sill and before backfill material is placed on the fill side of the abutment and wings, the sills shall be firmly fixed in place Qy backfilling and tamp- ing on both sides of the sills. All treated lumber shall be handled with care to prevent barking and breaking. The use of peavies or hooks on the sides or edges of treated timbers is prohibited. Hooks may be used in the ends of treated timbers. All cuts or holes made in treated timbers shall be thoroughly treated with hot creosote. Backfilling against the wings shall not be'undertaken until the wing posts have been solidly braced on the stream face so they will be held in a vertical position. Care shall be taken during the backfilling process so that the anchors will be held in their proper position in the fills. Struts should be used between the win;s and anchors and between the main abutments and anchors to hold the anchors in proper position. , . ."',,0"_ f ~',l';: :-.:l ," ,! ),~:. . , ~~, ~ E Xh/b/I B :.16 ;r:.,: ., ;.Mll, t;b:t CU-r '.I' ~ ~: "'1\~*t't~ ,4~,!i rH!'''~~Y :-;,}~.ll}_ ~.~";., ,.", :1.: ,~i '~~,~;v..~.~~ f !'\r:t.. Ft (.\L l. " 1 , j ',' f\;1( 'r-' > ) . i< j, .~i.;;"fCt.a . " r ~(. .,~.,~'~ -." )"!: ~. I ", l. ", ' ~. 1- .. , l ~ ...,it.,. 'M .~~......."..# <)/. ., "':... -':(h~~'~ '-:~r, _ C1,':" t)X "1>>i,. "~I':u. .. '~\ai~, f" \ Y- ~ ' . '; :, '( (' ~ .l":' l' y" i"rn i i.~,! ~. t, . .~" \ i I ",~ ',:U i.: : 'I, ~, i r.:'~ I ..f.!'!;" ..'; ;J. ~ "t.~. '.i)) ~t'J~l.tr '\ ,'. ~ j;j t..',',' ~ .;"~,:'~. 1.~'/ ,.I (:~, :' ~"'"",,,.~:")!",: {~ . ~\ " f,".; .,,,,,,~.,~~ 1: :' "'i"fJ :> ~l!l'l~ ,~,. ..': .' i. ~ ,J " t~~. :'t: ~'4 .. t' 4t " ;,'.... :;..~: ';!G,'. ~\,~:' .i _,,',~~~r :'1..\./' t ,"" , "., ~ ~.; "~" ; .. ...,....", "l' ~\*., '~,*lol~ ~,;,~''''')'.", t~ir'.r..,. 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I i' H'. ;:.'f"f j:'" ~'1" '. ,{ ( ..'-;: i l~' , , H'i{ r,{~!")r I , 'J ':. : t"l ,',~; 'I ': .:1t\ '3;'t'("'~ I' 'I ,,J,;,' {:, /.:', ".,..';v, ',.", ,,I ,'" ""'/I. .~..,"'~' ' . ~~ ' ,_,,~.'.. ;1.:";1. ,':'~',I<"1: ," ;;,;.: ~' :-;:~, , '. fJ.t '., '" I'<~''''~.''''~~J. ..o,"~ Nt , , , . . ' , . , . I ' , " .. li. The loent.1_ of road. md JI:'\.dth of ('!].~ wUl be dMl1IRA\\oed.<< riraked l&nd II&l"keci by the FarMt. Service r;r ...:0.1 ~ &Pprovad 'r:ty the 1or..-t aernce prt.or to oon8tru.r:tt.CI1. 19. th. road ~t..f....,. .shall be cl.eared .... _l"I!Jhantable !lI&teri'L.! 1Po1ud1nc ~. .8Klo&a and pol..j Mall be aaJ.v.,..t.jl ~)-M and paid. ter at. . n. t. o:t t.4.oo pe r .. 10.. Dra1aap fOIl' t..M 1fp10Uler- road .h.all be inn.l.leC.1..U .8 pu'N1iUl.8n\ ~ d ind.1.oat.ect by .taxe. <Xi th... grflUd. 't'he1r8i.t...1.~. at..rncV.l,N ahal.l be S0111.t.a:iled as ';;'0 ~n'l/r?Wllt. Ml. <<r"..s.i". ..~!tJ.OI) of Ht..-r to 11u<;,hug. at '.'lalpo1nt. I